How to memorize a large amount of prose. How to quickly and easily memorize text. Ways that work. We should also say a few words about the synopsis ...

Are you reading fast? This is not so important if you cannot remember what you read.

The author of the book “Pump Your Memory. How to read and memorize large amounts of information ”, expert in the field of education and sociology Ron Fry.

The main test of the quality of your understanding is what you remember from the material you read. While you are a student, most of your reading is related to, and sooner or later you will be required to spew the information received outside in one form or another - whether it be an essay, test, term paper, a test with multiple answers, a true / false test, a final testing.

So you need to not only complete your task, but also be sure that you remember what you read.

Probably, everyone has such an experience when at the most crucial moment you forgot something, and it was this escaped little detail that turned out to be decisive for the assessment, balancing on the verge of 5 and 4+ (or 4 and 3+). The necessary fact was somewhere very close, sat on the edge of your consciousness, but you could not remember it.

Memory can be improved

You probably know people with photographic (or near photographic) memories. They know the lyrics of every song recorded in the last four years, remind you of what you told them three years ago, and never forget anyone's birthday (or anniversaries of "the day we met" or "the day of our first kiss", etc.) ...

And while some people seem to be naturally endowed with the gift of remembering information, a good memory - like good concentration - can be developed. You will be in control of what to leave in your head and what is permissible and forgotten.

Some people memorize relatively easily and have no difficulty in retaining large amounts of data. Others complain about their leaky memory, which seems to lose more than it retains. Several factors can contribute to improving your ability to remember absorbed information.

  1. IQ, age and experience affect how well you remember. You need to identify how these factors affect your memory and learn how to maximize the return on your efforts.
  2. Lay a solid foundation- very important for a good memory. Much of the learning process is just an addition to what you already know. So, for example, it will be almost impossible to master organic chemistry without learning the basics. By expanding the foundation of basic knowledge, you will improve your ability to remember new information.
  3. Motivation is a key factor in improving your memory. An absolute baseball fan friend of mine seems to know all baseball statistics from the beginning of time. It can give you the level of training and conceded goals of almost all players, the schedule of your favorite team for the whole season ... and other teams too!

    And while I wouldn't say he's the smartest guy I've ever met, he obviously loves baseball and is extremely motivated to remember everything he can about his favorite sport. Probably, you also have your own interest. Whether it's movies, music, or sports, you fill your brain with a wealth of information. It turns out that if you can learn so much about one subject, you can remember a lot about another - even about chemistry. You just have to learn to motivate yourself.

  4. Method, system or process memorization of information is extremely important for improving memory. These can include your thought organization, good educational habits, mnemonic formulas — tools you use when you need to remember something.
  5. ƒ Use Learned Immediately- just as important for memorization. It's good to memorize a list of terms so you can quickly find them, but if you want information to stay in your head for a long time, you should help memorize by applying this knowledge. For example, you can add a new word to your everyday vocabulary and use it correctly in conversations.

Learning foreign languages ​​is a frustrating experience for many people if they do not have the opportunity outside of the classroom to put their conversational skills into practice. That is why students of language groups often join discussion clubs or study abroad - in order to consolidate the memorization of the material studied, using their knowledge.

Why do we forget

The elements necessary for developing a good memory are also important for understanding why we forget something. Poor memory is usually rooted in one of these reasons:

  • We are unable to determine the significance of the material.
  • We have not mastered the previous material.
  • We fail to understand what exactly needs to be remembered.
  • We have no desire to memorize.
  • We let apathy and boredom dictate how we learn.
  • We must make learning a habit.
  • We are disorganized and ineffective in our use of study time.
  • We do not use the knowledge gained.

Use your own words to summarize key points. Use selections, diagrams, idea trees to reveal relationships and patterns.

All of us are bombarded with facts, concepts and opinions every day. We are able to absorb some of this flow simply because the media immerses us in it.

But to remember more data, we need to make a conscious effort. We must put the same effort into the material we read.

How to memorize?

Here are some basic tips to help you remember what you read.

  1. Understanding. You will only remember what you have understood. When you grasp the message in the text, the memorization process has already begun. A way to test this is to rephrase the point in your own words. Can you highlight the main point? If you do not understand what was said, you will not be able to determine whether to remember it or simply delete it from the memory card.
  2. A wish. Let me repeat: you remember what you choose to remember. If you do not want to record some information or do not believe that you can do it, then you will not succeed! To memorize material, you have to want to memorize it and convince yourself that everything will work out.
  3. Cramming. To make sure you're remembering important information, you need to go beyond just completing a task. To truly remember what you have learned, you need to memorize or even memorize data thoroughly.

    This includes pre-reading the text, critical reading, and the use of special repetition aids that reinforce what you should have learned.

  4. Systematization. Random thoughts and numbers are harder to remember than data organized into a system. For example, which number will be easier for you to remember: 538-6284 or 678-1234?

    After you recognized the system in the second issue, it became much easier for you to learn it than the first one. You need to develop the ability to highlight the structure that exists in the text and recall it when you try to reconstruct the content. Let the system help you remember how the information is organized and coordinated.

  5. Associations. It is helpful to associate or associate what you are trying to remember with something already living in your memory. Mentally connect new material with existing knowledge so that new thoughts fall into your head in a certain context.

