An invitation to a corporate party for colleagues. Samples of invitations to a New Year's corporate party

Are you arranging a real New Year's party in kindergarten? This is great, the children will be delighted, and the parents are grateful to you for helping their children and giving them a holiday. But so that everything happens and everyone is happy. It is necessary not only to rehearse with the children, but also to invite guests. For example, such a new invitation to the New Year's party 2019 in kindergarten will help you to gather a full house at the holiday and make the event even brighter and more interesting. Just hang an invitation wherever there is an entrance and where parents go, and then there will be no place for an apple to fall on your New Year tree.

And so, winter! A beautiful time of the year, a wonderful time. You can go sledding downhill, you can ski in the forest, you can play hockey with friends, you can ... in general, there are plenty of activities and entertainment. The same snowballs are an interesting idea. But that's not all. You remember that it is in winter that your favorite holiday is New Year. And if so, then there will be matinees, holidays and guests in the preschool educational institution. Only guests need to inform when and where the holiday will be. A bright invitation for the new year 2019 for kindergarten will help you with this. The template is decorated with santa claus, tree branches and a lovely background. Admire and send to everyone, everyone, everyone - so that your holiday will gather a full audience.

Working the whole thing is a very long time. That is why everyone is so looking forward to the New Year holidays, when you can relax for almost two weeks and enjoy life to the fullest. But first, there will be a series of obligatory holidays, which are also loved by all employees of offices and companies. A bright and interesting invitation to the 2019 New Year's corporate party - colleagues will immediately like it. Employees will like the interesting design and template, and they will definitely be happy to come to the event. So download, hand over and wait for a full house and smiles of colleagues.

Do you already know where, with whom and how you will celebrate the New Year? It's great, it only remains to notify guests and friends about it. And this can be done using the new 2018 New Year invitation template. The coming year will be the year of the dog, so we could not help but put a picture of these cute animals on the template. They fit perfectly into the design and do not get lost against the background of the New Year's design of the invitation. And the beautiful verse finishes everything, which will invite everyone to the holiday.

For corporate employees, the most favorite days are: vacation days and New Year's Eve days. Everything is clear about vacation, there is nothing to add, but New Year's Eve is a hot time for holidays and corporate events with colleagues. To make the holiday a success and all your colleagues come on time, send them this invitation to the New Year's corporate party 2018, which can take place in a cafe, in a restaurant or in the office of your favorite work. Take a look at the template, you can download it for free and print it for your employees.

Believe it or not, they always prepare a performance first, and only at the last moment they remember: how will we invite the children to it ?! That this did not happen before the new year, we already have ideas for invitations, and we are sharing them with you. Although these are not really ideas, but templates for inviting children to a New Year's party in kindergarten for the new year 2018.
We have two options for templates at once, and they differ in the location of the verses and the place for writing. You can choose either or both. The main thing is that the children receive their invitation and hurry to the holiday, which is very soon.

2017 New Year invitation. New template.

And here is a new template for your holiday. This 2017 new year invitation is the best we have made for you. Look, on the template there are Christmas twigs, decorations and inscriptions. And to make it even better, we placed a rooster on the template, as a symbol of 2017, and other patterns. Having received such a version of the invitation, your guests will definitely come to you and help you meet the new year, which will certainly bring happiness and good luck.

Kindergarten New Year party invitation 2017

What to do? The New Year is very soon, do you have an interesting program, but no guests? The guests will come. If you invite them. For example, send everyone new invitations to the New Year's party in kindergarten 2017. You can see the template of such an invitation on our website. It is bright, New Year's and already completely ready. You need to download for free, print the template and sign for each guest. And that's all - wait for the guests and prepare seats for the audience.

Posters informing about the time of the New Year's holiday, cards with invitations to this event are the focus of all publications in this section.

Children will willingly make original invitation cards for parents, friends and even Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka in creative pursuits. Colorful postcards and invitations of the most unusual and bizarre forms ... This creativity will become for them another sign of the approaching magical holiday. And, as you know, better than a holiday can only be its joyful anticipation.

Let's invite Santa Claus, Snegurochka and guests to our Christmas tree beautifully!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 59.
All sections | Invitation to the New Year. DIY Christmas invitation cards

Winter is a wonderful time of the year when it smells of tangerines, everything sparkles with lights, there are new Year gifts, and the children look out the window, which was decorated with patterns by Santa Claus. After all, only at this time such a wonderful holiday - New Year! And for our children and parents ...

Target: creating a pre-holiday atmosphere, attracting children to creative activities. Tasks: Strengthen the ability to solve riddles. The ability to fold squares in half, into four parts, according to the pattern. Ability to compose compositions from ready-made geometric shapes (origami) on...

