Stuttering in children: causes and treatment. What to do if a child stutters: various methods and treatments

Some of the new parents are faced with the fact that their child began to stutter. Just imagine: an ordinary day that does not portend anything bad, and suddenly your baby stammers out: “Mom-mom, I won’t have soup!”, As if something is preventing him from starting the phrase. Anxiety fills his heart - what if he will stutter further! A site for moms site will try to find out the causes of stuttering in young children and what to do in this situation.

Stuttering or scientifically logoneurosis is a speech defect, manifested by a violation of the tempo, rhythm of speech and breathing during the pronunciation of words. These speech disorders develop against the background of compression of various parts of the speech apparatus.

If you have ever encountered a person who stutters, you can imagine how severely this disease limits his normal communication with other people. Stuttering is most often observed in children in the age group from 2 to 5 years, when the peak of speech development is recorded.

Reasons why the child began to stutter

The most common cause of stuttering is a violation of the correct interaction between the speech center and articulatory movements. It manifests itself in convulsions. It is they who cause speech deviations: repetitions of syllables and individual sounds, inhibition during pronunciation, etc. In general, the mental activity of the baby is sometimes simply ahead of the motor apparatus.

There are several other reasons why a child begins to stutter:

  1. Diseases transferred at an early age: measles, whooping cough, typhus and diseases of the organs of the speech apparatus - larynx, nose, pharynx.
  2. Trauma or injury to the head.
  3. Strong emotional overstrain due to strong fright, worries, anxieties, fears, or vice versa, a positive surge of emotions.
  4. Predisposition to the development of the disease due to birth trauma or severe stress suffered by the mother during pregnancy.
  5. Excessive mental activity: workload in circles, learning several languages ​​​​at once.
  6. Difficult psycho-emotional situation in the family.
  7. Unconscious copying of the speech of other peers.

What to do if the child starts to stutter?

If your three-year-old kid tries to insert extra sounds, unnecessary syllables into words, pronounces words, stretching and repeating sounds - this is normal for his age. He tries new sounds and unfamiliar words "tastes".

But if such hesitation has become a frequent occurrence and it is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the child, then it is worth going to see several specialists: a neurologist, a psychologist or a speech pathologist. And the site site advises not to delay with this - it will be much easier to restore normal speech if you start eliminating defects in the early stages.

If a child stutters for no more than two months, this is the initial stage and it is treated faster than fixed stuttering.

What to do if the child began to stutter at 3 years old?

  1. Limit speech activity - let the child speak as little as possible. Organize his daily routine with the least need for conversation. Answer his questions, but don't ask your own unnecessarily.
  2. For a while, protect the child from watching cartoons, from visiting guests, visiting noisy places with a large crowd of people. Most likely, you will even have to give up kindergarten for a while.
  3. If the child began to stutter, then classes for the development of fine motor skills will be useful to him: board games, drawing, playing with sand and water. You can also dance and sing to slow music. All these measures can calm and strengthen the nervous system of the baby.
  4. Attend classes with a speech therapist and do not forget about visits to a neurologist. Your child needs professional help right now.
  5. You should become a role model, so talk to the child smoothly and without speech errors. And in no case do not point out to the child about his speech disorders - in this way you will only aggravate the situation.

What to do if the child began to stutter at 4 years old?

The early development program, which is currently being practiced in preschool institutions, is very stressful and tiring for children. As a result, pronounced speech disorders develop. From your side it is required:

  1. Regularly walk with the child in the fresh air.
  2. Minimum information load - remove the TV and other gadgets for a while.
  3. For a while, refuse to visit kindergarten.
  4. Follow the regime of the day: on time, do not ignore daytime sleep.
  5. Seek help from a speech pathologist and a neurologist. Stuttering, even cured in time, can return, especially against the backdrop of a new stressful situation.

What to do if the child began to stutter sharply?

If the disease developed abruptly and acutely, then this may indicate that the child is overloaded with information, very frightened, or he has received psychological trauma. If the negative comes from the outside, then you should temporarily refuse to visit him or completely transfer the child to another institution.

In addition, it is worth adding that it would be useful to teach the child breathing exercises to form smooth speech without jumps, as well as attend several relaxing massage sessions.

