How good it is to paint. Care for the skin. How to apply foundation and foundation

There are no ugly women, there are lazy women, Sophia Loren once said. That's for sure - neither subtract nor add! If you don't like yourself, if you dream of becoming a dazzling beauty, then the way out is to learn how to paint, even if you have to start from scratch! Modern make-up is at such a high level that you can literally sculpt your face anew. And this article will be the first step - teach you the basics.

Great makeup rules

Most girls got acquainted with cosmetics even in infancy, when, secretly from their mother, they selflessly painted their face with her favorite lipstick, and sometimes went even further and even ate it. But this childhood experience will not help you in the least in adult life. There are universal rules that promise an excellent make-up in 99.9% of cases! Here they are:

Cleansing is half the battle

The skin should be cleansed before using makeup products for washing. Then the "decorations" will lie flat and will last a long time. Also, exfoliate your skin with scrubs or peels at least once a week.

Rookie arsenal

Splurge on tools - makeup brushes. Those that are in freshly bought boxes with eyeshadow or powder are almost always unsuitable. Good brushes are not cheap, but they will last a very long time, and even inexpensive cosmetics will fit well when applied with a natural bristle tool.

Beginner's Brushes:

  • For blush and powder
  • Beveled (for eyebrows and eyes)
  • Flat for shadows
  • For shading
  • For lips (useful if you want to put on bright lipstick)

It is more profitable to take brushes in a set of professional brands, for example:

Limited Edition Anniversary Collection from the French brand EcoTools - all the brushes necessary for basic makeup and a convenient case.

Limoni City Chic Makeup Brush Set Consists of 7 brushes made of natural bristles and high quality synthetic fibers.

Core Collection by Real Techniques- a collection of the most essential brushes for perfect coverage. Includes 4 full-size brushes and a case.

Get a miracle testicle for the beautyblender foundation. The beauty blender will minimize the complexity of the foundation.

High quality cosmetics

Don't joke with cosmetics! If you buy cheap mascara, lipstick or foundation, then at best you will find crumbling lumps from your eyelashes, spots instead of an even tone, and at worst - a serious allergic reaction. All makeup artists adore MAC, NYX, Benefit, Kryolan, Make-UpForEver cosmetics.

Repetition is the mother of learning!

The chances are very low that the first time you get a delicious make-up. The main condition for successful makeup is shading, and its skill comes only with experience.

Is it warm or cold?

Warm skin tones suit warm colors, cold ones - correspondingly cool ones. Determining the tone is elementary - look at your wrist. If the translucent wreaths are blue, then you have a cold skin tone, and if green, your skin tone is warm.

Details for beginners

To learn how to paint beautifully from scratch, remember the make-up sequence!

Tone equalization

Even for those who boast a blooming look, it will be useful to even out the skin tone.


Any makeup begins with cleansing. Wash with gel or foam, dry your face and apply moisturizer. It will be absorbed in about 5 minutes, so go about your business, and then dab your face with a napkin.


For oily to combination skin, you need a mattifying primer.

If you have pimples, acne, scars, then you need a green corrector - smear it on problem areas, but do not rub it in, but drive it in with your fingertips. You can read everything about the primer.

Tone cream

Now comes the turn of the foundation. It should match the natural skin color as much as possible. It could not be worse if there is a bronze mask on a pale face, and spots of porcelain cream flaunt on a swarthy one. In the store, check the shade not on the hand, but on the face - it should be almost indistinguishable from your skin.

Choose a not very dense consistency, but better in general BB or CC-cream (you can even skip the stage with a primer with them).

Apply the foundation using a beauty blender: moisten it, squeeze it and squeeze a little cream onto the flat part. Unclench and apply tone from the center of the face to the edges. Treat hard-to-reach areas with a narrow part - the wings of the nose and the corners of the eyes.

If there are any bruises under the eyes, they can be removed with a peach or salmon concealer. Apply it pointwise to the area under the eyes and beat in gently.

For oily or combination skin, matting wipes are useful. During the day, they remove the fat content in the T-zone and the complexion remains fresh.

Blush and powder

Many unfairly neglect blush, and in vain! They give you freshness and warmth. Pastel pink is a win-win for most girls. Applying blush is simple: pull in your cheeks and use a brush to blend them into the hollows.

Powder will complete the process. Loose ones do the best. Dip a brush in it, shake off excess and work on the face.

This is done with the skin, it's time to start more creative stages.

Make eye

The most trendy make-up today is nude. This means putting on makeup as if you weren't wearing makeup at all. Shadows use creamy, sandy, coffee with milk, pale gray and beige shades. Just apply them with a flat brush over the entire moving eyelid, and it's done.

For evening makeup, three to four shades are needed. Use a light color on the half of the eyelid that is closer to the inner corner of the eyes, and dark on the other half. Be sure to blend the borders.

Highlight the area under the eyebrows in a very light tone, this will "open up" your eyes. And finally, a very dark color will help to make a languid look. Spread it with a beveled brush along the lash line, extending the strip towards the outer corner of the eyes. Blend.

As for mascara, brown is preferable for blondes, and black is preferable for dark-haired. They are very different - lengthening, for volume, and so on. Focus on your taste. They paint the cilia with zigzag movements from roots to tips.

Basic shading - video

Eye Stroke and Basic Arrows - Video


Such fashionable "natural" eyebrows still have to try to draw correctly. Tools - pencil and special shadows. With light strokes of a pencil, give them a shape and fill in all the bald spots with shadows.

There are special toning gels - they not only lay the hairs in a beautiful shape, but also shade them. You can buy not an ordinary pencil, but a trapezoidal shape. Draw the silhouette of the eyebrows with the thin side, and fill them with color with the wide side.


There is a rule in visage: if you highlight your eyes, then your lips must be neutral. And if the eyes are painted neutral, then you can work on the lips.

For daytime makeup, gloss or nude lipstick is used. Glosses are good oil based, they moisturize the sponges. And lipsticks are easiest to use in the form of pencils. A brush is required for regular lipstick.

Lip liner and lipstick should be the same shade. First, apply a colorless balm, and then paint over the inside with a brush with lipstick. To prevent the bright pigment from being imprinted on your teeth, squeeze the edge of the napkin with them and close your lips. The excess will be printed on the paper and the teeth will be safe.

Patience and a little effort! Armed with this proverb, you can definitely learn how to paint from scratch. And then you can experiment at home with your own image. Make-up helps to reveal completely new facets in your personality ... Just remember that now the “washed face effect” is in vogue and be careful. Good luck in your new endeavor!

In order to get beautiful makeup, it is not at all necessary to contact professional makeup artists on this issue, it can be done on your own, having the necessary cosmetics and. So that you can cope with this task, let's figure out how to make up beautifully.

What should you consider before applying makeup?

There are a few things you need to consider to make your makeup look good. In particular:

  • For what occasion do you make a make-up. If you are preparing for an event: a banquet, wedding, party, make-up should be done in the evening, which allows the use of dark shades of eyeshadow and eyeliner or lipstick. If you go to work or a business meeting, you need to do with a light daytime makeup with light beige or brown eyeshadows, as well as nude lipstick - this option will always be appropriate.

  • What is the condition of your skin. If you have a large number of rashes, redness, do not forget to use special corrective agents and dense textures of foundation in order to hide such imperfections; in this case, you should refuse from bright red lipstick - it will focus on existing inflammations. If there are no problems with the skin, you can decide how you can make up, at your discretion. It is allowed to use bright colors of lipstick or shadows, as well as light textures of the foundation.

  • What will you wear. Remember to blend in with your outfit.

You should also take into account the features of the shape of the lips, eyes, chin, choosing one or another makeup scheme. Remember that there are recommendations on how to do makeup correctly for different face types, eye and lip shapes, which will help you hide the existing flaws and emphasize your advantages. Be sure to study them and apply them to make your makeup look beautiful.

Video: beautiful daytime makeup:

The main stages of creating makeup

It is not difficult to figure out how to learn how to paint from scratch. To begin with, you should collect the basic cosmetics, among which there will be: either a base for foundation (girls with oily skin should use both of these products), powder, shadows (it is advisable to choose basic brown shades for a start), eyeliner and lip pencils, mascara , eyebrow tool, lipstick. Make-up with them should be done in stages as follows:

1. First, cleanse your skin and apply a moisturizer. A few minutes after that, you can gently apply a foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers, spreading it over the entire face. If you have problem areas of the skin, for example, rashes or redness, as well as bruises, you need to apply a corrector to these areas.

3. The next step is eye makeup. You will need to apply the shadows in stages, shading them on the movable eyelid, apply liquid eyeliner, and then mascara.

5. The last step is to apply blush on the cheekbones, as well as powder-veils. If you have rather oily skin, you should use a compact powder that gives you a dense coverage.

Important: if you are making a bright make-up, you need to focus on the eyes or on the lips (but not on the eyes and lips at the same time). Let's take a closer look at how to do it right.

How to paint your lips beautifully?

