How to become a stylish woman in 40 years. Skirts in the floor pull the figure. Wardrobe for Slender Sorryalet Women

1. Do not fall in extremes

The most important and important rule that many women violate with the sad regularity - to fall into extremes. This means that one puts on a short top with the image of Mickey Mouse, and the other is a gray adobe skirt to the floor. Know the measure: Short shiny shorts will not make you younger, and the old women blouse will only aggravate the situation. The right solution is elegant silhouettes, classic styles and lack of strange decor elements.

2. Wear a comfortable clothing

Still, it's time to forget about very narrow skirts, heels in 15 cm and sliding jeans. Wear what you will be comfortable (this is not a sports suit!). Clothes should not pull anything, compress or shoot motion. Remember once and forever: the outfit should sit on the figure.

3. Clearly determine what to show, and what - to hide

It is natural that your figure is not so tightened as 20 years ago. This does not need to be afraid, because of this you do not need to be upset. Just learn to emphasize the dignity and hide disadvantages. Do you have beautiful caviar or the attractive zone of the neckline? We carry skirts to the knee and blouses with a V-neck.

4. Wear pastel tones

First of all, you need to understand what colors go to you. Perhaps you had enough time to figure it out. For example, gently blue instantly makes you younger and more attractive, and yellow is strictly prohibited. From this and repel. Meanwhile, if you are a bit for 40, stylists recommend paying attention to light pastel shades: beige, ivory color, brown, white, gray.

5. To say solid "no" shapeless clothes

Returning to the question of the beautiful and elegant silhouette. Forget about Balahons, strange stretched sweaters, insanely wide pants. Only size size and only semi-grated things (but not tight!)

6. Choosing prints with caution

We do not argue that after 40 years you can not wear bright prints, but it is better to choose them with extreme caution. Pay attention to something muted, unqualified, non-crumbling. It can be geometric shapes, and flowers, and abstraction, but with the condition that the print does not look too childish. Especially, without funny cats and red lips.

7. Do not forget about heels

Heel shoes lie in the closet and "walk" only at solemn cases? This is a wrong approach to business. Just buy at least one pair of truly comfortable and stable boats on the middle heel.

8. Select the skirts and medium length dresses

The perfect length is the middle of the knee. It is feminine, beautiful, stylish. The mini dress will look vulgar and went, perhaps, only Demi Moore can afford such outfits. In order not to be mistaken, we always choose something restrained and without busting.

9. Find a beautiful fitted coat

Bought a cool fit of a gentle shade coat? Choose ankle shoes to him and consider that you are ready for spring and autumn. Forget about black or gray and do not be afraid to get together - the light coat will make your image great.

10. add stylish details

If in clothes we advise you to adhere to the classics, then when choosing accessories you can enable fantasy (moderately, of course). For example, sometimes wear a beautiful hat or large ornaments, add an unusual brooch or bright shoes to the image. In general, the original, it will benefit your style.

11. Do not get involved in jewels

Another extreme, in which women are sometimes falling. Wear a lot of a lot of expensive jewelry at the same time and turn into a Christmas tree. We understand that jewels are an indicator of wealth and luxury, but still for everyday style it is better to stick to modest accessories. At least without diamonds in 20 carats.

12. Wear little neat handbags

Try to avoid large cats that are more reminiscent of Avoski for products. Wear clutches or neat medium sized handbags - they will never spoil your elegant image.

13. Buy only high-quality clothes

We think that you have already received awareness that it is better to buy several high-quality and expensive things of the basic wardrobe than to buy all the agile blouses with protruding threads on the sale. Woman after 40 can not afford to wear poor-quality clothes that will not live more than 1 season. Dear bag, good coat, cool shoes - We select the perfect option and enjoy several years.

14. Always adhere to ease and elegance

Leave experiments with trends of young girls, okay? Eternal Classic - That's what you need a beautiful woman after 40. Prix trousers, a feminine blouse, a stylish jacket will never come out of fashion. As they say, simple and tasteful.

15. Be well-groomed and tidy

There are no ugly women. There are only those who do not want to keep track of their skin, hair, nails, clothing. Of course, you can justify the time deficit, but this excuse will not pass with us. We officially declare: Women, love yourself, and then you will love everything around!

