What to wear for the new year of the year. Hot meat dishes

So, what can you wear for the New Year 2017 ? If the holiday is already on the doorstep, treats are on the table, guests are on the way, and you are wearing a robe and on your head "explosion of a pasta factory", then ... There is a solution! We will show and tell you what-how-why is needed in a festive manner (and we will talk a little about the New Year's table).

Colors of the new step

The color palette of the red-fiery Rooster itself is bright and at the same time harmonious. Since the symbol will not tolerate boredom and dullness, therefore on this day you need to strain all your imagination and attract attention to yourself.

What colors will appease the Rooster?

  • White.
  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Navy blue.
  • Black.
  • Gold.
  • Bordeaux color.
  • Raspberry color.
  • Turquoise color.

Now we pick up clothes. All possible solutions will be considered

What clothes do signs need?

Let's pay attention to those who prefer to dress up in what the stars will advise, but it is simply difficult for someone to find and compose an image, it is to this section that such people resort. The most popular and win-win method. So, what kind of outfit is needed:

  • Aries: their holiday color is red, preferably completely closed, otherwise a fiasco on the personal front;
  • Taurus: the outfit can be simple, but the hairstyle, make-up, shoes and much more should be unusual;
  • What kind of costume should Gemini wear? Clothes should “pull the covers over themselves” and match with something red on your head;
  • For crayfish: your element at the holiday is mystery and lack of emotion; for a more improved effect, a mask is suitable (preferably strewn with rhinestones or with feathers);
  • Kings of nature Lions are at their best in terms of clothing - the main thing is to be satisfied with your person;
  • Virgo: you need to be in calm, pastel colors;
  • Libra: You must become a festive walking fireworks display at the New Year's ball;
  • Scorpio people are recommended to show imagination: unusual tailoring of an outfit or a combination, creative jewelry, non-standard hairstyle;
  • Sagittarius do not need to create an image using the “all at once” method (something may go wrong: either the combination will be terrible or the accessories are superfluous) it is worth thinking carefully down to the smallest detail;
  • Capricorns are your tool for women - a make-up, for men - a tie or scarf;
  • Aquarians, for the sake of their spiritual safety, should wear long outfits, but at the same time they should “see” you;
  • Pisces: on New Year's day, you need to buy everything you need in an image (clothes, shoes, jewelry, a wig, etc.) - we sculpt the image at the last moment.

The year goes by ... And what are the owners?

Well, if the tips above are not to your taste, then the recommendations here will definitely interest you.

Let's start with the female half:

  • red, white or yellow (gold) - are the dominant colors of the new symbol (their combination is possible: red-white or yellow-red);
  • if you have problems with weight or want to seem even slimmer, then a brown dress will be the way out (donuts should avoid black dresses and it is recommended to buy underwear that will hide problem areas);
  • those women who want to demonstrate their social status should adopt the scarlet color of the outfit and a minimum of decoration (a brooch or pendant is enough, or even a strap can be dispensed with);
  • but the “blouse + skirt” option should not be discounted. Your trump card is a pencil skirt or a slit skirt;
  • for owners of a dark skin color - yellow with gilded shoes and white accessories - the most successful base and will not look vulgar on the fair sex;

Now let's switch to the stronger sex:

  • for men, as one of the options, you can dress up in combination with your half;
  • men's New Year's color - burgundy and its shades, and from the component - the eternal classics (but if there is trouble with a suit - trousers and a shirt are always in order);
  • men also should not throw out gold things and accessories;
  • a trendy hairstyle, a clean-shaven face and a good perfume are another component in the festive look of a companion.

