Women's figures who like guys. What kind of male figure attracts girls? Height: High or Low

Perhaps there is no such a girl who would not worry her appearance and figure. Unwanted kilograms, " orange peel", Pair of folds in the abdomen region or volumetric thighs - All this delivers a lot of experiences! That is why the girls are thinking about what diet to sit in which fitness center go and what cosmetic procedures Choose to forget to forget about the shortcomings that may prevent men.

However, in fact, men's tastes are somewhat different from the fact that we imagine about it. Let's figure out what kind of figure do men like and should we be so tormented because of your own flaws?

Initially, it is worth noting that the view of men and women on the same things is radically different. What can be exquisite and beautiful for you, for your chosen one can be a tricky nonsense. This also applies to the figure. It is stupid to believe that men like only slender models high height - It is rather a stereotype, about the same as the one that men are more pretty blonde.

Talking in general, men attract women well-groomed. Not very thin, but not complete - they like the body, which is pleasant to hug, and not sticking ribs. Of course, not all girls, Nature delivered such a gift. Someone has a boyish type of shape, more angular and thin, and someone, on the contrary, is different big breasts and rounded hips. Men understand perfectly well that not all girls from nature are endowed with ideal parameters, so they are not asked to find some ideal for themselves.

So, it all depends only from you. Want to get rid of unnecessary folds? If you do not be lazy, you will have to perform special complexes exercises will eat and lead healthy image Life, then very soon notice that they have become elegant and slimmer. Do you consider yourself too thin? Develop charging aimed at working out muscles on their pumping. Today exists physical exercises, at the expense of which you can even add in weight to become feminine. It is not as difficult as it may seem - any type of figure can be done perfect.

Proportional figure - what is she?

Ideally, the figure should be proportional. It's not about Sudobe and not about completeness. The female body, as everyone knows, has its own distinctive features. First of all, these are bulk buttocks - female pop It should not be flat, so conceived by nature. Exactly the same as the chest. The hips should have smooth outlines, and the waist is to be elegant and thin. But, unfortunately, such a type of figure is rather rare - not all close to such an ideal.

By the way, about the waist. Its volume should not be higher than 60% of the thighs. In general, the waist is about 30% less in volume than hips. In this case, the figure looks feminine and seductive - it really likes to men. If you follow proper nutrition and familiar with exercise, then it is easy to achieve such results.

Sexy fullness

Above, we have already talked about the fact that men like appetizing rather feeling of thin women's bodies. Sometimes the beloved of such girls even forbade them to sit on any diets in order not to turn the sexy body into a teenager figure. Of course, here also have their own nuances, and the first of them is health. When you suffer from excess weight, you are harder to move, you need even more food, which is why you gain weight, and about problems with your heart and do not have to talk at all.

That is why even a plump figure requires a small correction. No one speaks about fanatical weight loss. It is only important to use " cocktail rule", Namely, skillfully combine sports and charging with proper nutrition, such as dancing or aerobics. You can do a volleyball or go to the pool - the choice is yours.


We will not cake and recognize that, of course, almost all guys like the beauties defiling on fashion shows or pictured in clips, fashion model - no one away once again admitted beautiful body. At the same time, men clearly understand that such an excellence figures often worth a good video editing and photo-processing - over perfect way Not one team of professionals works, and Photoshop in this business takes not the last place.

However, men worries little what the result was created by the result - intense workouts, long diet or all this was laid at the gene level - they submit perfect figure, caressing. But the reality is that all people are different, and the constitution of the body, respectively, is different from others. It is a pity that many men do not understand this, being adequate adults.

If your chosen one wants to see the accurate model next to him and does not put up with some disadvantages of your body, then it's time to think, but not so much about your figure, how much about whether a person is with you next. Agree that the one who loves the least will pay attention to minor flaws - be it a small fold on the stomach or stretching. Of course, no one cancels well-groomed and care for themselves, but there are things that depend not only from us.

