Parting words from parents to school graduates in prose and poetry on the last bell and graduation party. Graduation greetings in prose

School time is the best time in every person's life. Only people understand this much later than their last bell rings. The most important event for children and parents is graduation! Prepare for it carefully, choose outfits, the venue for the celebration, decorate the school with balloons and flowers. But the main thing is for graduates. They should be sincere, inspiring, filled with strength and positive notes. Leaving school is sad, but a new interesting and adult life begins!

Cool mom

After graduating from elementary school, the children fall into the hands of the class teacher. Over the years, she becomes their own, second mother! This woman protects her students, helps them in everything, improves quarter marks, arranges extracurricular activities. Children turn to the class teacher for any question, for help. It is very important to find with them and establish warm friendships.

Having been together for so many years, the guys are sorry to part with their second mother! And it is doubly harder for her. Therefore, it is touching and causes tears.

Kind words

On the day of graduation, everyone, without exception, is worried: teachers, parents, children, the headmaster. The speech that the class teacher will deliver at the gala concert must be prepared in advance: “My dear children, I love you like family! It's very hard to let you go into the adult world. There will not be by my side, there will be no one to prompt and help in difficult times! But you will have to work your way into life on your own. School has given you a lot! You are educated and well-mannered, polite and tactful, kind and humane. You have all the qualities to make us proud of you. Conquer the peaks, strive for perfection! There will be time - visit your favorite school and show off your achievements and successes! Good luck, beloved children! "

Parents will also like such wishes for graduates in prose. On such an important day, it is difficult to find words, so memorize the phrases beforehand.


The headmaster is an important person, but just as humane as all the teachers. She is also worried about her graduates. What will happen to them in the future, will they go to university, will they be successful in life? The speech and wishes of the graduates from the headmistress are the highlight of the program. Usually, these are several sentences, spoken with confidence and severity. After all, the director cannot lose his face even in the most touching moments:

Poetic form

Parents, teachers, and even children from elementary grades want to tell the graduates. A solemn line should not turn into a sad event. Therefore, a share of humor in parting poems will not be superfluous. A light syllable and good wishes will not bring sadness to those present.

We wish you everything in life,

Graduate from college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Parents reveal concern.

You never forget school

At recess, come to us at least once a year.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved disciples, golden.

We, graduates, are proud of you,

Have fun today!

All those present will like such simple wishes to graduates. No mournful speeches, just laughter and fun on this memorable day!

Memory card

Graduation ... This day will be remembered by the children for the rest of their lives. But to periodically refresh your memories, hand the students postcards. They can be ordered from your nearest printing house or you can make them yourself. Paste a photo of the whole class into the card and write down the wishes of the graduates in it.

The years passed quickly

Heat and rain, thunderstorm, blizzards!

For eleven years you have been within the walls of your relatives,

Now we see you dear ones off!

Go ahead and be happy!

You are young, smart and insanely beautiful!

Take a walk today and have fun

Which way of life did you choose

And do not forget to go to the classroom once a year!

The guys will keep such cards as a keepsake along with vignettes and graduation ribbons. You can also write down wishes to graduates in prose in a postcard:

  • "Graduates! Today is the day that we both waited and feared. It's time to let you go free swimming, but you don't want to! You grew up before our eyes, became smarter and wiser. We are proud of you, we look forward to new successes and victories! you are strong personalities, confident in yourself and your strengths! Create and do! "
  • "Dear Guys! You are no longer children, but smart teenagers who bring us only joy. We are worried about your future and we are sick of the soul! But still we are sure that you will walk your life path with pride and we will hear about your victories more than once! "

The children will like such wishes to graduates in prose, they will reread them and gain even greater confidence in their abilities.


It is always difficult to part with students, because teachers get used to them, they consider them to be their own children. They, like parents, worry and dream of a better future for them. But on the day of graduation, you should not be sad. Have fun, dance with the guys and meet the dawn. Take a lot of colorful photos, later you can get together with a friendly company and consider them. graduates hear this day without stopping. They are no longer schoolchildren, but not students yet - the best period in the life of the guys! They are young, beautiful, smart. Give them a gorgeous prom night!

Our beloved, dear children! Today, on such a significant occasion, we would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your graduation. This holiday will forever remain in our memory. The heart rejoices, and our eyes fill with tears when we see how you have already grown. We wish you good luck on your free independent flight, our lovely chicks!

