The scenario of the New Year's party in the first junior group "The Christmas tree has come to the children"

New Year's party in the 1st junior group: "Glorious holiday - New Year." Scenario

Kozlova Ekaterina Pavlovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 60", Cherepovets.
Material Description: this scenario will be useful for music leaders and educators in the first junior group.

Target: creating a joyful, festive mood, positive emotions in children.
Tasks: develop creative abilities through the musical and motor activity of children. The children enter to the music.
Leading: How beautifully the hall is decorated,
Everyone loves it here
And we admire our beautiful Christmas tree!
Children, look how beautiful it is in our hall!
And what a wonderful tree!
How many toys, balls, crackers are here!
We are to the green Christmas tree, we will come closer.
We will sing a song to the green Christmas tree!
The song "Yolochka" is performed
1. the tree came from the forest yes, yes, yes!
Children brought joy yes, yes, yes!
Tall, fluffy, yes, yes, yes!
The kids love it, yes, yes, yes!
2. colored balls yes, yes, yes!
Gold beads yes, yes, yes!
Silver rain yes, yes, yes!
And fluffy snow yes, yes, yes!
3.Chrovod at the Christmas tree
We will sing a song about the Christmas tree
Christmas tree, Christmas tree beauty
Christmas tree, Christmas tree - good!
Host: I want the guys
Check out the toys.
See the whole tree
Down to the crown.
Let's go around the Christmas tree.
And let's take a look around.
Children, together with the teacher, go around the Christmas tree.
Leading: Our Christmas tree is amazing to everyone: both slender and large.
Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar. (children sit down)
Leading: And now let's tell verses for our Christmas tree.
1 Child: Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
Above dad, above mom
Here is the height.
2 Child: Christmas tree big
Came to visit us
We have many gifts
The tree brought.
3 Child: We will stand under the Christmas tree
We will dance.
little feet
We will knock.
4 Child: Weight sing and dance,
fun today
Our children
New Year's holiday.
Leading: Guys, like on our Christmas tree, prickly needles,
How we will blow on the tree and all the needles will dance. (children come up and blow).
Tree voice: Hello! Hello my darlings!
Hello my good ones!
How I like to stand in the festive hall today!

With silvery lights, and shine with icicles!
You guys do not wait, call Santa Claus!
And he will definitely come to you on New Year's Eve!
Leading: Guys! You heard what the Christmas tree advised us! Let's call Santa Claus.
Name: Santa Claus! -3 times.
Santa Claus comes out to the music
Father Frost: Hello my good ones!
Hello my pretty ones!
Oh, how smart you are, all ruddy, okay.
Today I am very glad that I came to your kindergarten.
And the Christmas tree in the hall is so beautiful!
I chose the best in the forest!
Leading: Santa Claus!
And if you light bright lights on our Christmas tree,
The Christmas tree will become even more beautiful!
Really guys?
Children: Is it true.
Father Frost: Let's all clap our hands together -1 -2-3! 1-2-3!
Lights, Christmas tree, burn bright! (children clap their hands)
Father Frost: Oh, what a beautiful Christmas tree we have!
The fires are sparkling!
And you, Christmas tree, like your shiny dress?
These kids asked you to dress up so beautifully!

Game "Naughty Christmas Tree"

Christmas tree: Ah, thank you, kids, tried from the heart!
How the lanterns are burning, and the children are having fun!
(capriciously) It’s only hot for me with you, blow-y-y on me now!
Children blow on the Christmas tree.
Christmas tree: (capriciously) Blowing children is weak!
It's hot, it's hot, guys!
Father Frost: here is a capricious Christmas tree!
Let's get stronger, guys! (children blow, lights go out)
Christmas tree: Oh, why are you blowing so hard?
My lights flickered!
And they went out! No lights!
Bring them back soon!
The outfit was so good!
Clap your hands quickly!
(children clapping)
Christmas tree: Louder right! Louder left!
In the lights, I'm the queen! (children clapping)
Christmas tree: at least it slipped a little!
Thanks, I'm cold!
I liked you!
Start the dance!

Dance "Kids Pencils"

Father Frost: Guys, tell me you're not afraid of frost?
Leading: No Santa Claus, our guys are not afraid of frost, and now we will show.

