Memo for kindergarten parents. Prevention of computer addiction in children. Consultation (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Instruction for parents. Child and computer games

Dear Parents. When allowing your toddler to play games on the computer, do not forget that overuse of games can harm your baby's health. Try to follow some rules to avoid negative consequences in the future. By the way, the most important rule in the games of kids on the computer is the time limit. Read a few rules on computer games for kids.

For several years now, the positive influence of correct computer children's games on the development of the baby. Many computer games for children fully develop the child. They allow you to learn to read, count, write and much more. Moreover, the classic lessons with parents or caregivers quickly bore the child, and he needs a change of activity. Computer games allow you to lure a child for a long time. This is the main danger of computer games for children.

Even a not very long game at the computer causes general and also visual fatigue in the baby. A small child, being carried away by a computer, experiences a huge emotional uplift, especially if the game is interesting for the kid. The child naturally does not notice the coming fatigue, and especially when playing interesting games with a frequently changing picture.

And as a result, even after half an hour of sitting for games, the baby becomes irritated, uncontrollable, capricious. Often, the child begins to sleep poorly, wake up at night. And oddly enough, the reason for this is precisely computer games for kids.

Most often, parents are concerned about all kinds of radiation that may come from the computer. However, on most modern computers, these figures do not exceed the natural radiation of the earth. Playing on a computer, a child receives exactly the same amount of harmful radiation as, for example, from a working TV. This, of course, applies to modern monitors. It is much more dangerous for a child to change the characteristics of the air during prolonged work. The room temperature can rise by several degrees, and the air humidity decreases. This is especially felt in a closed, unventilated room. Therefore, if your kid plays on the computer, try to follow a few rules:

  • Be sure to place the computer with the back of the system unit against the wall, or, if possible, in a corner.
  • Be sure to damp the room where your child is playing. It is advisable to do this twice a day, but at least once a day, wet cleaning is mandatory. At least dust off your desk and computer.
  • Before playing on the computer and after working, wipe the monitor with a damp cloth.
  • Ever since the advent of computers, cacti are believed to reduce radiation.
  • Be sure to ventilate the area your child is playing in.

Following these guidelines will help maintain a healthy indoor environment.

But it is much more dangerous for the health of the baby to be improperly seated, or an inconvenient location of the workplace. After all, your child's body is developing rapidly. The bones of the arms have not yet been formed, the spine has not yet fully matured. Therefore, the workplace for the kid's play must be equipped with due regard for his development. The chair must be with a back. The distance from the monitor to the eyes must be at least 50 centimeters. Landing should be straight. Hands should lie freely on the table, it is advisable to substitute a special stand under your feet. The baby's workplace should be well lit, but there should be no glare on the screen.

When playing for a long time, it is important to remember about neuro-emotional stress. In the process of playing, kids have to constantly solve gradually more complicated logical and spatial problems. To do this, you need to have developed abstract thinking, the ability to compare, compare, analyze, in a short time to show all your skills, knowledge, skills. And this requires considerable mental and visual stress, since at a short distance you constantly have to look at very small letters, numbers, drawings, and strokes on the screen. Constantly shifting his gaze from the screen to the keyboard, the baby is constantly rebuilding the eye accommodation system. This often causes tension in the eye muscles, which is intensified by the constantly pulsing light of the screen.

That is why the load on the baby's eyes and nervous system is colossal and leads to rapid fatigue. Add to this a sitting position and lack of sufficient movement. Even an adult finds it difficult to continuously work at a computer, even if it is possible to play Spanish football there and breaks are necessary. But the child is often very keen on the game process, and he himself is not able to feel tired. And therefore parents need to prevent overwork. The most important rule is to limit the duration of the baby's play. The time intervals depend on the age of the child, but doctors advise taking breaks after 15 minutes of play. Moreover, doctors advise the child to play no more than 15 minutes a day. And moreover, to allow the baby to play no more than once every two days. But look at your kid, he can play without leaving the computer for hours!

