How to make a romantic marriage proposal. Down with stereotypes in love! Make marriage proposals in an unusual way

Getting married is a very important and responsible step. Moreover, not only the preparation for the wedding is of no small importance, but also the proposal of the hand and heart that precedes it. Every girl deep down loves romance and dreams that the proposal would be special, unusual and touching. Many men do not know how to behave in such situations and doubt how to propose to a girl. It is in your power to arrange a special holiday for your beloved. But in order for everything to go beautifully and with dignity, you will have to work hard. However, if you make a little effort and try to show all your tender feelings, the proposal will surely turn out to be perfect, and you will make both yourself and your bride happy. In this article, we will offer you some great ways to prove your serious attitude to your beloved and ask her for a hand. Which option to choose is up to you.

Find out what she likes

It is important that the solemn and important day when you make an offer is not only beautiful and touching, but also your girlfriend likes it. It's no secret that every woman has her own preferences, character and life position. What suits one may not suit another at all. Therefore, in the process of preparation, you must take into account the interests of your beloved. This is the easiest way to make the perfect proposal that will win your girlfriend over and convince her to give you a positive response.

  • Just think about what your chosen one loves, what she is fond of. And then the right decision will automatically come to your mind. For example, if a girl loves the theater, propose to her right on stage during the performance. Arrange in advance with the theater administrators, and at the end of the performance, go up to the stage and take a decisive step. Recently, this is a very common practice, and theater workers usually respond very kindly to such requests and try their best to help the groom make the perfect proposal.
  • If your sweetheart is fond of music and loves to listen to the radio, ask her hand live. It will be great if a girl, listening to her favorite program, hears a proposal, and then romantic music familiar to you sounds. Such an act can melt the heart of any woman.
  • For fans of extreme sports and scuba diving fans, there is another great option to take a romantic step. Going on vacation with your beloved, purchase a ring in advance. During the next scuba dive, take out the box with the ring, show it to your beloved, and she will understand everything without a word. Of course, this is a rather extreme way, but it will surely touch the depths of the soul for a fan of scuba diving. From the category of the same unusual and exciting options - an offer in the sky. If you and your beloved are fond of skydiving, you can give her the treasured box with a ring right during the next “flight”. The most risky suitors in such cases, trying to convince the girl to say yes, tell her that they will not pull the ring until she agrees. This, of course, is not an option for the faint of heart, but you must admit that such an offer among the clouds and the blue of the sky is very romantic.

In a word, look for what your girlfriend loves, and you will surely be able to prepare a memorable proposal that will melt the heart of your beloved and leave her no doubts.

Classics of the genre

If you are one of the conservative people who honor traditions and do not like to take risks, you will surely like the classic ways that have stood the test of time and are always relevant. Among these traditional options are the following popular ways to ask her beloved for her hand:

  • Don't know how to propose to a girl? At the restaurant. This method is quite simple and uncomplicated, but at the same time, almost all women like it, without exception. Choose a good place in advance, buy a ring, arrange with the restaurant staff. The most important moment during this gala evening is, of course, the presentation of the ring. It can suddenly “appear” in a glass of wine, or you can hide it in a cake or pastry. The main thing is to carefully plan and prepare everything. This is one of the win-win options that will always be relevant.
  • There is another traditional answer to the question of how to propose to a girl beautifully. At home, you can also arrange this solemn moment in a very romantic and touching way. Imagine that your beloved wakes up in the morning, and you meet her with a tray of various goodies, on which, in addition, there is also a ring. Confess your love to a girl and ask her to become your wife. Or do it a little differently: wake up before your beloved, leave a ring on your pillow and leave the room. Waking up, the girl will find a long-awaited box next to her and immediately understand everything. This method is very simple, but cute and touching. It is suitable for those who do not like excessive theatricality and prefer simplicity and conciseness in everything.
  • The classic way to make a romantic proposal is a flying plane with a poster fluttering behind it. The main thing is to arrange everything so that your girlfriend is at the right time in the right place, sees the plane and can read the inscription on the poster. If you manage to arrange everything correctly, a positive result is guaranteed to you.