We talked about the appearance, you can add a little…. Therefore, we will deal with how and where to celebrate the holiday, what is needed in order to celebrate the celebration well

All in the family or how to celebrate the New Year

  • The rooster is a sign of family and tradition, therefore it is better to meet him in the family circle;
  • but this is not a reason to walk quietly, on the contrary, you need to celebrate loudly, noisily: sing songs, shoot firecrackers, dance, laugh;
  • for the table, the best solution would be to prefer light and hearty dishes: more cereals, vegetables, as well as corn fruits, also include lentils, but there is no place for chicken delicacies on the table - otherwise the symbol will be very offended;
  • place multi-colored dishes on the festive table, you need to sort it in a rustic way, in the center of the table - a loaf and baskets with fruits and vegetables.

Video gallery

For a more detailed instruction on the appearance and meeting of the New 2017 Year, as well as immersion in the festive atmosphere of the upcoming event, the video gallery will help you.

We all love the New Year very much, and we are preparing for its meeting in advance. New Year's holiday always brings a sense of magic, miracle, fairy tale. We make wishes and believe that they will come true. Choosing the right clothes to celebrate the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who do not really believe in horoscopes are interested in what to meet and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. It is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster in New Year's outfits and decorations. It is believed that the right colors will please the ruler of the year, and in return he will send success in his personal life, financial well-being and health.

What to wear for the New Year 2017

Since the upcoming 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope is considered the year of the Red Fire Rooster, the main colors will be all shades of flame: red, yellow, orange. You can include their derivatives: burgundy, coral, cherry, purple. The appearance of the Rooster allows you to expand the color gamut, complementing it with bright shades of rooster feathers: gold, bronze, white.

A red dress or suit is the most suitable option for an evening dress for the New Year's holiday in 2017. However, this color is not suitable for everyone. He is very conspicuous, and a woman dressed in red always attracts a lot of attention. Therefore, she must be one hundred percent confident in herself. Red is for very confident women.

Moreover, this color does not suit everyone and not everyone likes it. Many people prefer more elegant and modest colors. In addition to the classic red, other shades of flame will do: orange, burgundy, cherry, yellow, gold, and even brown or black. You can celebrate the New Year in clothes of these colors, and accessories and jewelry can be matched to the main color. It can be a red bracelet on the arm, a bag, a belt, shoes, etc. Jewelry with natural stones of fire shades will be harmoniously combined with such outfits: pomegranate, ruby, pink and red tourmaline, coral, red jasper, amber, etc. A man's suit will decorate a bright red scarf sticking out of a pocket with a corner or an orange tie.

A gold-colored dress would be an excellent choice, because this is one of the fiery colors. It is also a good sign for attracting wealth and financial well-being. An outfit in red and gold tones will be complemented by shoes of a neutral color, for example, cream or beige. Shoes of these shades visually increase the length of the legs and make them more elegant.

Clothing style for the New Year's holiday

The rooster, a symbol of 2017, is very fond of bright things. A fashionable dress made of satin, silk, brocade, organza is perfect. Noble velvet is at the peak of popularity. The style of clothing should be distinguished by grace and beauty; romantic airy dresses are most preferable for girls and women. Do not hesitate to wear a revealing outfit, because the New Year's holiday is the best reason to showcase your charms. You can choose a dress with a seductive neckline or open back, a skirt with a high slit in the front or on the side. Rooster will also appreciate brightly colored jewelry and sparkly accessories. A brooch with a cockerel or jewelry with feathers will be great additions to your look.

If there is one thing to rule out, it is leopard and tiger colors. Any hints of predators are undesirable, because the leopard and the tiger are enemies of the Rooster. Also, shoes and accessories made of snakeskin and its imitation will not work.

As for men, they can move away from their usual formal suits and relax a little. A good choice for the stronger sex will be bright shirts or an unusual tie. If an extravagant style seems too daring for a man, then you can choose a shirt that matches the color tone of the lady.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017

The rooster, the owner of 2017, is a lover of order, he is neat and meticulous in everything. Therefore, before you start decorating your house for the holiday, you need to do a thorough cleaning. The rooster is especially picky about details, so try to create coziness throughout your home.

For home decoration, give preference to red, yellow, orange, cherry, purple. The main condition is brightness and naturalness. The rooster will love fluffy colorful garlands and glowing lanterns. Let variety reign in New Year's decorations: snowflakes of different shapes and sizes, shiny tinsel, large balls. The Christmas tree, the main attribute of the holiday, is good to dress up in red colors. The upcoming 2017 will be a real handicraft holiday. You can make Christmas tree toys and wall decorations, crafts from paper, wood, threads, felt, etc. with your own hands.

Treats and table setting on New Year's Eve

If we talk about the treats of the festive table, then we must remember that the Rooster is a prudent and thrifty bird. Therefore, inexpensive but hearty dishes will be appropriate on the festive table on New Year's Eve. It is good if the hostess cooks a large cake or pie with her own hands. Treats from fish and seafood, beef, pork will be appropriate, however, in order not to offend Rooster, avoid poultry dishes. In addition to the main treat, put fresh vegetable salads and fruits on the table.

Table setting is just the case when a combination of classic style with country style is welcomed: wooden and ceramic dishes, linen tablecloths and napkins, compositions from natural materials. You can lay the table with a red or burgundy tablecloth, put candles in elegant gold candlesticks.

The rooster is a homely bird, so it is best to celebrate the New Year holiday with your family, with relatives and friends. Let the New Year 2017 be remembered by you with coziness and comfort.

Read about how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog in 2018 in this article.

You will find interesting ideas for New Year's gifts in the article:

There is very little left before the celebration of the long-awaited celebration. Time to take care of the main outfit of the year, which is better to get in advance, as well as gifts, New Year's paraphernalia and goodies.

Year of the Rooster: what to wear for the New Year

Now we are talking about choosing the perfect outfit to celebrate the Year of the Rooster with dignity. It is difficult for both women and men to find the perfect outfit. There is no one-size-fits-all dress or suit. But there are many current options, from the variety of which you can choose the right outfit.

How to meet 2017 for a woman?

Undoubtedly, a woman should acquire a new one. dress , in case of emergency it will do skirt with an elegant blouse. Jeans lovers and trousers you will have to refrain from these clothes and give preference to a more feminine and sexy outfit.

And now in more detail: what dress to wear for the New Year 2017, in what colors, what shape?

First, let's choose a fabric. New Year 2017 obliges to give preference to expensive fabrics that attract with their luxury and attractiveness. Among the best options are organza, silk, satin, velvet, leather. Velvet dresses "migrated" from last season, but this does not mean that they should be abandoned. The rich look of velor and suede gives the impression of a luxurious and stylish look.

Having decided on the fabric, let's talk about the style. There are absolutely no restrictions for the meeting of 2017, but there is one rule - the dress should fit you just perfectly, emphasizing the curves of the figure and hiding imperfections. Do you like petite cocktail dresses, or floor-length models, or an outfit with a deep neckline? Feel free to put it on!

But in the first place when choosing a dress for the New Year is its color. He should radiate passion and luxury. And there are many such shades.

Delicate scarlet

This color is used by fashion designers around the world in various collections. It is he who will be the perfect outfit for the New Year's holiday. Remember that such a bright shade will attract a lot of attention to your person, so try to guess with the style and correctly complement the dress with accessories. You should not be zealous here, the color is already a highlight for itself. A thin gold chain, possibly a bracelet, is suitable as jewelry.

Coral - the choice for tanned skin

Coral is not for everyone. If you have fair skin, refuse such a dress, even if it fits you just perfectly. Instead of admiring glances, you run the risk of being "strewn" with ridicule. But, if your skin is naturally dark, or you are recently after a vacation in hot countries, coral will accentuate your tanned skin and make you the star of the evening.

Gold is the choice of queens

Gold is the color of queens and also the color of flame. In the coming year, nothing prevents you from choosing a dress in precious metal color. But there are nuances: the dress should not be voluminous. Choose a mermaid model or dresses made from light, flying fabrics. Pencil dresses look good in gold. This color does not need accessories at all, it itself is the main highlight and you should not overload the image.

Yellow suitable for blondes

The color of the chicken will also be appropriate for the New Year. Most of all it suits blondes. But you need to choose a delicate yellow with an olive tint. The bright yellow color will transform a platinum blonde into a "defenseless" chicken. Brown-haired women can also pay attention to this color, but bright and juicy shades of yellow will suit them.

Orange: Become a Firebird

Orange is the color of fire. If you want to transform into a firebird on a holiday, choose an orange dress. He is identified with fireworks, joy and positivity. You need to complement the image with classic shoes and discreet accessories.

Bordeaux, beetroot or marsala

This color has so many names, but the result is the same - the image of a stylish, well-groomed and even slightly femme fatale. In addition to this color, you can use bright and voluminous decorations. It is associated with elegance and conciseness.

A few rules for choosing the perfect outfit

What can you wear for the New Year 2017 and how to choose the right outfit?

  1. When deciding to buy a red dress, don't go for a classic cut. Play with the style, find something unusual. The classic suits everyone, but the original style in tandem with a bright color will make you mind-blowing.
  2. When choosing a color, be guided by your skin type. People with pale skin, who usually have capillaries close to the surface of the skin, will look unhealthy in a scarlet outfit.
  3. Bordeaux is a color suitable for young girls and ladies of the age. It is also the only color that can be complemented with an abundance of accessories.
  4. Orange is a choice exclusively for girls with dark skin.
  5. It is better to choose shoes with stable heels. If you are going to dance the night away, it will be more comfortable to do it in the appropriate shoes.
  6. In the New Year 2017, you can safely use sparkles, rhinestones, stones.
  7. Want to stand out? Use a simple dress and flashy jewelry. Follow Coco Chanel's example, a small but not necessarily black dress can be complemented with all sorts of embellishments and transform a modest outfit into something truly stunning.
  8. When choosing a hairstyle, follow the lead of Hollywood stars who often appear on the red carpet with beautiful curls. For supporters of elegance, we advise you to make a neat bun or hair bow.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 for a man?

According to polls by one of the European agencies, 50% of men do not like to waste time shopping. The remaining 50% of men make choices when shopping twice as fast as women. About 70% of married men choose their wives' outfits for the holidays. Interesting statistics, isn't it? Based on these data, a man manages to choose an outfit for the New Year easier and faster.

New Year: what to wear, how to welcome, what to give? These questions are most often asked by a man on the eve of the holiday. But the advice to resolve these issues in advance applies not only to women, but also to men. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points.

The optimal and timeless choice for a man - costume ... Stylish, in an unusual color or uniquely cut suit will be very useful for celebrating the New Year. There are two options: classic dark or extravagant. Classic dark: dark blue, deep green, dark brown. Such a suit must not be forgotten to be supplemented with a bright "spot". It can be colored shirt , bright flower on the chest, such as red, eye-catching accessories.

Extravagant suits for men are bright colors, as is the case with women's dresses. What color to wear for the New Year?

"Male" red

In the New Year, a man can move away from classic costumes and finally experience the sensation of wearing bright clothes. Feel free to experiment with style, the vibrant color on New Year's Eve will live up to all expectations. If you're too afraid of red, wear a shirt in that color.

Brown check: rustic style

The rooster is a country animal, so he will love the “first guy in the village” style suit. A stylish blazer in brown check tones, worn casually with no frills, will be the optimal decoration for meeting the coming year. Such a suit does not need classic accessories such as a butterfly or tie.

"Floral" costumes

Flowers on New Year's Eve 2017 should be present everywhere: on the table among decorations, in clothes and as accessories. A man's outfit is no exception. Why not take a chance and get a "floral" suit, which will be riveted on the eyes of all women?

"Childish" yellow

Not only women, but also men have a chance to dress in the color of the sun for the New Year. Delicate yellow color will even outshine a Christmas tree. Take a chance and you will be surprised. A yellow suit is more suitable for young men.

Beard as decoration

Continuing the theme of the rustic style, let us recall the beard, which over the past few years has been actively growing by most of the strong half of humanity.

