Makeup for deep-set eyes step by step. Makeup for deep-set eyes: makeup secrets

Irina Danilina

The eyes are the first thing that pays attention to when looking at a person: this is proven by research. They represent the inner energy of a person, being the “windows of the soul.” The character is easily determined by the eyes, because even without knowing the basics of physiognomy, it is clear from just one glance whether a person is good or evil.

Knowing how to determine the character by the eyes, you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. In this case, everything is important: the shape of the eyes, their size, location relative to each other, the color of the iris and proteins, even the structure of the eyelashes!

Eye shape and character

In physiognomy, great importance is attached to the peculiarities of the eyes, because the shape of the eyes and character are related to each other.

1. Large, protruding eyes

Owners of large, expressive eyes are sincere, artistic, intelligent, sociable, natural in the expression of emotions. The beauty of such eyes is indisputable, which can cause failures in your personal life: they are too attractive for the opposite sex!

2. Bulging eyes

These are the eyes of a person who is reckless, energetic, ambitious, decisive, risky and intuitively aware of the possibility of a successful deal. Women with such eyes are distinguished by sociability, impulsive behavior, a desire for domination, a love of risk and a tendency to reckless actions when literally everything is at stake.

3. Small eyes

Eyes of this type indicate punctuality, moral stability, solid life principles, devotion in friendship and love. However, the owners of such eyes are jealous, subconsciously feeling their imperfection. It is easy for women to visually enlarge their eyes with makeup, and men should develop self-confidence.

4. Deep-set eyes

Owners of this type of eyes are characterized by such properties of nature as dreaminess, conservatism in views, gullibility, vulnerability, calm disposition. Due to their natural data, they are excellently oriented in financial matters, but do not like to take risks, therefore they have stability and success in relation to money.

5. Slanted eyes

The owners of slanting eyes are characterized by such character traits as optimism, courage, decisiveness, self-confidence. However, the propensity for adventurism and carelessness can lead them to reckless actions, recklessness and risk. However, these people's unshakable self-confidence tends to be conducive to success and luck.

6. Eyes with lowered outer corners

If the outer corners of the eyes are located lower than the inner ones, then the person has a sad expression on his face. People with this eye shape tend to care about the welfare of others more than about themselves. Their immense kindness can play a cruel joke with them: they will have to endlessly solve the problems of other people, forgetting about themselves and their interests due to weak will. Women can visually change the contours of their eyes with makeup, and men will have to work on themselves in order to increase self-esteem, develop a strong will and desire to win.

7. Big eyes with small irises

Eyes of this type look dilated, as if from an approaching danger. In such eyes, the white is visible not only on the sides, but also from below - in the form of a white strip between the iris and the lower eyelid. Their owners have a stormy temperament and a sense of constant anxiety, therefore they are not prone to long-term obligations. It is worth thinking about working with frequent business trips and a partner with whom separation is possible for a short period of time. Insight, cunning, generosity are the strengths of their nature.

Character in the eyes: the influence of various signs

1. Location of the eyes

The location of the eyes relative to each other is of great importance for the harmonization of facial features. Ideally, the distance between them should be equal to the length of one eye, which indicates a person's good relations with family and society as a whole.

Close-set eyes indicate a weak will and excessive influence of parents on a person's life. On the contrary, disproportionately distant eyes indicate a strong personality, not experiencing parental influence and care, perhaps in a cool relationship with them.

2. The color of the iris of the eyes and whites

The dark brown color of the iris indicates the vital energy of a person. Blue eyes indicate the kindness of their owners, green ones - mysteriousness and high intelligence, a yellowish tint of color indicates temperament, and violet - the charm of nature.

White and clear whites of the eyes are a sign of health. The redness and yellowness of proteins indicate the problems of the internal state of the human body. The bluish tint of proteins speaks of the mysteriousness of nature: it happens in people with brown eyes from birth.

3. Too noticeable proteins

Sometimes the eye has whites that surround the iris on all sides. Such eyes are possessed by people with an indomitable character who do not control their condition. They easily go berserk, so it's best not to mess with them.

4. Eyelashes and character

Thin and sparse eyelashes are, as a rule, insufficiently active people. Short and thick eyelashes are characteristic of energetic, strong personalities with a rather aggressive character. Long eyelashes are a sign of the kindness and kindness of a person's nature.

