Gentle confessions to your beloved in prose in your own words. Tender words to a beloved man in prose

I don't know how my life would have turned out if I had not met you. And not really, I probably want to know this, because with you every moment is filled with happiness. You managed to give the world that I dreamed of for so long, which I will never give to anyone. You allowed me to feel life, taught me to perceive in a different way, as it seemed to me earlier, everyday things. You are all the best and brightest that could happen to me. Your love warms, inspires and gives me strength. I love you so much that even in words I cannot describe all the feelings that I have for you. I want to live with you forever, I want to watch the happiness of our children and grandchildren, carefully holding your hand. I do not want to imagine even a day without you, because parting with you, even for a minute, is like torment. You are the only one to whom I am ready to devote myself entirely, without reserve, without demanding anything in return.

My dear man, I want to tell you something important. Since you appeared in my life, I have become more confident and a hundred times happier. You gave me wings of inspiration and hope for a brighter future. You help me overcome all difficulties and share with me every event in my life. Thank you, dear. I love you and I want to always remain a spark of love in your heart.

You gave me a real miracle, giving me the opportunity to enjoy such a wonderful feeling as love. You lit a fire in my heart, made it clear that I am not alone in this vast, simply limitless world. You are my inspiration, you are my joy. I like to fall asleep with you and wake up, spend evenings hugging under a blanket, listening to the music of the rain falling outside the window. I like all our moments, because each of them is filled with happiness. You are not just my beloved, you are also the best friend in the world with whom I can discuss any problem. I feel good with you. No, a little not so ... I'm incredibly comfortable with you! And I certainly won't agree to share this comfort with anyone!

My dear, my beautiful and brave, my brave and kind, my cheerful and unique, you are the best for me, you give me an incentive for every day, you take care of me and make me happy. I want to tell you that I love you and I am very grateful to fate for our meeting with you.

I have long wanted to tell you, beloved, that I cannot imagine my life without you! You are the person with whom every minute, wherever we are, turns into a fairy tale! I love you with all my heart, you have taken all the place in my heart and I am insanely happy about it! Thanks for making me happy!

My wonderful and gentle, my dear and the best, I love you and constantly thank my fate for our meeting. I also want to say “thank you” for turning my life into a real fairy tale, for giving me wings behind my back. I wish you to remain always the same strong and courageous, my most beloved and wonderful person.

My sweet boy, I want to confess to you that you have become a dear and desirable person for me, you gave me unearthly feelings and a feeling of weightlessness, extraordinary joy and desire to create. Without any doubt, and to be honest, I boldly declare that I love you.

I just want to say three words to you, dear. These words are simple, but they mean a lot to me, they mean that it is difficult for me to breathe without you, that I am very good and comfortable with you, that you are my inspiration, my joy and happiness. These three words - I love you!

My precious man, my most courageous man, I want to tell you that I love you immensely, disinterestedly and sincerely, and hope for reciprocity!

My dear and beloved, you are for me like a hot sun on the sea, like an oasis in the desert, like a paradise island in the ocean, like a free wind in the steppe, like a clear falcon in the sky. You make me happy and give inspiration to life, I love you and sincerely appreciate the case when fate brought me to you.

Man! It seems so simple and straightforward and at the same time completely incomprehensible in his thoughts and feelings. He will not flaunt them. Will not talk about them. But, having revealed the secret of his thoughts, a woman is simply struck by the storm of passions that reign in his soul. Indeed, behind the solid armor of masculinity and strength, very subtle and romantic natures are often hidden. If you have already found out that your chosen one is just like that, you should know that he will be very happy with the manifestation of the most tender emotions on your part. In the early stages of a relationship, everything matters. One of the best paths is always love prose. Delicate and sensual phrases, uttered only for him, will win his heart. After all, no matter how confident a guy is, inside he always has a bit of doubt about the attitude of the lady he likes to him. Develop these doubts and give declaration of love to a man... The occasion can be a birthday or other holiday.