And of course it is necessary to carry out gymnastics after each lesson. You can stretch the arms and legs, do exercises. Exercises for the eyes are a must.

Dear parents, remember, short-term computer lessons and games for children will be of great benefit if you listen to these recommendations and follow them regularly. The health of your baby depends on it.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of combined type kindergarten "Skazka" Ak-Dovurak

Memo to parents

"Working at the computer of a younger preschooler without harm to health"

Completed: uch. inf.

Irgit H.K.

Ak-Dovurak - 2013

Memo to parents

"Working at the computer of a junior schoolchild without harm to health"

Parents, attention!

The main thing is a sense of proportion! After all, a short stay at the computer improves concentration, and excessive attention worsens. And so that the computer does not damage health, it is very important to regulate the time that the child spends at the computer. To prevent the bad influence of the computer on children - the time of classes should be determined by you immediately. Kids sit at the computer, preferably not every day. Among the main health problems that a computer can bring to children is a great strain on their eyesight. And since our eyes are directly connected to the brain, then visual fatigue will immediately affect the child's condition, both physical and psychological. Therefore, adjust the brightness and contrast of the computer so that the baby's eyes are comfortable, and set a picture of calm colors on the "desktop". Also, it is advisable that the refresh rate of the screen on your computer is maximum (100 or more hertz), especially if you do not have an LCD monitor. It will be very useful to teach your child special exercises for the eyes. If you still feel that, despite all the precautions, your child gets tired while working at the computer, then first of all check the correct organization of the workplace. Tips on this issue, as well as a set of exercises, you can find in the booklet "How to stay healthy for a preschool student while working at the computer."

Basic rules when working at a computer.

1. Working at computers is necessary with a well-lit work desk.

2. Spend at the computer no more than an hour a day.

3. Do eye exercises every 15 minutes.

4. Every hour get up from the computer and do a set of exercises for the hands and spine.

5. Be sure to alternate between working at the computer with a walk in the fresh air.

6. The best for children's perception is a static, large color image accompanied by sound.

Gymnastics for the eyes

1. On the count of 1-4, close your eyes, without straining the eye muscles, on the count of 1-6, open your eyes wide and look into the distance. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look at the tip of the nose at 1-4, and then look into the distance at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes up - right - down - left and in the opposite direction: up - left - down - right. Then look into the distance at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. Keeping your head motionless, move your gaze, fixing it, at 1-4 up, at 1-6 straight; then similarly down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Make a movement diagonally to one side and the other, moving your eyes directly to the count of 1-6. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Without turning your head, eyes closed, "look" to the right at 1-4 and directly at 1-6. Look up at 1-4, down at 1-4 and look straight at 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

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Parent Handbook: Kids and the Computer