Dance "We are not afraid of frost"

Freeze game

Leading: Grandfather Frost entertainer
You get some rest.
Sit on a chair and rest
Look at the guys.
Get your ears ready
Listen to a song about yourself.

Song "Santa Claus"

Father Frost: What a great holiday!
The Christmas tree is lit with colorful lights,
Children are smart and funny
But why don't I see my granddaughter Snegurochka?
Has she come yet?
Children: No.
Father Frost: Where did she disappear to? Here's the trouble!
Oh, I'm old, I'm completely old, I forgot to have a bell. (takes out a bell to call the Snow Maiden)
Ring the bell to us, call the Snow Maiden.
The Snow Maiden enters to the music.
Snow Maiden: Hello my friends!
I congratulate all of you
Happy new year, new happiness, new snowy weather!
Father Frost: Hello granddaughter.
How happy we are for the Snow Maiden, will we dance with her, guys?

Dance "Christmas tree baby"

Snow Maiden: Well done, my friends, I am happy with the holiday.
Father Frost: Look what miracles, eyes widen
Boxes stand under a fluffy Christmas tree
Bright, shiny with a surprise for the kids.
Oh how do you want to open?
Well, let's open it, so be it!
We will open everything to one,
Let's have fun with the game!

Game "Box number 1"

Snow Maiden: The bells are ringing,
All the kids are having fun!
Dance with bells.
Father Frost: And now I will sit, after the dance I will rest.
So I dreamed for a whole year, who will read poetry to me?
Leading: Of course, Grandfather Frost, our guys have prepared poems!
(children recite poems

Game "Box number 2"

(colored plumes)
Snow Maiden: What's in the box of this different color?
These rains are shining
They want to dance with us!
Fly snowflakes here as soon as possible.
Let's make your guests happy.

Snowflake dance

(The Snow Maiden goes to the next box and cannot open it)
Snow Maiden: Guys, no longer open what to do, how to be?
Father Frost: And let's granddaughter, we will ask the guys to help us open.
Snow Maiden: Let's ask Santa Claus. (children open, but they can’t ask Santa Claus to help)
Father Frost: Well, I'll be glad to help you.
I'll go up to the box and say magic words
And you clap your hands and stomp your feet.

Game "box number 3"

Snow Maiden: We will take lanterns in our hands,
Let's dance with them.

Lantern Dance

Snow Maiden: Children look and under the Christmas tree there is another box.
Let's come together and see what's in it.

Game "Box number 4"

Snow Maiden: Check out the snowballs here.
Let's play with grandpa
Fun to throw snowballs.

Snowball game.

Father Frost: Oh, something got hot to me, blow on me (children come up and blow). Oh, how I love you, I will catch up with everyone I love.
Leading: We danced and sang songs.
We were all interested.
It's time to finish the holiday, waiting for the gifts of the children.
Father Frost: Oh, where's my bag!
(walks around the hall, looking for a bag. Asks the children if they have seen him. Knocks with a staff)
One, two, three, spin! (turns in place)
Gift bag, find it! (finds a bag under the tree, takes it out)
Father Frost: Here is the knot. Uh-huh.
I cannot untie.
Snow Maiden: Well - let's all clap together,
We stomp our feet smartly.
The knots were all untied and everyone got gifts.
Distribution of gifts
Father Frost: Well, that's all, you need to say goodbye, I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year meet together both adults and kids!
Snow Maiden: We wish you to grow big so that you do not know worries!
And Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year!

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 107" Lukomorye

Scenario New Year's Eve

"Hello, beautiful Christmas tree."

Educator: Koshurina Svetlana Viktorovna


Winter party script

in the 1st junior group / 2-3 years old /

"Hello, beautiful Christmas tree."

The course of the matinee.

To the music, children, accompanied by teachers, enter the festively decorated hall.


Hello kids! Do you know what holiday is coming soon? This is the best holiday - New Year! Look how beautiful it is in our hall today! Here is the Christmas tree - beauty! Let's all say hello to the Christmas tree together: "Hello, Christmas tree!" (children greet the Christmas tree).

Come closer to the tree

Look above, below.

We need to look at the tree

Come all guys!

(Children look at the Christmas tree).