If you are going on a romantic date, you should focus on your makeup on your lips. They will need to be drawn step by step like this:

1. First, apply a special on the lips. It will provide long-lasting makeup for the whole evening. Please note: you only need to use a special lip primer, face or eye makeup will not work for you.

2. Take a contour pencil, carefully outline the contour of the lips. If you don't have a pencil that matches the tone of your chosen lipstick, you can take a thin lip brush, scatter some lipstick on it and draw the outline of it.

3. Using a brush, gently apply lipstick to lips.

I don't know how to paint at all, but I really want to learn. Where do I begin?

The main rule is the absence of rules. Each person can dispose of his own face as he pleases, and if you want something specific from your makeup - for example, black lipstick or cheerful glitter all over your face - there are no obstacles to self-expression.

It's obvious. Is there some proven scheme for beginners?

The classical scheme is as follows. First of all, the complexion is evened out and what is delicately called “imperfections” in beauty slang (circles under the eyes, acne, post-acne, hyperpigmentation). Then - blush for a fresh look. Then - the eyebrows: you can paint them over so that the appearance is more contrasting and the face looks more neat, and style. Then ink and pencil along the contour of the eyelid (so that the eyes look wide open), and then with all the stops.

And how to understand what suits me?

Data on suitable colors, the shape of the arrows and lips, and facial corrections are obtained empirically. It is very useful to go to a makeup artist at least once. A look from the outside can be useful even for experienced users of cosmetics and experimenters: there is a great chance to see your face in a completely different way, to try new techniques. Many makeup schools and studios now offer short intensive make-up courses for themselves. For example, the favorite of Western bloggers Daria Kholodnykh and her studio, Irina Mitroshkina, shops. You can just go to the training makeup corner of a good professional brand - for example, MAC, Bobbi Brown and the Chanel beauty boutique have them. They are either free, or they cost quite a lot of money, and, say, in the MAC corner, you can collect the cosmetics you like for the amount paid for. And, of course, if there is no opportunity or desire to go to a makeup artist, it is more than realistic to learn makeup using step-by-step tutorials: the most useful and reasonable are the videos that are made by the creative director of Lancôme for makeup and the YouTube star, but less famous bloggers also have understandable and good videos. One day spent watching videos on the smokey eyes technique - and with the result of self-education, you can safely go to a party.

I'm already going to the store for a foundation. What do I need to know?

It is easy for the neophyte to apply and blend - most likely it will not have a very dense coverage. Tinted moisturizers, cushion and BB-creams, especially in European versions (Asian more dense), do well with the task - it is almost impossible to overdo it with them, and layering if necessary is easy. However, almost always, instead of layering, the following scheme works better: a light foundation on the whole face plus a thinly shaded concealer for notorious imperfections.

Is it really possible to choose the right color in the store?

Yes. You need to choose a tone not on the hand, as consultants usually advise, and not even on the neck (although this is a compromise option), but on the face. Only after spending several hours in a foundation, you can understand how much it suits you - whether it oxidizes, clogs pores, runs off the face and causes dryness. It's ideal to take a sample in your shade or go to the store with a tiny jar and pour yourself two or three servings of the product from the tester. You can do it even easier - go to the store without makeup and apply the product right there. For obvious reasons, all this is impossible in the case of cushons - only probes will help here, alas.

Estée Lauder Double Wear Nude, 3500 RUB A very worthy novelty: the cream is persistent, easily and conveniently applied with a sponge (it can be removed and washed), the coverage density is adjustable, you can fix your makeup even on the go

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Sephora Wonderful Cushion, RUR 1490 More and more European brands are making their own versions of cushion, and this one turned out to be successful: the tone is translucent, radiant and invisible on the skin.

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Erborian BB Creme Nude, from 1350 rub. Ideal foundation for most people who have tried it - blends in with the skin, hides everything you need, without turning your face into a death mask

3 out of 3

Everything is clear with the tone, but the concealer - do I really need it?

It is necessary if you need to correct the circles under the eyes and / or have severe acne or inflammation that you want to hide. Different means serve these needs, and not at the whim of marketers: the circles under the eyes are covered with a lighter shade than the whole face, and often concealers for this area have a peach or salmon undertone (it hides the blue better). In addition, concealers for the under eye area are usually moisturizing because the skin can dry out easily - and products designed to cover up inflammation and acne are often anti-inflammatory.

If the choice of a concealer for the face is more or less simple (it should be as close as possible to the skin color), then there are many nuances with the means for the area under the eyes. Usually, make-up artists advise choosing it a tone lighter than your skin, but a whole number of factors are important here: how dark the circles under the eyes are, what shade they have (more likely purple or rather brown), how much dry skin and active facial expressions you end up with. An almost universal option is a pen-shaped concealer with a brush applicator (the most famous of which is YSL Touche Eclat). Typically, they are reflective, lightweight, and multifunctional - they can be used as a highlighter and can easily freshen up makeup in the middle of the day. But it must be borne in mind that serious circles under the eyes will not completely cover them.