Perfect breasts

The question that is no less interested in girls, - What kind of breasts do men prefer? Big size or small, maybe, average? Immediately it is worth saying that it is not in the amount of the case. Everyone without exception guys prefer natural breasts - And therefore forget about Silicone! Men such a breast is just disgusting! Yes, and agree that even by appearanceNo matter how well it has been done, it can immediately be distinguished from the present.

By the way, this applies not only to the chest. Men also do not like silicone lips that look even worse than the chest made in this way. Therefore, do not seek to go under the surgical knife - a man of this, at least, will not understand and certainly will not appreciate, rather, on the contrary, condemn.

Approximately ninety percent of those from men whose girlfriends are the owners of silicone breast, they recognize that during sex they think not so much of the pleasure, as if nonsense does not damage the silicone implant. From this, by the way, they have a lot of problems with potency. Who needs such "happiness"? That is why men and running from such girls far away - the chest of unnatural size is rather frightened than pleased.

Another point is disproportionality. Whatever natural breast size you have, whatever the type of figure either - artificial breasts There will always look somewhat alien. This is especially true of thin girls for which huge forms are not natural in principle. So is it worth spending strength, money, money and even health? All natural looks much better!

Your task is to care about the chest. Remember that this is your main pride that needs special care. Do not forget O. special gymnastics For breast, which will help you save it as long as possible in excellent form, as well as about palpation, proper nutrition and special cosmetic care.

What is in women's appearance do not like men?

Of course, there are such details that no man accepts in appearance and figure of the girl - they just repel it. This is flat teenage breasts And boys buttocks, devoid of all volumes. Do not like men also thick hands and bulk waist, traces of acne or stretch marks. Unclean hair and too bright makeup - this is what he can beat off at all young man The desire to build any relationship with you in the future.

The above disadvantages are easily corrected - only your desire is needed. In this, again, the elementary morning charge will help, periodic trips to the beautician and a hairdresser, and your desire to look excellently in any situation - you are a woman!

A few words in conclusion

If you thoughtlessly strive to achieve model ideals, exhausting yourself sometimes unnecessary diets or workouts that bring more negative than joy, - Take care: is it true you needed? Perhaps you are inadequately evaluating your appearance and see what is not? Whatever it was, your favorite person must first appreciate you as a person, regardless of whether sixty centimeters are your waist or all ninety.

We do not pose you to forget about your appearance and throw care for our figure, no. You only need to treat yourself with respect, taking the features of your body or appearance not as disadvantages, but as features that no one else has.

Any girl wants to feel attractive. Evaluation own beauty It consists of a personal sensation depending on self-esteem, and on the degree of interest of the opposite sex. Therefore, the question of what girls like guys always remains relevant. Knowledge of opinion strong Halves Helps to make useful conclusions and determine ways to improve their appearance, behavior.

What type of girls like guys? (Photo)

Sympathy between a man and a woman arises before the first communication. Guys define the attractiveness of girls, first of all, in appearance. When evaluated, both the overall appearance and individual parameters of appearance are taken into account. Almost all men say they experience pleasant feelings when they see a beautiful girl, a harmonious, blooming, shining. Consider more, which is meant under these characteristics.

What should be the appearance?

Men like women beautiful. Almost all lovers guys say that their girl has an attractive appearance. Others can consider it only cute or generally possessing ordinary appearance. This suggests that the beauty parameters of each man have their own. One like green-eyed blondes, others - dark-eyed browns. There are several appearance parameters that do not leave any man indifferent. Here is some of them:

  • Shining eyes. Guys great importance give female eyes. Color while moving into the background. Most men remember beautiful shape, warmth and shine. It is possible to achieve a shiny look by external and internal transformations.
  • Well-groomed skin. From clean skin It makes freshness and health that does not leave indifferent representatives of strong sex. Everyone who wants to look attractive must carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body, to regularly visit the cosmetologist and use suitable means Care.
  • Well-groomed hands and nails. Cases when a woman attracted the attention of the future husband beautiful manicure, frequent. Modern men much attention Clear things. It is always important to have perfect manicure and pedicure. Even such an imperceptible detail, like cracked heels, can completely spoil the first impression.
  • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. Thick layer Makeup creates an effect of unnaturalness, creates a suspicion: And if it is not enough, what will it be? It is not necessary to completely refuse cosmetics at all, it is important to use it gently and create the effect of "makeup without makeup".

