Full name. How to sign documents correctly. Is it possible to determine the character by the signature and handwriting of a person

Ike Naj (O.K. Najimov)


Graphology is a science that studies the laws of dependence between handwriting and personality, human character.

The history of graphology goes back a little over three centuries. Although ancient documents indicate that such famous personalities as Nero and Confucius also showed interest in its individual sides.

The first known book on graphology was published in 1630 and belongs to the pen of the Italian professor Camillo Baldo.

His French follower of the teachings, the clergyman, Abbot Flandrin, used two Greek words "grapho" / write / and "logi" / science / to designate a new science. However, for the first time this word was used by Flandrain's pupil Abbot Michonne in his book "The System of Graphology", published in 1872. He is considered the father of graphology, since thanks to the initiative of Abbot Michonne, at the end of the last century, graphological societies were formed special journals on graphology. He also wrote several books on the subject, established a school, and had many followers.

Later, graphology began to spread in Germany and England. In Russia, since the 20s of our century, a graphologist-expert DM Zuev-Insarov has successfully worked in this direction, having written many articles on graphology and the monograph "Handwriting and Personality". As for the United States, this science is still in its infancy and is developing rapidly.

At present, in developed countries, great importance is attached to graphology. Many firms have expert graphologists on their staff who characterize the specialists they are hiring. Graphology is also successfully used in business, medicine, forensics, sports, pedagogy and other fields.

In this work, mainly attention is paid to the analysis of the signature, since an ordinary letter of a person is, as it were, "combed", it obeys numerous spelling rules and an individual cannot fully express himself.

Everyone invents the signature himself, no one is limited by any rules and laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns that reflect the properties of his nature, which allows him to compose a fairly accurate portrait of him.

Before you start analyzing signatures, you should consider the following guidelines:

    It is best to start your practice with familiar faces - preliminary data about these people will serve as a kind of hint.

    First, you should analyze the signature for each factor separately, and then, comparing the data obtained, display the resultant and draw a generalized conclusion.

    Skillfully apply the method of "logical circuits" - this means that if any characteristic is precisely determined by the signature, and this characteristic is always associated with another, which is not directly derived from the signature, then the second characteristic can be safely named.

    You should train regularly and constantly.

Note: to identify the character of a person by his handwriting, the following factors can be fully applied to analyze the signature.

Pay attention to where the end of the signature is directed; up, straight or down. If it is up (Fig. 1a), then this suggests that optimism prevails in a person's character, he is full of energy and seeks to achieve his goal. If such a person has disappointments, depressions in his life, then he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new strengths, desires, ideas. Often it is a creative personality type.

If the end of the signature is directed straight ahead (Fig. 1b), then this indicates a balance between optimism and pessimism. The influence of the environment plays an important role in this.

If the end of the signature is directed downward (Fig. 1c), then in this case the person is more susceptible to a state of pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either lack faith or it is very weak, in addition, there may be a decrease in willpower, weak resistance to alcohol, susceptibility to diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


If the signature is long (Fig. 2a), then this characterizes a person as thorough, not in love with haste, haste, able to delve deeper into the essence of the matter, persistent, somewhat stubborn, diligent, but at the same time somewhat picky, boring. In the body, attention should be paid to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If the signature is short (Fig. 2b), then this is a sign of a quicker reaction of a person, the ability to quickly grasp the essence of something superficial, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and more detailed analysis; such a person is less capable of monotonous, prolonged work that requires constant attention and he does not really like slow people.

As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular systems can be labile.

Note: in the latter case (Fig. 2b), it is imperative to find out if the person also has another signature, since often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as ladies of those professions in which they often have to sign, often have two signatures; one, as it were, official, and the other for affixing on various documents, as a rule, a shorter one - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also affect the signature, often contributing to its shortening.

Figure: 2b


Before analyzing the signature for this factor, you should mentally divide the signature in half.

The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical, and it can be used to judge how a person starts business. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental sphere of the person, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical / physical / activity and how the person finishes things.

Whether a person is a theoretician or a practitioner can be determined based on the workload of the first and second half of the signature.

If at the beginning of the signature there are two or even three capital letters, in the absence of large formations in the second half, then we can confidently assume that a person gives preference to mental work. Heads of various ranks often have such signatures (Fig. 3a).

Moderate load of the first part / minimum of capital letters, their low amplitude / indicates a propensity for applied activities. Often, people with these characteristics in their signatures are employees and public figures by profession (Fig. 3b).

On the contrary, in the presence of large formations in the second part of the signature, practical activity becomes attractive (Fig. 3c).


If the capital letter in the signature differs significantly from the small ones in amplitude, then the person who has such a signature is capricious, he has increased demands on others (Fig. 4a).

If it differs slightly in amplitude from small letters (Fig. 4b), then the owner of the signature is modest, without any special claims to life.

Small letters characterize a rational, economical and concrete person, as well as the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters indicate that their owner is prone to selfishness and stinginess (Figure 4c).

Large letters / like in children / characterize a dreamy, somewhat naive, impractical, gullible, often overly kind person (Fig. 4d). But also large letters speak of the desire for independence, freedom of activity. In the body, attention should be paid to the spleen and liver.

Figure: 4g


Kind, soft, calm ladies have much more rounded letters (Figure 5a) than hot-tempered, harsh, intolerant, irritable ladies (Figure 5b). Also, angular letters speak of the desire for independence, the presence of a critical mind, stubbornness, greater aggressiveness, a tendency to self-assertion, leadership, ambition.

According to these factors, it is possible to distinguish in what period of the relationship a person behaves softer - at the beginning or in the future - it depends on whether there are more rounded forms at the beginning or at the end of the signature. In this case (Figure 5c), the person behaves softer at the beginning of the relationship.

Fig. 5c


If all the letters in the signature are interconnected (Fig. 6a), then this indicates a consistent, logical nature of mental activity. However, in this case, some freedom of thinking is lost, a person is more conservative in his views, not so easily and quickly perceives everything new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if a moderate amount of gaps between letters is found in the signature, which also indicates the ability to harmonize the desired and the actual (Figure 6b).

An excessive number of breaks (Fig. 6c) testifies to figurative-concrete thinking, unpredictability of actions for others, daydreaming, a desire to draw attention to oneself, to impress others.

Fig. 6c


A person's self-confidence can be judged by the confidence and firmness with which he signs (Fig. 7a), in contrast to an insecure person, which is also evident from the signature (Fig. 76).

Figure: 7b


If a person is boastful and embellishes his dignity, then this is revealed in the signature. In this case, it is also embellished: various curls, ribbons and other similar formations appear. And the more of them, the more superficial, insincere in a person (Fig. 8a).

An ordinary person also has a simple, modest signature (Fig. 8b).

For persons with a logical mindset - mathematicians, physicists, the signature is often as if "bare", that is, the letters may lose some of their parts (Fig. 8c). It also speaks of the concreteness of thinking. If such letters are still little connected with each other, then this indicates illogicality, vanity, and shortsightedness in thinking.

Fig. 8c


The signature is compact, small, usually have "tactics" (rice "9a), that is, those whose minds are busy with specific activities.

On the contrary, "strategists" (Fig. 96) often have a sweeping signature - those who think globally, combinatorially, systematically. Among them are major leaders and public figures.

Figure: 9b


On this basis, it is possible to determine the degree of a person's generosity: if the distance between the letters is significant (Fig. 10a), then this indicates generosity and, in extreme degrees of manifestation of the feature, "wastefulness"

If the letters in the signature overlap each other (Fig. 10b), then this indicates economy and even stinginess.

You can even find out - in what period a person is more generous: when he only receives money or later, as well as in which predominantly sphere - intellectual or material - it depends on in which part of the signature the distance between the letters is greater, at the beginning or at the end.