If you want to make a particularly good impression, go with your chosen one to the city of love - Paris. The proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower is a classic and timeless option that has made many thousands of couples happy. The enchanting air of Paris, the lights of the city at night, the best French wine, you and your beloved on top of the Eiffel Tower - what could be more beautiful?

All of these methods have stood the test of time. Despite the fact that grooms experienced them many years ago, they still remain very popular and relevant. Each of these options will appeal to absolutely any woman, regardless of her age, character, tastes and preferences.

The most romantic proposals

Every woman needs romance. But if your girlfriend is one of the most subtle, sensitive and dreamy people, you will have to come up with something truly exciting and romantic in order to make an unforgettable impression on her. Offers you some of the most beautiful ways to ask for hands and hearts:

  • If you want to conquer your beloved on the spot, there is a great solution on how to propose to a girl. In winter, invite her to the skating rink and confess your love in front of everyone. It’s good if you manage to negotiate with the employees of the rink and add a romantic entourage - at the time of the proposal, the lights may shine, your favorite music will play, and in a slow dance you confess to the girl that you want to become her husband. A positive result is guaranteed.
  • A great option to ask for hands and hearts from a dreamy and romantic person is a bottle with a note. The girl must "accidentally" find her in the sea off the coast during your summer vacation. Each woman, uncorking a mysterious bottle with a message, will feel like a real treasure hunter. And, after reading the mysterious message (where you ask her to become your wife), she will certainly be touched to the core.
  • In order to carry out the following method, you will have to come home earlier than your bride. Prepare a bubble bath for her with relaxing essential oils, arrange candles, flowers, champagne, fruits and sweets everywhere. When your beloved comes home from work, she will surely be pleased with such a pleasant surprise. And when she basks, lying in the bathroom, you will tell her the cherished words.
  • Do you want to be truly romantic? Invite your girlfriend to the planetarium. When you enter the hall, your bride's favorite flowers will stand there and her favorite music will play. Then the lights will go out, the stars will light up and the inscription "Be my wife" will appear in the sky. This method is very beautiful and rather unbanal and unhackneyed. Of course, it will require preliminary preparation.
  • If your girlfriend is sentimental and loves to look at old photos, you have a great chance to make a touching proposal. Give her an album with your joint photos. Choose the most memorable and bright moments of your relationship. The last page of the album must be blank. Write there the inscription "Date of our wedding." And put a big question mark. This is an unambiguous way to state that your intentions are as serious as ever.

Don't be afraid to be romantic. Try to show in the proposal the depth of feelings that you have for your girlfriend, and she will definitely appreciate it.

original variants

Many girls have an original character and do not like standard solutions. If your chosen one is one of these women, you will have to try very hard to impress her. We advise you to choose one of the most original and unusual options to ask the girl for a hand and heart:

  • Purchase a special phosphor wallpaper that glows in the dark in a specialized store. Cut out large letters from them, from which you will make an inscription (for example, “marry me”). In the absence of your beloved, stick these letters on a wall, ceiling or shelf. When she turns off the light and goes to bed, the cherished inscription will shine in the dark.
  • For the next option, you will need a large number of balloons filled with helium. Each balloon should have one letter, and in the end they should add up to an inscription (special balloons with letters on your order can be easily made at any holiday agency). Balls need to be tied to the stairs that your girlfriend walks every day (in the entrance of the house or in the office). Climbing the stairs step by step, your loved one should read the inscription. At the very top, you will be waiting for her with flowers and a ring. Like any other proposal in public, such a confession will look touching and touching.
  • If you want to be truly original, be unexpected. A sudden offer is the most unbanal and boring way to ask her beloved for her hand. Just act natural, be yourself, and in the moment of everyday normal conversation, suddenly say: "Be my wife." Such an offer will certainly be unexpected and pleasant, and an unremarkable day will light up with unusual colors.

If you want even more ideas on how to propose to a girl beautifully, Videos will also help you.

Any girl dreams of receiving a beautiful and spectacular proposal. However, if you think about it, it is not so important. It doesn’t matter where exactly you ask for a hand and heart, in what environment, at what time of day, etc. The main thing is sincerity and genuineness of feelings. If you truly love your girlfriend and your passion is mutual, any proposal will be romantic and wonderful.

