The fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is practical. How to make a wish come true - from my own experience…. Energy should be conserved

Surely you have noticed that sometimes the wishes that you thought about come true after a while, even if you completely forgot about them? Miracle or coincidence? Neither one nor the other! Nothing happens by itself or by magic. This is pure psychology, what is called "the power of thought." The power of thought is a powerful energy that sets in motion the processes of the Universe and makes dreams come true.

The technique of fulfilling desires by the power of thought

You can achieve anything if you use the colossal energy of thoughts correctly. There are several steps that seem simple at first glance, but nevertheless, they can lead you to your dream in the shortest way. The key to success is the correct implementation of the techniques and sincerity of intentions.

Thoughts are material, so be careful with desires. Words have a huge impact on the quality of performance. The universe will do exactly what you ask for you, so be clear about your desire. “I want to go abroad” is not the same as “I want to go to Paris”. With such a vague wording, you can end up abroad for any reason, far from a vacation trip, and not at all where you would like to go. Therefore, before making a wish, carefully weigh each word and be sure that you really need it.

Don't think about what you don't want, concentrate on the desire itself. Do not use the word "want", otherwise you will achieve what you are literally thinking: you will always want to lose weight. For example, instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” say “I am a healthy person”; not "I don't want to be poor," but "I am rich."

Avoid using the particle "not" and other negatives, for example, "never", "nobody", "nobody". This will do the opposite. Your subconscious mind drops word forms and thinks in images, so it transforms "I will never make mistakes again" into "I will make mistakes again."

Think over everything to the smallest detail. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine exactly how it will happen: what actions you will take, how to eat, how much weight is your goal, how you will look and what clothes to wear. Put it all on paper and start moving forward! Always write and think about your goal in the present tense, as if it has already happened: "I weigh 55 kilograms, my body is slim and strong."

Expand your boundaries

Believe in yourself and do not limit your possibilities, but at the same time, match your expectations with reality. Remember that making absolutely unrealistic desires is a waste of time and energy. Big goals are big efforts. Go to financial independence, make bold desires, but at the same time be ready to develop your personal qualities, gain experience and knowledge, go beyond your comfort zone.

Don't make a wish like "I'm buying a car." Thus, you narrow the range of possibilities, because you may not necessarily have a car in this way: you can be presented with it, you can win it in the lottery or inherit it.

Visualization is one of the main keys to success. Regularly imagine that your goal has been achieved and you are using its results. For example, if you dream of your own country house, imagine it in great detail, take a close look at its interior, decoration details, everything that surrounds it: neighboring houses, the area around the house, the view from the windows.

Do not think about what happened before and after, that is, how the wish came true, or how it will affect your life in the future.

Breathe life into the picture. Feel your emotions, try to catch the smells: how the flowers in the garden smell, what aromas come from the kitchen, imagine the tactile sensations.

Match expectations with reality

The driving force that triggers the mechanisms for fulfilling desires is positive expectations. Your intention should be pure from any negativity, especially from disappointments and fears that your desire is unfulfillable. Be calm and confident that everything will work out. Give up empty hopes that your dream will turn into reality, you just have to think about it. Everything has its time.

There is one more very important thing - action. Everyone knows that it is impossible to win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket. Go to your dream step by step, use every chance on the way to your goal.

Try to think less about the conceived vain. If your intention turns into an obsession, you will only push its realization away from you. Too much desire becomes an obsession and makes existence unbearable. Why it happens? After all, it is generally accepted that if you strongly want something, it will definitely come true. In fact, if desire turns into need, without which life is not sweet, it causes a lot of negativity, fears, tense expectation. And, as you know, a person attracts what he thinks about, in this case he pushes away from himself a positive solution to the issue.

So instead of wasting your life waiting for a miracle, turn your desire into intention. Move towards your goal: regularly remember it, visualize, make a wish board that will remind you of your aspirations from time to time.

If your intention is pure, the Universe will make sure that you get into a streak of luck, and will match the circumstances so that you can easily achieve your goal.