Invitation to the New Year. DIY Christmas invitation cards - Recreation decoration before the holiday. Unusual invitation to New Year's party for parents

Publication “Recreation design before the holiday. An unusual invitation to ... "
Recreation decoration before the holiday "New Year's confusion". Dear colleagues! I present to your attention an unusual invitation to the New Year's party for parents. The need for the formation and development of independence in children is dictated by the needs of society in ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Is it possible that at least someone thinks about the New Year in December, expecting a holiday, simply because it exists and is clearly spelled out in the calendar! Of course! These are kids! - Mom, when is New Year? - they ask on the way from the kindergarten. And even if there is still a month before the holiday, thoughts of gifts, Christmas trees, ...

Photo report "Crafts for the New Year's holiday on the theme" Invitation card to the Christmas tree "Held by the teacher: Irina Ivanovna Bortnikova Photo report" Crafts for the New Year's holiday on the theme "Invitation card to the Christmas tree" New Year is a long-awaited and most joyful holiday not only for ...

Abstract of a paper design lesson in the middle group "Invitation card to the Christmas tree" Lesson on designing from paper in the middle group. Held by the teacher: Irina Ivanovna Bortnikova Topic: Invitation card to the Christmas tree. Purpose: To acquaint children with the properties of paper. Learn to fold a rectangular sheet in half, combining the corners and sides of the sheet, smooth the line ...

Invitation to the New Year. DIY New Year's invitation cards - Consultation "The role of invitation cards for parents on a New Year's holiday"

Consultation "The role of invitation cards for parents on a New Year's holiday" New Year is the most favorite time for children. Little artists are preparing to perform at the matinee to please parents and grandparents. The educators and the parent committee will also be responsible for ...

One of the forms of organized children's leisure time for adults and children in the preschool educational institution is a matinee. Children are waiting for him to please their parents with their ability to sing, dance, read poetry. Parents are waiting for him to be amazed by their children, and plunge into their own childhood memories. His...

Every year before the New Year, corporate events are held not only by enterprises. Employees of preschool and educational institutions organize fun matinees, evenings, contests and performances for children. Such cultural events are attended by the children’s relatives, management, special guests, etc. Therefore, one of the important factors in the organization is the preparation of invitation cards.

Where to find invitation templates

On the vastness of the worldwide network, you can find a huge number of sources. They are distributed on specialized sites, photo hosting and blogs dedicated to this topic. You can also download a large selection for free from us. She has incorporated several options for invitations:

  1. for Photoshop;
  2. for coloring (popular in kindergarten and primary grades);
  3. pictures with the ability to print on a printer or printing device;
  4. templates with ready-made text.

Before deciding what suits you best, you need to know the intricacies of these options:

Pictures for Photoshop are intended for editing in a graphical editor. They are provided in PSD format, thanks to which you can change the display of all elements, add your own content, including text, photos and much more. Of course, one cannot do without special skills. You need to have at least basic knowledge of working with the application.

Coloring is the most original invitation card. It is ideal for kindergarten or primary school. The kids will be happy to paint it for their parents. This is another way to develop creativity in toddlers. Also, pupils of senior groups of preschool institutions can try to write a short invitation themselves.

Large templates in the most common graphic formats. Such content is easy to print on a printer. Color laser, inkjet, LED and photo devices are suitable for it. To create an exclusive invitation, you need to use designer paper or high-density A4 office sheets with a matte finish. Photo paper will also work.

Blanks with text Is the perfect solution for quickly creating invitations. Such pictures already contain a ready appeal, it remains only to write the recipient's initials, address and other information. Such sources are used to call a large number of guests, for example, to school events or corporate parties.

Samples of invitation text for the New Year

It should be noted that a beautiful picture is an insignificant part of an invitation card. The main component is the text. It depends on it what desire the recipient will have after reading. The goal is not only to call a person trite, but also to convey the importance, energy and atmosphere of the event. Therefore, we included invitations for all occasions in the material, choosing from a huge number of options the best (in our opinion):

For a corporate party

“Dear… ..!
In the search for the meaning of life, it becomes obvious that real wealth does not lie in the accumulation of material wealth. It is important to know that there is a faithful friend and partner nearby, tested by time and deeds. A reliable companion is a foothold in overcoming any obstacles.
We will be glad to meet you at the New Year's Eve ... date ... in a restaurant ... We hope that the holiday with friends, partners and colleagues will turn out to be a pleasant and interesting event for you. "

For kindergarten and school

It is better to write an original invitation for parents and students in a poetic form. Therefore, we have selected several beautiful pieces:

Now let's move on to the most important thing - the choice of templates. Under each poster in the gallery, you will find a link to view and download the sources to your computer. The content is hosted on Google. Disk, therefore, does not contain viruses and malware.

Download free gallery of invitations for the New Year 2018


For coloring in kindergarten and school

Half a century ago, on the eve of New Year's holidays, bright greeting cards and telegrams were scattered all over the world. There was simply no other way to convey warm words and call for New Year's Eve. And if after a dozen years a cell phone and communication on Skype was a pleasant novelty, now such a congratulation is banal and even boring. But it is completely different to create unusual invitations for the New Year 2019, templates on the site can be found free of charge and infect hundreds of children, friends, relatives and colleagues with your festive enthusiasm!