On this day, as parents, we want to congratulate you the very first. Our beloved graduates! Until recently, you played with dolls, cars, built sand castles in the air and molded snowmen in the yards. And today you are treading on the road called independent life. Good luck on this road!

SMS-coy, lovely guys,
We congratulate you today on your graduation.
May everything be embraced by love
We, parents, only keep photographs.

Take a congratulations from your parents
With this bright and festive day!
You are the winner today
And the heart is filled with fire.

Congratulations on completing
With the end of school time.
And we wish you accomplishments in life,
To lead you to success.

Be persistent, go straight to the goal,
Despite the wind obstacle.
And then you will reach stubbornly
All the most cherished desires.

Let me congratulate you, children
Happy graduation day.
We will add those tenderness to the words,
So that the sweetness is light.

You are our graduates, dear children,
We sincerely congratulate you.
Poems for you are very beautiful
And we dedicate all our songs to you.

Our dear children,
You have gone through a hard job.
And more than once in the world
Obstacles will come to you.

But the knowledge that we got
You for school years -
You, like a card that was opened,
It will always lead to the goal!

May it be filled with success
All further destiny
And to the envy of all problems
The earth welcomes you!

Do not make noise in the hall, please,
We want to say.
We contribute to your life
And we strive to know -

We are simple parents
And we wish you -
Only success, golden ones,
Let's hit the road! To your tops!

Many doors are open before you -
And only you can choose the road.
You graduate (trust your parent)
Worthy to challenge all destiny!

There are wide fields in front of you
Where a person has never gone before.
And if you want, the whole earth
She will begin to exist as you ordered her.

Take advice from your parents -
Do not start your run in haste.
Catch your best moment -
Then the race will end in victory.

My dear daughter! My only, beloved, most beloved blood! I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. Today you are a graduate and I want to fire a salute in your honor. Let the stars help me in this and light their bright lanterns in the sky. Let them light your path forever.

Our dear children, now you are graduates. And we want to sincerely congratulate you on this victory in life, on this important milestone on your way. We would like to wish you all the best and luck in your endeavors, as well as success in your endeavors, large, medium and small victories. Guys, believe in yourself, do not leave behind your dreams, share your experiences and worries with us, look ahead with optimism and boldly fly into the bright light of happiness.

Children, when you went to first grade, it seemed that before graduation - infinity. And these years are behind you, and you have an unknown ahead of you. But here at school you have everything you need to start your adult life. So be bold, dream, go towards your goals, live life to the fullest. The most interesting time begins for you. Use it wisely and know that we are already proud of you!

Today you leave your class, today you say goodbye to school, our dear children. We will always support you and help you with advice, your happiness and your aspirations will always be an important point in our life. Children, we congratulate you on your Graduation and we want to wish you not to waste our efforts and efforts on unworthy deeds, we wish you to choose a profession to your liking and an occupation for the pleasure of the heart. Be successful, children, strive for cherished dreams and always achieve your goal in this life.

Our dear and wonderful children, today you are leaving the walls of the school, today you are saying goodbye to teachers, cheerful lessons and sonorous changes, and tomorrow new expanses and horizons will open up for you, you will have new goals, and your hearts will rush to new dreams. We will always support you in everything, we will help you at any moment and give you the right advice. Be happy, children, and never doubt your abilities.

Today is your graduation, children,
All roads are open to you
We wish you wisdom, perseverance,
Go forward to your dreams.

Let them always help you
Hope faith Love,
Let the thirst for new achievements
Always worried about your blood.

Let the ideas work out
And let friends be near
Remember, dear ones, we wish:
We are next to you, we are a family.

Behind the lessons at school
You are graduates now.
We wish you guys
It is to your liking to find it.

Life's path, thorny and difficult,
Never be sad
If it's very difficult
There are always parents.

Do not hesitate to contact
We will give you our advice.
Try to live according to your conscience,
No sorrows and no troubles.

Our dear children,
Graduation is yours today.
Behind will be with you
Your important school baggage.

In the life of an adult, we wish
New ups and downs,
May it always lead to accomplishments
Knowledge is bright, powerful light.

May everything work out successfully
It turns out let everything.
Be happy guys
Let you be destined.

