How to train your brain for photographic memory. How to develop photographic memory - effective techniques and simple exercises. — Simple exercises to develop photographic memory

Surely more than once, when meeting characters with photographic images in a movie...

Surely, more than once, when you met heroes with photographic memory in a movie, you envied them with fierce, even black envy, believing that such things can only be innate? But in fact, the latter is far from the truth. Of course, it is much easier for them to remember details, remember information, and be, as they say, more attentive. Everyone dreams of remembering anything all the time, using the information received to make highly accurate, literally scientific conclusions on any issue. So let's see how you can use a special exercise to train your brain and achieve that notorious photographic memory for yourself.

You will need:
- a dark room;
- book;
- bright lamp;
- a sheet of opaque paper with a rectangular cutout in it strictly according to the size of the paragraph of text from the book that you will “photograph” in your memory.

1. To develop your photographic memory using this technique, you will need about 1 month, with fifteen-minute sessions every day. Over the first month, your eyes will develop the ability to adapt to the desired reading system in daylight within a five-minute period. You will develop increased attentiveness, concentration and the ability to perfectly remember what you see.

2. Choose or arrange a completely dark room in your apartment/house. Evening weak natural light, in which the sunset appears through not too thick curtains, will not work! Also in this room there should be no distractions for 15 minutes, including sounds and movements. If necessary, use earplugs. In this case, it is optimal to occupy the bathtub, covering the bottom under the door with rags and asking household members to sit quietly away from the bathtub for just 15 minutes a day without TV or music (or with headphones). Take a lamp with bright light into the room (a table lamp with a fluorescent light bulb, for example), which you can turn on and off quickly and without unnecessary movements.

3. Mount the lamp firmly on a hard surface so that you do not need to hold the lamp in your hand (otherwise it will also be an unnecessary distraction), sit comfortably next to the light on/off button. In your hands you should have a book and that same opaque sheet of paper with a rectangle cut out in it the size of the paragraph to be memorized.

Try to choose a paragraph of text that is not too simple (a children's fairy tale), but not too complex (quantum physics), and not too boring, otherwise your mind may simply automatically refuse to remember or even see the text that repels you so much. Choose something interesting for you that will be pleasant to remember later over and over again. The paragraph size should also be average, around 5-7 lines. If 7 is too much, “reduce” the size of the selected text using paper and a cut-out rectangle. Don't memorize a paragraph in advance, before or between exercises.

4. Cover the page with a sheet of paper, leaving only the required paragraph visible, and hold the paragraph directly in front of you. Open and close your eyes, adjusting the distance from the book to them so that when you open your eyes, your gaze immediately and clearly focuses on the text.

5. Turn off the lights. As your eyes become accustomed to the darkness, you will see a residual glow. While looking at the paragraph, turn on the light for a split second and then turn it off again.

6. After this, a visual imprint of the material that was in front of them in the light will remain in your eyes. When the print “falls off,” turn on the light again for half a moment and look at the book again.

7. Repeat the process until you can repeat all the words in the paragraph in the correct order. You will be able to actually literally see the paragraph in your mind and read it from that "imprint".

Remember that this system is designed specifically to develop your ability to focus your gaze and attention in the right way in daylight, and not in order to “photograph” every text that you will need to memorize in the future each time in the future. A month is not enough - continue to train, we are all individuals and learn at different speeds.

Text is simpler than pictures because it contains less detail. You will develop a photographic memory regarding text, you can freely move on to pictures and photographs.

Additions and warnings:

- When about half a month has passed, don’t get discouraged, it will work! This system worked for the military for 70 years;
— It is necessary to develop this technique until you are able to perform similar “tricks” throughout the day in the light and with different texts;
— Skip at least 1 day of training and extend the total training period from a month to 5 weeks or more!

Do you have a photographic memory? Find out - it may be useful. A person is said to have a photographic memory if he can remember all the smallest details and reproduce them exactly when necessary.

As a rule, people remember only the main points well, but forget the details. To determine whether a person has a photographic memory or not, have him read a paragraph of text carefully and then test it by asking about every detail. If he is able to remember all the details, he could become the new wonder of the world!

Of course, it’s not easy to remember everything, but special techniques and tips come to the rescue. Some of them may seem funny, but their application provides an opportunity to experience real intellectual pleasure. Let's consider several techniques that will make you feel more confident:

Come up with a picture association for the object you are trying to remember, preferably a funny one. In fact, it is absurd images that help retain information in memory for a long time. In everyday life, our attention is instantly drawn to bright and unexpected, rather than simple and familiar, pictures. Try comparing two images: in one people are smiling, in the other they are not. Which picture catches your eye? Try it yourself and see for yourself!

Visualizing a plan for your own home is easier than remembering a random list of items. Why not place list items in familiar territory? Try to imagine the object from the list in a specific place in your home. This way you should remember everything much faster and for a very long time.

For example: You enter the house through the front door and see a package of strawberries on the floor in the hallway, which symbolizes the need to buy this delicious berry.

You walk up the stairs to your room and see someone's huge buttocks, which means you need to buy some burgers too. Sounds weird and crazy, doesn't it? But this is one of the most effective methods to achieve what you want.

Instead of associating objects to be remembered with locations, we associate them with numbers. The applications of numbers are not limited to just solving mathematical equations; they are used in a variety of situations. This technique is reminiscent of the method of remembering by association with a place, as it uses the same principle, just a little differently.

For example:

  1. Buy a basketball;
  2. Call your best friend;
  3. Prepare lunch for mom;
  4. Finish current tasks.

Are you afraid of the dark? Leave your fears in the past and try a method that can help you instantly write down your list on your subcortex. To do this, you need to place notes nearby for memorization and a lamp with a switch. Look at the sheet with the data you want to remember, and after a moment turn off the light. This must be repeated every day for 20 minutes for a month. As a result, you should get a great result. What are you waiting for?

This is one of the most common ways to develop memory. It consists of the following: you carefully look at a pattern or drawing and try to repeat it with the help of matches in order to improve your memory. You can make several attempts to achieve the perfect result. It may seem difficult at first, but it's definitely worth a try.

Rhymes, rhymes... rhymes

Everyone knows that memorizing rhyming lines is much easier and does not require much effort. You can use ready-made dictionaries, selecting rhymes for your list of words that you want to memorize, or come up with them yourself for greater reliability. This is one of the simplest ways to remember large amounts of information.

Add some music

Everyone likes music, right? You can forget the words of your favorite song, but it is difficult to forget its tune. Are you still humming an old favorite tune? Setting a memorization list to music is another way to memorize it over a long period of time, and it really works. For example, it is difficult to remember the dates and names of participants in important historical events. Try singing them to the tune of a well-known or new song, so the dry set of numbers and names will become more expressive and, perhaps, even pleasant.

Practical experience is the path to improvement

Experience gained in practice stimulates our personal growth. You can't learn everything from books. Some things are difficult to understand with only theoretical knowledge. Let's give an example: you can't learn how to cook a delicious dish just by reading the recipe, you'll have to go to the kitchen. In short, you remember a procedure better if you repeat it yourself rather than just read it.

Get organized

The sooner you learn to keep your belongings and records organized, the better. If your desk is scattered with papers, your notebook is full of notes on various topics, and your computer folders are completely disorganized, you constantly feel anxious, and this reduces brain productivity. Clean your room, organize papers and notes by topic, and you will feel completely different, and remembering things will become much easier.

Handwrite rather than type

Use a laptop, iPad, etc. only if it is really necessary. Writing notes is much more effective than typing them. What is written by hand always remains in the memory longer. There is also the following pattern: when people write notes on paper, they write in their own words. When using electronic devices, it is easier to write down everything verbatim, but such notes are less memorable.

The following tips will help you develop a good memory:

Make time for exercise. helps preserve mental and physical health, reduces the risk of disease. This means it preserves the brain and provides strong memory.

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Have you heard this? If you think about it, this is not nonsense at all. Glucose makes brain cells work faster, even if a person has brain problems. Therefore, memory works better after eating. But don't overeat at lunch; the digestion process also requires energy and takes it away from the brain.

3. Train your memory

Try to solve as many logic problems or crossword puzzles as possible. If a crossword puzzle seems difficult to you, find an easier option first. Take a look at the answers, then remove them and try to restore them. This improves memory performance.

4. Use cunning

If you forgot something, try mentally going back in time. Imagine what you were doing at that moment and the answer will come unexpectedly, like an insight.

5. Take breaks

Often, trying to learn more and more new data, we forget what we remembered before. What to do? Take a short break before moving on to a new block of information. Otherwise, a conflict arises. New knowledge is superimposed on old ones, and they disappear from memory. You need to adhere to a clear routine.