Guys, let's show together how we decorated the Christmas tree.

Finger game "Dress up the Christmas tree."

We hung toys (Clap hands)

From stand (Put hands down)

Up to the top. (raise hands up)

colored balls, (Join fingers, showing "ball")

golden fish, (Press palms together and shake them)

naughty roosters, (Put palms pressed against each other to the head, “rooster comb”)

Multicolored flags. (Raise hands and wave hands)

The cracker clapped loudly (Spread hands to sides)

Bach! (Clap hands)

All the toys rang (Shake hands)

Ah - ah - ah! (Press palms to cheeks and shake head)


What good fellows - how beautifully they dressed up the Christmas tree! And now

Let's hold hands together

We'll start a round dance

Songs and dances

Let's meet the New Year!

Song "Christmas tree" (children sit down).


Guys, today guests will come to our holiday, and let's call them - clap our hands together ! (children clapping). No one came... Maybe our guests didn't hear us calling them?

(The presenter takes a bell from the Christmas tree).

I have a magic bell that will help us.

Ding dong, ding dong

A strange sound is heard

Ring our bell

Invite guests to our garden!

(A phonogram sounds, the Snow Maiden enters to the music).

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all

Winter threats are not terrible,

I'm not afraid of frost

Granddaughter of Santa Claus

I'm called Snow Maiden.

My dear children, how beautiful you are all today! And what a Christmas tree you have - just a miracle!


V n our hall is so elegant,

The Christmas tree came to visit

Do you want a Christmas tree

Did you light your fires?

Together let's say one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(Garlands are lit, children admire the lights).


Guys. Let's play with the tree!

(The "Game with lights" is being held).


Let's wave our hands together -

Our Christmas tree went out ... (goes out)

Let's say together one, two, three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire! (garland lights up)

(We play the game 2-3 times)


colored eyes

herringbone flashing

Dance around you

Children are invited.

(Children stand in a circle to dance).

Dance "Santa Claus - pink cheeks"


Guys, and our friend Mishka clubfoot is also going to celebrate the New Year in his forest. Let's do the Mishkin dance.

(We perform the dance "Clumsy Bear", the children sit on the chairs).

(The phonogram "snoring" sounds).


Oh, guys, what are these strange sounds you hear? I think it's Mishka snoring! Will he sleep through the New Year? Let's try to wake him up!

(The name is Mishka, he appears on the screen).


Well, everything, everything ... I woke up. I won't sleep anymore.

I brought toys for you

painted rattles,

You better take them

Have fun dancing with them!

"Dance with rattles".


Oh, how fun they danced

The rattles are tired

We'll put them in a basket

And let's get some rest.

(They put the rattles in the basket and sit on the chairs.)

Snow Maiden:

And you know kids

I didn't come to you alone

For our New Year's holiday

Brought the animals to visit.

Quiet - quiet! Because now

Everyone will dance here for you!

"Animals on the Christmas Tree" - playing the song with toy animals.


Do you know who we miss on our holiday? Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden:

It doesn't matter, I have Santa Claus (takes out a tiny Santa Claus - a toy) from his bag.


What kind of Santa Claus is this, he's not real, small!

(Sounds like magic music.)

Snow Maiden:

And now I will conjure - and he will grow up!

(Puts a toy in the bag and blows on it, conjures a second bigger toy Santa Claus from the bag).


Anyway, this Santa Claus is small!

Snow Maiden:

So, my witchcraft is not enough, we need to ask the guys for help. Let's put this Santa Claus right here (for the screen), and you and I, let's all blow together. You have to blow like this ... (shows). Once again, all together.

(Music sounds. Santa Claus enters, he passes through the hall at a distance from the children, so as not to frighten them, waves his hand to them).

Snow Maiden:

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Children, let's say hello to Grandpa.

Santa Claus: (from a distance)

Hello children! Hello Snow Maiden!

I'm Santa Claus guys

Don't hide your nose from me

I am very cheerful today

And I'm friends with the guys

I won't catch a cold.

(Children greet, waving).

And now it's time for the kids to sing a song about Santa Claus!

Song "Santa Claus" music. A.Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Snow Maiden:

Good Santa Claus, have you brought us gifts? Children are waiting for gifts ...