5. Wrinkles in the eye area

The presence of wrinkles near the outer corners of the eyes, similar to "crow's feet", speaks of a person's sexuality. Upward directed, these wrinkles testify to the persistence of the character of their owners, which allows them to always achieve their goals. Dropped down, they may indicate a possible divorce.

6. Heavy eyelids

Heavy eyelids indicate the decisiveness of a person's character, while possessing sufficient sensuality.

Determining the character by the eyes allows you, already at the stage of acquaintance, to find out many personality traits that can manifest themselves only after a long time. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed”! All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indication of the author and an active link to the site

Deep-set eyes are quite common. Among the star beauties, Kate Moss, Keira Knightley, Claudia Schiffer, Cate Blanchett and Eva Green have such eyes. With such a feature of the structure of the face, the eyes seem to be sunken, "depressed" inward, and the upper movable eyelid almost completely disappears from sight. Therefore, the main task when creating makeup for deep-set eyes is to bring them to the fore. In no case do not add dark shades of eyeshadow to the crease of the eyelid, this will only aggravate the situation. Follow the basic shading pattern below.

Apply a light shade of shadows with a shimmer to the entire movable eyelid up to the outer corner of the eye, as well as to the area under the eyebrow. This will help to visually "push" the eyes a little (use the same technique for small eyes).

Shade the so-called intermediate shade in the area above the crease and along the orbital line.

Apply the darkest shade of the eyeshadow along the growth line of the upper lashes, as well as in the outer corner of the eye. You can also bring the mucous contour of the lower eyelid to open your eyes a little. And never darken your lower eyelid!

10 makeup rules for deep-set eyes

What cannot be done when creating makeup for deep-set eyes, and without what actions the image, on the contrary, will not work? Remember these tips to always look your best.

Use an eyeshadow primer

Deep-set eyes always have an overhanging eyelid, therefore, everything that is relevant for such an eyelid shape should also be observed by girls with deep-set eyes. The most important advice is to always use a primer that will prevent the eyeshadow and eyeliner from imprinting on the immovable eyelid. By the way, another thing follows from this rule: try to buy persistent eye make-up products.

Don't forget about concealer

"Bruises" or dark circles under the eyes can ruin any makeup, but in the case of deep-set eyes, the correction stage cannot be ignored in any case: such imperfections can "drown" the eyes even deeper.

Give preference to light shades

The easiest way to make deep-set eyes more prominent is to spread one lighter shade of eyeshadow all over the upper eyelid, capturing both parts of it - both moving and non-moving. Or just add a little eye shadow with a delicate shine to the inner corners of the eyes: this simple technique will help to divert attention from the shape of the eye and draw it to their color.

Apply dark shades only to the outer corners

Of course, you are not prohibited from using dark shadows, but it is important to apply them to the correct area. Distribute them at the outer corners of the eyes, without going over the lower eyelid or touching the crease, and blend well. If you want to do smokey ice makeup, give up the charcoal or dark gray eyeshadow, it is better to create a softer version of the "haze".

Apply eye makeup with powder

Apply a little on your eyelids to keep the eyeliner and eyeshadow in place for as long as possible.

Choose the right eyebrow shape

First of all, when choosing a suitable eyebrow shape, you should focus on, but in your case, the shape of the eyes should also be taken into account. Eyebrows with a high arch ("raised in surprise") are not at all your option. Strive to keep your eyebrow line as straight as possible and not set too low. Also, the eyebrows should be neither too thin nor too thick: in the latter case, you risk getting a frown.

Careful with the eyeliner

If you draw arrows, they should start from the middle of the eyelid, and not from the inner corner. Otherwise, the eyes will look smaller. But if you focus on the outer corners of the eyes, it will play into your hands. Also try to draw as thin lines as possible and as close to the lash line as possible.

Do not emphasize the crease of the eyelid

We already mentioned this rule in the first section of the article, but it will not be superfluous to recall: dark shadows in the crease of the eyelid will make your eyes even more sunken, as well as added to the lower eyelid.

Don't forget about bright lipstick

The easiest way to distract attention from such a feature of the structure of the face is to make a neutral eye makeup and a brighter lip make-up.

Use mascara correctly

Mascara is your best friend. You can thickly dye your eyelashes in several layers, but more attention should be paid to the outer corners of the eyes, and not the inner ones. If your lower lashes are naturally long, you can also tint them slightly to make your eyes visually more voluminous. By the way, you are also highly recommended: long eyelashes perfectly "stretch" the eyes.

How to choose eyeshadow for deep-set eyes?

The choice of shadows is influenced primarily not by the shape of the eyes, but by their color. So focus on the shades that suit brown, green, gray or blue eyes best - we wrote more about this. Still, a few tips can be given especially for girls with deep-set eyes.

Shimmering eyeshadow helps to bulge the eyes, add shine and volume. But you can also use matte light shadows if you don't like glitter shadows.

Related materials:

Use purple and pink eyeshadows with care. Since in your case the eyes sit deeper, it is much easier to get it than usual: there is not enough space to separate the shadow of this color from the eye itself with eyeliner.

Makeup for deep-set eyes: step-by-step photo instructions

To get a beautiful eye makeup with arrows, follow this technique.

Shadows of a medium shade (for example, golden with a strong shimmer) outline the lower eyelid with a strip, starting from the middle towards the outer corner of the eyes and, as it were, continuing the line of the lower eyelid upwards.

With the same shadows, draw a clear line towards the outer corner of the eye, without leading it far into the crease.

Paint over the resulting corner with dark shadows, blend well.

Add light shadows, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the border with the dark shadows (blend the borders). Add the same shadows to the motionless eyelid.

Beauty standards have changed more than once over the centuries. Every woman has a unique face with her own specific characteristics, including such as widely spaced cheekbones, a long nose or thin lips. This also includes "deep" eyes. Many of their owners are unhappy with their appearance, and in vain: nowadays there is a large assortment of decorative cosmetics, with the help of which deep-set eyes can become bottomless, and the look - bewitching. You just have to adhere to simple rules when applying makeup.

Do's and Don'ts?

And the technique of applying it is not an easy task, especially when it comes to deep-set eyes. To achieve success, you will have to try a considerable number of products for eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, determine which shades are best suited to the color of your pupils, and find out which arrows will beautifully emphasize the shape of the eyes. All these actions require a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it.

As already mentioned, every woman has a unique appearance. However, for those with deep-set eyes, a few simple rules should be followed when choosing the right shades. * Light shadows are your best friend. With their help, you can visually expand your eyes, increase the distance between them, make your eyes open. Makeup look natural with pastel shades. * Use eyeshadow with mother of pearl if it is appropriate in a given situation. Glitter also helps to enlarge the eyes. * Choose three shades of shadows - light, medium and saturated. They can be combined depending on the application technique. Even the most beautiful face can be ruined by choosing inappropriate colors, applying makeup incorrectly or overdoing it. What is contraindicated for the owners of deep-set eyes? * Black or dark blue shadows, a thick arrow drawn with black eyeliner - all this visually reduces the eyes. However, many girls with deep-set eyes suit colors such as brown and dark gray. * Different shades of pink and purple should be used with care. If you poorly choose a tone or overdo it with such shadows, the look can become painful. * Do not apply shadow on the area under the eyebrow or on the entire eyelid. * Makeup artists do not advise girls with "deep" eyes to apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid and highlight the lower eyelashes too intensely.

Deep-set eye makeup: application technique

Many Hollywood stars have deep eyes, but this does not prevent them from being true icons of beauty and style. Professional make-up artists work on their images, who know that the secret of attractiveness lies not only in the choice of suitable cosmetics, but also in. Not every girl can afford constant trips to a beauty salon to a professional, but you can learn how to apply shadows, mascara, and eyeliner correctly at home. Shadows Like other parts of the face, the eyelids require preparation before applying makeup. The best option is to use an eyelid foundation, but you can also use powder. As a base tone, you should take the lightest shades - white, cream, light pink. Light or pearlescent shadows must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the upper eyelid. Dark colors should be used very carefully and in small quantities, for example, to bring up the outer corner of the eye or the lower eyelid. Use a brush to create soft transitions between shades. Mascara and eyeliner The line created with eyeliner or eyeliner should be thin. Try to draw it close to the lash line. To effectively highlight deep-set eyes and make them brighter, highlighting the outer corner of the eye will help. Before applying mascara, makeup artists advise you to prepare your eyelashes and use a special foundation, but you can do without it. The emphasis should be placed on the upper eyelashes, applying mascara on them in 1-2 layers. It is advisable to choose a product that gives extra volume to the eyelashes. Brows Even the most thorough and thoughtful makeup may not bring the desired effect if it is not complemented by beautifully designed eyebrows. In most cases, thick eyebrows are suitable for owners of "deep" eyes, but their shape is still worth experimenting with. A professional will help to find out which eyebrow pattern will look most impressive, for the first time it is better to contact him, and then you can simply maintain the shape with the help of correction.