The listed appearance parameters play important roleBut there is another detail that is not visible in the mirror - the smell. An unpleasant fragrance will turn any beauty in an unpleasant person, so it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene. Especially perfumed tools are permissible, but only in moderate quantities.

Figure: thin or plump?

In the assessment female appearance Men get a big role in the figure. This is explained by the instinct of continuing. Every like girl guy subconsciously assesses how future mother His children. The girl should have a figure, testifying to health, and painful thinness or excessive loose body just talk about the opposite. As a result, most representatives of strong floors like filthy girls. Completeness can also attract fans, but only if it is characterized by attractive rounded forms: large size Breast, buttocks.

Height: High or low?

Growth estimate is always conditional. The concept of "high" and "low" depends not only on the average growth of residents in a certain territory, but also on the growth of a person conducting an assessment. So, for a man in 170 cm Girl in 156 cm growth will not seem small. And for a guy, an increase in more than 2 meters the model with an increase in 175 cm may seem like a fragile dehyctic. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm below. A considerable percentage of strong sex representatives considers normal if the chosen is above.

Body type

The attractiveness of the physique is determined by its proportionality. The girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous. It rather means harmonious proportions, the correct posture and even gait, which is achieved with regular execution of certain exercise complexes. Weakly leaving changes in the proportion of the shape, but a small disharmony is adjusted by the competent selection of clothing and accessories. Here is a couple of recommendations for improving the silhouette:

What does statistics mean this?

Official statistics studying which girls like men do not exist. Many logs and sites regularly conduct such polls. According to their results, men unanimously converge only in opinion on perfect height Women - 170 cm. Otherwise, the views diverge. Perfect weight Most respondents find it difficult to call, however, they note that the woman should have right proportions Body I. tighted figure. The most popular breast size is the 3rd, and the attractive type of shape - " hourglassยป.

As for the color of the hair, the fans of blondes, brunettes, brown and redness among respondents almost always equal number. Most respondents prefer natural color Hair, length below the blades and natural hairstyles. The same situation and relative to the color of the eyes. One, the only attractive, with male point View, eye colors do not exist. Many respondents note the importance of the warmth of the view.

What character and behavior of the girl like guys most?

Attractive appearance Capably call male interest, however, to continue long and sturdy relationship It is necessary to possess the features of the character that the guy considers important. Harmony depends on the pair, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts. All guys want to feel soulful comfort near their chosen, and this will not provide beautiful appearance. What girls do you like guys? Here are the main features of the character who attract most men:

  • Care. I like any guy when the woman carefully applies not only to himself, but also to its chosen one. Egoistic bitch seeking to use guys only to solve their problems, always repel.
  • Self-confidence. People with adequate self-esteem It does not concentrate on its disadvantages, does not humiliate other people, does not irritate to the constant whining relative to its appearance. WITH confident girl Nice to joke on different topicswithout fear of sudden resentment.
  • Calm. Most guys outlines excessive emotionality of girls. Guys like calm girlswhich are not prone to hysterias, unfortunate tears. Classic example bad behavior In a male understanding is a scandal with beating dishes and throwing things from the window.

What girls do you like guys on the sign of the zodiac?

  • Men Water Signs - Fish, Cancer and Scorpio - Like feminine girlswho can sincerely love and take care of the partner. Vent representatives water Element Economicity, the ability to create comfort in the house. The appearance is not particularly important, great significance has a riddle. According to the horoscope of these signs, the girl should have something special, fascinating.
  • Guys of earthly signs of the zodiac - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like practical, combining traits perfect mistress and mistress. Representatives of the earthly element like it when a girl appreciates tradition, knows how to establish life, skillfully manages finances. Externally men's earth signs attract classical beautyElegant who can lead themselves in the Lady Society.
  • Guys of the air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Scales, Aquarius - I like funny, full lives, lungs on the rise of the girl. Men. air element It is important that their chosen to share their hobbies, has been ready for frequent trips, adventures, walks. Attracting air representatives capable of a girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance.
  • Guys of fiery signs of the zodiac - Lion, Aries, Sagittarius - like state girls who have a sleek appearance. Representatives of the element of fire is important that the second half is successful, there have been many hobbies, knew how to stand up for themselves. Guys data signs of the zodiac appreciate when the girl stands out from the crowd, causes admiration for others.

