Does Ornella Muti have children? Biography of Ornella Muti. Ornella Muti in the film "The Taming of the Shrew"

Actress Ornella Muti made a significant contribution to the development of the world film industry in the form of more than a hundred roles in a wide variety of films. However, this is not even what sets her apart from other equally famous colleagues, but the charm and charisma that everyone falls under as soon as they see the face of this actress on the screen. And although many publicists who wrote articles about this woman claim that beauty did not help her become happier, still personal life of Ornella Muti It turned out very well, which largely explains the brilliant appearance of the actress.

The biography of Ornella Muti began just over 60 years ago (March 9) in Rome. The family of Francesca Romana Rivelli (the real name given to the celebrity at birth) emigrated from Estonia and could not boast of a strong financial position. The parents of the heroine of our article and her sister Claudia were representatives of creative, but not highly paid professions: her mother was a sculptor, and her father was a correspondent. After my father's death this became a real problem. Francesca was only 10 years old at the time. However, determination, determination and efficiency are the qualities that are still the calling card of the actress, and therefore, unable to earn money otherwise, she began posing nude for artists and photographers, attributing several years of age to herself. This could have remained the beauty’s only source of income for many years if her sister, who dreamed of acting in films, had not persuaded her to go to a casting with the company. The debut role in the film “The Most Beautiful Wife” (which, contrary to expectations, was given not to her sister, but to our heroine) opened up not only new opportunities and prospects for the young actress, but also gave the world Ornella Muti, since the girl owes this pseudonym to his director. Now the actress has about a hundred film works to her credit. Apparently, she ended her career, since her last role dates back to 2012, but viewers do not forget about their favorite. Now Ornella Muti has completely different interests. She is involved in charity work (although she tries not to advertise this fact) and has her own jewelry business.

In the photo - Ornella Muti and Alessio Orano

The personal life of Ornella Muti has repeatedly appeared on the pages of not only the Italian, but also the world press. Having started her professional career early, the beauty began to make attempts to arrange her destiny just as early. However, in choosing a life partner, I was seriously burned several times. So, at the age of 19, she first became the mother of her daughter Nike, whose father disappeared at the news of her pregnancy. Fortunately, his colleague on the set, Alessio Orano, who had been in love with the actress since the time they were filming together, did not give up trying to win her affection. Perhaps the story with his lover, who was afraid of responsibility, was one of the reasons why a year later he managed to become the legal husband of Ornella Muti. Their marriage lasted about five years.

Pictured is the wedding of Ornella Muti and Federico Facchinetti

The film star’s second husband, producer Federico Facchinetti, also turned out to be not the best match, as it turned out later. After 10 years of relationship, the couple officially registered their marriage, Ornella Muti gave her husband two children - son Andrea and daughter Carolina, but it soon became clear that the actress’s husband was involved in financial fraud.

In the photo - Ornella Muti and Stefano Piccolo

In the intervals between marriages, Ornella Muti managed to have short-lived affairs with such world-famous people as Andriano Celentano and Marco Ferreri. The third - this time civil - husband of the beautiful actress was the plastic surgeon Stefano Piccolo, the relationship with whom lasted quite a long time - as much as 10 years.

In the photo - Ornella Muti and Fabrice Kererve

In the photo - Ornella Muti with children

And since 2008, businessman Fabrice Kererve has become Ornella Muti’s constant companion. Despite her age, the actress maintains her beauty and lives a full, active life, fueling her strength, by her own admission, with love and happiness. And there are enough reasons for this: the actress’s three children are building a fairly successful acting career, and she enjoys raising two grandchildren.

0 June 22, 2017, 2:06 pm

Francesca Romana Rivelli (better known as Ornella Muti) will join the jury team of the 39th International Moscow Film Festival this year. Since her first films and timid steps towards conquering the cinema Olympus, she has been pursued by a variety of statuses: the most beautiful, the most desirable... And the most stylish as well. Today, on the occasion of the start of the MIFF, the editors of the site decided to find out what the recipe for the style of the star guest of the Moscow film festival is.