There are not so few women with deep-set eyes. Such a structure of the face can be very easily masked with the help of the right makeup. Professionally applied cosmetics can visually make the eyes wider and give them expressiveness, and make the gaze more open.

Make-up for deep-set eyes, as well as for close-set ones, should be done using light shadows, and the best option would be to opt for pearlescent shadows. It is also necessary to give the correct shape to the eyebrows and take into account a couple of other nuances.

How to choose and apply the right eyeshadow

For the correct makeup, shadows are selected in several shades, and they should be well combined with each other. There should be no dark tones - black, charcoal or blue when making up with deep-set eyes. Here it will be appropriate to apply the rule of three tones when applying a light shade, a shade of medium and maximum saturation.

When choosing a color palette, be guided by what is your appearance in terms of color type.

It is also important what kind of make-up you decide to do - everyday or evening.

To properly accentuate deep-set eyes, the following step-by-step guide should be followed:

  • First, a base product is applied to the eyelid. In this case, movements are made from the lower part of the eyelid to the upper and from the inner edge to the outer;
  • The interior and fold are also coated with this compound. To do this, select a lighter tone. It is recommended to use pearlescent shadows if there are no wrinkles or any other imperfections on the skin. If it is not in very good condition, then it is better to use matte textures;
  • A rich shade is applied to the moving part of the eyelid, moving from its middle to the outer edge. The transitional boundaries must be carefully shaded, so the make-up will turn out to be more natural;
  • The outer part should be highlighted in the most saturated tone. Using the same tool, accentuate the line of the cilia and highlight the lower eyelids with them.

Mascara and eyeliner

The expressiveness of deeply shining eyes can be achieved if a neat thin line is drawn at the very roots of the eyelashes. It should be carried out starting from the inner edge of the eyelid to the outer and slightly raised to the eyebrow.

For a deep-set eyelid, it is better not to choose black eyeliner, as well as blue or green - in this case, they will turn out to be too bright and saturated.

The best choices here are charcoal, chocolate and brown tones.

The sequence in which the cosmetics are applied depends on the case for which you are doing the make-up:

  1. If you want to make a casual daytime look, then first of all, focus on the roots of the eyelashes, and then apply the shadow. So the eyeliner line will be almost invisible;
  2. If you are creating an evening composition, then apply the eyeliner over the shadows, so your look will become more expressive;
  3. Finishing touch- applying mascara to the eyelashes. For deep-set eyes, it is recommended to use a thick creamy product to add volume to the lashes. In this case, you can get not only thicker eyelashes, but also a more open look.

In terms of colors, mascara should be chosen in a dark shade - black or brown.

In this case, experts recommend refusing color options.

Correct eyebrow make-up

If you are implementing any makeup option, do not forget about the eyebrows. They also require attention, especially when the girl has deep-set eyes. The eyebrows must be well shaped and well groomed.

A smoothly curving shape of eyebrows that is not too wide is suitable for such eyes. If a girl has a "house" on the edge, it means that she is recommended to correct it with tweezers and shadows. The "house" over deep-set eyes will visually hang over them, so to correct this effect, the eyebrow line should be raised higher. This can be easily achieved by simply plucking the hairs at the bottom of the eyebrows.

The look will visually become even more wide open if you lightly draw shadows under the eyebrow, and here there should be a contrast between the eyebrow and the tone.

For owners of brown or red eyebrows, blue is best suited, for those with ashy eyebrows, choose pink shades, for those with black - white.

Correction should be carried out by specialists in a salon, and when a professional beautician gives the eyebrows an optimal shape, then the girl will be able to independently maintain it in this form.