In the physical strength of a person, bold lines of letters speak, blots / this is clearly visible when using an ink pen /, a large depression of paper (Fig. 11a). Often, the people with the most pressure when writing are extroverts.

And, on the contrary, the lines of the letters thinning in the form of a hair and even the disappearance of the line in some areas testify to refinement (Fig. 11b). This writing of letters is more characteristic of introverts, that is, people whose minds are directed inward. Even if such people are engaged in social life, it is not very easy for them, but through the struggle with their inner self.

If the pressure is even, moderate in strength, then this speaks of balance, thoughtfulness of actions, self-control.

Uneven, impulsive pressure indicates impetuosity, emotionality, impressionability, inability to systematic work.

A thick, fat pressure characterizes people with the development of sensual drives, with a craving for the material side of life.

If the thickness of the pressure changes, for example, the transition from thin lines to bold, then this indicates sexual inclinations of the imagination, emotionality, lability of the nervous and vascular systems, and inconsistency.

And, finally, a very weak, in places uneven pressure is found in persons who are unsure of themselves, hesitant, inclined to torment themselves, doubting, in persons with an asthenic-neurotic state.



Those who emphasize their signature at the bottom (Fig. 12a) are proud, are interested in the opinion of others about themselves, are characterized by greater touchiness.

If the signature is covered with a line from above (Fig. 126), then people who have such a signature are vain, proud and strive for great achievements.

But by the length of the "tails" at the end of the signature (Fig. 12c), one can judge the degree of a person's reaction to attempts to interfere in his affairs of others. The longer the "tails", the more intolerant its "owner" to various orders, decrees and remarks addressed to him. It also indicates caution, prudence.

If a person crosses out his signature (Figure 12d), then this indicates a person's dissatisfaction with himself, self-criticism, doubting, hesitant nature. Such people can be susceptible to neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, peptic ulcer disease.

Figure: 12g


If there are formations in the signature that resemble vertical lines, then this means, as it were, a barrier, slowing down, a brake on mental or physical activity. In this case, you should pay attention to which part of the signature these verticals are located.

The presence of vertical formations right at the beginning of the signature (Fig. 13a) indicates the scarcity of fantasies, intellectual, creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle of the signature (Fig. 136), then this speaks of a delay, the slowness of the transition from idea to its implementation, and if at the end of the signature (Fig. 13c) - about the difficulty in completing matters / such a person needs control from outside or appropriate incentives /.

From a medical point of view, if there are pronounced vertical formations in the signature, attention should be paid to the functioning of the genitourinary system.



Those who write unevenly, for whom the letters in the signature "jump" (Fig. 14a) are emotional people, unrestrained, and in extreme degrees of manifestation of the sign - uncontrollable and unbalanced. More often, such people are prone to vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, thyroid diseases.

If the signature is written exactly, as if on a ruler (Fig. 146), then in this case it indicates restraint, self-control, and the rational type of a person.

Figure: 14b


If a person is secretive and independent in character, then often he will upload his signature, as it were, in a circle (Fig. 15a). A lesser degree of manifestation of such qualities is characterized by the presence of smaller loops in the signature (Fig. 15b).

People with similar elements in their signatures are trying to find a job where they would be free, independent and would not obey anyone. The saying goes to them: "A cat that walks by itself" and "On its own mind."

Also, the loops are an indicator of stubbornness, willfulness, caution, "fixation" on any ideas, problems. It should be borne in mind: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature there are loops and in accordance with this, make final conclusions.

Figure: 15b


The dot is a positive sign. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and a tendency to complete what was planned.

If the dot is at the end of the signature (Fig. 16a), then this indicates a person's desire to complete the work he has begun, it is also one of the indicators of diligence.

If the dot is at the beginning of the signature (Fig. 16b), then this indicates a person's desire to receive comprehensive information before he begins to implement his plan.


The more complex and “loaded” the signature (Fig. 17a), the more problems the person himself creates in life - “makes an elephant out of a fly”.

Often such a signature is found among psychasthenics.

On the contrary, the simpler the signature (Fig. 17b) - the less problems a person lives - he seeks to simplify life.


They characterize the individual's tendency to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions (Fig. 18a). That is, in comparison with other people, such a subject easily develops an "obsession" with any thought, habit, or, for example, a melody.

At the same time, this sign also speaks of perseverance, the ability to more easily endure monotonous work.

As for health, attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system: neuroses are possible, in particular, neurosis of obsessive states. There may also be a tendency to high blood pressure.


If the signature is clear and you can read the letters that make it up (Fig. 19a), then the owner of such a signature is less selfish, since he subconsciously seeks to be understood by others. Often, clear signatures are found among teachers and instructors. From a medical point of view, people with such a signature may be susceptible to diseases such as psychasthenia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

And, conversely, if the signature is illegible (Fig. 19b), then this characterizes a person who is more selfish, since he cares less about whether others will understand him or not, and also less accurate.

There is a risk of exposure to diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as peptic ulcer disease.


If an individual uses a foreign font to write the signature (Fig. 20), then this may mean:

    that he is a fan of foreign affairs / which is more typical of young people /;

    is the original who wants to stand out;

    that a person is characterized by independence in views and judgments.


This feature is determined by the degree of deviation from the calligraphic / formulaic writing / and characterizes the degree of identity of the individual, personal initiative, the degree of diversity / or vice versa, monotony / mental manifestations of the personality.

That is, individuals whose handwriting or signature looks close to the stereotyped show little of their own initiative, are subject to stereotypical thinking and judgment (Figure 21a). People with such a signature are more in line with their time. Of the internal organs, attention should be paid to the Function of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

Those who have the brighter and more prominent differences in writing from the stereotyped - those more creative people, everywhere strive to bring variety to life (Fig.21b). In some cases, it can be said that they are committed to romanticism and tradition. In health, attention should be paid to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.


This sign is somewhat similar to the sign of "overload" - also, the simpler the signature, the easier a person lives and thinks. But there are also some differences. For example, simple artless people often write their surname in short or completely instead of a signature, they do not have enough imagination to somehow alter the signature, embellish it (Fig. 22a). Such ladies are more drawn to the physical and emotional sides of life.

Consequently, the more changes are made to the signature, the more complex a person's nature is (Fig. 226). However, such people are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases.


In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature, if they always sign quickly, without hesitation, then this may characterize the following:

    or is it a professional habit / for example, at cashiers /;

    or it is an indicator of a more increased degree of susceptibility in an excitable-choleric temperament, in which case you should pay attention to the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In the figure, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by the confidence of writing (see factor 7).


Direct (Figure 24a) -characterizes a person somewhat direct, restrained, consistent, having self-control, and often stubborn. It is also an indicator of the dominant influence of the mind.

Often there is a right-wing signature (Fig. 24b), which speaks of the balance of a person's character traits, the ability to understand, and compromise. In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.

And too oblique, almost lying letters are already interpreted as a pathological phenomenon.

If the signature is upset to the left - 125 0 against the direction of movement (Fig. 24c), then this is more often associated with the discrepancy between the personal natural inclinations and drives of a person about the external conditions of upbringing and life, and also indicates willfulness, stubbornness, exactingness, distrust, control of the mind, sometimes - secrecy and insincerity.

If the slope of the letters in the signature is of different types (Fig. 24d), then this is due to contrast, capriciousness, instability of feeling, impetuosity, affectivity, incontinence, scattering in purpose. With such people, you should be careful in business and relationships.


Characterizes the degree of giftedness of the individual, the development of intelligence and culture. Individual letters in such a signature can sometimes seem ugly, they can show irregularities, kinks, but they form one harmonious whole (Fig. 25).


For example, in one case the signature is accurate (Fig. 26a), in the other, careless (Fig. 26b). This characterizes a person with a more pronounced selective attitude towards others. If someone is of interest to such a person, then he will try to show himself from his best side, and if not, then he will be as careless as he puts his signature. In terms of health, attention should be paid to the state of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, the thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder.


Since the signature is one of the (factors reflecting the inner world of a person, it is natural that with a change in the internal state, the growth of spiritual consciousness and other changes in life, the signature also changes. If a person degrades, then the signature also degrades, if a person improves, then the signature changes accordingly.

The signature can also change in connection with the marriage of women, which reflects the real changes that have taken place in the emotional, social, personal and other aspects of life (Figures 27a and 276).


If an individual, having written some part of the signature, comes back with some line, or, having returned, adds something else (Fig. 28a in 286), then this suggests that the owner of such a signature, having done a certain work, is inclined to return to its beginning, to analyze what has been done, he has a desire to introduce something new, modify, supplement. That is, there can be a state of dissatisfaction with what has been done, a constant desire to improve what has been achieved.


They are often found in persons suffering from obsessional states and ideas, in persons with impaired mental balance or in a state of strong anxiety. The relief and the number of abnormalities in the signature varies depending on the mood. When a person is not disturbed by obsessions, then his signature looks normal, but as soon as a painful state sets in, abnormalities appear in the signature, which are characterized by the presence of unnecessary inappropriate strokes in the signature, any additional drawings, an excessive number of dots standing anywhere, etc. P. (fig. 29).


They characterize a person who is flexible, diplomatic, capable of making compromises, it is easier to adapt to different living conditions (Fig. 30). More often they are sanguine people, less often they are phlegmatic people.


This factor is determined by the evenness of the line lines, the uniformity of the spacing between the letters, the uniformity of pressure and the amplitude of the inscription (Fig. 31).

Such a signature characterizes the degree of volitional development of a person, mental consistency, working capacity, deliberation of volitional acts, stability of feelings, definiteness and immutability of relations both to individual phenomena and to all the surrounding life. Opposite signature characteristics will indicate the opposite.


If the signature has an elongated beginning (Fig. 32), then, depending on the degree of manifestation of this sign, one can judge the degree of willfulness, self-confidence, as well as despotism of the owner of such a signature, one should pay attention to the function of the liver, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.


If the amplitude clearly decreases from the beginning of the signature to its end (Fig. 33a), then this means that a person's work capacity, energy, interest and other qualities also decrease from the beginning to the end of the activity. Such persons may have a tendency to irritability, fatigue, attention should be paid to the state of the liver, thyroid gland and nervous system.

It can also be the other way around (Fig. 336) - a person, as it were, gradually develops activity from the beginning to the end of the activity.

If the amplitude of the signature is even (Fig. 33c), then this characterizes a person whose working capacity remains at a stable level from the beginning to the end of the activity, this can also be attributed to the degree of concentration of attention, interest, stability not only in work, but also in personal relationships.

By this factor, one can also judge the degree of secrecy of a person, if the beginning of the signature is large, and then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy line (Fig. 33d) - this indicates a certain secrecy of a person, but such is also about sophistication, diplomacy.

For those who do not know how to keep secrets, on the contrary, the signature begins with small letters, which increase towards the end of the signature (Fig. 33e).


If the factor is characterized by the fact that the writer, as it were, connects two adjacent letters through a common element. For example, two letters, A and K can be written in this way: (Fig. 34). And those people who have such combinations in their signatures are trying to optimize their activities everywhere. That is, there is a tendency to simultaneously conduct several cases at once or wait until some cases accumulate, in order not to waste time on them separately, but to solve them all together. People with similar factors in their signatures have a rational, practical mind. By temperament, they are more often sanguine, less often phlegmatic (Fig. 34).


This can be, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes - //. These and similar elements in the signature are an indicator of a person's stable character, harmony, balance of human qualities, the ability to make compromises, people who had the above elements in their signatures love reliability in everything, seek to hedge their bets (Fig. 35). Such people should pay attention to the condition of the genitourinary apparatus, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the functioning of the spleen.