Dear children of ours, today is the time to take you on the road of adulthood. And your parents sincerely want to wish you great strength and great patience to achieve your goals. Be successful kids and happy. We will always help and support you. Love you and prosperity in life.

We are proud of you now -
Made an important step!
Congratulations on your graduation
And we want to tell you this:

All roads are open to you
The sea of ​​life is already waiting
Whirling ideas, events,
A world of sudden turns.

You are more daring to execute
What the heart strives for
Let the difficulties not frighten -
Tempered by making them stronger.

Do not forget the way home -
We are ready to support you,
Listen and give strength to you
To go to new heights.

Good luck, dear guys!
How quickly you all grew up
It seems that there were still preschoolers,
And now the school years are over!

Graduation will be the most fun
May joy be in a hurry for you and for you,
In life, only bright, new success awaits
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!

At the end of the school year (usually on the 20th of May), Russian schools hold the Last Bell. At this time, all students from each of the schools gather for a solemn assembly in the courtyard of the educational institution. Traditionally, one of the high school boys carries a future first grader in his arms, ringing a bell - this is a symbol of the end of the current school year. After the teachers, class teachers, principal and school administration give the final bell speech, the school year is over. Of course, this time becomes the most significant for the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades, who are already deciding where to go to study further. High school students are waltzing; teachers, guest parents and elementary school students applaud the handsome couples dressed in dance outfits - everything seems airy and festive. Nevertheless, the most difficult exam called "life" is just waiting for all graduates.

Touching speech on the Last Call from the parents of grade 11 students, text

Upon graduation, the parents of 11th grade students make touching speeches in honor of the graduates and their teachers. Indeed, so many years have passed since then, when mothers and fathers brought their children to school by the hand, so that they could comprehend the knowledge given to them first - by the first teacher, then - by subject students. It was the teachers who watched from day to day how the guys grow up, how their interests change. For a long eleven years, they tried their best to convey to them at least a little bit of the knowledge that they themselves possess.

What is the best way to give the parents of 11th grade graduates a speech in honor of the last bell

Having gathered for the Last Call about the end of not only the school year, but also the school, some parents may not even prepare for the solemn speech. They are already overwhelmed with emotions - mothers and fathers can sincerely thank the teachers for the knowledge that they have given them for so many years, for their hard work, patience, endurance. Of course, not all of today's 11th grade graduates have shown diligence in achieving knowledge, but is it so important if the result is obtained - the children graduated from school?

We brought you to these walls years ago - to the first school bell in your life on the first day of autumn. And although you have grown, matured and gained knowledge, your shining eyes and clear smiles remained exactly the same, as if déjà vu.

We have experienced many different vivid emotions together over the years. A new stage in your life - exciting and responsible - is on its way. In the meantime, let's celebrate the Last Bell without a care, without thinking about all the things. It is not every day that our children become adults overnight.

Dear graduates, our dear grown-up children! The last call, the school one - these are ours, the bright holiday of parents, and the teachers who gave you knowledge and taught you to be citizens. We, the parents, sent you to school, experienced failures together, but were proud of the successes. And the teachers did everything necessary to introduce you into the vast world of knowledge, helped to grow up. This minute is warm, solemn, although a little sad for everyone. Remember with gratitude the school and those who have shared their souls with you for so many years!

Touching speech on the last call from the parents of 9th grade students

Examples of touching speech from parents of 9th grade students on the Last Bell

Of course, not all ninth graders who gathered for the Last Bell will graduate this year. Most of them will go on to study further - to acquire knowledge in the tenth or eleventh grades. However, many of their parents of today's 9th grade graduates have prepared touching speeches on the occasion of the Last Call. You will find examples of them on this page.

I remember that yesterday we were hurrying to get acquainted with the school teacher with a bouquet, smartly dressed children. Children, from the surprised, thirsty for knowledge boys and girls, reincarnated into worthy and intelligent graduates. The parents in the family, and the teachers in the class, brought up and taught life lessons. Together, we overcame the school path as sailors, with storms, calm and new lands, moving only forward. We wish the graduates to continue their journey in a huge living space, comprehending new things. And parents will be able to provide good advice, parting words and their love.

Today is a holiday for a large and friendly family, because school is the initial and brightest stage in the life of our children. We are parents, grateful to the teachers, for the fact that they became the same parents for our children, their friends and mentors. Let the last bell ring! For some, this is a joy, because there is a hot summer ahead. For many, this is sadness and goodbye to school. We are grateful to the teachers! After all, their smile met and saw off our kids, for many years their hand led our children to new knowledge and heights. Thank you for that. Happy last call!