Stuttering is a speech defect associated with the psycho-emotional state of a child 3-5 years old. It is at this age that the formation of speech begins, the child tries to repeat individual sounds, words and sentences after others, so it is especially important to help him in this difficult period for him. Logoneurosis is a convulsive contraction of the articulatory organs, it manifests itself in 2% of children (more often in boys) with a broken rhythm, interruptions, stops and repetitions in speech. Why does a child suddenly become a hostage of such a disease?

Causes of stuttering

Experts recommend making a psychological portrait. The most prone to stuttering are children with weakly expressed strong-willed qualities, timid and embarrassed in a large crowd of people, overly impressionable, who love to fantasize. A speech therapist, a neurologist and a psychologist, first of all, determine the causes of logoneurosis and only then proceed to treatment.

A trip to the doctor will help to make a psychological portrait of the child, which in some cases will lead to the identification of the causes of stuttering and help to cope with the disease.

  • Heredity

Stuttering can be laid down at the genetic level. If the family has a stuttering relative, then it is necessary to control the development of the child's speech already at the first stages, that is, at about 2-3 years. Weakness of the articulatory apparatus is accompanied by excessive impressionability, anxiety, embarrassment or fears.

  • Severe mother's pregnancy

Difficult childbirth or even an incorrect, careless lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy can also affect the baby's speech. Typically, stuttering can be associated with brain damage due to birth trauma, birth asphyxia, intrauterine infections, fetal hypoxia, or hemolytic disease of the newborn.

  • Rickets

Rickets is a disorder of the bone and nervous systems, accompanied by a deficiency of mineralization and softening of the tubal bones. The child becomes restless, irritable, shy and capricious. Bone deformities cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. As a result, stress can lead to impaired speech.

  • Traumatic brain injury

Concussion and various head injuries can provoke stuttering not only in small children, but also in adult children.

Especially dangerous is the age of 5 years, when the child learns the world, runs, jumps and hooligans. During this period, it is desirable to protect the child from falls and bruises, since frequent visits to the doctor are associated precisely with blows and wounds.

  • Hypotrophy

Chronic eating disorders and dystrophy are one of the most terrible causes of logoneurosis. Hypotrophy can cause not only stuttering, but also a violation of breathing, cardiac activity. A child is a big responsibility, so young parents are obliged to organize proper care and the most comfortable conditions for development and upbringing.

  • Speech disorders

There are other speech disorders that can provoke stuttering in children: takhilalia (too fast speech rate), rhinolalia and dyslalia (we recommend reading: - incorrect sound pronunciation), dysarthria (lack of mobility of the speech organs, impaired innervation of the speech apparatus). The last disease is considered the most dangerous.

  • mental turmoil

External mental influences, for example, unexpected fear, stress, intimidation by parents or strangers, conflicts with peers can also lead to logoneurosis (we recommend reading:). Shocks can be not only negative, but also too positive / joyful.

Stress in a child can negatively affect speech functions, even if before that development was absolutely normal (we recommend reading:). Stuttering is often the result of excessive emotional reactions.

Also, left-handed preschoolers who are trying to wean writing with their left hand may begin to stutter, but this phenomenon is quite rare. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, as excessive perseverance, nervousness and screaming will only aggravate the situation.

Symptoms and types of stuttering

The causes of stuttering have been clarified. Now the doctor conducts an examination and makes a diagnosis based on the etymology of the disease:

  1. Neurotic logoneurosis is a form of a functional disorder in which a child begins to stutter only in a nervous environment: excitement, embarrassment, strong emotion, stress, anxiety, fear. In such psychotraumatic situations, the disease comes in waves: convulsive hesitation is replaced by an even conversation for a while, after which it intensifies again.
  2. Organic (or neurosis-like) stuttering is a consequence of damage to the central nervous system. The child does not want to sleep, is constantly agitated, moves awkwardly due to poor coordination and impaired motor skills, starts talking late, but monotonously and haltingly. The defect is permanent and aggravated by fatigue and overexertion after active physical and mental activities.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish between forms of stuttering in children according to convulsions and the nature of the course. So, a mild degree of stuttering is accompanied by convulsive hesitation - for example, when answering an unexpected or unpleasant question, the child is nervous. With an average degree, the baby stutters constantly during the dialogue, but with a severe form, convulsive hesitation interferes with any communication, even a monologue. According to the nature of the course, stuttering is divided into three types: undulating, permanent and recurrent. Identification of the type of stuttering and its degree is within the competence of the doctor.