In what month to get married, read in And.

If you decide to call your beloved in marriage, but from excitement you don’t know how to do everything well and where to start, then our memo is especially for you. It will help to gather thoughts into a heap, and will into a fist, and you will understand how to proceed further.

Check Your Goals

Before planning a wedding, you should not only make sure that you love each other, but also understand how similar your ideas about future life together are. Because if in the future it turns out that you want absolutely different things in some fundamental things, then a break in relations will be the most likely ending to your story.

It is very important that your opinions coincide on issues such as

  • place of your further residence (city or village, apartment or house),
  • the time of appearance of children in your family and their number,
  • budget and spending planning (who will be responsible for this, how you will make decisions on large purchases),
  • how much money do you need to be happy and who will earn it,
  • how much time will you give to work, and how much to family,
  • how household duties will be distributed in your home and whether your attitude to everyday life is generally compatible (eating habits, cleaning frequency, and so on),
  • the role of your parents and other half in your family life.

One way or another, it is desirable to know the answers to these questions. Discrepancies in even a couple of points can cause serious problems in the future.

Propose unexpectedly

If you and your beloved discussed all of the above questions, then most likely she already knows about your intentions. Nevertheless, you need to try so that the very moment of the marriage proposal becomes a complete surprise for her. So you give her unforgettable vivid emotions - and this is very important for a girl. Approach this moment creatively.

Pick up a ring

Perhaps the most difficult thing is just the choice of the ring. You cannot buy it together with your lover, otherwise the surprise will not work. And it will be very difficult to choose it yourself. You need to guess not only with the size, but also with the model. The ring should be beautiful and comfortable, because you need to wear it before the wedding and after it. If it’s quite easy to find out the right size of the ring (ask your friends or mom, “accidentally” find out in a conversation), then choosing the right model is not an easy task.

Several points can be a guideline here.

See what kind of rings your girlfriend wears in everyday life. If she does not wear rings at all, then you better choose some very calm practical model with one small stone. She is unlikely to appreciate rings with weaves, relief, unusual shape, because you still need to get used to wearing them. Let's start with something simple and convenient. Moreover, laconic rings are very beautiful.

If a girl wears a lot of different rings in her life, then pay attention to what color, size, shape, style they are, and choose something similar for her so that the ring harmonizes with her other jewelry and the image as a whole. At the same time, of course, it should somehow compare favorably with the existing jewelry.

Listen to what she says about accidentally seen jewelry and rings, you can understand a lot from fleeting phrases.

In extreme cases, you can involve your mother or girlfriend in choosing a ring.

Choose a day

Some people think it's great to propose on some holiday - a birthday, March 8, or New Year's Eve. This approach also has its opponents. Here the decision is really yours. On the one hand, if you propose on a holiday, then for the rest of your life your girlfriend will associate this holiday with this important event. It's not bad. But many want to choose a separate, seemingly unremarkable day for a marriage proposal, and make it special.

You can wait for some special day in terms of nature and weather. For example, when the first snow falls or when a real golden autumn and Indian summer comes, or when poplar fluff flies, or an apple tree blooms. And "attach" your proposal to the surrounding beauty and romance.

Choose a place

The place where you propose should be beautiful, romantic and memorable. If you don't have one in mind, you'll have to look for it.

Make up a speech

When you propose, don't just ask, "Will you marry me?" It is necessary to beautifully tell the girl about your feelings for her, about what she changed in your life, what she brought to her and why you choose her. Your speech should not be too long, the main thing is that it comes from the heart. If you're afraid you won't be able to tell her, write her a letter on pretty paper and hand over the envelope.

Mark an event

After the emotions subside, you need to celebrate the event together. Sit in a restaurant, have a picnic or walk in nature, watch a movie. Spend your time the way you like it.

Share the news

First of all, it is advisable to tell your parents about everything and ask them for blessings. This is very touching even now, when the days of parental collusion regarding the future of children are over. It is better for those close to you to inform such news in person, and not by phone or even more so in social networks.