Introduction to information culture is not only the acquisition of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual sensitivity. There is no doubt that children can master the methods of working with various electronic, computer novelties with enviable ease; at the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but appreciate and strive for live, emotional human communication ().
However, at present there are many opinions about the inclusion of a computer in a child's life. Many parents who want to preserve the vision of a preschooler take a position that excludes the possibility of using a computer at home. Other parents, on the contrary, try to educate, introduce their baby from an early age to the modern world through computer educational games. Whose side is the truth on? Let's try to answer this question.
The computer quite naturally fits into the life of a kindergarten and a family, being one of the most effective modern technical means with which you can significantly diversify the process of upbringing, training and development of a baby. The computer itself is attractive to the child, arouses cognitive interest in children. Each lesson with the use of a computer causes an emotional uplift among preschoolers, a desire to achieve success, to complete the task to the end. However, when organizing a child's work on a computer, many factors must be taken into account.
Child's age and time restrictions on using a computer
It is not recommended for children under 5 years of age to use a computer. Children five to seven years of age can "communicate" with a computer no more than 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. First grade students - 10-15 minutes a day.
Computer specifications
It is desirable that the monitor is liquid crystal or plasma. The size of the display screen must be at least 35-38 cm diagonally so that the child can clearly see the text from a distance of 50-70 cm. The display must be movable so that it can be rotated and tilted in different directions depending on the lighting.
Organization of the child's workplace
The monitor should be at least 60 cm away from the window so that the window is to the left of the computer. In this case, glare from a window or other sources of illumination must not fall on the screen. For this, window openings can be covered with curtains or blinds to limit the luminous flux. It is forbidden to use dark curtains on the windows, as they can greatly shade the room.
The monitor should be at or slightly below the child's eye level. Natural daylight is considered the best for working with a computer, since only it contains the entire color spectrum, therefore, the more the lamp corresponds to daylight, the better. In no case should neon lamps be used, since they flash, emit diffused light, have a lack of color spectrum and do not create clear shadows. When working with such lamps, there is a strong eye strain, which can provoke a decrease in vision. In addition, these lamps can cause an increase in excitability in children, they begin to be capricious, do not sleep well.
Workplace furniture should be child-friendly. The chair should be with a back, and supports should always be placed under the feet of a preschool and primary school child.
Organization of the child's activities at the computer
Game computer tasks should be small in time. Consequently, preference should be given to games that are small in volume, or games that involve completing a task at certain stages with the subsequent saving of the results obtained.
If the child already knows how to read and uses printed computer text, then the font size should be at least 14, the font color should always be black, and the screen color should be white. In the color scheme, you can periodically use yellow-green tones.
Be sure to pay attention to the signs of fatigue of the child while studying at the computer, because in this case, you need to interrupt work as soon as possible in order to avoid negative consequences. Fatigue of a child is indicated by the following signs - rubbing of the eyes and face, yawning, distraction from the task, chaotic movements, approaching the monitor, violation of the correct landing at the table, moodiness, etc.
After finishing work at the computer, to prevent visual impairment and relieve tension from the eyes and muscles of the whole body, it is recommended to perform simple gymnastics for the eyes and certain movement exercises.
Ask the child to stretch, while sitting, hide his hands behind his back, look in front of him. Then, make turns of the head to the right and to the left. Then make movements with your shoulders back, relax your hands and shake them below. This will help your child release tension from the muscles in the neck, upper shoulder girdle and arms.

Exercise 1
Without turning your head, look slowly to the right, then straight, slowly turn your eyes to the left and again straight. Similarly up and down. Repeat 2 times in a row.
Exercise 2
Standing by the window, put your hand forward with your index finger raised. Look carefully at the tip of your finger, then transfer your vision into the distance. After 5 seconds, return vision to the tip of the finger again and so on 5 times in a row.
Exercise # 3
Make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, without turning your head. 5 times.
Exercise 4
"Writing" the eyes of horizontally lying eights clockwise and counterclockwise. 5 times in each direction.
Exercise 5
Standing by the window, close your eyes without straining your muscles, then open your eyes wide and look into the distance, close again, etc. 5 times in a row.

Dear Parents! Remember that the child's work at the computer should always take place only under the strict supervision of adults.

Memo for parents of preschoolers "Prevention of computer addiction in children"

Many parents try to introduce their children to modern gadgets as early as possible. They admire and are moved by how quickly their baby learns this "miracle of technology", but time passes and the child becomes irritable, favorite toys, drawing and even communication with his mother are no longer so interesting for the child, the best thing for him is to play the computer. I would like to offer a memo for parents to prevent computer addiction in children. I hope the material will be useful, and the computer will become an assistant for your child.

Prevention of computer addiction in a child

1. Observe the mode of operation at the computer. Try to explain to your child that the computer is not a right, but a privilege, so the time spent on it is subject to parental control. However, do not abuse your "right to ban", because "forbidden fruit is sweet".
2. Do not forget that the personal example of the parents is important for the child. Words must not be at odds with deeds. And if a parent allows his son to play for no more than an hour a day, then he himself should not play for three or four hours.
3. If your work is connected with a computer and you have to spend a lot of time at it, in conversations with your child, focus his attention on the fact that you need a computer for work.