If you are forty years old - this is not a reason to climb into the dark unbroken colors of clothes. The wardrobe, of course, should be changed, but there must be outfits that will not be in it. It is not appropriate to try to look like a teenager. Today we will give women 40 years old tips about the basic composition of the wardrobe and combinations of clothing. Photos will clearly demonstrate the images that most correspond to this age.

How not to dress in 40?

Most women understand that age obliges them to revise the basic combinations of clothing, and often take incorrect steps to improve their wardrobe. Let's consider several such typical errors:

Basic wardrobe to look younger than 40-year-old women

Finding out the typical mistakes in clothes that make many ladies of the forty-year age, you can go to the next step forming your image. Let's look at now what basic things should be present in the wardrobe to make you younger.

There are several rules, sticking to which things will give you youth in the image.

  • More blond tones. The darker color, the older you look. Therefore, it is worth choosing brighter, gentle tones - gentle pink, beige, dairy. Such colors refresh the skin and make you younger.

  • Flower game. If you are used to wearing dark colors and do not want to change this habit, you should balance dark and bright colors using various accessories. Cook shoes, scarves and collars in light colors, pick them in accordance with your color.

  • Emphasize the advantages of the figure. If your figure looks like a watch, it should be emphasized. But it should be done with caution, because not all receptions are now available to you. Short skirts and deep necklates - the method of twenty years. And your aspen waist will become more pronounced when using straps and special cutting clothes. Beautiful bust can also be emphasized using clothes, but do not pinch the neckline zone.

  • Monophonic clothing and prints. Even if spring has come, it is not necessary to buy too bright, acidic and colorful outfits. Especially adding major drawings. Try to choose the things of monophonic or with a small nonsense pattern.

You can watch video advice from Evelina Khromchenko - expert in the fashion world:

How to find a wardrobe right?

Now you know in which colors you can pick up outfits. And if your wardrobe consists in most of the bright youth things, from which you have not yet refused, you will have to start forming it from scratch. So let's talk now about what fashionable clothes will make you an elegant and solid, but will not be asked.

Pants suitable for ladies 40 years and older

In the autumn and winter season, many women love to wear pants - it is very comfortable and warm. Age Now obliges to wearing classic straight pants with a small thigh glue. And complement the image of shoes on a small heel. Such an outfit will give youth and harmony.

Jeans: Stick Blue and Blue Flowers

Even if you adore rhinestones and stripes, forget about them. All extra details will look cheap. Choose a classic in blue and blue tones. Be sure to take into account the fact - the better the jeans are sitting on you, the ideal is your figure.

How to choose the right shoes?

Remove sneakers, shoes from your wardrobe, and everything that looks cumbersome. Wide sock and shoes without heels make you older. Purchase yourself elegant shoes on a small height, which will make your legs are slimmer. Classic colors are black and beige. They are suitable for any type of clothing. In the summer, you can buy more open shoes, but also with the height.

Skirts and dresses: Which styles are better to wear

This age does not limit you in the texture of the fabric, but it is worth keeping in mind that the skirts and dresses of the Midi are ideally watching. Pay attention to air tissues that give ease.

Blouses and shirts for fashionable image

For a complete woman, it is worth considering that the ruffles and ruffles are added not only completeness, but also age. Purchase monophonic blouses pastel tones.

What accessories are better to combine?

To look stylish and elegant, wear monophonic gloves. Small cute decorations will make you younger, wear them every day.

We revealed all the secrets of the formation of wardrobe in 40 years. And finally, we recommend making a capsule wardrobe, which will help you look beautiful, young and elegant every day.

In clothing after 40, the most important is elegance and style. It is they who make a woman younger. And before you buy a thing, you need to think: whether it is elegant. Extravagant clothing, brightly lacquer and decorated with brilliant prints in large quantities - only for young (with rare exception)! No shapeless balachonov, incomprehensible COFT and multiple rour! They boost. It is also necessary to pay attention to how clothes are sitting on the figure. Well-chosen outfit, emphasizing the dignity, makes younger, slimmer and elegant.

Much depends on the color gamma. The bright tones of clothing and the same accessories (scarf, collar), discarding glare, are creating wonders. Summary decreases the number of wrinkles, the face looks younger and fresh.

Clothes, shoes, accessories

Shoes for ladies should be exquisite. The height and shape of the heel can be any, most importantly - comfortable. What weighing aunt "uncertain" age, not for young soul!

Pants are immunified if they will be a little bitten from the hips or with arrows. And be sure to shoes on the heel. Jeans also have a "rejuvenating" effect. But only dark blue and well-sitting on the figure. No rhines and embroidery are for, and not for self-confident women.

