New Year's Eve in London. New Year's holidays in the UK

The New Year among the British takes a more modest place than we have in Russia. And yet, they celebrate it in full swing.. to London for New Year or Christmas - this is one of the most correct options. New Year's London is unlike any other city in the world. On this night, it turns into a real fairy tale. Having spent at least once the New Year in London, you will believe in miracles!

You can see all current tours for the New Year 2019 to London, as well as tours to London in December, January and February, in the section: Tours to the UK For example:

  • tour to London from Moscow Welcome London 8 days / 7 nights, the most popular economical weekly tour without excursions. Excursions in London You can book in advance in Moscow or with our guides in London

New Year in London

It all starts with preparation for Christmas. Christmas in the UK is considered the main holiday. prepare for it many months in advance. Before Christmas London is turning into a real wonderland! Shops offer holiday goods, shop windows, streets, everything is beautifully and elegantly decorated everywhere, Christmas carols sound in churches.

Christmas London is unimaginable without the amount of stunning illumination that adorns all the streets of the city during the holidays. And of course in the first place the famous street Oxford Street (Oxford Street) - London street, one of the main streets of Westminster. The busiest shopping street (548 outlets)

The second place can boast Regent Street - a street primarily known for its shops, restaurants and Christmas illuminations. But the small streets are not inferior to them in beauty.

In London for New Years fill a lot of skating rinks , and visiting any of them will leave an unforgettable impression. You will be able to skate in the most grandiose and picturesque places of the capital, such as the Tower of London, the Natural History Museum, as well as in no less popular and beautiful places in London.

A lot of tourists gather around Museum of Natural History and Science near the ice rink, which is decorated with colorful garlands, toys and fir branches. This building belongs to one of the most beautiful in the UK , which will give an additional "purely English" entourage to the celebration of the New Year. Hot coffee or mulled wine, which you can buy right at the skating rink, will not let you freeze. In addition, the weather for the New Year holidays in London is quite warm (by the standards of Moscow) - an average of +4+8 degrees.

November 25 to January 6 part of hyde park turns into a winter wonderland. Here you can find a Christmas market with amazing Christmas tree decorations and toys, traditional English sweets, as well as a variety of attractions everywhere and of course the largest outdoor skating rink in London!

pre-Christmas shopping - This is also part of the New Year's program. Londoners themselves love not so much to receive as to give gifts for Christmas and New Year. They carefully consider in advance to whom and what gift to give and where to buy it. London is very famous for its shops, malls and fairs. And the famous sales are the constant companions of the Christmas and New Year holidays in London.

New Year in England usually celebrated in noisy companies, on the street or at parties taking place in a club. According to tradition, when the Big Ben chimes strike "12", all people open the door to the back stairs in the house so that the old year leaves, then they open the front door so that a happy and most successful New Year comes into their house.

On this night, the British do not exchange expensive gifts, but they always give each other something handmade or, in extreme cases, a purchased postcard. Some families put all the gifts in a bag, from which everyone takes out a fateful gift for themselves - a cute trinket. It is customary to celebrate the New Year with a large company in the circle of all your friends and acquaintances.

Where to celebrate New Year's Eve in London?

Where can tourists find a big cheerful company?

Of course, this can be done on the central square of the city - Trafalgar. This is where the main celebration takes place. And one of the most beautiful firs is installed on Trafalgar Square. This tradition dates back to 1946. The Royal Family of Norway sends this spruce as a sign of gratitude for the liberation of the country from German occupation during the Second World War.

Be sure to visit the ferris wheel - "Eye of London". It’s hard to believe now, but at the time of its creation in 1999, it was planned to operate it for only five years. But high technology can do anything, and therefore this London attraction is a must-see program.

This tallest Ferris wheel in the world reaches 135 meters. On it, in a transparent capsule, you will make a 30-minute "flight" (as the session is officially called) over London. During this time, you can enjoy all the wonders of the city on a festive night. Fireworks on New Year's Eve are placed on this Ferris wheel. You will have time to take many beautiful and bright photos from the New Year in London on a 45-story Ferris wheel.