One of the most popular gifts for your girlfriend on Valentine's Day is a marriage proposal. It is pleasant to realize that in the modern world there is still a caste of true romantics who are not limited in this matter to banal actions and phrases. Today we will talk about 5 of the best marriage proposals in history.

Movie with marriage proposal

After the release of James Cameron's Avatar, it became popular to release films in 3D to give viewers the feeling of being personally present inside the image. But there are times when the boundary between the screen and the audience disappears altogether. As an example, we can cite an incredibly romantic incident that occurred in the city of Atlanta in 2011.

In order to propose to his beloved girl named Ginny, 30-year-old Matt Still decided to make an entire film for her. The unsuspecting bride-to-be came with friends to the cinema to see Fast and the Furious 5. However, instead of another series of action about street racers, a video appeared on the screen in which two men, whose faces were outside the frame, discussed the future of a certain girl. A younger participant in the conversation asked for permission to marry the daughter of an older interlocutor.

Ginny suddenly recognized her own father and loved one in the participants in the conversation. Then Matt himself appeared in the frame, who, having received permission for the wedding from the father of the bride, rushed into his car, arrived at the cinema, bought a bag of popcorn and ran into the hall.

At that moment, the real Matt Still ran into the cinema with Ginny and her friends. The girl had no choice but to agree to his proposal to become a wife.

The video with this incredibly romantic marriage proposal has become a real hit on the Internet. It has over 30 million views on YouTube.

Signboard during motorcycle racing

Some girls consider sexism a prerequisite that this guy should make a marriage proposal. Among such “feminist” young ladies, one can single out the famous singer Pink, who decided not to wait for her boyfriend to act, but to take the process into her own hands.

Being a very extravagant young lady, Pink decided to act in a rather unexpected manner. Her boyfriend Carey Hart is a professional motorcycle racer. That is why the singer appeared during one of his races right on the track with a sign “Will you marry me?”

Carey Hart himself says that when he saw his beloved with this inscription, he almost lost control of the motorcycle. So this incredibly romantic marriage proposal can eventually end in disaster and even the death of the future newlywed.

Crane that fell on a house

By the way, about the risks. Not all marriage proposals end safely for the person who decided on this feat. And we are talking not only about the response of the girl, but also about all sorts of force majeure that regularly happens to guys who have conceived a grandiose, memorable action.

For example, an incident ended in an attempt to call his girlfriend to marry one unlucky Dutchman from the city of IJsselstein in the province of Utrecht. After watching YouTube videos with beautiful, insanely romantic marriage proposals, he also decided to surprise his beloved. According to the original idea, the guy was supposed to fly up to the window of her house, descending from the sky on a rope. To do this, he hired a crane.

But during this event, for some reason, the crane could not stand the balance and fell right on the house where the girl lives, breaking the roof in it and breaking many walls. Miraculously, no one was hurt in this accident.

However, the girl appreciated the originality of the proposal and agreed to her beloved to become his wife. While the house was being renovated, the couple went on a romantic trip to Paris.

Marriage proposal with the help of Tom Cruise

Let's get back to famous people. True, in this case we will not talk about another proposal of a hand and heart from a world star, but about attracting such a person to a love confession from an ordinary person.

For example, a cameraman from Portugal, Joao Martines, attracted the famous actor Tom Cruise to his proposal, and for free. Knowing that his girlfriend Sonya was crazy about being a Hollywood hottie, he asked the actor he filmed during the Lisbon premiere of The Last Samurai for help.

Cruz, on behalf of Joao Martines, asked Sonya for marriage, noticing that the couple named their first child in honor of Tom himself, who played a major role not only in the film The Last Samurai, but also in the fate of the Portuguese in love.

Promotional video during the popular TV series

Some guys are willing to spend a lot of money on a marriage proposal to their girlfriend. True, they do not always spread these funds out of their own pocket. For example, the American businessman Rand Fishkin decided to organize a crowdfunding campaign for these purposes.

The fact is that he wanted to propose to his girlfriend with the help of commercial advertising on television during the Super Bowl - the season finale in American football, the main sporting event of the year in the United States. Rand created a website describing his idea and asking for donations to make it happen. True, over time it turned out that half a minute of advertising time would cost 2.5 million US dollars. Rand managed to collect "only" 85 thousand.