Skirts and dresses for elegant ladies should not be too long or too short - long capable of turning into the fall, and too short will look ridiculous. Best length - just below the knee cup. Again, you need to focus on the figure - slim and sporting women are allowed almost everything, in addition, what they will look like vulgar or contracted with their status.

Blouses should not be tight - better adjacent. And, as already mentioned, no rush, beads, frills and ribbon. These are elements that boost. It is better to replace them with fashionable accessories. And jewelry should be exactly so much so that they harmoniously complemented the image, and did not turn to the New Year tree.

You need to treat accessories very seriously, so that the unsuccessful choice does not reduce all efforts to not. No senile adhesive bags! Only stylish medium sized bags, clutches and suitable gloves or cervical scarf.

How to look stylish and not break constantly on the new clothes? - The question that worries the absolute majority of women. And after 40 years he has a double force, because it becomes important to look like a standing and representative, expensive and appropriate age. Is it possible to fit all these requirements to your budget? We argue that it is quite real! The main thing here is to know, on what you can save and need, and for what things should be in advance to allocate a round sum. We are looking for a balance together! We understand how to dress a stylish and inexpensive woman 40 years old!

Save boldly!

The following useful tips will save your budget from unnecessary costs.

1. Many women consider unworthy to acquire clothes on sales. However, this is an excellent way not to overpay, because new collections come to stores with charges, often equal to hundreds of interest! The beauty is that there is no need to wait six months before the generally accepted seasons sales, because in modern conditions the manufacturers update the range of retail points is not less than once a month. Consequently, they need a rapid turnover of funds and many things fall into the category "Sale" in the midst of the season when you especially need. In general, we urge to discard snobbery, to go to the shops more often and not overpay Stridogoga.

2. The second recommendation concerns fashion trends. Of course, to replenish relevant clothes, its images are simply necessary. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot on it. First, get unrigible things: tops, straps, scarves and scarves with trendy prints, blouses and blouses of trend styles, etc. All these details are incommensurable cheaper than, for example, a coat or dress. And the likelihood that the trend of the current, say, the summer will be appropriate and the next, quite small. Specific and sometime superactual clothes, like sundresses with a train, things screaming tones, shoes with extravagant decor, looks very ridiculous half a year later. It lies with a dead cargo on your wardrobe: throw a good thing. The hand does not rise, wear it - it means to look strange, and I don't want to buy a replacement, because the cabinet is so lit. Now the once trend new clothes hangs in anticipation of his next star hour, which can occur very soon.

Secondly, many 40-year-old women pass by mass markets, positioning themselves as youth (Befree, H & M, Bershka, O'Stin, etc.). However, it is precisely in such stores that you can quite budget acquire current new products, very similar to those models that you could see in the shows of eminent brands. The fact is that the assortment of shops focused on the young audience is simply obliged to reflect the hottest trends as much as possible. For example, H & M specialists purposefully copy prints, styles, colors from the collections of the most influential fashion houses. We will not chat, things are seduced from the tissues of incomparably lower quality. However, for a top, shorts with a relevant decor or some bright orange sundress, which you plan to wear 1 season, buying in the youth mass market is a great solution.

3. Try to avoid random purchases. Of course, it's unpleasant after 3 hours of shopping go home with empty hands, but much worse to bring "at least something." Such a purchase will calm your nervous system very short, and the disappointment from the thing that is incomprehensible to combine, and the lack of money for the acquisition is really necessary will be strong.

4. The casual wardrobe provides great opportunities for savings. Knitted, cotton blouses, T-shirts, T-shirts, tops, knitted sweaters for definition should not cost expensive. Do not impose on creative models with lace inserts, rhinestones, embroidery, with provocative inscriptions, prints, etc. Such wardrobe items should be simply comfortable and mixed with everyday skirts, jeans, trousers. The exclusive decor of the T-shirt increases its cost 2-3 times, but not even this is the most unpleasant, and the fact that you will be rarely carrying it, because the most original finish / print, because of which we bought it, make it too recognized and therefore Malicariative in everyday sets. At the same time, a similar white T-shirt you can wear at least every other day, combining with different bottoms. Such a paradox that ladies often forget about.

save on casual t-shirts, sweaters, tops ...