4. Offer your child other ways to spend their time. You can make a list of things to do at your leisure. It is important that the list includes joint activities (going to the movies, walks, board and outdoor games, etc.).
5. Encourage the child to be creative, whether it be drawing or playing music.
6. Introduce your child to sports, because children who are keen on sports, computer addiction is less common.
7. Use the computer as an element of effective education, as a reward (for example, for homework done correctly and on time, cleaning the apartment, etc.).
8. Pay attention to computer games that children play, as some of them can cause insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness, and specific fears.
9. Discuss games with your child, choose them together. Give preference to educational games. It is extremely important to teach a child to be critical of computer games, to show that this is a very small part of the available entertainment, life is much more diverse, that play cannot replace communication.
10. The computer can be your assistant in organizing joint creative activities with your child. By engaging your child in finding the necessary information to prepare a message for the lesson or by browsing the repertoire of children's theaters on the Internet, you will foster a culture of working with computers and the Internet in your child.
11. If a child has a computer addiction, and the parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, you should not postpone or be afraid of a visit to a specialist, it is important to turn to psychologists in specialized centers in time.

  • 1. To acquaint parents with modern information about the role of computers in the life of a student.

  • 2. To draw parents' attention to the possible negative effects of the computer on their child's health and how to avoid them.

  • 4. To acquaint parents with the computer capabilities of our educational institution.

  • 3. Show the possibilities of using a computer for educational activities at home.

  • The computer is designed to help a modern person in:

  • receiving information,

  • processing and providing the information he needs,

Strong PC attraction.

  • Strong PC attraction.

  • Impaired ability to control oneself.

  • Change in physiological state.

  • Desire to increase time.

  • Rejection of other alternatives in favor of a PC.

  • Inability to quit classes.

Memo for parents on using a computer by a child .

  • In order for parents to be able to control a child's use of a computer, they themselves must be able to use it at least at an elementary level;

  • The child should not play computer games before bed;

  • Take a break every 20-30 minutes of working on the computer;

  • The child should not work on the computer for more than 1.5-2 hours;

  • Parents should control the purchase of computer disks with games by their children so that they do not harm the child's health and psyche;

  • If a child does not have a computer at home and attends a computer club, parents should know which club he is at and with whom he communicates;

  • If a child uses the computer irresponsibly, a password must be entered to prevent access without parental permission.

After 20 - 25 minutes of work on the computer, you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes.

  • Do eye exercises;

  • Do some exercise.

Results of student questionnaires:

In our school

  • 1 computer class - 10 student computers, 1 teacher with an interactive whiteboard;

  • In classrooms there are 10 computers with printers, projectors, screens, 2 of them with an interactive whiteboard (in the beginning class and physics).

  • There are 10 computers in the offices of the administration and specialists.

  • There are 31 computers in total.

the Internet

  • All 10 student computers and 9 computers in other rooms are connected to the Internet.

  • Filter from Novosibirsk and its own filters.

  • Access from Monday to Friday:

  • - senior classes from 15.00 to 17.00

  • - middle classes on Monday and Friday from 12.00-12.45.

Internet for schoolchildren and parents

  • Many useful sites for parents, schoolchildren;

  • Many distance contests, Olympiads, distance learning;

  • (our participants of distance competitions)

Our school site


  • At school: "Info club" (6.7 class) Mon., Fri.

  • At RCDT:

  • - Basics of computer literacy;

  • - programming Pascal, Delfi;

  • - creation of cartoons;

  • work with a graphic editor;

  • Adamant: Photoshop

Participation of students in non-governmental educational institutions, competitions in computer science and ICT: