Climbs the skin after peeling. After peeling: skin regeneration and care. You have a special skin type

Peels and resurfacing are popular. However, many of these procedures are repelled by stories about their unpleasant consequences. What should you believe and how to recover faster after peels?

Consults by Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Medical Cosmetology of the Central Research Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Moscow.

- How true are the stories about the frightening consequences of peels?

In every fairy tale, of course, there is some truth. Any chemical peeling, microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing is always a skin damage. Naturally, after such procedures, a protective inflammatory reaction develops. Redness, swelling appears, the skin peels off. All these are quite expected reactions that go away on their own after a while.

But if the patient was not properly prepared for peeling or resurfacing, or these procedures were not initially shown to him, "unexpected" consequences may arise.

- What exactly will the patients have to face after peeling or resurfacing?

During the first days after the procedure, the skin remains dehydrated. In addition, redness is bound to occur. Its intensity and duration depend on the depth and type of impact. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness appears, which disappears after a couple of hours.

While after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin remains red for up to two days. And after retinoic or median peels, bright redness lasts up to 5 days.

In addition, after such procedures, the skin will certainly peel off. Fruit acid peels are again the most comfortable. After them, peeling begins on 2-3 days and lasts only a couple of days. But other types of peels will "please" you with strong peeling, which can last a whole week.

There are frequent consequences such as swelling of the skin, which also disappears over time.

- Is it possible to somehow reduce the severity of all these phenomena?

Undoubtedly. To do this, you need to properly care for your skin. The main task is to moisturize it and restore the damaged barrier layer. In the early days, it is best to use cosmetic products in the form of gels or foams. They are easy to apply and absorb quickly.

Approximately 3-5 days, you can switch to creams. They must contain moisturizing, regenerating and protecting agents as well as antioxidants.

It is very important to strictly observe the hygiene regime. Try to touch the skin as little as possible - after peeling it is very vulnerable.

In no case do not get carried away with self-medication. Any herbal mask according to grandmother's recipe can provoke an allergic reaction, which will increase the rehabilitation time several times.

- Is there an allergy to the peeling itself?

Very rarely. Allergies can only be caused by the additional components that make up the peeling. In addition, post-peeling masks and creams contain active ingredients that can also provoke a reaction. Here you need to act immediately. As soon as redness, itching and swelling appear, an intramuscular injection of antihistamines should be given. And to prevent this from happening, you need to inform the doctor about all the allergic reactions you have suffered before the procedure.

In general, it is important to tell in detail about all diseases. For example, after peeling, you can face an exacerbation of herpes. And this is fraught with scarring. Therefore, if you have an exacerbation of herpes more than twice a year, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

- What should be done when one of the expected reactions after peeling is delayed? For example, if the redness and swelling do not go away on time.

This is a very adverse reaction. In fact, it says that the peeling was not chosen and carried out correctly. It is important not to hesitate here and to take action as soon as possible. In such cases, a whole range of drugs is used: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs. Also prescribed preparations with zinc, steroid creams.

This is much more difficult to deal with. Hypersensitivity is especially common in people with thin and flabby skin. It also affects those who have twice done a median or repeated deep peeling on one area of ​​the skin twice within a year. Hypersensitivity can last up to a year. Microcurrent therapy and special cosmetics help to cope with it.

- Sometimes the face remains red for several months after the peel. With what it can be connected?

It is also a common complication. Patients with whom, again, have chosen the wrong type of peeling, are prone to it. Persistent redness can persist from a month to a year.

To speed up this process, it is important to avoid active sun, intense physical activity, and not to visit the sauna and steam bath. It is also worth adjusting and giving up alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, marinades.

It is very useful to take the drug "Omega-3" during this period. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. By the way, it is also effective before peeling. For external use, a "vasoconstrictor tonic" is used, which can be ordered from a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

In order to get rid of spider veins, photocoagulation can be performed two to three months after peeling. For the complete disappearance of the bursting vessels, at least three sessions are required, which are carried out once a month.

In addition, vascular preparations such as Lyoton gel or Arnica cream can improve the situation. They are joined by microcurrent therapy and. The latter, however, is used with caution. Still, this procedure is quite painful. And the patients after not very successful peeling are especially sensitive to such manipulations.

- How often pigmentation spots can appear after peels and resurfacing?

This question is primarily related to the selection of the procedure. So, after peels with fruit acids, as well as retinoic, phytic, phenolic and dermabrasion, hyperpigmentation practically does not occur. While after a median chemical peel with trichloroacetic acid and laser resurfacing, it is quite likely.

In addition, according to our observations, some physiotherapy procedures after peeling can also provoke the appearance of age spots. This applies, for example, to electrical lymphatic drainage and ultrasound therapy. All this should be taken into account for those whose skin is prone to hyperpigmentation.

Such patients need special pre-peeling preparation. They are also prescribed a whole range of drugs that must be used after peeling.

If age spots do appear, whitening procedures will be needed. In most cases, they help solve the problem.


Good evening! Did the peeling 4 days ago, the skin is peeling off, I could not stand it today and I pulled it off my face, the skin turned very red in the D-Panthenol prayer, will a scar remain in this place? . (((

01/09/2016 10:43:12 PM, Tamil 95

I never did anything like that. Very scary, but I understand what is necessary. After reading it, it became a little clear what and how. But it's still scary :(

Found what I was looking for.
I want to do a peeling, there was a question how everything will look after, what to do, how to quickly get back "in operation." It is useful for me, but not enough information.

11/05/2008 17:45:49, Irina

Comment on the article "After peeling: restoration and skin care"

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. Advise facial exfoliation. Why do you need peeling with dry skin? The result is wonderful: a fresh, smooth face, a healthy glow. Combined peeling: how to remove acne. In addition, such a peeling accelerates the achievement of ...

After peeling, the skin must be nourished; in this case, radevit is a good option. It contains just the most essential vitamins for the skin. Is it not very greasy for use after peeling? Will it clog your pores?

Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. I asked the doctor if she could do the peeling before the procedure, for efficiency, she Good afternoon, I hope that everything will end well for you and the swelling will subside since you have paid for 3 procedures ...

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The last time I just got covered with dry sores and my skin peeled off with scraps. After this peeling, the face resembles the face of a victim of a nuclear bombing in Hiroshima: ((And the Reaction was small, normal - redness of the skin, which does not last long after the session ...

After the first birth, I had swelling for a long time, and my skin was somehow dark, it’s scary to look at photographs. But they stimulated me for a long time and tediously, in general, everything was under medication and - What should be done when one of the expected reactions after peeling is delayed?

peeling and mesotherapy. Facial care. Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. Girls, decided to do light and meso peeling, I heard somewhere that it would be good to do it at the same time.

After peeling. As soon as redness, itching and swelling appear, an intramuscular injection of antihistamines should be given - Sometimes, for several months after the peel, the face remains reddened.

Swelling. - get-togethers. Losing weight and dieting. How to lose weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. I swell very much with any alcohol. I also began to swell after alcohol. I left only mineral water with dry wine - a lot ...

The dilemma is about peeling. Skin care. Fashion and beauty. After peeling: skin regeneration and care. who did face peeling - add reviews. I think that in Moscow time all these horror stories about age spots after peeling are due to the fact that it is not customary to use Sanskrin.

Skin and hair care, figure, cosmetics, face, cosmetology, clothes and shoes, fashion. I have been using the Mary Keevsky Microdermabrasion Kit for a long time. I like it very, very much ... Comment on the article "After peeling: restoration and skin care".

burning after cream. Facial care. Fashion and beauty. I use regular moisturizers. both cheap and expensive. after applying - it starts to burn the face. passes literally in a minute. - this is normal? at the same time, after expensive (Vichy and others like them) there are no red spots ...

You can take it for normal skin, you can take it for dry skin, IMHO better for normal skin. Together with their own moisturizing agent What should you believe and how to recover faster after peels? While after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin remains ...

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness occurs, which disappears after a couple of hours. - Sometimes the face remains red for several months after the peel.

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. Advise facial exfoliation. Why do you need peeling with dry skin? The result is wonderful: a fresh, smooth face, a healthy glow. Combined peeling: how to remove acne. In addition, such a peeling accelerates the achievement of ...

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness occurs, which disappears after a couple of hours. - Sometimes the face remains red for several months after the peel.

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. - Is it possible to somehow reduce the severity of all these phenomena? - Undoubtedly. To do this, you need to properly care for your skin. burning after cream. If the skin is very dry, it is by definition damaged.

After peeling: skin regeneration and care. Goryacheva Veronica. Section: Skin Care. who did the peeling of the face - add reviews. baseline data: aunt after 40 How to get rid of stretch marks: mesotherapy, ozone therapy, laser resurfacing, peeling.

Facial peeling is a popular and effective facial treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the depth of penetration of the chemical composition, it is possible to achieve various tasks from transforming the skin and getting rid of acne, to eliminating uneven skin turgor and wrinkles.

Basic preparation for the procedure includes giving up alcohol two to three days before exfoliation. This is necessary so that unforeseen reactions with the chemical components of the peeling do not occur in the skin.

