How to clean a wool rug from a stain. We clean the carpet quickly and effectively at home

A urine stain, like any other, is best cleaned immediately. Blot the liquid with a tissue. Instead of a napkin, you can use cat litter. When it absorbs moisture and odor, gently remove the granules from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

Then dilute one part vinegar in three parts water. Wet the stain. Leave until completely dry. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the stain. Baking soda can be sprinkled with a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide in two parts water. Foam will appear on the surface of the carpet. Leave it for a couple of hours.

Scrub whatever is left with a damp brush or vacuum cleaner. Dry thoroughly.

The best way to get rid of gum is to freeze it. Take a few ice cubes, put them in a resealable bag and put them on a rubber band. Wait for the gum to freeze through. After that, scrape it off the pile with a thin metal spatula or a dull butter knife. If there are sticky pieces left on the carpet, freeze them again.

When all the chewing gum is removed, wipe the carpet with soapy water, adding a little vinegar to it. Leave until completely dry.


Fresh blood washes well with very cold water. Fill a spray bottle with ice water. Spray onto stain. Blot with a napkin or towel from the edges to the center. If necessary, repeat the process. Dry the carpet. Vacuum. If the stain doesn't go away after drying, try using a stronger cleaner like baking soda or vinegar.

Comb the dried stain with a dry stiff brush. Vacuum to remove what has been scraped off. Mix two cups of ice water with a tablespoon of dish soap. Take a soft cloth, soak it in the solution and wipe the stain. Blot the liquid with a tissue. If the stain persists, rub with soapy water again. Dry the carpet.

If the soap solution does not help, take a glass of cold water, add two tablespoons of ammonia and apply to the stain. Leave for 5 minutes. Blot with a tissue. Remove the remaining ammonia solution from the carpet with a clean, damp cloth. Blot again with a tissue. You can put a clean towel on the stain, press down on it with a load and leave for 10 minutes. So the liquid will be absorbed faster. Dry the carpet with a fan to speed up drying.

Ammonia should not be used on wool carpets. When working with ammonia, be careful not to inhale it. Is it dangerous.

Wait for the wax to harden and scrape it off with a spoon or a dull butter knife. If there are small crumbs, collect them with a vacuum cleaner. Take it, plug it into the outlet, setting the lowest settings. Turn off the steam function. Lay a clean paper towel over the remaining wax stain. Top iron with a warm iron. Change the cloth to a clean one and iron again. Repeat the process until all the wax is melted and absorbed into the paper. Wait until the carpet has completely cooled down.

If the result is still not perfect, rub the coating with an alcohol solution. Just be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area. Alcohol can leave discolored spots. Blot moisture with a clean tissue. Leave the carpet to dry completely.

How to clean carpet

Vinegar can be used to clean the coating from organic contaminants or get rid of gray deposits.

You will need two tablespoons of 9% vinegar and 1 liter of warm water. Take a soft brush and, wetting it in the resulting solution, walk along the surface of the carpet. After cleaning, be sure to dry the coating and ventilate the room.

Mix soda with fine salt and scatter on the surface of the carpet. Spread the scattered mixture evenly with a brush. Wait 10-20 minutes. Soak a broom in warm water, sweep everything from the carpet. Leave the coating to dry. Vacuum to remove baking soda and salt residue.

This mixture absorbs odors well and cleans dirt. Suitable for cleaning light surfaces. White spots may remain on dark carpets.

You can also mix two tablespoons of soda with a liter of water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and spray evenly on the carpet. Then you need to wait until the coating dries and vacuum thoroughly.


Be sure to test the carpet shampoo on an inconspicuous area, as some dyes can be unstable and stain the finish. Work in a well ventilated area.

Vacuum first. Then dilute the detergent with water in the proportion indicated on the package, beat until foam forms. Sponge evenly apply the foam on the carpet, being careful not to wet it too much. Wait until the coating is completely dry. Vacuum.

Shampoo will help refresh the coating, remove stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors.

If you are willing to wait until winter, you can clean the carpet with snow. This method refreshes the coating. And if you leave it in the cold overnight, then all dust mites and moths will die.

Roll up the carpet, take it outside and lay it face down on the snow. The longer the pile, the larger the snowdrift needed. Walk on top. You can pour snow on the cover and beat with a broom or stick. After that, transfer the carpet to a clean area and do the same. Turn it upside down, pour snow on it again and walk with a broom or brush. Then hang it on the crossbar and beat it well. Return home and leave to dry completely.

Important to remember

  • Vacuum the carpet once or twice a week to remove dust. This is especially true for recently purchased items. At first, extra villi will come out. This happens with almost any carpet, so don't be alarmed.
  • Vacuum the carpet from the wrong side once a month.
  • Dry clean only if possible. Carpets are generally afraid of moisture and take a long time to dry. If you leave a damp carpet on the floor, an unpleasant odor or even may appear. In addition, moisture damages parquet and laminate.
  • Try to remove the stain from the carpet as soon as it appears. The main rule: do not rub dirt into the pile. If something mushy has fallen on the carpet, scrape it off with a spoon. If liquid is spilled, blot with a tissue or towel. Remove dirt from the edges to the center. Starch or talc scattered around the edges will prevent the stain from spreading.
  • Do not use washing powder to clean the carpet. Residue on the pile will attract new dirt.
  • If you bought carpet cleaner from a store, test it on an inconspicuous area, such as under a chair. It is possible that your carpet is allergic to this composition.
  • Bright viscose or woolen carpets should be dry-cleaned immediately. Don't try to clean them at home.

