What is the best pacifier to buy for a newborn. Parents' choice: rating of the best pacifiers for newborns

Baby can be given a pacifier to soothe but should not be abused. Before calming the baby with a pacifier, you should find out what is the cause of his anxiety. Maybe he's hungry or it's time for a diaper change.

Children prone to hyperexcitability are also not recommended to give a pacifier too often. It is necessary to try to calm the child in another way, and resort to the help of the pacifier only in extreme cases.

While, when baby is calm should not give him a pacifier. If he can do without it, let him do it. The pacifier is a way to meet the needs of the child, not the parents. This should be remembered first of all.

In no case don't give a pacifier to a hungry baby. Otherwise, he will get tired of sucking her, and he will not have the strength to eat enough.

Pacifiers should not pose a threat to the health of children. To make them safe they need to be properly cared for:

  • pacifiers must be stored in clean, airtight cases;
  • at least 1 time per day, the nipple should be disinfected by boiling;
  • pacifiers have their own service life. So, a silicone pacifier can be used for no more than 1 month, latex - 3 months;
  • Do not give your child a new pacifier from the package. It must be disinfected by boiling in water with salt.

Popular manufacturers

A large number of enterprises are engaged in the production of products for babies. Of course, children want to choose the best, so you should pay attention only to products that have proven themselves to be of the highest quality and safest.

The most popular are products of trusted manufacturers. Among them are dummy firms AVENT Naturally & Philips- Joint production of Great Britain and Japan.

German brand pacifiers are no less popular. BABY NOVA.

Demand is also high for goods of the middle price category from manufacturers such as Chicco and Poupy, Nuby (Italy) and Camera (Germany).

Manufacturers' products World of Childhood, Dendy, AMT trade are an order of magnitude lower than imported counterparts, but differ in good quality.

To understand which dummy is suitable for the baby, it is recommended to give him a try of products from different manufacturers.

When buying a pacifier, it should be remembered that when the time comes, the child will need to be weaned from it. A pacifier can be very helpful. But the abuse of such an object will undoubtedly bring a lot of harm.

If a child refuses a pacifier from the first days of life, spits it out, which means that he does not need it.

On the other side, if it is impossible to calm the baby in another way, it is better to give him a pacifier than to suffer later with an umbilical hernia.

To date, there are several pacifiers that differ not only in the material from which they are made, but also in their shape. Soothers for newborns can be orthopedic, anatomical, regular or have a protective disc.

The simplest pacifier in its shape resembles the nipples of the old classic model. They have a small rounded papilla. Such nipples are more reminiscent of the shape of the mother's breast than others, especially if you buy nipples that are made of latex.

The anatomical nipple is slightly different from the usual one in that the nipple is oblong and slightly flattened. Thanks to such nipples, it is very easy to distribute pressure on the palate. It is also worth noting that the size of the anatomical nipples can be very different and they depend on the size of the child and his weight.

The orthopedic nipple appeared relatively recently and the nipple in this nipple has the shape of a droplet. Thus, the nipple takes up very little space in the mouth. This is very good, because thanks to this, you can reduce the risk of deformation of the teeth and the palate to a minimum. These nipples help form the correct bite and are just perfect for babies who are breastfeeding, because the nipple grip is completely identical to the grip of the mother's breast. Orthopedic nipples fit very well in the mouth, and some pacifiers have small air vents that also reduce pressure on the baby's palate.

In order for the child to not be able to swallow the pacifier, a special protective disc is made on it, it is made wide enough so that the disc can fully perform its intended function. When choosing a pacifier, you should definitely pay attention to this disc. It should not be very heavy, because the nipple will simply fall out of the child's mouth. Also, the plastic should not fit snugly against the baby's skin, and for this, there should be holes or pimples on the disc. This will protect the child from the accumulation of saliva on the chin and from the irritation that results from this. It is very important that the disc does not have many parts that can fall off or break off. It is best to choose pacifier juices with monolithic protective discs.