Therefore, the businessman in love decided to change his plans a little. He decided to change the Super Bowl for the premiere of the next episode of the popular television series Veronica Mars, of which his girlfriend Geraldine was a fan. During one of the commercials, it was not another face cream or a chocolate bar that appeared on the TV screen, but Rand Fishkin himself, making a marriage proposal to his beloved.

Geraldine's reaction to this unexpected event is difficult to describe in words. It is better to watch it on the corresponding video.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to offer a hand and heart when you decide to confess your love to your girlfriend. The world knows a huge number of incredibly romantic and large-scale confessions, about which you can read in the review on the website.

In the life of every man, sooner or later, the moment comes when he decides to start a family. And this desire is even stronger if he met "the one", the one and only. If a man's intentions are serious, and he wants the future marriage to be strong, and love to last a long time, he must definitely think carefully about how to propose to a girl. After all, the more romantic everything is organized, the more clearly this will testify to the love of the groom, which is very important for every chosen one. To call your beloved in marriage is the foundation of marriage, and it is better to lay it thoroughly.

How to prepare

Before you propose to a girl, you need to determine how and when it is best to do it, as well as carry out some preparatory work:

  • First of all, you need to buy a ring, which should not only be the size of the girl, but also suit her taste. The following tips will help in this important matter:
    1. If you do not know the diameter of her finger, it is not so difficult to find out the size: take a moment when she is in the shower and measure the ring that she always wears, while making sure that the finger on which she wears it matches her “marriage” » nameless.
    2. The second option is to invite the girl to go shopping, one of which will be jewelry. As if by chance (better even without your presence, so that she does not guess about the upcoming event), give her the opportunity to look around there, try on jewelry, including rings. After all the fittings, when the chosen one will study the assortment of another store, go to the jewelry salon consultant and find out what size rings she tried on.
    3. There you can also find out what kind of rings she especially liked. It is worth buying jewelry in the same style, but more expensive, because. this demonstrates the power of love for the chosen one, and if possible, it is better not to be stingy and please your beloved. As a result, her entourage will definitely be interested in the engagement ring, and at these moments the girl should not be ashamed. After all, the ring is the face of the chosen one, demonstrating his taste, well-being, qualities of character, disposition towards the bride.

  • Finding the right moment to propose is very important. It happens that a couple quarreled, the guy realized that he did not want to live without a girl, he decided to propose, and she is still in a state of resentment. Even if the chosen one loves the groom, the likelihood that she will refuse him a burst of negative emotions increases several times. Therefore, if you want to get consent, confess your love when the relationship is in a favorable phase, there will be no understatement, unresolved issues, unfulfilled claims, both will be ready for marriage.
  • The way in which the proposal is made is also very important. For every girl, hearing the cherished words from her beloved is like a fairy tale that comes true. And therefore the moment of the proposal should be magical. Each girl has her own character, dreams, her own sense of wonder and understanding of marriage. The spirit of all this must be invested in an event that will become the background for recognition.
    1. If the relationship in a couple is strong, based on understanding, spiritual feeling of each other, a man should not have any difficulties with choosing a place and a way.
    2. If, the soul of the chosen one is still shrouded in mystery, it is worth being observant and finding out what she dreams of, which delights her beloved, which touches her or surprises her. Find out what she dreamed about as a child, the details of her life, changes in her worldview, what her impossible, true dream is - and make it come true.
    3. If this proves difficult, any beautiful, romantic, quirky setting will do, which is a win-win.

Original ways of confessions

There are many ways to beautifully, romantically propose. If there are difficulties with choosing an idea, a guy can always use ready-made ideas by choosing the one that will please the chosen one the most. Explore some classic and original ways to propose a marriage that do not require too much money, but are able to please any girl.

  • At a concert of her favorite band on speakerphone. This method can take you by surprise, cause a storm of positive emotions. A guy can organize it in a number of ways to get the most out of it:
    1. asking the organizers of the concert to let the groom to the microphone on the stage or in the sound engineer's booth, from where he will utter the cherished words over the speakerphone;
    2. by means of a running line or special effects, asking to put them in between songs;
    3. agree with the performers so that they introduce the groom, create a romantic mood, say a few words about love, or sing some simple romantic or incendiary song with the groom. Often, artists do not refuse such requests, seeing the touchingness, the importance of the moment.