Video: What guys and men like the girls?

The representatives of the beautiful floor constantly break the head over the fact that girls like guys? Everyone is trying to be well-groomed, cute, modest and caring. This is only part of the characteristics of the perfect woman. Find out what else guys like in girls, you will help the video below.

What types of women's figures do men like most? What men first pay attention to female silhouette? What if you are still far from Idek? Is it worth sitting on a tough diet and lose weight in order for anything? In this article, we will talk about it, as well as what flaws of the figure can be visually corrected using clothes, and what imperfections can be corrected in the gym.

All do not guess, so let's focus on the average men who have no deviations (do not want the woman to look like a skeleton or bun). Types of shapes Many, however, no guy has yet thought, pears are interested in or hourglass.

There are two aspects for which you need to pay attention to:

  1. how do you look from the side, i.e. visual assessment;
  2. and how you "look" to the touch, i.e. Evaluation tactile.

You can fix the flaws and there, and there. Externally men, as a rule, attract ladies with a pronounced waist, steeply not too wide horses and presence of the chest, i.e. Sandpass. To the touch guys like the fact that you can touch without resting in the bone.

How to visually adjust the silhouette so as to like guys

The disadvantages of the shape can be corrected using special linen and properly selected clothes. To tighten the hips and buttocks, you can use elongated shorts. To emphasize the waist - corsets, to increase the chest - bras with a layer of Push-APA. So that the chest stood and did not bounce the treacherously, silicone cups are used. They work on the principle of stockings: "glued" to the skin.

If you have a small ass, there is still a decision: there are "overhead" in the market. Their convenience is still controversial, but in extreme cases it is possible to resort to such a fixture. The main thing is not to overdo it with the size: the lack of a convex part of the body will be too apparent when you undress. The purpose of this chopsticks - to emphasize the bending of the body and no more.

Several Yet useful Soviets About the adjustment of the silhouette from the Angelina Seminar, the Patria:

How to correct the flaws of the figure

In no case, do not start to lose weight, because you will receive only problems as a result:

  • disorder digestive tract;
  • rash on the skin;
  • stretch marks, with which it is easy to handle, and often without interference, doctors do not get rid at all;
  • stress and bad mood.

Beauty standards imposed on the West, do not work for a long time. Slept girls The "model" appearance attracts men seeking an accessory, and not the second half.

Want to know all the secrets of the seduction of men? We advise you to see free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 Effolding laws for women." You'll get step-by-step plan Of the 12 steps, how to reduce any man crazy and maintain his attachment for many years.

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However, this does not mean that you need to measure with excess weight. Full girlsrarely produce on men good first impression. Why is this happening? Even men themselves know about it. It's just that and the point.

Want to please someone who loves slender?

  • fit correctly;
  • take a fitness;
  • check;
  • do not be lazy to walk.

Here are some useful tips on proper nutrition:

Do not forget to take care of the beauty of the skin

Take care of the beauty of the skin, since touching the slat is more expensive than the external impression. Get rid of problem things:

  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • dragging;
  • dryness;
  • protruding veins and capillaries;
  • acne and black dots.

For this: cold and hot shower, Periodic massage, wraps, baths with oils, lack of stress.

To hide cellulite, you need to sunbathe: on the dark skin Disadvantages are always minor.

On the skin direct action is provided by the method of epilation. The machine, for example, removes the upper epithelium, drying the surface, and a sense of it is not enough. The same refers to mechanical epilators. From the wax among many girls irritation.

Someone uses Shugaring (this sugar epilation), others prefer laser or photoepilation. The main advantage recent ways - Promise to save you from vegetation forever.

No opportunity to go to the gym? About how to organize workouts at home, we have already written in the article :.

In order for the figure to look good to have to abandon sweet and flour. About how to do it correctly.