Our dear beloved children! So the last bell rang. It's time for you to enter adulthood. Even though it won't be easy, we want to choose the right path in life. The path to a happy life full of bright events and colorful moments. A life where there will be no bitter losses, misfortunes, wrong, cruel deeds. Always, dear ones, do as we taught you, as the school taught you. A school certificate is your ticket to life. Try to make sure you don't miss the chance to make your life happy. And today we all say together: "Thank you, school! We will never forget you. You made our children adults and independent. You - prosperity and prosperity, and we - patience!"

Beautiful speech for the holiday of the Last Call from graduates

A person devotes an average of one seventh (!) Of his life to school and studies! This fact alone makes the graduates think about how important all the years spent within the walls of their beloved educational institution were for them. Yes, it is in school that we have best friends for life; this is where we lay the foundations of knowledge that will be used for decades later. The Holiday of the Last Bell for each graduate is a special day of summing up the results of his life for 9 or 11 years. Many schoolchildren make a decision about their further education on this very day in May, listening to the beautiful speeches of their comrades.

Examples of beautiful speeches of graduates on the day of the last bell

The last call for graduates is a solemn moment when former students want to thank the teachers who have become family to them over the past nine or eleven years. It was these teachers who always supported schoolchildren in difficult times, sincerely rejoiced at the students' successes, worried about them. For most of the children, the school has become a second home, where boys and girls have learned to be responsible for their actions, be proud, and, sometimes, blush for them. Now, when the time has come to part with the school house, many of its pupils come to understand how dear it was to them - this is exactly what the graduates devote their speeches on the day of the Last Bell.

Dear teachers and dear friends - classmates. Today we, the graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our life, parting with the school. The best years are behind - a carefree childhood, youth, and further studies and work are ahead. I think that the best gratitude for the teachers from our side will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom, which we have grown from the seeds they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we do not study for school, but for life. These words are deeply engraved in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with the same selflessness, devoted all their efforts to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today's graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the difficult path of the road.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round,

For Troy and Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

For your kind words

Those that we now keep in ourselves,

We THANK you for everything!

What a proud calling -

To educate others, -

Give away a particle of the heart

To forget empty quarrels

After all, it is difficult to communicate with us,

Sometimes it's very boring

Repeat the same thing

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

Have always been so right.

We want to wish

So that you do not know troubles,

Health, happiness for a hundred years!

You are every day and every hour,

Dedicated to hard work,

Just thinking about us,

You live by concern alone.

So that the earth is famous for us,

So that we grow up honest

Thank you teachers

Thanks for all the good!

Sincere speech of the class teacher on the last bell

In the Last Call of School lineup, the homeroom teacher always devotes her heartfelt speech to the “ward” class. Remembering all the funny and, sometimes, even a little sad moments from the life of schoolchildren. On this solemn, but also everyday day, parting words are said to the children - wishes to find their way in this life, to correctly determine their profession. It is sometimes difficult for a teacher, especially a class teacher who “finishes” with schoolchildren in grades 9 or 11, to convey all the emotions that overwhelm him. Poems dedicated to graduates and school often come to the rescue.

How you can structure your speech on the last call to the class teacher

Very often the class teacher becomes as close to the students as the parents. With him, students share their experiences, thoughts; they trust him with their secrets. Of course, the Last Call becomes especially important for them - the time when the person responsible for a part of the children's lives “releases” them into the Big World. Each class teacher, thinking over how to build his speech on the Last Bell, may simply remember all the wonderful moments that connect him and his students. You can start or end your speech with poems, quotes from great teachers, classics and contemporaries.

Dear Guys! My dear first graduates!

I probably won't be able to express in words all my emotions and experiences! Believe me, there are a lot of them!

I finish 11th grade for the second time in my life. I remember how I stood here in your place and listened to the words of the parting words of my class teacher Nadezhda Alexandrovna. How tears flowed from me and my classmates. But then I did not even suspect that many years would pass, and I would finish 11th grade again.