The presence of this factor speaks of a suspicious, distrustful nature, characterized by a critical mind and caution. There may be a tendency to neuropsychic diseases. (fig. 36).


If the analysis is carried out in the presence of the subject, then you should ask him to put his signature in relation to the horizontal line - __________, this is necessary, for example, when analyzing using factor No. 1.

Also, if the subject has not one signature, but two or more of their varieties, then it is desirable to have all of them.

a / it is necessary to have on a separate sheet of paper the entire list of factors given in this brochure.

    Signature direction.

    The length of the signature.

    Beginning and end of signature.

    Length of letters / uppercase and small /.

    Roundness and sharpness of letters.

    Connectedness and fragmentation of letters.

    Confidence in writing letters.

    Various decorations in the signature.

    Spreading when writing letters.

    Distance between letters.

    The force of pressure when writing letters.

    Underlines, "tails" in signatures, strikethroughs.

    Vertical lines in the signature.

    Smooth and uneven signature.

    Various loops in the signature.

    Period in signature.

    "Load" in the signature.

    Identical elements in the signature.

  • Foreign letters in the signature.

    Graphicality in the signature.

    Ease of signature.

    Writing speed.

    The slope of the letters in the signature.

    The degree of harmony of the signature.

    Different types of signatures for the same person.

    Change of signature over time.

    "Refunds" in the signature.

    Abnormal signs in the signature.

    Signature waviness.

    Geometric consistency of the signature.

    Elongated start in the signature.

    Signature amplitude.

    Combinatorics in the signature.

    Signs of symmetry in the signature.

    Digital additions at the end of the signature.

b / Take a blank sheet of paper and write down the conclusions of the analysis made sequentially on the above factors. If there are no factors in the signature, then they are simply skipped, then a generalized final conclusion is made, taking into account the mutual reinforcement of any factors or, conversely, their mutual weakening.

This final result is presented to the subject.

Let's talk about the science of graphology. Your signature will tell a lot more about you than you might think!

You might argue that modern people are less likely to pick up a pen and write something. Greeting cards have replaced SMS or social media posts.

Write letters - why? You can call and find out all the news. You can keep a personal diary electronically. Summary? Typed and emailed.

In general, there is less and less material for studying the characteristics of your personality for a graphologist. But your signature remains, which you leave on various documents almost every day.

It should be noted that graphology is primarily a psychological analysis, which is based on 2 main pillars:

1) spelling letters and words is a psychophysiological manifestation of your temperament (impulsivity, emotionality, restraint, perseverance, etc.)

2) features of your handwritingis a subconscious manifestation of your character. For example, if the handwriting is large - the writer is able to think big, the width of the letters indicates sociable, who wrote them, or shy. The text is written neatly - most likely the person is emotionally stable.

I'll make a reservation right away that graphology does not give an accurate measurement, it is rather a vector (direction) for highlighting and evaluating the manifested properties of a person's character and their interaction. Therefore, the graphologist also uses psychological tests as an addition.

A signature for a graphologist will tell a lot about a person's character, because the person who signed it already manifests himself as a person. What the specialist looks at: a flourish, the height of the letters, the slope, an even signature or falls over, a gap between the letters, etc.

Here are some general rules for how a person's signature is read and interpreted:

The letters in the signature are well read

The more there are, the more confidently we can say that this is a person open to communication.

The signature goes up

The person is an optimist, full of energy and purposeful. Such a person easily copes with adversity and has a lot of creativity.

If the letters at the end of the signature decrease and "fill up" in descending order

The signed person is more likely a pessimist, weak-willed, does not believe in himself.
The signature, executed directly, speaks of the rationality of a person's thinking.

Signature length

If the signature is short (two, three letters) - the person is impatient, grasps everything on the fly, does not like monotonous work and slow, phlegmatic people.

The signature is long - a detailed person, does not like haste, likes to delve into the essence of the matter, stubborn, diligent and possibly boring.