Father Frost:

Gifts here, gifts here! But where did I put them?

Something children, I forgot!

Are they under the tree?

Isn't it on the tree?

Isn't it on the chair?

Isn't it under the chair?

Are they not in the corner?

Presenter: (brings a mitten with gifts)

Look what I found, isn't the gauntlet yours?

Father Frost:

Thank you, friends, the mitten is mine. Do not put on my mitten, something lies inside ... Yes, it is not simple, there are gifts in it - look! (shows). You will go to your group and take gifts.


Thanks Grandfather Frost for the gifts, and thanks to your granddaughter Snegurochka.

Santa Claus: (fanning himself).

Oh, guys, how hot it is here, I'm afraid to melt. Let's say goodbye. Goodbye!

(Children thank Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for treats and say goodbye to them.)

(New Year's party for children of the 1st junior group of kindergarten)

To conduct a matinee, it is necessary to learn small verses with children who already speak well. Dress up girls in snowflakes, boys in bunny costumes. In addition, you will need a costume for Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, as well as the symbol of the year - the Horse. For her, you can make a mask with a mane at the back and a cape with tassels. Also a yarn tail. The role of the Horse can be played by a girl from the older group. Songs and dances for the matinee must be chosen simple and understandable to children of 2-3 years of age. You can use both a phonogram and performance of songs accompanied by piano or synthesizer. The hall should be decorated with New Year's garlands and posters. It is better to use a small Christmas tree with safe, unbreakable toys, plastic or homemade. It is advisable to place chairs for children in a semicircle near the Christmas tree so that they sit facing the audience and, moreover, see the Christmas tree. Holding a New Year's holiday helps to reveal the abilities and talents of children, as well as to unite the children's team. You can invite not only parents, but also children of other groups to the holiday.

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Horse, Grandfather Frost, snowflake girls, bunny boys.

Attributes: a toy mobile phone, dance tinsel, a shiny bag for the Snow Maiden, homemade cardboard icicles, tambourines, rattles, hoops.

Children, together with the Host, enter the hall, holding hands, to any cheerful melody, and form a circle.

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful and elegant in our hall! It's a cold winter outside, and we have a fun one! And look what a beautiful Christmas tree awaits us. All in toys and garlands, beads and lights! And today you turned into bunnies and snowflakes! Everything today is so unusual and fabulous!

(The presenter draws attention to the elegantly decorated Christmas tree).

What kind of guest came to us, so elegant and slender,

A star shines above, but is there snow on the branches?

Children: Christmas tree!

Presenter: That's right, chick!

Hello holiday tree! Hello, hello New Year!

Near the elegant Christmas tree we will start a round dance!

Any children's New Year's round dance is performed. After the round dance, the children sit on the chairs.

Presenter: Guys, look what is under the Christmas tree? Let's take a look together! (Picks up a toy mobile phone). Oh, it's a real phone! How beautiful and bright he is! (The phone rings). Listen, the phone rang! Hello, we now have a fabulous New Year's holiday in kindergarten. Of course, we will be very glad to see you! (Hangs up the phone and turns to the children): guys, the Horse called us, she wants to come to our holiday and congratulate you!

(Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the Horse enters the hall).

Horse: Hello guys!

I came to visit the kids early this morning,

I brought you many different wishes for the holiday!

My turn is coming, the year of the Horse is waiting for everyone!

Let's meet, jump, run and play!

The horse starts dancing to perky music and connects the kids. Dance movements should be simple to perform. After the dance, the children sit on the chairs.

Horse: Well done guys, how fervently and cheerfully they danced!

(The phone rings again.)

Presenter: Hello! Snow Maiden? Hello! Our dear Snow Maiden, the guys have a New Year today, the guys have turned into bunnies and snowflakes, they are waiting for you! We look forward to seeing you, come soon to our kindergarten! (Hangs up the phone and turns to the children): and so that she comes to us faster, let's call her!

Children: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

(The Snow Maiden enters the hall, preferably to a beautiful and gentle melody).

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, here I come to you! She walked for a long time through snow-covered and white snowdrifts. I am very glad to meet you! (Pay attention to the snowflake girls): oh, I see you have snowflakes here too!

You, snowflakes, will arrive, you will notice all the roads,

You fly after me, snow-white crowd!