Carpet is an integral element of the interior in many apartments and houses. If in your monastery there was also a place for him, then, for sure, tips on cleaning carpets will be useful to you. This is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance, and below we will mention some of the nuances of this case.

How to choose the right carpet cleaner

Carpet with long pile

Undoubtedly, a carpet with a long pile can become a real decoration of your room, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort in it. Noticing a stain on such a product, most housewives are upset, because, as you know, a carpet with a long pile is quite difficult to clean. If the height of the pile is above 2.5 centimeters, then it will quickly absorb any dust into itself, and the worst thing is that at first you may not notice it. However, there are some methods that will help to cope with the problem. Note that cleaning must be carried out in two stages. First, thoroughly vacuum the product, and only then use the selected products. By the way, the first stage should be applied weekly to prevent serious contamination. 1st way Undoubtedly, you can easily find baking soda and vinegar at home or buy these ingredients. Next, pour 1 liter of cool water into a bowl, add 1 tsp to it. vinegar (9%) and 1 tsp. baking soda. After that, carefully place the mixture and dip the brush in it. Shake off excess liquid. Clean the carpet with smooth movements, along the pile. Subsequently, the carpet must be dried. 2nd way This method requires ammonia and washing powder. Dilute in a bucket 5 liters of warm water with the addition of 3 tbsp. l. powder and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Now you need to moisten a soft and damp brush in the solution and process the carpet with light movements. The remains of the product should be removed with a damp cloth and then dry the carpet well.

Short pile

In the case of a short pile, both dry and wet cleaning can be used. It is easier to remove pollution from such products than from others - they are quite unpretentious in this regard. You can apply many of the tips given in this article - almost every cleansing will suit you. By the way, if you don’t see any special pollution, but the color of the carpet is slightly faded, then you can use this method: in a spray bottle, mix 200 ml of water, a couple of tablespoons of shampoo and two drops of ammonia. Treat the surface of the carpet with the resulting composition and wait for it to dry completely. The last step: Vacuum the carpet with a regular vacuum cleaner.

If it is a light (white) carpet

If you do not want to use dry cleaning services in this case, then it is important to choose the safest method. It is best to use ready-made products that are specifically designed for cleaning carpets - Vanish is considered one of the most popular, however, many of its analogues are worthy of attention. If you still consider yourself a fan of home remedies, then choose them especially carefully and avoid recipes using lemon juice as you risk staining the pile.

For synthetic and natural carpets

If your carpet is made of synthetic materials, then keeping it in perfect condition is easy: vacuum several times a week. For severe contamination, use soda cleaning - the method is described in one of the sections of the article. We note that synthetic carpets are unpretentious in care, although they serve less than natural ones. In turn, for natural carpets, the same cleaning methods are applicable as for others - first of all, choose the most gentle of them. If you doubt the effectiveness and safety of the chosen method, try using the dry cleaning service.

How to clean a carpet at home - step by step instructions

Quickly clean the carpet with Vanish (detergents)

If you decide to use store chemicals, then choose products that contain detailed instructions - read them carefully. You can also read reviews on the Internet for certain cleaning mixtures in order to choose what suits you best and take into account some features of the selected products. Having bought the product you are interested in, before you start getting rid of pollution, be sure to test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe carpet, so as not to subsequently spoil its pile or color (in the case of a poor-quality mixture).

Carpet cleaning at home

Perhaps you do not trust store products too much - in this case, home remedies may well help you out. One of them can be a regular tea brew! Please note that this method is used only for dark products - on light ones you can put an additional stain. It is difficult to call such a method very popular, but still it has the right to life, because it has its own advantages. Let's designate the sequence of such cleaning. Prepare the tea leaves in advance - it should be moist and fresh. Now sprinkle it on the dirty part of the carpet and wait until it dries. Eliminate the tea leaves with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. You can use either black or green tea, but be sure to squeeze the tea leaves thoroughly before using. With this procedure, you will not only eliminate light dirt, but you can also get rid of unpleasant odors, if any, on the pile.

Dry carpet cleaning

Most housewives prefer to use dry cleaning, as many carpets do not “like” water too much. However, if wet cleaning is necessary, then try not to use hot water for this purpose. A washing or ordinary vacuum cleaner, as well as a simple broom, with which you can remove all dust and debris from the carpet before cleaning, can be very useful in this situation. Before this, it will be useful to moisten the broom in water and shake it well after that so that it does not become wet, but simply wet - such a broom will not raise dust into the air.

We clean the carpet with soda or vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar is a wonderful tool in the fight against carpet stains, especially when it comes to wool. If you treat the carpet with a weak solution of vinegar, this will restore the pile to its original shine and significantly refresh the overall look. How to start such cleaning? Vacuum the carpet thoroughly, then go over it with a soft brush, which before moistening with a solution of vinegar (about 20 ml per 1 liter of water). If you stumble upon a stain, then moisten the carpet more thoroughly in this place and rub it harder with a brush in the direction of the pile. After completing the procedure, wait about half an hour and then wipe the carpet with a clean, dry sponge, again following the direction of the pile. Don't rub it too hard! The final step, after the pile has dried completely, will be the use of a conventional vacuum cleaner. You can also clean the carpet with ordinary soda. Moisten the area slightly with water and sprinkle it with soda. Wait about half an hour and then vacuum the selected area.