Methods for improving memorization

Each time you start reading what you need to remember, use this six-step process:

  1. Rate the material and define a goal. Rate your level of interest and try to understand how difficult the text is.
  2. Choose the right technique reading according to the purpose of your reading.
  3. Identify important facts. Memorize what you need. Find associations, connecting details necessary for memorization.
  4. Take notes. Use your own words to summarize key points. Use selections, diagrams, idea trees to reveal relationships and patterns. Your notes will become an important reserve for your memory. Writing down the main points in the future will help improve your ability to remember.
  5. Repeat. Ask yourself about the things you need to remember. Develop a system by which you will review the records at least three times before you are required to remember and reproduce the information. The first repetition should be shortly after reading the material, the second should be a few days later, and the third should be right before you need to answer. This process will help you avoid a stressful “last” night before the exam.
  6. Apply. Find an opportunity to use what you learn. Study groups and class discussions are invaluable opportunities to apply what you have learned.

Cramming and mnemonics

There are several special techniques to help you remember what you need from a variety of different facts. The first one is rote cramming when you are trying to memorize information word for word.

Use this method only when you need to memorize something for a relatively short time - if you have a control by dates of battles in history, a test in chemistry using special formulas, or a vocabulary dictation in French.

When memorization is required, you must do your best to memorize accurate information. Perhaps the most effective way is repetition. Write down the most important things on small cards and use them as didactic material. You need to check yourself regularly to make sure you have excellent knowledge of all of this data.

The second technique for memorizing extensive detailed information is mnemonics... It allows you to capture large amounts of data that may or may not be logically connected. The mnemonic technique is invaluable when you need to remember information that is not organized into a clear structure, complex topics and a lot of facts that add up to a chain of events.

One of the easiest ways is to try to remember only the first letters of the sequence. This is where Roy G. Biv (the first letters of the names of the colors in the rainbow) came from in English. The phrase Every Good Boy Does Fine is used to memorize the names of the notes on the stave, and FACE is used to memorize the notes in between.

(This method is the opposite of Roy and uses the word to memorize letters.) Of course, not all sequences work out so well. If you tried to remember the Latin names of the zodiac signs, you would come across Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Of course, many of you could make a name, place name or something else out of ATGCLVLSSCAP, but I can't ...

One of the solutions- make a simple sentence using the first letters from the list you are trying to remember as the first letters of words, as in our "hunter" who "wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." To memorize the order of the zodiac signs, memorize the phrase “A Tall Giraffe Chewed Leaves Very Low; Some Slow Cows At Play "(Or, for example:" Very fat badgers dig trees with their paws in the garden of Svetlana, who grows roses. ").

Stop! After all, it turns out the same number of words. Why not just find a way to remember the signs themselves? Why is the second option better? There are a couple of benefits.

  • First, it’s easier to imagine a giraffe, a cow, and badgers and what they’re doing. Mental imaging is a very powerful way to remember just about anything.
  • Secondly, the words in our sentences are related to each other, and therefore it is also easier to keep them in memory.

Come on, try it! See how long it will take you to memorize a sentence and how long it will take for all the signs. This method is especially easy when you have learned some or all of the items in a list, but you cannot fix their order.

Remember: you need to compose your own, convenient for you phrase (or a group of phrases). Any sentences and phrases that can help you will do. For example, here are two more examples that I came up with in a few seconds: A Tall Girl Called Lovely Vera Loved to Sip Sodas from Cans And Plates. Any Tiny Gerbil Could Love Venus. Long Silly Snakes Could All Pray, or “Giant TV Will Work. People Crush Cherry Juice. Sasha Bought Boiled Crayfish "(After all, how easy it is to imagine catchy silly pictures!)

You will notice that such mnemonic techniques make it easy to remember special information that you need to keep in your head for a long time in order to use it both in lessons and in. They are especially useful when you need to learn chemical classifications, musical drawing, or anatomical terms. But as effective as mnemonic tricks are, don't try to use them for anything you want to remember.

Why? These techniques take more time to create than a human being can. And sometimes problems arise with memorizing not the material itself, but invented auxiliary phrases! Too many of them can make it difficult to memorize and make it difficult to remember everything at the right time.

Complex mnemonic codes are not very useful - they can be difficult to retain in memory. When you decide to use mnemonics, you need to keep it simple so that you can quickly recover the material that you expected when memorizing.

Many people complain that their heads are like a sieve, that everything they read immediately flows out and they cannot remember anything. Hope you can now understand that this is a solvable problem. You don't need to be a genius to have a good memory, but you must be willing to work on acquiring the skills needed to memorize effectively. As you hone these skills, you will improve your reading performance by raising your memorization level.


Choose the optimal time to learn new information. For most people, this is the period from eight to ten in the morning, as well as from eight to eleven in the evening. Depending on your daily routine, the peaks in activity may shift. After observing yourself, you yourself will quickly find the time when it is easiest for you.

Stress affects memory extremely negatively - so the happier and calmer your life, the better your memory. How else to explain the fact that ideally jagged information before the exam simply evaporates instantly from your head, is only a formidable professor? Try less and be more confident. If you are in constant stress, do yoga, take more walks or visit a psychotherapist - as you need to get rid of the habit of constant stress as soon as possible, as many people just get used to it.

Eat more healthy foods. For a good memory, vitamins, many trace elements, omega-3 acids are essential. Fruits, vegetables and berries with antioxidants are extremely useful - grapes, strawberries, broccoli and citrus fruits. Omega-3 fats are found in red fish, so add them to your regular diet before and during your session.

