Comic DIY crafts for kindergarten. Crafts for kindergarten: master classes and ideas for creating beautiful toys and decorations for the holidays (65 photos)

Sooner or later, each parent has to hear from the teacher about the need to create crafts at home by joint efforts with their child, whether he is 2 years old or 7 years old. Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find numerous photos of kindergarten crafts that will help you come up with and implement a variety of ideas, for example: crafts made of foil, paper, stones, wire and all sorts of seasonal crafts for February 23 or Easter.

Many parents are interested in what is it for? Experts unanimously say that this type of work is psychologically important for both the baby and the parent.

But also in the manufacture of various crafts, the imagination develops and the motor skills of the fingers increase, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the child.

In this article, we will describe several interesting master classes for kindergarten that you can make with your parents at home with your own hands.


We all remember our childhood, when our mothers made origami out of paper or glued different elements onto paper, recreating a complete picture. It is easy to make almost everything from it that your heart desires!

For example, with the help of imagination, you can create colorful flowers, cute postcards and even carnival masks from the most ordinary colored or corrugated paper yourself.

You can try to create beautiful works using decoupage, origami or quilling techniques, which are so simple in execution, and the result exceeds expectations.

For creation, you and your child will need nothing at all: a brush, glue, several multi-colored sheets of paper and scissors. Be careful that the child uses cutting materials only in your presence, or do all such work yourself.

DIY crafts from waste materials

Perhaps you could not even imagine what old bottles or egg trays would do? What we once considered "waste" material and useless in the household can be turned into almost a masterpiece!

For example, you can make a charming fabric doll from scrap materials in the form of old unnecessary rags, and you can come up with a jewelry box from a plastic bottle.

"Plastic" caterpillar

You and your baby can easily make a funny caterpillar out of unnecessary plastic bottle caps.

For crafting, you need a small list of materials:

  • green cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • bottle caps;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing instruction

To begin with, take a "clearing" for the future insect - a green sheet of cardboard. Next, glue our covers with the empty side inward in the form of a curved caterpillar to the background using PVA glue and wait until they dry completely.

Then cut out colored circles to the diameter of the lids and glue them in a chaotic manner to the plastic tops. At the end of our caterpillar, add cute antennae, legs and eyes.

Do you throw out your toilet paper tubes? But in vain! After using a roll of paper, you can make a cute little man from the "sleeve" with your own hands or make a stand for all sorts of accessories. The surface of the product is decorated like painting, adhesive paper, rhinestones or pasting on scraps of fabric.

Colored pebbles

We bring to your attention an idea for making a rainbow craft, which is easy to make with your child for a kindergarten. During the summer holidays, we advise you to collect pebbles and shells of different sizes with your baby, which will be useful throughout the year.

For fun crafts, stock up on a few shades of acrylics and a paintbrush. For example, you can make a frog from a large flat stone, paint it green, and after complete drying, paint the eyes, mouth and ears. By the same principle, you can make a chicken, flowers, etc.

Autumn crafts

In the fall, in the forests, you can find a lot of useful natural materials for excellent crafts, such as cones. By connecting just a few of these elements of different sizes, you can create a funny bear or hedgehog with your own hands. You can fasten the cones with the help of threads, thin wire.

You can diversify the design with the help of twigs, leaves, add plastic eyes or ears.


Children's crafts for the kindergarten are those that the child must partially do with their own hands. If you have a toddler from a nursery group, then, of course, he will not do without the help of mom or dad.

The process of creating crafts in the bosom of the family especially brings its members closer together, helps the child develop imagination and tactile perception, which is necessary for staging speech and general development.

Do not forget on vacation, whether it be a park or the seashore, to collect useful materials: pebbles, beautiful shells, leaves, cones and acorns.

If you have the opportunity and desire, you can plant several small pumpkins in your garden, which are perfectly stored and act as an excellent basis for DIY crafts.

Turn on your imagination and stimulate the imagination of your baby, as a result, you will get not only perfect psychological interaction, but also an original hand-made craft for the kindergarten.

Photo of crafts in kindergarten

Children, as they say, are the flowers of life. And this saying is reliable and correct, since with the birth of a child, each person literally changes for the better. It becomes softer, kinder and more responsible. All families with at least one baby try to surround him with care from both sides, parental love and warmth. But there comes a time when babies grow up and they need to develop further socially, attending kindergarten. So that the kids do not feel a lack of attention on themselves, educators, in addition to drawing, modeling, singing, dancing, physical education, games, are engaged in the manufacture of crafts from a variety of improvised materials, whether plastic bottles, paper, or cardboard, dried leaves of trees, cones, etc. ... If you, being a teacher, are interested in this creativity useful for children, then we advise you to visit our article. In it we will provide 11 photos of ideas for easy crafts for kindergarten with our own hands, made quickly, simply and beautifully. The prepared videos with step-by-step master classes, which contain an accessible description of all the works offered by us, will reveal to the educators the basics of children's applied art. They, in turn, will teach kids to cope with the task on their own or with a little adult help. In one case or another, handicraft will bring a lot of positiveness and skills to the younger generation, will allow you to know the world around you, as deeply as possible.

Paper bookmark

The most popular paper craft in kindergarten is the bookmark. It is easy to perform even with small children 4, 5, 6 years old. Fancy, hand-made faces of animals will look very organic. Below you can watch a master class with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • colored paper, A4 size,
  • scissors,
  • pencil,
  • glue.


  1. To create a wonderful bright craft in kindergarten, you first need to draw a square on a sheet of 20 X 20 cm in size. Divide this square into 4 equal parts with a pencil. You should get 4 squares, measuring 5 X 5 cm.
  2. Divide the upper right and lower left squares with lines so that you get triangles. You need to draw a line from the upper left corner to the lower right. The lines must be parallel. The outer triangles must be crossed out; they are not needed.
  3. We cut out a figure with our own hands from paper without taking into account the crossed out areas. Cut off the top triangle. If you put the paper straight, it looks like a rhombus with two triangles glued on.
  4. Fold each triangle in half and place it in turn on the base of the rhombus. A pocket that turned out to be a bookmark. He puts on the corner of the page, thereby fixing it.
  5. On a pocket made of colored paper, you can cut out any applique and glue it. Here is such an interesting handicraft for a kindergarten with our own hands. Use the idea we have proposed, and let the photo serve as an illustrative example for you.

Video: bookmark for books "Panda" in the origami technique

Christmas ball of pasta

An excellent option for children in kindergarten will be a pasta craft. There are many variations of such works from pasta, because they are available and everyone has in the house. So you can make a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands - a Christmas ball. In the description below you can find detailed instructions on how to make it.

You will need:

  • balloon,
  • glue,
  • pasta,
  • dye.


  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and tie.
  2. Then we apply glue to each pasta, gluing them together.
  3. After you have made a small blank of several macaros with your own hands, we apply the blank to the ball (for convenience, you can fix it with PVA glue, gluing it to the ball). Thus, we glue the entire ball with pasta, leaving a gap from one piece near the knot. Now we are waiting for everything to dry, with Moment glue the drying process will be faster, but if the craft is done together with the child, it is better to use PVA.
  4. When everything is dry, pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out through the hole, and then glue the remaining macaroons.
  5. You can attach a string or ribbon so that your Christmas tree decoration can be attached to the tree. Such a ball can be painted with paints, or you can leave it in its original form. Such a beautiful craft can be easily done with a child of 5, 6, 7 years old both at home and in kindergarten, with the help of adult help. Remember our idea and the photo adjacent to it, it will certainly come in handy for you.

Video: DIY pasta balls

Plasticine cow

For kids of the younger group, you can offer to create a plasticine ladybug with your own hands. Crafts from this improvised material can develop not only hand motility, but also the child's imagination both at home and in kindergarten. A cool creation is designed for children 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, which can be done very simply by yourself. In order to do such creative work correctly, see our master class with step-by-step instructions and a photo idea.

You will need:

  • plasticine (red, black and white),
  • plastic cover, with a diameter of 10 - 12 cm,
  • a pen,
  • white sheet of paper.


  1. In order to get a colorful and cheerful children's handicraft made with our own hands, we need to mold a round body from red plasticine, and from a black speck on it. Also, black plasticine is used to form the legs and head.
  2. You need to take a plastic transparent cover and draw a flower resembling a chamomile on it with a pen.
  3. Place a white sheet under the bottom of the lid so that the outline of the drawing is visible. Then, along the contour of the image, glue the flower with different colors of plasticine. In such a simple design, you can create other types of crafts for such holidays as March 8, Easter, New Year 2018 and so on. Decorate exhibitions in kindergarten with them or simply become an original gift for friends and relatives.

Video: making a ladybug from plasticine with your own hands


The material for children's crafts, regarding our photo idea, can also be an ordinary plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. Such a good get-up for children in kindergarten or at home will delight everyone, because with your own hands the work will seem fun and not difficult at all. In order to figure out how to do it, let's see step-by-step instructions with a detailed and understandable description.

You will need:

  • plastic bottle 0.5 l and 1.5 l;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • scissors.


  1. A 0.5 liter bottle must be painted with paints or yellow colored paper glued onto it.
  2. In a similar way, make bold black lines on the bottle with your own hands.
  3. Cut out the eyes, mouth and antennae of the future bee on a paper cover.
  4. We cut out the wings from a bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters and glue them with glue. The result is a cute little yellow bee made of ordinary waste material. A good hand-made craft for children in kindergarten. It will perfectly decorate any group, playground, annual thematic exhibitions and more.

Video: making a bee from a plastic bottle


Another way to use unnecessary plastic bottles in crafts is to make a vase with your own hands. This bottle can be transformed into a decorative vase with a cute face of cats or other animals. The best photo idea for kindergarten children is presented in our article with a full description and step-by-step instructions. Help kids create something similar and creative, give them the opportunity to be proud of themselves and their achievements.

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle,
  • Paints,
  • Sponge (for painting),
  • Marker,
  • Scissors.


  1. To create crafts with your own hands, you need to cut the bottle in half and take only the lower part for creativity.
  2. Cut off so that the edges are even and leave two triangles so that we get ears.
  3. We completely paint over our workpiece with white paint using a sponge.
  4. Draw the triangles on the ears and nose with a pink brush.
  5. Draw the cat's face with a marker.
  6. Our craft in the form of a vase or pot for fresh flowers is ready. If desired, it can be placed in a kindergarten group, somewhere on the street in the courtyard, or presented to mom on March 8 as an unprecedented originality. Such value will be very dear and pleasant to her!

Video: DIY master class on creating a vase from a plastic bottle

Craft "Cipollino"

For handicraft in kindergarten, you can use fruits and vegetables. From already sprouted onions, you can make a handicraft "Cipollino" with your own hands. Such a creation can be easily done with a child of 3, 4, 5 years old. In order to correctly and without problems carry out the idea we have provided, see the detailed description below with a visual photo.

We need:

  • Small head of onion,
  • Jar (the diameter of the jar hole should be smaller than the onion),
  • Colored paper,
  • Scissors,
  • Glue,
  • Markers,
  • Plasticine.


  1. On the bulb itself, you need to draw the eyebrows, mouth and cheeks with a felt-tip pen, and make the eyes and nose with your own hands from plasticine.
  2. Paste the jar with paper and draw the body of the cartoon hero on it.
  3. Insert the "head" of the craft into the jar. It turns out a very cute and believable Cipollino. For a kindergarten, this is a real find that will appeal to all children and educators. Even if your baby is developing at home, you can diversify his leisure time with this creative work.


Woolen threads can also be used as material for children's crafts. You can make a funny octopus out of them with your own hands, which your child will really like. This work is very easy to do and it will not take much of your time. You can watch a master class with a detailed description of our proposed idea with a photo to create such a creation yourself.

We need:

  • Woolen threads (60 threads, 35 cm long) and a little more for tying,
  • Ribbon,
  • Small plastic ball (for the head),
  • Colored paper (for the eyes), or you can use ready-made ones from the store,
  • Scissors.


  1. To make crafts in kindergarten or at home, take the cut threads and put them together, tie them in the middle with a thread and put a ball under it. Wrap the threads around it and tie under the ball. This will serve as the head of the future octopus.
  2. From the remaining threads, weave braids in the form of its tentacles with our own hands.
  3. Draw the eyes on paper, cut and glue, or use purchased ones.
  4. Tie ribbons on your head, which will serve as a decoration for the craft. Our octopus from the available material at hand is ready.

Video: a master class on making an octopus from threads with your own hands


One of the simple crafts in kindergarten or at home is a butterfly made of paper napkins, even a child 3, 4, 5 years old can handle such work. This article presents a step-by-step master class on this idea with a photo, so that you can easily cope with it. Such a handmade butterfly will delight anyone, and most importantly, it can be conveniently fixed anywhere - in a group on curtains, flowers, or even at home as a creative unusual decoration.

You will need:

  • Napkins,
  • Pin,
  • Colored paper,
  • Felt pen,
  • Scissors.


  1. You need to take napkins of two colors of different sizes and fold them on top of each other, with a smaller napkin on top. Gather up in the middle.
  2. We place the napkins in a clothespin with our own hands, which will serve as a body.
  3. On a clothespin we draw the face of our beauty, and from colored paper we make antennae and attach them to the clothespin. All our craft in the shape of a butterfly - beauties are ready. For a kindergarten, this will be a great idea.

Video: a master class on creating a butterfly from a napkin with your own hands


From ordinary flat stones of a small size, you can make various bugs with your own hands with your children in kindergarten. For this, it is desirable to be able to draw. Such a bug will appeal to everyone, without exception, both adults and children. And if you create them in large quantities, they will look great on a shelf or in a pot with fresh flowers. To complete this craft, below you can see the full description with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Beetle-shaped pebble
  • Paints,
  • Glue,
  • Colored paper,
  • Scissors.


  1. In order to create a beautiful craft for a kindergarten with your own hands quickly and easily, you need to cut out the base for the antennae and legs and glue them under the bottom of the stone.
  2. Paint the stone itself with paints in the form of a bug. That, in general, is the whole complexity of this creative work.


You can make a hedgehog from an ordinary cone. This DIY Christmas craft, will decorate the Christmas tree in kindergarten and will bring pleasure from the process of independent work to all children. Below you can see detailed instructions on how to make such a cute hedgehog.

You will need:

  • Cone,
  • Plasticine.


  1. We glue the muzzle on the sharp part of the plasticine cone, on the muzzle we also make eyes and the tip of the nose with our own hands.
  2. Now we make paws, also from plasticine. So we get a very cute and prickly hedgehog.
  3. Additionally, you can make a clearing by forming leaves from plasticine and molding a mushroom. Such a wonderful craft will be a great idea for learning children's skills in applied arts.

Video: DIY master class on making a hedgehog from cones

Mushroom "Fly agaric" from plastic egg kinder

To make the kids' stay in kindergarten more interesting and memorable, it is, of course, necessary to include in the general lessons lessons, so to speak, of labor. In addition to drawing, it will be fun for children to make something with their own hands from cardboard, paper, plasticine, plastic, fabric and so on. Waste funds can also become improvised materials. Various boxes, bottles, magazines and much more that parents can easily bring for children's games. Today we want to offer you, dear teachers, to organize an unusual lesson with children, which will teach them how to create small mushrooms "Amanita" with their own hands, as in the photo idea, from a simple plastic egg kinder. They are certainly found in large numbers in every home with babies. So, let's start creating crafts, referring to our provided master class with a step-by-step description of the course of action.

For work you will need:

  • plastic kinder egg;
  • cardboard or plastic cover for the stand;
  • red cardboard for the cap of the mushroom;
  • sequins for dots;
  • stationery glue "Moment";
  • satin or other ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • ready-made ladybug for decoration.

Process of creation:

  1. We want to warn adults right away that despite the simplicity of the work, your help and close attention will still be required. Since the glue itself and scissors will appear in the work, and this is not so safe for the guys. We take our plastic base in the form of a kinder egg and glue a satin ribbon to its bottom, folded so that it resembles green grass in its appearance.
  2. Flowers can be made from colored cardboard or use ready-made plastic blanks. We attach them with clerical glue to the grass, as in the photo.
  3. Then we will need to create a mushroom cap. Red cardboard will help us with this. We fold it in the proper way and glue the edges. Instead of black dots, we attach sequins for a more expressive look, and on top of the fly agaric we plant a ladybug bought in a store.
  4. We make a fly agaric “skirt” from a chiffon piece of fabric and fasten it along the edges of the red hat.
  5. We install the finished craft on a plastic lid or cardboard using stationery glue. So our product is ready, which will serve as an excellent decoration for a group in a kindergarten. With your own hands, you can create other types of originality that will expand the imagination of kids.


So our article has come to its end, which has provided you with many original photos of DIY craft ideas for kindergarten. We hope that you still like some of them and you will certainly include them in your child development program, even at home. Moreover, the materials at hand can be so diverse and accessible that your imagination will immediately play out, giving rise to completely new creations. Pass on your skills to the children in an accessible way, teach them to love and respect art from an early age. This will allow the younger generation to be a little kinder to each other, more attentive to the world around us and its inhabitants, to teach them to love and appreciate everything that is so beautiful and fragile around us.

Now many residents of country houses seek to decorate a meadow or flower bed with an unusual composition that will attract the attention of passers-by and delight the owners and guests. Today you will be inspired to make crafts from various junk materials.

Plastic bottles are empty containers that nobody needs. Many people simply throw them mercilessly into the trash can or trash can. But, experienced needlewomen carefully collect plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes. For what? For the manufacture of incredibly beautiful and original crafts for the garden and summer cottages. You can make different birds and animals, which will become a real decoration of the personal plot.

This article is devoted specifically to crafts for a garden and a summer residence with your own hands. You will learn about the secrets of making deer, sheep, cat, horse, etc. These funny and graceful hand-made animals look great in the garden too.

To make a brown deer, you need to take a five-liter plastic bottle and cut off the neck of it. A 1.5-liter bottle is attached to the cut-off point with the help of self-tapping screws, bottom down. A liter bottle is attached to the neck of this container.

You just need to cut a circle in the center and insert the plug of the previous workpiece into it. It turns out the head on the long neck and body of a deer.

Then 4 holes are made in a five-liter bottle (bottom) and wooden long slats are inserted into them. These will be the legs of the animal.

The tail and ears are cut out of a plastic container and placed in the appropriate places of the craft.
It remains only to paint the deer with brown and white paint, draw eyes and attach antlers from ordinary twigs of an intricate shape. The brown deer is ready!

Yellow deer - DIY craft for the garden

A yellow fawn is made according to the same principle, only there are a couple of nuances. The five-liter bottle is attached as a whole, and the neck is the tail. The neck is made of a short wooden lath.

DIY yellow deer

Plastic bottle cat

This animal is made in a completely different way. First, you need to collect a lot of plastic bottles of 2 or 1.5 liters, about 100 pieces.

How to make a craft for a garden in the form of a cat step by step:

  1. From each container you need to cut off the bottom, it is this part of the bottle that is needed for work.
  2. Then two balls must be made from a metal mesh: a large one - a body, a small one - a head. They are easily and securely wired together.
  3. Then you need to attach the bottoms of the bottles to the net. This can be done with thin wire or liquid nails.
  4. The hat, tie, tongue and eyes are made from pieces of old linoleum.
  5. It remains only to paint the cat white (you can also paint it in any other).
  6. Paint his eyes, nose and mustache with black paint. But decorate the tongue, headdress and tie in bright shades of red.
  7. In order for the structure to stand firmly, it can be fixed on a metal rod dug into the ground.

Plastic bottle cat

DIY sheep

The big lamb is made using the same technology as the cat. You prepare the bottoms of the bottles and fix them on a ball formed from a metal mesh. The legs are made of wooden slats. The ears and muzzle of the animal are cut from a five-liter bottle. But the small lamb is formed from polyurethane foam.

Sheep from plastic bottles for garden and cottage

DIY horse for the garden

It needs a large plastic bottle. In our example, we replaced it with a plastic flower pot. This will be the basis for the animal's body. On four sides of the pot, wooden slats are attached to self-tapping screws. The neck and tail are also cuts of a wooden stick.

The horse's head is made from paint cans and the hooves are plastic trays for flower pots. The animal's mane and tail is an old blue wig. You can attach hay or threads instead of artificial hair.

The finished figure is covered with brown paint, and your favorite plant is planted in the pot. It turns out both a flowerbed and an interesting character!

Piggy are the most common crafts for the garden and summer cottages

Large water bottles can be used as original flower beds in the shape of a pig. For this, the side of the bottle is cut off - flowers will grow there. Then ears are cut from the remaining sidewall.

Four bottles of one and a half liters are taken and the necks are cut out, they will be the legs of a pig. The resulting legs are attached to the body with wire. The piglet turns white or pink.

Then you need to fill the inner space with soil, having previously made several holes in the belly. Now you can plant seedlings. Such a pig will look great in combination with any other flower bed.

Craft - a peacock for a garden with your own hands

Peacocks are extraordinarily beautiful birds. You can admire their tail for ages. It is a pity that such beauty can not be seen in every courtyard. Although, the situation is fixable! You can make a gorgeous peacock with a long tail from ordinary plastic containers.

The following materials are suitable for work:

  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal rod;
  • stand (log);
  • old canister;
  • metal grid;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • awl;
  • plastic bottles of all sizes;
  • scissors;
  • paint enamel of different shades.

First, take a stand (it can be a board or a wooden log) and fix the cuts of a metal rod on it, making two legs of the future bird. Then you need to make a torso from the old canister. For this, the containers should be given the correct shape by cutting off the excess parts. You can fix the canister to your feet with a wire.

Peacock for a garden with their own hands

The neck and head are cut out of Styrofoam and secured with wire to the canister (torso).
And all that remains is to form the tail. To do this, you need to take a metal mesh, cut it to size and lower it along the length to the floor. In order for it to hold, it must be attached to the canister with self-tapping screws or wire. Everything, the basis of the future bird is ready!

Now the most painstaking stage of work is making feathers from plastic bottles. Long feathers are needed for the wings. To do this, the bottle is cut into stripes, and oval oblong blanks are cut out of them. You will also need short oval details to decorate the body and neck of the bird.

You can attach the feathers to the canister and foam using self-tapping screws or pieces of thin wire. In this case, you need to move only from the bottom up, so that each subsequent layer hides the fastening of the previous parts.

For tail feathers, it is better to use green plastic bottles with a volume of 2 liters. One bottle will make 4 feathers. You need about 70-80 pieces. The tail feather has an oblong oval shape with fringes along the edges. It is better to immediately draw a pattern on each blank. When attaching feathers to the tail, you can use wire or nylon thread. You should move from bottom to top, closing the previous row.

The crest, beak and fingers are also cut out of the plastic container. The final stage of work is painting the feathers with enamel paint. Colors should be vibrant and saturated.

Our peacock made from plastic bottles is ready!

Unusual crafts for giving with your own hands

To decorate a flower bed, you can use a wide variety of ideas, you just have to turn on your imagination. For example, you can give a second life to an old non-working TV.

To do this, the back panel is opened, everything is thrown out, only the body is left. The panel must be put back. We fill up the soil inside the TV and outside in such a way that it seems that the earth is pouring out of the screen. Now we plant small flowers. The illusion is that a colored stream flows directly from the screen.

An unusual flower bed can be built using the most original items. This can be a wheel from an old cart, a rubber tire, old suitcases, dishes, umbrellas, basins, and even old shoes.

In the classroom in kindergarten, teachers together with children make various crafts. Often parents are asked to do things at home for the group or site. The presented ideas with photos will help to show imagination, to please the child with a beautiful composition, painting or toy.

In kindergarten, educators, together with children, often make various crafts from paper, cardboard, plasticine, clay, waste material. These actions help develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills of the hands. Often, parents are also involved in an interesting process, offering to make some toys, compositions in a group or at home. For those who do not know how to surprise or delight a child, the ideas below will help you on what you can do at different times of the year with your own hands for an exhibition, a walking area.

Seasonal crafts

When thinking about what crafts can be done for a child of three to six years old in kindergarten, you should take into account not only your capabilities, but also the seasons. Usually, caregivers give parents a rough sketch or theme, taking into account the seasonality. So, in the fall, it is easy to make an applique of bright leaves, dry branches, acorns, pine or spruce cones. In winter, you can make a feeding trough on the site, bring a picture or a poster with New Year's greetings. In the spring, many make birdhouses, while in the summer they use small stones, moss, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, in their work.

Here are some options for autumn work in kindergarten:

  • a house made of branches, leaves, stones or pumpkins;
  • an animal made of vegetables or fruits (caterpillar, hedgehog, pig);
  • a picture of dried leaves and flowers in a frame;
  • moss lawn with mushrooms and tree branches;
  • bouquets of "roses" of red-orange maple leaves;
  • figures of cones, acorns, fastened with toothpicks, plasticine.

Ideas for winter group exhibitions:

  • volumetric winter painting on a substrate with clouds, trees, cotton wool snow;
  • penguins from plastic bottles and colored paper, glue;
  • paper pictures, large volumetric snowflakes for decorating walls, windows for the New Year;
  • cardboard or plastic;
  • Christmas trees made in various techniques, snowmen.

Examples of spring crafts:

  • birdhouse made of plywood or wooden boards;
  • artificial flowers made of cardboard, felt, corrugated paper, candies;
  • spring painting from plasticine on glass;
  • Easter tree made of branches, ribbons, paper flowers;
  • toys from disposable paper plates, cups.

Ideas for things to do in the summer:

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Ten habits that make people chronically unhappy

  • toys made of bright plastic bottle caps;
  • beads from pasta, berries, flowers;
  • a picture of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, beans or lentils;
  • applique made of colored paper, cardboard;
  • a doll made of woolen threads or fabric;
  • wreath, paper bouquet.

Ideas for site decoration

Vesta and in the summer, together with parents, you can make not only wooden ships, trucks or ladders for the kindergarten site, but also funny flower beds, tree decorations, large flowers and bright fences. You just need to purchase materials, paint, bring your tools and blanks to the cleanup. Some crafts for a sandbox or flower garden are easy to do at home, calling children and other family members as helpers.

Here are some simple but interesting craft ideas for the kindergarten site:

  • ladybugs made of painted stones;
  • figurines in the form of insects, butterflies, lanterns;
  • toy wooden transport in the form of a car, plane, ship;
  • garden house;

When thinking about what crafts to do, it is advisable to consult with educators, to find out the opinions of other parents. Together, parents can make various benches, tables and chairs from polished stumps, a steam locomotive with carriages from racks or boxes on the site of the kindergarten. It is not difficult to make windmills at home, flowers from five-liter plastic bottles. All these decorations will help to decorate the area.

Examples of crafts in a group

Often in kindergarten, teachers ask parents to make any costumes, accessories for the holidays, decorations for the hall or foyer. And if boards, plywood, nails are required for the manufacture of items on the site, here you just need to purchase materials such as fabric, glue, paper. For example, for the New Year or March 8, it is easy to make a paper garland, snowflakes, cardboard flowers or fans.

Here are some interesting group decor options:

  • photo frames made of fabric, branches, ribbons or shells;
  • bouquets of branches pasted over with ribbons, cloth or pieces of paper;
  • screens made of fabric, plywood or battens for a puppet theater;
  • themed toys made of felt, wood, fabric, thread;
  • huge paper flowers on the wall in the hall;
  • details for the concert;
  • garlands of autumn leaves, lanterns or artificial flowers.

Some parents make beautiful pictures from dried flowers, leaves, make appliqués, make pictures from salted dough, ribbons. If there are dads in the group who know how to work with plaster, wood, you can ask them to arrange panels, frames, cut out a couple of original shelves with a jigsaw. Usually, they respond to the requests of educators, many for the sake of the children agree to do some kind of work to arrange the group. In order to interest children and parents, in kindergartens it is necessary to arrange contests, exhibitions, to issue diplomas and thank-you sheets upon completion.

Is a great way to fill your walks on the street with delight and emotions. This summer craft is easier to do than it seems. And how much joy there will be!

Most likely, after your vacation at sea, you brought with you a lot of "treasures": seashells and sea pebbles. But do not rush to throw away this treasure, but turn it into children's toys. - this is an excellent training for fine motor skills and imagination of a child. Color, play and even use in the interior.

A glass of lemonade is a great summer craft for kids in kindergarten or summer camp. For children of different ages, you can offer applications of varying complexity.

What a summer without insects! Invite the children to make paper or plasticine crafts about insect life. Invite them to fantasize about what ants are dragging into the anthill, cut out ladybugs, glue colorful wings to butterflies, and leave prints of plastic caterpillars and beetles on plasticine.

For the sake of ice cream, children are waiting for the summer. A simple "Summer" craft made of colored paper will make your child happy for the rest of the day, at least.

Strawberries, cherries, watermelons and other berries, vegetables and fruits that are so rich in summer can also be ideas for summer crafts. They can be made from paper and cardboard, buttons or plasticine.

These summer paper plates are also unique in that you can play with them. Both the octopus and the boat are separate crafts glued to wooden sticks that are threaded through a horizontal slot in a paper plate.

Another idea of ​​what can be made from plasticine on a marine theme is a jar with plasticine sea inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, starfish, shells, pebbles and algae.

Now you have 17 great summer craft and applique ideas that kids can easily do with their own hands at home, in kindergarten or summer camp and have fun with all the heart. We hope you will find something interesting to keep your child busy in order to extend his summer a little more. If you have more ideas for summer crafts, share them on our forum.

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