Clean with baking soda and salt

One of the most effective cleaning products that has been used by experienced housewives for many years. To apply this mixture, you do not need special skills and knowledge - everything is very simple! Sprinkle the soiled part of the carpet with the mixture and leave it there for about twenty minutes. Subsequently, carefully sweep away the soda and salt with a broom and use a regular vacuum cleaner on the same area. However, it will help if you need to get rid of small, non-greasy stains or you just want to slightly refresh the appearance of the carpet. One of the main advantages of this method is not only the availability of the ingredients used, but also their safety for the body.

Clean with laundry soap

Grate laundry soap on a fine grater. Now take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting chips and dilute it in one liter of warm water. Also add 1 tbsp. l. turpentine. Take a synthetic bristle brush and gently apply the solution to the carpet, leaving it there for a few minutes. After this time, wipe the carpet with a damp cloth, then repeat the procedure with a dry cloth. This method is applicable for carpets with short pile made of synthetic materials; after cleaning, it is advisable to ventilate the carpet in the fresh air, and let it dry completely there.

How and how to clean a wool carpet yourself

As we already mentioned, such a carpet can be cleaned with a soda solution. It also applies to products that are made from other natural materials. However, remember that such rugs should be handled very carefully so as not to damage the material. Below we give a well-known method that is appropriate in the processing of wool carpets. Cabbage cleaning More than one generation of experienced housewives knows about this method, although for many, of course, it will be new. So, take regular sauerkraut without vinegar and wash it in order to get rid of the strong smell. After that, evenly scatter the cabbage over the carpet and roll it over it with a brush or broom - until the product becomes contaminated. After that, you need to collect the cabbage from the carpet with a broom and repeat the procedure again until the cabbage remains clean. At the end of the procedure, collect the cabbage and vacuum the carpet. General recommendations It is important to remember that when cleaning woolen carpets, bleaches and aggressive agents are excluded. Deep cleaning is not necessary more than once a year, and it is recommended to use chemicals that are suitable only for your type of carpet. Strictly observe the proportions that are recommended in the instructions for a particular purchased product. After completing all cleaning procedures, dry the product thoroughly. Note that handmade carpets are still better to be cleaned at specialized dry cleaners, as they can use technologies that are not available at home to remove dirt.

A good tool for cleaning any carpets is a washing vacuum cleaner

Wet cleaning of the room has a lot of advantages - with its help you can effectively eliminate small debris and dust, complex pollution. Wet cleaning is also useful for cleaning various carpets, and a washing vacuum cleaner can help you with this. Since the invention of this type of home appliances, many women and men have had the opportunity to appreciate its advantage over a conventional vacuum cleaner. Having bought a washing vacuum cleaner, of course, you will greatly facilitate your cleaning of the room. And if the family has an allergy sufferer who does not tolerate dust well, then such a thing will become indispensable in your home. By visiting the appropriate store, you can find a vacuum cleaner that is most suitable for you in terms of its technical characteristics and cost. The mentioned vacuum cleaners are produced by such companies as Philips, Thomas, Karcher, Samsung and many others. To make a choice, read the reviews on the models you are interested in on the network. You can choose cleaning products both from the manufacturers of the selected vacuum cleaner, and those that are most suitable for you personally. Among the most popular brands are Vanish, Organics, Green and Clean.

Is it worth cleaning the carpet at home or is it better to take it to the dry cleaner?

Of course, homemade carpet cleaners tend to be cheaper than dry cleaning services, but this only makes sense if the soiling is fairly mild and your carpet is generally easy to clean. However, many materials do not tolerate certain detergents or wet cleaning, which is why you, unknowingly, can simply ruin the product. For example, wet cleaning can be detrimental if you want to clean a handmade silk or rayon carpet. If you are not sure that you will cope with the task, it is still better to use the services of specialists who will select the most appropriate option for cleaning your carpet product, and will also be able to apply technologies that are simply not available at home.

A carpet is not only an interior element that makes the floor warmer and the space of the room more comfortable, but also a collector of dust, scattered small debris, and spilled liquids. It is important to regularly clean the carpet, and you need to do it right.

Rules for cleaning carpets at home

There are several important rules for cleaning carpets in a house or apartment, following which will help not only get an excellent result, but also greatly facilitate the process itself:
  • At least a couple of times a week, you need to clean the carpet from the ubiquitous dust with a regular vacuum cleaner.
  • Be sure to use a washing vacuum cleaner or a steam generator to kill bacteria and disinfect 1-2 times a month.
  • At least one day a year should be devoted to beating a carpet. It is best to do this outside in the winter. Cleaning with fresh snow, which is done after knocking out, will only benefit your carpet.
  • If you have soiled the carpet - proceed to remove the pollution immediately. To remove old stains, you will have to make much more effort.
  • Never use hot water to clean carpets. She is capable of hopelessly spoiling the pile.
  • In order not to damage the fibers, it is better not to use brushes with very hard bristles. It is also not recommended to rub the carpet against the wool. If you ignore this rule, you risk getting a carpet with huge bald spots.
  • If your carpet is made from natural materials or has a light color, use any new detergents, both store-bought and folk, with caution. In order not to accidentally ruin an expensive coating, try out a new product on a small area on the least visible side.