Ornella Muti was born on March 9, 1955 in Rome. This blooming woman, as you have time to calculate, is 62 years old, but who, as they say, will give her such a number? She herself considers her secret of youth and beauty to be simple (we would like to add that everything “simple” is usually very complex):

There are several important things: daily routine, proper nutrition, gymnastics, spiritual development and love. Love for a man, love for children... - she said in an interview.

Ornella Muti's style in everyday life or at social events often echoes the style of her film heroines: luxurious and sexy in Italian. Muti's appeal is, on the one hand, quite classic, and on the other, non-trivial. In her youth, she was the owner of a rare type of beauty, combining the incongruous: the relaxedness of an Italian diva and the modesty in the look of a Turgenev young lady. Russian genes, what can you do? However, few people know that Muti has been photographing for men's magazines since adolescence, and definitely not because of a better life:

If my mother had seen those magazines, she would definitely have flogged her,

— the actress admitted in another interview.

Magnetism, mixed with devilish power in her gaze, has become an integral part of the actress’s image. Despite the fact that at the beginning of her career she got roles in passable films, and the films with her participation received not the most pleasant epithets, this did not stop her from winning the Italian equivalent of the Oscar - Grolla d'Oro d in 1998.

Her charisma has always attracted many men: Muti's first husband, Alessio Romano, sought the attention of the sultry beauty for a long time, and finally achieved it... after she gave birth to a child from a man unknown to the public. However, this did not stop him from marrying the actress. But this marriage was given a long life: it was all due to Muti’s affair with his partner in the film “The Taming of the Shrew” (Il Bisbetico Domato) Adriano Celentano.

Actors need love on set,

- she admitted.

Ornella Muti and Adriano Celentano in the film "The Taming of the Shrew"
Now Ornella Muti has decided to remember her Russian roots and moved to Moscow, especially since the actress’s lover, businessman Fabrice Kererve, also does business here. Next up is domestic cinema: the loudest start ever is the 39th Moscow International Film Festival, in which Muti has one of the most honorable roles - a member of the jury.

Expert opinion: Alexander Devyatchenko, stylist and art director, curator of the author’s course “Stylist is a Profession” at School Gosh

As befits a true Italian, Ornella Muti's style is precise and in balance between the restraint of the northern and the temperament of southern Italians, who choose challenge, provocation, deep necklines, tight-fitting shapes and bright colors.

The actress’s beautiful figure is the result of exercise, healthy sleep and quitting smoking and alcohol. With her short height of 168 centimeters, Ornella knows how to present herself to the public.

For informal events, she chooses comfortable, casual things - jeans, sweaters, skirts, shirts and blouses, leather jackets. In such casual outfits, she looks no less attractive than in evening sets.

Speaking about the dresses that Ornella chooses, just look at their length to understand the format of the event. For red carpets and premieres, she prefers long dresses with a tight-fitting silhouette and, in rare cases, with a fluffy bottom. For less pretentious outings, Ornella chooses feminine cocktail outfits.

Muti's favorite colors are black, white and red. The emphasized waist and heel have remained unchanged in Ornella’s style for decades. Flat stroke? Not for this sultry Italian with Russian roots!

Expert Alexander Devyatchenko


Ornella Muti is one of those women, looking at whom you would never guess how old they are. At the same time, she does not pursue eternal youth - the secret of her attractiveness lies not only in her impeccable sense of style, cosmetic procedures (a list of which she, as a noted beauty, does not give away) and Russian-German roots, but also in the stunning Italian love of life, which Previously it was reflected in work, but now in relation to family. How she managed to become the best friend of her eldest daughter, who became the main man in her life and how she feels about change - read in an exclusive interview with Grazia.

How are you doing?

Wonderful! I'm happy, a little excited and I'm rushing to catch a plane to Rome because my daughter Caroline is giving birth (Carolina Fachinetti gave birth to her second daughter Julia on July 21 - ed.)