The power of thoughts is what creates our reality. Everything that is embodied in the material world has a basis inside each of us, in our consciousness, beliefs and thoughts. To become real, you need to learn to control your thoughts and use their enormous energy for your own good. Fulfillment of desires with the power of thought is nothing more than a way to attract good luck into your life and make your intentions a reality, equally adjusting your own internal reserves and the power of the Universe.

Good afternoon, dear blog readers!

Today I will tell you how to fulfill your desire with the power of thought. Of course, you say that you already know everything. That the power of thought is real and fulfills desires and a strong will with faith is needed. And maybe remember about such an important thing as visualization. Yes, everything is correct, it is.

But have you ever wondered how often people write articles about how to grant wishes with the power of thought and how it works flawlessly? Now look around and remember how often people grant wishes? Somewhere 50-50? Lucky not lucky? Because knowing only half of the formula for fulfilling desires, it is impossible to fulfill it one hundred percent.

You and I are very complicated not only physically, but also, so to speak ... magically, if you like. As in school, having learned a way to solve one problem in mathematics, we can easily solve a similar one, but as soon as we meet a new condition or unknown without knowing mathematical laws, we cannot solve it by analogy with the previous one. So in the magic of fulfilling desires, you can successfully solve some problems under certain conditions. But our life is unique and diverse, and these conditions are almost never repeated.

Therefore, my goal, as in the previous post on the techniques of fulfilling desires, tell about the laws that govern our inner strength and external energy ... You will spend a little more time to read and comprehend what has been written, but later you will be able to solve any problems yourself with the help of the power of thought and fulfill desires with almost one hundred percent probability instead of some pathetic luck - no luck.

I said the phrase "almost one hundred percent" because even understanding how the universe works, one of the biggest difficulties is managing your own thoughts, emotions and subconsciousness. Having learned to manage this, or rather, yourself, you will fulfill desires by the power of thought without making any additional physical efforts. That is, magic in reality.

Probably, the greatest success will be achieved by men, as the more balanced, or vice versa, the most faithful women, since faith removes fears and doubts. My personal efficiency is about ninety percent of the fulfillment of desires, that is, nine out of ten. I am a typical girl with a heap of emotions, unfortunately, deprived of blind faith and used to analyzing. This means that fears can creep into my soul and create obstacles. Perhaps you will succeed better than me. It all depends only on yourself.

What we think about is capable of building our reality and future. And not even just capable, but builds. It doesn't matter if we want it not. And most of the events or incidents in our life come from the fact that we attracted it. Not always by the power of thought, but always by our personal power.

What is our strength composed of?

  • This is, of course, the notorious power of thought ... Something that we can easily manage. Therefore, most of the techniques for fulfilling desires are reduced precisely to this force. What could be easier than thinking right, or thinking the right things? As you know, the law by which the power of thought works: everything that we think about happens or will happen. And, through the power of thought, we can use such a well-known instrument. as visualization. or imagination. The brighter and more often we represent what we want, the more we contribute to the realization of the event. Digging deeper, the power of thought is the tool that allows us to control two even more important aspects of our nature. This is the subconscious and emotions. Thinking about something or visualizing, we indirectly engage in self-hypnosis, but simply tune our subconscious mind to the right wave.
  • The second element of strength is our subconscious , a quiet undercurrent, which has a decisive role in the fulfillment of desires. You can want to get a star from the sky as much as you want, but if somewhere deep down you don't want it, then this will not happen. The subconscious is such a thing that stores our true desires, dreams, fears and knowledge. And not only. The subconscious is the only one of our senses capable of working with the external channels of the Universe. ... What we often call intuition and sixth sense is it. Information received through these channels. Working with the subconscious is the hardest part, since we hardly feel it. Our thoughts and outer life drown everything out as much as possible. If sometimes the voice of one's own subconscious breaks through all this in the form of an abstract "I want or don't want, for no apparent reason," information from the channels is more reduced to a vague premonition, a feeling that comes from nowhere. And they are often confused with our fears and experiences. Why does the subconscious mind play a major role in the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought? It can work in two directions. Not only to take information from the outside about what will happen, but also vice versa to move the flows of the Universe in the right direction. By the same principle by which it can change our actions, the subconscious mind can also change external events. After all, the subconscious, or in other words the soul, is a part of this flow of the Universe. A small trickle among millions, but by directing and correcting it with the power of thought, we may well change events and things around us. Yes, feel like a creator and start fulfilling your dreams. Learn to listen to yourself. All knowledge is already within us, even what I am writing about.
  • The third element of our spiritual strength is feelings or emotions ... To a greater extent, these are emotions, since they have a stronger energy due to outbursts. And feelings are by nature a calmer flow, and are not able to somehow significantly change our internal flows. What are our emotions doing? They can harm, and they can help, creating a surge of some kind of directed action force. I love to use it to fulfill my desires. Any thought or word expressed during a strong surge of feelings, no matter what, is more powerful than without them. This is a kind of catalyst for the fulfillment of dreams. But. You have to be careful here. There are two points. The first is the type of emotion. Some of them, for example, fear, grief, can directly affect our soul and thoughts. An attempt to use them for the sake of fulfilling what we want will look like a fairy tale about a swan cancer and a pike. The best helper for the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought will be those feelings that do not make us think and do not confuse our thoughts in a destructive direction. This is anger, apathy, laughter, hatred - no matter what direction, the main thing is that they do not impose their pictures on us in our heads. And the second moment, about the balance in the Universe. Again. By essentially creating a new vector of force - thought plus emotion, we upset the balance of the Universe. And the lost harmony can be compensated. The opposite is true. Therefore, it is precisely emotions that are best used carefully. Below I will write how.
  • There are also ways to further strengthen our tandem - thought, emotion, soul thanks to with the impolism of things in nature and in our minds. And also the power of a word We often use them in rituals. But more about that some other time.

Details on how to fulfill a wish with the power of thought.

    Method one . Get caught up in a stream of luck .

    If you read it, it was about "equilibrium in the universe." So, if you haven't are in balance , then first you need to be in it. I will briefly repeat. Your state of mind during the period of your life that is happening now should be even and calm and with a slight positive outlook on the future. If this is not the case, set yourself up correctly. This will be the very stream of luck. The right attitude is not blind faith, but calm knowledge of the future, as, for example, you know that tomorrow you will go to the store for bread. That is, you do not attach too much importance to your state, this is the norm. Fear, insecurity, pessimism, as well as strong enthusiasm, a hyperactive positive outlook on life, or a surge of intense happiness are not the right attitude.

    It was not possible to set yourself up that way (and who said it was easy?), Try turning on the "don't care" state. That is, neither bad nor good, just indifferent. Usually it turns out easier, although for the fulfillment of our desire it is a little worse.

    Now is the time activate the power of thought and. Just decide for yourself that your wish will come true. Without saying anything, just plan in general terms what you want. No super-precise plans for execution methods! Just know that you will get the result. By itself. Will fall from the sky. You are in a stream of luck (or do not care, which also generally works fine) and fate will provide you with everything. Don't think about it all the time, you should have just awareness and nothing else. As in the example above about the store and bread. The main thing is that you do not get out of your stream of luck, which you created in paragraph one.

    The first three points are sufficient, but there is one remark. Sometimes we have desires that we are not ready to fulfill. That is, we are waiting for a lot of money and prosperity, while we ourselves save every penny. Or we want a beautiful dress from a designer, but we don't even allow ourselves to go to a boutique, but we buy it the old fashioned way in the mass market. Based on the previous points, you already know that your dream will come true. So why are you acting as if your desires are still dreams? This usually means that you are not ready to fulfill them. This means that desires have a chance not to be fulfilled. Therefore, remember the rule - live as if you already have what you wanted ... Tune your subconscious mind to the right goal. Do not save money if you decide to become rich, and go look at the dress, try it on, even if you do not have the opportunity to buy it right now. Live as if you already have what you dreamed of, expand your comfort zone, improve your quality of life. Do not visualize your desire, but feel as if your desire has already come true. To some extent, this is also a visualization, but different. And as you expand your comfort zone, and stick to your jet of luck, you will be surprised how unnoticed for you your dreams will come true. And passed from the category of a dream to the category of an ordinary goal.

    Then the wishes come true. When you make them just a part of your everyday life with the power of your subconscious and with your thoughts.

    Method two . Through the power of negative emotions such as anger .

    Why anger? Honestly, because emotion is very strong, and even if there is an attempt to compensate for its strength from the Universe, it will just turn into its antipode - calmness or joy. And in general, there must be at least some benefit from the negative. In general, seize the moment.

    If you have a difficult situation in life and you feel very bad, throw your emotions out. Not disappointment or resentment, but anger. At this point, just think about what you want and get angry. You can be angry at others, and of course at the Universe and, in general, at life. If the emotion is really strong, usually one evening is enough for everything to change in your favor tomorrow. Remember, I think you had such situations. The stronger the anger, the faster the desire will be fulfilled.

    The point is that anger is an emotion whose action is directed not inwardly, but on others. Oftentimes, anger will fade other related feelings into the background. They spoke out, got angry, and it became even at heart. Fear, insecurity, or resentment are all over. And these are the emotions that can create wrong thoughts in the head and prevent us from tuning our subconscious mind to the right wave.

    Thus, we give the greatest energy boost to our desire. Emotions make it easier for us to break through to our subconscious. They have always been closer to our soul than our thoughts. Due to the fact that after splashing out anger, we become calmer and more neutral, we do not interfere with our own subconscious mind to fulfill our desire ... Advice that desire should be released from the same topic - so as not to accidentally knock the flow in the wrong direction by our own thoughts or feelings.

  • Method three . Self-hypnosis . More precisely, not self-hypnosis, but the suggestion of certain events to your subconscious. If you are systematic and persistent enough, you will see results. This is the easiest, but also the longest (strength is not enough) way of fulfilling desires. It's all about affirmations.
    Take your dream, correctly formulate it in a sentence and say it to yourself several times a day. Think of it to yourself. And tell others (unless, of course, this is an obvious lie). For example, you want to find a job with a good salary. Talk to yourself several times in the morning or evening. I make good money, I love my job. Or think this. Tell your friends that you are making good money. Water wears away the stone, and after a while your subconscious mind will believe it and begin its process of changing the external currents of the Universe in order for what you say to really be.

Fundamental rules

  1. The desire must be uttered in the present tense. Our goal is to convince the subconscious and through it the Universe that reality is like that.
  2. Visualize your desire if possible. That is, fantasize in your head. If it doesn't work out in your head - draw, embroider, use magic rituals.
  3. You need to believe at least a little in what you say or in the fact that this is the case. If you know for sure that a desire will never come true, every time you utter it, you will subconsciously think that it is not true. And a situation will arise who will outplay whom, you are your subconscious, or it is you. The situation can drag on for years.
  4. Don't use no particles or negatives in sentences. Your subconscious mind does not understand words, but only images. That is, the phrase “I want not to get sick” will be interpreted as an image of the word “desire” and the word “illness”. There is no image of prepositions and particles. By the way, the time in the sentence is wrong, you need to formulate it like this. "I am healthy". The image of oneself and the image of health. Exactly what is needed.

I have outlined three good ways to fulfill desires with the power of thought, which can be equally used. I always choose the first method, because in fact it is an option when you are just wildly lucky in life. I would like to use the second option less often. And with the third it is completely difficult for me. There is not enough patience for all these manipulations. But in complex, I often use it.

And the last instruction. If you fulfill desires with the power of your thoughts, in parallel try to realize this with physical forces. In the end, we create our own life, and with energy flows we can only help to move towards our goals easily and without obstacles. Proceed from your desires. I can want a chocolate bar and do nothing for this, but simply try to fulfill the desire with the power of thought. They may well treat me to chocolate.

But in order to learn a foreign language, one desire is not enough, here, in any case, you need to start learning it. Knowledge of the language in the head usually does not appear for no reason.

Therefore, help your dreams physically and energetically - and they will definitely come true!
That's all for today's lesson, "How to Fulfill Your Desire of Thought."

Greetings reader!

If there is a desire to distract a little from the topic of cooking, I invite you to discuss the topic of the meaning of life and belief in yourself. Hope this will be helpful too.

Every person of any gender, education, nationality or religion has their own goals and dreams. All people want their desires to come true. Of course, there are those that, if you look at them, at first glance it seems that a person does not need anything in life, although even the most inveterate pessimist has some dreams in the corners of his soul. The question is, how to make everything you want to be fulfilled?

The average standard person will say that you need to work harder if you are highly motivated. This is undeniably true. After all, as they say: "water does not flow under a lying stone." Roughly speaking, if you lie on the couch all day, you will hardly be able to achieve at least something. You should at least get up and buy a lottery ticket. And maybe you're lucky, winning will bring joy and profit.

But don't forget that this is a one-time success. In order to move forward, you need to at least move and try. It turns out that in order to achieve your goal, you need to take small but constant steps forward.

The power of thought is the key to future success

And what if you want to achieve something and it seems completely incredible. For example, a person wants to become a star singer, actor, great athlete, or just a very rich person. Maybe there is a way that can help you achieve all of this without much effort? Of course, it already exists and it has long been no secret. It was used both in antiquity and in our days, many people even use it without thinking at all. And this secret is nothing more than our power of thought. It includes both willpower and strength of character, as well as all the forces of the body.

If you think about what helps a person who is on the edge, what pulls him out of the abyss of adversity and hardships of life - this is faith. And above all, faith in yourself. So how can you force yourself to believe in yourself, believe, first of all, in yourself, and only then hope for others. The strongest survive in our life. So it was at all times and it has remained so and it will be so, no matter who wants to change anything.

And why each of us, who strives for a better future for ourselves and our loved ones, cannot become this strong person, that is, a predator, a wolf among a flock of sheep, which seem to be enveloped in a deep sleep. Heavy sleep is, metaphorically speaking.

Many people think that everything in a person's life happens without his knowledge. Or - so it was with all my friends, relatives and acquaintances, then all this is inevitable and this is how it should happen with him. But this is not at all true!

Most likely, many have noticed how people ride in transport or walk along the streets. They are all very sad, tired and acting like zombies. And if each of them understands that there is a little man inside who does not want such a life, but wants at least a little light, happiness for himself. If he is happy, then his loved ones too, it's like a chain.

Rethinking life, change and self-confidence are the keys to success

Such an utterance - "Here life has gone, everything is bad ...". And if you realize that you are life, isn't that a fact! You do not live - you are this life! So ... accordingly, draw the conclusion that or who is bad ...))) It is never too late to change yourself for the better.

In fact, it is within the power of every person who wants it and strives, by all means to achieve what he wants. Actually, wanting something more and strive to fulfill your dreams is absolutely not an reprehensible desire. And it is available to everyone.

Anyone cannot find himself in the past and check the facts of history, but he can study this history from books, the vastness of the Internet and even from many documentaries. And based on these sources, people know very well that many rulers achieved victories not from among their troops and not even because of their ingenuity, but, as it was customary to say before, at the will of higher powers.

Power of thought or belief in higher powers

But, who are these higher powers? Someone believes in one God, someone believes in the forces of space, someone believes in the rule of aliens, and there are people who do not believe in either one or the other, but even they are able to believe in themselves. And maybe it is not the higher powers that help, but the person to himself, if he believes, first of all, in himself.

Everything in this world repeats itself

If you think about it, then at all times of the life of mankind, everything goes in a circle. And this applies to fashion and no matter how hard it is and wars, and various developments. Everything new is a long forgotten old, our grandparents said, and they were one hundred percent right. For example, let's take a fashion:

1) skirts, then at first they were shortened to a supermini, and then they went sharply to the floor, as it was in the 19th century

2) corsets, which were worn, throughout almost the entire twentieth century and slightly affected the twenty-first century. Now this fashion has already gone and replaced by spacious tunics, which were used by our ancestors even before corsets.

So, if you use the power of thought, believe in yourself, to some extent, it may seem strange, but all the colors of the world will begin to play in a new way. In a strange way, the right people will begin to appear around, new and worthwhile familiar connections will be struck, and the whole world will seem to open its arms. It does not need to be trusted, it is worth checking on your own experience. Everything will work out, it will most likely happen if you really want to.

It is important to believe that the vast expanse of desires and opportunities will open up and share your secrets.

Good luck and all the best!

Don't make too much effort at the moment. Just remember all your wants and needs. List them mentally or just write them down on a regular piece of paper.

I want happiness, love, money ... I wish myself good luck, health, prosperity ... I want healthy children and family joy ... And also a car, an apartment, a dacha. Here is a rough list of the standard desires and needs of a modern person. You recognize your thoughts here and do not know how to fulfill your cherished desire?

“Why am I failing? Someone already has everything, but I have none of this list! " - every person thinks, whose desires are only a distant, ghostly dream, calmly wandering in a huge queue for their fulfillment. Why is the fulfillment of dreams, desires so far from you? Because just wanting something and waiting is not enough. Let's talk about what you can do to fulfill any of your wishes.

Success with the Power of Thought

Here many resort to the practice of the power of thought.... At any time of the day, in any space, a person envelops himself in an endless web of thought. This is how we create our own reality - positive and negative. Yes, this is how we build our lives. No one is to blame for the fact that some idea is not embodied in reality. It was our thoughts that came true.

So how do you use your thoughts for good? How to fulfill any desire and quickly? If you constantly think and say that nothing is developing in this life, that everything is too bad, then thoughts will be embodied in that energy in which there is also nothing good.

Do not be discouraged if your head is visited by an accidental, lonely thought about the injustice of life! This is not scary, solitary thoughts are much weaker than constant ones. The main thing is not to scroll negative events in your head as the only memories. Look back, how many pleasant, joyful moments happened to you, how many smiles you gave to the world and those around you! It will be much more interesting and useful for your ideas, for your personal technique of fulfilling desires.

Holding on to our strongest thoughts

Happiness, love or wealth? Which of the following do you need the most? Decide on your most important desire. The most powerful will be those thoughts that will be directed to the quick fulfillment of desires and needs. Think about your desire, scroll only positive and kind thoughts in your head, do not limit yourself to other people's goals.

Now I'll tell you what technology for fulfilling a desire can be applied in practice. Remember that in performing any action, our thoughts program the result, set a certain program that prompts a person to see certain results and intentions of these actions.

Here, a young mother knits a blouse for her baby, thinks during knitting how she will show it to her child, how she will put it on him for the first time. Thinks about how beautiful the baby will be in this outfit, what joyful emotions he will experience and how the child will love this blouse, which his mother gave him! Then the child will feel comfortable, comfortable and reliable in these clothes. The blouse will become the best amulet for the baby, because the mother put the most positive energy and love into her actions. This is where my mother lies. magic of fulfillment of wishes!

Or you want to please your family with a delicious dinner. You try, cook, but what do you think about? Thinking about the good, imagine what a delicious dish you have, how your family praises you for your efforts. This is great because this is the essence of magically fulfilling a dream. When this moment does happen and the whole family praises the delicious dinner, the intention with which you prepared the food is released - with kindness and love.

It is not a secret for anyone that the power of thought still exists. The secret is that very few people know how to use it! Few people have the power of thought and can fulfill any desire. But the energy of our thoughts is much stronger than even the most honest word. Attention everyone! Now for someone I will reveal the most ancient secret of our Universe. Even our ancestors could not do without it.