Secrets of cleaning carpets of different types

Not all carpet cleaning methods are universal. Some products are suitable for cleaning only certain types of coatings. For example, if you decide to clean your snow-white rug with tea leaves, the result in the form of dark spots tightly embedded in a light pile is unlikely to please you. That is why it is important to take into account the following tips and recommendations regarding the care of carpets of various types and colors.

Long pile

The longer the pile of the carpet, the more difficult it is to clean. For high-quality cleaning of such a coating, you should not use folk remedies that involve scattering something small on the carpet: sawdust, tea leaves, and the like. You will have to spend more than one hour before you manage to “pick out” scattered sawdust or bran from the bases of the villi. Of course, the quality of such cleaning is unlikely to satisfy you.

Long pile should also not be cleaned with brushes with hard bristles, otherwise there is a chance of damaging the base on which the fibers are glued, as a result of which they will fall out.

One of the most gentle and safe methods for cleaning long pile carpets is soap suds. Soap foam quickly removes dirt, easily penetrating inside the villi, and leaves no traces behind.

Modern steam cleaners do a good job of cleaning “hairy” carpets. With their help, you can not only refresh the entire surface, but also get rid of stains.

Short pile

Short pile carpets are much more popular than long pile ones. They are easy to clean, dirt and stains from such coatings are removed without any problems. If you are the proud owner of a carpet with short piles, choose any of the cleaning methods below.

Light shades

Carpets of light shades are not recommended to be cleaned with folk remedies that can leave traces (lemon juice, tea leaves, etc.).

Of the folk remedies for cleaning white and light carpets, shavings of ordinary soap intended for household needs will do the best. The shavings are dissolved in a small amount of water (approximately 250 ml per half of the soap bar). With the resulting solution, treat (with a brush) the entire surface or only the most contaminated areas.

If you prefer cleaning chemicals, choose those that are designed to care for light-colored carpets.

dark shades

Dark carpets should not be cleaned with soda and starch-containing products, as they leave behind noticeable whitish spots and streaks.

Otherwise, caring for carpets in dark shades is not particularly difficult. To clean such a carpet, you can use any vending shop or folk remedies.

From natural materials

Carpets, for the production of which natural materials were used, need the most careful and gentle cleaning. To care for them, it is better to use special chemicals or mechanical cleaning methods.

From high humidity in natural fibers, fungi and mold easily start, so it is not recommended to subject carpets to frequent wet cleaning.

Coatings with the addition of silk do not tolerate moisture at all, so they can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Fibers from fur, wool, sheepskin best tolerate cleaning with soda and a brush with soft bristles. They can also be treated with a steam generator.

Many insects (for example, moths) are not indifferent to natural fibers, in which lumps of dirt and dust instantly accumulate, therefore, in order not to turn your carpet into a kind of “reserve”, you need to vacuum it at least 2 times a week.

From synthetics

Unlike surfaces made of natural materials, synthetic carpets are unpretentious and do not require any special care. So that the coating does not lose its original appearance, and the pile does not fade or crumple, it is enough to vacuum the carpet a couple of times a week. From time to time, for high-quality cleaning of synthetic fibers, you can do wet cleaning using chemical detergents or folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Housewives seeking to minimize the amount of household chemicals used will like folk remedies tested by our great-grandmothers. They not only clean carpets with high quality, but are also very affordable, unlike expensive chemical carpet cleaners.


Ordinary sauerkraut can perfectly clean the carpet from dust accumulated over a long time. For this, cabbage that has been fermented without the use of any additives and acetic acid is suitable.

Put the cabbage in a colander and rinse thoroughly (this will help remove the characteristic sour smell). Squeeze out the washed cabbage and spread it over the entire surface of the carpet. Wait about 10 minutes, walk with a brush, then sweep the cabbage into one pile, place under running water and rinse thoroughly. Lay out the washed cabbage again on the carpet. Repeat the whole procedure 2-3 more times. Finish the session by drying the carpet and using a vacuum cleaner.

Bran, sawdust, fine salt

Finely ground salt, as well as sawdust or bran, is an excellent natural remedy for dry carpet cleaning. To clean a dirty carpet with salt (bran, sawdust), you need to evenly distribute it over the entire surface, and then walk with a stiff brush. Salt, which has absorbed dirt molecules, is collected with a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Repeat the manipulation until the collected salt is clean.

Vinegar Soda

You will need a spoonful of soda, 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of water, a spoonful of any laundry detergent. Mix all ingredients. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the carpet with a freshly prepared product, wait 10-15 minutes, then clean with a sponge. In the end, it is advisable to use a washing vacuum cleaner or walk with a wet broom.

Another carpet cleaning method using baking soda, toothpaste, and vinegar:

tea leaves

With the help of tea leaves, you can not only clean the carpet, but also get rid of the unpleasant odors that have soaked it. Do not try to clean a light-colored carpet with welding, as it may leave noticeable stains.

To clean dark carpet, spread 6-8 tablespoons of fresh tea leaves over the entire surface, wait for it to dry completely, vacuum.