If a median or deep peeling is performed beforehand - 2 weeks before the procedure, you can use a whitening cream. This measure will help minimize the prerequisites for skin hyperpigmentation by reducing the production of melanin.

Skin restoration after peeling may vary slightly from patient to patient, and depends on several factors:

  • Type / type of peeling (for example: after PQ Age peeling, there is practically no recovery period and already on the day of the procedure, the skin looks fresh, hydrated and rejuvenated),
  • Skin condition,
  • Correctness of post-peeling care,
  • How well the skin was corrected.

So let's talk about how to take care of your face skin in the post-peeling period.

1.Dubiousness- the most common question on the Internet: "can I wash my face after peeling"? The first 12 hours are gone. Then, starting in the morning of the next day, you can wash your face - twice a day (morning and evening). To do this, you must use a mild, moisturizing, slightly foaming, sulfate-free product.

For a period from a week (superficial peeling) to three weeks (middle, deep peels), we exclude any products with abrasive particles (scrubs, home peels). After washing, you need to blot the face with a towel, but do not wipe it - this injures the skin.

After washing, do not use tonics, lotions, or any other alcohol-based, AHA-acidic and cotton-pad products.

2.Care cosmetics - to replenish moisture in the skin ... The first stage of moisturizing can be spraying with moisturizing essence - this way you do not act on the skin with your hands, which is especially important for medium or deep peeling.

It is very good to use a product with hyaluronic acid, it is close to the skin and well replenishes the moisture balance, creating a protective barrier on the skin.

All the same hyaluronic acid can be in a moisturizing gel / cream. Aloe and collagen are considered good moisturizers.

It is better to give preference to delicate textures with a hypoallergenic composition. You can buy a special product or a whole post-peel treatment specially designed for the best skin regeneration.

In pharmacy care, they work well: bepanten cream, panthenol spray (not an aerosol - it contains alcohol). You can moisturize the skin three or more times a day, the main thing is not to overload it and not use too dense textures.

3.Sun protection after peeling ... An obligatory item, even if it seems to you that there are clouds outside and it is safe. It is not for nothing that the safest time for peeling is considered to be autumn and winter; not all types of peelings can be carried out in spring.

So, after any peeling, you need to protect your skin with an SPF factor of 30 before going outside (even if it's a trip to the store by car). After superficial peeling - SPF we use for at least two weeks, then you can use a suitable SPF cream.

After a medium or deep peel, sun protection is required for a month or more.

Also don't forget about sunglasses, hats and caps.

What is considered the norm after peeling

  • Acne after peeling not uncommon and not an exception, especially if the exfoliation was carried out just to get rid of them. The first way to eliminate is acne rash. What to do - consult a beautician - in case of severe rash, antibiotics and vitamins may be prescribed;
  • Peeling after peeling, more than the norm - it is with exfoliating skin that tissue renewal occurs. In no case should peeling be peeled off and even gently removed, this can lead to complications. All crusts will fall off on their own. By the way, if the face does not peel off, there is nothing wrong with that either: firstly, after some peels there is no peeling, and secondly, the peculiarities of the skin could have affected.
  • Redness, as a result of a burn, gradually disappears during the healing process.
  • Facial edema - especially after a mid-peel lasting up to 3-5 days, in the case of a deep peel, a little longer.

What is not considered the norm and requires consultation with a beautician:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • cracks in the skin (as a result of poor hydration);
  • pigmentation (may appear if there was no sun protection or the patient has a high predisposition);
  • erythema;
  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • scars of hypertrophic and keloid type.

Answers to important questions

With leaving and the consequences is more or less clear, but how things are going with the return to the usual life.

  • Is it possible after peeling in a bathhouse or sauna, to the pool and take a bath?

No. Water procedures in the pool are fraught with infection, and chlorinated water can cause irritation, burns and dry skin.

Taking a bath, saunas and bath procedures are dangerous with high temperatures, and this, in turn, is sweating - that is, skin irritation, plus bacteria actively multiply in a warm environment. You can return to your favorite water treatments after complete healing of the skin.

  • Can I exercise after peeling?

Any workout leads to perspiration, which, as in the case of bath procedures, leads to burning and irritation of the skin.

  • When can I sunbathe / go to the solarium?

Sunbathing, both natural and artificial, is highly likely to be dangerous due to hyperpigmentation, therefore, for the period of the peeling course and for a month, you should refrain from tanning.

It is this factor that lies in the preferable peeling during the period with minimal solar activity.

  • Is it possible drink alcohol after peeling?

Unconditional, no - at least a week or two, if peels are carried out as a course - abstain for the entire period!

Why and what is fraught with:

  1. increased burns when interacting with chemical residues in the skin;
  2. intense erythema;
  3. increased swelling of the face and eyes;
  4. ineffectiveness of some types of peels, the appearance of unwanted reactions of the body.
  • Can face masks be done?

Natural masks are completely prohibited, as they can cause inflammation on burned skin, injure particles and cause allergic reactions.

It is better to pay attention to professional masks designed for post-peeling care - mainly aimed at deep moisturizing, soothing and regenerating the skin.

  • When can I use makeup and foundation after peeling?

After surface peeling, as a rule, it is allowed to apply cosmetics (tone, highlighter, powder, etc.) every other day. After a mid-to-deep peel, abstain for 7-14 days. It should be noted that mascara and lipstick are not included in the forbidden list.

  • Can I clean my face after peeling?

In some cases, there is such an opportunity, after some light types of exfoliation, you can also combine the procedures. Only a cosmetologist can answer with accuracy.

  • Can peeling be done after biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

As a rule, there is no prohibition on carrying out, the procedures often go in parallel or at intervals. The exact answer can only be given by a beautician in accordance with the desired result and skin condition.

  • Can I peel after botox / dysport and filler?

The answer can only be given by a cosmetologist, taking into account the time elapsed after the procedure and what kind of peeling should be carried out. The fact is that after botox or filler injection, the vessels in the treated area are squeezed, this condition slows down the skin regeneration process.

The same applies to laser hair removal on the face and tattooing of eyebrows and lips after peeling. First, you need to wait for the complete healing of the skin and then go to the master for beauty.

The view of cosmetologists on restorative care may differ somewhat, there are general rules and recommendations, but the cosmetologist knows better (the type of peeling is known, the condition of your skin and its type, as well as other nuances are studied).

Therefore, do not neglect the prescribed care of a specialist and do not try to act on your own, contrary to the recommendations, if you have questions it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. Do not forget that the peeling procedure does not end in the beautician's office.

Gained great popularity: this procedure helps to get rid of many skin imperfections for a long time.

But at the same time, such an aggressive effect on the epidermis can lead to disastrous consequences if you approach it incorrectly and without preparation.

What are the possible consequences after peeling, how to prevent them, how to eliminate them? Let's figure it out.

Types of procedures, their effect, purpose

Much during cleaning depends on the characteristics of the skin, the type of cleaning, the level of exposure.

Among the purifications are:

  1. - it does not reach the deep layers of the dermis, acting only on the surface. Reduces pigmentation, evens out tone, slightly reduces fine wrinkles.
  2. - reaches the stratum corneum and part of the epidermis. Eliminates age spots, reduces the accumulation of wrinkles, significantly improves complexion.
  3. - reaches deep dermal layers. Significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, age spots, whitens well, has a rejuvenating effect.

The first type of procedure suitable for sensitive, dry (with caution), combination skin that does not show serious age-related changes.

Median good for oily, with active pigmentation, with wrinkles.

Deep view suitable for getting rid of significant imperfections - deep wrinkles, an abundance of age spots, and other changes.

Adverse results

All consequences are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

The first group includes problems arising in patients, proceeding without special consequences and passing quickly. This is a predictable response to stimuli.

These include:

  • Erythema- redness of the treated area of ​​the epidermis, depending on the type of exposure, its duration, skin sensitivity. Red spots on the face after the procedure can last from 3 hours to several days. With laser resurfacing, the skin may remain red for up to two months.

  • Peeling usually goes away almost imperceptibly, especially when using fruit acids. After trichloroacetic acid, peeling takes on a large-scale character lasting a week.If the face is peeling after the procedure, you should not help your epidermis to renew - the process should take place naturally. You need to take care of good hydration during the recovery period.
  • Increased sensitivity- after cleansing, the dermis can react in a peculiar way to any stimuli - light, exposure to temperature or mechanical stimulation. With a particular process, sensitivity can persist for up to a year, but usually disappears in a couple of weeks.
  • Puffiness Is an inflammatory response. By increasing the permeability of the capillaries located in the epidermis, cleaning causes the liquid to escape from them and accumulate in the tissues. Swelling occurs; this reaction usually does not occur after the use of mild acids, but retinoids can cause swelling. It can hold on for several days, but does not appear immediately, 2 or 3 days after the procedure.
  • Darkening of the skin- the treated areas may "oxidize" - acquire a dark shade. But as peeling, the old scales of the epidermis will be removed, in their place will be renewed, lighter ones.