Having decided to celebrate the New Year in the capital of Great Britain, you will definitely not regret your choice. It will be the most unforgettable holiday in your life! After all, the reviews about the New Year's Eve in London of all those who once visited there are simply amazing!

How much is a tour to London for the New Year?

We invite you to consider all our ready-made group tours, and if a tour of 7.8 days seems too much for you and you decide to book for a shorter period, say for 5 days, then we will be happy to calculate and offer this option, just write to us your wishes by mail [email protected], or call by phone. We will contact you and select the best possible option.

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The New Year and the holidays are near, and we know for sure that some of you will spend them abroad. If so, then our travel series on how to spend time in different cities of the world during these holidays will be useful to you. But this is not just a dry guide to the main attractions, but insider information from our compatriots who have long become familiar in these cities. From the first issue, you learned how to discover the setting New York (and if you haven’t already, read on), the next in line is London. How to get the best from the British capital, says brand marketing and customer service specialist Alessandra Rich and blogger Sasha Russia.

What is the best part of the city to stay?

I really love Kensington. It has a real, with a slight touch of antiquity English atmosphere. There are many families with children, dogs, old women who go to their local grocery stores, beautiful houses no more than three stories high and a lot of greenery. At Christmas time, I like to walk along the streets, many of them have magical elegant Christmas trees in their windows and gardens.

What is the best way to get around the city in winter?

If you are in the city center, then, of course, it is better to dress warmly (be sure to grab an umbrella) and walk. If you are going somewhere from London, then choose the railway: English trains are very comfortable, and the legendary King's Cross station is always beautifully decorated for Christmas.

Your favorite secret restaurants and the best dishes,
which one can try?

What place do you consider the heart of the city?

For me, it's Hyde Park. It is located right in the center, it connects all the main areas of the city. The heart of Hyde Park itself is a pond over which swans fly, and nearby stands Kensington Palace, where the royal family lives.

Noisy parties, mass celebrations and parties all night long: this is how the New Year is celebrated in the city on the Thames. If the British usually celebrate Christmas in the family circle, then New Year's Eve is an excellent occasion to relax with a large and cheerful company. Portal "ZagraNitsa" tells what events in London simply cannot be missed during the holidays

On the eve of the New Year, it becomes increasingly difficult to force yourself to think about something other than the holidays. Someone puzzles over gifts for relatives and friends, someone draws up a New Year's menu and guest lists for a party, someone plans an entertainment program and makes reservations in a club or restaurant. Are you going to celebrate the New Year in London? We have collected for you only the most interesting events and parties in the capital of Great Britain. Stock up on New Year's mood and, of course, health!

New Year's Eve Cruise on the Thames

A five-hour cruise along the Thames is perfect for both a noisy company and a romantic holiday. Night lights of London, cheerful music and the main highlight of the evening: a stunning view of the New Year's fireworks. Considering that all tickets to the embankment have already been sold, this is the best opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable spectacle.

Photo: shutterstock

During the walk, you can not only admire the festive London, but also celebrate the beginning of 2016 right on board the ship. Here you will find DJ sets, a large selection of dishes for every taste, as well as free wine, beer and unlimited soft drinks. The entrance ticket costs 225 pounds.

The big bar run

5 pubs with crazy New Year's Eve parties in one night! You can join this madness and celebrate the New Year in five different places at once. The start of this marathon is at 18:30, the meeting point is Rileys Sports Bar near the Piccadilly Circus metro station. You will find out the further plan of action right there. The organizers promise a lot of music, alcohol and new acquaintances.

Photo: shutterstock

Tickets for this party cost between £45 and £60, and for that money you get 4 free drinks (champagne or beer), booze discounts and skip-the-line access to all New Year's Quest bars, as well as a free t-shirt.

Read more about the quest party.