At the first symptoms, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will not only make a diagnosis, conduct speech diagnostics (assessment of tempo, breathing, motor skills, articulatory spasms, voice), but also select the correct method of treatment. Dr. Komarovsky recommends a comprehensive examination in any case to prevent possible relapses in the future.

If convulsive stutters in speech are associated with lesions of the central nervous system, then diagnosis may be needed through magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalography.

It is worth contacting a pediatric neurologist first. If stuttering is caused by traumatic situations, then a psychologist will help you figure it out.

Treatment Methods

The treatment is based on the normalization of the functions of the speech circle - in particular, the inhibition of Broca's center. How to cure stuttering in a child? There are several effective methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • breathing exercises;
  • hypnosis treatment;
  • logarithmic exercises;
  • also do not forget about the prevention of folk sedatives.

Medical treatment

For 3-year-olds, in addition to general therapy, vitamins, tranquilizers, sedative pills, anticonvulsants, nootropics, or homeopathic drugs may be prescribed. Especially popular are valerian extract, motherwort, children's Tenoten, Actovegin (see also:). The doctor will select the medicine individually.

It is not allowed to independently "prescribe" medications for the treatment of stuttering to a child - only a doctor should do this


Not all parents decide on hypnosis treatment, but this method is recognized as the most effective. Already after 4-10 sessions with an experienced and professional hypnologist, speech can be fully restored, as the emotional experiences of the child and the underlying signs of the disease are examined. Hypnosis is not used for small children.

Four-year-old children are already able to repeat the movements of their parents and perform special exercises that help strengthen the diaphragm, improve cerebral circulation, and develop proper nasal and oral breathing. Gymnastics teaches stuttering children to control inhalations and exhalations, helps to pronounce difficult sounds and words calmly and without hesitation. In combination with breathing exercises, relaxing baths and massages help well.

Breathing exercises help the child remove inconsistency, teach him to control his breathing and pronounce words more clearly.


Logorhythmic exercises are a new technique for preschoolers and schoolchildren that allows you to combine words and phrases with movements and music: for example, singing children's songs, listening to classical music, playing musical instruments, reading rhymes. Speech therapy classes help the child open up, believe in himself and trust his leader.

Folk remedies

Herbs and infusions are better than any pills to help calm down and relax. The most effective and harmless for children are chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, nettle.

In such a difficult period of life, a stuttering child should feel needed and loved. The family should take care of a comfortable home atmosphere and try to contact their child more often and help him. Conversations should be calm and legible, in no case should you interrupt the baby, otherwise he will close up and refuse to “open his mouth” at all.

We must try to captivate the stutterer by reading books aloud, this will help to work on the correct pronunciation. The main thing is not to force or overload, classes should be interesting and positive.

Alienation of parents during a difficult period for a child can exacerbate the situation with speech problems. It is imperative to set aside time to communicate with the baby, praise him and talk a lot with him.

Prevention of stuttering

It is very important not to miss the moment of speech formation, because it is very difficult to correct and cure speech defects in the later stages. It is necessary to motivate the child, explain to him what is possible and what is not, to captivate, interest and teach. A few tips for new parents:

  1. Observe the regime of the day and sleep. The most capricious age is from 3 to 7 years. The baby should sleep 10-11 hours at night and 2 hours during the day. For older children, you can reduce nighttime sleep to 8-9 hours at night and up to 1-1.5 hours during the day. Try to get rid of the habit of watching TV in the evening before going to bed.
  2. Educate moderately demandingly and do not forget to praise for successes (even some minor ones). The child should strive to learn something new, be self-confident and purposeful.
  3. Talk to children, read together, dance, sing, play sports. A friendly atmosphere in the family will help protect the child from psychological trauma. It is better to limit preschoolers from communicating with stuttering people so that they do not take an example from them.
  4. Work with a speech therapist. The doctor will suggest the right games, books, exercises, teach the child to use his voice, speak smoothly and rhythmically.
  5. Don't be intimidated. Some parents make the mistake of frightening their children with “bobs”, telling scary stories, or locking them alone in a room, especially in a dimly lit one, as punishment. Logoneurosis caused by such psychological trauma is more difficult to treat later.
  6. Watch your nutrition. Do not overfeed with sweet, fried and spicy foods, it is better to add vegetable-milk to the diet.