Sleep is the most important component of a good memory. During sleep, damaged cells are restored, the brain is tuned to good and productive work, so that by providing yourself with a healthy and long sleep, you will memorize huge amounts of information much faster.

Stop thinking about how bad your memory is - most often this affects it extremely negatively, the brain simply refuses to remember anything, since it is sure in advance of its "failure" and is set to reject any information.


  • how to improve your memory in 2018

Not everyone can boast of phenomenal memory. Quite often, trying to memorize any material takes a lot of time and ultimately does not lead to anything. To learn how to quickly memorize information, you need to understand the principles of human memory.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a pen.


It is best to remember any information from 8: 00-10: 00 and from 20: 00-23: 00. It is at this time that blood supplies the body more actively, which means that memory works more intensively.

Read the text carefully, trying to understand everything that the author was trying to convey to you. If at some point you have lost the thread of the presentation, go back to the moment where you understood everything, and read the part that caused the difficulty again. If that doesn't work, ask a friend or relative for help. Try to explain to him what you did not understand. In the process of explaining, confusing points may become clearer.

Try jotting down information if you can't remember it right away. The researchers concluded that a person assimilates about 90% of the recorded material. It is best to take notes of all information, highlighting the main points.

Don't get distracted while memorizing. If something gets in your way, start over. To avoid constantly walking in circles, turn off your phone and ask you not to disturb. In this case, you will spend much less time studying the material.

Review the material you read. To be sure that you remember everything, after 40 minutes after reading, try to repeat the text without looking at the source. If you failed to do this, then review it again.

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Tip 5: A lot of information: how to quickly learn and assimilate

In the process of preparing for exams, students and schoolchildren have to memorize a large amount of information. Sometimes it is so large that it can cause confusion, a person literally does not know "what to grab onto." To avoid chaos in the assimilation of information, you need to adhere to several rules.


There is voluntary and involuntary memory. The information that is emotionally rich and memorized without effort is assimilated with the help of involuntary memory. If something has to be memorized with the help of volitional efforts, this process takes place with the use of voluntary memory. It is especially difficult to give those knowledge that cause irritation and unpleasant emotions. So start learning with personal motivation. Convince yourself to remember this.

Do not attempt to mechanically serrate the material. Only that part of it that you understand will be assimilated. Read and comprehend the topic. Then the logical component of memory will be added to the mechanical component of memory, which is assimilated reliably.

As a rule, the material is presented in a certain system. Start teaching from the very beginning in order to understand and assimilate this system. If you forget something during the exam, you can restore or make an independent logical conclusion.

In the process of assessing the quality of assimilation of information, learn to distinguish memorization from recall. For example, you looked at a tutorial page, remembered a section, and thought you knew it. And on the exam, it turned out that you only remember the picture and the general appearance of the text.

Exercise only when your brain is at its most active. For some, this is early morning, others are capable of assimilation in the late afternoon. Please note that the first time the material is remembered in very rare cases, it must be repeated at least twice, ideally before going to bed and immediately after it.

By the time of existence, there are short-term, long-term and medium-term memory. The latter is responsible for categorizing the material and works during a night's sleep. Therefore, take the time you need to rest at night. During preparation for exams, the physiological need for sleep increases.

The possibilities of the human brain are almost limitless, but rarely can anyone use them to their fullest. Memory stores huge amounts of information, but it doesn't always work perfectly at the right time. Therefore, people resort to some techniques that help to memorize large amounts of information as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You will need

  • The text of the work, dictaphone.


As with any business, memorizing text depends on the type of material that needs to be memorized. If you are studying a work, then it is either a poem or prose. True, there is still drama, but this is a separate conversation. Of course, poetic texts are much easier to memorize, since they also have a rhythm. To get started, open the poem and read it several times, be sure to say it out loud. So you will have three types of memory involved at once: firstly, you see the text, secondly, you remember how to pronounce it, and thirdly, you hear what you read. Perhaps, after several such readings, part of the text will already fit in your head.

Start learning line by line. First, remember the first, then start gradually connecting with the second. This is how it will look using the example of a poem by M.Yu. Lermontova: I go out on the road alone; Through the fog, a siliceous path glistens. The night is quiet. The desert listens to God, And a star speaks with a star. First, remember the line "I go out on the road alone." To do this, say it several times, and then repeat it without looking at the text. So it is with the second line. Then connect the first and second - first read them together, then repeat both without looking at the text. Then connect the second to the third. Repeat the second and third together, and then the first, second and third together. So gradually you will memorize the stanza. Study the rest of the stanzas in the same way.

If the study according to the proposed technology takes a long and difficult time for you, it is possible that you have a well-developed figurative memory. Try to associate the lines you teach with certain images. Imagine a lonely road, fog, a flinty path that glistens, a quiet starry night. It is quite possible that this will help you in memorization.

Try rewriting the poem several times. Someone has such a mechanical memory better developed. By the way, if it seems to you that you have already learned a poem, write it too, but without looking into the text - check yourself.

Perhaps the poem will be able to lie on the melody you are familiar with. Try to learn it like a song. And you can also record it on a dictaphone and listen to it several times - this will help if you have a better developed auditory memory.

If you need to learn a prosaic text, then it must be divided into semantic parts. Or even not entirely meaningful. Read the text, and in those places where you intuitively want to stop, put dashes. These are the pieces you’ll learn from.

Be sure to pronounce the prose text with intonation. Memorizing text can be effective, but not always. Try to help yourself with gestures.