Great Gatsby Party

Celebrate the New Year in England with American chic and the scope of the 20s of the last century: this opportunity gives its visitors the London restaurant Smollenskys The Strand. To recreate the unique atmosphere, visitors are asked to dress appropriately, and prizes will be given to the best costumes.


The festival will start at 17:00, the entrance ticket will cost 45 pounds per person. This price includes a three-course dinner and a glass of sparkling wine. After 20:00 there is a chance to get into the party for 15 pounds. Celebrate the New Year in the style of the "Great Gatsby" in the heart of London - this will not be forgotten soon!

You can find out more about the party.

New Year's Eve on a London Bus

A red double-decker party bus with powerful sound and LED lighting will take you around London for 5 hours, making stops at different clubs in the capital (Blueberry Bar, Canvas Bar and Proud Camden). Tracks from the best DJs, a glass of champagne at every stop, stunning views of London's main fireworks, free admission and discounts at clubs.

Photo: shutterstock

You will have to pay 75 pounds to participate in the bus party (65 if you have time to buy a ticket on a special offer).

Read more about the bus New Year's party.

Las Vegas in London

A sea of ​​fun, booze, outrageous, Las Vegas themed shows and even cannons loaded with confetti - this is how you can celebrate the New Year by visiting the trendy London club DNA. The organizers promise to fully convey the atmosphere of the parties of the gambling capital of the world.

Photo: shutterstock

The most punctual guests are in for a surprise: from 21:00 to 21:45 there will be a counter with free champagne. Music for every taste: from hits of the 90s to hip-hop. Ticket prices start from 20 pounds, but closer to the New Year, the cost will increase. A regular table reservation for 4-6 guests will cost £350, while a table for 10-13 guests will cost £750.

You can learn more about the Las Vegas style party.

disco party

Nightclub and karaoke bar Infernos is well known to all London lovers of retro music. The organizers suggest meeting the year 2016 with your favorite hits of the last century. Here you will find a huge dance floor, separate karaoke rooms for large companies, and excellent prices for the festive menu.

Photo: shutterstock

The party starts at exactly 20:00, and the first 100 visitors will receive a compliment from the institution - a glass of champagne. The cost of the entrance ticket is 10 pounds.

Read more about disco party.

New Year in the style of "The Wolf of Wall Street"

Cult movie-themed party at Qube Project Nightclub: Money Rain at Midnight, Beer Pong Championship and Free New York Pizza at 2:00 A.M. This is not counting the huge bar, great club music and various competitions based on the film.

Photo: shutterstock

The cost of the entrance ticket is from 20 pounds, for booking a table you will have to fork out for 150, 200 or 250 pounds.

You can find out more about the Wolf of Wall Street New Year's Eve Party.

circus party

Twisted Circus is a massive entertainment program that takes place in various clubs and concert halls. For the New Year, the artists promise to arrange a real magic show for all visitors to the luxurious Shaka Zulu establishment.

Photo: shutterstock

The party will last 7 hours: from 21:00 to 04:00. During this time, you can enjoy the performances of the best acrobats, snake charmers, tightrope walkers and other world-class circus artists. Lots of good music and a great selection of drinks await you between performances. Ticket price: from 35 pounds.

Read more about the circus New Year's party.

New Year's parade

If on the morning of January 1, after all the New Year's parties, you are still on your feet, be sure to take part in the traditional parade in the city center. Without this procession, it is simply impossible to imagine the New Year in London. 2016 will not be an exception: albeit with increased security measures, the parade will still be held.

Photo: shutterstock

Starting at 12:00, the festive parade will solemnly pass through the central streets of the capital. This year it will have 8,500 participants representing 20 countries. Participation in the parade is free.

Winter attractions in Hyde Park

In case you haven’t had time to visit the winter wonderland in Hyde Park, the first day of the new year is the perfect time to still get here. However, even if you have already been here, why not go again, because it will work only until January 3rd.

Photo: shutterstock

You will find a lot of entertainment for the whole family: a skating rink, attractions, playgrounds, a Ferris wheel, an ice bar ... You can’t count everything! The park is open from 10 am, the easiest way to get to it is from the Queensway tube station.

Celebrating the New Year - 2019 in London: hotel prices, how to spend New Year's Eve and how much dinner costs in a restaurant, where to go and what to see, as well as reviews and travel tips about the holiday in the UK capital.

Festive New Year's illumination decorates London in November. In the last month of the outgoing year, Christmas markets begin their work throughout the capital, people are entertained with free concerts, and the whole city is filled with joyful anticipation of the holiday.

How is New Year celebrated in England?

On New Year's Eve in London, the center of celebrations becomes Trafalgar Square. Since 1841, by decree of the Queen, the main Christmas tree of the country has been installed here. Around the same time, a tradition arose to congratulate each other with postcards.

The Chelsea Fair is famous for its handicrafts; here you can buy confectionery, souvenirs, postcards, and a hand-knitted sweater. Shop windows are full of festive promotions and offers. Traditional winter sales begin right after Christmas.

On New Year's Eve, a large number of people gather in Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly. Before midnight, the countdown begins, the numbers are shown on huge screens, all those gathered in unison count. At midnight, the solemn battle of Big Ben announces the onset of the New Year, and with the last blow, the sky over the Thames flares up with thousands of fireworks. Usually the salute lasts about 40 minutes, then the people begin to slowly disperse: young people go to nightclubs and pubs, older people go to restaurants.

Some metropolitan restaurants practice themed parties, medieval banquets are very popular. Romantic people prefer to take a cruise on the Thames, admiring the beautiful views of the city at night and enjoying a royal dinner on board the yacht. This is a great opportunity to "walk" a new evening dress, and a ticket can be booked in advance on online services.

(Photo © Sean MacEntee / / CC BY 2.0)

Weather in London in December

Usually at this time the temperature is +5...+7°C, sometimes even higher, it can rain. Strong humidity enhances the feeling of cold, but this does not prevent the British and visitors from celebrating the holiday with fun and enthusiasm. According to tourists, it is quite cool in the capital, so they advise you to dress warmer (jacket, scarf, warm shoes) and grab an umbrella just in case.

What to do during winter holidays?

In Hyde Park, a real kingdom opens with fairs, skating rinks and attractions, admission is free, all entertainment is paid on the spot. Near the Museum of Natural History, an ice rink is also flooded, here you can always warm yourself with hot coffee or mulled wine.

During the day you can stroll through the Tower and the Royal Botanic Gardens, visit the Palace of Westminster, Kensington Palace, Greenwich, Buckingham Palace and the famous Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, listen to opera or watch ballet at the Royal Opera House.

After the celebration of the New Year in London on January 1, a parade takes place, in which several thousand people participate: musicians, acrobats, dancers, clowns. The parade starts at noon and lasts 3 hours, the route runs from Parliament Square to Baker Street through Piccadilly. Fireworks show in Chinatown.

(Photo © Eloïse L / / CC BY 2.0)

Prices for entrance tickets to various museums bite, so you should study the list of the capital in advance. Museum of London, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Gallery, National Maritime Museum - admission is free here. On January 1, most museums will be closed, and from the second day they will work as usual.

You can look at the city from a height from many places, but one of the highest points is the London Eye (London Eye) - the Ferris wheel. Its height is almost 135 m. There is also a 4D cinema that offers viewers a flight over the city along with birds. The ticket costs about 19 pounds. Not far from the Ferris wheel is the Oceanarium.

For gifts and new clothes, you can go to Harrods or Selfridge. The beginning of sales causes constant excitement: it is difficult to resist shopping here, even if shopping was not planned, the general atmosphere is so captivating, and the assortment is wide.

