Glycerin in cosmetology. Favorable effect on the dermis. Rose Water Tonic

Glycerin for the face is used to nourish and moisturize as part of masks and other care products. It effectively enhances the action of the remaining components, helping them to penetrate more deeply. Glycerin is also a harsh chemical that can cause unwanted effects if not handled with care. It is impossible to apply cosmetics in a dry room, otherwise the skin condition may worsen.

Description and classification

Glycerin is a chemical substance (trihydric alcohol) obtained during the processing of fats. It is divided into 2 types: plant and animal origin. When creating cosmetics, the latter is used.

There are two more varieties:

  • synthetic;
  • natural.

Many cosmetologists recommend using natural, although recent research by scientists has shown that these types are no different from each other, and in some cases it is quite difficult to accurately determine the belonging of a substance.

In any case, the formation of a substance occurs as a result of a chemical process. Such a division is conditional, and the properties of both species are the same.

Benefit and harm

Glycerin components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, nourish it, moisturize and reduce sensitivity. Due to these properties, it is often added to cosmetics as an auxiliary component to deliver nutrients, moisturize and reduce sensitivity.

Glycerin can also bring other benefits: rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, make the face radiant and toned.

Main useful properties:

  • acts as a stabilizing agent in cosmetics;
  • helps to accelerate metabolism in the upper layers of the epidermis, cleansing pores of fat, toxins and dirt;
  • eliminates black spots, blackheads;
  • has a pronounced moisturizing effect;
  • Helps fight cracked hands and feet.

Glycerin is a fairly active chemical. If the dosage is incorrect, it can cause various skin diseases.

It has the following harmful effects:

  • dries the skin due to hygroscopicity;
  • with some chemicals (silicone) is able to create toxic compounds;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory reaction, in the active phase of dermatological diseases, with oily skin, rashes, it can worsen the condition;
  • can irritate the skin;
  • may cause allergic reactions.

In this regard, there are contraindications for the use of:

  • in its pure form, the substance is prohibited to be used;
  • in the manufacture of home cosmetics, proportions should be strictly observed;
  • do not apply it before going outside in the winter;
  • It is not recommended to use the substance for a long time and regularly.

People with too fair skin should not use glycerin: the substance removes melanin, which changes the tone of the dermis. Before application, it is necessary to test the component on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm.

Provided there are no contraindications and the recommendations for the use of cosmetics with glycerin are followed, the effect will only be positive.

Application features and recipes

This product is used:

  • as part of cosmetics for care;
  • to moisturize the skin;
  • for the preparation of homemade masks, scrubs and creams.

Regardless of the method of use, there are a few rules to remember:

  • Do not mix glycerin with oils when making homemade cosmetics, as it does not dissolve in them.
  • Vitamin E is considered the optimal supplement: it enhances the activity of substances and provides complete skin care.
  • It should be used in the evening, because after application, a film forms on the skin that prevents the application of makeup.
  • The optimal time to apply glycerin is the autumn-spring period. In summer it will be too heavy, and in winter the humidity in the apartments is low, which prevents the skin from moisturizing - water molecules are absorbed from it, which are not enough in the atmosphere.

It is optimal to use the funds in courses, giving the skin a rest. One cycle is about 15-20 procedures, which are carried out with short breaks (two to three days). It is recommended to repeat the course twice a year.

Cosmetics with glycerin should not be left overnight: swelling may form in the morning. This is due to the high fat content of the drug and its ability to attract moisture. The exception is a mask with vitamin E: it can be left overnight without rinsing, provided that after 30 minutes the remnants of the product are removed with a napkin.

Features of use depending on the type:

View Application features
Glycerin soapWashing too often is not recommended. When using, it is important to drink enough water. When making soap at home, do not exceed the concentration of glycerin in 5%
pure, liquidIn this form, glycerin cannot be used: it can be harmful by drying out the skin. Be sure to dilute it with water or decoctions of herbs before use. It is not recommended to use the substance in winter
ButterUse with caution: excess can provoke inflammatory reactions
In the creamYou should choose a product where glycerin is not first on the list of ingredients. Apply with sufficient humidity in the room (above 65%)
In masksSelf-preparation of masks is justified, subject to the proportions and recommendations. It is important that there are no inflammations, skin diseases and cracks.

For dry skin

The most effective for this type of skin are the following compositions:

Name of the mask Ingredients Preparation, application, properties
With vitamin E
  • Glycerin in tubes (25 ml each).
  • For one such tube you need to take 10 capsules of vitamin E
The nutrient is worn daily on a pre-cleansed face and aged for 20-30 minutes. Ideal for dry skin, moisturizes, helps eliminate wrinkles
  • Glycerol.
  • Any vitamins
Vitamin A effectively cares for the skin and reduces age-related manifestations. Vitamin C can compensate for deficiency in the demi-season period. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Egg.
  • 10 g of glycerin.
  • 0.5 st. vodka.
  • Juice of one lemon.
  • 1 st. cream
Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature
  • 1 st. l. mashed potatoes and vegetable oil.
  • 1 tsp. honey and glycerin.
  • 1 yolk.
  • A little mineral water to obtain the desired consistency
The ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 30 minutes. It is advisable to limit activity at this time so that the components are absorbed as much as possible.

For normal and combination skin

The optimal means are listed in the table:

For oily skin

The most effective masks for oily skin in cosmetology:

Anti-wrinkle masks

Popular masks with a tightening effect:

Name Ingredients Application
With proteins
  • 1 tsp glycerin.
  • 1 egg white
The composition is mixed and applied with a cosmetic brush in several layers. Wash off after 20 minutes. After the mask, be sure to use a moisturizer
With white clay and aloe
  • According to 2 tbsp. l. white clay, crushed aloe pulp, chamomile decoction.
  • 1 st. l. glycerin.
  • 0.5 st. oatmeal
Before applying, you must wait until the flakes swell. The mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté area.
With milk and olive oil
  • 1 st. l. olive oil, milk, water, glycerin.
  • Yolk.
  • 2 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes
The mask is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.


For a caring effect, it is necessary, in addition to nutrition and hydration, to actively cleanse the skin of dead skin cells. For this, the following recipes apply:

  • With sugar. Mix cane sugar (25 g), acetylsalicylic acid powder (15 g), 5 drops of glycerin and jojoba oil. Apply for 15 minutes, massage the skin, then rinse.
  • With almonds. Soak 2-3 almonds in water overnight, grind in a coffee grinder in the morning, mix with 10 drops of glycerin. Apply to the face with massage movements, after drying, rinse with warm water.
  • With lemon juice. Mix 25 g of lemon juice and castor oil with 10 drops of glycerin and apply to the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, remove the remnants with a napkin.


Lotion, unlike masks, has a lower viscosity, there is no need to rinse it off. Most often it is an aqueous or water-alcohol solution. The most effective lotions:

  • Citric. Take equal amounts of glycerin and lemon juice, dilute with water. Daily use helps to get rid of blackheads and brightens the face.
  • Mint. 0.5 st. dried mint is brewed and wrapped in a warm scarf. After a day of infusion add 20 g of glycerin. Wipe the skin in the morning and evening.
  • Chamomile. 25 g of chamomile is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 8-10 hours, mixed with 70 g of alcohol and 25 g of glycerin. The lotion is ideal for oily skin.
  • With rose water. It has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive and coconut oil, rose water, honey, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, 3 tbsp. l. rose petals, 2 tbsp. water, 2 vitamin E capsules. Stir and refrigerate before use.

Glycerin is used in cosmetics as a humectant, which copes well with dry skin. At the same time, it is the most controversial component in a cosmetic composition, since there is a constant hype around it on the Internet. This "terrible" and "terrible" component embodies almost all the evil of the world. Let's consider how justified these fears are? Should he really be afraid?

Glycerin is a clear, colorless liquid with a thick viscous form. It is an alcohol, which consists of three atoms.

Like water, it is the most common ingredient in cosmetics. It is completely safe, as it has been used in cosmetics for a long time and never shows side effects.

On the Internet, it is usually divided into:

  • glycerol is a synthetic analogue that is endowed with terribly "harmful" qualities;
  • glycerin is a useful plant substance.

Actually there is a lot of confusion here. The matter is that this misunderstanding is born by ignorance of English terminology. This is the same component, it’s just that in English the chemical substance itself is called glycerol, and glycerin is a substance used in cosmetics. It is the same substance, only its aqueous solution. So, in Russian, the correct name is glycerin, and glycerol is a translation error from English.