5. The question of the possibility of saving on the evening outfits is very controversial. On the one hand, a 40-year-old woman needs to look gorgeous, and on the other time spending half of the salary on the dress for the next holiday very problematic. We recommend repelled from the reason. Wedding Son or Daughter, New Year and Other solemn events Require fairly expensive outfits. By making an image for a corporate party, birthday or other less official holidays, you can save and need. Pick the laconic styles and skirts, which can then be worn on weekdays. This option is the most intelligence.

Preparing money!

In the wardrobe 40-year-old a lot and those things that are categorically impossible. Here are the main of them.

1. Shoes and bags. These accessories literally make an image. Stylish bag and leather shoes transform even a banal set with jeans, so take it only high-quality. In your accessory wardrobe, if desired, can be any models for every taste, but the foundation is classic and time-tested options: boats, Kelly bag, etc.

choose classic leather bags and shoes

2. Basic wardrobe things, including upper clothes. With their choice, it is also impossible to save, because these items are constantly worn. Therefore, they are subject to special requirements of quality and ergonomics.

qualitative things of the basic wardrobe - the key to stylish images

3. Linen. Well-selected underwear can adjust the figure and posture, in the most favorable light to file all the advantages and change the self-sizing of a woman, add confidence. Do not save on it.

4. Jewelry. If your individual style assumes the presence of a similar type of jewelry, then they must be high quality and skillfully made. Nothing spoils so much and is not cheaping onion women older than 40, like fading, plastic and reputable jewelry. Or give up her, or pick up carefully and be prepared to pay more.

5. Shawls and watches. Office and casual sets of 40-year-olds are particularly effectively played with silk, cashmere scarves and scarves of different sizes, as well as expensive hours in the laconic, but reflective your tastes design. Such nuances are a certain addition to the basic wardrobe, as well as high-quality bags, allow you to add chic images based on more budget things. By the way, this group of accessories is notable for being out of trends. Purchase the model adorning you personally.

In conditions, when many women have to refuse themselves in new clothes, "Sorokham - No" calls for saving rationally and where it can really do. We hope our tips will help you save a good mood, look stylish and effectively despite anything!

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3. © yana_fisti.

How to dress up for a woman 40 years old?

When it comes to stylish onions for a woman for 40 years to repeat the basics of the overnight times not sin. Therefore, we recall that the key element of spectacular images becomes the things of complex color, the original cut, but at the same time with a classic chance, without a call. For office kits, all these nuances are doubly relevant, because here you must, keeping recognizable traits of individual style, still adhere to the dress code framework. How to find your balance? How to dress in 40 years to work?

Colors and prints for office images 40 years

The base for your office networks will make minimalist things in neutral tones: dark blue, black, beige, gray, brown. By and large, the kit for work can be fully compiled from them, not to have bright accents. It will be quite appropriate, except that there is a slightly conservative. To avoid a similar unnecessary for a 40-year-old lady effect, it is enough to pick up clothes, emphasizing the shape: fitted dresses, blouses with bask, singles with arrows, dresses-cases. Silk top with its softness will also deprive the image of some asceticism. In the cool days, wear not strict shirts, but blouses from fine wool. All these female tricks miraculously transform the set, even if it is fully made in neutral tones.

seth in calm tones for work

summer office image for 40 years

And yet we do not encounter you to refuse juicy shades for the office at all. Just dose them. If you want to use a saturated and tasty color, like a coral, cornflower, green or any other, which emphasizes natural beauty, then let such a color will be only one. Please note: this does not mean that the bright thing must be the only one, the color can be repeated in the finish or entirely in the second component of the set. At the same time, the bow will not become overloaded if you take a little distinguishing colors, for example, wear a tomato tint blouse with black pants and boats of Burgundy. And, making a set similar to the below, you can easily go immediately after working to a meeting with friends or a date, you will look appropriate and there.

blouse of cornflower as chief accent

bright elongated cardigan and blouse with color insert

Prints are the topic on a special account in the images of a woman 40 years for work. They can easily lead the set beyond the office aesthetics, make it too frivolous or strange. In order not to make an unsuccessful impression, it is enough to take strictly certain ornaments and permissible proportions. The thin strip and the Scottish cell are simple and belong to the classic group, so office sundresses and dresses, pants or coats can be decorated with such prints, pants or coats, i.e. Large things. Only from the bow with a checkered suit or separate riding and bottom in a similar pattern is better to refuse. It will almost always make an image of age, reminds Puritanok, while we strive for a more dynamic and modern decision.