Prevention of stuttering, like correction, is a very difficult process for parents. Preschool children are especially capricious and susceptible, so you should be patient and help a little stutterer overcome the disease. By the way, breathing exercises are also useful for adults, certain exercises help to relax and supply the body with oxygen, which is so necessary during active physical and emotional stress.

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After the parents discover that their child has begun to stutter, they panic, as many believe that the speech disorder cannot be cured. This is a common misconception, since there are a number of therapeutic measures that are aimed at restoring the patient's speech center. In this article, we will provide information on why a child stutters, what types of disorders are distinguished in medicine, what to do when characteristic symptoms are found, and why treatment should be carried out at the age of one year or at 5-6 years old.

What is stuttering

If a child stutters, this means that he develops a pathology with a complex speech disorder. Usually it depends on psychophysiological factors that can lead to some disturbances in the reproduction of sounds or words.
Stuttering in children usually occurs over the age of 3 years. It is rather difficult to detect violations in a year, since newborns cannot yet consciously reproduce speech.

Pathology can be expressed in the broken integrity of the reproduced words, incorrect pronunciation, which is difficult to correct. Speech does not come out smoothly, but is constantly pronounced in jerks, as well as with repetitions of sounds, words or syllables typical of stuttering.

Stuttering appears as a result of speech disorders in children. According to statistics, the disease is more often found in boys. The disease belongs to the group of logo-neuroses and is usually diagnosed in children who are just starting to learn to speak (at the age of 3-4 years). The second period of increase in frequency refers to adolescents around the age of 12-13 years.

What are the types

At the moment, only three types of stuttering have been identified in medicine. clonic look. This form is repetitive, when the patient tries to reproduce his speech. As a result, there is a constant and frequent repetition of certain sounds or syllables in a word (for example, “ma-ma-ma-mama”).

tonic look. In this case, it is very difficult for the patient to start talking. He tries to start pronouncing the word, then this moment constantly drags on. There is a long pause before a word is spoken (for example, first a long “Mmmm”, and then the word “mother”).

Clonic-tonic type or mixed form. With such a course of the disease, symptoms appear that can be observed simultaneously or alternately. A doctor can accurately determine the form of the pathology, but parents can guess for themselves if they carefully observe their child.

Video "How to eliminate the disease"

Possible reasons

There are many reasons that could lead to the fact that the child began to stutter. The most common causes of the disease is the increased tone of all motor endings in the speech centers in the brain. Increased tone leads to frequent convulsive contractions of the facial muscles and vocal cords during a conversation.

Causes may be the result of some consequences. An ailment can occur if chronic stresses have been found, which quite often have to be endured by a baby at an early age. At this time, the nervous system is especially sensitive.

Stuttering can appear due to a strong and sudden fright. Fear is a strong emotional shock that leads to a disruption of the nervous system. In addition to fear, emotional experiences can be associated with a lack of attention of parents towards their child. He may become withdrawn and almost not talk, which will lead to speech impairment.

The occurrence of stuttering is sometimes observed as a result of mechanical damage to the brain (for example, a concussion). Bumps and bruises of the head significantly increase the risk of symptoms of a disturbed speech center. Sometimes children may begin to mimic their peers, but after a while it becomes a habit that is quite difficult to break.

Also, the cause of the symptoms of stuttering can be an infectious disease or an affected endocrine system. If treatment is started in a timely manner, then such signs can be completely eliminated by adhering to the recommendations of doctors. Before a course of therapy is prescribed, it will be necessary to establish the underlying cause that led to the manifestation of the disease.

Initial Help

First of all, when signs of stuttering are found in children aged 3-4 years, parents should calm down and behave towards the patient in the same way as before. You can help with an illness if you follow the daily routine. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. If children begin to stutter, then you can not raise their voice, or interrupt, forcing them to repeat what was said correctly. It is very important to talk to them calmly and slowly. You need to give the child the opportunity to speak out without interrupting him.