How glycerin works in cream

Very often, it is endowed with the qualities of hyaluronic acid, since it is also able to attract water molecules to itself and retain moisture in the skin. It is a kind of sponge that absorbs a large amount of moisture and does not give it out. It is also able to draw moisture from the air when it comes to low humidity environments. This component is not in vain added to moisturizing compositions, because it prevents the loss of moisture, thereby preventing dehydration and dry skin. It works well on its own or in combination with other moisturizers. If you mix a drop of this alcohol with any moisturizer, it can soften and moisturize the roughest parts of the body: calluses on the hands, elbows and heels.

Part of its action in the cream is due to its beneficial properties:

  • able to absorb and retain moisture;
  • promotes skin regeneration;
  • improves the barrier-protective layer of the epidermis;
  • in some cases, it reduces the synthesis of melanin, but do not be mistaken, it does not whiten the skin, but it prevents the increased synthesis of melanin;
  • recent scientific studies have shown that it is able to play a role in the process of maturation of corneocytes - scales that form the outer stratum corneum of the epidermis.

In other words, glycerin is an indispensable component of cosmetics. It is also added to hand creams and hair care products.

Passions around glycerine

So, glycerin is a completely safe substance, since it occurs naturally in the composition of fats and oils, and is also found in the fermentation products of bread, wine and beer. In addition, it is involved in the metabolism of humans and animals.

Previously, it was produced industrially from propylene, but now there are oleochemistry (environmentally friendly chemistry) technologies that allow the production of pharmacopoeial glycerin (the one used in cosmetology). Large amounts of it are formed as a result of hydrolysis or randomization of vegetable oils (palm and coconut). All these chemical reactions are the source of the formation of this substance.

Thus, oleochemical glycerin, which is called vegetable glycerin, is no different from its chemical counterpart. The origin of a substance does not determine its usefulness or harmfulness. Its molecules, regardless of the method of preparation, are completely indistinguishable from each other. Therefore, advertisers' assurances that they use "natural" glycerin, which is of plant origin, when competitors use a cheap synthetic analogue, are nothing more than a marketing ploy and lobbying for their products. All glycerin used in cosmetics is of vegetable origin and is quite cheap.

A more expensive option may be grown according to certain environmental standards, as a result of which special agrotechnical technologies were used.

Also incorrect is the statement that this substance should be in the correct concentration and proportion with other natural components of the cream. It does not matter at all how natural all the other components are, because a cream without glycerin cannot be found at all. The product that is presented as "natural" in organic cosmetics in order to make fabulous profits is absolutely identical to what is contained in an ordinary mass-market product. This is another marketing scam.

Glycerin and air humidity

It was once believed that the relative humidity of the air is the main factor affecting the moisture that the upper layer of the epidermis holds.

So, it was assumed that low air humidity makes the upper layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) dehydrated, dry and irritated. At present, it has become known that dry air dries out only the first layers of the cells of the stratum corneum, while the remaining layers, which are much larger, remain moist.

There is also an opinion that glycerin at air humidity above 70% draws moisture from the air, and at lower humidity it draws it from the low layers of the epidermis, which are rich in moisture. However, this does not mean that it dries the skin or dehydrates it. Rather, it directs water from the deep layers of the skin to the upper layer of the epidermis. But this process is a physiological norm, it is subject to modification and constantly adjusts to environmental conditions. In the deep layers of the skin, moisture is constantly retained as a result of its blood supply, and in order for the skin to completely lose moisture, severe dehydration of the body must occur.

In addition, high-quality hydration of the stratum corneum contributes to the normal state of the epidermis, its extensibility, firmness and elasticity. And the increase in the influx of moisture to the upper layer of the skin under the action of glycerin is much more effective than its attraction from the air. In this case, not only hydration of the skin occurs, but also the restoration of its barrier function.

Sometimes the increased hygroscopicity of glycerin can play a cruel joke, in which case cosmetic compositions can make the skin sticky and unpleasant to the touch. This happens when it is added to a cosmetic product as a stand-alone substance. But if used in conjunction with other ingredients, it is possible to create a high-quality moisturizer in which alcohol itself increases the water content in the stratum corneum, and other occlusive components (forming a film on the surface of the skin) provide it with a protective film that prevents evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis and helping to restore the skin's natural barrier.