Thank you very much!

By the way, about your daughters: they are very similar to you in appearance. Do you think this similarity extends to the way you dress?

It’s hard to say... They are young, and I’m already an adult, and, accordingly, we dress differently. I am rather conservative, but Carolina and Nike have a different approach to fashion, more risky, more free. This is natural: over time, women begin to be more respectful of their age and status - their position in society or the status of mother and grandmother, it doesn’t matter. Which does not change the fact that even mature ladies should remain feminine and stylish. In general, it seems to me that fashion is a game that girls never grow out of.

And what do you like to “play” now? Do you have any favorite designers?

I am crazy about Ulyana Sergeenko dresses - I always feel amazingly beautiful in them. And Fendi, of course, I am a long-time client and fan of the brand. Luckily, our love for these designers is mutual.

Do you and your daughters advise each other on what dress to wear?

Certainly! And sometimes we even change things. For example, Nike might borrow a vintage bag or dress from me - although this doesn't happen often. She herself has an impressive wardrobe.

You are probably friends with your eldest daughter?

Yes! I have three children and Nike is my firstborn. I was very young when she was born and, to be honest, I think I grew up with her. Therefore, she and I are very close, one might say we are friends. I am convinced that there should be distance in the relationship between mother and child; while the child is small, the mother must first of all be a mother. And with age, this distance decreases and it turns out that a daughter can be a best friend.

Do you spend a lot of time together?

Yes. I'm glad that Nike lives with me - we are almost inseparable. Carolina and my youngest son Andrea live separately, so I visit them on visits. I try to visit them as often as possible, especially since Caroline has children and needs my help from time to time. By the way, I adore my grandchildren and consider myself a good grandmother.

It’s good that your acting career didn’t stop you from creating a strong family.

You know, unlike other actresses, I never maintained close relationships with my partners on the set - I simply didn’t have time for that. I devoted every free minute to my family. But this is not accepted in cinema - it is considered good form to be friends with colleagues, to go to restaurants, to parties together... I admit, sometimes I felt like an outsider, a person left out of the party, but now I don’t regret anything. Family has always come first for me.

A very Russian approach. By the way, you often visit Russia - would you like to move?

I didn’t think about it seriously and at the same time, it doesn’t seem absurd to me. You know, I have Russian roots.

Do you feel them?

To be honest, I never had the opportunity to fully feel them... I talked with my mother about the history of our family and she said that she wanted, but could not come to Russia. Once, when I was still filming a movie, we wanted to come together, see St. Petersburg, drive around its outskirts - my mother wasn’t allowed in then. At that moment I realized that Russia is a complex country. Now everything is much simpler, of course, and this is a good reason to finally know your roots. And every time I come to Russia, I experience a feeling of harmony. I love your country very much.

How do you like Russian cuisine?

Oh, I am a lover of delicious food and I don’t even think about ordering pasta in Russia. And not at all because it is poorly prepared here - you have many good restaurants.

Okay, let's ask perhaps the main question: how do you manage to look so amazing?

I try to do my best (laughs). I get massages and regularly visit a cosmetologist.

Do you prefer being a blonde or a brunette?

Blonde. I love experiments and am distrustful of people who avoid change. It seems to me that when we change externally, we change internally and become stronger.

And the last question: tell us about your most striking novel?

It’s happening right now: I’ve been in love for ten years now and I can say that my lover is my greatest love. Of course, I had men before him, from some of them I gave birth to children - how can you not love the person with whom you have a child? - but my main love is the one with whom I am now.

Stylist: Valeria Marchetti


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Ornella Muti was born on March 9, 1955 in Rome under the name Francesca Romana Rivelli. Her father was Neapolitan, and her mother was born in Estonia and had Russian roots. The Rivelli family lived poorly. The father, who worked as a doctor, died shortly after the birth of his daughter. The mother, who never achieved success in cinema, was left penniless with two daughters.