Helpful advice

Regardless of what text you learned, repeat it a few more times the next day. It may seem that you already know the work perfectly, and the next day it will turn out that you have forgotten half of it.

The art of memorization, mnemonics, has many techniques that help to arrange information in the necessary cells, and then easily extract from there. But in order to master mnemonics, efforts must be made, but all of them will then be justified.


It is not surprising that a schoolchild or student starts learning a subject a few days before the exam. However, one should not be surprised at the results of such a brainstorming session. This behavior is based solely on luck, which is not favorable to everyone. Nevertheless, it is still possible to learn the theory in a few days if you are well versed in the practical part.

First, remember a few rules:

The larger the passage of the studied text, the better you understand the material, and understanding is the basis of the answer;
- it is better to teach a little at a time, than all at once;
- if you have to learn several materials of different volume, you need to start with more.

Now make a diagram of your work with the subject. If you are not working or studying in the morning, then schedule your classes for this time. Whoever you are - a "lark" or "an owl", the brain works better in the first half of the day, you will remember better with a fresh mind. The most favorable time is 7: 00-12: 00 and 14: 00-17: 00.

Start with the hardest material, especially if your practice is poor. For the information to be firmly deposited, it must be repeated four times. But it shouldn't be just mindless reading and cramming. The first time you go through the material and find out its structure, the second time you identify the main theses and their connection with each other, the third time you repeat the most important facts, and finally make an answer plan. According to the plan, you will be guided if something needs to be repeated.

Plan the time wisely not only for studying the subject, but also for rest. Intellectual work quickly leads the body to a depression. The best rest is considered to be a change in the type of activity from intellectual to physical labor. Take breaks every 40 minutes, during which it is desirable to warm up and completely distract from the material that you studied.

While repeating the answers to the exam questions, be sure to try first to remember everything that you have learned or knew before, then write it down and only then read. Highlight the hardest moments and share them with your loved ones. Explaining to someone will help you understand and remember the material. When the entire array of material is passed, arrange an exam for yourself - choose questions in a random order and answer them.

There is a fairly simple mnemonic system (memorization method) that will help with this. It will take some effort on your part to get it working. Suppose that at this stage you are interested in the ability to memorize 20 pieces of information.

1. Creation of mental support

The first step will be to create a mental support for further memorization. To do this, you need to write sequentially the numbers from 1 to 20 and leave a small space for schematic drawings next to them. One sheet of paper is enough for this.

Now it is necessary for each number from 1 to 20 to think over what you associate with it and draw a small drawing next to it. For example, one you associate with the word Aladdin - draw an Aladdin lamp next to this number. Next we take the number two. Personally, I associate it with a negative grade at school. And I would draw a board and a pointer. Thus, you need to make drawings for all numbers from 1 to 20. This can take up to 30 minutes. And then this support will serve you as long as you need.

2. Memorization

Now you can take 20 different words and very easily associate them on the mental level with your association. For example, the first word is "home". In our system, the number one is associated with Aladdin and his lamp. Our task is to connect the association and the word that needs to be remembered into one image. The more unusual the connection, the easier it will be remembered. How can you connect Aladdin's lamp and a house? Maybe you wanted to build a house and a third magic lamp to make this wish come true? Then your image is a house emerging directly from a magic lamp. Draw this image in your mind and remember it. Since it is very unusual, you can easily remember about the house when you need to name the item at number one. Under number two, let's say the word "apple" came across. If the association is a blackboard and a pointer, imagine that there is a stub on the blackboard instead of chalk.

Use your imagination. After a little practice, you will spend no more than a few seconds to create and memorize the image connecting the number and the word you need to remember.

3. Retrieving from memory

At this stage, you have connected the words you need to remember with associations of 20 numbers into images. You don't need to remember the words themselves. If you are given numbers, you will be able to remember your associations to them, which you have prepared, creating a mental basis. And immediately magical images will pop up in your imagination, by which you will remember the right words.

Using this method, you can name all the memorized words not only in the forward, but also in the reverse order, as well as name any word chosen at random.

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Tip 9: How to learn a lot of information for the exam

Examiners sometimes require schoolchildren and students to almost directly cite textbooks. It is not difficult to remember a lot of information. The main thing is to correctly approach the process of "cramming".

Exam preparation takes more than one hour. The time of greatest brain activity is different for all people. Someone remembers better in the morning, someone in the interval between 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, and for someone it is easier to sit over textbooks all night. Determine your "active" hours and start studying topics in the allotted time.

Information enters the brain through the channels of perception, which are also different for all people. By the type of perception, people are divided into audials, visuals, kinesthetics and samples... To determine your type, try passing information about, for example, a dandelion. Audials will begin to describe the flower out loud, visuals will most likely draw it, kinesthetics will talk about their emotions in connection with the flower (“It is soft, petals tickle the skin ...”, etc.), and discretes will remember medicinal properties (because they are looking for in objects benefit and applicability in life).

It is easier for audiences to perceive information by ear. Speaking the topic will be an effective memorization method. Try to read dry terminology as if you are reading poetry: expressively, with some melody. You can use your favorite song - shift the words to a familiar tune and repeat several times in a row.

Visuals need diagrams and drawings to clearly remember something. Try to draw the topic under study. The collage method is effective when a person sticks photos / pictures on the wall and draws connections between them.