So put on no more than one checkered thing. Thin strips do not touch these restrictions, a suit with such an ornament will even allow a little pulling the silhouette. The wider strip may be present on blouses, blouses, sweaters and other tops for the office.

checkered office sundress with blouse for work

onions with elongated cardigan and striped blouse

Bright vegetable and fantasy patterns will become another tool that diversified kits. They can be active enough, bright and contrasting, but again should be present only on one small thing: blouse, top, jacket, jacket, shortened trenchkote, bag or shoes, etc. Other components in this case, pick up strict and in the extremely calm range.

jacket with a fantasy print in an office setting 40-year-old

coat with vegetable pattern included

Stoys - Home Highlights!

At 40, if it does not prohibit the dress code, you can easily wear jeans. They make an image a little more youth. Choose direct or slightly narrowed monophonic models in the classic range. If we are afraid, it still looks insufficiently presentable, add a blouse / top and strict jacket in a nonsense gamma, traditional or in the spirit of Chanel. In addition, you can combine jeans with classic shirts.

dusty pink jacket in the spirit of Chanel with jeans and top with a bas

In general, try to at least one of the components of the image was a little non-standard for the office. High ladies can afford to wear gaucho pants. They must be necessarily neutral and minimalistic. You can combine such a model with familiar shirts and blouses. The main thing is not to wear shoes with a platform in the nose, preferably elegant and strict solutions, like boats or ballet shoes without decor, otherwise the legs will be similar to those chained in the shackles.

stylish image with gaucho pants

Another interesting find of the fashion designers of the last time, which happily picked up fashionable bloggers and celebrities, was the sleeveless coat. It definitely adds modern and chic, easily replaces a cardigan or jacket in spring and autumn. Sleeveless coats perfectly combined with straight and narrow trousers, office dresses, pencil skirts, jeans. You can select any options from not much fine tissue and with a sleeve of at least not very thin fabric and with a sleeve, knitted shoes, etc. Flying, lung materials create a very dubious contrast with a coat.

sleeveless coats in the image of a woman 40 years

In the so-called free Friday, a 40-year-old woman can afford the liberty in the form of a sweater Oversiz with narrow classic trousers. If your work does not greatly limit in clothes, then this option will be admissible on other days. In winter, it may be quite interesting to look for multi-layer sets based on knitted things. The main thing is that they are not very thick, then they will not add unnecessary volumes and do not make the village young rustic lady.

bright Overseas Sweater for Free Friday

multilayer set of knitted things for work

We will not touch traditional solutions with pencil skirts and shirts, so you can easily dress yourself. But it is much more interesting to experiment and make a little bit of brightness notes, modern finds in design, fashion trends. The more bold component you take, the calmer and more stricter should be other things that the image becomes holistic and harmonious for the office environment. Good luck in stylish experiments!

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8. © Yana_Fisti.
10. © itgirl91.
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How to dress for work woman 50 years

In 50 women should look strictly, but not boring. In addition, it will not be completely superfluous to focus on femininity. And specific variations of images will be largely determined by your profession and the presence of a dress code. How to dress to work a woman of 50 years, what to look competent and stylish?

The basis of your kits will be:

- Middle-length skirts: pencils, straight, folded (but not lush) free with odor;

- Pants: straight, bananas, with light clays from hips, shoes;

- Midi dresses: unlightening hard cases, straight cut, dress-shirts, models with smell and without a deep neckline;

- 1-2 costume: at least 1 must with the skirt;

- jackets and jackets: for slender ladies are good fit jackets, it is better correctly adjusted by a semi-grated jacket, fastened by one buttons;

- shirts: preferably in bright range;

- Blouses and tops: any non-thin (models with a belt), covering shoulders and without a deep cut-out.

sand color skirt with odor and light shirt

set with trousers

white dress for summer image 50-year

Pick up a sufficiently soft and calm gamut for things. And refreshing the bow will allow blouses, shirts and blouses of gentle blue, aquamarine, coral, white, light lemon and other more juicy paints.

pink blouse included for work

If you want to diversify the kit with a print, then let it be only on a skirt or blouse. For such a problem, vegetable, floral and fantasy patterns in the non-crunch palette are optimal. Pea, cage and strip require greater care when choosing. They should not be too contrasting to the main background to look quite restrained and illiterate. Dresses and suits are preferred in monophonic.

