Self-defense courses and school for girls. Self-defense lessons for girls - basic course White Lynx. How to protect yourself: self-defense lesson for women (photo, video)

Girls are representatives of the weaker sex, sweet, tender, fragile and, as a result, vulnerable. Psychophysical features distinguish them from men. Usually women are weaker, with rare exceptions. Nature laid down this difference for a reason. Historically, a man was a getter, a hunter, a protector, it was for this that he inherited good physical data.

Weak and fragile by nature

Everything in the world is changing, and a woman is not so weak, and some men are not distinguished by their article and greatness. However, there are individuals who use superiority in strength in conflict situations, finding no other arguments than brute male power. Robbery and violence are also the target of attacks on girls. Frequent terrible incidents suggest the idea of ​​mastering the basics of self-defense.

Recent events in Germany, in the city of Cologne, where more than 100 girls were subjected to violence and harassment by migrants during mass celebrations on the occasion of the New Year celebration, once again prove that it is not superfluous to master the techniques of repelling attacks. After these incidents, thousands of volunteers began to sign up for self-defense courses.

Self-defense for girls - what is included in the training program

There are several self defense lessons for girls . You can attend classes for beginners - the so-called basic course, and classes for the main course. The basic one is designed for those who do not own and have not previously been involved. The main course is designed for the more experienced and prepared and is aimed at honing skills, as well as mastering new techniques and techniques.

In the course of training, girls are psychologically prepared for the ability to fight back when attacked, because many simply get lost, get scared and in this state do not find the opportunity to repel the onslaught. Coaches help to strike with both hands and feet, teach how to move, use and direct power. The course includes the study of the mechanisms of release from seizures, keeping the distance. Separate classes are devoted to the vulnerability of the attacker, weaknesses and points. The study and construction of schemes of attacking techniques are the basis of self-defense for girls.

Since there are many places where you can encounter hooligans, several options are worked out in the classroom: against the wall, on the ground and in a limited space. Various positions and situations are perfected in practical exercises that are close to real. Self-defense schools do not train professional fighters for girls, they help them to correctly navigate the situation and try to get out of it with minimal losses, both physical and moral.

Serious institutions pay special attention to legal norms. It is very useful to get acquainted with the legal aspects of self-defence, since in the Criminal Code there is an article 37 and article 108 concerning exceeding the limits of necessary defense.

Everything must be done to avoid the possibility of an attack

The best means of defense is by no means an attack, doing everything possible to avoid such a situation is much more effective. Do not stay alone on the street at night, try not to be in unfamiliar companies and places unaccompanied, do not draw attention to material values. All this and self-defense skills (in case of an attack) can help preserve and protect health, and maybe even life.


Self defense for women

Self defense women on the street.

In order not to become a victim of attacks, robbery or simply fraud, remember that it is better to prevent a dangerous situation in advance by simple and effective methods and self defense techniques for women that are available to everyone. The main thing is not to get lost in an emergency situation. To do this, you must firmly remember and follow the following rules that I have prepared especially for you. interesting site helpful tips.

Never on the street

  1. don't talk to strangers;
  2. do not get into a car with strangers (even “for a minute”);
  3. do not enter the entrance with a stranger and do not sit in the elevator with him;
  4. do not walk in deserted places;
  5. And also being on the street, especially in the evening, choose for the route crowded, well lit places, even if it lengthens the path;
  6. avoid wearing furs and expensive jewelry that attracts the attention of criminals;
  7. bypass at a distance the corners of buildings, entrances and gateways;
  8. coming up to the entrance or to the yard, stop abruptly a few steps before him, so you can provoke a likely criminal to leave the shelter;
  9. when returning home, prepare the keys in advance so as not to look for them at the door. And close the door behind you as soon as you enter the apartment.

Never open the door to strangers!

- A stranger can say that he is a television master, a gas or plumber, a postman or even a police officer (he may be in uniform). Say that you do not have a key, as the relatives closed the door after going out briefly to the store.

- If a stranger at the door asks for permission to urgently call an ambulance or the police?

- Find out where to call and what to say and call there yourself, without opening the door and not letting a stranger into the apartment. To do this, it is important that the telephone numbers of the nearest police station or hospital be written next to the telephone.

- When taking out the bin, running out "for a minute" with the dog or to the store (in your own entrance), close the door with a key, take out the garbage in the morning, not late in the evening.

Girls, if you're in a dangerous situation

- On the street, when meeting with a dubious company that does not inspire confidence, shouting and talking in very raised tones work well - “I don’t want to communicate with you”, “Leave me alone”, “I will scream”.