And here I am again, not as a graduate, but as a class teacher. My role has changed, but my feelings - not a bit! It was as if I studied together with you not only 7, but all 11 years. As if it is for me to take the exam, as if my parents are now worried about me, and now I stand and worry about them! I have a feeling that you and me are not .. there is WE! There is one big heart, one big soul. This is our heart and our soul. I so wish that we never parted with you, that you keep the warmest memories of school and come to us as often as possible, to me in the end!

It is customary for the class teacher to give his graduates a mandate, some kind of parting words. And I am no exception.

I want to wish you great pure love, the creation of a strong family, because, I am sure, this is the main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family health!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, funny, kind, open-minded, worthy people! Be confident in yourself! Achieve the goals that you set for yourself in the future! And then you will be truly happy!

Well, I am now insanely happy, because I also achieved my goal - I am releasing such wonderful guys! Thank you for all these years! I love you so much! Remember, you will always be the first with me !!!

Parting speech on the last call from the headmaster

The headmaster is the person who is responsible for each student. Of course, he knows about the plans for the future of most schoolchildren who graduate from an educational institution, gives them recommendations to universities and colleges. Often the headmaster is both a “subject teacher” and a class teacher for some classes. He bears all responsibility for each of the boys and girls. Making a parting speech on the Last Bell, the director wishes all the children to find their vocation, to realize themselves as a person worthy of the walls of the school from which they graduate, to build families.

Examples of parting speeches of the headmaster on the day of the last bell

For each of the graduates, the headmaster's speech is some parting word in life, a guide to action. The head of the school is always the authority for students and all teachers, which is why they listen to his words more than others. When composing a speech for the Last Bell, the headmaster should be as sincere as possible, avoiding banal phrases.

Dear Guys!

I would like that when, when looking at a wiped out school photo that you accidentally encountered in an album or a Certificate of Merit received many years ago, suddenly it hurts your heart, when memories flood and feel cramped from feelings overwhelming your soul, you remember today and all the words of congratulations, which will be addressed to you today.

The heart worries when hearing the call
The very last one within the walls of this school,
No more rushing to class ...
You have a holiday, though not very funny.
You close the door behind you
The door behind which a carefree childhood
And if suddenly you feel sad at times,
Know that it is somewhere in the neighborhood.
It's a little sad that everything is behind
And it will never be able to repeat itself,
But there is still a whole life ahead
A lot of events are waiting for you all kinds.
I wish you victories and good luck,
To achieve success they could,
To solve any problems,
To find yourself in this life!

Congratulatory speech on the last call from the school administration

At the end of May, on the last bell, the school administration, represented by the head teachers, always delivers congratulatory speeches to the graduates. In their words, not only instructions sound, but also a sincere hope that their former students will become the pride of the school - they will find a beloved, worthy profession, a family, and they themselves will bring their future children under the roof of their favorite educational institution.

Examples of congratulatory speeches of the school administration on the Last bell

On the Last Bell, the national anthem, the anthem of the school is played in every school in Russia; hundreds of multi-colored balloons fly into the air, symbolizing graduates, scattering in different parts of the country and abroad. Of course, the school administration, represented by the head teachers, congratulates the children on completing a long journey along the road of knowledge, wishing to continue this path also successfully in other educational institutions. Examples of congratulatory speeches from the school administration can be found here.

Dear graduates
That left behind school years, unforgettable days of childhood, adolescence, early adolescence. And today, bright pages of the fulfillment of desires, the accomplishment of events will be inscribed in the book of your life: summing up the results of 10 years of study, 10 years of your own development, personal improvement, obtaining a state document on education - a certificate of complete secondary education and the long-awaited final to everything - All night prom.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you all and everyone on a wonderful holiday. (Applause). How beautiful and elegant you are today, how your soul sings, everything around blooms under the magic of your charm. Your parents and teachers admire you, we are all happy for you and wish you happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause). Your youth passes in a many-sided, difficult time for our country, it is not so easy to find yourself in this time, and therefore we wish you to take the right, independent path, choose a university or job that meets your needs, opportunities and interests.
We all dream of a worthy future of our Motherland, it is personally connected with each of you; devote your labor to the Motherland, make your contribution to its prosperity. You all dream of a beautiful life, now it is very fashionable, but know that a beautiful life requires a lot of money, which is very difficult to earn in an honest way. Fear, for the sake of such a beautiful life, to lose your soul, as they say, to sell it to the devil, be merciful to the poor, old, disabled.
Know how to bring joy to people with your existence, do not grieve your parents, love them, strengthen family traditions and your clan; know how to find the one, the only one, without which life is impossible, and it is only the one person you have chosen that is supposed to be the father or mother of your children. Know how to create a good family, raise happy children. Remember your teachers, your school, that reliable step from which you stepped into a great adult life. And may all our wishes come true! (Applause). And now we proceed to the certification ceremony.