If your heart and thoughts are overflowing with an excess of emotions, but there are not enough words to express this, the authors of the wonderful site made sure that any woman picks up the lines here that are suitable specifically for her chosen one. Without much effort, you will find the most suitable congratulations in poetry and prose. Believe me, there is no representative of the strong half of humanity in the world who would not be pleased with such a manifestation of attention. If your subject is not already aware of your feelings for him, this is the ideal method for the first conversation. He will forever remember these magical minutes when he listened to your voice, uttering warm and passionate confessions addressed to him.

Prose to beloved

What is love? Tenderness, passion, dreams, attraction, the desire to be together, the desire to look in one direction ... I feel all this for you. I want to be with you, dream of you, miss you, think jealous, need you, go crazy, worry, I discover you anew every day, admire, wait, want, respect ... And this means only one thing - I love you!

Close, the only, reliable and necessary person in the world! I hasten to you to open the nooks and crannies of my soul, because there is no further strength to be silent. I am glad that next to me such a man is real, kind, caring and affectionate. I love you! And I believe that it is mutual and forever.

I always tell you a lot, because my thoughts are only about you! But I know that I can talk to you about my love forever. I know you would prefer that I did not tell you "I love" - ​​you always read this in my eyes when we are together, next to each other. Know! I love you with all my heart! Immensely ... difficult ... and I hope you will forgive me for my selfish desire to try to live in happiness, spending the rest of my life with you, beloved!

You are everything to me: my life, my happiness, sometimes my sadness. But my dear, I am very grateful to you for that. I don’t know how to express my feelings in words. I am overwhelmed with emotions, I always want to be there, to feel your perfume, to touch you, not to let go for a minute. Perhaps this is love. I would like these emotions to never pass, I hope our desires coincide in this.

Do you know what is most gratifying for me when I'm next to you? It is to look at my beloved man and speak words of love. It is not difficult, a loving heart itself gives rise to a sensual syllable. When we are together, the world for me narrows to two points of your caring eyes, to a mouth generous with kisses, to strong but gentle hands. I love your walk, your gestures, all the details of your image - the embodiment of love.

I am worried ... It is not easy to say about this, it is better to write ... I could, like Tatyana Larina, send you a confession in verse, but I want my words to be simple and frank. I really need you, without you I am not myself, I think about you every minute, you are constantly in my heart and thoughts, so why be silent about this? I am not shy and not afraid to open my soul to you and confess my feelings. I love you!

Your eyes can laugh when you are serious, the touch of your lips makes your body tremble. Your hands are both timid and demanding, gentle and reliable. Loving you is a reward from above: it is enough to remember you, how a wave of tenderness, happiness and sweet longing overwhelms me! I dream to enjoy you, inhale your scent, hold your hand and tremble in your arms!

For me, the ideal of a man very difficult to describe in words. He has to be strong, reliable and sexy. But I don't have enough epithets to describe all the qualities of an ideal man. Yes, I don't need it at all. I see the best man in the world every day, and you are my ideal spouse. I am a happy woman and I love you very much.

G They say that after the wedding, everything changes: passion fades away, and love fades into the background, everyday problems eat up past tenderness, and spouses begin to quietly hate each other. Hope the losers came up with this! Because even after the wedding, I continue to love you madly!

NS It's good that there is such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

M perishing is support and support. By choosing you as my husband, I became a truly happy woman and wife. I understood what a man's shoulder is, a loving person next to me. And if I had to re-implement my choice, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder ... For me, you are the best man in the whole world!

M oh beloved, my dear, my bear, the strongest, attractive, desired, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I love you very much!

M silly! I have so much good, pure and light connected with you that all disagreements and resentments seem very tiny compared to our great mutual love. How good it is that we are husband and wife!

V a waterfall of feelings and a splash of love, I constantly bathe with you, because you are the dearest person in the world, my soul mate and beloved husband. Just please do not let go of my hand and be near so that we are not carried away to the shores of separation. I really need you and I love you very much!

B Do not offer any more to get a star from the sky for me. For myself, I already got it. My star is you, my beloved husband. You are the most important happiness in my life!

WITH The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be by your side at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

I AM love you. Do you remember the first time I said these words to you? We were still very young and there was still a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you.