Sisley Phyto-Cernes Eclat, from 6300 rub. This concealer, for its considerable cost, is designed to solve all the problems of the area under the eyes: the components in the composition fight wrinkles and swelling, the peach shade covers blackouts, and the metal tip drains

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Make Up For Ever Full Cover, 2140 p. A favorite of makeup artists is a dense pigmented concealer that can cover everything, including even tattoos. Has anti-inflammatory effect

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Veil Cosmetics Illuminating Complexion Fix, 2990 p. A good example of a highlighter concealer in a pen: it really does the job, layering well, doesn't roll or dry out the skin

3 out of 3

Do I need contouring?

In the last couple of years, the words "contouring" and "strobing" have become the main words in the makeup world. The idea is simple and, in general, not bad - by deepening the natural shadows (under the cheekbones, along the contour of the face) and lightening the areas on which the light falls (cheekbones, the back of the nose, the contour of the upper lip) to make the face more expressive. However, excessive zeal has led to the fact that the entire instagram is filled with women with ritual stripes all over their faces, and makeup is no longer considered makeup if it does not contain optically reshaping products.

Can contouring be done quickly?

Double-sided cream sticks are especially easy to use (such as made, for example, NYX, Maybelline, Dior) - smeared on one side, smeared on the other and went. However, despite the fact that the sculptor and the highlighter usually go in pairs, like Tarapunka and Shtepsel, it is not at all necessary to use them together - they are also good separately. The highlighter will add freshness to any makeup, and the sculptor (he should be grayish and by no means red) will add drama and visually remove five kilograms of weight.

Dior Diorblush Light & Contour, from 3200 rub. The reversible sculpting stick is a limited edition Dior novelty and is presented as the know-how of Peter Philips. Available in three shades - both soft natural contouring and "kardashianing"

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Dr. Jart + Illuminating Brush, 4875 rub. Highlighter for the most modest - gives a soft pearl shine, can be used as a base for makeup. Convenient brush-applicator, through which the highlighter is fed, you can immediately blend it

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IsaDora Strobing Highlighting Stick, from 900 p. A lucky novelty in the middle market: a golden stick highlighter that can be easily shaded or layered into a disco ball

3 out of 3

I have some kind of blush, but I don't know what to do with it at all.

Blush is a great and hurtfully underestimated beauty product: many consider it to be the most optional part of makeup, and it adds 5 hours of sleep and 100 points of freshness. You can play with a shade of blush (like any other color product) as you like - it can match the makeup or work in contrast with it, be the main accent or maintain the overall mood of the make-up. If you need the most natural color, then you can use the old folk method - pinch yourself on the cheek and choose a shade that is as close as possible to the one that will be obtained as a result of this simple operation.

Holika Holika Gudetama Jelly Dough Blusher, from 880 rub. Perfect blush - it is impossible to make a mistake with a shade (there are two of them, both are good) or to apply unevenly (applied with the supplied sponge, layered and shaded as desired). Bonus - Gudetama lazy yolk packaging

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Nouba Blush on Bubble, from 1000 p. This baked blush is pigmented enough to last for half a life, blend easily, and sticks well even with a less than perfect brush.

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Smashbox L.A. Lights Blendable Lip and Cheek Color, 2150 p. This beautiful and very comfortable creamy blush stick can also be used as a lip tint. There are many shades; in addition to a variety of blush, there is a highlighter and bronzers

3 out of 3

Now the hardest part is the eyes. How are they generally drawn?

Eyeliner or eyeliner is able to do makeup in record time: sweeping fatal arrows, a colored accent or just a neatly accentuated upper eyelid change the whole image. At first glance, it seems that arrows are a sacred skill, available only to those who have received fives in geometry at school, but in reality everything is simpler. With a good, moderately soft eyeliner, it is almost impossible to make a mistake - it is enough to draw a line along the eyelid, and then correct its contour and tail with a beveled thin brush. The eyeliner is a little more complicated, but you can also cope: for beginners, it is usually easiest to paint with a gel eyeliner (it is sold in cans) and the same beveled brush. Also good are eyeliners, in which the tip is not an applicator, but a brush tapering towards the end (such are made by Kat Von D and Clinique).

Clinique Pretty Easy, from 1500 rub. This eyeliner, with which even the most curved hands are drawn, has only one drawback: it exists only in two shades, black and brown.