How to use pacifiers correctly

It is very important to know how to use pacifiers correctly. In this case, it is worth following a few simple rules.
  • Never use a pacifier that has been used before;

  • you can not use a scratched, holey nipple or one that has cracks;

  • if you regularly sterilize juice, then you need to change it every 6-8 weeks;

  • wash the nipple in warm soapy water and boil for 2-3 minutes;

  • you need to check the nipple from time to time for cracks;

  • you can not keep the pacifier near the battery or in a place where it gets direct sunlight;

  • you can not lick the baby's nipple and then give it to the child;

  • Use a pacifier clip that can also be attached to your baby's clothing.

  • in order to store the pacifier, use a special container that will be very convenient on the street and at home.
I would also like to add that all the extra moments on the pacifier, such as jewelry, prints, and even in some cases, rhinestones, are only for parents. Newborn babies are not worried about this at all. It often happens that children do not want to suck on expensive imported nipples, but prefer the most ordinary ones. Of course, all children are different and some can suck on any pacifier offered to them, while others can be capricious for a long time until their parents manage to find the right pacifier for them.

Due to physiological characteristics, a baby from 0 to 18 months needs to suck something - not a single pediatrician argues with this. Let it not be a child's finger or the first toy that came to hand, but a high-quality pacifier.

Criteria for choosing the best pacifier

Size and weight

The pacifier should be light and appropriate for the age of the child: size A (or 1) - from 0 to 6 months, B (or 2) - from 6 to 12 months, C (or 3) - from 12 to 18 months. Naturally, this division is conditional, the mother herself will see when it is necessary to switch to a larger nipple.

Pacifier shape

Soothers are classic (round), symmetrical (symmetrically flattened in the form of a drop, cone, etc.) or orthodontic / anatomical (they have a special shape that does not interfere with the development of the jaw and teeth). The latter are most recommended by doctors, but the choice of the child may be different.

Size and shape of holder/stopper

The holder should be fairly large, but light and without decorative frills. Discard the Soviet-style round holder, the best limiters have a recess for the nose on one side or top and bottom (“butterfly” shape), as well as ventilation holes or “pimples” on the inside to avoid irritation of the baby’s skin.


The dummy should not be easily disassembled and even less broken. The ideal option is a single piece of latex or silicone.

Latex or silicone?

Latex is a natural material made from the sap of the Hevea plant. The advantages of latex pacifiers include naturalness, softness, “warmth” (it heats up quickly in the mouth), and elasticity. Minus - a short service life (the nipple quickly resolves, does not tolerate heating and boiling, deteriorates in the sun, darkens, sticks together, becomes covered with microcracks in which dirt accumulates). Therefore, such nipples need to be changed often: on average, once every 1-1.5 months.

Silicone is a synthetic transparent material. It is more rigid than latex and lasts a very long time. Smooth, does not form microcracks, does not accumulate bacteria, tolerates disinfection perfectly. Silicone nipples are more popular and have a wide price range. However, not all children like them precisely because of their rigidity and smoothness.

Manufacturers of baby pacifiers: who to choose?

Pacifiers need to be bought only from well-known manufacturers! A big name in this case means a high level of quality control of goods at all stages of production and packaging. The products of nameless and little-known companies may contain chemical compounds hazardous to the health of the baby, for example, nitrosamines or bisphenol A. Classic nipples such as "chamomile", unfortunately, do not yet reach an adequate level of quality and safety. Therefore, we advise you to choose Philips Avent, Nuk, Dr. Brown "s, MAM Start and other trusted brands. Among the inexpensive ones, Canpol babies, Chicco and Happy Baby nipples, created in Asian countries from European materials, as well as domestic Kurnosiki, offer decent quality at an affordable price.

While still pregnant, women in euphoria buy many different pacifiers. As a result, when a baby is born, many of them are unnecessary, as the child simply refuses to suck them.

To find that one pacifier that your baby will like, you need to take into account some of the nuances when choosing it. What to look for and how to choose the right pacifier, we will consider further.

This question worries most mothers. Indeed, in some controversial situations, the nipple is not recommended, but in others it is simply necessary for the baby.