This is how the skin of the face looks in the photo before, immediately after and some time after peeling:

The second group includes those consequences that are unlawful are selective.

They can have a negative impact on the aesthetics of the result, are unsafe, require treatment.

Among them:

  • Allergic reactions- they do not arise on the substances that affect the skin during peeling, but on subsequent irritants, when the skin is renewed, thin and irritated.
  • Herpetic infection- occurs after mid and deep cleaning, laser resurfacing. It can occur due to the recurrence of herpes, but sometimes infection occurs during the procedure if the patient's immunity is reduced.
  • Other infections may arise due to the doctor's negligence towards the norms of the procedure or by the patient himself to the post-peeling period.
  • Pallor or marbling- due to the leveling of a large number of melanocytes, reverse pigmentation may occur - lightening of areas of the dermis, especially if its owner was dark-skinned. Such a reaction is not completely treated, but with light peels you can try to reduce it a little, even out the tone.

  • Persistent erythema- if the patient has dilated superficial vessels, the problem may appear after deep peeling. Such a reaction can last up to a year, but it usually goes away on its own.
  • Hyperpigmentation- occurs after deep and laser peelings, carried out incorrectly. The inflamed skin cells actively produce melanin, which leads to the appearance of darkening.
  • The appearance or aggravation of acne... Acne after peeling appeared because the provoked inflammatory reaction forces the cells that produce sebum to work actively. Pores become clogged, acne appears. The risk group includes people with oily skin, a predisposition to acne and those who decide on deep or medium peelings.
  • Scarring- violation of the facial skin after exposure to deep chemical peels. May appear after an incorrectly performed cleaning procedure.
  • Burns- a slight burn on the surface is not considered a deviation from the norm. But if the procedure was carried out incorrectly or the patient has a sensitive type of facial skin, the burn after peeling may become more serious.

What are the possible consequences after peeling:

Treatment of complications

If the cleaning procedure still led to negative consequences, they need to be leveled, especially if there are serious root causes.

Treatment can be as follows:

  • Itching that appears it usually goes away with time, but you can help your skin heal faster.

    After peeling, apply a cold compress and take an antihistamine. Maintain the dermis in a moist state, use hypoallergenic products.

    If your face is itchy after peeling, it is red, you can resort to sedatives. All drugs should be used only after consulting a doctor.

  • Erythema easy to cure with corticosteroids combined with moisturizers, sedatives. It is necessary to use sunscreen.If redness does not go away after a week of such manipulations, consult a doctor to exclude an infectious lesion.
  • The resulting scars are treated with corticosteroid injections. You can add occlusive dressings, in more severe cases, laser treatment, surgery is indicated.
  • Hyperpigmentation usually goes away by itself. To prevent its growth, use Sanskrins. This manifestation is treated with a laser method (in severe cases).
  • Bacterial or viral infections are leveled by antiviral, antibacterial agents - ointments, creams.
  • The occurrence of acne treatable with antibiotics, azelaic acid, small doses of steroids, or isotretinoin.

Any negative impact can be easily prevented if know about the peculiarities of the patient's skin, his predispositions, while observing all the rules of hygiene and cleaning procedures.

Precautionary measures:

  • to prevent allergies it is advisable to test for active drugs;
  • herpes infections can be avoided, having resorted to antiherpetic drugs in advance;

  • other infections it is possible to prevent by taking antibiotics;
  • persistent erythema is warned by refusal from saunas, drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, active physical work;
  • you can avoid hyperpigmentation, after conducting a thorough examination for the presence of a predisposition to the formation of age spots. It is important to cure the ongoing inflammatory processes in advance;
  • acne is warned taking the multivitamin complex "Aevit", antibiotics may be prescribed. A competent cosmetologist and doctor will immediately after the procedure make a soothing and healing mask, apply the necessary protective creams or ointments;
  • to prevent crust formation after peeling, it is advisable to carry out a session of nourishing masks immediately after the end of the cleaning procedure.

Subject to all the rules of preparation and, literate you can prevent the appearance of all negative consequences and achieve a good result when cleaning the skin.

Almost all clients of beauty salons were faced with the question: after peeling, the skin peels off - what to do and how to speed up the process of facial skin regeneration? This problem is quite acute, because girls rely on smooth and refreshed skin, and in return they receive scraps of peeled epidermis and dry skin. And the use of masking agents will not help, but will only emphasize this phenomenon. Why does the process of skin exfoliation occur after peeling? Is it possible to accelerate skin regeneration and reduce the intensity of peeling?