At this time, the patient will need more attention from parents, care, affection. You should not severely punish them for minor pranks, since the key to a successful recovery lies in a good mood and activity.

It is impossible to expose sick children up to a year to fright, stress, excitement and other strong emotional outbursts, since this can affect the correctness of the speech. Fear and anxiety can only increase speech defects. In the near future after the discovery of symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor for advice and determine the tactics of treatment.


Stuttering is usually diagnosed at 3 years of age, when the child begins to gradually pronounce words or short sentences. After the reason why the patient has speech defects has been established, the doctor must determine the method of treatment.

During treatment, children from 3 years old can have a relaxing massage of the neck, shoulder girdle and facial muscles. If parents decide to do it on their own, then you need to understand that the movements should be smooth and stroking. At this time, you can talk to them in an affectionate tone so that the patient feels comfortable. You can also do breathing exercises and relaxing baths.

Logarithmics will allow for more intensive treatment, but it is suitable for patients older than 6 years. If the cause of the disease was fear, then the therapy should be done by a neuropathologist. It will also help restore the nervous system under other influences.

Video “The child stutters. How to proceed?"

In order to quickly and effectively cure this pathology, we advise you not to be lazy and watch the video material that we have provided for you below.

Dear parents, hello! Who among us does not rejoice in the success of children? We teach them everything from early childhood. Visiting matinees, with tears of joy we watch how a child mints in front of the Christmas tree. When studying at school, we hone our skills so that the student would be interested in listening.

But it also happens like this: when talking, children swallow not only syllables, but whole words, they can stutter and hang on some sounds, they can’t reach the end of the phrase in any way. In such cases, and about 1% of them are observed among the inhabitants of the planet, they speak of the presence of stuttering.

Why does a child stutter: either nature does not want the baby to speak beautifully, or the body has taken the path of resistance and rebels, is it a sentence for life or is it fixable, is there parental fault in this or can it not be avoided? Many questions? Let's look for answers!

Lesson plan:

Stuttering stuttering strife!

For us, the townsfolk, stuttering comes down to one thing - at such moments you want to help the stutterer to quickly say what he is trying. And we do not compare how one stutters better than the other. Stuttering is also stuttering in Africa.

Depending on the different causes and severity of symptoms, the disease is different. Forms of speech pathology are:

  1. clonic, when the child, due to intermittent convulsive movements of the respiratory organs, repeats syllables, usually the first ones. “To-to-the-ceiling” - this is how the word will sound approximately in this case,
  2. tonic, when due to the tension of the muscles of the mouth and tongue, some sounds are stretched and pauses are created. Here, for example, like this: "S ... dog."
  3. mixed, combining both: "Z ... zz-for-stuttering."

All these forms are considered by doctors to be clinical manifestations.

In addition to them, stuttering can be different due to the nature of the course of the pathology:

  • undulating - it comes and goes, but does not completely disappear,
  • permanent - as it came, so it remains,
  • recurrent - it happens, everything is fine, but sometimes it manifests itself again.

Etiology, or the cause and condition of the appearance, divides stuttering into:

  • neurotic, which arose under the influence of external factors, for example, due to psychological trauma,
  • neurosis-like, independent of the external environment, for example, as a result of damage to the cerebral cortex or inherited.

Where to look for the causes of stuttering?

Most often, stuttering, or in a medical logoneurosis, is observed in preschool children, and children under five years of age are usually prone to pathologies with speech. At this age there is an active speech development. If a child began to stutter at the age of 7, then this is a rare precedent. In any case, there are reasons for all these disorders.

As doctors say, everyone stutters in their own way. The usual explanation for this pathology among the people is fear, but it is worth noting that it occurs only in half of the cases. 15 percent falls on heredity, and the rest must be sought in adverse emotional circumstances that trigger the process so that the already grown child begins to stutter.

Here they are, the main reasons that serve as an impetus for the child to start stuttering.


Birth trauma, heredity and neuroinfection can cause stuttering. Physiological provocations of the body are directly related to the depletion of the child's nervous system. Such a shift can occur due to serious illnesses, among which doctors note measles and scarlet fever.