Hyluronic acid is also a powerful moisturizer, but it has a great reputation. If we compare this alcohol with hyaluronic acid, then the methods of preserving water for these substances are almost the same. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains on the surface of the skin and creates a film on it that retains moisture. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates deep into the dermis and retains moisture there. Our substance remains in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and retains moisture in it. And yet, no one laments the fact that low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, at low environmental humidity, takes moisture not from the air, but from the extracellular fluid. But it is in this way that it moisturizes the upper layers of the skin.

What conclusions can be drawn

It should be noted that any substance that is part of cosmetic compositions can cause a negative reaction of the skin. So, this substance can cause chemical reactions in combination with 70% ethyl alcohol. There are cases when irritation and an allergic reaction occurred as a result of applying a given percentage of ethyl alcohol together with glycerin to the skin of the hands. There have also been cases where allergy symptoms were observed after applying a glycerin patch-mask on the face and mild irritation after using a hand cream.

However, all the cases described above do not speak of its total harm, but simply of individual intolerance to the substance. However, this cannot harm a person who is not prone to such reactions. Also, do not trust any unverified rumors on the Internet, because in this case you are depriving your skin of a wonderful moisturizing component. The harmfulness or usefulness of a substance should be determined not by rumors, but by the conclusions of specialists. All rumors about the "harmfulness" of glycerin are spread in order to lobby for products without it, but it is not a fact that it is just as safe and effective.

"Super-moisturizing" and "super-essential" for dry skin and hair, glycerin is a favorite ingredient in marketers. It is designed to make your skin smooth, moisturized, literally collecting moisture from the air.

Let's try to understand the magic of glycerin, is it so effective and safe for daily use in your cosmetics?

Glycerin is a substance resembling a transparent viscous liquid in consistency, it can be obtained from vegetable fats or synthesized chemically, in which case it is obtained from the toxic substance epichlorohydrin. Manufacturers most often simply do not indicate what origin glycerin is, most likely if it is not written that it is natural, then it is synthetic.

It reduces the viscosity of cosmetic products, which helps them not to freeze during transportation in the winter season. It can also be found in some foods (pastries, candies, etc.)

There are 3 main grades for glycerin:

  1. Raw: 44-88% pure glycerin
  2. Technical: 98% glycerin
  3. Pharmaceutical: 99.5-99.7% pure glycerin

Other important designations: kosher (vegetarian - from plant products) and food.

Is glycerin bad for the skin?

Glycerin collects moisture from the air and retains it, one molecule of glycerin is able to collect up to 10 water molecules. But, the point is that this is only possible when air humidity 65% and more, in other cases, glycerin simply collects moisture from the deep layers of the skin ... visible hydration actually dries the skin.

The same effect awaits those who use a cream in which the main ingredient (at the top of the list) is glycerin. In order for glycerin to have a beneficial effect on the skin, firstly, it must be natural, and secondly, it must be combined with other natural ingredients in the right proportion. If you do not want to buy organic cosmetics, it is better to try to find a cream without glycerin at all.

Glycerin for the skin around the eyes

By itself, glycerin cannot be classified as a toxic ingredient, nor can it be called a poison. But it all depends on what it is extracted from and how much of it is in your eye cream. Synthetic glycerin can cause allergies and dry sensitive skin (isn't it strange if it is supposed to moisturize it?!)

In addition, too much glycerin can create a sticky effect on the skin, which is not very pleasant, because you still need to apply foundation or eye shadow on your eyelids!

Glycerin is most commonly found in soaps and hand creams. But the use of cheap mass-market products with glycerin leads to the fact that the skin needs to be moisturized again and again - glycerin simply aggressively draws out all the moisture from the inside (unless, of course, you live in the tropics), the effect necessary for manufacturers is obtained - first, the skin of the hands is well moisturized, after a while, the hands are dry again and you need to smear more - so we don’t leave the house without a cream in our purse.

Is it possible to use glycerin in its pure form for facial skin care? What will be the effect?

Some lovers of experimenting write about what you can buy pure glycerin(sold in a pharmacy) and use it (diluted with water or rose water) on the hands and face. The skin really immediately looks hydrated (unless, of course, you are allergic to glycerin).