- If a stranger dragged you into a conversation, tell him that you are meeting your brother returning from boxing training, and point to the approaching silhouette, saying that you cannot talk because you are met by a strict brother, father, grandmother or mother.

- If they try to take something away from you, better give it back and leave.

- When boarding the elevator, a stranger literally ran in to you - jump as high as possible and the elevator will stop. It is unlikely that the “villain” will want to be found together in the elevator by emergency service workers after some time. The conflict is likely to be hushed up.

Women, get ready for self-defense, for this, watch the video tutorials under the article.

Self defense techniques for women

Remember that any man is stronger than you, because the task is only to temporarily neutralize him and run away or call for help. Below you can watch video lesson self defense women.

If they stick to you and persistently grab your hands - self-defense for women

Self-defense techniques for women, video lessons

The bully approaches from the side and, without hiding his intentions, he takes you by the hand (in this case, by the left) - with one hand behind the forearm, with the other - above the wrist. In no case do not try to escape. On the contrary, smiling sweetly and even slightly clinging to the bully so that he relaxes enough, sharply turn around to him half-turn and strike with the edge of the right palm at the base of the nose, while substituting the left foot behind the right leg for the trip. This will lead to the fall of the offender, if, of course, the blow to the base of the nose (that is, between the upper lip and the lower part of the nose) is strong enough. Options: strike in the neck, in the Adam's apple, just do not beat hard in the Adam's apple, there is a chance of breaking it, which can be fatal. In this case, you will exceed degree of self-defense.

If they try to grab you from the side - self-defense for women

- The guy put his hand on your shoulders from behind, inviting, for example, to walk nearby. Grab the wrist of his hand with the opposite hand, quickly stepping back and to the side, free yourself from the hug and twist your arm. Accompany this movement with a footrest. When a stranger falls, give him a pain hold on the wrist, that is, while holding his hand so that it does not bend at the elbow, sharply press the brush from above.

Self-defense pain technique on the elbow joint can be applied, for example, if a guy tries to put his hand on a girl's knees. Grabbing the hand of the bully (here the right hand) with the same hand, drag his hand further to the side and press the elbow joint with the other hand. This is called holding a reverse elbow lever.

If they try to hug you from the front - self-defense for women

- In such a situation, a knee strike in the groin paralyzes the activity of the attacker for a long time. If it is impossible to strike, press hard with your fingers on the eyes of the offender.

- Good for protection use items that may be in your hands or nearby. The edge of the book can be hit in the chin from below, in the neck. You can stop the obsessive harassment of a man with a magazine tightly rolled into a tube. Effective and accurate blow to the neck or solar plexus.

- The skillful use of small piercing objects - pens, pencils, keys - can prevent the actions of a bully that are dangerous for you.

— Umbrella — great means of self-defense. They can deliver tangible blows to the solar plexus when a man is facing you, or from below to the chin.

- You can safely use tear gas, deodorants and aerosols, as well as sand, earth and other bulk materials for protection.

If you need self-defense for women, then we will post another selection video lessons. Leave a comment below the article with a wish.

Video self-defense lessons for women, self-defense techniques.

Knife defense and self-defense

In the modern world, people experience constant stress - technological progress, the fast pace of life, the unstable situation at home, at work and in the world. Every person faces such conditions every day, and in order to correspond to the environment, it is necessary to change and improve yourself.

It is especially difficult in this ever-changing world for a woman, as double requirements began to be placed on her - to be not only a good wife and mother, but also a successful woman in her career. In order to organize yourself spiritually and feel confident, the Krav Maga school offers a self-defense course for girls.

Why does a woman need self-defense courses?

In the conditions of a big city, a lot of dangers lie in wait for us - night metro, taxis, parking lots and dark alleys - such trips home are usually accompanied by stress. How often did you run home at a late hour, catch your breath and say to yourself: “Thank God, I finally got there”? And this is no accident, because we constantly hear about attacks for the purpose of robbery, on the streets and in the entrances of houses. Women are especially vulnerable in such situations, since they are physically much weaker than male opponents.

Ashita School, in Moscow, offers self-defense courses for girls to help get rid of unnecessary stress and gain confidence. The women's self-defense course is aimed at ensuring that you can protect yourself both at home and on the street. In the classroom, we play with different situations, use role-playing games, tactical exercises.

Women's self-defense in our Krav Maga School is designed to develop skills of agility rather than strength.

Krav Maga for women was developed by Israeli specialists who have extensive experience in teaching self-defense techniques. The entire course "women's self-defense" is based on the choice of simple but effective techniques of various martial arts. A variety of striking skills and techniques aimed at liberation will show the result and give an advantage over the enemy. In a very short time, you will learn to quickly assess the situation and correctly apply self-defense techniques.