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Givenchy Khol Couture Waterproof, from 1400 p. The brand's new automatic pencils are bright, pigmented and long-lasting. They can be twisted and do not require sharpening, but if you want a thin line, there is a sharpener hidden on the back of the pencil.

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Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner, 2040 p. A gel eyeliner in a jar will require the purchase of a separate brush, but the brush will still come in handy, and the eyeliner is very good - pigmented, flexible and many beautiful shades

3 out of 3

What to do with eyeshadow?

First, let's deal with primers - bases for various makeup. Primers are color correcting, concealing pores, mattifying and moisturizing. They all have different goals, but all lengthen the life of the foundation that is placed on top. The base is far from an obligatory element of the neophyte's cosmetic bag, but everyone who is going to paint their eyes should get an eyelid primer: shadows and pencils fall on a good base brighter and shade better, do not slip and retain their original appearance much longer. Lipstick, as a rule, also lies better on the primer, and it protects the lip gloss from spreading.

NYX HD Eyeshadow Base, 520 p. The translucent flesh-colored base can be worn on its own: it evens the eyelid and hides the vessels. Well, the shadows on it are perfectly shaded and hold

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Urban Decay Ultimate Ozone Multipurpose Primer Pencil, 1290 р. This great brand has every product, then a hit - but for some reason this excellent lip primer is not well known.

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Rouge Bunny Rouge Metamorphoses, 3920 p. A light mattifying base visually gives the notorious "blur effect" - you can use it yourself or extend the life of your foundation

3 out of 3

Let's talk about the shadows!

There is so much room for imagination that it’s time to get confused: everything is so beautiful and diverse. However, you can start with the simplest - for example, with a palette of neutral shades like Urban Decay Naked Basics (or Naked, if you want a little more variety), or with creamy light eyeshadows that are easy to apply with your finger. The most versatile shade is a slightly shiny light beige (it is also often called the color of champagne, but we know that champagne is not like that at all). It instantly opens the eyes when applied to the entire eyelid or at least to the corners of the eyes. If you want big delights, you can shade a darker shade in the crease of the eyelid, and then have fun as you like.

Armani Eye Tint, from 2800 rub. Blogger's favorite creamy eyeshadow that can be applied perfectly with the included applicator. Beautiful complex shades can be used as eyeliner or applied all over the eyelid, mixed or worn separately

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Essence Shape & Shadows Eye Contouring Palette, from 450 p. The fun and inexpensive German brand Essence made this palette with British blogger Strikeapose for a great basic set for eyelids and eyebrows.

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Clarins Ombre Matte / Ombre Iridescente, 1650 p. The creamy shades of the French brand are applied equally well with finger, brush and left foot, and their successful shades are easy to mix together

3 out of 3

It's clear. What do you need to know about mascara?

The division into voluminous, lengthening and separating mascaras is somewhat outdated: modern technologies, as a rule, try to offer everything at once. In general, mascara is the simplest and at the same time the most difficult category when it comes to advice: someone loves silicone brushes that separate and comb eyelashes well, someone - classic fluffy ones, and it is almost impossible to guess which one will be convenient for you. Fortunately, most of the new products come out not only in full-size, but also in miniature versions, which can be obtained as a gift for a purchase or in a beauty box by subscription. In addition, very often successful mascara can be found in the mass market, so trial and error will not bring any harm or financial damage here.

Chanel Dimensions de Chanel, from 2500 p. The new mascara of the brand meets all the requirements of the time - it separates, curls, adds volume and knows how to make fanned eyelashes, if necessary

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Maybelline The Colossal Volum Express 100% Black, from 450 p. The masters of the Maybelline mass market have been producing different types of The Colossal mascara for many years, and they turn out one better than the other.

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YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils, from 2500 p. The famous "false eyelash effect" mascara was re-released last year with a new formula. Gives volume, separates, suits everyone and (hurray!) Exists in several bright shades

3 out of 3

So far, everything is clear. It is only unclear what to do with the eyebrows.

The fashion for wide natural eyebrows has spawned a huge number of products for these very eyebrows. The most convenient are toning gels: they lightly paint over the hairs and style them. If you want to brighten your eyebrows or have bald spots and scars in them, you can first paint over them with a pencil or shadows (there are special shadows, but no one forbids using for this purpose eye shadows that are close in tone to the hairs). The shade of the eyebrow product should be slightly lighter than the hairs themselves - if you emphasize black eyebrows with a black pencil, there is a risk of drawing on yourself Isabella Rossellini in the movie "Wild at Heart". Wycon Brow Fix & Define, 499 р. Transparent fixing eyebrow gel is a useful thing even for perfect eyebrows that do not need any tweaks in the form of shadows and pencils

3 out of 3

What's so great about lipsticks and lip glosses?

