What height women prefer men. What kind of girls do men like: tall or short

Total sample size: 5000 respondents.
Time of the survey: 05 - 07 March 2007.
Target population: male population aged 18 and over.

What size girls do you like the most?

Medium height59%
Difficult to answer8%

So the majority Russian men(59%) prefer girls of average height. They explain their choice with the following considerations: “Girls do not tall a little unsure of themselves, and tall girls, as a rule, are very high opinion about myself, but of medium height - just right! And you don’t need to stretch or, on the contrary, bend down, standing with her in an embrace”, “... probably, these girls are more purposeful and good-looking. Tall girls are associated with thin models, and dystrophy is out of fashion now. Short ones are also interesting, but because of their height, they are apparently trying to achieve something that is not what they can. So that average height just for me." Many men, without delving into philosophical reflections, simply correlate desired growth girls with their own ("Just below me!").
Our men gave the second place (21%) to tall girls. Tall companions are chosen by those who "themselves under two meters tall" or those who believe that " a tall girl“It’s beautiful, stylish and looks great when going out.”
In your love for short girls 12% of the respondents admitted: "I'm probably old-fashioned in tastes, but, in my opinion, a girl should be petite, fragile and feminine..."; "He's not tall!"; “My girlfriend is so tall, and she is just class!”
8% of the survey participants found it difficult to answer, explaining that "it's not about height, but in the head", "height does not matter, it attracts originality, personality, zest."

In the second survey, the answers to the question: “What height girls do you like the most?” - were designated by us more specifically, and here is how the preferences of men were distributed:

Thumbelina (less than 155 cm), as well as the owners of "basketball" growth, our compatriots are not too to their taste (1% and 2%, respectively). Height 165–170 cm is attractive to 30% of men (“They are light!”), followed by the option 170–175 cm (22%).
According to the survey participants, girls 175-180 cm tall (they were preferred by 11% of respondents) are “strong, hardy and, as a rule, athletes”, they “look impressive”.
However, we cannot fail to note that regardless of the answer chosen, men often said that “height does not matter, the most important thing is feelings” and “the main thing in appearance- a figure, not height", "the rest can be drawn".

Traditionally, it is believed that a couple looks better, where the man is taller than his companion. How important this really is for men, we decided to find out through the following survey. And here the opinions of Russian men were distributed as follows:

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Growth of attractiveness

Is there a relationship between a girl's attractiveness and her height? Which representatives of the fair sex - tall or miniature - are most popular with men? We tried to find out this in the course of surveys conducted among the male population of the country. The question "What size girls do you like the most?" was asked by us to men in three various options.

Height: tall or short?

Growth estimates are always conditional. The concepts of "high" and "low" depend not only on the average height of residents in a certain area, but also on the height of the person conducting the assessment. So, for a man with a height of 170 cm, a girl with a height of 156 cm will not seem small at all. And for a guy with a height of more than 2 meters, a model with a height of 175 cm may seem like a fragile inch. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm lower than them. A considerable percentage of the stronger sex consider it normal if the chosen one is taller.

Body type

The attractiveness of the physique is determined by its proportionality. A girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous with thinness. Rather, it means harmonious proportions, correct posture and an even gait, which is achieved by regularly performing certain sets of exercises. Weakly amenable to changes in the proportions of the figure, but a slight disharmony is corrected by a competent selection of clothes and accessories. Here are a couple of recommendations for improving the silhouette:

  • With short legs and a long torso, wearing skirts and dresses with a high waistline, shoes with high heels is shown.
  • Long arms will visually shorten a stylish jacket or pullover with three-quarter sleeves.

What does the statistics say about this?

There are no official statistics that study what kind of girls men like. Many magazines and websites regularly conduct such surveys. According to their results, men unanimously agree only on the ideal height of a woman - 170 cm. Otherwise, views differ. The majority of respondents find it difficult to name the ideal weight, however, they note that a woman should have the correct body proportions and a toned figure. The most popular breast size is the 3rd, and an attractive body type is the hourglass.

As for hair color, there are almost always an equal number of fans of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads among the respondents. Most respondents prefer natural hair color, shoulder length and natural hairstyles. The same is true for eye color. One, the only attractive, from a male point of view, eye color does not exist. Many respondents note the importance of the warmth of the look.

What character and behavior do girls like guys the most?

An attractive appearance can arouse male interest, but in order to continue a long and strong relationship, you must have character traits that a guy considers important. Harmony in a couple, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts depend on them. All guys want to feel spiritual comfort next to their chosen one, and this will not provide a beautiful appearance. What kind of girls do guys like? Here are the main character traits that attract most men:

  • Caring. Any guy likes it when a woman is attentive not only to herself, but also to her chosen one. Selfish bitches who only seek to use guys to solve their problems are always repulsive.
  • Self confidence. People with adequate self-esteem do not focus on their shortcomings, do not humiliate other people, do not annoy with constant whining about their appearance. It is pleasant to joke with a confident girl on various topics, without fear of sudden resentment.
  • Calm. Most guys are pissed off by the excessive emotionality of girls. Guys like calm girls who are not prone to tantrums, causeless tears. A classic example of male misbehavior is the scandal of breaking dishes and throwing things out the window.