At the end of each school year, in May, parents, 9th and 11th grade alumni, class teachers, principal and school administrators prepare a speech for the Last Bell, each of them shares their thoughts on the years spent at their favorite educational institution, plans for the future. ... Children are congratulated on a long, successfully completed path along one path of knowledge and are invited to continue this difficult path.

Pupils of graduation classes are waiting for the last call with hope and impatience, because they so want to become adults as soon as possible and fly out from under the wing of their parents and teachers into an independent life. But parents, on the contrary, feel sadness and anxiety, watching how their children leave school and, full of strength and confidence, set off for free swimming. And on the last call, moms and dads strive to once again wish the children success and future adult life and give them parting words on the road to success and happiness. And the words from the parents to the graduates of the 11th grade and those pupils of the 9th grade who leave school are both a wish for good luck and a good journey, and a parting word for an honest and dignified independent life. In the words from parents to graduates, one can hear both pride for the children who have grown up and sadness that the children have matured so quickly and will soon leave their parental nest. But the words from parents to primary school graduates, which are also heard at the solemn ceremony in honor of the last bell, first of all, dads and mothers emphasize that their children are already old enough to get out of the care of the first teacher and go to senior a school that requires more independence.

Words from parents to primary school graduates in poetry and prose

It would seem that only recently, parents brought funny kids to the first grade by the hands and handed them over to the caring hands of the first teacher. But 4 years of study in elementary school passed very quickly, and it was already time to say goodbye to elementary school. And at the solemn line in honor of the end of the school year, the words of parents to primary school graduates are heard in verse and prose, in which representatives of the parent committee of the class give parting words to children for further studies and congratulate them on growing up and moving to high school.

More and more often, parents choose funny and funny parting words for graduates of the 4th grade. Such kind and funny words will cheer up children and give them confidence that after the summer holidays their studies at school will be even more exciting and their leisure time more interesting.

Parting words from parents to grade 4 graduates in verse

Here is a selection of parting words from parents on the last call to grade 4 graduates in verse. These sincere, kind and funny poems fully convey all the hopes of parents for their children and their sincere desire for their children to study successfully and grow up harmoniously under the guidance of experienced high school teachers.

You have completed the fourth grade,

With what we sincerely congratulate you!

You have received so much knowledge

We wish you new successes,

And also great happiness to all!

Let knowledge bring you light!

May the fifth grade give a lot

Various discoveries and victories!

The fourth grade is already over

Your graduation today, kids.

We wish you great success

Let childhood beckon with bright light.

May everything in study succeed

May success be the reward

Let the laughter be fervent and smiles

Destroy obstacles on the way.

Health to you, new aspirations,

Big and small victories

We wish you very beautiful,

Such fun school years.

4 school years have passed.

You guys have matured.

A wonderful road awaits you,

Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years imperceptibly

Already passed, they cannot be returned,

But there is still more to come

Take a long, important path.

Your teacher is gratuitous

He taught the basics of science.

Don't forget these years.

A new stage has come for you!

Parting Words from Parents to Primary School Graduates in Prose

Some parents prefer to congratulate graduates more formally, in prose. And for them there are ideas here on how to compose parting words from parents to grade 4 graduates in prose.

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your first significant achievement in school life, on the completion of four grades. Now you move on to the next stage, now the doors will open for you to new subjects and knowledge. We wish you not to lose confidence and interest in learning, dilute your days with bright colors and emotions of happiness.

I congratulate you, children, students of 4th grade, on the Graduation! You have done a great job in these 4 years. A more intense and interesting educational path lies ahead. Be healthy, active and alert. We, your parents, wish you a great mood, a happy holiday and many positive emotions!

Dear guys, very little time will pass and you will become fifth graders. As you leave elementary school, please accept our wishes for health, joy, success in learning, sports and social life of the school.