Coaches of the Krav Maga Ashita school believe that every woman should have minimum self-defense skills, since no one is immune from getting into unpleasant situations. In an extreme situation, you must be able to protect yourself, your children and relatives, and for this you will not need years of training. The course "Krav Maga for Women" (female self-defense) will help you feel stronger and more confident from the very first training!

To become more enduring, someone - to pump up muscles, someone - to lose weight. Many techniques can be useful for street self-defense. Which ones, we learned from Ilya Suprunenko, master trainer of the X-Fit federal network, martial arts coordinator.

“All the self-defense techniques that we will analyze today are perfect for repelling an unexpected attack,” says Ilya Suprunenko. “But remember: applying them without careful study is not only difficult, but also unsafe. So you can only hurt yourself. It can be easy to learn this or a self-defense technique, but to work it out, bringing it to automatism, it takes months.

And even if you are fluent in these techniques, remember: for a girl, the main thing is not to knock out the offender, but simply repel the attack and run away.

Self defense techniques for girls

Situation: they want to grab you.

What to do. Get the attacker off balance. To do this, use a very effective and painful blow to the inside or outside of the thigh. Apply it with a sweep of the middle part of the lower leg.

Advice. When defending yourself from an attack, do not take positions that could hint to the enemy that he has contacted a “combat” girl. On the contrary, make some kind of distracting gesture.

Situation: the attacker moves towards you at a fast pace.

What to do. You need a sudden stop motion. Kick your opponent in the solar plexus area. Not only is this a painful blow, it can take your breath away. And this is very beneficial for the girl: you have time to escape.

Situation: they try to grab you by the shoulders.

What to do. Grab the neck of the attacker with your hands, gathering them into a strong castle. Hit him hard with a knee under the ribs.

Situation: you are kicked.

What to do: Grab the attacker's leg as he tries to hit you and knock out his pivot leg with your foot.

Advice: a very sore spot on the body is the inner thigh. By pressing into this place with an enemy piled on his back, you can either additionally hit him with your hand, or quickly retreat.

Mainly boys are involved. But girls also need to know the basic techniques of self-defense.

Many girls like boyish activities. So the daughter can be safely written down for any kind of martial art. Firstly, it will improve her physical fitness and during the attack she will at least be able to quickly escape. And secondly, in training, she will learn techniques that can help her in difficult situations.

Self-defense is not always an attack. Not every girl has the strength to cope with the enemy. But it is possible and necessary to get out of a dangerous situation unscathed. For example, you can distract the attacker or strike him, and until the enemy comes to his senses, quickly retreat from the scene.


  • The most important thing in both attack and defense is confidence. In extreme situations, it is important not to get confused. can give sports training.
  • Use available items. Little girly fists cannot always cope with the difficult task of hitting the enemy. Take a look around. Perhaps there is something nearby that will come to the rescue. Even sand, which can be thrown into the eyes of the attacker, or the keys to the apartment will help to defend. Girls who already use perfume or hairspray can use it to protect themselves. Just remember to keep them in your purse at all times. The standard option is a gas spray for self-defense.
  • A person has parts of the body that are more vulnerable than others. These are the nose, eyes, knees, solar plexus, throat, groin. They are the ones that need to be protected first. And you need to aim at them when hitting the enemy.
  • When hitting, you need to use blocks. If the attacker tries to punch, react quickly and block. At this moment, it is important not to get confused and, until the enemy comes to his senses, strike back.


If perfume, hairspray or a can is not at hand, you need to discourage the enemy in other ways. Best defense is attack. Any blow must be delivered with full force. Putting all your weight into it.

Not all of the above vulnerabilities are available to the child. The opponent may be taller, so a blow to the nose or eyes is not always impossible.

  • The most common blow is to the groin. It will discourage the attacker for a long time, so that there will be time to escape.
  • Of the more accessible places - the kneecap and lower leg. After such a blow, it will be much more difficult to catch up with the escaping.
  • The easiest trick for a child is to step on his foot hard. A kick to the arch of the foot is good if the attacker has thin shoes.
  • A blow to the solar plexus will disrupt the opponent's breathing rhythm.
  • Also, a blow to the chin will help fight off the attacker. It affects the cerebellum and unsettles the enemy.

Be sure to talk to your daughter about self-defense. And in his free time, dad can work out basic blows with her, show where and how to be. Such activities may not be useful to her in life, but they will not be superfluous for sure.