You can use brewed leaves of not only black, but also green tea, preferably without additives.

snow cleaning

With the help of recently fallen snow, you can clean and refresh carpets, rugs and other coverings with high quality. To succeed, it is important to choose the right weather. You should not take the carpet out of the house on a warm or slushy day, since in such weather it is unlikely that all the dirt will be knocked out of it. Rather, it will only smear and seep even deeper into the fibers. A frosty, snowy and sunny day is the perfect time to clean your carpet with snow.

The carpet must be spread on a clean and dense snow cover. Sprinkle the surface of the carpet with snow and start knocking out the dust (using a long strong stick or a special device for knocking out). Then transfer the carpet to clean snow and repeat the procedure. You can stop the process of cleaning the carpet after there is no dirt left on the snow after knocking it out.

To make it easier to dry the carpet at home, the remaining snow must be swept away with a clean broom or brush.

Detergent chemicals

Chemical detergents clean carpets more efficiently than traditional ones. Chemicals contained in store products, due to their low concentration, do not pose a danger to children and pets.

The most effective and popular detergents among experienced housewives include:

This video compares the results of carpet cleaning with Vanish and a steam generator from a popular brand:

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical carpet cleaning methods include the use of a washing and conventional vacuum cleaner, as well as a steam generator.

A conventional vacuum cleaner is designed for weekly dry cleaning of carpets at home. It removes dust, litter and other small contaminants, but it cannot cope with stains.

The washing vacuum cleaner is designed for regular wet cleaning of carpets and other textiles. A washing vacuum cleaner provides a better and more thorough cleaning, as it allows you to literally “wash” and “rinse” the fibers of the coating. In combination with a good chemical cleaner, a washing vacuum cleaner cleans the carpet almost perfectly.

The steam generator is another wonderful device that not only perfectly cleans the carpet, but also disinfects it, and also removes stains, dirt, removes bacteria that live and multiply rapidly at the base of the villi. With a steam generator, there is no need to take the carpet to dry cleaning.

How to remove stains


Fresh stains from spilled liquids (tea, juice, coffee, lemonade) are easily removed with ordinary soapy water. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a quarter of a piece of laundry soap in 500 ml of hot water. Moisten the contaminated areas with soapy water and rub with a brush.

Old drink stains are removed in the same way, only before using a soapy solution, stained surfaces are treated with glycerin.

Blood stains are perfectly removed with cold water without the use of any auxiliary agents. A dried blood stain must first be soaked. To do this, use a wet cloth. After 20 minutes, when the stain is soaked under a rag, remove it with a sponge moistened with plenty of cold water.

Paraffin, wax

Wax or paraffin marks left on the carpet can be cleaned by exposure to low or high temperatures.

Take a small piece of ice, wrap it in a bag or cling film and apply it to the place of contamination. After a couple of minutes, the frozen drops of wax will easily separate from the villi.

You can also use a heated iron. Prepare a napkin that has the ability to easily absorb liquids, place it on the stain and iron it several times. Under the influence of high temperature, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the napkin.

Chewing gum

To remove chewing gum that has stuck to the carpet, you need to apply ice to it and leave it for 10 minutes. Frozen chewing gum can be easily peeled off with a knife (it is better to take a butter knife or any other non-sharp knife).

Pet urine

Traces left by poorly educated pets can be removed with a vinegar and soap solution. To prepare it, you will need a liter of water and a couple of tablespoons of acetic acid and grated laundry soap. Mix all ingredients. Using a sponge, apply the resulting cleaning solution to the stains, leave for a couple of minutes, rub, rinse with water.

The fresher the stain, the easier the vinegar-soap solution copes with it, so it's best to start removing the stain as soon as it is discovered.

Turpentine is an excellent grease stain remover, so it is recommended to always have it in stock. To remove both fresh and old stains of any fat, use the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of turpentine, 1 tablespoon of laundry soap, 1 liter of water, mix everything. Apply the resulting stain remover with a sponge to the dirt, leave for 10-12 minutes, then walk several times over the carpet with a brush dipped in clean water.


Stains left by alcoholic drinks spilled on the carpet should be moistened with cool water as soon as possible. After 2-3 minutes, cover them with clean absorbent towels to remove excess liquid. Then mix a spoonful of vinegar (apple or wine), a spoonful of dishwashing detergent, 800 ml of water. Clean the carpet with a brush dipped in the resulting composition. Wait for the carpet to dry completely, then vacuum it.

cologne, perfume

Cologne and perfume spilled on the carpet leave noticeable stains. To get rid of them, try to thoroughly lather the area of ​​​​contamination with ordinary laundry soap, wait about 20 minutes, wipe with a wet sponge.

Perfume stains can also be removed with ammonia and oxalic acid. First, wipe the contaminated areas with a rag soaked in ammonia, then dilute a spoonful of oxalic acid in 250 ml of water and treat the stains with this compound.


Ink stains are removed with medical alcohol. Take a small piece of cloth, soak it in alcohol and blot the stain. Do not rub it, so as not to smear the ink all over the carpet. The carpet cleaning procedure will take 25-35 minutes. Moisten the cloth with alcohol from time to time and apply again to the stain. After the stain is gone, go over the carpet with a damp sponge.