6. Eat healthy

weakens the body and interferes with the normal absorption of essential substances. Try to avoid fatty foods and change your habits by switching to healthy foods that are easy to digest. This will only bring benefits.

7. Stress level

Nowadays stress is the main enemy. It makes a person feel sluggish and is bad for the brain. Over time, it destroys brain cells and catastrophically impairs memory. Try to reduce your stress levels by doing something nice for yourself.

8. Clench your fists

Sounds crazy? But it works. During the study, some participants were asked to clench their right hand into a fist while learning new information and their left hand when it was necessary to reproduce it. They had better results than those who didn't. What are you waiting for? Reade set Go!

Debunking some common misconceptions about photographic memory:

Developing photographic memory will significantly increase productivity in school and at work. This type of memory can be trained, but for this you need to systematically practice and continue to develop your skills. The ability to quickly perceive and accurately remember the information you see will be very useful in the future. First, let's find out what photographic memory is.

Photographic memory or eidetism- this is the ability to remember a visual image, which is then reproduced using words or a picture.

People with photographic memory are able to remember drawings or paintings in the finest detail, then describe them in detail. The interesting thing is that people with similar abilities can quickly memorize entire pages of text, then retell it verbatim. In their memory, a page of text is stored in the form of a scanned document or photograph.

How to develop photographic memory?

Developing such a gift in yourself will be extremely useful. This will help you achieve success in various aspects of life. And those who have short-term photographic memory are recommended to further develop it. At the same time, you do not need to devote a lot of time and effort to training. You can engage in self-development on the way home, waiting for your transport at the bus stop.

Train photographic memory You can, while traveling on the subway, carefully examine the passenger opposite you, then look away and try to restore his image as much as possible. You can also do this on advertisements or posters.

For improvement long-term memorization you need to try to reproduce in the smallest detail objects seen earlier.

There are many trainings that will help you learn how to develop photographic memory.

Exercises with Schulte tables

The most popular are Schulte tables sized 5x5 cells, inside which numbers are drawn. The purpose of the exercise is to quickly find numbers in the desired sequence. For better results You can go through the same table twice, the first time in ascending numbers, and the second time in descending order. If regular tables are easy to complete, you can look for a more complex version, where the numbers are written in different shapes of different sizes.

With the help of such training, peripheral vision and memorization of small details are improved.

To complete this task you need a box of matches and a flat, smooth floor. First of all you need to take three to five matches and throw them on the floor, examine them for a short period of time and remember the location. Then turn in the other direction and place the other five matches in the same position. At first glance, the task seems simple, but if you try to lay out matches taking into account all the details, the first attempts may be unsuccessful. If this exercise is too easy, you should gradually increase the number of matches.

Exercise “Roman Room”

Used by the ancient Romans for better remembering of the to-do list. They remembered the most striking and outstanding things in their house or room, and assigned them a certain image associated with any matter. For example, if he needed to go to the bathhouse with a friend, the Roman imagined him in a puddle near his fountain or pond in the yard; if he needed to buy something, he could imagine this item in the hands of his favorite statue.

This method will be very useful for developing photographic memory. With its help, images of future affairs can be tied to various details of an object (its shape, color, pattern), and not to the thing as a whole. Thus, each time you need to remember something you need, you can return to your imaginary room, remembering not only the objects themselves, but also their details.

This technique is named after famous artist, who also developed the gift of eidetism.

According to the stories, Aivazovsky came to the seashore, where he carefully peered at the waves, trying to capture them in as much detail as possible in his memory. He reproduced the picture of the waves in his mind many times, and then transferred them to the canvas.

Using Aivazovsky's method, you can develop photographic memory while leading a normal lifestyle. So, if given the opportunity, you should consider an object, a statue, a person, a poster. Then, looking away, reproduce the memorable image in the smallest detail. At first it may seem ineffective and boring, but systematic daily training will eventually show impressive results.

Such exercises are well suited for children. After all, at their age, any information is better perceived and remembered in a playful form.