We are all wizards! Each person on Earth is a unique, unrepeatable, unique creature in his person. And like a separate universe, man has special powers of spirit and thought. Let some mental techniques or spiritual practices not work for everyone in the same way, because in fact, someone is helped by what is only a useless waste of time and effort for another. But there is a universal solution for all mankind!

You can fulfill your cherished desire this spring!

This is what will help each and every one to correctly concentrate their thoughts and spirituality. There is a book in the publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale". By the way, a pleasant and very useful gift awaits all wizards buying this book! More on this later.

To begin with, we create a magical, calm atmosphere, after all, we are wizards. We bring into this atmosphere a little aroma of St. John's wort and juniper, it will help you enter the necessary meditative state and form a protective sphere for your thoughts. We are getting ready to make our dreams come true. We take in hand the book of wish fulfillment.

Now relax your whole body, listen to it. Feel what wants to break out of you, that clot of energy that is inside you and cannot find a way out. This is your most cherished desire, need. Concentrate your attention on this thought and write it down in the book "The Legacy of the Goddess Makosh". Now your desire will not go anywhere, you will accompany it and observe it constantly. Throughout the entire path to the fulfillment of the most important desire, the book will help you manage your thoughts and energy, the rite of passage for the fulfillment of desire is described in detail in this book. Don't forget the anti-witch herb scent! He will not allow negative energy to invade your thoughts.

Do you want everything in your life to turn out the way you want it? Start with the technique of making your wishes come true! Control your thoughts and energies! Learn magic and be the creators of your life!

We present a linen bag with fragrant anti-witchcraft herbs based on St. John's wort and juniper to everyone who orders the book of wish fulfillment "The Legacy of the Goddess Makosh" by March 8!

“The one who follows His Path knows and knows everything. Only one thing makes the fulfillment of desires impossible - this is the fear of failure. " Paolo Coelho.

The easiest and most effective way to fulfill a cherished desire is the feeling of having it. You need to feel like you already have what you want.

For example, you dream of a summer residence. Feel that it is already there. You have a nice plot of land with a lovely home. How do you feel? Joy, happiness, comfort ... feel these emotions ...

Do you want to materialize a relationship with a loved one or loved one? Work with those emotions that your loved one will give you. What could it be? Perhaps you feel closeness, openness, cheerfulness, love, passion, care, warmth ...

Do you want a slim, firm body? You have it. You feel confident, it extends to everything you do. You radiate it with your whole body. You have a flat tummy and firm skin, and when you look at yourself in the mirror, feel positive emotions.

Don't make too much effort at the moment. Just remember all your wants and needs. List them mentally or just write them down on a regular piece of paper.

I want happiness, love, money ... I wish myself good luck, health, prosperity ... I want healthy children and family joy ... And also a car, an apartment, a dacha. Here is a rough list of the standard desires and needs of a modern person. Do you recognize your thoughts here and do not know how to fulfill your cherished desire?

“Why am I failing? Someone already has everything, but I have none of this list! " - every person thinks whose desires are only a distant, illusory dream, as if wandering in a huge queue for their fulfillment. Why is the fulfillment of dreams, desires so far from you? Because just wanting something and waiting is not enough. Let's talk about what you can do to fulfill any of your wishes.

Success with the Power of Thought

Here many resort to the practice of the power of thought. At any time of the day, in any space, a person envelops himself in an endless web of thought. This is how we create our own reality - positive and negative. Yes, this is how we build our lives. No one is to blame for the fact that some idea is not embodied in reality. It was our thoughts that came true.

So how do you use your thoughts for good? How to fulfill any desire and quickly? If you constantly think and say that nothing is developing in this life, that everything is too bad, then thoughts will be embodied in that energy in which there is also nothing good.