Peeling after exfoliation is a common process considered typical after the use of exfoliants. To understand why such changes occur to the face, you need to understand what the exfoliation procedure is.

Peeling is designed to remove the upper, keratinized layers of the epidermis. It is this part of the integument that causes the uneven complexion.

In the conditions of salons, customers are offered the following types of cleaning:

  • superficial;
  • median;
  • deep.

It depends on the type of cleansing on what day the skin of the face begins to peel off and how intense the exfoliation will be after peeling.

The results of the peeling performed are:

  • Elimination of wrinkles by exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • Lightening of age spots and freckles under the influence of acids.
  • Reduction or complete elimination of post-acne, scars and scars.
  • Improving complexion, leveling its surface.
  • Increasing skin elasticity, tightening the contour of the face contour.

To achieve these results, it is necessary to get rid of the dead cells of the surface layer of the epidermis that have fulfilled their function. This effect is achieved due to active peeling of the skin - peeled "patches" are the very same obsolete integument.

That is why you should not be afraid of peeling, on the contrary - it should be expected, since this is a natural and inevitable process. Peeling is an indicator of the effectiveness of an exfoliant, a sign that the master has done his work with high quality and conscientiousness.

How long does it peel off, the skin after peeling - this question is of interest to every woman who decides to exfoliate.

Is it possible to somehow contribute to the acceleration of this process? It is impossible to unequivocally answer these questions - much depends on the type of peeling and the characteristics of the client's integument:

  • For clients who decide to undergo peeling for the first time, a surface procedure with a minimum acid content is usually performed. In this case, the skin peels off after peeling for about 3 days. This process takes no more than 2-3 days.
  • How long does the face exfoliate after a mid-exfoliation peel? After such cleaning, the epidermis usually peels off in large flaps 2-3 days after the procedure. How many days does the skin peel off after yellow peeling and other procedures of similar intensity? In most cases, this flaking lasts 5-7 days.
  • After deep peeling, it lasts from 2 weeks or longer. The more accurate peeling time depends on the characteristics of the client's body and adherence to the recommendations of the master for post-peeling care.

For your information. Each woman has her own type of skin. In some ladies, they are more sensitive and respond with a reaction even to completely harmless scrubbing procedures. Others will be disappointed by the lack of effect even after peeling with trichloroacetic acid. For this reason, it is impossible to predict the behavior of the skin or the duration of peeling. It is necessary to carry out at least one procedure and observe the reaction. After that, you can draw conclusions about the type of suitable peeling and the frequency of its implementation.

The first days after exfoliation, the integument remains dehydrated. Also, often after peeling, redness is clearly traced on the face. The degree of its intensity directly depends on the type of cleaning. For example, after a fruit peel, slight redness occurs, which will disappear after a couple of hours. After peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the integument can remain red for up to 2 days. Median and retinoic peels provide redness for up to 5 days.

Also, after peeling, there is a high likelihood of exfoliation and peeling of the skin. In this respect, fruit exfoliation is again considered the most comfortable. Peeling after peeling with retinol and triacetic acid is usually more intense and lasting.

On what day the skin will peel and peel off after peeling, it is impossible to guess with accuracy. This usually occurs 2-3 days after exfoliation.

The normal post-peeling consequences also include facial swelling, which goes away on its own after a while.

For your information. Peeling may not be accompanied by peeling at all. This happens after the first exfoliation session - there is simply nothing to exfoliate. The skin has accumulated an impressive amount of keratinized cells and the exfoliant only acted on the surface layers. The tool simply could not get to the inner layers. With subsequent procedures, the situation will improve and peeling will certainly make itself felt.

Peeling skin after exfoliation can be accelerated. To do this, it is enough to accurately follow the recommendations of the beautician in the post-peeling period.

Side effects

In some cases, the peeling procedure can provoke complications and side effects. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Wrong choice of peeling.
  • Unaccounted for contraindications to the procedure.
  • Failure to comply with the recommendations of the rehabilitation period.

Atypical post-peel manifestations include:

  • Hyperemia. After peeling, the skin almost always turns red. But if after a long time the redness does not go away and the face, on the contrary, acquires a bright crimson hue, this is a cause for concern. Sometimes the situation can transform into erythema - abnormal redness of the skin, requiring the intervention of a specialist.
  • Water bubbles. They are considered a sign of a violation of the protocol of the exfoliation procedure. Most likely, the concentration of the peeling was exceeded, which provoked a thermal or chemical burn. Ignoring this symptom can lead to the appearance of age spots and scars.
  • Allergy. Swelling, redness and irritation that does not leave the face for a long time after peeling are signs of a severe allergic reaction. To avoid such a problem after exfoliation, it is worth using anti-allergenic cosmetics (especially for owners of sensitive skin).
  • Hyperpigmentation. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the renewed integument. Its protective functions have not yet been fully restored, so most peels are carried out from October to February, when solar activity is minimal. In addition, sunscreen should not be removed from post-peeling care.
  • Residual scars, scars. They are the result of a violation of the rules of hygiene in the post-peeling period. Most often this happens when the dried crusts that have formed on the face after exfoliation are torn off. It is absolutely impossible to do this - on the 7th day the crusts usually disappear on their own.