M We've been together for so many years, dear, and I never tire of repeating how much I love you. I am very grateful to you for all the good moments, for affection, for understanding, for tenderness. Thank you for accepting me and my love. I am pleased that you need all this, as I do.

R the working day drags on for so long! I miss you. Sometimes I dream that you are small and ... foldable. I would then carry you with me in my purse. I wanted to - got it, talked enough - put it back. But that won't work. You are independent, strong and courageous. Able to make decisions for both of us. The real head of the family! I love and proud of you!

R Wife in Love (WF) Application Guide. Use the device daily. Additional accessories (clothing, jewelry) allow you to expand the possibilities of using high-quality liquid. Switch your device to power saving mode more often with the words: "Get some rest." Do not touch the device if it could be dangerous to use.

M We are like a butterfly and a flower - just made for each other. And our life together is the harmony of two hearts, a delightful symphony of tenderness, feelings and confessions. I am happy to be your wife!

D wa gold rings on our fingers - this is a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear a wedding ring with pride, and I am incredibly glad that you are my husband. With you I feel like behind a stone wall. I am always confident that our family is safe when you are around. Be with me always, my beloved, because I love you so much!

M I do not want to thank you, my dear beloved, for the reverent attitude to my desires, for the amazing ability to listen and the need to support my ideas. My tender feelings for you grow stronger and color my cozy world with warmth, reliability and light. Thank you for a lasting union, dear!

B Being a wife is not easy at all, it is painstaking work that takes up all your free time. But I know why it is so easy for me to cope with all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

D ah, you and I are different ... Husband and wife on the passport - this is not the main thing. The most important thing that unites us together is love. I often think: how good it is that we then met and stayed close. I miss!

NS You can be recognized not only on the 1st, but also on the 10th, 100th, etc. time ... And it doesn't matter that you have been ... years as my husband - I still love you, dear, as before! And you?

T You can be gentle, like the morning June sun, when it has not yet climbed to the zenith and gently strokes your cheeks with warm rays. You can be as passionate as the scorching July sun that embraces sunbathers on the beach! On a cloudy day in the middle of autumn, it is bright and sunny for me, because you are next to me. And on the coldest winter day, it's warm in our house. Not from batteries, but because you are - my Sun!

WITH Waking up today, I felt an irresistible desire to confess my love to you. Why restrain yourself? My dear, I LOVE YOU. Remember this always.

M oh dear, precious husband! A thin but strong thread of love connects us with you. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more entangled in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, beloved. I know that no matter how many years pass - for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

D Orgy spouse, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance until this day, a sacred and inviolably deep feeling in my soul is sacred and inviolable - love for you. A feeling that is cramped in the heart, about which you want to shout out loudly. But at the same time, this feeling is preserved by me with all the tenderness that only exists. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

H What is a romantic candlelight dinner for us?
This means that the lights were turned off in our neighborhood again. What does "magic night" mean? And the fact that the kids for once gave you and me a little sleep! And even if in the hustle and bustle of days there is not always an opportunity to express your feelings, I want you to know: I love you as much as in those distant times when we met!

M You can always and everywhere find a reason to confess your love to your husband, to such a close and dear person as a husband, to repeat to him gentle beautiful words. After some time, even the most gloomy man will also begin to tell you about his love in response. If there is not enough imagination, or there are simply no words to express all those tender feelings that you experience, you can always use the worldwide network.

M oh teddy bear! I love to plunge into you as to my own happiness and swim in your arms for a long, long time, enjoying every surge of feelings. How good it is that I have you, my beloved husband!

NS It’s not clear what I was doing, and most importantly - why, before I met you, my future husband. You are my first true love, as big as the whole world. I am sending a thousand of the most passionate kisses to you, beloved!

R my one, how many years we have been together, but I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and for the fact that he became my husband.

M I bet no one else has such a wonderful and caring spouse as I do. My dear, I love you more than life, and it will always be so.

L Beloved, life sometimes brings not the most pleasant surprises, but when we are together, there is absolutely nothing unattainable. With you, confidence, calmness and a clear understanding of the insignificance of troubles came into my sense of life. You are the support for my desires and support for the planned achievements. I am sincerely grateful to the universe for the happiness, to be loved by you!