At the age of 12, Francesca turned into a charming girl with a stunning figure, so men began to look at her. Trying to help her family with money, she took a desperate step - she began posing nude for art college students. Soon her drawings spread throughout the area and reached the school. When the mother found out about this, she spanked her daughter and did not speak to her for a long time.

However, even then Francesca showed strength of character, declaring that she was not ashamed of her body, and that it was better to make a living this way than to steal. This largely determined the girl’s fate. When she turned 14, her sister Claudia persuaded her to go with her to the casting of the film “The Most Beautiful Wife,” which was written about in the newspaper. Claudia tried her best to please the director, but Damiano Damiani looked at Francesca, who came to support her sister in her endeavors.

So, ironically, the actress who never dreamed of making a movie became an actress. The director didn’t even realize that Francesca was 14 years old, since she looked like she was 18. Diamani approved her for the role, but demanded that she change her name, since there was already an actress with the surname Rivelli in the movie. So Francesca became Ornella Muti.

Worldwide popularity

Her debut in the film “The Most Beautiful Wife” (1970) did not become a sensation, but now Ornella had a job. She starred, as a rule, in low-budget erotic films, but she was grateful for this too. Muti was never shy about her early films and always proudly stated that she was the first Italian actress to appear completely nude on the big screen.

Soon, candid photographs of Ornella Muti began to appear in magazines and captivated the whole country. Naturally, there was no end to men. Her co-star in the first film, Alessio Orano, fell madly in love with the actress, and she had to accept a marriage proposal when she found out she was pregnant. After the birth of their daughter Nike, they got married. Alessio was a good father, but their marriage did not last long. According to Muti, he was not a handsome enough man for her.

Meanwhile, the actress's career gradually gained momentum. In 1974, she appeared on screen as Vincenzina in the film A People's Romance, and two years later in Marco Ferreri's scandalous film The Last Woman (1976). These works were a great success and convinced critics that Muti had not only beauty, but also talent. Thanks to these films, the actress was able to break out of the shackles of cinematic erotica and open the doors to serious cinema.

Directors Marco Ferreri and Dino Risi became Ornella's teachers and spiritual mentors. They saw in her not only a beautiful girl, but also a talented actress. Creating deep, dramatic paintings, they did everything so that Ornella could reveal her talent. And she succeeded. The films The Bishop's Room (1977) and The New Monsters (1977) established Muti as the most promising actress.

Best of the day

And worldwide fame came to Ornella Muti after the release of the comedy “The Taming of the Shrew” (1980) with the inimitable Adriano Celentano. The film was very popular abroad, especially in the countries of the USSR. Together with Celentano, the actress also starred in the film “Madly in Love” (1981), but their union became famous not only on the creative plane.

Shortly after filming The Taming of the Shrew, Ornella Muti separated from her second husband Federico Fachinetti, who was a famous stockbroker. They dated for a very long time and managed to have two children, but were not married for long. The press actively circulated rumors that the reason for the divorce was an affair with Celentano. Ornella confirmed that she had an affair with the actor, but that’s not why she broke up with Federico. It turns out that her husband carried out financial fraud using the name Muti, for which he was arrested on charges of embezzlement.

Last years

Recently, Ornella Muti has been increasingly appearing in films by foreign directors. Her first non-Italian film, the fantasy action film Flash Gordon (1980), was very popular and eventually gained cult status. In 1980, the Soviet film “Life is Beautiful” appeared on the screens, where the actress played the role of the girl Maria. Among her most famous foreign works are the films “Once upon breaking the law” (1992), “Chicks” (2004), “Cheerful and tanned” (2006).

In the late 80s, Ornella Nike's daughter told her that she was pregnant and was going to give birth without a father. Even though Muti was angry with her daughter, she had to come to terms with it. After all, she was once in exactly the same situation. When Nike gave birth to a son, resourceful journalists immediately came up with a nickname for the actress, calling her “the most beautiful grandmother in the world.”