Capital letter emphasis

If capital letter in size, it differs significantly from the rest in the signature - the signed person is capricious, requires increased attention to his person.

The letters in the signature are approximately similar in height and volume - the signed person is modest, unassuming.

Large signature - a person loves independence, a broad and wasteful nature.

Small letters

If the signature contains small, like beads, letters - this is a sign of selfishness and stinginess. Small letters with elements of a vertical splash - indicates that the person who signed has suffered some kind of stress or a serious illness

Merged signature

The letters in the signature are written together, without gaps - a conservative person. There are separate gaps between the letters in the signature - the signer has more flexible thinking, can create harmony between the desired and reality

Lots of spaces

The predominance of gaps between letters in the signature, the use of block letters - a person is unpredictable, which is called a demonstrative personality

Small signature with a small stroke at the end

- a person stands firmly on the ground, he is a practitioner, perhaps even a pedant.

Sweeping signature - inherent in people with systems thinking, strategists

Underline signature

Underlined below Is a person with a Bonaparte complex, seeking to prove his worth and significance.

Stroke over signature - this is vanity, a desire to achieve high results, to break out of one's social environment. These are charismatic leaders: presidents, military leaders;

Underline a signature with one or more strokes - this is a sign of stubbornness, harshness, some kind of complexes.

Capital letter with dot in signature

Signature starts with a capital letter with a dot, then again a capital letter, the letters in the signature are readable, the vertical stroke at the end is a practitioner who thinks rationally, cautious and prudent

Signature stroke, loop

The presence of various loops in the signature indicates the power-hungry character of the person who signed. A large loop at the beginning of the signature and further unreadable letters is a sign of pure lust for power.

Signature slope

Signature slope, is of great importance in graphological analysis. Signature slanted to the right - character traits are balanced, a person is capable of mutual understanding and compromise. At the same time, he does not forget about the other signs listed above.

Signature slanted to the left, - this speaks of the inconsistency of a person's claims with the conditions of upbringing in his life, and also tells us about the waywardness, stubbornness, exactingness and distrust of the person who signed.

If a letters in the signature "dance" - a person is rather unreliable in business and in personal relationships.

Signature amplitude

Signature amplitudes can also tell a lot about a person. For example, the amplitude decreases from the beginning of the signature to its end - most likely the efficiency and interest in the work of such a person also decreases towards the end of the activity. Such people quickly get tired, can be irritable, but at the same time they are always "on their own mind" and know how to keep secrets.

On the contrary, when the amplitude of the signature increases towards the end, this indicates that the work capacity and interest of this person towards the end of the work do not fade away, but increase.

If the amplitude of the signature is even, then this characterizes a person as stable in his activities, in relations with other people, self-possessed and judicious.

Smooth, readable signature

Geometrically consistent signature, fully readable, capital letter of the name with a dot at the beginning and a stroke at the end, uniformity of intervals between letters, uniformity of pressure and amplitude of the signature - characterize a special degree of volitional development of a person, mental consistency, efficiency, constancy in relations with other people, reliability of partnership.


You have learned that the science of graphology by just one signature can tell a lot about a person.

However, I would like to emphasize that the signature is the most common reflection of a person's character. For a more objective and constructive analysis, it is necessary to have more graphological material, to take into account the person's age and possible past illnesses (stroke, heart attack, trauma).

For those who have no time to read or are too lazy, but the topic of graphology is still interested, especially for you, I found a very fascinating short video on the basics of graphology, and here we are talking not only about the signature, but also about the handwriting in general.

The signature certifies the authenticity of the document and makes it valid. An incorrect signature can be challenged in court and cause many other troubles. Entrepreneurs should know the basic rules for signing documents in order not to get into unpleasant situations when a document may be declared invalid.

  • Who owns the right to sign important documents, and can this right be delegated to others?
  • How to place your signature in accordance with the rules of office work?
  • And if several persons have to subscribe at once?