(Photo © HerryLawford / / CC BY 2.0)

Restaurants and pubs

If you decide to celebrate the New Year in London, we recommend choosing a place for dinner in advance. If this is a very popular institution, then even 2-3 months before the date. In addition, please note that not all establishments work on New Year's Eve.

Popular restaurant with bar Oxo Tower Restaurant Southbank boasts the best view of the river and St. Paul's Cathedral, because it is located on the 8th floor of the tower of the same name. Places here are booked in advance, the cost is high, the average bill for one person is 80-100 pounds ($120-150), cocktails in the bar from 10 pounds ($15).

Fans of gourmet French cuisine will be able to appreciate the skill of the chefs in the restaurant of the Dorchester Hotel Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester awarded with 3 Michelin stars. Noble interior in snow-beige and golden tones, artistic presentation of dishes (foie gras, lobsters and white truffles), a special wine is recommended for each dish, shading and complementing the taste of the dish. Prices are very high, according to the caustic remark of one of the visitors - three stars dictate a three-digit price tag.

Another panoramic restaurant Babylon- this time on Kensington High Street. Live music and fine British cuisine: scallops, lamb, a good selection of wines. The average check is 50 pounds ($77).

Among inexpensive establishments, a small pub can be noted on Fleet Street. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. Prices are surprisingly modest - 3 pounds ($ 4.6) for a pint of beer, beer only from a local brewery. The institution is old, according to legend, Arthur Conan Doyle and Charles Dickens visited here. Low vaults, wooden tables and benches with chairs, a small cozy room with a fireplace - here you can feel the spirit of old England.

Another atmospheric place that is extremely popular with tourists and bohemians is "French House" on Dean Street in Soho. This pub also has a rich history: Charles de Gaulle himself is among its regulars, probably for this reason the institution was called French. The prices are affordable, the average check is 25 pounds ($38).

(Photo © pmorgan / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices in London for the New Year - 2019

London is one of the most expensive cities, so if you are planning to celebrate the main holiday of the year there, get ready to fork out. On winter holidays, you should not go to the capital of Great Britain without a preliminary reservation, it is better to take care of the hotel in advance (much in advance, it is advisable to book in early autumn or late summer). Hotels in the center are expensive, but you can take part in folk festivals, watch fireworks over the Thames and a bright parade.

On average, the range of prices for hotels with a rating of 1 * - $ 46-123, 2 * - $ 57-230, 3 stars - $ 70-407, 4 * - $ 118-713, 5 stars - $ 244-950. Impressive, right? Directly for the New Year - 2019 in the center of London, the cost of housing is as follows (attention: the indicated cost is relevant at the time of writing and may change):

  • a bed in a hostel - from $44;
  • the most modest room in a two-star hotel costs from $68 (The Continental Hotel);
  • in a 3 * hotel, a double room when booking 2-3 months in advance will cost from $ 88 per night (Olympia Hotel London);
  • in a 4-star hotel - from $169 (The Gainsborough Hotel);
  • in 5* - from $269 (Gore Hotel London).

There are also ultra-expensive rooms - for example, as in the luxurious Haymarket Hotel London 5 *, where you can spend New Year's Eve for $ 2335.

If you take care of housing in advance and live outside the center of the capital, prices will be lower. Choose accommodation near metro stations - it will be easier to get to the sights of the city. We recommend looking for good deals on the service - it will help you find cheap hotels and rooms with discounts.

According to reviews, you will have to pay $46-80 to enter a trendy nightclub, and the cost of a night cruise on the river on December 31 is $230-300. A New Year's dinner in a restaurant will cost around $100-300, drinks are paid separately.

The food here is also not cheap. However, if you move away from the tourist areas, where your check is unlikely to be less than $ 30-50, then you can eat well at reasonable prices. Check out the Bayswater area (north of Hyde Park) and you'll find authentic pubs, small cafes and fast food establishments where the locals eat. There are also inexpensive cafes near Edgware Road.

Budget breakfast will cost $5-9, lunch - $9-15, dinner - $12-22. A cup of coffee - $1.5-3. You can eat cheaply in Indian or Chinese restaurants.