The most popular games are:

  • "What's missing". To carry it out you need to collect several items. Place them on the floor and ask the child to remember all the toys. Then, when the baby turns away, hide one toy and ask him to name what is missing. To complicate the task, you can change the sequence of objects and increase their number.
  • "What's in the box". For this game you need several small toys and an opaque container. Place all items in a container and cover with a cloth or lid. Then momentarily show the child what is inside and ask him to name all the remembered items. As memory improves, the number of items increases.
  • "Identical cards". This game requires a deck of regular or children's cards. Lay out 3-5 cards, and as you memorize, the child must turn them face down. Then give him the same cards from another deck and ask him to put them on the corresponding ones. In this way, long-term photographic memory is trained.

Photographic memory will only improve with constant daily training. There is no need to hope for quick results; it is best to be patient and continue to improve the performance of your brain.

A person’s memory is as individual as a face; we are all similar to each other, but at the same time we have distinctive features. Memory can be developed at any age - start playing games with young children or train them in adulthood. Attentiveness and observation will never be superfluous, but on the contrary, they will be very useful in solving everyday problems.

What is photographic memory?

Eidetism is the ability of the human brain to preserve and reproduce previously captured images, objects, phenomena and circumstances with precise details. It is also commonly called . The word eidetism has Greek roots - “eidos” means image, appearance, appearance. Until now, eidetism in psychology is a real inexplicable phenomenon of individual people, sometimes it is accompanied by high computing abilities - higher than those of modern computers of the latest generation.

Is it possible to develop photographic memory?

Photographic memory can be an innate feature or acquired through systematic training. Psychologists explain that such memory allows the eidetic to reproduce past events with detailed, minute details, where the basis is a picture, but other types of memory are connected to it - tactile, auditory and even olfactory. A person reproduces a plot in his head, as if he were in a real situation.

Eidetic memory has the ability to cut out past moments, replacing them with scenes based on emotions or experiences experienced at that time. Scientists say that photographic memory is inherent in everyone from early childhood, but over the years it loses its properties. Unfortunately, it is impossible to deliberately develop the ability for this type of memory and possess it like natural eidetics, but it is possible to achieve high results and increase the ability to memorize.

How to quickly develop photographic memory?

In order to develop a photographic memory and develop it, at least to the level of the famous Sherlock Holmes, great efforts must be made. Learn not just to see the picture, but train to notice the smallest details. Concentrated looking at surrounding objects, taking into account little things on a conscious level, is the first step towards developing super memory. Training and development of memory at the initial stage will take place consciously; after a certain period of time, such learning will smoothly move to an unconscious level.

Studying and reproducing the past day or the movie watched in the smallest detail with the correct sequence should be done in the mind every day - this will help develop this type of memory faster. A detailed analysis of paintings or images by carefully studying the details for 30 seconds should be a systematic habit and a common occurrence at the very beginning of training. It is advisable to reduce the study interval after each successful time.

How to develop photographic memory - exercises

Training photographic memory is the work of the brain; it should not stand idle. A common activity for people who want to develop their memory should be solving crosswords, puzzles, logical problems, learning foreign languages ​​- neurobics classes. The genius Leonardo da Vinci developed his abilities by studying walls with splashes of paint, but modern methods suggest starting exercises with elementary memorization tasks that will help develop the inherent inclinations of editism:

Games to develop photographic memory

Games for the development of photographic memory - promote. Tasks that develop photographic memory at any age:

  1. Read backwards. You should start with simple words, then practice on word combinations and phrases.
  2. Eavesdrop on someone else's conversation. While in a public place, you need to catch a fragment of someone else’s conversation, then reproduce all the words and intonation you heard - portray someone else’s emotions.
  3. Make associations - compare objects and furnishings with familiar and standard things.
  4. Studying poetry is good for developing memory.
  5. Reading aloud with intonation and accents; the text should not sound monotonous; it should convey thoughts and experiences.
  6. Throwing matches - randomly throw matches on the table or floor, turn away and reproduce the same arrangement.

Another extremely important type of memory is photographic. It, together with auditory, visual and tactile, allows you to reproduce completely holistic information images. Saw - “took a picture” has an almost direct meaning for people with developed photographic memory. For them, the process of memorizing details is not difficult; it occurs involuntarily, at the level of reflexes. Imagine, a person, having taken one single glance at the composition - a table, a bookshelf, a bouquet of flowers, after a while can easily answer: how many devices were on the table and which ones, how many books were there on the shelf and what types of flowers were made up of the floral arrangement? ensemble. For most people who do not have a developed photographic memory, it would take a lot of time to count everything and try to remember, but even then there would be no guarantee that the data would emerge when necessary.