In order to evenly paint lips, even a beginner does not need anything except a mirror, cotton swabs and a bottle of micellar water, so you can start experiments with absolutely any color you like. Lipstick-pencils are most convenient to use - there are many of these after the success of Clinique Chubby Stick: they are convenient for both painting the contour and actually painting the lips. Classic stick lipstick, if the color is bright or dark, may require a brush and / or pencil for super precise application. From the glosses, you can choose those based on oil (YSL Tint-in-Oil, Lancôme Juicy Shaker): they do not spread, they moisturize the lips well and cannot be overdone - or steins that are absorbed into the lips and allow the owner not to peep in the mirror every ten minutes.

3 out of 3

Do I need any additional tools?

The most ruinous part of our program is the toolbox. For almost any make-up, you will need brushes, and the brushes must be good (those that are put into boxes with cosmetics, in 90% of cases, it is better to forget right away). Good brushes, as a rule, are not cheap, but they will pay off many times over - beautiful makeup can be done with the means of any, even a very inexpensive brand, but without normal brushes, the chances of successful shading drop dramatically. The minimum set is a blush brush (and powder, if you use it), a flat eyeshadow brush, an eyeshadow feathering brush, and a beveled brush. The lip brush is optional, but it makes life a lot easier if you want to wear bright lipsticks.

It is cheaper to buy brushes in sets (they are made, for example, by "L'Etoile Selection" within the framework of seasonal collections and MAC for the New Year) - there is a risk that their quality will be slightly worse than brushes from the permanent collection, but the difference for non-professionals is insignificant. Good brushes are made by professional brands (Make Up For Ever, MAC) and those who specialize in instrumentation (Japonesque, not represented in Russia by Zoeva and Morphe Brushes, which Real Techniques recently came to us). Very good brushes can be found at L'Etoile Selection - they are made in the same factory as MAC.

Does the beauty blender really work?

Any foundation fits better with the Beauty Blender sponge than without it: a normal product will look good, a good one will look perfect. Until now, nobody has solved the secret of the notorious pink egg, despite hundreds and thousands of attempts to repeat its success. In general, anyone can buy a sponge - fortunately, only the lazy hasn't made them now - but we can only vouch for this one.

Maybe something else?

Another important tool is the eyelash curler, which looks like a torture tool to the untrained eye. If the eyelashes are straight (and especially if they are long and straight), the tongs work like magic: once - and your eyes are open, you can even do without mascara. You need to choose the forceps according to the shape of the eye - the ideal ones should fit snugly to the eye and grab all the eyelashes in one motion. Shu Uemura is considered the best eyelash curler, but MAC, for example, makes the option just as good. And you can start with H&M altogether: their good tongs cost like a cup of coffee, and will last much longer.

But the main tool in makeup (here we are entering the shaky ground of preaching) is not brushes or even sponges, but our own imagination. Makeup is fun, fun and endless possibilities. Makeup allows you to tell stories and learn something new about yourself - and this is much more important and more interesting than a smeared pimple and circles under the eyes.

It is difficult to find a woman who would be indifferent to her appearance. Experiments with decorative cosmetics begin as early as adolescence - girls try to do their first make-up, use different brands of products. Often, such experiments can hardly be called successful, but without constant practice, you cannot learn how to paint correctly. You need to figure out how to perform an appropriate and at the same time beautiful make-up at home.

Fundamental rules

Even the most sophisticated makeup will ruin the look if it is not matched. If a girl puts on an evening make-up and goes to school or work, she will show herself as a person with an absent sense of style. However, there are events that require. For example, this is a wedding, a trip to the theater, a theme party. How to paint correctly?

Facial skin preparation

Makeup can be done easily at home. The main thing is to know its basic rules. Even the highest quality decorative cosmetics are applied to a clean face. However, not all girls have smooth and smooth skin, on which there is not a single flaw.

To correct visible imperfections, a foundation or makeup base will help. The base in the form of a cream is more suitable for problem skin, because when applied correctly, pimples and redness are masked. If your skin is of a normal type, choose a make-up base that evens out the complexion.

The foundation or make-up base is applied to the skin free from dust and dirt. If the girl has dry skin, a thin layer of moisturizer is applied under the base. It is recommended to apply the foundation with a pre-moistened sponge.