pencil skirt in a floral print in a feminine bow for work

striped blouse and broken skirt for work without a strict dress code

Nuances of clothing selection

There are a number of deviations permissible for 50-year office networks. In general, trousers, skirts and dresses of sufficiently dense tissues are preferred. However, in the warm time, it is quite possible to wear a-shaped skiff skille in the neutral gamma. She will probably have to taste fans of romance in Luki. The main thing is that other components remain strict.

chiffon skirt in a bow for a woman 50 years

Another great way to emphasize femininity is to wear the top of the lace. The average scale and is imperative in tandem with classic pants or skirt will be appropriate in the office.

laconic lace top will dilute the rigor of the office image

If you do not want to look conservative and strictly, cholect the blazes of the original cut or complex colors, as the next photo. Another option will be a complete refusal of them in favor of Cardigans.

two-color jacket without collar

Representatives of creative professions can afford a more original design for blouses, shirts, tops and dresses. Always spectacularly look a lush sleeves, decorated with drapets zone neckline or light asymmetry. The main thing is that the bottom at the same time is narrowed: the skirt-pencil or pants-shoes will come to the place.

blouse with unusual sleeves for representatives of creative professions

Do you have office work, but the dress code requirements are blurred enough? Then boldly include cashmere turtlenecks and sweaters, knitted blouses in your stylish sets. And you can also afford a set of sufficiently narrow trousers and tunics (from fine yarn in winter and easier in warm time). If the neckline of the tunic confuses the depth, a cotton top will always come to the rescue. Owing contrast, you will create an emphasis in this zone, and the tone chosen in close to the tunic it will be barely noticeable.

set with narrow trousers and tunic

Do not forget about bright nuances in the form of scarves, jewelry, bags, etc. But no less important for a woman is 50 years old to make up-to-date design finds in their sets. It is they who instantly deprive the bow of conservatism, make it more dynamic and modern. We recommend paying attention to the sleeveless coats, elongated vests, monotony blouses in the style of sports chic from dense tissues and accented free direct cut. Let it not frighten you that such things most often become components of street images. For your age and work kits, they are quite appropriate, subject to the laconicity and classical aesthetics of the rest.

sleeveless Coats in Stylish Office Set 50-year

loose blouse in the style of sports chic

The next interesting solution is most beautiful and advantageous on the lady older than 50. In pre-holiday dates or your birthday, when small buffets are organized right at work, women want to look a little more elegant than always. The desired effects will allow trousers or skirt from Golden Parcers, as in the example below. On young girls, such a thing will look pretentiously and persecuted, but the image of 50-year-old beat very well. All other elements of the bowl should be performed in black, ripe sweet cherry or dark blue.

elegant onion for work

You can dress for work and need varied. Hardly something surprised by the main components, but they are designed to create the desired concise and discreet background. Highlights for their own images each woman herself, taking into account the specifics of work, preference, wiring interesting findings to Couturier. This unusually fascinating and grateful process, especially when it comes to office networks. So we wish you new interesting finds to express your individuality.

1.10. © Chicaepd.
2.7. © Guccisima.
3,12. © knockingonfashionsdoor
4. © Estee.
5,6,8,14. © asesoradeimagenloles.
9. © Lady-Trends
11. © Rebeca-RomeoCortes-9
13.15. © curramj.

How to dress with full women in 40 years? Stamps

An annoying blunders with flowers, prints and styles become particularly noticeable in women's images with lush forms. It has long been recognized that the lady is not at all must be perfect, but look spectacularly, stylish and care for itself is vital to create a positive image and maintain self-esteem at any age. Properly compiled from the point of view of color and proportions The kit is really able to work the wonders of the transformation: pull the silhouette, relieve the figure from loading, hide some volumes in problem areas, etc. Find out how to dress with full women in 40 years to see these wonders with their own eyes.