Indeed, Ornella Muti does not lose her charm at all. The secret of her beauty is that she does not drink or smoke, does gymnastics and tries to sleep more. The actress prefers to live in peace and moderation. In the late 90s, Muti dated the famous plastic surgeon Stefano Piccolo, and now lives with French billionaire Fabrice Kererve. She is happier than ever, because in her life she has both her favorite job and her beloved man.

In addition to filming films, Muti is involved in charity work and business. When she lived in France, she planted vineyards and made wine. Now the actress has her own jewelry line, which covers boutiques in Milan, Rome, Paris, Moscow, Riga, Almaty. She still acts in films and is pleased that her children will continue her work - daughters Nike and Carolina have already become actresses, and her youngest son Andrea also dreams of becoming an actor.

Ornella Muti once conquered Italy with her beauty and talent, but now she has the whole world at her feet. She still remains one of the most beautiful women on the planet; an actress, without whom the movie would be boring and uninteresting. And for this she is loved all over the world.

Fans of the Italian actress Ornella Muti will most remember her role as Lisa opposite Adriano Celentano in the famous film called “The Taming of the Shrew,” but this fragile young lady has more than 60 films behind her. Now Ornella Muti no longer acts in films, but not every Hollywood star can boast of such a brilliant career as hers.

A little biography

The famous Italian film actress was born in Rome on March 9, 1955. Real name: Francesca Romana Rivelli. Her father was a born Italian, and her mother was from St. Petersburg, but lived in Estonia for a long time. Since the girl’s mother worked as a sculptor and her father as a journalist, there was never enough money in the family. To earn a little money for fashionable and stylish outfits like her classmates, thirteen-year-old Francesca posed nude at an art school, and her erotic photo shoots were published in men's magazines. Young Ornella Muti told everyone that she was already eighteen years old.

The girl received her first film role at the age of 15, after which her acting career quickly took off. At first, Ornella worked only with Italian directors, but very soon she began to be invited to various British and German productions. Ornella Muti quickly became a favorite of the public and worked with the best directors of our time, including Dino Risi and Marco Ferreri. Today, not a single Cannes festival can do without her participation.

Ornella Muti - the personal life of the actress

The actress's first film brought her not only fame, but also a romantic relationship with an Italian young man. The whirlwind romance lasted several years until Ornella became pregnant. The guy disappeared from her life before the baby was born. The daughter of Ornella Muti received a beautiful and unusual name - Nike. However, a year after this, the girl found family happiness by marrying Alessio Orano. The career of the Italian cinema star developed quickly and rapidly went uphill, which became the cause of envy on the part of her colleagues and led to the emergence of numerous gossip around her person in the press.

Having met Adriano Celentano, Ornella Muti immediately fell in love with the Italian handsome man. Soon after, they began a whirlwind romance. It was for this man that the actress left her husband, but Adriano was not ready to do the same for his mistress, so the couple broke up. Ornella's next husband was Federico Facchinetti. From this marriage another daughter, Ornella Muti Carolina, and a son, Andrea, were born. Unfortunately, the husband was caught cheating and caused the actress a lot of trouble with his gambling debts. Ornella helped him pay off the casino, but demanded.

The next stage in the actress’s personal life was the plastic surgeon Stefano Piccolo, whom she dated for about 13 years. Today Ornella Muti is in love with Fabrice Kererve. her for 10 years, but this does not at all interfere with their family happiness. They opened a jewelry salon together and recently legalized their relationship.

The actress constantly takes care of her appearance, which cannot be overlooked by her sophisticated figure and well-groomed face. The actress's height and weight are also under strict control. This luxurious woman weighs only 55 kilograms and is 165 centimeters tall.

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Recently a very unpleasant thing happened to her. For canceling a pre-planned performance and attending a charity evening in St. Petersburg instead, an Italian court found her guilty of fraud and ordered her to pay a fine of six hundred euros, as well as spend 8 months in prison.