If there are dark circles under the eyes, cover them up with concealer. This product is applied delicately, because the skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. After applying the foundation (makeup base), lightly dust the face with loose powder. Then they start applying blush. Their shade depends on the color type of the girl's appearance:

  1. For owners of light skin and cold hair shades, pink mother-of-pearl, chocolate, dark beige are suitable.
  2. Cold pink and red blush will suit hot brunettes with light "porcelain" skin.
  3. For girls with a warm shade of hair and brown eyes, shades such as brick, terracotta, beige are suitable.
  4. Blondes with eyes of a cold shade will suit blush of pale pink and coral shades.

Eyes: highlight the dignity

Special attention is paid to eye makeup. How to paint your eyes correctly in order to favorably emphasize their cut and color? The choice of mascara, eyeliner and shadows must be approached with special attention - they will determine how successful the makeup will be. You should also be guided by the basic rules for making a make-up.

First of all, some skin flaws near the eyes are masked - bruises, wrinkles, redness, otherwise the face will look painful and tired. To make up your eyes beautifully, make sure that the decorative cosmetics are evenly applied to the eyelids. To do this, cover the upper eyelid with a thin layer of makeup base. This technique will prevent unsightly rolling and smearing of the shadows.

Answering the girls' question about how to make up their eyes in order to emphasize the beauty of their natural shade, you need to pay attention to the choice of the color palette of the shadows.

Girls with dark green eyes need to do makeup using eyeshadows in rich brown, marsh and gold shades. If the eyes have a light green tint, it is better to refuse from "deep" colors. Green eyes are summed up with a dark eyeliner or pencil.

Owners of brown eyes are provided with a wide range of colors of decorative cosmetics for eye makeup. All shades of brown, purple, lilac, green are perfect for brown-eyed girls. It is not recommended to choose shadows of pale tones - they will make the eyes tired. Pale pink eyeshadow is also not suitable for Kareem's eyes.

To beautifully make up eyes with a blue iris, gray, lilac and brown shadows are used, which will favorably emphasize the dignity of the eyes. But bright yellow, green and copper shadows are excluded from the cosmetic bag, as they visually make the eyes dull and tired.

Owners of a gray or gray-green iris are wondering how to paint their eyes to emphasize their natural shade. The choice of colors is varied, the main thing is not to use pink shadows for eye makeup. All shades of pink do not blend well with gray, especially if it has an admixture of green. Examples of well-chosen eye color are shown in the photo.

Eye makeup principles

There are general rules for how to gently paint your eyes, so that makeup emphasizes their dignity. Eye makeup begins with the application of eyeliner. After drawing the lines, they begin to apply shadows.

Light shades (beige, milk, champagne) are applied to the brow area or to the inner corners of the eyes.

To achieve a neat makeup using several shades, make sure that there are no noticeable transitions between tones.

After applying the shadows, lightly powder the upper eyelid. This technique will save the make-up from shedding.

Applying mascara is the last step in eye makeup. The eyelashes are carefully painted over at the roots, then moved with a brush to their tips. In this case, the movements should be slightly vibrating. This will help evenly. A small amount of mascara should be applied to the lower lashes, otherwise the eyes will look sloppy. After applying the mascara, brush the eyelashes with a clean brush.

If a girl wants to make up her eyelashes with colored mascara (green, blue, purple), first you need to apply classic black mascara.

Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics are trying to draw attention to their product, having previously “rewarded” it with magical properties. On sale there are mascaras with a super volume and lengthening effect. In fact, all cosmetics for eyelashes have the same properties - even the simplest, but high-quality mascara gives the desired volume and length to the eyelashes.

To get acquainted with the technique of applying eye makeup at home, it is recommended to watch the video:

How to highlight lips

Successful makeup means an even complexion, expressive eyes and favorably accentuated lips. Even the highest quality lipstick or gloss will stick out unevenly if your lips are dry and chapped. To prevent such problems, the lips are intensively nourished. For care, a special balm and peeling are suitable.

Before applying decorative cosmetics, a thin layer of foundation is applied to the lips. This technique will help mask the smallest cracks and uneven skin. After applying the foundation, the gloss or lipstick evenly covers the lips. To keep the cosmetics firmly, a small amount of powder is applied to the cream layer.

The color of the pencil is chosen a tone darker or similar to the shade of lipstick. Before drawing the outline, the pencil is slightly heated in the hand. After that, the outline will be drawn softly and evenly. The contour is drawn from the central part of the lips.

Apply lipstick in any convenient way:

  • a special sponge;
  • fingertips;
  • brush.

If the lipstick is applied from the case, it can be applied crookedly and unevenly.

To make the lips sensual and voluminous, their central part is painted over with lipstick, the tone of which is lighter than the main one, or a colorless gloss.