The Snow Maiden, uttering these words, distributes tinsel to the girls, one in each hand.

The dance of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes with tinsel is performed to any classical melody similar to a waltz.

Snow Maiden: Are there funny bunnies in your hall?

Presenter: Yes, yes, Snow Maiden! Come on, bunnies, run out!

Come out quickly and dance more merrily!

Any comic bunny dance is performed.

Snow Maiden: What good fellows bunnies, how cheerfully they danced! Guys, I also brought you beautiful and unusual New Year's icicles as a gift! (Takes out icicles made of cardboard from a shiny bag and distributes them to children).

Held - "Collect the icicles." Children collect icicles into hoops to a cheerful melody. After the game, the Snow Maiden praises all the children.

Presenter: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost? Our guys are waiting for him, can't wait! Maybe he doesn't know the way?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost decorates everything around with snow-white snow: forest trees and bushes, houses and cities, wide fields and endless meadows. In the New Year, all animals and birds, all nature in the forest are also preparing for the long-awaited and joyful holiday. Let's call him soon! Where is your magic phone?

(Snow Maiden calls on a mobile phone).

Snow Maiden: Hello! Father Frost? Our guys have a fun New Year's holiday today. Please come quickly, we are waiting for you!

(Puts down the phone.)

Guys, let's all call him together!

Children: Santa Claus! Ay! Ay!

(Grandfather Frost enters the hall with a bag and a staff, to any solemn music).

Santa Claus: I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Happy New Year, I wish all the guys

Do not get sick and do not get sick, have good health!

Oh, and I'm tired, guys, from the road!

Presenter: Sit down, Santa Claus, relax, we will read you poetry!

Children take turns reading poems to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Thanks guys, you made me happy! I brought you something interesting for this! (Takes out rattles and tambourines from the bag and distributes them to the children). Children stand near the chairs.

A children's orchestra is performed to any perky melody.

Presenter: Let's continue the holiday, let's dance merrily!

Any "Christmas Tree Song" is performed with movements according to the text of the song.

Presenter: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, did you bring us gifts?

Santa Claus: Of course I did! Snow Maiden, Horse, help me distribute gifts to children! My bag is very big!

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Horse hand out gifts to children for any cheerful New Year's song).

Santa Claus:

Happy New Year to all, I congratulate
I wish everyone joy and happiness!
Lots of games, fun, fun and fun!
Happy holiday, guys, all-all-all!

After the holiday, you can organize a photo shoot with the characters. You can also hold an arbitrary children's disco with parents, children and New Year's characters, using various New Year's mobile music.

Artyomenko Anna Vladimirovna
Scenario of the holiday in the first junior group "New Year"

Holiday script« New Year»

1 junior group

The children enter to the music. Looking at the tree.

Vedas: Guys, today we have holiday. Look what a beautiful Christmas tree. What beautiful toys hang on it (considering).

“Our tree is high.

Reaches up to the ceiling

And there are toys on it.

From pedestal to crown.

Vedas: And let's dance near the Christmas tree.

Dance "Around the tree"(handle clap, flashlights, leg top, flashlights, squat, flashlights).

Vedas: Tired legs, let's sit on the chairs quietly so as not to frighten the Christmas tree.

Vedas: We have prepared poems for our beautiful Christmas tree. Sonechka will tell a poem about a Christmas tree.


1. We have fun today, we called guests, Sonya

We hung toys on our Christmas tree.

Vedas: And Ilyusha will tell you how he decorated the Christmas tree.

2. We will decorate the Christmas tree ourselves, hang the stars, Ilyusha

We'll come and tell mom how much fun we had!

Vedas: Dima will tell you how our Christmas tree sparkles.

3. Herringbone, a, herringbone, dress with a needle, Dima F

Sparkle with little lights, spin around, don't get tired!

Vedas: Anya about a snow-covered Christmas tree.

4. There is a fabulous snowball, the paths are covered ... Anya T.

We are good at the Christmas tree! Ice floes shone

Vedas: What good fellows, let's clap. We told poems, but we forgot the song, We will sing a song to our Christmas tree. Let's hold hands, stand up and make a circle and sing a song to our Christmas tree.