(Photo © ルーク.チャン.チャン /

Celebrating the New Year - 2019 in London: hotel prices, how to spend New Year's Eve and how much dinner costs in a restaurant, where to go and what to see, as well as reviews and travel tips about the holiday in the UK capital.

Festive New Year's illumination decorates London in November. In the last month of the outgoing year, Christmas markets begin their work throughout the capital, people are entertained with free concerts, and the whole city is filled with joyful anticipation of the holiday.

How is New Year celebrated in England?

On New Year's Eve in London, the center of celebrations becomes Trafalgar Square. Since 1841, by decree of the Queen, the main Christmas tree of the country has been installed here. Around the same time, a tradition arose to congratulate each other with postcards.

The Chelsea Fair is famous for its handicrafts; here you can buy confectionery, souvenirs, postcards, and a hand-knitted sweater. Shop windows are full of festive promotions and offers. Traditional winter sales begin right after Christmas.

On New Year's Eve, a large number of people gather in Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly. Before midnight, the countdown begins, the numbers are shown on huge screens, all those gathered in unison count. At midnight, the solemn battle of Big Ben announces the onset of the New Year, and with the last blow, the sky over the Thames flares up with thousands of fireworks. Usually the salute lasts about 40 minutes, then the people begin to slowly disperse: young people go to nightclubs and pubs, older people go to restaurants.

Some metropolitan restaurants practice themed parties, medieval banquets are very popular. Romantic people prefer to take a cruise on the Thames, admiring the beautiful views of the city at night and enjoying a royal dinner on board the yacht. This is a great opportunity to "walk" a new evening dress, and a ticket can be booked in advance on online services.

(Photo © Sean MacEntee / / CC BY 2.0)

Weather in London in December

Usually at this time the temperature is +5...+7°C, sometimes even higher, it can rain. Strong humidity enhances the feeling of cold, but this does not prevent the British and visitors from celebrating the holiday with fun and enthusiasm. According to tourists, it is quite cool in the capital, so they advise you to dress warmer (jacket, scarf, warm shoes) and grab an umbrella just in case.

What to do during winter holidays?

In Hyde Park, a real kingdom opens with fairs, skating rinks and attractions, admission is free, all entertainment is paid on the spot. Near the Museum of Natural History, an ice rink is also flooded, here you can always warm yourself with hot coffee or mulled wine.

During the day you can stroll through the Tower and the Royal Botanic Gardens, visit the Palace of Westminster, Kensington Palace, Greenwich, Buckingham Palace and the famous Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, listen to opera or watch ballet at the Royal Opera House.

After the celebration of the New Year in London on January 1, a parade takes place, in which several thousand people participate: musicians, acrobats, dancers, clowns. The parade starts at noon and lasts 3 hours, the route runs from Parliament Square to Baker Street through Piccadilly. Fireworks show in Chinatown.

(Photo © Eloïse L / / CC BY 2.0)

Prices for entrance tickets to various museums bite, so you should study the list of the capital in advance. Museum of London, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Gallery, National Maritime Museum - admission is free here. On January 1, most museums will be closed, and from the second day they will work as usual.

You can look at the city from a height from many places, but one of the highest points is the London Eye (London Eye) - the Ferris wheel. Its height is almost 135 m. There is also a 4D cinema that offers viewers a flight over the city along with birds. The ticket costs about 19 pounds. Not far from the Ferris wheel is the Oceanarium.

For gifts and new clothes, you can go to Harrods or Selfridge. The beginning of sales causes constant excitement: it is difficult to resist shopping here, even if shopping was not planned, the general atmosphere is so captivating, and the assortment is wide.

(Photo © HerryLawford / / CC BY 2.0)

Restaurants and pubs

If you decide to celebrate the New Year in London, we recommend choosing a place for dinner in advance. If this is a very popular institution, then even 2-3 months before the date. In addition, please note that not all establishments work on New Year's Eve.