I AM and you are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is a complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliation, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other, as on the first day of our acquaintance.

You can be gentle, like the morning June sun, when it has not yet climbed to the zenith and gently strokes your cheeks with warm rays. You can be as passionate as the scorching July sun that embraces sunbathers on the beach! On a cloudy day in the middle of autumn, it is bright and sunny for me, because you are next to me. And on the coldest winter day, it's warm in our house. Not from batteries, but because you are - my Sun!

The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be by your side at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

I love you. Do you remember the first time I said these words to you? We were still very young and there was still a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you.

I bet that no one else has such a wonderful and caring spouse as I do. My dear, I love you more than life, and it will always be so.

My dear, how many years we have been together, but I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and for the fact that he became my husband.

My dear, precious husband! A thin but strong thread of love connects us with you. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more entangled in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, beloved. I know that no matter how many years pass - for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

Dear spouse, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance until this day, a sacred and inviolably deep feeling in my soul is sacred and inviolable - love for you. A feeling that is cramped in the heart, about which you want to shout out loudly. But at the same time, this feeling is preserved by me with all the tenderness that only exists. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

The husband is a support and support. By choosing you as my husband, I became a truly happy woman and wife. I understood what a man's shoulder is, a loving person next to me. And if I had to re-implement my choice, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder ... For me, you are the best man in the whole world!

What is a romantic candlelight dinner for us? This means that the lights were turned off in our neighborhood again. What does "magic night" mean? And the fact that the kids for once gave you and me a little sleep! And even if in the hustle and bustle of days there is not always an opportunity to express your feelings, I want you to know: I love you as much as in those distant times when we met!

The working day drags on so long! I miss you. Sometimes I dream that you are small and ... foldable. I would then carry you with me in my purse. I wanted to - got it, talked enough - put it back. But that won't work. You are independent, strong and courageous. Able to make decisions for both of us. The real head of the family! I love and proud of you!

They say that after the wedding, everything changes: passion fades away, and love fades into the background, everyday problems eat up past tenderness, and spouses begin to quietly hate each other. Hope the losers came up with this! Because even after the wedding, I continue to love you madly!

Being a wife is not easy at all, it is painstaking work that takes up all your free time. But I know why it is so easy for me to cope with all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

You and I are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is a complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliation, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other, as on the first day of our acquaintance.

It's good that there is such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

In the waterfall of feelings and the splashes of love, I constantly bathe with you, because you are the dearest person in the world, my soul mate and beloved husband. Just please do not let go of my hand and be near so that we are not carried away to the shores of separation. I really need you and I love you very much!

The great power of love inspires us, makes us strong and tender, gives us happiness. I love you, my dear spouse, and I love everything that is connected with you - and even every little thing does not seem insignificant, everything is important and everything has a deep meaning. And may my love keep you like a kind angel and give you strength and inspiration!

Two gold rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear a wedding ring with pride, and I am incredibly glad that you are my husband. With you I feel like behind a stone wall. I am always confident that our family is safe when you are around. Be with me always, my beloved, because I love you so much!

My beloved, my dear, my bear, the strongest, attractive, desired, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I love you very much!

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

I am grateful to you for our quiet, constant, cloudless happiness. I will plunge headlong into any pool if your reliable hand is firmly gripping my palm. I will be your inspiration and the most reliable rear if your feelings are just as strong.

Dear, the warmth of your care warms me even in moments of separation, the heat of your love supports the flame of our happiness, and your strength gives me a feeling of peace. I'm glad I got the best husband in the world.

Dear, I am so lucky, because I have you - the only, desired husband! It is never scary next to you, as if you are a guardian angel destined by fate. May our love grow day by day, and I will make you the happiest!

Darling, you are my most correct choice in life. I did not hesitate for a second, linking my fate with yours, and all these years I have never regretted it. Thank you for the happiness and confidence that you give me.

My dear husband, I am so pleased to know that only I had the honor to see you in the morning as a sleepy shaggy kitten, to cover your courageous shoulders in the middle of the night, to feel your strong and tender hand in my sleep.