  • During a joint parachute jump. If a girl loves extreme sports, feel the risk, skydiving is a great way to propose marriage to a girl. It will be very original if the groom, under the supervision of an instructor, attaches the engagement ring next to the safety ring (it is better not to interfere in the system itself). And before jumping, he will ask his beloved if she will marry him. It is touching if the jump is joint, in conjunction. If the result is failure, it is better not to jump, because. excitement in such a situation is unacceptable.
  • With balloons and flowers. Balloons, a bouquet - perfectly complement the feeling of happiness and celebration when she sees the treasured ring. Balloons filled with helium, a basket of flowers, a box with a ring, a note with cherished words and a hint of the location of the groom, left in the place where the bride should come - this is a great way to give the event not only a romantic character, but also a playful, flirtatious form.

  • Offer in a boat or boat. Walking on water on a boat, boat, yacht is a very romantic event, and even more so if the lovers in the middle of the expanses of water are only alone. This is a great opportunity to call your beloved in marriage.
  • Compose a poem and place it on a banner. Poetry, which has long been a classic as a method of declaring love, can be combined with the advantages of today - banners. To do this, you need to buy an advertising space, place a marriage proposal in verse there, and create conditions so that the girl can see it, being with her lover.

  • New Year's idea: hang a ring on the Christmas tree. If it was decided to propose in the winter, a good way to decorate the Christmas tree and propose immediately is to hang a wedding ring on it. An alternative could be toys in the form of rings or bagels decorated in such a way that they will definitely prompt the bride to think about marriage. The guy himself must dress up such a fir-tree, and after pronouncing the words, present a real ring.
  • Print a sentence in her favorite magazine. A marriage proposal that will be printed in the bride's favorite magazine will be very impressive, causing a surge of joy and pride. This is unexpected, pleasant, original, the girl will remember for a long time and show off this act of her lover.
  • Lay out a proposal from candles. Romantically ask for a girl's hand easily and at home. In advance, before her arrival, the guy must lay out a heart or a secret question from the candles. Rose petals, glasses of champagne or wine, dinner or buffet will well complement the romantic atmosphere. This method of proposing will also work outdoors, in a cozy environment, in calm weather, at night or at sunset.

  • In the form of the inscription "Will you marry me?" under her window. Never cease to touch the girls and the inscription "Will you marry me?", Written with paint, chalk, lined with objects or balloons under the window. This method of making an offer is only suitable for those ladies who live on the second and higher floors of high-rise buildings. The song, the flowers and the ensuing entertainment will make the moment perfect.
  • Write a sentence on the ceiling with luminous stars. An unusual, unexpected, magical way to ask for hands is to lay out the very question on the ceiling with luminous stars that burn in the dark with neon light. They are easy to buy in stores for construction or decor. A girl will certainly appreciate such beauty.
  • Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to the girl. The proposal, in the spirit of the latest trends in technological progress, is to record everything on video and post it on YouTube. Firstly, it is very original, and will be a real surprise. Secondly, the solemn moment will remain forever fixed. It will be good if the guy guesses the time of watching the video and appears on the girl's doorstep immediately after that to hear the answer to his proposal.

What gift to give a girl on this day

There is no need to give anything other than an engagement ring. However, if a guy wants to make the day of the proposal a real holiday, fill it with magic that his bride will remember for a long time, become special in her life, he can give her additional gifts. Such presentations should not be basic and have some meaning. So, it is better not to give on this day:

  • Jewelry of a different type, such as earrings, bracelet, because. they will distract part of the attention from the main gift - the ring. For such presentations, it is better to choose any other day. In some cases, an appropriate addition to the wedding ring will be a chain on which it can be hung in cases where the bride is forced to remove the jewelry (when bathing, washing, washing dishes).
  • Household appliances - this can be perceived as a hint of domestic marital obligations.
  • Joint things (for example, a ticket to a resort, tickets to a concert where both lovers will go) - they are not a personal present, and can create a negative semantic connotation (“You owe me that you can share my life with me”). If you want to please your girlfriend with a trip, do not give it as a gift, but share the good news that the trip is planned.