How to choose shades according to the color type of appearance

It is clear that the makeup will be harmonious only if the color scheme is chosen well. It is generally accepted that there are only four color types - according to the seasons, although in reality this is far from the case. This is due to the fact that there are many mixed varieties. When choosing shades, you should still follow a few key rules:

  • Spring harmoniously will look with light gray, peach and natural shades;
  • Summer Girl it is better to decorate yourself with cold tones, for example, blue, purple or black;
  • Green Eyed Autumn pink, brown, purple tones are suitable, and brown-eyed is best decorated with blue;
  • For winter experts recommend choosing a cool and bright tone such as red, blue or black.

Spectacular image

Before proceeding with any type of makeup, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for washing and degreasing the skin. This way, you can ensure that your makeup is applied evenly. For a beautiful daytime make-up, the steps should be as follows:

  1. Applying moisturizer and foundation with subsequent processing of the eyelids with powder;
  2. Eyes closed along the lash line a thin, neat line is applied. It is directed from the inner edge of the eye to the outer. If desired, the eyeliner can be shaded;
  3. Mascara is applied, special accent- to the area in the corner near the nose. Some girls like it when the line comes to the very bridge of the nose - this technique is called a rich oriental make-up. It looks beautiful if the girl has round and slanting eyes. Together with bright shadows, the image will turn out to be very rich and more suitable as an evening make-up.

If a girl has narrow and deep-set eyes, her make-up can be performed in a different style - "Chicago". What needs to be done for this:

  1. Forever light powder is applied;
  2. Next step- treatment of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the brow region. Basic shadows are used to cover them;
  3. Further, we imagine a kind of loop, which runs from the outer part of the upper eyelid, passes over its movable part and rests on the bridge of the nose. We cover this area with dark shadows, which will cause attention to be drawn to the eyes;
  4. Paint over the corner inside the eye, while the outside remains free. Shadows should be neatly shaded;
  5. Final steps- This is the application of mascara to the eyelashes.

Such a make-up (if the light color scheme is fully maintained) is perfect for a wedding ceremony or any other festive celebration.

Another simple and effective make-up, which you can cope with all the intricacies of yourself, is called "nude". Shades with such makeup are used in minimal quantities. Makeup artists in this case work only with brown and beige tones, which gives the effect of natural leather, on which no cosmetics are applied at all. This is how such a make-up is performed step by step:

  1. Wipe your face treat it with a degreasing agent and powder the area you will be treating;
  2. Apply eyeshadow to your eyelids natural color and blend them thoroughly;
  3. With a brown pencil carefully draw a line at the very roots of the cilia, trying to make it as thin as possible;
  4. After that, the shadows are applied in a second layer. This makeup technique should be used by girls with drooping eyelids, as this is the best way to disguise this feature in appearance;
  5. Apply darker shadows to the moving part of the eyelid(tones are two darker than the main ones). We pay special attention to the inner part of the eye and the area under the eyebrow - these places should be distinguished by a lighter tone - this is how they achieve the effect of a beautiful highlight. If necessary, shadows can be shaded;
  6. Cilia best applied with lengthening or separating mascara.

Such makeup can brighten the everyday look of any girl with deep-set eyes.

It is also suitable for a delicate wedding composition, but for such a case, you should also use sparkles and mother-of-pearl shadows.

The most common mistakes

Girls with deep-set eyes themselves can often make mistakes in choosing a makeup application technique, thereby only aggravating their problem, and not solving it. Below is what most often girls make mistakes:

  • Use dark shadows use colored ink or black eyeliner;
  • Apply dark shadows on the movable eyelid, while this part of the eyelid with their shape of the eyes should be covered with an exceptionally light tone;
  • Use thick eyeliner while the line should be drawn as thin as possible. And for daytime makeup, only the outer corner of the eye should be emphasized;
  • Use mascara to highlight the lower lashes, while this should be done only with the upper eyelashes, and even then - the inner part of the eye should be left less intensely colored;
  • Do not blend shades, which leads to sharp transitions, while the boundaries between shades should not be noticeable;
  • They go to one of the extremes in relation to the width of the eyebrows.- make them silt too thin or too wide. The width of the eyebrow should be medium and the bend should be smooth;
  • Apply shadows to the area under the eyebrow, while here only very little light tone is allowed.