Stamps for full of 40 years

If you have a complete figure, we recommend focusing on feminine images. They are very decorated with pyshek, as they serve the parameters in the most advantageous light. Remember the Rembrandt Muses: they were not trash, but at the same time they remained standards of femininity and charm. Modern street sets often use outrageous or typically male elements, refuse them to look natural and harmoniously.

straight dress for every day

free Cocoon Dress for Full Figure

set with straight skirt for a woman 40 years

Blouses, tops, shirts should also choose a little free, but in no case are not flying out that make a shape huge. Silk tops, shirt-type blouses, classic semi-trailed shirts perfectly fit into a set of 40 years old for work and recreation. If you like spacious models from lightweight materials, choose only those that look well with the belt. It will reduce the proportions. Avoid tops with bathes, lanterns and other bulk options.

set for full with jeans

The jackets and cardigans for the drawing are preferable to elongated, from the line just below the widest part of the pelvis until the middle of the thigh. Such styles make it possible to create verticals in the image that pull out the shape. In general, high-layer bows (for example, blouse + vest + jacket), but elongated vests, jackets, cardigans, rolling vests, serve as an excellent reception of visual correction, are contraindicated with holders of lush forms. In the upper clothes, adhere to classic straight and semi-grated styles.

extra long jackets are suitable

straight dress and classic Trench Napa

sarafan with an overwhelmed waist

It would seem minor details in rod clothes, length, fabrics allow us to achieve a visible effect of visual correction.

Selection of colors and prints for a full figure of 40-year-old

If you add also the knowledge of the color features of the color, then you will be guaranteed to look spectacular and stylish. The first and most important mistake of the pyshek, especially over 30-35 years old, is the desire to hide in dark paints. The myth that black always hides the volumes, brought to women a lot of problems.

Remember: truly hides the volumes and pulls the silhouette of the vertical of any color in the image.

If the growth allows, or you are not against sufficiently high heels, we carry long sundresses in the elegant output, dresses. It is preferable to equip them with shortened leather jackets, denim for every day, with a bolero to a waist or an elongated cardigan under the belt - for the evening.

dress olive color and shortened jacket for a full figure

sarafan in the floor and a denim jacket for every day for a 40-year-old

Another effective way to create a pulling vertical is the selection of the top and bottom of the set of close on the shade, as in the photo below. If adding an extended vest to this network, contrasting color or lightweight (for example, dark brown, turquoise, white, etc.), then the "minus 2 size" effect is provided.

close colors of top and bottom create vertical

Correction of the full type of type

First, a more complete part of the figure looks more advantageous in monophonic things and inappropriate shades. For example, if you are a "pear" with pronounced hips, you do not wear the adequate skirts and pants, as well as the models in screaming colors that attract all attention. Transfer accents to the upper part of the image: Use bright neck scarves, blouses with patterns, etc. Recommendations for "Apple" are diametrically opposite: laconic monophonic blouses, bright belts and bottoms with ornaments. In this case, even even pants and skirts with small assemblies at the waist are often suitable.

laconic pants and a pressed blouse for a full "Pear" figure

blouse with color inserts for the type "Apple"

All reviewed receptions are effective full figure correction tools for a woman of 40 years. You can use one of them or several immediately to enhance the effect. Of course, images for pyshek are slightly less original than for slender ladies, however, there are considerable potential for experiments!

Summer wardrobe full of women 40 years

Summer is the time of the maximum open outfits, and modern fashion offers a huge amount for women with different complexes. Looking stylish and feel confidently easy, most importantly, to understand which styles and colors to select. We offer you a selection of ideas for the summer wardrobe of a 40-year-old woman with a complete figure, taking into account age, ways of visual correction and different reasons.

Replenish the summer wardrobe for work

Light or bright office dress

Be sure to try the dress about the knee length with a straight or slightly narrowed at the skirt. Make an office onions. Less strict will allow tender light gamut or summer juicy shades: beige, cream, peach, coral, pale yellow, turquoise, forehead, mint, lavender, etc. Perfectly look at a complete figure of a dress with a small drapery in the waist areas, hips, as well as slightly free models of the semi-grained cut, as on one of the photos below. And if you have a type of "full hourglass" or "full pear", then be sure to try the case of a sufficiently dense, but genuine, breathable fabric.

poodle-blue dress a little free Croes for office

drapery Outfit for Full Figure

red dress for 40-year-old with "Full Hourglass" and "Full Pear"

White jeans

They look fresh and stylish. It is not necessary to choose a boiling and white model, more successful for everyday life like milk, white with grayish and bluish subtock. Crow jeans can be straight or narrowed. They combine well with clothing from business and informal wardrobe, so you will be useful to you not only for working images.

white jeans in summer bow

Straight pants

Straight pants - another functional component, which is useful to replenish the summer basic wardrobe Lady over 40. The right color scheme is very important. Black, gray models look in summer on a complete figure, especially massively and hard, but also bright are not particularly practical: they are harder to make combinations with them, and they are not always appropriate at work. Optimal medium and light brown shades, blue, muted blue tones. Combine such pants with semi-grained versals: shirts, office blouses and blouses, T-shirts for every day.