My husband, you are the main jewel of my life. The moments spent with you are dearer to me than diamonds, I will not exchange your compliments for gold, and even the gentle sun cannot be compared with the warmth of your embrace.

Loving you is like wandering through the forest among tall trees, where it is cozy and calm, and rays of happiness break through from above, shining between bright leaves. I love you, my world, my husband!

We are one. May the union of our hearts be indestructible! I want life with you to be endless, health - inexhaustible, joy - unfading, happiness - inexhaustible, and love last forever. Thank you for every second that I spend with you!

On a fluffy and velvet night, the main thing is to move closer and feel the satin of your skin, take shelter in a warm embrace and understand that for several better years I have been a truly happy wife! Sincerely, airily, passionately I love you, husband!

I try to protect you all the time from colds, bad weather and fatigue. But you are a man, my devoted beloved husband, you never give up, do not allow yourself to be weak and charge me with positive, confidence and protect me yourself!

Life is delightful, because there is you in it, life is amazing, because every hour spent with you brings me sweet touching surprises. Life is magical thanks to you - you turn it into a kind and fascinating fairy tale! Thank you for all this.

The expression that a woman loves with her ears is true. But the statement that men do not attach much importance to this source of perception is erroneous. Even the most brutal macho needs to know that they are loved, that they are cared for and happy to be with them. So please your loved one and make a declaration of love to your husband in prose.

How will our word respond ...

After the release of Frederick Beigbeder's book Love Lives Three Years, married couples, who had not even read the novel, were divided into two camps: supporting the author's idea, formulated in the title, and refuting it in every way. The number of couples celebrating wooden, tin anniversaries proves that, fortunately, there are more of the latter. But what exactly does not cause controversy is that the degree of feelings must be maintained in order for love to live for a long time. And words play an important role in this. A beautiful declaration of love to her husband in prose or in poetry (which is closer to whom) is not only an outburst of positive emotions, but also:

  • a great way to refresh relationships (work-at-home-work-at home - such a "carousel" tires, and there is no strength left for the manifestation of feelings);
  • the option to quickly and effectively make peace (quarrels happen in any families, but not everyone knows the art of overcoming conflicts);
  • a great start or end of the day (a gloomy frosty morning will acquire a charming charm if you say words of love to each other before work, and the evening will become even warmer and more homely);
  • educational reception (children who hear the words of parents' love addressed to each other grow up as self-confident integral personalities - this is a fact proven by psychologists).

It would seem that it is difficult: there are feelings, there is an object of love - a confession to make a couple of trifles. But it was not there! First, even such "amenities" should be appropriate. And secondly, the words need to be found suitable. Of course, philological education is not a prerequisite, but nevertheless it is necessary to know some of the laws of rhetoric. So we make a declaration of love to our beloved husband in prose according to the rules.

In person or in absentia

Words of love can be spoken in person, or you can use aids;

  • SMS is a great option for those who like brevity. But it is only acceptable if your man has the same opinion. Otherwise, he may regard it as a desire to quickly get rid of him, to say about love "for show."
  • social networks. If a man is an active user, then this is your way. You can make a confession on the "wall" (only then it will be available for reading to all his friends) or in a message (this will keep some intrigue that will remind you of the period of courtship, when every email, every call caused an unimaginable thrill).
  • letter. The epistolary genre is now undeservedly overshadowed by electronic counterparts of communication. And what could be more romantic than excitement, joy from the fact that you are holding an envelope signed in your favorite handwriting!

A place

Agree that a confession spoken and heard in a hurry on the subway on the way to work does not carry the same semantic meaning as if it were voiced at home or in a restaurant, by candlelight, or even just while watching a movie. But not football - it's better in a crowd, in public transport: at least he will hear 1-2 words!


Words of tenderness spoken over the phone during important business negotiations will not cause anything but irritation. And here everything is extremely simple: you yourself do not like it too much when you are distracted from work, even for pleasant reasons, and men are quite anxious about their occupations. It is better to choose a time when he will be moderately relaxed, tuned in to communicate with you (this factor is especially important, since such words may entail a man's desire to prove his reciprocity by deed).