In order to understand who needs it, you should understand the positive and negative aspects of using a pacifier.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Pediatricians claim that the nipple for newborns has a different structure than the mother's nipple. Babies who get used to sucking on a pacifier often begin to refuse the breast. This is due to the fact that the baby's grip changes, and he can no longer get the right amount of mother's milk. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend giving a pacifier to infants, especially during the initial development of breastfeeding.
  2. An improperly selected baby nipple and prolonged suckling can change the baby's bite.
  3. If a child sucks on a pacifier before the age of 2 or 3, then, as a rule, such children begin to talk later.
  4. Prolonged pacifier sucking can lead to psychological trauma if it is refused.

These are the negative aspects that may possibly affect the development and health of the child. But there are cases when a nipple is simply necessary:

  • Pediatricians recommend giving it to children who are on artificial feeding. So, they satisfy their sucking reflex.
  • The pacifier is an indispensable assistant when the baby is naughty at the doctor's office, at a party or on the road, when changing clothes.
  • Sucking on a pacifier is a great alternative. After all, sucking it is more hygienic than sucking your thumb.
  • Many children fall asleep perfectly and sleep with a pacifier.

Of course, every mother herself must decide whether to give a pacifier to a child or not. In any case, it should not be given to a baby up to a month old, first you need to arrange breastfeeding. Otherwise, the baby will simply refuse breast milk.

It so happened physiologically that from birth to one and a half years, the child needs to constantly suck something. It can be not only the mother’s breast, but also a finger, a cam, a toy, but most often parents give the baby a pacifier for this purpose.

Determining the best option for this children's accessory can be difficult. You should try several nipples first before deciding which one is best for your baby. You should be very careful in your choice. First of all, she should be safe and comfortable.


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which the nipple is made. Any product for children must be made from safe materials. This is especially true of the pacifier, which will always be in the baby's mouth.

Latex - material quite soft and safe. Latex pacifiers are very flexible and pliable, so they are ideal for newborns and small babies. However, there is one caveat, such pacifiers are not durable, so they need to be changed once a month.

After a long use, they can be deformed, and they cannot be boiled (latex is afraid of high temperatures). It happens that an allergic reaction begins to such nipples in children, since latex contains protein molecules. However, allergies are rare.

Silicone - hard nipples. But such pacifiers can be boiled and they do not cause allergies. The latex pacifier has a yellowish color, but the silicone one is absolutely transparent. But because of the elastic texture, the child can easily chew on such a pacifier. Therefore, they are not recommended for children who already have teeth.

Rubber - material considered obsolete and today such nipples are not popular. Rubber can be an allergen for a child. But such pacifiers have a definite plus - they are just perfect for teething in a baby. They are better and faster than others are able to relieve itching and relieve discomfort.


The following forms (types) of nipples are distinguished: normal; anatomical; orthopedic. The usual form has a classic papilla (rounded). Such a nipple, made of latex, is more anatomically reminiscent of the mother's breast than the others.

The nipple in the anatomical pacifier is elongated and slightly flattened, thanks to which even distribution of pressure on the child's palate. Typically, manufacturers of anatomical pacifiers produce two types - for small and large children.

Such pacifiers should not be longer than 1.5 cm. Sometimes the child sucks the anatomical nipple with the concave side to the tongue. There is nothing terrible in this, even with such sucking it will not harm the gums.

The nipple of an orthopedic pacifier is of the following types:

  • "cherry" (recommended for large kids);
  • "butterfly" (give to a baby who lies on his stomach);
  • "Heart" (helps to form the correct bite).

An orthopedic pacifier is suitable for newborns who are breastfed, as it resembles a mother's nipple. Some manufacturers produce such pacifiers with an air vent valve, which reduces the pressure on the palate.

Symmetrical orthopedic nipples are also available, in which two sides are flat. They can be given to the baby in any direction.

Protective disk and size

The protective disc is needed so that the child does not swallow the nipple of the pacifier, so it is usually wide. But with its size, it should not cover the nose of the child and be too heavy.

But it is also very important that the protective disc has ventilation holes or pimples, which prevent a snug fit to the skin of the baby. Without such additions, saliva will accumulate under the disc, which can cause irritation on the skin of the chin.