What kind of girls do guys like according to the zodiac sign?

  • Men of water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - like feminine girls who are able to sincerely love and care for a partner. Representatives of the water element appreciate thriftiness, the ability to create comfort in the house. Appearance is not particularly important, the presence of a riddle is of great importance. According to the horoscope of these signs, a girl should have something special, bewitching.
  • The guys of the earth signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like practical, combining the features of an ideal hostess and lover. Representatives of the earth element like it when a girl appreciates traditions, knows how to improve life, and skillfully manages finances. Outwardly, men of the earth signs of the zodiac are attracted by classical beauty, elegant ladies who know how to behave in society.
  • The guys of the air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - like cheerful, full of life, easy-going girls. It is important for men of the air element that their chosen one shares their hobbies, is ready for frequent trips, adventures, and walks. A girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance is capable of attracting representatives of the air.
  • Guys of the fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - like stately girls with a sleek appearance. It is important for representatives of the elements of fire that the second half be successful, have many hobbies, and be able to stand up for themselves. Guys of these zodiac signs appreciate when a girl stands out from the crowd, admires others.

Video: What do guys and men like in girls?

The fair sex is constantly puzzling over what kind of girls guys like? Everyone tries to be well-groomed, sweet, modest and caring. These are just some of the characteristics of the ideal woman. To find out what else guys like in girls, the video below will help you.

Surely every woman has ever thought about what kind of girls guys like - tall or short. In this article, we will try to understand this question and find out if there is one universal answer to it.

The first step is to analyze the observations. Often, they immediately pay attention to tall girls, and this is an irrefutable fact. Tall girls belong to the category of people who are called "prominent" in everyday life. Due to their height, they instantly outshine short girls. Any outfit looks great on them, a variety of hairstyles suit them, in a word, from which side you can’t look - real beauty queens! As for short girls, they also have their own advantage - they always look pretty. A short girl always wants to be protected and hugged, and this is a real magnet for the stronger sex. Due to their height, they look younger, if they get fat, they will not look huge.

If you conduct a survey among men “what kind of girls do men like - tall or short”, the most common answer to this question would be “different”. Indeed, the same guy can be seen caring for both a pretty baby and a tall beauty. Often, it is not growth that is important, but a certain “zest”, beauty, the ability to interest oneself, and so on. Sometimes there are men who subconsciously or consciously choose girls of a certain type. With guys of short stature, everything is clear: they feel uncomfortable next to a tall companion and choose a girl who will be shorter than him or about the same height. But tall men have more diverse tastes - it all depends on the psychological characteristics and sexual preferences.

Psychologists say that what kind of women men like, tall or short, are the characteristics of a particular man. Tall and strong men who prefer to dominate and take care of the chosen one are simply thrilled by short girls. They just want to wrap their arms around and comfort the little ones. For this reason, they choose short girls, and much shorter than him, and the difference in height does not interfere at all. On the other hand, guys with growth above average often subconsciously look for a partner to match - prominent and elegant. Men of small stature are complex next to tall young ladies. However, there are exceptions: sometimes a man’s low stature is not a hindrance at all, and he is very comfortable next to a long-legged tall girl. Remember that growth is just the beginning. If you want to keep a man, you must have not only some external data, but inner beauty, be a wonderful companion, gentle, sensitive, intelligent and passionate. It's much cooler to be an interesting person than an empty-headed beauty.

As we have already determined, most men do not bother at all about the growth of the chosen one and select her according to other parameters. However, if you feel constrained and uncomfortable because of your height, you can use stylistic tricks.

For short girls:

. Wear heels. A stiletto or heel can make you not only visually taller, but also much more feminine. On weekdays, wear a platform or wedge, stable wide heel. If you've walked flat all your life, practice walking in heels at home.

. Wear clothes that can make you look taller - pants, solid color suits, straight pencil skirts.

It is much more difficult for tall girls, because there is no way to remove centimeters of growth. However, a long flying skirt, flat shoes and cropped trousers can visually correct this problem.

Statistical data

The entire beauty industry is working to help different people - both thin and fat, and fit, and loose, and big, and small - get closer to the standards of attractiveness. A typical beauty from the cover is a model with a height of one meter seventy-five centimeters, with thin arms and legs, almost without female roundness. So modern girls think that if they do not fit into these standards, then they have nothing to catch in their personal lives. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.