Sensation is important for kinesthetics. Choose a cozy spot, comfortable clothes, etc. to prepare for the exam. It is better if the preparation takes place somewhere in nature, in a quiet secluded place. Mentally associate important terms with something enjoyable. Kinaesthetics also rely on mechanical actions: to memorize, write down the basic terms and principles.

Discretes are good analysts, the essence is important to them. To better remember a large amount of information, it is necessary to decompose it into small components. Remove unnecessary words from the text, and everything will work out.

In addition to the channel of perception and temporary activity, the general condition of the body cannot be written off. Do not forget to rest and eat well while preparing for exams, include vitamins (ascorbic acid with glucose) and walnuts with hazelnuts in the diet.

Practice dialogues with the examiner - have someone close to older people test your answers and, if possible, make corrections.

Often a person is faced with the problem of how to quickly memorize the text. This is especially difficult in cases where the amount of information is large, and the topic is not thoroughly studied. Since practically no one succeeds in remembering the text the first time, you should use special techniques.

The main rule for those who want to learn fast memorization is the ability to carefully read the material and try to understand the main idea. Thoughtless memorization provides minimal benefit. This article will tell you how to learn how to memorize text quickly and efficiently.

Types of memory

Most people subconsciously use one of the options in order to remember information related to the senses. Therefore, one can classify:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • motor;

For some, in order to quickly memorize the text, it is imperative to run through it with their eyes. Others can quickly memorize the material just by listening to it. Still others find it easiest to remember information after they rewrite or retype the text with their own hand. Kinesthetic memory allows you to quickly memorize material after a person performs the described actions on their own.

There is another option for how you can memorize what you read - associative or figurative memorization. The method is based on presenting in the mind an image of what needs to be remembered.

Using records

But it is practically impossible to imagine figuratively the law of molecular physics, to use kinesthetic memory. A complex scientific text, read repeatedly, does not linger in memory.

Then, in order to remember the material, you should select the support points in it. It is better to write them down in the form of short phrases - theses. The pillars form a plan that serves as a cheat sheet: a large text is compressed several times.

A plan drawn up with questions helps a lot. Theses, which are quotations, excerpts, also help to quickly memorize the material.

And what is the best way to memorize what you read if there is no way to rewrite the quotes? Then a large text should be worked out directly in the original. Use a pencil to designate points of support, emphasize the main thoughts, make your own notes in the margins.

Reading is assimilated more effectively if a person builds a graphic diagram, draws a drawing, makes a sketch of a drawing for the material, comes up with his own pictogram. All information will quickly be deposited if you enter the basic data in the table. This method is called graphical or schematization. They are very popular now. This tool allows you to visually structure even the most difficult to understand information.

Dividing information into parts

Psychologists looking for practical answers to the question of how best to remember a voluminous informative text suggest dividing it into parts. Scientists came to this conclusion, since remembering one large text is more difficult than several smaller ones. You need to break the material into no more than 7 segments connected by one thought. This is called structuring information to help you remember the material.

Concentration of attention on the middle part of the text will help to memorize information. It is noticed: the beginning is practically not informative, and the end usually easily "clings" without effort on the part of the person himself.

Constant reminders

If the deadlines are not very tight, for example, there is a couple of days left, then a great advice on how you can remember the text well, making a minimum of effort. Fragments of the text are printed on separate sheets of paper, hung up everywhere: in the bathroom, in the toilet, above the kitchen table, on the balcony, in the smoking area.

Between cases, your eyes will surely catch on to the text! Read even against your will, in passing, will remain in your memory. This method is especially effective for memorizing a text in English, next to which its translation is located.

Here are some interesting exercises to develop your brain and improve your memory:

Think in images

It can be problematic to quickly master new abstract concepts. Learning to translate them into visual images is one of the memorization options. This method is especially effective if you need to memorize words in English. Here, the variant of playing around by the similarity of pronunciation helps to quickly memorize whole phrases.

Since it is rather difficult to quickly memorize boring text, you can diversify this process. For example, after reading and retelling an excerpt, “rewarding” yourself with reading a funny anecdote, exercise or a minute trip to your favorite social network works better than continuous monotonous cramming.

Foreign texts

Since memorizing a voluminous text in English can be much more difficult than in Russian, it will take more time to memorize it. You can quickly learn a passage in a foreign language using an audio player.

While doing business, being in transport, you should listen to the text - the brain requires "food" at this time, bored, therefore it is more interesting for it to memorize information.

It is important to be not just a listener, but a thoughtful interlocutor: it is useful to repeat some phrases in English after the announcer. The material will easily be deposited if you draw pictures for it while listening. It is useful to make original creative captions in English for drawings.

  1. The material read immediately before falling asleep is very easily deposited in the brain. It is best to repeat what you have read before bedtime immediately after waking up.
  2. It is useful to learn to mentally link what you read with what has long been known. Everyone knows how easy it is to remember the text that is understandable, in which there is nothing new.
  3. It is recommended to come up with a strong incentive to memorize information, to promise a reward. Stimulation works even for oneself. This method works better if the reward is spoken out loud in the presence of someone.
  4. Having selected key, supporting words from the material, it is good to use them in your speech every half hour. Even a large text in English will be deposited in the memory more firmly, if from time to time you say out loud one of the key words - the memory will immediately work on a subconscious level and "slip" the information associated with the word.
  5. Retelling small passages aloud (best for an interested listener) helps to assimilate the text more efficiently. It is also better not to repeat texts in English verbatim, but to retell them in their own way.
  6. Since it is difficult to remember a complex text read the first time, you should highlight difficult passages and reread several times.

The more often you train, the better the result will be.

Ekaterina Vasilieva, General Director of the "Author's School of Vasilievs" company, Moscow; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

What questions can you find answers in this article?

  • How to memorize people's names easily
  • What techniques of mnemonics allow you to quickly learn a voluminous scientific text or poetry
  • How to quickly memorize foreign words, phone numbers or symbols
  • What prevents us from remembering information

They allow you to easily memorize complex names of people, large texts, dates, numbers, foreign words, etc. Their advantage is that you do not have to make great efforts to extract the necessary information from memory, it is enough to present several objects-images that are in a chain update the information you need. I will tell you how to learn how to memorize a large amount of information using the techniques of mnemonics.

Receptions of mnemonics. How is memorization

Our brain thinks in images. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship. Further, recalling one image, a person brings to life others as well. The first minutes are most important for memorization - at this time it is advisable to speak the information out loud or to yourself. An hour later, speak again. In the future, increase the time interval after which you need to repeat the information, always three times, that is, after three hours, after nine hours, after a day, etc. If this is not possible, repeat the information three times: immediately, after an hour and before bedtime ... By the way, teachers of linguistic universities recommend that students refresh their knowledge every six months or a year.

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How to memorize people's names

To maintain motivation, it is best for a manager to refer to employees by their first names. Each person has his own peculiarity. We must try to see her and tie her last name, first name or patronymic to her in the form of some kind of image. For example, recently a girl studied at the courses who could not remember the patronymic of the boss - Stepanovna. I advised her to imagine that she has long ears on her head, like Stepashka from the children's program “Good night, kids”. At the next lesson, the girl said that this image helped her to firmly remember the patronymic of her leader.

How to memorize large texts

Popular science texts (articles). They are easiest to represent in the form of diagrams. For example, I transform information into a three-level hierarchy “system - subsystem - supersystem”. Let me explain with an example: the subsystem is the details of the car, the system is the car, the supersystem is the type of vehicle. After reading the text, 7-10 keywords remain in my head, decomposed according to the principle "system - subsystem - supersystem". It is useful to present them in the form of pictures, which helps to understand how one term relates to another. According to my observations, two-thirds of an article or book is occupied by details (subsystem), the remaining third is distributed between the system and the supersystem. Thus, you need to start reading from the place where the description of the system begins. Having studied it, you can return to the beginning of the text. This approach allows you to save time and better memorize large texts.

Literary texts (prose, poetry). In this case, you need to recreate every word in your head, so drawing up diagrams will not help. It is necessary to present images in the form of a certain sequence, for example: a place, a hero, a situation. Identify the positive with yourself and the negative with the other person. In fact, in parallel with reading, you need to “shoot” a movie in your head, capturing emotions, sounds, etc. For example, you read the following text: “The Fiji archipelago is a large and small island. Most of them are of volcanic origin. There are sandy beaches fringed with palm groves, secluded bays ... ”Reading the first sentence, imagine that you are on an airplane and see the island overboard. Then the plane descends below, and you see the hotels. Then you walk along the beach, your feet are buried in the sand, you admire the landscape. That is, your movement to places (plane, beach, etc.) is the key to remembering. It is enough to remember the key, and the text will emerge from memory.

Preparation for the report. You should start preparing for presentations and public reports two to three days before your presentation. On the first day, the brain will process all the material received after viewing the text. And only on the second day, when you wake up, you will be able to extract the necessary information from your memory in a structured and compressed form. This is what our ancestors meant when they said that "the morning is wiser than the evening." The first thing to do, starting to memorize the text of the report, is to formulate the topic and the main theses. Then present the main thoughts in the form of diagrams and images (you can sketch them). Further, moving from the general to the particular, proceed to memorizing smaller details: additional facts, numbers, terms, sums.

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How to memorize foreign words and other data

How to memorize foreign words

The word narrow in translation from English means "narrow". You can imagine a narrow road or tight pants. A consonant with him is the Russian word "NERVNY". You can build a general association, for example, mentally draw a picture: a person is driving along a narrow road and is nervous because it is dangerous or because he has problems with the car. It is important not only to present the situation vividly and emotionally, but also to say the memorized word narrow aloud or to oneself several times. I recommend using real-life images for memorization.

How to memorize symbols and letters

Let's say you want to memorize the English alphabet. The English letter "A" and the Russian "A" are the same in spelling, but differ in sound. To remember the first one, you need to pick up another association, for example, by form. The English "A" is like a compass or a roof and is pronounced "hey", which is consonant with the words "lei" or "watering can". Now imagine that you are watering the roof ("A") from a watering can ("lei") at the dacha. In this way, you can memorize hieroglyphs, symbols.

How to learn to memorizenumerical sequences

Use alphanumeric code. For example, in accordance with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the first letters of the words that mean them are put: "n" (zero), "t" (three), "h" (four), "n" (five), etc. Exceptions: "k" ("count" - similar to one) and "l" ("swan" - similar to two).

If you need to memorize the number 739 812, do the following.

Divide the number into pairs of numbers: 73, 98 and 12.

Transcode the numbers into words: the first consonant in a word is the first digit of a two-digit number, and the second consonant is the second digit. For example, a pair of numbers 7 and 3 correspond to the letters "c" and "t"; you can use the words "honeycomb", "sieve", "one hundred rubles". Pair 9 and 8 are "d" and "v" (the words "door" or "girl"). Pair 1 and 2 are the letters "k" and "l", the words "glue" or "necklace" will do.