INTERESTING! According to Forbes, 98% of the most successful people in the world have a beard.

About 55% of modern men have facial hair. To celebrate the New Year, you can not only grow a beard, but also decorate it, for example, with the same flowers. The flower beard trend continues to hold its positions. For many, this causes laughter or criticism, but the risk is worth the risk.

"Golden Boy

A gold-colored outfit will be appropriate not only for women. In order not to seem vulgar, the pants of the suit should be black, but the jacket can be frankly gold. This image can be safely supplemented with a butterfly.

Relevance to the subject

Do you want to be 100% consistent with the New Year's theme and do not know what to wear for the new year 2017? Get a shirt with the main symbol - a rooster. The delight of others, pleasant emotions and, most importantly, the "love" of the coming year are guaranteed. On the eve of the holiday, the designers sew the appropriate models. Become the second symbol of the holiday after the New Year tree, let them remember you as the main character of the event.

Brighter and more luxurious!

2017 should be memorable, chic and extraordinary. The image that you have determined for yourself on New Year's Eve should correspond to a bright holiday.

But be careful, trying to be original, if you have costumes with animal prints (leopard, zebra, cheetah) in your wardrobe, let them stay in the closet. The rooster will not tolerate the presence of predatory animals. Also give up sweaters and T-shirts, even with the image of a rooster. If the suit is not to your liking, a jumper or half-over can save the day. They are very popular and make you look stylish.

  1. Comfort. No matter how stylish the outfit is, it should be comfortable in it. No suffocating corsets or bow ties around the neck. You have to feel free to enjoy a bright night.
  2. Originality. Think differently! The standard approach to choosing an outfit “to make it beautiful” does not fit! It is important to find something that you can surprise and most importantly - to stand out.
  3. Harmony. Having found a bright element, think about how it will harmonize with other elements of the outfit. Or take care of purchasing binding elements.
  4. Style. Fashion is fashion, and you need to be able to look stylish. If you don't know how to combine things with each other, ask the store's consultant for advice, take your friends for shopping and ask for an outside opinion.
  5. The right accessories. If you use accessories, then they should be from the following materials: gold, natural and artificial stones, beads, feathers, genuine leather.
  6. Perfect hairstyle. New Year is a time for transformations, especially since the feature of 2017 is asymmetric haircuts and styling. If you don't want drastic changes, do asymmetric styling.
  7. Makeup. Women can lean on glitter on this day, not only in makeup, but also in manicure and even hair.

So, the coming year requires thorough preparation from the strong and weak half of humanity. He is waiting for bright dresses and stylish suits, catchy jewelry and unusual hairstyles, glitter, stones, lights in the eyes and delight. Do not disappoint the coming year, tune in only for the good, and your hopes will come true.

It is worthwhile to devote a lot of time to a festive look. You should think about makeup, hairstyle and, of course, the outfit in which you will meet the new year.

The upcoming 2017 year according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which means that New Year's Eve should be noisy and bright as never before. So what is the best way to celebrate this new year? The Fire Rooster is a symbol of the sun and dawn, the bird is flaming, bright, so all shades of red will be perfect for the holiday.

Do not be afraid to try on an outfit of a bright scarlet color or a purple hue, the brighter and more colorful your image, the more supportive the Rooster will be in the coming year! Red, red, burgundy, scarlet, purple, gold, ruby ​​and even pearl - feel free to choose the shade you like and experiment with the image.

But don't be surprised that most of the guests will be wearing red at the party, as everyone will want to draw their luck in the coming year by donning the tones of the 2017 patron saint. If you want to stay the center of attention and stand out from the crowd, adding interesting accessories with feathers or details in the form of a symbol of the new year will be very useful.

A necklace, pendant or belt with feathers will make your New Year's look special! Earrings and bracelets can be made of massive stones, they will perfectly complement your look. It should be noted that jewelry made of gold with precious stones are the main favorites of the Red Rooster.