Statistical data

Sociologists and anthropologists claim that most men choose someone from their inner circle as their ideal. Most often it turns out to be a mother, sometimes a teacher, an aunt or a saleswoman in a supermarket near the house.

In adolescence, boys are ready to fall in love with movie stars or beauties from the catwalks, but over the years, their craving for unrealistic, invented and Photoshopped nymphets fades away. When asked what kind of girls guys like, statistics report the following: her height, average for Russia, should be 165 cm.

She should be a stocky person with not very long legs. If you want to know the exact parameters of the average Russian woman, you should ask the query “anthropometric data of Russians” in a search engine, and you will see how easy it is to achieve this ideal. Well, if the scientific approach seems boring to you, just look around.

Moms, neighbors and teachers of young men are ordinary aunts, of small plumpness and the same well-groomed, with hairstyles from salons with Soviet heritage. Using inexpensive cosmetics from supermarkets or from catalogs of budget European brands.

Psychologists also conducted experiments on how men react to well-groomed, perfectly made-up long-legged ladies with lush hair. In general, on people who have descended from the covers of magazines.

It turned out that many of them are afraid to approach them, because they believe that they are more likely to receive a rejection that will hurt them. Simple and cute girls like them much more. The guys themselves can't always compare to Apollo either. And they try to realistically assess their prospects next to the enchantresses of incredible beauty and boundless magnetism.

There are other data from the psychology of relationships, which indicate that the representatives of the stronger sex twist novels with peers of bright appearance, and take their nondescript girlfriends as wives. This is because guys are often owners. And they fear that a beautiful companion will not be able to keep from cheating or divorce.

The extraordinary nature of women

It is believed that lanky skinny models are the standard of beauty. And schoolgirls, students go crazy with the desire to be like them. As a result, some even spoil their health: they end up in clinics with anorexia or bulimia, use dubious methods to improve their appearance, like pumping their lips with silicone.

But you need to know that there is no unequivocal answer to the question: “What kind of girls do guys like tall or short?” And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the average height of a man in Russia is 174 cm. And many of them do not like women taller than themselves. This means that many guys are more interested in short and medium height ladies.
  • Secondly, the influence of glossy attractiveness standards on the population cannot be ruled out. Of course, there are guys who dream of tall girls who look like runway models.
  • Thirdly, there are many men of small stature. And they are rarely flattered by a lady head and shoulders above them.

In fact, there are no clear patterns here. And among short guys there are lovers of tall women. Suffice it to recall the popular actor Tom Cruise, who, with a height of 1 meter and 70 centimeters, was twice married to actresses, noticeably taller than him.

His first wife, Nicole Kidman, is 1 meter and 80 cm tall. And his second wife, Katie Holmes, is 175 centimeters tall. It happens the other way around: a lanky man chooses a miniature life partner.

For example, 187-centimeter basketball player Tony Parker once called the wife of actress Eva Longoria, who is exactly 30 centimeters shorter than him. Eve didn't even reach his shoulder.

It is also worth remembering that modern fashion designers have come up with many tricks that allow you to visually change your height.

Heels and stilettos can add up to 20 centimeters. And longitudinal patterns or stripes, white clothes and flat shoes visually shorten a tall woman.

Physical form is also important: fit, athletic people look visually taller than their girlfriends, who look loose due to the fact that they are not friends with physical education.

Well, it is important to remember that the similarity of interests, common life plans, spiritual kinship, even at a young age, can unite two people into a couple. And then the lovers will not care which one of them is what height.

Now you know that on the question of which girls guys like, the statistics say, watch yourself and you will know from personal experience which girls like tall or short guys!

The most stable desire of a woman is to please men. Each woman determines for herself which girls like guys of her age and circle. Most of all, this is typical of single girls who do everything in order not to miss the ideal prince, going out for bread without makeup. However, all this is not important, because if the man is really yours, then he will see you, even if at that moment you are hanging your linen on the balcony in a worn T-shirt.

In order to understand what kind of girls guys like, let's look at the two main components for a guy's sympathy: appearance and character.


    Face. All around you can only hear that the ideal face should have the right facial features. But is there really a clear concept of what traits are correct? Each person defines for himself his ideal man or woman. Someone likes broad-faced, dark-haired and swarthy, and someone likes pale, sophisticated blondes with huge eyes, others like ruddy girls with freckles, red hair and happy eyes. There are quite a few types of appearance and each of them is unique. The main thing is to be yourself and not imitate anyone, because each person is individual.

    Figure. Body types are also completely different. So what kind of figure of a girl do guys like? Skinny or plump? Here everything depends on the taste of the man. In our time, it seems that thin girls are used to maintain an image, and not for a serious relationship. Of course, too much thinness repels a man, but if everything is harmonious and beautiful, then you will be the best. The most important thing is good posture. Whatever your figure, if the posture is straight and proud, then this means that you have something to show. Plus, posture will add attractiveness to your figure - a high chest, a taut stomach, a proudly raised head.