So, perhaps, if you suddenly have a wedding or other important event, then as an emergency moisturizer (again, do not overdo it so that there is no sticky or wet effect) - you can use it, but not for daily care, not if you want to have healthy and beautiful skin always, and keep youth as long as possible.

When applying pure glycerin to the skin - The moisturizing effect will only last for a couple of hours.

Glycerin is widely used in dry hair products. Curly hair is most prone to dryness, but in this case, you need to be careful with such products - in conditions of excessive humidity, the hair will fluff, and if the air is dry (as is the case with skin) suck out all the moisture from the inside to the surface.

It is also worth being careful with glycerin in products if your hair is dyed - it, being a good solvent, capable of dissolving paint molecules(especially freshly dyed or red shades, these paints have large molecules, and are always on the surface).

Glycerin is a transparent viscous substance belonging to the category of trihydric fatty alcohols. It is often used in cosmetics and skin care products because it has a truly amazing effect on the skin.

What is the secret of the effect?

The use of glycerin in cosmetology is extensive: in particular, many women buy it in its pure form and use it at home to prepare a variety of masks, fluids and creams.

However, the remedy also has ardent opponents who believe that, on the contrary, it harms it and dries it. And there really is some truth in this: the fact is that if you use the substance incorrectly, there is a risk of disrupting the structure of your skin.

We must not forget that glycerin is an alcohol, and its moisturizing effect on the epidermis is based on drawing moisture from the air. Therefore, if you apply the substance on your face and sit in a dry, hot room, the effect will be exactly the opposite: alcohol molecules will literally “suck out” moisture from the cells, which is fraught with dehydration of the cover.

Remember that any medicine can become poison if used in unreasonable dosages and in the wrong way. The same rule applies to "drugs" for the skin.

The use of glycerin in home cosmetology is diverse, but most of all women fell in love with nourishing and moisturizing masks with its use in the composition. It cannot be said that alcohol itself provides these functions. However, it helps nutrients quickly and actively penetrate into the deep structures of the skin, improving cell proliferation and promoting epidermal renewal.

Some ladies prefer to use the product exclusively in its pure form and pointwise: they argue that this method is the best in the fight against mimic and age wrinkles. In addition, the substance is able to lighten hyperpigmentation, making the face more "fresh" and radiant.

Why glycerin?

The valuable properties of glycerin allow it to be used not only for facial skin, but also for hair. It envelops each hair, straightening and smoothing the scales of the cortex, and also strengthens the entire structure of the cuticle. Penetrating to the hair shaft, it saturates it with nutrients, deeply restoring along the entire length.

In addition, the substance has a positive effect on the follicles, which are responsible for the growth and strength of our hair. The use of glycerin in hair cosmetology applies mainly to masks. Women mix the viscous liquid with natural vegetable oils, egg yolk, vitamin solutions and ready-made cosmetic products.

Some prefer to use it in its pure form, however, appearing in the composition of masks, alcohol entails a more pronounced and productive effect. This is due to its ability to enhance the positive effect on the hair structure of the additional ingredients of the mask.

However, back to the skin. Why is glycerin so good for her? After all, it can often be found as part of a variety of products, including the most expensive ones belonging to the "luxury" segment. The fact is that this component is able to moisturize and nourish the deepest layers of the skin, up to the surface of the dermis.

And here he has no competitors: a similar result can be achieved only with the help of professional services of a cosmetologist, like "beauty injections". Self-use of the product for cosmetic purposes can surprise you with truly magical results, comparable to the effect of expensive procedures.

How does viscous alcohol affect the skin from the inside?

Those who actively practice the use of glycerin in facial cosmetology call it " panacea for aging". Of course, one should not scatter such loud epithets, because " magic elixir of youth Nobody has invented yet.

And if a miraculous rejuvenating transformation would be so affordable, it is unlikely that women who have reached a certain age would go to the table to plastic surgeons for a lift.

However, there is still some truth in this statement: if you apply the substance at the first signs of skin aging, and do it rationally, you can really “slow down time”, slowing down the process of biological aging.