You can also stand out with an interesting bird print or a brooch in the shape of a rooster. Remember that small interesting details are sure to grab the attention of those around you.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when choosing an evening dress, you will have to discard all the options for "leopard", "tiger" and other cat prints with the image of animal fur, since the colors of the predatory cat will not at all be to the liking of the Red Cockerel! When choosing a fabric, pay attention to unusual shining textures: silk, satin, organza and, of course, velvet.

Do not forget that New Year's Eve is always filled with fun, dancing and various competitions, so when choosing a festive outfit, you should take into account that you have to move a lot. Choose light dresses and comfortable costumes in which you will feel comfortable taking part in New Year's games and dances.

Think in advance whether you should wear a long, tight dress that is suitable only for the main feast, or it is better to opt for a short dress or skirt, suitable for an active evening.

No matter how bright and memorable your New Year's outfit is, remember that your smile will be your main decoration on New Year's Eve. Let your positive attitude and festive mood materialize the saying “How you celebrate the New Year, so it will be!”.

A holiday is not far off - New Year. Pre-holiday preparation for the holiday is a bustle, but pleasant. This is not only buying gifts, preparing original dishes, but also the decor of your home.

Symbol of 2017

New 2017 is a symbol of the Fire Rooster. It symbolizes wealth and prosperity. In order for the whole 2017 to be prosperous, it is necessary to think over all the nuances of decorating the house and meet the New Year with dignity. Since the Fire Rooster has a difficult character, it is very difficult to please him. But if you decorate a house or apartment in bright colors and prepare decorations on your own, then he will be friendly to everyone, because he loves unusual things.

What about the New Year without a tree? This year it should be natural. Because the Fiery Rooster values ​​everything that is natural.

On New Year's Eve, I want to show my maximum imagination, this concerns decorations in the house, the preparation of various goodies and, of course, the outfit. A woman looks especially beautiful in an elegant dress, but what dress to wear for the New Year 2017.

It has become tradition to celebrate the New Year in an outfit related to the symbol of the year. A woman must always be unforgettable, dressed perfectly, with a creative hairstyle and a delicious train of expensive perfume. The year 2017 promises to be unpredictable, because the symbol of the year - the Rooster - is a domineering and proud nature.

The outfit should be chosen in burgundy, orange, pearlescent, red, gold tones. You can opt for a pastel-colored dress, the main thing is that there is no melancholy and despondency. There is no need to choose a dress that will turn its owner into a “strict teacher” as a result. The dress should be such that it is easy to dance, move and maintain an overall cheerful atmosphere.

New Year's outfits - enchanting fiery color

A New Year's toilet should be airy, light and, of course, comfortable. It should be a dress from the “flying towards night adventure” area.

New Year's Evening Dresses - 2017 (video):

The rooster is a symbol of the year, attracts everything bright and eccentric, in this spirit you need to choose a dress in order to resemble the symbol of the year in character.

A flashy scarlet dress will look gorgeous. For such courage, the rooster will be especially grateful and condescending next year.

Whichever outfit attention is focused on, you need to remember that fire is like a pass. If the fiery color is not in the outfit, then you can simply dilute it with catchy and bright accessories.

By the way, an enchanting effect can be obtained by wearing furs. Plunging necklines and short minis are also in trend this winter. A dress with various fasteners and decorative zippers will look interesting. If, nevertheless, a choice was made on a simple dress, then it must be emphasized with catchy details, dimensional motley jewelry.

Home decoration for the New Year 2017

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to choose the right materials and decorations for your home. New Year's decor should be white, green, gold and red.


Candles will serve as an original decoration. They can be put on the table, fireplace in beautiful candlesticks. You can put spruce branches with cones or red beads nearby.

New year wreath

A wreath will help to raise the New Year's mood. It symbolizes comfort, and it is known that the Fire Rooster is a homebody and loves comfort, warmth in the house. They can decorate a door, a fireplace, as well as a festive table. You can buy a wreath at stores. And you can also make your own hands from scrap materials: balls, buttons, fabric, spruce branches, rain and other materials.