Advice. If several days have passed after the peeling, and redness, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms do not even think to go away, you must entrust the solution to the problem to a cosmetologist. The master will determine the cause of the complications that have arisen and prescribe the correct therapy.

A flaky, red and swollen face is not the most aesthetic sight. With such a "picture", very few people would dare to show themselves to others. On the other hand, not every girl can afford to sit at home all day, hiding from prying eyes. How to accelerate peeling after peeling and restore the normal state of the face? To do this, it is recommended to follow a number of tips in the process of leaving after peeling:

  • Do not peel off crusts and flaps of skin. They must certainly get off and fall off on their own. Otherwise, scars may remain on the skin, and it is very easy to infect the wounds.
  • Another "not allowed" in the post-peeling period is the use of scrubs, alcohol lotions or other cosmetics that provoke intense peeling.
  • You should wash yourself with thermal or mineral (still) water. Some cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  • The daily application of a greasy cream on the face before going to bed will help remove flaking from peeling.
  • Before going outside, apply sunscreen with a high SP filter to your face. You can wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • After the peeling, you can get rid of peeling with the help of regular application of "Panthenol" or other ointments with a wound healing effect.

How to get rid of peeling after peeling? After all, it is after this integral stage of exfoliation that the skin acquires an even shade and a fresh, well-groomed appearance. This period usually occurs by the end of the first week after the peel, depending on the type of product used.

To facilitate and accelerate the process of skin renewal, you should heed the recommendations of leading cosmetologists:

  • The first day after cleaning, it is forbidden to wash and generally touch or rub the skin of the face.
  • The final stage of exfoliation is the application of a special product. This procedure is done after peels to speed up peeling, protect and regenerate the skin. You cannot wash off this becoming. After a day, dryness and tightness of the integument is felt. Now you can use the cleanser.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, you cannot visit the solarium for the first time after the peeling. Failure to follow this recommendation can lead to hyperpigmentation and irritation.


Post-peeling peeling is a typical and unchanging phenomenon that accompanies almost every exfoliation session. This process indicates the initiation of the processes of skin renewal and elimination of dead layers of the epidermis. The intensity of exfoliation depends on many factors: the type of peeling, the characteristics of the skin and the woman's body. In addition, the skill of the cosmetologist and the absence of possible contraindications play an important role.

The duration of the peeling depends on proper skin care. Usually the process does not take longer than 1 or 2 weeks. In cases where the skin does not return to normal for a long time, it is necessary to seek the advice of a beautician.

Any peeling procedure inevitably leads to trauma to the surface structures of the epidermis, and some of their types also damage the deep layers of the dermis. That is why, in order to prevent the development of negative side effects, you should carefully follow the post-peeling recommendations of the cosmetologist, as well as observe the self-healing process, because this affects the final result and beauty of the skin.

Another expected reaction of the skin to the procedure is erythema or redness of certain areas of the skin, which occurs against the background of excessive blood filling of the skin capillaries. The duration of skin redness, as well as its severity, depends on the depth of exposure, the chemical agent used, and the nature of the damage. At the same time, peeling of the skin and thinning of the epidermis are observed. This is usually the norm after a chemical peel. Based on this, surface peels with fruit acids are considered the most optimal. In this case, microplatelet peeling occurs on the second or third day after the procedure and lasts no more than three days. Other types of peels provoke large-lamellar peeling, which is observed within a week. Taken together, all this leads to dehydration of the dermis, in which the skin becomes dehydrated, dry, while strongly tightening.

Such a post-peel reaction as skin darkening occurs after combined acid-enzyme peels (15-5% trichloroacetic acid in combination with papain), as well as in clients with IV-V skin phototype.

If a specialist prescribes a median or deep peeling for a patient, you must immediately adjust yourself to the appearance of a burn after such a procedure. A thin uniform film appears on the skin, which after a while becomes a crust. So this crust in no case can be removed, even the possibility of accidental removal should be excluded, otherwise the risk of scars and scars will increase several times.