Among the properties of glycerin in cosmetology, it is worth highlighting:

  • Accelerates the processes of local metabolism in the deep and superficial layers of the skin;
  • Stabilizes home cosmetics (acts as an ideal " link» between other skin-friendly ingredients);
  • Rapidly removes toxins, toxins and decay products from the skin;
  • Cleans pores from sebaceous plugs and chronic comedones;
  • Intensively moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Smoothes wrinkles (both mimic creases and deeper age folds);
  • Provides a light and natural lifting effect.

However, we must not forget that alcohol is a rather harsh and aggressive chemical element. And its incorrect use can even provoke dermatological diseases.

If you decide to use a skin product, you should learn about three important warning rules:

  • Rule number 1. In its pure form, alcohol can dehydrate the skin. This is especially true if, after applying it, you stay in the heat, in direct sunlight, or in a dry, stuffy room (for example, when an air conditioner or heater is running). If you still decide to take risks, make sure that sufficient humidity prevails in the environment (not lower than 30%). At home, this can be achieved by purchasing a special device for humidifying the air;
  • Rule number 2. In combination with silicones, the product forms a rather dangerous chemical compound. Therefore, if you decide to enrich your usual cream or mask with it, make sure in advance that the composition of the finished cosmetic product does not contain these substances;
  • Rule number 3. Keep in mind that glycerin can wash melanin out of the skin. It is very tempting for those who want to get rid of age spots. But if you use a tanning bed and cherish your tan, know that you can lose it and your skin is almost guaranteed to become several shades lighter with regular use of the product. The same rule applies to the use of soap with glycerin in the composition.

If you have learned all these rules for using glycerin in cosmetology, the remedy is almost guaranteed to bring you only good. But be smart and don't overdo it!

Several beauty recipes based on glycerin

We have given you several recipes for homemade cosmetology products based on glycerin, which have received the most positive feedback from those who used them.


  • Take 1 tsp. dried mint and chamomile flowers;
  • Pour the resulting herbal mixture with one glass of boiling water;
  • Place on fire again, bring to a boil again and boil over low heat for half an hour;
  • After this time, remove the "potion" from the stove, cool and carefully drain;
  • Add 2 tbsp. rose water;
  • Enter 1 tsp into the resulting liquid. glycerin and shake the mixture thoroughly;
  • Pour into a glass container and place in a cold place. Use as a regular cleansing lotion or toner on a daily basis.

Everyone is familiar with glycerin and that it is in the composition of many cosmetics. This is primarily due to the fact that it dissolves many harmful substances. Glycerin is a clear viscous liquid with a sweet taste. Cosmetology is not the only area of ​​application of this substance, it is often used in the production of sweets and cakes, and medicines are made. But, in this case, we are interested in the use of glycerin in home cosmetics for beauty.
Glycerin - a substance that helps to better penetrate the skin of nutrients, helps to effectively moisturize overdried skin. Very often it is added to soap, cream and lotion for sensitive skin.

Useful properties of glycerin for the skin:

Smoothes mimic wrinkles;
saturates with the necessary moisture;
brightens skin tone;
improves metabolism in the upper layers of the skin, freeing the pores from impurities, toxins and fatty plugs;
makes mimic wrinkles less noticeable;
relieves cracked heels and rough skin on knees and elbows.
Despite the whole list of usefulness, it is still worth remembering that this is an aggressive chemical that, if the dosage is not followed, causes various diseases on the skin.

Harm of glycerin:

A pure preparation dries the skin strongly;
harmful in combination with silicone;
glycerin soap washes out melanin, which brightens the skin.

The use of glycerin at home

1. For home face care, the drug is used exclusively diluted, only this makes it possible to achieve a moisturizing effect. Ordinary water mixes well with this preparation, mix both liquids in an arbitrary ratio and apply on the face. After the first application, the skin may feel waterlogged, but in the process of evaporation of excess fluid, the face will become soft without a sticky effect.
2. Pure glycerin can be added to a purchased cream or facial, scrubs and lotions, the main task of which is to tone, moisturize, tighten wounds and reduce acne.
3. The best supplement to glycerin is vitamin E (tocopherol).
4. The best time of day to use glycerin mixtures is in the evening, before bed.
5. The best season is winter. It is at this time that the skin is very dry from wind and frost and needs deep nutrition and hydration.
6. It is not recommended to apply glycerin cosmetics on the face before going outside. This is fraught with severe clogging of pores with dirt.