After the beloved has agreed, it will be more appropriate to give:

  • A spa voucher or some other general beauty treatment that the sweetheart can go for herself.
  • Perfumes that are remembered for their sensual scent.
  • Flowers.
  • A car, a fur coat or other expensive items (but not jewelry).

Video examples of beautiful marriage proposals

A marriage proposal is always beautiful, whether it is the removal of the ring by the waiter during dinner in a restaurant or the utterance of a cherished question on the shores of the azure sea. After all, the most important thing is a romantic mood, sincerity of feelings, but the place only enhances this, like a beautiful setting adorns a beautiful diamond. Below are video examples that demonstrate well how a well-organized offer looks like in a restaurant, cinema, or by the sea. Such romantic moments will not leave the girl indifferent, and this is the key to a successful outcome of the day for the groom.

By the sea

At the restaurant

At the cinema

Learn ways to break up.

If you opened this article, then most likely you are tormented by one question: “How to propose to a girl?”. This is a very important stage in the life of every man, as it is the first step towards creating his own family. Therefore, you simply have to make sure that your proposal is remembered by your soul mate for life (in the good sense of the word, of course :)).

A lot of girls dream of a beautiful declaration of love and an unforgettable marriage proposal from their boyfriend. They dream, dream .. and in the end they receive an offer: “Let's live together”, “Move to me”, “Let's sign”, “Well, since you are pregnant, then we will get married”, “Let's get married”. There is absolutely no romance! It's a pity, because this moment should be one of the most unforgettable in life.

What not to do when you propose to your girlfriend:

  • you can’t make an offer “as if by the way”, on the go;
  • you can’t offer to get married when you are in a state of intoxication - by doing this you show disrespect for your girlfriend;
  • it is impossible to chew, listen to music or otherwise be distracted by extraneous matters during the offer;
  • never propose to your girlfriend over the phone;
  • do not try to propose to your chosen one after having sex, in bed;
  • it is advisable not to make a show out of the proposal - many girls do not like too much attention to themselves at such moments. So, if you still decide to do something enchanting, for example, to propose on the air of some television show - think 100 times over it;
  • hiding the ring in food is already a hackneyed idea. Yes, and a girl can, after such an evening, get into a chair to the dentist;
  • if your girlfriend is not a fan of any sports game, do not try to propose at the stadium;
  • don't propose marriage in front of her entire family. For your soul mate, this will only result in extra stress;
  • if your girlfriend did not immediately answer “Yes”, but said “I will think about it”, do not make a tragedy out of this and do not express your complaints to her. For her, this is a very important decision in life and she is not obliged to immediately answer you with her consent;
  • do not propose if you are not 120% sure of your girlfriend!

Before you propose to your girlfriend, you must:

  • Talk to your lover about a possible life together.
  • You must be sure that both of you want it and that you don't have any disagreements about your future (living with your parents or separately, having children right away or in a couple of years, etc.).
  • Inform the girl's parents.

Note that you must inform, not ask their permission. After all, you're living with the girl, not her parents, so even if they don't particularly approve of your marriage, you don't have to listen to their opinion. By talking to your parents, you will not only show your good upbringing, but also express your respect for them.

  • Pick your own ring.
  • Make a plan. If you can’t come up with anything original, we advise you to contact special agencies for organizing marriage proposals. .

You should pick up a ring without the participation of a potential bride. It is very important not to miscalculate with the size and appearance of the ring. How to determine the size of the ring on the finger, we will definitely tell you in the next article. But in order to pick up a ring that would be to the taste of your chosen one, you will have to sweat a little.

To do this, ask what rings your girlfriend likes the most, for this you can “accidentally” walk past a jewelry store window and ask her about it. You can also involve your mother, sister or girl's best friend in choosing a ring.

Be sure to think through all the little things: in what place will you propose a marriage, on what day (you don’t need to propose on those days when your beloved is loaded with other problems), what you will tell your beloved, how you will hide the ring, etc.