If a girl wants to visually reduce too full lips, she needs to abandon the use of a pencil. Lipstick is not applied to the corners of the lips. They can be shaded with foundation. If the lips are of different sizes, then this feature can be corrected - light lipstick is applied on a thin lip, dark lipstick on a full one.

Remove excess lipstick with a dry paper towel. The photo shows the step-by-step application of lipstick at home.

To ensure that the makeup does not go beyond the lips and adhere neatly to them, the lips are drawn with a pencil.

Lip gloss is applied in several layers. If the shade of gloss is bright and saturated, it is applied in the center, and the lips are lightly rubbed against each other. The gloss needs to be renewed regularly because it wears out quickly.

Gentle to the skin

Before going to bed, make-up is removed with the help of a special tool. Natural almond oil is used to remove decorative cosmetics from the eyelids. A cotton pad is moistened in warm water and a couple of drops of oil are applied. The disc is gently rubbed over the eyelids until the makeup is completely removed.

Every woman wants to look perfect. Even if you have plump lips, gorgeous eyelashes, big eyes, make-up should not be neglected. It can both emphasize the natural beauty and make it worse. Not every girl knows how to use makeup wisely. If you don't apply your makeup correctly, you will look ridiculous, sometimes ridiculous. Also, the female sex has a question: how to learn how to paint correctly? TeachIt will try to help you in this matter.

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Makeup types

In order for you to be able to apply makeup correctly, you need to know its main types, color types, as well as the sequence of application. There are the following types:

  • Carnival. Helps to distinguish a person from the masses, emphasizes his individuality.
  • Wedding. Creates a delightful bride look.
  • Theatrical. Emphasizes the image of the hero, gives him expressiveness.
  • Simple. This view will help emphasize what nature has awarded you. It is almost invisible. It uses a minimum amount of powder and foundation, as well as cold shades. It gives the face a fresh look.
  • Complicated. He corrects the shape and features of the face, flaunts advantages and hides imperfections. It is divided into competition, evening and daytime makeup. Daytime is characterized by light textures and muted shades. It's perfect in daylight. Evening - emphasizes the face, and also creates a new image. It is brighter than daytime. And the competitive, in turn, is divided into carnival, daytime and evening.

So that you can do everything right, first decide on your face color type. There are such color types: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

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Winter. These girls have black hair and a marbled skin color, which makes a certain contrast. It is not advisable for representatives of this type to abuse cosmetics. Give preference to cold colors. Ideal, in this case, would be an intense green, rich red, dark brown and blue palette. The tonal base should be matched to the complexion as much as possible. Choose shades of cool shades (dark gray, plum blue, lilac, lilac). Eyeliner and eyeliner pencils can be used in black. Lips can be painted with either gloss or bright lipstick, but stick to cool shades anyway. The main thing is not to do a lot of blush. And choose them in the same color scheme as your lipstick.

Spring. Women of this type have pale skin with a slight blush and a golden hue. Freckles sometimes appear on the face. Hair is mostly light brown with golden, honey and light brown tints. For this color type, the yellow range is perfect. When applying makeup, these women do not need to use a foundation. You can choose any mascara except black. The eyeshadow will work in warm shades, and the lipstick will work in a natural color. Blush - peach or apricot.

Summer. Girls of this type have milky skin with a pronounced blush. Hair from dark blond to light straw color. Such girls should not wear a contrasting make-up. Blue palette and smoky, cold colors are perfect for them. In this case, you cannot do without foundation. Choose shadows from silver, gray and brown palettes. Lipstick shades - from rich to delicate transparent. Blush - cool shades.

Autumn. Girls of this color type have a warm beige or peach hue. Eyes come in different colors, but with a rich shade. This type includes girls with brown hair and red hair. Warm shades are suitable for this color type. Choose a foundation in light shades. You shouldn't buy pale lipstick. Better honey, red or orange. Shadows can be chocolate, copper, or orange. The eyeliner and mascara work well in brown.

  1. Makeup should always go with every piece of your outfit. Choose your makeup according to your age. For women of mature age, makeup that hides defects is suitable, and for young girls, it is worth choosing a natural light makeup.
  2. Application sequence:
  3. Moisturize the skin with cream, and apply a little balm on the lips.
  4. Apply concealer to the skin around the wings of the nose and under the eyes.
  5. Now apply a foundation: foundation or powder.
  6. Then paint your eyes.
  7. Color your eyelashes. First apply the mascara to the ends, and only then distribute over the entire length of the eyelashes. Apply it in two layers.
  8. Finally, apply lipstick. Apply with a brush for longer duration.

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