Chocolate, nail polish, plasticine

Gasoline with sawdust is an excellent remedy for stains from chocolate, nail polish, plasticine and some other types of dirt at home. This tool remarkably removes not only fresh, but also old stains, which are very difficult to clean even with store-bought chemical detergents.

Before proceeding with the removal of stains with gasoline and sawdust, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet, and then sprinkle the stained areas with sawdust soaked in a mixture of soapy water (500 ml) and gasoline (50 ml). Drying, the sawdust absorbs dirt, as a result of which the stains disappear. After 2-2.5 hours, when the sawdust is completely dry, it is necessary to sweep the carpet with a broom, and then vacuum it.

The carpet can be cleaned with both chemical and folk remedies. In order for it to retain its appearance for many years, it is important to do it regularly and according to the rules, as well as to be able to select cleaning products for each specific type of carpet.

Almost every dwelling has some kind of textile on the floor, but not all families have modern washing vacuum cleaners. That is why the task of how to clean the carpet at home is relevant for many families.

In this particular issue, size matters a lot, because it is quite clear that a small rug is much easier to handle than a huge carpet or rug that occupies the entire floor. In addition, it must be remembered that the older the stain, the more difficult it is to remove, while even cold water can take fresh.

  • What can not be done?
  • Do-it-yourself carpet cleaners
  • How to wash the carpet in the bath?
  • Washing the carpet without removing it from the floor
  • Carpet washing in the yard
  • Carpet drying
  • How to clean a Vanish carpet?
  • How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar at home?
  • Wool carpet cleaning

What can not be done?

  • Do not try to remove stains with hot water (more than 50 degrees). The fact is that many synthetic products use glue for bonding, which simply dissolves in hot water, and the coating falls apart. In addition, hot water can damage some natural materials, causing them to shrink or lose their appearance. And some dyed fabrics can lose color along with dirt.
  • Do not use too hard brushes that will damage the pile.
  • Do not brush against the direction of the pile.
  • The carpet should not be soaked for a long time or left wet in poorly ventilated areas. Even when deciding how to wash a carpet that has only a small stain, it is advisable to dry it from the back with a hairdryer as soon as possible. Moisture destroys the structure of fibrous coatings, due to which holes subsequently form on them.
  • Do not use crystalline synthetic detergents, which not only damage the pile, but are also difficult to wash out of it. It is better to use specialized products designed just for cleaning carpets. You can use any type of liquid soap: shampoo, body wash or dishwashing detergent for particularly oily stains.
  • Since carpets do not like wet cleaning, which is stressful for them, it is advisable to resort to it as little as possible - no more than once a quarter.

Do-it-yourself carpet cleaners

Before washing the carpet, you need to prepare a detergent, while you can save money - using inexpensive and affordable components, make it yourself.

In a container with 5 liters of warm water, add 50 g of vinegar neutralized with ammonia and a couple of tablespoons of liquid soap. Such a solution can successfully remove various stains from carpets, eliminate odors and refresh the colors of the product.

Some advise using kerosene during washing, but this advice is dubious, since it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell of kerosene later. In addition, household kerosene contains oil, from which the carpet can no longer be rid of with home remedies.

How to wash the carpet in the bath?

If the rug is small, then you can clean or wash it in the bathroom. But how to wash the carpet, so as not to spoil it? You must first carefully sweep with a broom, and it is better to vacuum. Then you need to inspect the carpet and remember the location of the spots that require special treatment.

  1. The product must be rolled up and put in the bath.
  2. Having unfolded the carpet halfway, you need to work with it with a brush with a detergent applied to it.
  3. If the carpet has stubborn or old stains, then it can be left to soak for a while.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the dirty foam from the carpet by pouring it from the shower.
  5. Do the same with the other half of the carpet.
  6. A very small rug that can be completely put in the bath, it is permissible to fill it with water and detergent and leave it to soak. Then drain the dirty water and rinse the product.

Washing the carpet without removing it from the floor

How to get rid of the smell on the carpet if it is very large? The bathroom is not suitable here, because the carpet does not fit there at all, and it will be difficult to work with it. In addition, it is also impossible to wet it completely, because in the conditions of an apartment the carpet will rot before it dries out.

In this case, it is better to use one of the many carpet cleaners, the famous representative of which is Vanish. But there are other equally worthy options.

For more information on how to remove cat urine from carpet, read our article.

  1. So, the selected liquid must be foamed, and then applied to the surface of the carpet.
  2. If the product is in the form of a powder, then they need to sprinkle the stain.
  3. In places of the greatest pollution it is necessary to work with a brush.
  4. Gradually, the product absorbs dirt and dries, it remains to remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

With the help of such products, it is possible to clean carpets with an average degree of contamination. If the pile is so dirty that it even smells unpleasant, then a more thorough cleaning will be required.

Video on how to clean the carpet at home:

Carpet washing in the yard

It is much easier to cope with cleaning the flooring for those who live in their own house with a personal plot or go to the country. After all, it is much more convenient to do it outdoors. It can be spread on grass, asphalt, concrete, or thrown over the crossbar, which under normal conditions serves as a horizontal bar.