Another way to quickly lead yourself to the form is. Detailed instructions link.

About how correct: water regime, food, training.

In this article, we collected face masks that can be done at home.

Where does a man look?

The man is important not the presence or absence of a "orange" crust, and harmony in the image. If the girl is lasting, but stiguously covers, stylishly dressed, hiding problem zones and opening beautiful places, guy and not pay attention to excess weight.

Tip: To become visually above and slimmer, it is enough to straighten your back. Be sure to work on your posture!

Lump polls and statistics that say that guys are most important than the whole or chest. As a rule, they are assessed primarily face and general "constitution" (thin / fullness, legs are long).

Fashionable magazines in vains a photo of a slender maiden, and, by the way, in Russia medium weight women - 69 kg with average height of 166 cm. However, some magically Most of them are not just finding a couple, but loved and cause admiration!

That is, if you believe the modern standards of beauty, most of the population of the country should be mired alone and sorrow, sitting down the tears with a sandwich with sausage, and not walking through the park with a loved one or watch the film huggly. But this does not happen. Even the increased number of divorces bind by no means with a fat on the sides, but with a popularization of Emancipation. So should you believe the same type of tastes of journal photographers? Sociologists answered this question, conducting a large-scale study on the theme of male tastes for women's figures and summary statistics.

Proportions are more important than volumes

Photo source: pixabay.com

There is a connoisseur on any shape, but there is one rule that concerns all: the figure should be proportional. There is a certain standard that makes female body Attractive in male eyes.

First, we are talking about sexual rounds: buttocks and breasts should not be flat. This rule concerns absolutely all types of figures. Someone from men loves wide hips, someone narrow, someone big breasts, Someone is small, but they must be rounded.

Secondly, there must be a difference between the waist and hips. The ideal is the figure "Hourglass", in which the volume of the hips and breast is about equal, and the waist is 60% of their centimeters. Not everyone was lucky with genetics in this regard, but this does not mean that it is necessary to give hands - sports will help each create that the most attractive bend, if you pump the hips and buttocks, and from the abdomen and sides, remove excess alone - the same difference in 30- 40% between the booty and the waist will be provided.

Attractive fullness

Photo source: pixabay.com

As statistics shows, a little less than 80% of men are completely not confused by the deviation of the chosen from the 90x60x90 to the biggest side, and half of them will prefer the girl with appetitive forms at all than it will choose Houdua. Moreover, they and in thoughts will not consider their female full, and Huduy is slim, because harmony for them really is in compliance with the proportions.

Be sure to combine lush molds With care, because from appetitity to looseness - one step. It is worth maintaining muscle tone with a favorite sport (dancing, swimming, bicycle rides - anything), as well as be sure to follow the elasticity of the skin and the absence of cellulite (do massages, wrapping, take a contrasting shower, etc.).

Of course, we are not talking about those cases when excess weight is preventing health. It is clear here to consult with a doctor, changing the diet. Sometimes to significantly improve health, it is enough to lose only 20% of the total weight of excess weight.

Imposed stereotype

Photo source: pixabay.com

Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of men really do not mind have a girlfriend with a moderate overweight in modern standards, it does not cancel the fact that it is prestigious to be in relationships with thinness. Some guys in this desire reach the point that they force the girl to lose weight, even if its weight is within the norm (and there is about 10 kg there).

And even if the woman is thin, then thin should be healthy, and do not hint at the past in the concentration camp.

In this case, it is worth thinking about how to reduce their volumes, but about whether the person is right next. Of course, this concerns only women who are comfortable in their body and who have no health problems.

What breasts to men to taste

Photo source: pixabay.com

Girls from the moment of puberty very often think about the chest and its influence on their life: what branch makes men, shape, size and all that other things. At least half of the female population have serious complaints to their breasts, and some are so ready to lie down under the knife because of this.

As studies show, the size just does not matter - all types of breasts have fans. The only imperceptible rule - it should be natural, so the implants go past.

No matter how well silicone breasts were made, it will never look like a real one, and it will look alien. But even this is not the worst: Men whose chosen has made a similar surgery, share thoughts that during intimate intimacy Could not completely surrender to good feelings, because they are constantly afraid to damage silicone implants. Over time, this can even lead to problems with potency.