Leaving after peeling.
To reduce the severity of normal skin reactions, shorten the duration of the recovery period or to facilitate it, several basic rules should be followed.

Most importantly, post-peel care should be aimed at intensive skin hydration and restoration of the epidermal barrier. These two conditions ensure normal regeneration and epithelialization of the skin, reducing the risk of scarring. Components such as hyaluronic acid, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, alginates, amino acids, hydrogels, urea, sodium and calcium ions, as well as proteins and their hydrolysates have excellent moisturizing properties.

Reconstruction of the epidermal barrier makes it possible to reduce transepidermal water loss (TEWL) by reducing skin hypersensitivity. As a result, it is desirable that shea butter, omega-6 fatty acids, ceramides, phospholipids, wax, primrose oil, black currant, grape seed and other natural ingredients are present in the composition of the care cosmetics. It is also desirable that they include panthenol, bisabolol, placenta, retinol, since they stimulate cell regeneration, thereby accelerating the healing processes of wounds after various types of exfoliation procedures.

It will be possible to wash only twelve hours after the procedure. In this case, it is necessary to use clean, non-chlorinated boiled water. You cannot wipe the skin, remove moisture with light blotting movements of the towel, after which you can already apply the gel. Directly in the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to use special products in the form of a gel or foam. Such products are easy to apply, are also absorbed, do not require rubbing, and after three to five days you can, just at the time of the onset of peeling, you can use creams specially designed for post-peeling care. It is better that such products include antioxidants (tocopherol, selenium, ubiquinone and other bioflavonoids) and have moisturizing, protective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Means for skin restoration, especially after deep and middle peelings, the duration of use, as well as the intensity of their use, the specialist selects individually in each case, based on the condition and characteristics of the patient's skin.

In the first days after the procedure, the skin requires gentle care, which implies a complete rejection of decorative cosmetics and the use of scrubs, and the latter irritate and injure already damaged skin. In addition, it is advisable to try not to touch the face during this period. It is also not recommended, especially after chemical peeling, to use basic skin care products. So day and night creams for the face and eyes are allowed to be applied no earlier than three to five days after the procedure. After gentle cleansing (which can be carried out a week after the procedure), the skin should be necessarily toned, for which it is better to use alcohol-free toners in the form of sprayers.

After the procedure, you cannot use home masks for faces on your own initiative. If necessary, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations regarding their use.

It should be noted that during the first three months after peeling, it is imperative to use cosmetics with a high and maximum sun protection factor, this will prevent the development of unwanted skin pigmentation. You should also refuse to visit the solarium, baths, saunas, swimming pools, less time in the open sun.

In case of severe redness, itching, edema, the cosmetologist can prescribe Sikaderm cream once a day in the morning or Keladerm two or three times a day.

You can repeat the procedure no earlier than ten to twenty days later.

Features of care after deep peeling.
A radical technique for eliminating cosmetic defects on the face is phenol peeling. As a result of the procedure, a burn occurs, which is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, which requires the mandatory use of anesthetic drugs. It is worth noting that the observed burn as a result of the procedure increases the risk of infection, therefore, in this case, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

When carrying out phenol peeling, as well as peeling with trichloroacetic acid, aggressive chemical agents are used, against which, after the procedure, any contact of damaged skin with water is prohibited for two days. The same applies to the recommendations after Jessner's peel.

In this case, the protection against ultraviolet radiation is toughened, after phenol peeling, protective products with a sun protection factor equal to fifty (SPF 50) should be used throughout life, and after TCA peeling - during the first six months.

How to prevent complications and how to deal with them if they occur?
The most common negative consequences of the procedure are scars, acne and herpes in the acute stage, foci of hyperpigmentation.

Before peeling, you should know that if you have herpes rash at least twice a year, then it is important to take preventive measures aimed at preventing complications from the procedure. Therefore, both before and after peeling, it is necessary to take anti-herpetic drugs. If the preparatory stage was missed for some reason, then pulse therapy should be performed after the procedure.

To prevent exacerbation of acne after peeling, you should use cosmetics that have a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. When acne appears, it is recommended to use products that contain zinc, as well as topical preparations with antibacterial properties. As a rule, a complication in the form of acne is observed after mechanical cleansing of the face.

Pigmentation after the peeling procedure is a fairly common complication. In most cases, it occurs after laser peeling and TCA peeling. As preventive measures for complications, it is recommended to use products with retinoic and kojic acid a few days before the procedure, and immediately after it acetylcysteine ​​(normal ACC) and strong antioxidants (vitamin E, C, selenium, etc.) will help.