Angel decoration, fiery rooster

You can decorate your home with angels, they will bring tenderness to the house. They can be placed on a table or cut out of paper and glued to the window with glue.

Sweets, star cookies, fruits

You can also decorate a Christmas tree and a house with sweets. It is very beautiful and delicious.

Gingerbread house

An elegant baked gingerbread house can be used to decorate the table and shelves of your home. You can also put a candle in the middle of the house. And it will bring a fabulous mood to your home.

Snowflakes, stars

Having shown imagination, you can make snowflakes, stars out of paper with children. Cut and thread can be hung on a chandelier, Christmas tree or glued to a window.

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The owner of the coming year will be the Red or Fire Rooster, an obstinate, ambitious and very restless bird. What will he bring us? How to appease the patron of 2017? What to dress up in order to please him and thereby beg for as much success and prosperity as possible in the coming year?

Yes, this is where 90% of articles on New Year's topics begin. Reading all this I just want to say: "stoop!". Well, what does the eastern horoscope have to do with style and fashion? How can you “cajole” the Rooster on New Year's Eve, which will come into its own only at the end of January? That's right, no way. Because, as you already understood, about what to wear for the new 2017 year of the rooster , we will say the least, concentrating on the most stylish and sought-after looks that will make you the real queen of this magical holiday. So let's go.

A little about fashion trends in clothes

Of course, the main and practically the only trend this year is red and fiery tones, feathers and a lot of glitter that the Rooster will like so much. Now, seriously. Trends this year cannot but please, because for the holiday you can afford really bright and memorable things. There are three main areas:

In principle, this is where the conversation on the topic “what to wear for the new year 2017” can be ended: the main trends are announced, the directions for search are set, possible errors are highlighted. But we can't just stop, because it's time to discuss the look'and celebrate the New Year. Let's start with the eve of the holiday - a corporate party.

Choosing an outfit for a corporate party

Corporate parties are so good because at them we can throw off the strict office image and relax in full in the company of people who have become practically a second family. This is probably why the desire "not to fall face down in the mud" before going to the party is so great, and we are ready to devote almost all our free time to the choice of a suitable outfit. Here, first of all, you need to start from the place where the celebration will take place, so let's separately consider each of the possible situations.

Country boarding house. Many companies prefer active rest to boring gatherings at a richly decorated table. What could be better than getting a team out to a ski lodge, skiing a lot, and then ending the day with a delicious barbecue or the same disco, because the overwhelming majority of country pensions organize entertainment programs for the New Year holidays. How to look gorgeous in such a situation?

If a trip to a restaurant is not planned, and outdoor recreation is your whole program, then the main thing here is to be comfortable and warm. So a warm thermal suit and boots will be just right for such an outing. And it doesn't matter at all what colors to wear for the new year 2017, or what styles.

If winter does not indulge in severe frosts, then you can choose a lighter outfit: your favorite jeans, a warm jacket, a hat, gloves and a scarf (it is desirable that all this was not from one set, but agreed in color and texture), and of course ugg boots. This is the time and place to take them for a walk! When choosing an outfit for gatherings in a warm room, you also don't need to bother too much: a chunky-knit sweater combined with jeans, and if it is elongated, then you can also wear leggings.

Night club. It is a very popular place to celebrate together. Here you will have to think over the outfit much more carefully. And it doesn't have to be a dress, fortunately, designers offer us a huge selection. The first, and perhaps the most demanded option, is a jumpsuit.

The current models have gone so far from their working progenitor that they have become one of the most successful party outfits. What to look for when choosing the right model for yourself? First of all, it is the length and level of the waist. The length should always match the shoes that you plan to wear with it. There are only two options - either a fully closed leg, when only the toe of the shoe is visible, or fully open, when the leg ends at the level of the beginning of the shoe. It is very important that there is no gap between them, since even such a trifle can visually "cut" your height. the second point that should not be overlooked in any case is the level of the waist. It must necessarily match the natural bend.