Song "Beads glitter on the Christmas tree"

Vedas: We danced the legs, warmed up, sang the song, warmed up the neck, and the fingers also want to dance, show your fingers.

finger game "Herringbone"

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

prickly needle

Stretched branches

And they have sweets

little fungus

Round gingerbread man

And hanging lanterns

pink balls.

Vedas: Well done boys. Let's sit down and let our fingers rest. Hands over head house

index fingers

stretch, hands forward

thumb and forefinger

in the ring, on the cam palm. cams together


Vedas: Come to us holiday was going to Santa Claus, something for a long time he is gone, probably got lost. Maybe he hid behind the Christmas tree, maybe behind the door, no, what to do? And let's call m: Santa Claus, ay!

Santa Claus enters: I hear, I hear, I go, I go. Hello, here I am, Santa Claus has come friends. How beautiful you are, and the guys are so smart! The Christmas tree is very good, the elegant beauty is green. Not order. The tree does not burn. Let's clap our hands, stomp our feet, it didn't work out, but let's all together say: one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

(Christmas tree lights up)

Vedas: Well done guys, cheers let's clap our hands. D.M., and the kids want to sing a song to you.

Song "Father Frost" music Filippenko (Near the Christmas tree)

"1. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, brought a Christmas tree to the children,

And on it are flashlights, golden balls.

2. Santa Claus, Santa Claus, brought sweets to the children.

Wafers are fragrant, and mint sweets.

Vedas: Oh, kids, something is frozen in my nose, and pens. D.M. are you a prankster?

A game "D. M. don't freeze us" (Santa Claus, Santa Claus, don't freeze our hands, nose, ears)

Vedas: Well done, let's go sit on the chairs and see what else D.M has prepared for us.

Vedas: Santa Claus, Frost, what did you bring to the guys?

Father Frost: I forgot, I became old, forgetful. I'll go look under the tree. (finds a bell)

Father Frost: These are ringing toys ... bells.

Dance with bells

Vedas: Santa Claus, and our children want to tell you poems, and you sit down and rest, probably tired? Denis will tell a poem about D. M.

1. Santa Claus, red nose, we all know you. Denis

And you, Santa Claus, we have fun meeting.

Vedas: And what a funny D.M. Diana will tell us about.

2. Santa Claus, Red nose, we sing a song. Diana

And you, Santa Claus, we invite you to dance.

D. M .: Thank you, the poems were great,

Vedas: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

Father Frost: I'll go look, I'll go around the Christmas tree, oh, look, a bunny is sitting under the Christmas tree and shaking, it's cold. Let him dance with our bunny boys and keep warm.

Vedas: The Christmas tree spun,

Twigs in needles,

The boys danced

Tiny bunnies.

Come on, bunny boys, come out to the winter meadow and play.

A game: "Freezing Bunny"

Vedas: What nimble bunnies we have, the bunnies jumped into place.


Father Frost: I'll go and see. What a beautiful doll and very elegant!

Vedas: The guys and I know a song about a doll now we will sing. Get up next to the chairs

A song is being performed "Mashenka-Masha". (children are sledding)

Vedas: And we will also go sledding with the children. We take our pair and go for a ride. And now let's go to the chair. Well done.

Vedas: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

Father Frost: Oh, what a beautiful snowflake on the Christmas tree, I look and you have snowflake girls.

Vedas: Christmas tree spun,

green needles,

The snowflakes started to dance

Little ballerinas.

Vedas: Snowflake girls come out and dance. Here are the snowflakes for you D. M. brought from his magical forest.

Snowflake dance

Vedas: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

Father Frost: And I found snowballs for you, kids play. I will throw snowballs high Snowballs will fly far And the children will collect snowballs And they will bring me in a box

Snowball game (put snowballs in a box)

Vedas: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what else did you bring us?

Vedas: Santa Claus and we want you to dance again, kids take in pairs, we will dance a dance "A-ah-yeah"

Dance "A-ah-yeah"

Vedas: Thanks to D. M. for the songs, dances, games. But I think you forgot something, right, kids? Santa Claus, did you bring gifts?

Father Frost: Oh, I completely forgot! Wait, now, now.