    Sense of style and well-groomed. Men like women to always look harmonious and neat. However, this does not mean at all that you need to dress expensively and blindly follow fashion. The most important thing is that the chosen clothes should suit the woman, emphasize all the advantages and hide the flaws. Any man is repelled by too much cosmetics, too open clothes, too bright colors, bad taste. In short, the whole image should be harmonious and neat, and most importantly, feminine.

    Smile. An integral part of an attractive girl is a smile. A smile on a woman's face speaks not only of the good mood and happiness of its owner, but also of openness, as well as a kind soul. A smiling girl or woman not only tells you that she is happy, but also that she is open to communication. A woman who often smiles is a self-satisfied, successful in life and career, a happy woman. After all, we all perfectly understand that not only friendship begins with a mutual smile, but, of course, love!

    Self confidence. How you evaluate your appearance and yourself is reflected in your eyes and, of course, transmitted to other people. If you truly love yourself, the people around you will do the same. You can even say that a truly beautiful woman is a woman who is 100% sure of her indescribable beauty. Mental confidence in yourself and your beauty is intuitively transmitted to all men, and therefore they also begin to consider you beautiful.


      Self-sufficiency. Most often, men are attracted to those women who are satisfied with their lives, and also have a sense of self-worth. Such a woman will not throw herself on men's necks and hold on to them, as if they were the only lifeline on the planet, such a woman will be a little inaccessible and inaccessible. It is not necessary to be a super woman with your successful business, a crowd of fans and so on, you just need to be satisfied with your life, and also be sure to love everything that you have and what you do.

      Softness and kindness. Men love to see real women nearby, who are gentle and sweet creatures that adorn their lives with their excessive softness and kindness. Of course, everyone can sometimes be in an inevitable rage and a fit of passion and desire - this is not bad, but you do not need to flirt and live in this role. Especially men do not like it when women swear, enter into arguments, swearing and, God forbid, fights with other women or start talking badly about other people. Men like nice and friendly women, and even showdowns and quarrels are a man's business, not a woman's.

      Zest. In any attractive woman, there is always some kind of zest. Something that distinguishes this woman from all others is her individual and unique unusualness. What this zest manifests itself in can be completely different and not all existing men will like it. However, the most important thing is that it all comes from the heart, and is really real.

    1. Sense of humor and intelligence. There are strong beliefs that most men like stupid girls, but this is absolutely not true. Most of the stronger sex actually prefers quite smart women who understand their field of affairs, know how to support any conversation, and also have a sense of humor. Of course, this does not mean that if you want to find your betrothed, you need to memorize tons of literature and know all the answers in TV quizzes, but this does not mean that you should only be interested in fashion and beautiful manicure. After all, if you have nothing to talk about with your loved one, then, most likely, he simply does not suit you or you him.
    2. The ability to understand your man. A very important factor is the ability to look at a man sensibly and find a common language with his interests. Many capricious and pampered young ladies do not know how and do not want to perceive a man as he is, with his own interests, his shortcomings and good or bad habits, such girls simply immediately adjust him to suit themselves. Even if you really are like that, then try to carefully hide it, and after some time you will get used to it and no longer want to change so much in your beloved man.

      Happiness. Men are always drawn to women who show that they are happy, few people can be attracted to any person in the deepest depression who does nothing but talk about his problems. Happiness is the beauty of the soul, inner beauty, which is also reflected in the outer appearance. Light from the inside attracts men much more intensely than just external colorfulness and brightness. That is why many not the most attractive women often attract a significantly larger number of men than individual beauties. Such girls do not need to know what kind of girls guys prefer, they just need to smile at them. Actually, in our vast world there are quite a few incomprehensible things, but it really works and we should strive for this.


    There is another point that is very important when a guy chooses a girl - this is height. In order to understand how tall girls like guys, you can just think a little on your own.

    Tall guys often prefer those girls who are the same height as them or slightly shorter. But no one can understand which girls like tall guys more - small or also tall? Of course, some tall men are embarrassed if a very short girl is walking next to them. However, today this is easily corrected with heels or a platform.

    Short girls are most often liked by guys who are either average or just as short. But it is so arranged in nature that small men look at tall women, and tall women look at small ones.

    To be honest, guys' own appearance is often not as exciting as girls and women. I looked in the mirror in the morning, combed my hair a little, sprinkled with cologne (and even then not always) - and forward for feats. Guys do not have to think about what mascara to use, what lipstick to choose and what shadows are more suitable. Girls are much more difficult. However, they simply love these difficulties. But men are often annoyed, because they have to wait for them for a long time, not understanding how they can get together for more than ten minutes. And you have to wait not five or ten minutes, but much more.

    In general, listen to your heart and as soon as you see Him, that one and only, your heart will let you know about it, do not doubt it and be happy