It is desirable that the disk be solid material(monolithic), and not consist of several parts that often break off. The ring that holds the nipple should fit snugly against the base of the pacifier.

The size of the pacifier is selected taking into account the age of the baby. Typically, the packaging indicates the age to which the product corresponds. All pacifiers are sized divided into 3 categories:

  1. A - for newborn babies and up to 6 months.
  2. B - for babies older than 6 months and up to one and a half years.
  3. C - intended for children over 18 months.

Some companies make pacifiers for babies born weighing less than 1.75 kg. But also many manufacturers divide category A into pacifiers from 0 to 3 months and for children 3-6 months.

Popular manufacturers of baby pacifiers

When choosing a pacifier for your child, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers who produce comfortable and safe baby products.

The price range for pacifiers of popular brands is diverse, each parent will be able to choose a product according to their financial capabilities.

Well-known manufacturers that produce quality baby pacifiers:

  • Avent is an English company, all of whose products meet high safety standards, which guarantees the health of the baby.
  • Canpol babies are German-made goods, all product quality is confirmed by the EU directive DIN-EN-1400.
  • Chicco is a world-famous and reputable brand, all the company's products are reliable, safe, high-quality and time-tested.
  • Nuby is an American company, one of the largest manufacturers of baby care products. High quality and recognizable design is known all over the world.
  • NUK is a German company whose concept is based on a patented physiological shape of pacifiers, developed after many years of research.
  • TIGEX is a French brand that stands out for its great design, high quality materials and attention to detail.

How to choose a pacifier and how to care for it

These easy rules for choosing a pacifier and caring for it will allow use it correctly and safely.

It is very important for parents to catch the moment when you need to start weaning your baby from the pacifier. This should be done slowly, gradually, distracting with games and removing it from the child's field of vision.

In no case don't scold a child, if he sucks her, be ashamed of it or even beat. After all, it was his parents who taught him to do it! But you also don’t need to smear the nipple with something unpleasant or burning - this can harm both the physical and psychological health of the baby.

It is necessary to calmly explain to the child that his teeth can grow ugly, crooked. If it is not possible to wean the child from sucking the pacifier, then you can use the following technique.

Every day you need cut off a small piece and at the same time, telling the child that she was eaten by fish (any animals). Usually, babies get used to it, and it becomes uncomfortable for them to suck it every day. Thus, they will quickly and painlessly give up addiction.

A small child from birth to one and a half years, for physiological reasons, needs to constantly suck something. It can be a mother's breast, a finger, a cam or a toy, but most often modern parents use a pacifier for this purpose. From the first time, it can be difficult to decide on the best option - first you need to try different options for pacifiers in order to understand which one suits the child best.

As for the selection criteria for nipples, among them are:

  • weight and size of baby - pacifiers are usually sized for 0-6 months (size A or 1), 6-12 months (B or 2) and 12 to 18 months (C or 3) as your baby grows and needs change ;
  • shape - it can be round, symmetrical, anatomical, and here you need to look at which one your baby will like best;
  • the dimensions of the holder - it should be large enough, but not too big, not have unnecessary decorations and not irritate the delicate skin of the child;
  • safety - the dummy should not crack, break or disassemble into parts;
  • material - latex or silicone, latex is natural and wears out faster, but synthetic silicone can last quite a long time;
  • manufacturer - after all, well-known brands guarantee the quality of their goods, while little-known ones cannot vouch for you, so why take the risk?

Below we bring to your attention the TOP 10 main manufacturers (brands) of pacifiers that you can find on the baby products market. Manufacturer, features, properties, advantages and disadvantages, price - these are the parameters we will touch on in the review.

Nuk Genius - German quality

Nuk Genius is a German made pacifier. The sucking part has a special ortho-shape - it is slightly flattened and comes with a special recess that prevents the pacifier from falling out of the baby's mouth. Can shrink without sticking, available in three sizes.


  • "smart" air valve;
  • "healthy" form;
  • softness;
  • durability;
  • materials latex and silicone to choose from.