  1. A hard horizontal surface must be carefully swept and washed out of the hose with water.
  2. Vacuum the flooring beforehand or at least sweep away the dirt with a broom.
  3. Spread the carpet on a horizontal surface and wet it with water from a hose or bucket.
  4. Then spread the detergent (liquid soap or special detergent) evenly over the entire surface of the carpet.
  5. Using a brush, it is important to achieve the appearance of foam on the entire surface of the carpet.
  6. Then the dirty foam will need to be rinsed out of the hose with water for a long time.

In good weather outdoors, the product will dry quickly and get rid of odors.

Carpet drying

After washing at home, the most acute question is how to quickly dry a wet carpet. In summer, in hot weather, it looks easier: turn on the fan and open the window wider - the moisture will begin to evaporate intensively. In winter, you will have to turn on a hair dryer, fan heater or heater, but only if the rug is very small. A larger product can be hung on two separate stools to dry on both sides at the same time, or hung on a balcony.

It is forbidden to wet carpet products on glue, so you can dry clean them or take them out in the snow in winter and knock them out there - snow perfectly absorbs dust and odors.

How to clean a Vanish carpet?

There is nothing easier than cleaning the carpet with Vanish. This almost dry and universal remedy is known to many. At the same time, you should not strive to rub as much product as possible into the carpet with a brush, just as many people like to wash their hair. Generosity is completely inappropriate here, it will only spoil the atmosphere in the room, and the mood of the hostess. The method of application of "Vanish" is indicated on its label, you should familiarize yourself with it before use, and also follow a number of recommendations.

  1. Removing debris from carpet. Remove coarse dirt and most of the dust with a vacuum cleaner or by knocking it out on the street. New stains may appear on a dusty carpet after applying Vanish.
  2. We prepare the remedy. It must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:9, i.e. for 90 ml of water, take 10 ml of Vanish. For dilution, it is better to take warm water, but not hot. 40 degrees will be enough. Whisk the solution until a rich foam appears.

You should not be lazy at the same time: the more foam there is, the easier and better it will be possible to clean the flooring!

  1. Distribution of "Vanish" on the carpet. Arm yourself with a large sponge or soft brush. Apply foam to the sponge and distribute it evenly over the carpet so as not to dampen the product too much and so that it does not shrink after cleaning.
  2. Rubbing foam. The foam should be rubbed into the carpet with light circular motions. On old stains, even before applying the foam, you should lightly splash the same detergent in order to more effectively deal with their removal.

"Vanish" works most effectively in the form of foam. It more easily penetrates into the structure of the fibers, absorbs ingrained dirt and dust, binding them and taking them away when cleaning.

  1. Foam drying. It should dry completely, but the drying time depends on the material, its hairiness, the amount of foam, drying conditions and can vary greatly. In order not to overmoisten the carpet in case of abundant use of foam, experts do not recommend waiting too long.

You should not walk on the coating during its drying, and you need to open the windows in the room to make a draft - it will take away not only excess moisture, but also a bad smell.

  1. Vacuuming the carpet. Vacuum, not pressing too hard on the brush, so as not to rub dust into the pile again, but making a collecting movement.

Video on how to clean the carpet with Vanish:

How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar at home?

Carpet cleaning with baking soda at home is popular because it is quite effective if applied correctly. If you know how to clean the carpet with baking soda and vinegar, then the floor covering will refresh not only its color, but also get rid of the unpleasant smell.

  1. Before you clean the carpet at home with soda, you need to prepare its solution (half a glass of soda in 5 liters of warm water).
  2. Fill a spray bottle with the solution and spray the liquid over the carpet.
  3. After that, you need to wait half an hour for the solution to absorb dirt along with odors.
  4. Then it remains to treat the coating with diluted vinegar, rinse with water and dry.

Not too dirty coating can be dry cleaned:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda over the surface.
  2. Rub into the fibers of the carpet with a dry cloth and wait half an hour.
  3. When the soda absorbs all the dirt, it remains to remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Video on how to clean the carpet with baking soda and vinegar:

Wool carpet cleaning

How to clean the carpet if it is made of wool? After all, home cleaning with the help of chemistry can ruin a thing. It's good that there is a proven and very safe folk way that you can risk cleaning even expensive handicrafts.

For this, a rather unusual remedy is used - sauerkraut, which is fermented in the traditional way, without the use of spices and vinegar.

  1. You need to squeeze the brine out of the cabbage, you can additionally rinse it with water so that it smells less.
  2. Then spread the cabbage evenly over the wool carpet.
  3. Then, using a brush, the cabbage must be gently turned on the surface, while dirt will stick to it.
  4. When the cabbage turns gray from dust, it must be collected, washed with water, squeezed and repeated the same procedure again.
  5. It will take so many repetitions until the cabbage stops darkening from dirt.
  6. It remains only to collect it completely, dry and vacuum the carpet.

Natural carpet is a pleasant, but expensive pleasure, and sometimes the main luxury of the house. Only one thing scares inexperienced housewives - this is his cleaning. Today we will talk about several ways, using which, it becomes simple and easy to clean carpets at home.

Ways to clean carpets at home

There are many ways to clean and freshen your carpet yourself without spending too much money, but before you start, pay attention to the general points in any carpet care. Carpets do not like:

  • too hot water;
  • hard broom and brush;
  • cleaning against lint

Cleaning with regular salt

We take ordinary salt. Sprinkle it evenly over the dirty carpet and rub with a brush until the salt darkens. Then you need to thoroughly knock out the carpet or vacuum it.