Sudden strong emotional shock is a direct path to the appearance of stuttering. At the same time, you should not reduce everything only to fear, when, for example, a dog attacked.

By the way, the inadequate behavior of any animals is the most common cause of children's fears. Among the reasons for the disruption of the speech apparatus is an unfavorable home environment. Do you like to beat dishes in the kitchen, loudly proving your case? Think about the possible consequences!

Press from teachers, by the way, can also become an impetus for speech disorders.

Social environment

Great mental stress and overload of the child's brain with speech activities, for example, foreign languages, can cause the children's speech apparatus to fail to cope with the task.

Sometimes psychologists note that absolutely healthy children begin to stutter when they imitate and copy a stutterer in their circle. In addition, one of the impetuses for the appearance of pathology is the retraining of left-handers.


Stuttering attacks can be noted as single. I think you have sometimes encountered that with excessive excitement, for example, when speaking in front of a large audience, the child suddenly starts to “echo and back”, although he rehearsed at home with enviable clarity.

Interestingly, some experts have noted even an excess of protein foods in the children's diet among the provoking factors. So we're following. And they also believe that the weather can provoke an organism prone to overexcitation and stuttering: it smoothes out in spring and summer, and increases in autumn and winter.

Four steps for logoneurosis

What does the process of pronunciation look like? Two muscle groups work in concert: when one contracts, the other relaxes. In a stutterer, this work loses coordination and as a result we hear either clonic repetitions or tonic spasms occur. The formation of a stable reflex stutter is like a ladder with only four steps.

  1. On the first step, stuttering appears in episodes. Difficulties arise with the first words in sentences and with short parts of speech - conjunctions, prepositions. At the same time, the child is not yet shy, but communicates on an equal footing.
  2. At the second step, the initiative of communication is replaced by silence, as stuttering becomes chronic. Smooth speech is rarely heard, and polysyllabic words do not lend themselves to the first time, especially if you try to speak them quickly.
  3. At the third step, muscle spasms are fixed, but the child is already beginning to notice that his speech is very different from what others say. Difficulties with words are already clearly visible. A young stutterer begins to look for a replacement for complex words, up to gestures.
  4. Having moved to the fourth step, the child sharply perceives the differences in his speech, he expects stuttering and internally prepares for it. Convulsive manifestations in the speech apparatus always happen, not only in exciting situations.


The boys are not lucky in this matter: they are more likely to become stutterers. Why? Yes, everything is simple. Who, if not the male sex, is especially active, energetic and more often gets into stressful situations. Of course, restless boys! Yes, and there is more demand from them, less lisping, and therefore neuroses more often. Caressed girls are more psycho-resistant, and therefore they are not in a hurry to stutter.

The child stutters: what to do?

Logoneurosis is a functional disease, depending on the characteristics of the nervous system of children. Therefore, before looking on the Internet for advice from those who know how to treat, you need to understand what to treat. Where to go if the children's speech is "broken"?

If your family has such a problem, then you should plan a trip to:

  1. a psychotherapist who, together with you, will find the reason why the child began to stutter, and again, together with you, he will fight this reason,
  2. neurologist - he will prescribe a course of sedative medications that can strengthen the shaken children's nervous system,
  3. speech therapist - the doctor will select corrective exercises for the rhythm and pace of speech, which you will regularly practice on your own and in special lessons with a specialist.

Do not rush to shift everything onto the shoulders of doctors! A lot depends on you as well!

Agree, nothing difficult. No need to watch aside how the child climbs the ladder of stuttering to the last step. Measures should be taken immediately, then the results of treatment will not keep you waiting!

Have you had stutters around you? Tell me how to deal with it. We are waiting for comments.

We are also waiting for you in our Vkontakte group where it is very interesting and fun!

Good to you and calm, clear, smooth speech!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

From an early age, children learn to speak, get acquainted with different letters and sounds. First they try to make words out of them, and then complete beautiful sentences. What to do if the child suddenly began to stutter? How can I help him deal with this problem?

Causes of stuttering

Stuttering in children is not a common disease, and occurs in only five percent. It is believed that the physiological cause of stuttering lies in the speech muscles. It is difficult for a child to pronounce the necessary sounds, because there are difficulties with the coordination of these muscles.