Make a story out of image words denoting pairs of numbers, for example, the following: "The net (73) caught on the door (98), and a necklace (12) fell out of it." It is important to imagine this funny situation and at the same time say the number 739 812 several times aloud or silently. It is necessary to learn that you cannot pronounce what you represent.

Mnemonic techniques in stressful situations

During nervous tension, memory works much worse. When you are tense, no picture images appear in your head. That is, in conditions of stress and limited time, the techniques of mnemonics are useless. For example, working in an open office format, when there are a lot of people around and noisy, severely limits the possibilities for memorization.

There is an old trick - to return to the place where you were thinking about something in order to remember what exactly. The technique is widely used in mnemonics: leave for yourself some symbol or sign that would be associated with the case. It can be a key on a computer, a check mark in a diary, a cross with a pen on your hand. By the way, mnemonics is anti-stress. Instead of relaxing or taking medicine, it is better to mentally reproduce the text you are reading or imagine and remember numbers, combining business with pleasure.

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What helps and hinders effective memorization

The worst enemies of memory are drugs, cigarettes, nervous exhaustion, high fever, and an unventilated room.

Physical fatigue, on the contrary, has a good effect on memory: the brain begins to work better due to the fact that stress is removed from the body and blood circulates faster in the body. Therefore, if your work is related to mental activity, go in for sports. How much time you spend on intellectual work, the same amount should be spent on physical exercises. This is a prerequisite for maintaining yourself in a high emotional and intellectual tone. If, while working, you feel tension, it is better to go out, take a walk, get some fresh air.

To make the process of memorization easier, it is important to develop your imagination. Read, travel, experience more positive emotions, engage in spiritual practices - all this trains figurative memory. Take vitamins periodically, drink more water, and be outdoors more often.

Training memory and attention: 10 very effective exercises

Exercise 1. Count letters. Take a newspaper or magazine, choose three or four paragraphs from any article. Count the letters "a" as you read. Read again, count the letters "c". Review the article again and note the word count. Write down the result. Practice with the text until the number of counted letters matches when counted.

Exercise 2. Remember yesterday. Remember in detail what happened yesterday (or a recently seen movie, or a summer vacation). The main thing in the exercise is to keep your attention on the process of remembering for a long enough time, at least five minutes, without allowing thoughts to jump to other topics. Then try to remember in reverse order.

Exercise 3. Draw in imagination. Draw letters, numbers, simple and complex geometric shapes in your mind. Do not confuse mental drawing with the representation of an image. You just need to draw, just like with a pencil on paper. Try to paint larger. Feel the movement of your hand, which should remain motionless.

Exercise 4. Manipulate images. Imagine a glass and a row house of boxes of matches. Try to see these images as clearly as possible. Do a variety of mental manipulations with them: put a box in a glass, put a glass on a box, a box on an inverted glass, etc. Manipulate other two, three, four objects.

Exercise 5. Transform the subject. Imagine an object and change it, but so that it does not lose its specific name at the same time, that is, the cup should remain a cup in any case.

Exercise 6. Rotate objects. Imagine an object and begin to rotate it, looking from all sides, at different angles, bringing it closer and further away from you. Try to make the object spin by itself, and you would just watch.

Exercise 7. Plan your day. In the morning ask yourself what is to be done first, second, and third. Imagine a diary page and fill it out in your mind.

Exercise 8. “Taking pictures of tasks”. Divide your workday into four parts. "Take pictures" of situations to which you have to return tomorrow (mentally place them in a photo frame and hold the image for 3-5 seconds). Instead of a situation, you can "take pictures" of a colleague's face. At the end of the next part of the working day, remember the "photographed" situation (face). At the end of the day, remember all situations and faces. Repeat this the next day and you won't miss out on important tasks.

Exercise 9. "Include" pleasant states. Mentally re-create a positive state: calmness, inspiration, joy. Analyze its muscle components: a feeling of relaxed muscles of the face, neck and chest, slight tone of the abdominal muscles. Recreate body position and breathing rhythm as well. Fix the whole complex of these sensations. Subsequently, it will be much easier to re-enter the state memorized in this way.

Exercise 10. Disrupt order. Arrange the items on the desktop not in the usual order, but in such a way that their arrangement makes you pay attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you should take in the near future.


Ekaterina Vasilieva graduated from the Kuban State University with a degree in physics teacher. Owner of 30 copyright certificates, author of 50 courses (on memory development, rapid learning of foreign languages, speed reading), as well as 20 books, including six bestsellers. The owner of three patents of the Russian Federation for inventions: "A method of forming the skill of memorizing words", "Algorithm of thinking in foreign languages" and "Algorithm of a paragraph" (formation of the skill of fast reading and memorization).

« If you lose interest in everything, you also lose memory.» Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, thinker and naturalist).

For each role, the actor has to memorize a large amount of text, while, unlike a TV presenter or teacher, he does not have the opportunity to look into the synopsis.

But, of course, it is not only useful for actors to strengthen and develop memory, but it will only be beneficial for any person to master the skills of memorizing a large amount of information.