Do not be discouraged if your head is visited by an accidental, lonely thought about the injustice of life! This is not scary, solitary thoughts are much weaker than constant ones. The main thing is not to scroll negative events in your head as the only memories. Look back, how many pleasant, joyful moments happened to you, how many smiles you gave to the world and those around you! It will be much more interesting and useful for your ideas, for your personal technique of fulfilling desires.

Holding on to our strongest thoughts

Happiness, love or wealth? Which of the following do you need the most? Decide on your most important desire. The most powerful will be those thoughts that will be directed at the quick fulfillment of desires and needs. Think about your desire, scroll only positive and kind thoughts in your head, do not limit yourself to other people's goals.

There are two simple conditions - regularity and constant repetition. We can say that in order for the cherished desire to materialize, you need to work on it. Invest your energy in it. Therefore, tune in to long-term practice, have patience and you will succeed.

Remember that in order to fulfill a serious desire, you need to work on attracting at least 3-6 months. In some cases, more than a year.

The timing of implementation depends on many factors. From your ability to focus, from the lack of resistance, from how strong and how long you can stay in your dream.

Now I will tell you what technology for fulfilling a desire can be applied in practice. Remember that in performing any action, our thoughts program the result, set a certain program that prompts a person to see certain results and intentions of these actions.

Here, a young mother knits a blouse for her baby, thinks during knitting how she will show it to her child, how she will put it on him for the first time. Thinks about how beautiful the baby will be in this outfit, what joyful emotions he will experience and how the child will love this blouse, which his mother gave him! Then the child will feel comfortable, comfortable and reliable in these clothes. The blouse will become the best amulet for the baby, because the mother put the most positive energy and love into her actions. This is where my mother's magic of fulfilling desires lies!

Or you want to please your family with a delicious dinner. You try, cook, but what do you think about? Thinking about the good, imagine what a delicious dish you have, how your family praises you for your efforts. This is great because this is the essence of magically fulfilling a dream. When that moment does happen, and the whole family praises the delicious dinner, the intention with which you prepared the food is released - with kindness and love.

It is not a secret for anyone that the power of thought still exists. The secret is that very few people know how to use it! Few people have the power of thought and can fulfill any desire. But the energy of our thoughts is much stronger than even the most honest word. Attention everyone! Now for someone I will reveal the most ancient secret of our Universe. Even our ancestors could not do without it.

We are all wizards! And like a separate universe, man has special powers of spirit and thought. Let some mental techniques or spiritual practices not work for everyone in the same way, because in fact someone is helped by what is just a useless waste of time and effort for another. But there is a universal solution for all mankind!

A world for wizards

There is something in each of us that will help everyone and everyone to correctly concentrate their thoughts and spiritual mood, you just need to listen to it. After all, all these technologies and practices came to us from our ancient ancestors. They were the real wizards in this regard - they knew how to use their inner spiritual energy for good.

Fortunately, for us living in modern times and those who no longer have anyone to learn all the secrets from, all knowledge is preserved not only in the memory of knowledgeable descendants, but also on paper. Many practices of fulfilling desires are described in books and are available to everyone, if there is a desire. And it will always be found!

A quiet, secluded atmosphere will allow you to relax, tune in to the right energy wave and fully think about your most important desire. Here the path will open to you, the path leading you to the cherished goal.

Every evening during the week, you will travel with your possibilities in the magical world of a dream come true. On the last day, you will already know exactly how and when your dream will come true.

We are all wizards! Each person on Earth is a unique, unrepeatable, unique creature in his person. And as if a separate Universe, man possesses special powers of spirit and thought ... We are lucky, we live with you at a time when the Creator with everything is next to us, because there is a change of eras not only in individual countries of the world, on a planetary scale, but also on a universal scale. The physical changes of the entire ether are surprisingly intertwined with the spiritual ones, which means that now you can reach a new level of your development both with the help of spiritual practices and with the help of physical exercises, whoever is more comfortable. And you can even combine them.

The main thing is faith in yourself, your capabilities, faith in miracles! * give_rose *

If your desires are not fulfilled, then you have a low energy level. This is fixable!
To you