Moreover, the same rule concerns other modifications: implanting lips, buttocks.

That men do not like in the female body

Photo source: pixabay.com

There are things that definitely do not like opposing semi And they can push off anyone:

  • absolutely flat ass;
  • unclean skin, nails and hair;
  • tasteless alapecked clothes;
  • aggressive manicure seems to be fashionable 10 years ago - long sharp bright rear-ones;
  • traces of acne and stretch marks, especially not covered;
  • too bright makeup and brute force with cosmetics when the face is as if a mask;
  • full hands and shoulders;
  • hanging belly.

As you can see, it is possible to fix some things in one day, it will take a little more time for others, but everything is in your hands. Even problems such as scars and stretching, are solved modern cosmetology no problem.

During the research, one obvious conclusion was asked: every woman on average sees himself 30% ugly than see her surrounding, And the in love person does not notice most of the flaws on the body's beloved. If you care for yourself - to be touched, observe the proportions, care for the skin, hair and nails - then centimeters and kilograms are not playing main role. And one more trick: a moderate tan colors any shape and hides the shortcomings.

The question of what women love men is, is popular topic For discussions in women's circles and men's conversations. Tastes and preferences in all representatives of the strong floor, however, there is something that forms a common trend.

What are guided by men in the choice of a woman, how important the appearance is and what is an ideal partner from the point of view of male psychology - consider in this article.

In contact with

What women love men?

What do men like in women? What qualities are priority and always cause sympathy, in a strong sex?

  • tenderness, ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • riddle and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (character quality, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on the first date, but are considered to be determining joint accommodation and long-term relationships.

Men "love eyes" and this serves as a key factor in meeting.

Therefore, we will focus more on appearance. What men love in women, what psychology of choice? What do you pay attention to first? What does the look attract? In the end, what women do men want?

What figure?

What kind of girls is the strong floor preferred first? What figure like men? Many people think that men love women with some specific type Figures. But this delusion and in fact everything is different.

The feminine figure is good, but even if the girl has a different type, you can look impurious and cause delight from the male side. To do this, there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in the selection of wardrobe. A fine-floor representatives using competently selected clothing can create a balance with any type of figure, compensate for the shortcomings and allocate advantages.

No matter how hard they try to lose weight, but kilograms are not so defining. Main proportion and forms! This is why a man's look flashes when he is sincere and enjoy admires the female body.

Types of women's figures


The male floor is not considered the growth parameter, as something that can be determined when choosing. Some can attract high growth partners, and others embarrass and repel. There are those men who stop at those who are 4-5 centimeters below.

Why do men love little women? This is due to the fact that women grow smaller than want to protect, defend, patronate. While all high women They look more self-sufficient and capable of themselves will take care of themselves. This reaction is explained psychological factors And not inherent for all representatives of the stronger sex, it all depends on the nature and preferences. Men love tall and small equally, no one is deprived of attention.


Disputes around the topic, do men like full women, lots of. But statistics says men love women with forms, even if there is a pair of extra kilograms. The nature of the male floor is such that all sensations are reduced to touch, that is, to desire to touch, feel.

No matter how flatstically responded about thin and slender, not all men in a row love women of this type.

Possessing the sophisticated, the aristocratic taste of a man love graceful women, they attract them just such a type. The tastes of strong sex are diverse, and there will always be an appropriate female representative.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw the image of an ideal woman in my head, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair is evoked. Why men love long hair among women? Hair is a continuation, its protection, and also there were always a manifestation of femininity.

But just as men can love women and with stylish, extravagant hairstyle, which emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous character. No matter how long the hair is, they must attract well-keeped and shine health. In this case, the hair will always be a decoration, a wint of a woman.

Is the smell?

The smell is actually crucial when choosing a partner, at least this fact is not always realized by a strong floor. Although it is literally drunk by a female fragrance and is ready for everything, only to spend time with a woman you like.

It turns out that the man will lose his head from female fragrance, he should just approach him. And it's not about perfumery here.