There are a great many methods and exercises for the development of human abilities. So, the head and founder of the educational portal 4brain - Yevgeny Buyanov, on the pages of his project, collected the most significant and interesting methods of developing different mental skills in a person, and all for the sake of one important goal: "v our time on the Internet it is difficult to find something worthwhile: what can be read and then told to grandchildren in old age; what can be learned to make the world a better place; which will make us a little wiser and more tolerant "... After going through, you can find a large number of useful, fun tricks, rules and techniques aimed at increasing the level of memory development and the ability to purposefully memorize. All teaching methods of memorization presented on this site are very simple and accessible to everyone.

The more you learn about the ability of memory, the easier it will be for you to communicate with it in "the same language", which means that you will understand each other for many years, while remaining "true friends".

So, take your time to start exercising right away. To begin with, let's decide what kind of memory you have developed best of all.

So Napoleon possessed motor memory(we all remember very well his phenomenal memory for names). To a person who has acoustic memory, you need to hear what he teaches. And this suggests that the best option for him is to memorize out loud. Memory support for people visual perception, serves as a deliberate arrangement of keywords (coloring, drawing, schemes).

It is also important to determine when choosing a method of memorizing the text:

  • What type of text (what complexity, subject matter)
  • How much detail do you need to remember it
  • For how long

So, let's, in order to reveal your type of memory once and for all, we will conduct one test with you. It is called "Test to determine the type of memory"... For this you need three sheets of paper, necessarily numbered.

Read aloud the words:

  • Lamp
  • Pear
  • Map
  • Rain
  • goose
  • Hoop
  • Dog
  • Sheet
  • Newspaper

Write down what you remember on the first sheet.

Now read the words to yourself, and be sure to imagine these items:

  • Kettle
  • Airplane
  • Butterfly
  • Legs
  • Horse
  • Board
  • Candle
  • Bread
  • Book
  • Bike
  • moon

Re-write what you remember using sheet # 2.

Now read the words and write them in the air:

  • Hare
  • Skis
  • Samovar
  • Axe
  • A boat
  • Drive
  • Mystery
  • Chair
  • Biscuits

Write down everything you can remember on the third sheet.

Now the conclusions: if there are more matches on sheet 1, you have an auditory memory. On sheet number 2 - visual memory, on sheet number 3 - kinesthetic memory.

Techniques for quickly memorizing text

« Remembering is the same as understanding, and the more you understand, the more you see good" Maksim Gorky.

Each professional of the "speech" profession has his own techniques, the secrets of quickly memorizing a huge amount of information or text.

In the book "245 Simple Exercises on the Stanislavsky System" Elvira Sarabyan reveals to us the veil of these secrets.

And here are just a few excerpts from this fascinating book:

  • The text instantly "pops up" in the memory, if you take a pose that was taken in the theater, in makeup and costume ... that is, you need to enter the desired image. In general, you got the idea!
  • Also, the book is filled with all sorts of effective advice, including reading the material out loud. And it is advisable only to repeat the part that is least amenable to memorization. Don't forget to take a break, rest.
  • Be sure to train your imaginative abilities (there is even such a method "Mnemonics (method of associations)" read everything about this technique at.

Now let's play a game "Catena" for the development of creative thinking, described in the book by Harry Lorraine "Super Memory". You can play alone or in a company. The rules are very simple. Take any two words. It is necessary to take them as a chain of word associations (that is, there must be at least something in common between the words, or vice versa, the opposite).

Example: Watch and Cloud.

Solution: Clock - Time - Day - Sun - Sky - Cloud.

Come up with your associations, develop creative thinking. And be sure take the lesson "".

You may have already heard of "The method of Cicero" or it is also called "Road method" to memorize a sequence of words. To use the method, it is necessary to prepare a “road” (matrix of images) in advance.

And its essence is as follows: you have to take the first word and create an association with the first image of your matrix. And so with every word. And the process of "remembering" words will work for you when you mentally reproduce the image corresponding to the given word.

Here are a few more effective ways that allow you to efficiently, and most importantly, quickly memorize the material (be it a verse, role or report):

  • After reading the text, highlight the main, main idea in it
  • When reading the text, pay attention to the details.
  • Draw parallels with what you already know
  • Be sure to set yourself internal memorization - actively work both with yourself and with the text. Teach only with desire
  • A small volume of texts, it is most effective to memorize before bedtime
  • Divide voluminous (large) information into parts, do not try to master everything in one day
  • Associate memorization of material with phenomena well known to you (music, colors, numbers)
  • Stimulate yourself, reward your work (with a delicious lunch, a long-awaited purchase)
  • If you have to memorize a foreign text, be sure to first make an accurate translation.
  • Everything is complicated, try to keep it as simple as possible
  • Make full use of your different senses
  • Try to cover as many words as possible with your gaze (develop peripheral vision). For this, they are used, including.
  • Read, teach only with a fresh mind
  • Work with text in a comfortable environment (good lighting, no external stimuli)
  • Get enough sleep (this will significantly improve your memory performance)

There is another very effective method of quickly memorizing text - using pictograms(that is, resorting to the help of graphic images). Its principle is exactly the same as in the method of roads. The picture you draw is a way to quickly reproduce the desired words or sentences.

That's all for today. Load your memory, because as Napoleon I said: « A head without memory is like a fortress without a garrison». If you are interested in the development of thinking more globally - pay attention to the course.

Dear friends, we will be very happy if you share with us not only your impressions of the material presented by our team, but most importantly, the results of your efforts. By this we will once again make sure that our work is not in vain. Please leave your feedback and comments in the line below.

Good luck and great memory!