  • big price.

The cost of a pacifier (average) is 280 rubles.

Pigeon - a bet on naturalness

The Japanese pacifier is intended strictly for newborn babies aged 0-4 months. It has an unusual shape (flattened in the middle part) and is orthodontic. Ideal value for money.


  • inexpensive;
  • quality;
  • has a beautiful design (designs in the assortment of stars, cars, flowers).


The average cost is 150 rubles.

Philips AVENT is the market leader in silicone pacifiers

Classic silicone pacifier with six ventilation holes. It is durable, reliable, safe and comfortable for the child because it does not press on the palate.


  • always available in pharmacies and stores;
  • a huge size range - from birth to three years;
  • high quality performance;
  • different designs to choose from;
  • protective cap included.


  • the drop-shaped form is rather difficult to keep in the children's mouth;
  • moisture can get inside the nipple due to the ventilation holes;
  • the price is still great.

The average cost in the Russian Federation is 260 rubles.

HEVEA - quality latex

HEVEA latex pacifiers are considered among the best on the market in their segment. The raw material is natural rubber, which provides each teat with softness, comfortable temperature and hygiene. There are no seams in the construction, so it is almost impossible to break it.


  • one-piece casting;
  • original designs;
  • the presence of ventilation slots of various shapes;
  • all types are available - beveled, round, orthodontic;
  • 100% natural composition.


  • high cost.

The average price is 400 rubles.

Original Nuby moving teat

American-made Nuby mobile pacifiers will not let your baby be lazy. The main "feature" of the models is the movable sucking part, which imitates the mother's breast, makes the baby act and tire, as a result of which the child falls asleep faster.


  • ease of use;
  • durability;
  • the presence of "bumps" on the nipple made of silicone, which scratch the gums well;
  • three types - anatomical, ortho, "cherry".

The average price is 300 rubles.

Chicco - price and quality

Chicco soft latex pacifiers are just what your baby needs to calm down and fall asleep. They are soft and at the same time resilient, durable and flexible. Latex quickly takes on the temperature of the child's body, making it comfortable for the baby. Chico's nipples contribute to the correct bite formation.


  • anatomical functional nipple;
  • softness and elasticity;
  • Sturdy design that the child will not chew.


  • latex is not a very durable material;
  • simple design.

The average price in Russia is 220 rubles.

Bibi cherry silicone - originality above all!

An unusual pacifier will definitely appeal to those parents who love original baby things. It is durable, high quality and has an unusual design. Special two-component silicone is durable and safe. Open nipple stand and case included.


  • shape "cherry";
  • funny inscriptions, bright pictures that are not erased;
  • day and night options;
  • Swiss quality.


  • too small ventilation holes (two of them);
  • not anatomical;
  • high cost.

The average cost for the Russian Federation is 300 rubles.

Canpol Babies orthodontist - high quality, inexpensive and healthy

The Polish brand offers really high-quality and comfortable anatomical pacifiers at an affordable price. Materials are available - silicone or latex.


  • there is an air valve;
  • excellent quality;
  • affordable cost;
  • there is a cap included;
  • huge selection of designs.


  • missing.

The cost in the Russian Federation is 120 rubles.

TIGEX - cutting edge technology

Soft latex and silicone TIGEX pacifiers have an anatomical shape, and therefore are comfortable for the baby and do not fall out of the mouth. They are made from environmentally friendly materials, there are special models for medical purposes for weakened children.


  • a variety of bright options;
  • excellent quality;
  • a wide range of models;
  • anatomy;
  • affordable cost.


The average price is 130 rubles.

The pacifier dispenser is the ideal choice for babies who constantly use the pacifier. If you need to give your baby medicine, fill the reservoir with liquid medicine and give the baby a pacifier ( we also read: how to give a baby medicine in the form of a tablet or syrup - http://babadu.ru/store/1427/?bba_aid=62517995

How to make a choice?

Focus on your own preferences and, of course, the tastes of the baby, as well as the affordable budget - fortunately, there are enough high-quality and not very expensive models on the market. Enjoy the shopping! We read in detail: >>>

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