Most often, these speech problems occur in children of preschool age, from two to five years. It is at this age that the child begins to stutter. Experts agree that it is impossible to single out one reason that caused stuttering. Usually there are several factors. And now we will take a closer look at them.

The first cause of stuttering is genetic. In sixty percent of cases, stuttering is inherited. If your child stutters, it is possible that someone in your family also had speech difficulties in childhood.

The second reason is the rapid development of the child. Between the ages of two and five, children experience rapid physical, emotional, and language development. All children are different, so for some it happens quickly and smoothly. And some have speech delays, and they manifest themselves in the form of stuttering.

The next reason is external factors. This category includes the influence of parents on the behavior of children. Their attitude towards children, expectations from the development of the child. Many parents want their child to develop quickly, especially when it comes to their speech. Sometimes this desire is too strong and puts pressure on children. After that, the child closes in on himself, which often causes stuttering. The atmosphere in the family also affects the development of the child's speech. Frequent quarrels of parents and criticism cause the child to close in on himself, and then manifests itself in the form of difficulties with speech.

Signs that you need professional help

There are different degrees of stuttering. There is a mild form, when pronunciation difficulties occur in some words and irregularly. In more severe cases, it is difficult for a child to pronounce most words, and this is also reflected in the muscles of the face - speech is disturbed due to their constant contractions. If a child has symptoms of chronic stuttering, it is urgent to seek help from a specialist. What are these symptoms?

6 symptoms of chronic stuttering

  1. Have you noticed that stuttering appeared in a child at the age of three and a half years;
  2. Speech problems have been going on for about six months;
  3. The child has other problems with the pronunciation of sounds, it is difficult for him to pronounce some letters;
  4. The child's speech skills develop with a clear delay and impairment;
  5. Someone in the family stuttered as a child;
  6. Your child is a boy. Chronic stuttering in preschool age is more common among boys.

But if you have not noticed serious complications in a child, then you can help him get rid of stuttering at home. And we will share some simple tips and exercises.

7 ways to get rid of stuttering at home

  1. Speak to your child in a slow manner and when communicating, make clear pauses between words. Listen patiently to the child's phrases to the end. How will it help? Your child will see that you are not trying to rush his speech. You carefully listen to every word and are ready to wait as long as he needs. As soon as the child understands that he does not need to rush and you accept his speech as it is, he will stop rushing and worrying. From excitement, children stutter even more. Therefore, create a comfortable atmosphere for the child in which he will feel calm and relaxed. The less the child will worry and worry, the better his speech will be.
  2. Don't ask too many questions. When adults ask the child questions, his excitement increases. Let your child talk more freely. When he expresses his own opinion, he feels more confident than when he answers questions.
  3. Show attention to the words of the child also with the help of gestures and facial expressions. An open posture, a friendly and attentive look will help the child understand that he is being listened to. The child will feel calmer, liberated and will express thoughts without embarrassment and fear of being misunderstood.
  4. Reward the child's phrases that are spoken without stuttering. Compliment him for fluent and understandable speech. For example, say: "It's great that you said this phrase without stuttering! Try saying the next sentence in the same way." Most importantly, indicate what exactly you are praising him for. Then the child will try to improve in this direction.
  5. Start with short sentences. Encourage your child to express themselves in short phrases, while speaking them without stuttering. Let the sentences be simple at the beginning, but the child will learn to speak them without speech defects. Gradually offer to increase the size of offers. So the child will speak more and more phrases without stuttering.
  6. Sing along or draw out the words in the manner of a song. By stretching words, the child learns to control stuttering and pronounce words for longer without interference. Choose a few simple motifs that the child will like. Twice a day will be enough. Greet the morning with a song, also sing phrases and single words in the evening.
  7. Create an atmosphere of understanding and cooperation between you and your child. Let your child know that you are in no way judging a speech impediment. And tell me that it is possible to fix it, you just need to make an effort. Establish trust with your child so that together you can walk the path of correcting the deficiency.

Remember that stuttering is a speech deficiency that is correctable. Parents, during the period of correction of stuttering, it is important to be sensitive. Please note that speech problems do not lead to embarrassment and complexes in the future. If you notice the problem in time, you can deal with it even at preschool age.