Thinking about what to wear for a corporate party for the new year, one should not forget about such an option as a trouser suit. No, no, not the boring one that you already flaunt in the office every day. A trouser suit for a party should be much more interesting and brighter. Playful stripes can add originality to the model, and a jacket, for example, can be replaced with an elongated vest. Here, the option of a jacket, densely trimmed with beads or sequins, which will shine, reflecting the glitter of spotlights, is also suitable.

And of course, the favorite of the New Year's wardrobe is the dress. In the case of a corporate event, the most important point must be taken into account - you should not look vulgar. Length, level of transparency and openness, these are what you should pay attention to first of all, because your reputation in the team may depend on it.

Image for New Year's Eve

Here, the selection criteria differ little from the previous ones, because the outfit should be appropriate in the setting in which you plan to celebrate. Recently, home gatherings are considered the absolute leader. But this does not mean at all that you should be in a stretched T-shirt or, even worse, in a dressing gown. At home, you can also look elegant, here are some options that will prove this:

  • Pants + blouse or top. It is best if these are wide-cut silk trousers, in which it is convenient to fuss around the festive table and have fun in the New Year's round dance;
  • Overalls. Even a simple cut, diluted with festive accessories, will turn into a bright and festive look;
  • The dress. There are two interesting options here: a light, straight-cut floor-length dress that covers the legs and eliminates the need to wear tights, or a nightie dress that has returned to fashion (or a sleep dress, as stylists and beauty bloggers like to call it). The last option is very unusual, since it can be combined with turtlenecks (tight or lace), tight tights, or simply put on, adding a light touch of sexuality to the image. A special chic is a velvet dress up to the middle of the shin. Pay special attention to it if you plan to go on a visit.

This does not mean at all that you need to limit yourself to the proposed options, because you may have a pajama party or a costume ball in your plans.

If you are going to a restaurant or club, then this is the place to try on the following images:

  • Sequin dress. Try to choose matte options that will give an expensive overflow of liquid metal. Such outfits are now at the height of fashion. But when choosing such an extravagant outfit, you need to think carefully about what to wear for a man for the new year 2017, because together with your loved one you should look harmonious. Of course, you will not achieve such an effect if your half is in duty jeans and a T-shirt;
  • Top and skirt. There is certainly room for imagination: bare shoulders, boho-style sleeve, loose fit. It is better to choose a skirt straight or pleated below the knee length. And remember: no jersey or the semblance of an alcoholic T-shirt is not fashionable for a long time, and it pretty much spoils the figure;
  • Lace. They can be either on a dress, or on a top or skirt. Make sure that the outfit does not look vulgar, otherwise the evening can be significantly spoiled by the harassment of slightly (and not so) tipsy gentlemen. Under the lace there should always be a lining or modest, even a little puritanical underwear (but not sports, of course), on top of a lace blouse or top can be complemented by a vest that will hide all the most controversial places;
  • Pantsuit. Having tested it at a corporate party, it is quite possible to walk again directly on the holiday.
  • Dress to the floor. A great option for a restaurant. Moreover, it is practically the only possible one, because you simply cannot find a more elegant and feminine outfit. Velvet models or velvet + lace will just look gorgeous;
  • Cocktail Dress. Everything is appropriate here, from a simple cut of a black dress to unimaginably shiny and bright sequins. Most importantly, do not forget about the balance of accessories: choose bright, voluminous and noticeable for a simple cut, and spectacular dresses are combined only with extremely modest accessories.

And the last thing: a holiday in a country house. Long knitted and knitted dresses to the floor will be more appropriate here than ever. If they will still be stitched with a shiny thread, then the best option is not even worth looking for. The plus is that you do not need to think about the choice of accessories, because even Christmas tree beads will be organic here.

Of course, you should not limit yourself to the options we have proposed, because our task is to give food for thought, and the final choice is always yours!