Popular restaurant with bar Oxo Tower Restaurant Southbank boasts the best view of the river and St. Paul's Cathedral, because it is located on the 8th floor of the tower of the same name. Places here are booked in advance, the cost is high, the average bill for one person is 80-100 pounds ($120-150), cocktails in the bar from 10 pounds ($15).

Fans of gourmet French cuisine will be able to appreciate the skill of the chefs in the restaurant of the Dorchester Hotel Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester awarded with 3 Michelin stars. Noble interior in snow-beige and golden tones, artistic presentation of dishes (foie gras, lobsters and white truffles), a special wine is recommended for each dish, shading and complementing the taste of the dish. Prices are very high, according to the caustic remark of one of the visitors - three stars dictate a three-digit price tag.

Another panoramic restaurant Babylon- this time on Kensington High Street. Live music and fine British cuisine: scallops, lamb, a good selection of wines. The average check is 50 pounds ($77).

Among inexpensive establishments, a small pub can be noted on Fleet Street. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. Prices are surprisingly modest - 3 pounds ($ 4.6) for a pint of beer, beer only from a local brewery. The institution is old, according to legend, Arthur Conan Doyle and Charles Dickens visited here. Low vaults, wooden tables and benches with chairs, a small cozy room with a fireplace - here you can feel the spirit of old England.

Another atmospheric place that is extremely popular with tourists and bohemians is "French House" on Dean Street in Soho. This pub also has a rich history: Charles de Gaulle himself is among its regulars, probably for this reason the institution was called French. The prices are affordable, the average check is 25 pounds ($38).

(Photo © pmorgan / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices in London for the New Year - 2019

London is one of the most expensive cities, so if you are planning to celebrate the main holiday of the year there, get ready to fork out. On winter holidays, you should not go to the capital of Great Britain without a preliminary reservation, it is better to take care of the hotel in advance (much in advance, it is advisable to book in early autumn or late summer). Hotels in the center are expensive, but you can take part in folk festivals, watch fireworks over the Thames and a bright parade.

On average, the range of prices for hotels with a rating of 1 * - $ 46-123, 2 * - $ 57-230, 3 stars - $ 70-407, 4 * - $ 118-713, 5 stars - $ 244-950. Impressive, right? Directly for the New Year - 2019 in the center of London, the cost of housing is as follows (attention: the indicated cost is relevant at the time of writing and may change):

  • a bed in a hostel - from $44;
  • the most modest room in a two-star hotel costs from $68 (The Continental Hotel);
  • in a 3 * hotel, a double room when booking 2-3 months in advance will cost from $ 88 per night (Olympia Hotel London);
  • in a 4-star hotel - from $169 (The Gainsborough Hotel);
  • in 5* - from $269 (Gore Hotel London).

There are also ultra-expensive rooms - for example, as in the luxurious Haymarket Hotel London 5 *, where you can spend New Year's Eve for $ 2335.

If you take care of housing in advance and live outside the center of the capital, prices will be lower. Choose accommodation near metro stations - it will be easier to get to the sights of the city. We recommend looking for good deals on the service - it will help you find cheap hotels and rooms with discounts.

According to reviews, you will have to pay $46-80 to enter a trendy nightclub, and the cost of a night cruise on the river on December 31 is $230-300. A New Year's dinner in a restaurant will cost around $100-300, drinks are paid separately.

The food here is also not cheap. However, if you move away from the tourist areas, where your check is unlikely to be less than $ 30-50, then you can eat well at reasonable prices. Check out the Bayswater area (north of Hyde Park) and you'll find authentic pubs, small cafes and fast food establishments where the locals eat. There are also inexpensive cafes near Edgware Road.

Budget breakfast will cost $5-9, lunch - $9-15, dinner - $12-22. A cup of coffee - $1.5-3. You can eat cheaply in Indian or Chinese restaurants.

(Photo © ルーク.チャン.チャン /