How to choose a good glycerin

First of all, you need to look at the label, it should say - Natural (from vegetable fats) or synthetic glycerin. If the package is not labeled "Natural" - you should look for it elsewhere, such a drug is made from epichlorohydrin, a toxic substance. It is also worth looking at the level of cleanliness. For use in home cosmetics, 99.5% will be acceptable. Vegetable glycerin does not cause an allergic reaction, but it should not be used in the presence of individual intolerance. The price of the drug for 25 ml is 12-20 rubles.

Recipes for homemade cosmetics with glycerin

Peppermint lotion with glycerin

The product perfectly cleanses pores, tones, moisturizes and softens the skin.

2 tbsp. l. dried mint;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
500 ml of boiling water;
2 tsp glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. rose water.
Manufacturing and application:
Pour boiling water over the herbal preparation, mix, boil over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes. Remove the finished broth, cool, filter through gauze, pour into any storage container. Use instead of store-bought cleansing lotion.

Lemon lotion with glycerin

The product cleanses the skin of blackheads, blockages, brightens, helps to whiten age spots.

2 tsp water;
4 tbsp. l. glycerin;
4 tbsp. l. lemon or lime juice.
Manufacturing and application:
We squeeze the juice from citrus, filter it to get rid of the pulp that accidentally got in, mix with water and glycerin. It is recommended to wipe your face with it every morning and evening.

Chamomile lotion with glycerin

The tool tones and moisturizes, normalizes the work of the glands of external secretion, effectively dries and helps to get rid of them completely.

1 st. l. glycerin;
2 tbsp. l. chamomile;
200 ml of boiling water;
70 ml of vodka.
Preparation and application:
Chamomile is steamed in boiling water, closed tightly with a lid, insisted for 11 hours, preferably in a thermos. After a while, filter, combine with the rest of the ingredients. It is recommended to wipe clean skin daily in the morning and evening.

Glycerin lotion for acne

2 tbsp. l. triple cologne;
2 tbsp. l. water;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all the liquids and wipe clean problem skin daily, do not rinse.

Glycerin scrub for blackheads

2 tbsp. l. crushed almond kernels or coffee grounds;
1 st. l. glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
We mix the ingredients and in a circular motion massage first the T-zone for a couple of minutes, then everything else. We leave for 5 min. soak, rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily skin, purifying

85 ml of water;
1 tsp glycerin;
White clay.
Manufacturing and application:
We dilute glycerin with water, gradually add clay, as a result a thick creamy mass should come out. We smear on the whole face, after 10 minutes we go to wash.

Moisturizing mask with glycerin

1 tsp glycerin;
15 ml of honey;
4 tbsp. l. cucumber juice;
1 tsp oatmeal flour.
Preparation and application:
Three cucumbers on a grater, squeeze the juice out of it, mix with honey and glycerin, mix in the flour. The resulting porridge is applied to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, wash.

Nourishing mask

1 tsp olive oil;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
Oil and glycerin are thoroughly rubbed with the yolk, we process the entire surface of the face. We wash ourselves in a quarter of an hour.

Glycerin mask for matte skin

250 ml of water;
oat flour;
2 tsp glycerin.
Manufacturing and application:
We mix the liquids, add flour until a creamy mass is formed, smear the face, leave for 20 minutes. We wash ourselves.

Softening face mask

medium potato;
15 ml of honey;
1 tsp glycerin;
1 tsp olive oil.
Manufacturing and application:
Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, mash, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Warm potato mixture is applied to the skin, removed after 25 minutes.

Mask for aging skin

1 tsp butter;
1 st. l. chamomile decoction;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
We mix all the components into a homogeneous mixture, generously treat the skin, hold for 20 minutes. We wash ourselves.

Anti-wrinkle mask with glycerin

1 st. l. aloe gel;
1 tsp glycerin.
Preparation and application:
If a fresh leaf of a plant is used for manufacturing, keep it in the refrigerator for 10 days before receiving the gel, this will increase the amount of useful and nutritious elements, if there is no plant, the aloe gel purchased at the pharmacy will also work. We mix the indicated components, cover the face with the resulting mixture, after a quarter of an hour we wash ourselves.