straight Pants with Camel Color Arrow for Basic Wardrobe Pyshki

Skirts and blouses with odor

Separately I would like to celebrate the clothes with the smell. In the summer, when the fabric is used thinner, this nuance of Croy is very decorated with lush molds. The blouse will hide the tummy, and the Midi skirt with the smell (especially diagonal) will make hips slimmer.

skirt with a smell for summer images

Openwork jacket or cardigan

A woman of 40 years old, in principle, always decorate original and elegant solutions in clothing. We offer for the summer to look at the openwork jacket or a cardigan, which will replace a strict jacket in the office onion, will come in handy in a cool evening and even able to participate in an elegant image. The main thing is that the texture of the product is not very loose and embossed. There are models from material with perforation, as well as fine yarn, pay attention to them.

openwork jacket for images of 40-year-old for summer

Stylish new clothes for everyday and evening exit

Tunic's dress

Contrary to popular belief, the dress of the tunic can be both short and long. It has a characteristic free cut, straight or uncured silhouette, can be with a belt-Kuli, overwhelmed waist or without an accent on it. Dress-tunic is a bit above the knee - an indispensable thing for a hike on the beach and vacation. And the direct models of midi and longer with cuts on the sides are good for every day. They can wear as an independent object or combined with Jeggins, narrow pants.

Recently, the fashion designers actively decorate the clothes with sexual lacing, it is on a tunic dress or a casual blouse that this element will be especially beautiful for the pyshki.

dress-tunic with lacing for beach images of a 40-year-old with a full figure

long tunic dress for every day


Sundars for beauty with a complete figure should have the following features:

  • wide straps;
  • the length of the options is slightly above the knees to the models in the floor;
  • silhouette of a semicircuit, straight or with a soft skirt soft;
  • monophonic or with medium, slightly large medium prints.

denim Sarafan on Thick Straps for Full Figure

long Outlined Sundress for High Women

Romantic ampir dress

Feminine outfits with an overwhelmed waist and an overlooking skirt look at full figure very effectively and stylish. Lama older than 40 should avoid infantile parts on such dresses: swans on the bodice, lantern sleeves, etc.

feminine dress with an overwhelmed waist and an overlooked skirt for a full figure

long dress for 40-year-old pyshki for every day

Blouse with open shoulders

Recently, designers are under charming from Spanish traditional outfits and offer fashionable to be in blouses, partially or completely exposing shoulders. Let's notify immediately: This solution will not fit the fasteners with the type "Full Apple", since the cut suits the natural feature - a massive shoulder belt. In any case, 40 years old is worth wearing such blouses exclusively in informal sets and choose enough restrained options as in the form below.

blouse with open shoulders in the summer set


Be sure to replenish your wardrobe with direct shorts to the middle of the hips or knee-deep in the bright or natural range: white, olive, khaki, Navy, beige, blue, etc. They will make up the basis of onions for relaxing in nature, beach, hiking, shopping. Variants from Denim are less elegant, but often more practical, so they may not be abandoned from them.

short shorts for a woman with a full figure


Gladiators on a flat sole and a spacious bag of square, rectangular shape made of soft leather or textiles - unambiguous favorites for the summer. They are combined with the absolute majority of things for this season: shirt dresses, shorts, straight skirts, tunica dresses, sundresses, etc.

Without them, it is impossible to do in any resort or in the city jungle. If you have full ankles and do not want to attract attention to them once again, stop at ordinary sandals or gladiators with beige straps.

gladiators in a comfortable set for the summer

Evening dress for summer

A fitted dress made of transparent thin mats with a lining, especially if it is made in a bright range, creates a sensual and luxurious image for the evening, besides, it is advantageous for lush forms. In the summer, the model is equally good to the knee and maxi. A transparent and translucent chiffon, organza, fine irreversible lace and other lungs are relevant as the upper fabric.

evening lace dress with lining for pyshki

chiffon dress for the evening exit woman with a full summer figure

There is no need to fully change the wardrobe every new season, it is enough to buy several functional things and a couple of fresh novelties. Well, of course, do not forget to find the perfect swimsuit, but we told about it in detail in one of the past articles. Choose, and your images for the summer will always stay feminine and spectacular, and the features of the shape will be filed in the most advantageous light!

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