Touching words from parents with parting words to grade 11 graduates on the last call

If for the parents of primary school graduates the last bell in the 4th grade is an exciting but not too significant event, then the mothers and fathers of the 11th grade graduates on this day experience both anxiety and pride in the child, and some fear. The words from parents to grade 11 graduates on the last call are especially touching and can impress children to tears, because these words convey the whole gamut of emotions of parents who let their children go into independent life.

Cool and beautiful parting words from parents to graduates

Graduates of the 11th grade are no longer children, almost adult boys and girls, who from now on themselves will make important decisions and bear responsibility for their lives. Therefore, words from parents to graduates are a parting word for adults, which contains wishes for good luck and success, and parental aspirations and hopes, and the covenants of moms and dads on how to build their lives with dignity.

And here are the best parting words from parents to graduates for the last call. Among them there are both beautiful and funny parting words in poetry and prose.

Our dear children,

You are dearer than anyone else in the world!

With deuces and validol

But you graduated from high school.

How long have we slept with you,

Essays were written.

And sometimes from the task

There was a lot of crying in the house.

We didn't scold you much,

What they could - so helped.

There is no greater joy for us,

Than their own children successes.

Congratulations to you today,

We wish you a lot of happiness.

Our parental rhyme

Congratulations to dear children!

You have graduation today

Our child, you are big now.

You stand on the threshold of a new life

We hope you surprise us!

To achieve a lot in life,

You will have to work hard.

Can you reach great heights

And a new star will rise in the sky!

We wish you stubborn

Clever, bold, sometimes nimble.

Choose your right path in life,

We wish you - do not collapse!

Only yesterday was the first call

Acquaintance with the school, bouquets.

First desk and first lesson,

And I gave you advice.

About life, about friendship and even love,

And a ton of homework.

And now you are already a graduate.

So much effort has been put in.

Do not be afraid to enter a new life.

Only hopes for the best.

If suddenly it's difficult - say openly,

We will certainly support you!

You, dear, still have everything ahead.

Life will bring many trials.

But sorrows, hardships will be all behind.

We are proud of you, you know!

Our dear children, today you are setting off on an independent journey through adulthood, on a free voyage through the expanses of new interests and desires. We, your parents, will always support you and love you deeply, help you with good advice and be proud of your achievements. On your graduation day, we wish you, our beloved, impeccable happiness, high aspirations, bright light of kindness and good luck in your life.

Today our children leave the walls of the school, and tomorrow a new life will begin for them, where there will be a place for independent decisions and deliberate actions. Our dear children, may the knowledge, presented to you by wonderful teachers, will certainly help you to make a successful start and a successful leap to new achievements. Thank you very much, dear teachers, for putting your efforts and efforts into the upbringing and education of children. We wish you success, respect and good health for many, many years.

Beautiful words in poetry and prose from parents to grade 9 graduates on the last call

Below is another selection, which includes touching words from parents to 9th grade graduates on the last bell and the graduation party. These words will touch the hearts of both those students who will leave school after the 9th grade, and those who will remain in school for another 2 years.

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your graduation. We wish you a successful and successful first step into adulthood. Let everything be smooth with you. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you purposefulness and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

It seems only yesterday was September 1 and the first bell in your life rang for you! 9 years have passed unnoticed, all exams are over and today we are celebrating your long-awaited graduation! You are faced with a difficult choice, continue to study or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, I want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere deeds!

The ninth class is behind,

And a little bit sad

But it's time to go forward

Conquer all the senses.

Everyone, guys, with the prom!

Unearthly happiness

And luck with him,

To rush to success!

Graduation in grade 9,

But in the eyes there is both sadness and joy.

You are already graduates,

You are disciples of life.

Let life lead you around the world

May fate send you greetings.

Be you always people.

Happiness in life is on the way!

The choice you have to make

After studying at the university?

There are different ways.

Should you go to college?

Everything now depends on you

Your life is in your hands.

Courage, perseverance to you

And assessments for cases!

Funny and cool parting words from parents to graduates

At the prom and on the last bell, funny and cool words from parents to grade 11 and elementary school graduates are increasingly heard. Through good humor, parents want to cheer up their children and give them confidence in their abilities, as well as make the holiday more fun and memorable. After all, 11th and 9th grade graduates who are going to leave school feel anxious at the moment of parting with teachers and childhood, and the cheerful words of their parents will cheer them up and show that mom and dad will always be there.