Whatever fragrance would not choose a girl, first of all it should smell purity. Ideal is the smell of body after the shower, when your own flavors are not interrupted later.

Why do men like the smell of a woman? By smell, you can judge the health of a woman, plus flavors act on a partner exciting. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with its own smell and even increase the effect.

An ideal woman - what is she?

Often in male conversations appear such a concept as " ideal woman" What is her perfect woman with a strong sex? What women do men like first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • thoughtful;
  • smart;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • gentle.

These all qualities have most women. What is the secret and complexity of finding the ideal? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not to relocate with some of them. For example, such quality as confidence. It is not about self-love and increased self-esteem. And more about the fact that the woman really appreciates himself, his abilities values \u200b\u200bthis and broadcasts it into the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called " male psychology", It is a category of generalized and in many ways conditional. For most representatives of the strong floor, the patterns of interpole behavior will be similar. However, you should not drive yourself in the framework of conventions: you should always understand that a man who likes you can be different from the majority.

Like to kiss?

This question is given most of women. Do men like kissing? If so, why? Men almost all love, getting maximum pleasure when kiss. Kiss is a pleasant thing and even useful, and also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss you can appreciate the partner and even dream about what it will be in bed, which is even more late for a strong floor.

But there are exceptions here. Prove the fact that all representatives of strong sex love to kiss, it would be unreasonable. There are also those who do not find pleasure. Some either do not know how to be afraid that this inefficacy will become apparent. Others are simply shy, and the third is generally squeamish. But according to statistics among men, few people who do not like to kiss.

What woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for some one standard or reference. What woman a man will never let go? Next to which he is comfortable, next to which he:

  • fully forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • motivation appears to implement, act, create.

A woman gives a man feeling his stay nearby. It can not do anything special, but to give the condition in which the strong floor needs.

This is the secret of femininity, which experts so want to choose needed words, but female energy Do not list by components. This is a special condition in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for themselves are intertwined, male semi. Some women are from nature, and many try to learn it.

Answering the question "What kind of woman will never forget?", Psychology comes from the fact that the emotion experienced by man is remembered for a long time. And the man that caused a storm of passions in it, with which he survived Azart and Adrenaline, next to which was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember that he will remember for a long time, but not the fact that it is just necessary for life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

On a female fifth point, you can often see a male, insightful look. And this is not good. There were numerous experiences when there were photos of women in a profile with a curved back and convex buttocks and without such an effect. And of course, the attention of almost everyone absorbed beautiful buttocks.

So why men love to look at women's buttocks, Do you know? Everything comes down to natural instincts.

Historically women wide thighs Could easily endure and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on a greater number of heirs. Until now, representatives of heavy sex estimating women's buttocks.

Do it like them when they are jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: "Do men like when they are jealous?". But this question cannot be answered unequivocally. As the answer will depend on which party to look at the attitude of men to jealousy.

Of course, the ego of any man will be satisfied, he will proudly blow up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is just one side of the medal. No one canceled the love of a man to a girl who confident in herself knows the price. Sometimes, with such confidence in yourself, a strong floor flashes a feeling with a new force. After all, jealousy is the manifestation of distrust. And if there is no jealousy, you trust you, respect for such a woman will have respect, delight and most warm feelings Together with gratitude.

Why do some prefer an older partner?

There is a lot of marriage in life when a partner is younger than its chosen. And such unions are often strong and long. Many girls of the row, watching such a tendency, wonder: "Why do men love women older?". And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men drive a desire to be close to wise and an experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were devoid of maternal caress in childhood and are now looking for it in their companion, instinctively choosing older. If this is understood psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer women older than themselves.

Useful video

So what women love men? 4 important items based on men's opinion, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the strong floor are all different, just as their tastes. Some of them are crazy from full, others - pay attention to thin.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women "mid-type". And the more external data of the girls deviate into one direction or the other, the fact that she faces with great difficulties when choosing a partner.
  3. It is not worth loaning on appearance. It is important to understand a partner, strive to build harmonious relationsThen the question of what women men love will not be so worried. Men love those women who love men.