Maximum time must be devoted to developing photographic memory. In addition to being useful, it is also very interesting. People who have been working on their mnemonic abilities since childhood are able to reproduce entire volumes of works from memory, and with such accuracy as if they were right before their eyes. Children with trained photographic memory always study well and adapt well in life. Often, they do not need to prepare for most subjects at all, since they can easily recall a “picture” or “photograph” from the text of a note or textbook from memory and “read” everything that is required at the moment.

What is photographic memory?

Many people believe that photographic memory is a phenomenon that is endowed with a very limited number of individuals. This is partly true, but only partly. This is the same ability of the human brain as a lot of others, and if you train it correctly, you can achieve incredible success.

In psychology, photographic or eidetic memory is usually called the ability of a person to remember an informative visual image without comprehending it. The data seen is transformed into just a static picture, slides, which under certain conditions (or if you want to remember associative situations) simply pop up in memory on their own with pristine clarity. A good example is a page from a telephone directory; if you “photograph” it with your memory, you can reproduce the image at any time and mentally walk through it with your eyes in search of the desired contact.

How is photographic memory different from normal memory?

Photo memory differs from other types primarily in that a person does not comprehend or analyze what he sees, he simply remembers it - he takes a “photo” in and puts it in an album, and then, if necessary, retrieves it and uses it.

Conventional memory is based on the principles of substitution. Information is stored in free cells, more recent data replaces outdated ones, so over time a person forgets a lot. Traditional memory tends to pay special attention only to emotionally rich and significant events.

Photographic memory is not attached to emotions; it captures an image that does not depend on new events and does not mix with them. The memorized picture does not emerge in parts - bright spots, but as a whole and completely, from where you can select the smallest details.

Practical techniques for developing photographic memory

Training a child’s photographic memory is fun and interesting, and will definitely benefit all participants in the process. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve such results as Kim Peak, one of the few recognized owners of perfect photographic memory in the world, but it is worth striving for them. By the way, Kip Peak became the prototype of one of the main characters of the famous drama by Barry Lenvinson “Rain Man” - Raymond, played by Dustin Hoffman. Kim read a standard book page in just 4 seconds and at the same time remembered everything that was written there. By the end of his life, his “photo album” contained more than 12 thousand pages.


  1. Ask your child to look at an object that is not overloaded with details, let him try to remember everything, then he turns away and describes to you what he remembers. As the results improve, when the description begins to completely coincide with the visualization, objects need to be made more complex, larger in volume, more saturated with small fragments.
  2. While standing at a bus stop, look at the advertisements and compete to see who can remember the phone numbers and texts of the advertisements the most.
  3. Leonardo da Vinci loved to look at walls randomly splattered with paint. In them he tried to find new images and drew inspiration for his brilliant works. The same technique can be used for activities with a child - a sheet of paper with randomly applied blots, what do we see? There is also a similar game with clouds. Pick a day with good cumulus clouds, lie down on the grass and work with associations, and what cloud looks like what. Very interesting, especially since the shape of the clouds changes all the time.
  4. Older children will benefit from memorizing formulas. Working from simple to complex, you can well improve the level of photographic memory.
  5. Look at a small paragraph of text, without reading it completely, but simply taking it in from beginning to end. Write down on paper everything you remember, even if it’s just separate words on different lines, they, like pieces of a puzzle, will gradually fit into a readable picture. Practice and very soon you will be able to write out a complete paragraph.
  6. Write down the numbers in a row or column - remember and gradually increase their number in a row or column.
  7. The match match game is one of the simplest and most entertaining. You can see what it looks like on our thematic resource in the section. On a field filled with images, you need to find and mark the twin picture as quickly as possible.
  8. It is effective to read words backwards. You need to start with small phrases. After a while, you will be able to read entire pages of text fluently. Children especially like the unique sound of some familiar words.
  9. Print a small text on one sheet of paper and the same text, but with a few extra words added, on the other. Task: find extra words as quickly as possible. The number of unnecessary words gradually increases.
  10. Look at the object for at least 5 minutes, close your eyes and reproduce what you saw.
  11. Schulte plates. In tables with chaotically scattered figures and numbers, it is necessary to find a sequence. They are also presented in full on.

At first, of course, it will be quite difficult. For greater effectiveness, methods must be alternated. In the development of photographic memory, as in others, regularity is extremely important. Good luck!