Yes, yes, love should also be in moderation. Only then it is valuable, when it is a little unsaid, something should remain above words. So don't try to make the explanation of feelings something traditional, like cleaning on the weekends.


The best lyrics are born of sincerity - this is indisputable. However, there are points that cannot be ignored either:

  • literacy. For adequate and easy perception, you should not formulate complex sentences with a dozen turns. They are difficult to perceive both orally and in writing. If you decide to make an absentee confession, do not forget about spelling;
  • the words. Even if in your couple they calmly relate to slang, jargon, you should not inject them into a love confession: these are just those elements that are absolutely useless here;
  • treatment. Surely you have nicknames that are known only in the family - they will be very relevant in your love message.

Examples of

In order for a declaration of love to your husband in prose to take him by the soul, it must be unique, that is, compiled by you specifically for him. This is the case when templates are inappropriate, however, examples to create the right mood can come in handy.

My dear, precious husband! A thin but strong thread of love connects us with you. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more entangled in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, beloved. I know that no matter how many years pass - for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be by your side at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

Dear spouse, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance until this day, a sacred and inviolably deep feeling in my soul is sacred and inviolable - love for you. A feeling that is cramped in the heart, about which you want to shout out loudly. But at the same time, this feeling is preserved by me with all the tenderness that only exists. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

Being a wife is not easy at all, it is painstaking work that takes up all your free time. But I know why it is so easy for me to cope with all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

My beloved, my dear, my bear, the strongest, attractive, desired, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I love you very much!

My dear, how many years we have been together, but I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and for the fact that he became my husband.

You and I are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is a complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliation, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other, as on the first day of our acquaintance.

The working day drags on so long! I miss you. Sometimes I dream that you are small and ... foldable. I would then carry you with me in my purse. I wanted to - got it, talked enough - put it back. But that won't work. You are independent, strong and courageous. Able to make decisions for both of us. The real head of the family! I love and proud of you!

I love you. Do you remember the first time I said these words to you? We were still very young and there was still a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you.

I bet no one else has such a wonderful and caring husband as I do. My dear, I love you more than life, and it will always be so.

It's good that there is such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

Do not offer me any more to get a star from the sky for me. For myself, I already got it. My star is you, my beloved husband. You are the most important happiness in my life!

You know, you are my ideal husband, because with you I feel safe, comfortable and incredibly interesting. I love our troubles and the way we look together. I just want to say that I love you very much.

It's just not clear what I was doing, and most importantly - why, before I met you - my future husband. You are my first true love, as big as the whole world. I am sending a thousand of the most passionate kisses to you, beloved!

After all, you can be recognized not only on the 1st, but also on the 10th, 100th, etc. time ... And it doesn't matter that you have been ... years as my husband - I still love you, dear, as before! And you?

Yes, you and I are different ... Husband and wife according to the passport - this is not the main thing. The most important thing that unites us together is love. I often think: how good it is that we then met and stayed close. I miss!

We are like a butterfly and a flower - just made for each other. And our life together is the harmony of two hearts, a delightful symphony of tenderness, feelings and confessions. I am happy to be your wife!

Cute! I have so much good, pure and light connected with you that all disagreements and resentments seem very tiny compared to our great mutual love. How good it is that we are husband and wife!

Your shoulder for me is protection, eyes are tenderness, lips are passion. I remember you all the time, I miss you when you are not around. You are all in me, and I am in you ... I love you, my best husband in the world!

Favorite! Thank you for our paradise. Since you became my husband - it does not stop, but pleases with new colors of feelings, emotions, relationships every day. I feel so good with you, dear!

I always thank fate for being lucky with a husband like you. I love to share days and nights with you and feel your presence, your breath constantly. Love you!

My teddy bear! I love to plunge into you as to my own happiness and swim in your arms for a long, long time, enjoying every surge of feelings. How good it is that I have you, my beloved husband!

They say that after the wedding, everything changes: passion fades away, and love fades into the background, everyday problems eat up past tenderness, and spouses begin to quietly hate each other. Hope the losers came up with this! Because even after the wedding, I continue to love you madly!