A similar method: sprinkle salt evenly over the surface of the carpet and leave for 15 - 20 minutes on the carpet. We make hot soapy water. Rinse the broom in this solution, shake off the excess liquid and gently begin to sweep the salt from the carpet. The broom should be washed more often in the solution. Be sure to dry the carpet after cleaning.

To give the colors of the carpet brightness, you can add lemon juice to the salt. We take a pack of salt and pour it into a small bowl or bowl. Add squeezed lemon juice. Mix and sprinkle salt on the carpet. We leave for 15-20 minutes on the carpet and sweep it in the same way, as in the previous method, with a broom. Be sure to wash the broom in hot soapy water before cleaning. After such cleaning and smells from a carpet leave.

The composition of salt and citric acid cleans carpets well. We take 10 grams of citric acid, 1 liter of water and one tablespoon of salt. Using a brush, clean the carpet with the prepared solution. After wet cleaning, the carpet must be dried.

With tea brew

A very simple way is to clean the carpet with tea leaves. The brew can be any tea: green or black. Stock up on used tea leaves in advance. It must be dried after use and not kept in a damp place, otherwise mold will start.

Before using the tea leaves to clean the carpet, it must be filled with water. Hold a little and squeeze through cheesecloth so that it is slightly damp. Spread the tea leaves evenly over the carpet and let it dry. After about twenty minutes, sweep it with a clean broom or vacuum it.

It should be remembered. That this cleaning method is suitable for dark-colored carpets. On light carpets, you should not experiment.

To use tea leaves for lighter carpets, you need to pour boiling water over the leaves several times and drain them so that they do not give color when brewed. But it is best to use wet sawdust for them.

This method of cleaning makes the carpet not only clean, but along with the dirt, the smell from the carpet disappears and the pile becomes shiny.

This method has one minus - the collection and storage of tea leaves.

Clean carpet with snow

We choose a place with pure snow. The carpet should be laid pile down and patted with a stick or walked on it. Keep it like this for half an hour. Turning the carpet over, sweep the dirty snow off it with a broom or brush. Pour clean snow and sweep it again. You need to do this several times. After that, it is good to hang the carpet on the crossbar and knock it out so that excess snow comes out with the rest of the dust. Once again sweep the carpet from the snow and, carefully folding, take it home. At home, spread the carpet on the floor and let it dry, trying not to walk on it. The pile of the carpet must dry, then it will rise and be like new. Wet, it can quickly crumple and attract dirt.

Although a troublesome method, it is most useful for health in the house. And the frosty smell after such cleaning from the carpet is very pleasant. If you still sweep away the snow with fir branches, and not with a broom, the aroma of pine needles and the freshness of the forest will fill your home.

Cleansing with sauerkraut

As a rule, every Russian family makes sauerkraut for the winter. It turns out that cabbage, namely sauerkraut, can be used to clean carpets. This method is very entertaining, but, according to reviews, very effective. It may not cope with old stains, but it will definitely help to make the carpet clean and bright.

To do this, so that there is no smell, rinse the sauerkraut in cold water and squeeze it through cheesecloth. We scatter the cabbage on the carpet and with a brush we will begin to clean the carpet with cabbage. Cabbage should not be coarsely chopped. As soon as it becomes dirty, we collect it with a broom, rinse it under running water in a colander and squeeze it again. Repeat the cleaning until the cabbage is clean. The carpet must be completely dry. It remains only to vacuum it. Such cleaning will give the carpet the brightness of the pile.

Cleaning with Vinegar

Prepare the solution in a small bowl. Pour one liter of cold water into it and add one tablespoon of vinegar. Take a medium-hard brush and, wetting it in the prepared solution, begin to clean the carpet. After wetting in the solution, the brush must be shaken each time into a basin, thereby removing excess liquid.

When cleaning, use rubber gloves, protecting the skin of the hands from exposure to the solution. After such cleaning, it is best to dry the carpet outside.

Carpet cleaning with baking soda

You can use regular baking soda to clean your carpet. If the carpet is not very dirty, then it is enough to sprinkle soda evenly over the carpet, then rub the soda into the pile of the carpet with a dry brush. Leave for five minutes and then vacuum thoroughly.

For a more soiled carpet, you can use a soda solution cleaning. Just dissolve half a glass of ordinary baking soda in five liters of water. Pour the prepared solution into a spray bottle.

Let the carpet dry for half an hour. During this time, the soda will absorb the dirt and clean the carpet of the smell. After drying, vacuum the carpet thoroughly. If you add lemon juice when cleaning the carpet, then the freshness of the colors and the smell of the carpet will certainly please you.

A clean carpet is not only the health of the whole family, but the beauty and comfort of your home. Of course, it is necessary to vacuum the carpet as it gets dirty, at least 1-2 times a week, but it is also necessary to clean the carpet with improvised means at home at least once every 4-6 months. But for better cleaning, it is necessary to dry-clean the carpet at least once a year.

It is warm and comfortable to be in the house among beautiful and clean carpets. What a pleasure in the morning, getting out of bed, lowering your legs into a fluffy and soft pile. Clean carpets undoubtedly add coziness to the interior of the house.