  • Christmas tree invitations for kids
  • Why a template and not a postcard?
  • Varieties of templates
  • And finally

Inviting a relative, friends and just good acquaintances

December has just come into its own, and everyone has one question on their ears: where and with whom to celebrate the New Year, whom to invite? Most of the population of our country, and not only, prefer to celebrate this day in their own circle, at home, with the Druze or just in good company. And so that the children, relatives and friends whom you so want to see at home during the New Year holidays, be sure to find their way to you, send all of them holiday invitations. And you just need to download the New Year's template you like for free, fill it in at your own discretion, print it as you wish and send it in any way: to a postal address, e-mail, a private message on a social network, via Skype, hand it over or hide it under a pillow.

Invitation to a matinee in kindergarten and school

How much effort, diligence, creative energy do the kids make to create their own New Year's show in their kindergarten or at the matinee at school. And the main viewers, for whom all this festive miracle is being done, are, of course, parents, sisters and brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers.

The invitation template does not take into the background the holiday cards made by children's hands, but rather become another festive decoration. Organizers of children's creative events with the help of a ready-made postcard will be able not only to congratulate, invite parents to the New Year's matinee, but also indicate the date of the children's holiday and, possibly, clarify some details that adults should know better in advance so that the holiday is a success.

Christmas tree invitations for kids

Charitable foundations, private companies, entrepreneurs and large businessmen often organize a Christmas tree for the children of their community or their employees. And at such children's events, any little thing can make a big difference. Getting a personal invitation to the carnival for kids can be more valuable than the Christmas tree itself. Colorful, bright greeting templates with fairy-tale characters will resonate in the open hearts of kids.

2019 eve corporate party invitation

If on December 31st most of us are at home or with friends, then a week before that, enthusiastic congratulations are already heard all over the world and champagne splashes are flying at corporate parties. And although word of mouth among colleagues works flawlessly, the announcement of a corporate New Year's holiday is better made more solemnly. For example, you can send out unusual invitations for New Year's Eve with home delivery or e-mail, you can download free templates.

What it will be: poetic lines with a call to the holiday in a humorous or ironic form, or an official text in a short form, depends on the business relationship between partners, colleagues, guests. For example, verse lines about how valuable and dear to the company each employee is and how many bright and unexpected surprises await everyone at a party where Snegurochka awaits them will perfectly suit and cheer up middle managers and colleagues. As for business partners and key specialists, it is better to think about prose and official tone. In any case, the notice of the celebration and the invitation to the New Year tree must have a festive, original look, contain the name to whom it is addressed, the very congratulations on the holiday, the exact date, place of the event and the name of the company.

There is no opportunity, time or imagination is not enough to create a worthy option - look at the templates for invitations for the New Year and choose the one that suits your situation. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is better to make a little more samples than the number of those present at the tree, and send the notification itself another 3 weeks.

Why a template and not a postcard?

Indeed, in the network, on the shelves of bookstores and in kiosks, the printing union has thousands of variants of New Year's cards with ready-made text. What's easier? However, it is very difficult to find the option that is right for a particular situation. If you like the look, the text does not match the intended style. And then, what if each invitee wants to whisper words addressed only to him? Invitations to the New Year in the form of templates allow you to solve this problem, it is enough to choose the appropriate layout, find the lines you like, combine everything into one festive greeting - print it on a printer or send it electronically.

Varieties of templates

Annual experience shows that celebrating the New Year largely depends on how organized and thoughtful the preparation itself is, no matter whether it is at home, in the office or at a common Christmas tree. But that small part that can ruin the whole fabulous mood depends on the little things. If you want the holiday to be a success, make invitation cards.

Coming up with an invitation to the New Year 2019 and their templates, the compilers tried to foresee different events and their development. Conventionally, all invitations can be divided into official - for organizations, children's - invitations to the New Year's party and unofficial - for people close to each other and just acquaintances. You can choose from templates for celebrating the New Year with friends, relatives, children, invitations for parents. There are invitations to the Christmas tree, to a holiday, to a meeting with Santa Claus or just to visit. Colorful images can differ, both by gender - for men and women, and for children. So children's invitations are made in a bright, colorful form, full of cartoon heroes and fairy-tale characters. These can be original double-sided samples. Couples in love can be advised to download a romantic, love or family invitation. But, and for corporate purposes, there are always options with an official appeal and an appeal for a general collection at the holiday.

Rules for drawing up an invitation

Depending on where the Christmas tree will go, it is worthwhile to think over the template itself or the type of the ready-made invitation, its text and the method of sending.

The holiday notice itself must contain:

- address - a friend, beloved, respected colleague, etc .;
- the name to whom the postcard is addressed;
- happy New Year;
- wishes of all the very-very;
- what awaits him at the holiday;
- dress code - dress, masquerade, carnival;
- place and time;
- the author of the invitation.