(opens the door, brings in a horse with a sled, examines, takes out gifts, distributes to children)

Vedas: Guys, here are the gifts, clap.

Father Frost: Now it's time for us to say goodbye, kids, girls and boys are waiting for me.

Well, next year I will definitely come to you. Goodbye!

New Year in 1 ml group No. 1 2014.

1. Entrance to the song "Tick-tock, watch", holding the handles.

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall! Where, I wonder, did we get to?! We came to visit the Christmas tree. Today is our New Year's Eve!
(points to tree)
Look how beautiful the toys are on the Christmas tree!
A red painted ball, here is a golden flashlight,
Here is a white icicle, here is a ripe carrot,
And now look, kids, sweets are hanging on the branches!
This Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children! He stands under the Christmas tree, and the snow glitters on his fur coat! (shows)
Leading. This is how the tree is dressed up
And she came to us in kindergarten
And by the tree, look
How many little guys! Show off how beautiful you are today!

1 reb: Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Presenter: Hello, hello, fir-tree! Hello New Year!
Near the elegant Christmas tree we will start a round dance! Let's sing a Christmas tree song!
2. Song "Christmas tree".

Vedas: We have fun and sing near our Christmas tree,

sit quietly, rest and recite poems.


Vedas: What kind of music is playing? Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

The Snow Maiden comes out with a basket:I am the Snow Maiden, Granddaughter of Santa Claus.
I have a white coat, white boots,
White gloves and hat. And what are you all dressed up today!

presenter . Of course, today is New Year's Day!

Snow Maiden. I came to you for a holiday and brought toys.
Take them quickly, dance with them!

3. Song-dance with toys.(Ved cleans up the toy box)
(The Snow Maiden puts the Bunny on her hand)

Snow Maiden . Because of the tree at the edge
Someone's ears peeked out.
Who is this?


Hare. Hello guys! I am a little bunny
But remote. I don't have a hat and my paws are cold.

Zainka, do not grieve Better dance with us!

4. Song-dance. "Jumped to our Christmas tree."

Leading. Do you hear? The bells are ringing, the horse is galloping. Look who she brought to us for the holiday/on the screen a toy Santa Claus appears /.

Father Frost: Hello guys!

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!

Snow Maiden: Hello grandfather! Where are you driving?

Father Frost: Yes, I'm making gifts for the kids.

Snow Maiden: Have you brought us gifts?

Father Frost: And I brought it to you, only you first sing a song to me.

5. The song "Santa Claus" is performed.

Snow Maiden :

Santa Claus, why are you so small?

Father Frost:

Yes, I was in a hurry to see you here, but suddenly trouble happened!

I drank tea on the path and, of course, instantly melted.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, and the guys and I can help your grief. You sit in a snowdrift bolder and grow faster, rather / takes it from the screen and puts it in a snowdrift /

Fairies, hurry up to me, Santa Claus help!

Magical music will sound here, little fairies will conjure!

Vedas: And our little Santa Claus will grow up.

6. Dance of fairies and Snow Maiden

Vedas: Well, let's see now whether our Santa Claus has grown or not./comes up, removes the bedspread, finds the sleeping Santa Claus/. He's sleeping guys. Let's wake him up. Let's touch his fur coat, mittens, beard, maybe he will wake up./ Father Frost starts to stir when he sees the guys, he speaks affectionately /.

Well done guys for saving me.

For this, guys, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Wow, what a beautiful tree you have,

Clap your hands, I'll dance now.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Father Frost: Let's see what's in my bag.

Oh what beautiful snowballs!

You are more likely to come, but take all the snowballs.

Wow! Everyone got it, and Grandfather and Snegurochka left one each.

7. "Game with snowballs."Throw at Santa Claus.

Father Frost: I'm running away! I'm running away from kids kids

Come on, catch up with Santa Claus as soon as possible!

8. CATCHING "I'm running away, I'm running away."

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, are there any gifts in your bag?

Santa Claus: / looks into the bag /,

Where are they: Not here ... Come on, let's go look. Not here ... and not here ... Ah, I remembered! They're in a ditch!

Candy and cookies are here. Have a treat!

(Shows gifts.)

Vedas: Thank you, grandfather, Frost!

Snow Maiden. Here is the New Year's Eve

It's time for us to finish!

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids