I want to find love. How to find love if I have a child and a heart breakdown, psychology, psychic advice, rituals, runes. How to meet your love and not lose yourself with the help of magic, white magic, on Feng Shui

This question is both floors equally. How can I solve the problem? As in any case, the main thing here is to start. If you sit and think about it, nothing will come out. Naturally, this does not mean that in each person you need to look for a potential partner. But if you follow some laws, you can cope with the task much easier.

"I want to meet my love. What to do?"

Most often, psychology is guilty in love failures. It is loaning on the problem, because of which the situation is only worse. In no case do not need to think in the key "Find your love, by all means". Some are also configured in advance to failure. So you can not do. Do not forget that thoughts are material.

Try to throw all negative thoughts out of my head. You must believe that worthy of real feelings. Do not hesitate to take the initiative, but do not overdo it. No need to turn it into annoying.

You will just love to love after you love yourself. Always be confident. And so that such thoughts are not unfounded, you need to try to become better. Where love is there and continuous development. Start follow yourself, sign up into the gym, find yourself an interesting hobby, always try to learn something new. All others will appreciate the changes in you. Among them can be your chosen one.

Many psychologists advise to become such a person as you want to see a potential partner. If you want a good and affection one, you need to grow up these qualities in yourself. Those who wish to see an intelligent man next to them should be engaged in their intellectual development. It is important in any situation to remain positive. Smiling people look much more attractive.

You must always be ready for big and clean love. Life is too short to sit and just wait. If you want to do sports, sign up for a gym. No need to leave beautiful clothes until the best times, be beautiful here and now. Do not forget to arrange holidays. They fill you with joy, and this is very important. Do not sit for a long time at home. If you can take a walk or go somewhere with girlfriends. So you will not only spend the time, but also, perhaps, meet your soul mate.

Where to find love

In the modern world there are many places where you can find love. Among them:

  • Social network;
  • dating websites;
  • cafe, parks;
  • work;
  • marriage agencies;
  • circle of friends.

The Internet is the most popular way to dating at the moment. On social networks and on dating sites you will find all the information about the potential chosen one. Communicate there is easy and convenient. Naturally, you do not need to sit too long on the worldwide network. If you are confident in a partner, feel free to invite him to date!

To the question "Where to find love?" Popular answer is a marriage agency. Experts will analyze your compatibility on a variety of parameters. They will pick you up the perfect pair. The advantage of the method is the greatest probability to meet a person with similar interests. This will greatly affect your relationship.

Often friends cope with the search for the second half no worse than professional guides. They know well what your potential choices have characters. This will help make a good choice. The main plus is that you are in one circle of communication. You do not have to somehow adapt to you.

Let's not forget about cafes and parks where to find your love is not so difficult. Let these places now are not so popular, but this does not mean that they have heard themselves. There you can find a soul mate, while doing well. And what else is needed for happiness?

How to find your love? Currently, on every corner, they are told about love, there are transmissions, films are removed, they are recognized on the whole country about this feeling and, even "build". Sometimes it seems that these words is not hidden. And what is love really? Love between a woman and a man includes three components: passion (sexual attraction), intimacy (close spiritual relationship between individuals) and responsibility (willingness to take care of each other). Perfect love is the one in which all three components are connected into a single whole. So how to find your love, stopping the time and a circling head? In our world, this is not so simple. They say a lot about her, but in fact she often turns out to be a paw.

Everyone wants to be loved ones, and the absolute majority of people have the need for someone to love, both in men and women. Love makes people better, eradicates the shortcomings of character, it allows you to disclose your potential and without this feeling life does not seem complete. If one people are able to meet their half at school, and happily then live together the rest of life, then others have a love search can be delayed for many years.

How to find your love? A modern man is inclined to complicate, although everything is really simple, only it is worth wanting and attaching a little effort to it. On the issue of finding a loved one, all that is the case.

And in order to gain its happiness, you must perform the following steps:

- stop living past;

- believe sincerely, what is worthy of the present feeling;

- open your heart;

- Make the first steps to meet your beloved.

In order to make it easier to find your love, psychologists advise to follow the following recommendations:

- Forget for the time about this problem and stop thinking about it at all, since everything is intended for its time;

- The very feeling of love in nature does not occur in its pure form, it is created by a diligent, painstaking: the attraction of two people gives rise to passion, friendship and respect, when all this is connected together, then love gets. If the individual was lucky enough to get this one, then you should take it and appreciate it;

- It should be abandoned from diligent searches for its destiny and at the first oncoming not to rush in search of sincere feelings, because in the future, it is capable of disappointment;

- No need to choose love, she will choose and find a person.

How to find love of life

Finding happiness and love can be if. It is necessary to be confident in its beauty and charming. This will undoubtedly feel the representatives of the opposite sex, and will definitely appreciate. While a person does not love himself, no one will love him. It is very important to pay attention to appearance and follow yourself. To find his happiness and love, you should attend interesting places (galleries, exhibitions) and to be everywhere where you can get acquainted with interesting people.

How to find love of life? For this, psychologists advise to master those qualities that should be at a potential chosen one. If the individual wants a generous person to love him, then one should become. If a person needs warm and caress, then you need to be ready to give it to people. It is very important to be able to smile life right in the face, laugh and having fun, because positive people are much more attractive than arrogant and sad.

How to find the love of your life? The main thing is not to rearrange and not look concerned in such a search. When too persistently stay in the search for love, it looks like this. It is necessary to be natural and relaxed. The wandering "hungry" look in search of love will not bring the desired result.

While a person thinks how to find love of life, at this time can look at it. Therefore, you should always pay attention to appearance and even to endure the garbage is in attractive clothing, and not in dirty, stretched pants.

It follows in any situation to be in complete readiness, because it is possible that happiness is waiting for the nearest angle.

"When will I find my love?" Often, this question is asked by representatives of the fine sex. It is always necessary to be ready for this feeling. Life is very rapidly flies to postpone her for later. Love feeling can overtake at any time, and, to this you need to be ready now. If the girl decided to lose weight, then it should be done now and do not postpone the month or year. No need to store stunning clothes until better times, it is necessary to look at 100% every day. Requires entertainment and holidays for themselves, they will fill life with positive and joy. You should not sit at home, you should use any opportunity to get a walk with a girlfriend in the park, cafe, entertainment centers.

Where to find your love

About how to find my love has become a little clear, but where, where to find my love is as long as the question is. You must be ready for any acquaintance: in cafes, transport, store and subway. Thousands of people were able to arrange their fate. It is worth visiting new places, entertainment establishments, meet and meet there with new people.

Women psychologists recommend appearing more often not in the company's girlfriend, but one. If you went to the club with a girlfriend, then you need to "break away" from it for a while. The thing is that men fear to be rejected and prefer to get acquainted alone and if suddenly fail, then not so ashamed. Therefore, being in a cafe or club with a girlfriend, chances are doubled.

Men psychologists advise when meeting the lady not to change, to show sense of humor and resourcefulness, originality is welcomed during conversation and tenderness. The task of the man performs the first pleasant impression and here for a start it is necessary to pass face control. And a pleasant impression can be easily produced only if the man has a neat appearance. These are well-kept hair, neat haircut, clean clothing suitable for male image.

Not at the acquaintance, repel away from yourself, it is possible that the person is too intrusive and rude and this is often the manifestation of uncertainty, the desire to be cooler, and the fear seem soft. After talking to him and giving the opportunity to reveal to him, you can understand - maybe it is exactly the person he is looking for.

If a person liked someone and there is a desire to start a conversation, then you should not:

- first of all stutter, rob in every word,

- seem steeper and catch,

- experience because of long pauses, and most importantly at this moment do not forget to smile,

- Be too annoying.

So, the article discloses the main secrets how to find your love. From the foregoing it becomes clear that much, if not all depends not from the will of the case, but from the people themselves. If you do not lose opportunities, but to take advantage of these recommendations, then fate will definitely smile.

Love is one of the most beautiful states characteristic of a person. Its mechanism is still not fully defined. Many biochemistry researchers studying this phenomenon from a scientific point of view connects its occurrence with certain chemical processes occurring in our brain. Philosophers and poets call love to the magnificent gift of the gods, designed to make a person kinder, cleaner, noble and sublime. It is possible that both opinions are just.

Article Article:

Where to find love?

If you are alone and craving for heat and tenderness, you may often have a question: "And where to look for her, love of life?". Some create the perfect image of a prince on a white horse or brave pirate on a beautiful schooner, and wait, thinking that their ideal will find them. Moreover, their image is so peely and real for them, that the appearance of a candidate with any, the minimum retreat from the canons of the image will be perceived by them as heresy, and immediately, with indignation to march. Ultimately, it is a dead end and escape from reality that can lead to loneliness to deep old age. You can draw yourself an ideal, but try to adapt it to real life, because the princes are not a pond pond.

Another extreme is an endless series of in love. Having encountered every new person, such a type of person finds in it those perfect features that, as it seems to be able to make life in real happy. And when, ultimately, a new object appears on the horizon for adoration, the old idol is immediately forgotten and ruthlessly discarded.

Many people fall in love with actors, singers, athletes and other celebrities. They become one of the many, a part of the crowd of fans departing the unfortunate "star".

First, often people fall in love with a specific person, but in the image created by image makers, celebrity and, which is often a loved person. Cases when the relationship between Celabriti and the fan developed, as a natural continuation of any misstitution and sympathy, it is extremely few practically absent. Therefore, you should not succumb to the charm of art, because the person you do not know at all. The hero and "macho" on the screen can be a coward and infantile insignia.

In order to find a person who is really suitable for you, follow these recommendations:

  • Try to look closely within your closest environment. The person with whom you have the opportunity to see often have a much more chance of becoming a close (truly) person for you.

  • Choose a person who is close to the circle of your interests, hobbies and hobbies. A partner with whom you can talk only about the weather and politics has a little chance of becoming your only and unique.

  • Do not look towards married guys or married girlsEven if for you with crystal clarity it is obvious that that (TA) is unhappy (-A) in marriage, and you are the perfect party. Relationships can be built only after a man was divorced, overcame emotional attachment and became ready for new relations. Otherwise, you can associate all my life with the process of separation with the former and flour of conscience, annoyance and other negative moments accompanying the breaking of two people. In the end, to get rid of the subconscious discomfort, such a partner will discern with you.

  • Expand your horizons, a circle of communication and interests. This will not only allow you to develop as a person, but also find new acquaintances and friends who are able to find you attractive and please. Bulk sophisticated conservatives are few people who are interested.

  • Be careful with dating sites and social networks. This is a fairly easy way to find a partner, appreciating its external data and interests. However, as practice shows, the ease of such acquaintances corrupts people, deprives them of the value perception of relations. Subconsciously, he will always believe that he has "in the honeycomb" there is also a bunch of potential partners. The consequence of this will be a weak desire to make compromises, to give up, infringe on something for the benefit of relationships. Partners will restart the sea of \u200b\u200bpotential opportunities, the desire to try something else and the question: "Isn't it an error? Is this a woman? Maybe busty Ira would be the best hostess and a picked wife? ".

  • Try not to choose future spouses at work. Service novels are good only in films. In fact, such relationships will be equally harmful and work, and love. In relations, there must be a change in the situation, small natural "pauses" and the opportunity to rest each other. If you work the day, and then come home, you will inevitably concern professional issues. The partner's face will be associated with work, and emotional fatigue can pour out a relationship break.

True love and her search

? This is a sense of tenderness, attachment, admiration and respect for the object of their feelings. Love is maternal, fatherly, fraternal and so on. Love between a man and a woman is something special. Therefore, it is important on time and correctly determine what you are experiencing. The criteria for real love are highlighted quite difficult, because for each nature and temperament, the love and its manifestations will be different. Traditionally, the symbols of this love is considered the ability to sacrifice something valuable, happiness, life, career for the sake of a loved one. But not always these criteria are true.

Practice shows that ardent, passionate love with beautiful gestures, exalted and reckless actions are peculiar to nature bright, fond. Both partners enjoy their feelings, they cut them down the desire to put them out. Often, they defiantly show their feelings, joined in the presence of a general public, making bright gestures and using even with outsiders "intimate" epithets and appeals. Therefore, the increasingly of the enchanting novel flows, the greater the chances of the rapid cooling of the senses of partners and the break of relationships. This is due to the fact that explosive and bright emotions require constant novelty in relations. Well, when both partners are conscious and ready to work on it. Most often, love passions pass the brightest phase and safely faded, freeing partners to search for new bright and acute sensations and emotions.

Another thing is when relations arise slowly, leisurely, affection gradually turns new sympathies and small strokes rapping people. In this case, you will not see public manifestations of feelings, "Intim to show". With outsiders, such a couple is restrained and even somewhat cold in relation to each other. There will be no ugly scenes of jealousy or exciting acts of passion "Phase". But such love will manifest itself in actions, the care of loving people about each other. Ideally, such love, bypassing the stages of the carnal attraction and misstitution, develops into a relaxing mutual respect for partners.

More difficult when real love is unrequited. Often, the absence of response feelings is only more disassembling in love and provokes it on the protracted road "to nowhere." In case you see that the object of your lust, despite all your efforts to awaken sympathy, it remains cold, you should get rid of this feeling. There are many ways for this: moving, refusal to communicate with the object of love, the search for new partners and a new interesting job. In the end, you will be surprised to look back and wonder that this person called you so deep feelings.

It is also not necessary to confuse real love with sexual activation. You can be comfortable with a person in bed, it can be quite attractive and sexy. You can even find interest in communicating with him between sexual intercourse. But if there is no emotional depth in your relationship if you simply satisfy the physiological needs, partially compensating for emotional emotion and need in proximity, such relationships should not be delayed for a long time. Otherwise, they can turn into a bad habit, emotional dependence, to get rid of which will be very difficult.

Relations and love are a long process of building, work on yourself and partner, concessions and compromises. Therefore, you should not build love only in external sympathies.

How to look for a soul mate after 30 years?

This is the age when it is quite worth thinking about constant stable relationships, family and children. After all, if you delay the birth of a child for a long time, it will be difficult for you to maintain it during your studies at the university and in general, you will be representatives of too different generations, which will create additional barriers when communicating.

What to pay attention to when choosing a future partner and love is all your life.

  1. Relationship is constant movement and development. Watch whether the object of your sympathy is able to build and develop relationships, carry responsibility for them, plan a family and joint old age. If he does not have a desire to build your relationship with all seriousness, work on your shortcomings, give up to you, then it is best for you to part at the stage of light love to avoid emotional injuries in the future.

  2. Analyze whether there is an emotional connection between you and there is no inconsideration. Can you directly declare that you don't like and jointly discuss it by solving the problem.

  3. Try to make your favorite share your life interests, could provide you with moral support in a difficult moment, serve as a support and support, not a hindrance. If you record that your partner is busy with the device of his affairs for your account, constantly sacrifices your interests in the name of his own and demonstrates, albeit not clearly, selfishness and selfish, run from such a person what is urine. It will not change and will not be corrected so that you do or speak.

  4. Mark for yourself the tendency of a person to small quidets, the ability to forgive, extinguish conflicts and act "peacemaker", even if the fault lies on it. This quality suggests that you love and value your relationship more than your empty gonor and desire to assert.

Conspiracies for love search

  • Ancient pagan plot for love search. This conspiracy is connected with the Slavic goddess of love fertility Mankos. Go back to sunrise to the street. Take two subjects, different in size. Turn to the ascending Sun and concentrate thoughts on the way of whom we would like to meet. A larger object is thrown to the left, and the smaller - to the right. At the same time, say out loud: "Take this gift from me, about the goddess of fertility, visible, but intangible. What could remain my, I give you. For it, I expect happiness, love, health and joy from you. Yes, equilibrium will be reigned for everyone. Gratitude to you, Makosh! "

  • Take a pear and three sins of the cherry tree. Pear breaktitt and tell me out loud: "Ince the whole there was a whole, so I sit, alone." Then stick pinch in pears. Crerate its halves. Tell me: "How different parts have connected to one whole, so I find a prioritically narrow." Wrap a pear with linen pieces of matter and hide from any fruit tree. It .

How to find a loved one for 10 years?

The very first in love arise in our early age. Our parents are touching when, come from kindergarten, we proudly declare that "love Masha". In school, our inlentibilities become more meaningful. We can already formulate what exactly the person is pretty. We carry the briefcases of the girls, we go with them in the cinema, we kiss and brag about these friends.

All these moments are extremely important for the child. At this time, he learns to build relationships correctly, care and love, take care, be responsible for itself and for whom it sympathizes. These inlets are rarely protracted. In most cases, they remain light and touching sadness.

Love and be loved!

Can you find my love in any way? All wrong? 3 real advice from a psychologist who will help soon find their happiness! Act!

Asking the question " How to find love"You will never get a response to him.

Yes, because love is not mushrooms, it can not be found in the forest.

Yes, even on the street or in the big city you will not find it.

You can only meet my love once.

And even if this meeting is fleeting, or it will be far from romantic, you will immediately feel it.

Indeed, in most cases, love comes only once in life.

In this one times the main thing is not to blink your happiness, but to see, grab and never let go!

And the diary of success will help you find your love And give several practical advice how to do it (Believe the word!) 🙂

What is love?

Before going to search for love and the second half, let's talk about what this love is?

Recently, modern youth issues anything for love.

But it's not right!

Love is not dirty orgies, not a Sado Mazo and not even buy a new car for lubricant fool.

Love is a special state of the soul, pushing us to the great accomplishments for the sake of another person.

For love, we are ready to change ourselves, and even revise once important principles.

In the ancient times, the sake of loved ones captured cities, great feats made and changed the world.

If you think you found your love, answer the question: what are you ready to do for your favorite person?

Then sit and silent in a rag.

You do not like anyone and maybe even never loved!

However, one should not despair, and the truck with bananas will turn over on your street!

How to find love. Getting a search

Before, how to find your loveYou must open your heart and be prepared to meet your chosen one (or chosen).

You also need to get rid of the past pulling you back.

After all, otherwise, even if you find love, it will quickly escape from you.

And now get ready in order to find my love, you need to do only 3 simple steps:

  1. Ask for this universe -
  2. Believe in love
  3. Take the first step to her to meet

Let's talk about each item in more detail.

Step 1. Please ask for the love of the Universe

When you reach the end of your life, the only thing that will have some kind is that the love you gave and got. In his journey to the next world, the only thing you can take with you is love. The only valuable thing you leave in this world is love. Nothing more. I knew people who easily tolerated many difficulties in his life and were happy, but has not yet met a man who could have moved life without love. That is why love is the greatest gift in life. She gives life meaning. It is thanks to her worth living.
Adam J. Jackson

Many psychologists give banal and stupid advice: be confident, watch yourself, engage in sports, etc.

But tell me, is it a little in this world lonely, but successful, beautiful and sports people?

Yes of them millions!

People listens to the advice, follow themselves, go to the gym, but do not change in the shower.

They still remain closed and chvanie nodes who do not know what they want from life.

So if you really want, but do not know how to find loveJust stop and ask for this universe.

Ask sincerely, from the heart and let go of the thought.

Thoughts are material and already very soon your desire will embody.

Step 2. Begin to believe in love

I will tell you a secret: love comes only to those who really believes in her!

Get rid of low self-esteem, start loving yourself and then faith in love will come to you much faster.

Take one simple truth: no one will love you if you do not like yourself.

Therefore, learn to love yourself, praise yourself for different little things and never scold for minor misconduct.

When you, love yourself, then you will understand that you are worthy of love. And she will not make himself wait!

Step 3. Make a step towards finding love

This will probably be the most difficult step.

IN this case You will come to the rescue and faith in love.

In order to find love, you should not sit, folded hands, and wait for the weather by the sea.

Also, you should not evaluate all candidates as if on the qualifying competition.

So you only rebuild the potential soul mate.

Therefore, if a pleasant young man approached you in the cafe and offered to treat you with cappuccin, you should not think that his only desire is to climb to the skirt!

What if you really liked you?

In turn, you can push your young man with your rude behavior, what then you will regret bitterly.

The same applies to men.

If the gym requests to help raise dumbbells for her or change the position on the simulator, perceive it as a sign and do not grieve the lady! 🙂

In addition, do not be afraid to walk somewhere alone, do not push people and do not be rude.

Even if you are confused when you meet, you shake from excitement or do not know what to say - just smile and give the banal "hello."

And there maybe your new acquaintance will take the situation on yourself.

Do not be lazy and be sure to check this video.

with a famous psychologist Alexander Sviyasha,

which gives useful tips:

how can I find your love and be happy!

As you can see find your love quite simple.

The main thing is not to lose faith and reveal your heart towards this beautiful feeling ...

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Many guys and girls believes that it is necessary to part with virginity as early as possible, as something else, unwise. They are poured by the stories about the "first experience" in front of each other. And the one who is not yet "when the rest in the company" already yes "often causes ridicule. But for a believer person, the preservation of chastity is not only in adolescence, but it is very important to marriage. This then responds to all the future life, not only your, but also your second half, on the life of your children. For those who tell their stories here, it is not just words, they understood it on their own experience.

Women's story

My first love came to me at the age of 13 and was delayed very long ... She largely influenced my subsequent life. We met Andrei at the bottom of the birth of a common friend, they both studied in a neighboring school. We chatted with Andrey all evening, my first slow dance was also with him. Under the mask of pathetic self-confidence, I saw a smart, shy and very charming guy. It was in him something very native, the words are inexpressible. And I felt: "This is he, my only ..."

But it happened that we didn't really say any more. At first, they still greet, and then in general. I got the first to prevent pride: suddenly refuse? And he ... I do not know. There was always a lot of girls around him, he walked it with one, then on the other. So while my girlfriends have twisted their first novels, I lived only with rare meetings with him, more precisely with the views from afar. With pain watched his Andrey, trying not to give out his feelings. As in the same song: "To pass, not raising the eye, along the edge of your destiny ..." And everything hoped, in spite of everything, that soon we will be together. After all, he, too, looked at me, seemed to be a hidden sympathy, and as if it was simply not decided to approach and speak.

So continued until the end of the school. I understood that it was stupid to be in love with the already distant, someone else's person with whom we do not even greet. But nothing could do anything. As soon as I managed to almost forget Andrei, his image came in dreams - and my feelings were returned. I am a lot, desperately prayed to the Lord so that he would show me his will: or finally reduced us, or gave me the strength to forget Andrei. After all, I almost graduated from school, but still unknown ... because I, besides him, no one needs.

Once I decided on a desperate step. Meeting Andrei in his yard, spoke to him. For the first time in many years. It turned out, he even remembers me! We stood with him near, and behind me, I like all these years expectations and tears. Andrei according to my inconspicuous mutters that I have a personal conversation for him, I guessed everything about everything and answered with a pleasant smile: "You know, we will not come out with you. I have a very good girlfriend. " - "You did not understand me. I am completely different, "from pride, I firmly looked into his eyes and came up with some reason. Soon we said goodbye. He went in one direction, I am in another, extractable. Fortunately, it was already dark, and no one saw my tears (I hate crying in humans). Everything was in vain, all these years everything was in vain !!!

But at least one is good: I buried and melted my love. And after some time I learned that Andrei married. "Lord, but for what you so tormented me with this gloomy love for so many years? As I called, Andrei continued to come in dreams, as soon as I started likeing another guy and something was tied. As a result, nothing worked with these other guys, even before the novel did not reach the affair. I could not understand why the Lord goes with me, for which it, if Andrei and I will never be together.

I was already a student when Denis appeared in my life. High blue-eyed blond, similar to Elf, smart, good-natured, with a sense of humor, a wonderful psychologist. But something was wrong ... It turned out that Denis could not meet with a girl without bed and in general it was very simple for him. It was a time when he walked at the same time with three! At the same time, he is very pricing, assesses every girl, whether she is coming to him, and the secret "customizes" her flaws under itself.

But I noticed: in Denis, he glances something clean, very beautiful, despite the frivolous lifestyle. Probably it is called "see the image of God in man." I felt as he could be ... Moreover, he highlighted me among others, confessed that he was not yet frank with any girl, told himself far from the best, but honestly.

One day Denis said: "You know, I now have a girl, but our relationship went into a dead end. I want to part with her to be with you. " Before that, I was offered to meet the guys to which I did not experience anything other than friendly feelings. And so it was for the first time. But how to confess? .. I took a deep breath, gaining courage: "You know, I also like you very much. But I can only meet without bed. I do not want a believer and I do not want to marry myself. " Denis swipe, said that he had never met such as me, and what am I so my understanding this "first time"? I realized that I could not explain in words why. Because it should be with your beloved husband, because Denis - Lovelas and "First Times" I would clarify with him all my life.

We began to decide how to be, because both of us really pulled each other. Finally he said: "Let's stay friends. To be honest, I'm afraid to attach to you, I like you and externally, and internally. You do not need to redo. But without bed I still can not, I will change you and I will feel like a scum. It is better not to start. " "I can't friends ..." I confused quietly. And we broke up. I felt like the heroine of a primitive teenage magazine: they liked each other, but she refused to sleep with him - and he left. Returning home, I prayed for a long time, although it was hurt to horror: I was not even for another girl, but on the bed! This is my sacrifice to you, Lord, I really wanted to be with him ... But we were from different worlds. In his world, they sleep freely with everything in a row, come off on drunk parties, smoke herbs and do not believe in you. For them, such as me, - White crows ...

It took several months, and the wound, applied to my pride, did not heal. And I decided to write it to him, suggested somehow going to walk, summer in the yard. Denis replied that I was glad and suggested to meet right tomorrow! And so we walked around the center, chatted about everything in the world. I learned that he broke up with that girl and now alone. I so wanted exactly how the identity hook him and leave this time first. By his burning eyes, I noticed that it was possible. Even if we no longer see.

But Denis did not disappear. On the contrary, he himself called and wrote me cute sms. We continued to see. Oddly enough, friendly we got well, despite all the differences. Next to Denis I was easily and good. When he flirted with me, I parried with a grin in response. More I will not give yourself to themselves, I can't break me how he broke his girls.

Somewhere in the month of our friendship suddenly rolled the premonition. Before the next meeting, I began to pray: "Lord, not for me for me, but for the sake of him let me wake in it, that it lies in it ... if there is your will, let we be together! I will try to save chastity, just help me. " And immediately came to mind: what a strange thoughts, because we are just friends with Denis!

But the premonition did not deceive. Denis remembered how we then broke up. And he broke out with his annoyance: "Now, what would I do, not change anything?" I answered with a light bitterness that everything in the past, isn't it satisfied with something? And he invited me to become his girlfriend! And with a terribly timid look. "But I will not sleep with you." - "I need not at all of you." "And so at one time you walked with three," I smiled mockingly. - "Yes, I was looking for in them what is in you, and could not find! I accept your conditions. " - "I do not believe. And why do you need? " "I need ..." - he replied, looking straight into my eyes with such hope and excitement, which was impossible to believe. Never before I have not seen him so excited about. "You are not at all like my former girls. And I really want to be with you, "these words became the last straw. I flipped myself: "I agree ..." like in a fairy tale, suddenly my cherished dream was fulfilled, and I still became his girlfriend ...

When we said goodbye, he smack me on the cheek, then to another. And I looked somewhere past, downloaded by thoughts about our novel. Only then understood: he wanted to kiss me truly, like his girlfriend, but saw that I was not ready, and did not. His sensitivity was very touched.

On our first date we went to nature. Denis somehow mysteriously smiled and linked. "What are you?" - I asked. "I hold back myself, so as not to flaw too much and not to push you." When we walked around the street with him, Denis fell through all the oncoming girls. And I triumphantly thought: finally get off for all my lonely years! At the same time I was terribly embarrassed that I was very inexperienced, even unknown. And how will we meet with him?

... We sat on the hillside by the river. He said: "You noticed that we have not kicked yet?" I shyly nodded. "So let's try now?" - His voice suddenly sounded so in someone else, that he distorted me. "Not!" - I answered unwittingly. He was clearly knocked off: "Why did you go to me then?" - "I'm not in that sense." And he began to explain that for a couple a kiss is the expression of feelings, especially the first. Denis did not understand: "For me, that the first thing is that the last, anyway." Well, what should I do with him! As a result, he still tried to understand, and I allowed himself to kiss. Yes, no gram of tenderness, only physiology. I was terribly disappointed. And this is my first kiss! But since then he never kissed me without permission. Never.

The hardest thing for me was that our relationship did not know anything. There were moments when the beauty was seen in Denis, but she immediately disappeared under his eternal smile .. His numerous novels burned the ability to love him to truly feel. We both knew that they would break up at one time, so once said Denis and killed the hope of Hope that he was my only one. Therefore, he sometimes became terribly annoying me: it's just a game, and not real feelings! But I restrained myself: he tries to change, as can. It is impossible to demand more. And even more so he is not ready for marriage, this is his right. Denis Well done, an exception to most guys, he sincerely tries to learn to feel.

At that time my parents were just divorced, it affected our relationship with Denis. Father did not follow me so strictly, as before, and I plunged into my first novel with my head. But did not allow Denis Such. "Why not allow? I'm not used to it, "he tried to argue. "Get you get used to," I calmly parried. And he listened. I was struck by how he removed his "me" for me, how gentle, caring, sometimes touched with me.

At first I lived with the feeling that tomorrow we will part, he will not stand. But we did not part. Denis was even offended that I was looking for a trick: "I sincerely want to change, and you do not believe." With him, I rested the soul with him, forgot about my family troubles. Denis was one of those rare guys that they know how to listen, and not only talk about themselves. I often pushed him about his habits with girls, teased and put in a dead end. But at the same time sincerely gave him tenderness, which so long coped in my heart.

There were moments when I was internally experienced, it was interesting what I was in a personal plan, what it was - to meet with a guy. And clearly understood that it would never be able to join intimate relations not with their only one, without marriage. The Lord actually kept me: in my soul was the crawl, who gave me the strength not to lose his head. I was incredibly grateful to the Lord that he believed me that it clearly showed me why it was necessary to keep himself before marriage, and at the same time got rid of Denis from the complex that I was so inexperienced. Denis was exactly the guy that I was needed to become confident and stop worrying that my girlfriends were already everything. I am defeated by his excerpt, because he really did not climb to me, on the contrary, did everything so that I trust him. It was exactly a gift of the Lord, with another guy on the site of Denis, everything could have been afraid.

We met for several months. And then Denis suddenly disappeared, just evaporated. I changed the number of mobile (downtown he did not have in the suburbs), did not answer the letters on E-mail. I grew up on him, like a close person, because we were actually very good friends, many were shared with each other.

Denis appeared only in a year. And we met. It turned out that then he disappeared because he was broken and went into the roar. And then he was ashamed to go back to me, because he knew my attitude towards messy ties. "Well, in vain," I replied. - I knew that someday would happen. I took you as you are, although something I did not suit me. " He sighed with relief and apologized in front of me for making worrying. We sometimes communicate now. Denis lives with one girl for two years already, although not going to marry. He told me that I taught him a lot: respect for girls, that in addition to physical there is also an emotional, mental, which is much more important.

At first it seemed to me that Seryozha is just a hobby, which will not end, besides my broken heart and a barren waiting for his call, although I felt something special about him, not as for the old guys. But this time everything turned out to be true! After our first meeting, Sergei did not disappear, but I called me, we began to meet.

I finally understood why the Lord gave me that unfortunate long love: the image of Andrei, as the Guardian Angel, was protected, albeit such a difficult price, from the extra novels, brought up to refuse for the other from his egoism. He taught me to love, giving himself, sacrificing himself. The image of Andrei was the harbinger of my only one. Now I am grateful to God that the child love was in my life.

Seryozha - my real man, very native and beloved. In it, I found what I was looking for so long - strength and tenderness, reliability and trust. Gradually came confidence that he loves me too and never betray. This feeling is difficult to convey words. Of course, it was not easy for sale with me, at first I was very incredulous, because it was burned more than once. But he all endured and did not scare the role of the future husband, he suggested me to become his wife. We waited a deadline to test your feelings. And this summer was happening. I did not believe my happiness: everything turned out! The Lord finally connected me with that man to whom I am intended.

Men's story

I grew up in Soviet times, was unbeliever and even unresolved. But then the Lord did not leave me, however, I realized it later. And then I observed some traditional principles because the family brought me up, where love reigned. This manifested in important trifles. For example, my father always called Mom, if he was delayed at work: so that she was not worried, they were resting only together - and this naturally entered the way of the family. That is, parents taught not in words, but their lives. I was lucky with a role model.

Soviet literature also talked about real love, the purity of relationships, probably, was also influenced by me. True, I had a complete porridge to adolescent age in my head - after all, friends spoke quite another, he was far from chasing lifestyle. I first encountered a chastity problem on vacation in a catering campaign. My student friend went with his girlfriend, who after that became pregnant. He threw her, she had to make an abortion. And he reacted to his betrayal very easily: he did not consider himself bound by any obligations. She, of course, she liked ... But not so much. And she had a very serious mental state, she threw the institute. In general, her life flew under the slope. Our friendship with him stopped, I just realized that I could not more be friends with thus man. It was then that I clearly understood for myself that intimate relationship is not a toy that there are such consequences from small causes that life breaks. I almost realized that the "free relationship" is not for me, because the main thing is not only love, but also responsibility for who you love. But at the same time I sincerely believed that with the bride you do not need to observe the chastity, you still get married soon.

With my future wife, I met a student party. And understood: it she is. I can not say why this girl attracted me. I was not insanely in love, I did not feel the desire to sing under her balcony, did not idealize her image. It was a stunning feeling recognition. As the group "Root": "You will know her from a thousand, her image on the heart is sharpened." She later admitted to me that he felt something very similar.

We began to meet, it lasted for several months. Communicated every day. At the same time, we did not even dare to take each other by the hand. Now I am grateful to remember that the distance between us was reduced slower than our feelings developed. If B was the opposite, everything could collapse. This often happens in a couple: people dramatically remove the distance, begin to live together, not being actually ready for it - and eventually part. Fortunately, we avoided it.

Finally, the day came when I, accomplishing her home after a walk, said I wanted to marry her. She replied that he also wants to marry me. That's here, the real tests began for me. I was sure that now there is nothing to postpone our "first time." But she was strictly brought up (her mother was a believer) and just beat me hand if I passed some borders. When I demanded an explanation, she answered: "I love you. But so necessary, I do not want. " At the same time, we kissed, hugged, not always chastely. But I just didn't let me go further, although I tried to persuade her.

My bewilderment was replaced by respect. I clearly realized that it was connected with its moral principles, and in the depths of the soul felt that she's right. I think a woman is not obliged to explain anything at all, because he will give way to a man in persuasive arguments. It is better for her just to say: "These are my beliefs. If I saved myself for you, then I want to keep us for marriage. "

Almost all of our peers by that time have long lived an intimate life, there were conversations for companies. But I have never discussed these questions with my friends. Especially when your relationship with the girl is serious, you yourself do not make them the subject of gossip: too personal. And if discussed, it means that it is not love, not a relationship, and so.

My bride's girlfriend was also not chaste. But they respected, did not make fun of her decision. I think they had something to discuss and except intimate issues. You know, they are friends so far, although more than 10 years have passed. These women also came to faith, albeit more difficult ways: and unsuccessful marriages, abortions, and broken hearts. By the way, in Soviet times, the abortion was absolutely not considered something bad. People simply did not know that from the first hours of pregnancy it is already the future little man, and not just inanimate the fruit. Women were confident that this is not the murder of her child, but just a small operation. How much it then brought bitter regrets ...

So, we waited before marriage. "But there is nature from which you can not get anywhere. She demands their own "- today it is a popular argument. But the fact that we differ from animals that we can subjugate our wishes. Throw your random intimate life to "Nature" personally, I consider it difficulty. And the arguments that you need to be experienced as early as possible in intimate questions ... I think it is more important not banal experience, but tolerance, caution, care and attention to your beloved girl. You can gain all my life with different women - but not to learn be in love.

Moreover, it is not necessary that everything has happened precisely in the first wedding night when young are very exhausted by preparing for the wedding. By that time, when they get to the married bedroom, they were already to anything. So that the first marriage night does not turn into a ritual, you can wait until the next day. After all, you have a whole honeymoon ahead. In general, for me still remains a question that a young man and girl should know before the wedding. Personally, I read the appropriate literature, it helped me. The main thing that I understood is: if you want you to be well, you need to take care of your beloved - then it will be good to you both. And if you think only about yourself, nothing will work.

When we got married, they understood: the wait was not in vain. No, we were not rejoiced that here, what are we well-made, overshadowed! Just convinced: the main thing is love. Abstinence before the wedding helped us realize that intimate relationships accompanied marriage are its integral part, but not rulyat relationships. I see it in my friends who did not keep himself before marriage, change their spouses. Those who put in the head of the corner are not love and loyalty, and the bed, there are married serious problems.

... After some time I came to faith, baptized. We happened - and our marriage gained completeness. My wife and I are grateful to God that he was so wisely led to a real understanding of love and marriage, which was removed from falls.

We do not lead a special conversation with our children on the topic "It's time to talk about beekeys and dogs." Just discuss together films, books. We also gave them to read very good books "You need to know every girl" and "it needs to know every boy," they are about how to build personal relations to the Orthodox person. I think this natural education is better than to prohibit and force.