21 original ways to beautifully propose

1. Choose a beautiful restaurant, agree in advance with its administrator about the upcoming event. Plan everything with him down to the smallest detail: when you enter the restaurant with your significant other, what food will be served, how many candles will be and where they will stand, when the necessary music will play, when you need to turn off the lights. Well, then, in such a romantic atmosphere, it will be possible to get on one knee, get a ring and make a marriage proposal.

2. The version with dolphins will be very original (if, of course, there is a dolphinarium in your city :)). Swim with your girlfriend along with the dolphins, and then, when she gets out of the water, distract her for a minute, and at that time a dolphin will swim up from behind with a box on her nose. When the girl sees this miracle, propose to her.

3. There is another option, but it is a bit dangerous. You need to fly to your beloved .. by helicopter, propose, and take her to some beautiful place where you can relax for a few days.

4. A "school option" is also possible. At night, you write the phrase “Marry me” on the pavement outside her window, and in the morning, when the girl wakes up, come to her with a huge bouquet of flowers and shout to the whole yard about your feelings for her.

5. You can make an intriguing birthday present. To do this, you must hide the box with the ring in several boxes nested in each other. Imagine with what impatience your girlfriend will open this box-matryoshka until she reaches the most important gift!

6. An offer to your beloved girl can be made for the New Year or Valentine's Day. On such days all dreams should come true. It will be generally chic if you do it high in the mountains, inhaling the fresh fragrant air. Such an offer will certainly be remembered much more than an offer in the same restaurant.

7. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Well, fulfill the dream of your beloved: you are a prince, the only thing left is to find a white horse. Imagine how surprised your girlfriend will be when she sees such a rider! Well, if you can find a knight's suit, then success is 100% guaranteed.

8. If you like skating, take your girlfriend to the skating rink, and you yourself leave for a minute and tell the whole arena about your feelings for her on the speakerphone!

9. Unforgettable will be a marriage proposal on the roof of a 9-storey building (if you can find a higher building, it will be even better :)). Bring a table, champagne, sweets, don't forget flowers and a ring. Quite a real and original proposal.

10. Arrange with your work (or institute) partners to bring a letter to your girlfriend in which you would write to her about your feelings. When she reads it to the end, you go in yourself and ask her a question.

11. Offer your soulmate to go on vacation for a week in another country. There, in a romantic setting, it will not be difficult to propose :).

12. Invite her to the place where you first met. Take sweets, champagne with you and propose to her.

13. On New Year's Eve, hang a box with a ring on the tree and tell your future wife that you have prepared for her a small gift that she will find on the tree.

14. Rent a balloon. In the evening, at sunset, high in the sky, tell your girlfriend that you love her very much and cannot imagine your life without her, and ask her to marry you.

15. Consider putting your photo on T-shirts. You can learn about applying to T-shirts on the Texprint website.

16. Make a video in which you tell a girl how you feel. Arrange with the administration of the cinema to show this video before the movie starts. Don't forget to come to the movie with the girl a little earlier so as not to miss your video :).

17. In the evening, on the seashore, write a marriage proposal on the sand. Spread a blanket on the sand, cover a romantic dinner and invite your girlfriend to see this beauty. The best time to propose is at sunset.

18. Offer to give her a foot massage and discreetly put your toe on the ring.

19. If you are in the village, you can leave a note to your beloved, in which the place of your meeting will be assigned (it is desirable that this place be a gazebo on the shore of a lake or river).

20. If you live together, then write a marriage proposal on your stomach, putting a box with a ring on top and a note “Sunny, if you agree, wake me up :)”

21. If your significant other loves adventure, you can do the following. You send your beloved a message saying that you are waiting for her at the entrance in 5 minutes. She gets out, but instead of you she sees your friend with a bouquet of flowers and a note that says: "Get on such and such a bus and go there."

She arrives there and sees another friend of yours with a clue. And so on. It turns out a kind of quest, at the end of which she will meet you with an offer to marry you.

In conclusion, I would like to say: it is not as important as proposing to a girl, what is more important is what feelings you have for each other! With a loved one, as they say, and paradise in a hut!