The need for a signature

The entire economic life of the organization is accompanied by written documentation. Charters, reports, declarations, contracts and other documents have legal force if they are made in writing, and the proof of the written form is the presence on the documents of the signatures of the parties or responsible persons having the necessary powers.

Who has the authority to sign?

Who has the right to sign this or that document must be clearly stated in the relevant regulations, which can be:

  • constituent documents of the organization;
  • job description;
  • local regulations;
  • order;
  • order;
  • power of attorney.

Absolute Signature Right (without a power of attorney or other special justifications) is owned by the manager, that is, the director or the chairman of the board. His data must be contained in the state register (USRLE or EGRIP).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! If the head, when registering a company, gives the right to sign without a power of attorney along with himself to another person or persons, this information is also entered in the register.

SP one for all

An individual entrepreneur, who has the right to perform the functions of a chief accountant, can put his signature not only on documents requiring a director's visa, but also sign in the column "chief accountant", for example, in a consignment note.

Power of attorney signature

Power of attorney Is a written document to which certain powers are delegated. In our case, this is a transfer of the right to put your signature. Such can only be issued by the person who has this right unconditionally according to the constituent data, that is, most often, a representative of the management.

The format of the power of attorney and the format of the document to be signed must match. For example, if a transaction is signed by a power of attorney that requires certification by a notary, then the power of attorney must also be notarized.

If you follow the rules exactly, then the document must necessarily contain an indication of the signatory's right to act on behalf of the organization: a signature on the basis of constituent documents, an order or instruction of the management, a power of attorney.

NOTE! If the power of attorney is issued on behalf of a legal entity, then the director or another person specified in the constituent documents must issue it.

Who should sign the document if the director is absent?

If the person with the absolute right to sign is, for any reason, absent from his workplace when the signature is required, this option should be foreseen in advance. There are several ways to resolve this situation:

  1. Provide in the constituent documents the possibility of a signature for the deputy director or other official.
  2. Issue a power of attorney for signature to an authorized person (you can do this immediately for a long period, for example, for a year).
  3. Issue an order or order for the right to sign a specific document (one-time option).
  4. Use in cases where it does not contradict the legislation.

Signed by I.O.

If the document is signed by the acting director or his deputy, the right to sign is delegated to him on the basis of the above documents. At the same time, in the signature itself, an indication of "acting" is not necessary, according to the rules of GOST, only the name of the position is required, which remained the same for the employee who temporarily assumed the responsibilities of management. It must be indicated when the document is signed. It is also unacceptable to use a slash and the use of the preposition "for" before the signature.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Documents signed by the acting in violation of the design of this requisite (with the letters "and.o", slash or preposition "for") cannot be notarized, they can be challenged in court.

In place of the director - the signature of the acting director

If in the form in the place intended for signature there is the position of director, and the acting person signs it, then you need to cross out the printed phrase and enter the name of the real position of the signer. The same should be done if the surname and initials of the absent leader are printed. Corrections are made in handwritten form.

What can't have a facsimile on it?

An imprint-sample signature, which is so easy to convey to any employee and therefore very convenient to use, can not be left on all documents. Legal grounds prohibit putting such a signature, which does not require the “live” participation of an authorized person, on the following documents:

  • related to banking settlements;
  • various statements;
  • personnel papers;
  • declarations;
  • invoices;
  • cash documents;
  • contracts that need to be registered;
  • powers of attorney.

You can leave a facsimile signature when exchanging documents within the framework of one contract, if:

  • the contract, signed in the usual way, provides for such a possibility;
  • there is an agreement on the use of cliché-facsimile between the partners.

Such papers can be commercial offers, letters, acts, specifications, etc.

How is the "signature" props drawn up?

It would seem that what could be simpler - to put your signature? Meanwhile, this is as serious a requisite as the name of the organization and its banking attributes. Therefore, the correctness of its registration must coincide with the requirements for office work.

Signature elements

The signature as a props consists of three parts.

  1. Job title should be indicated in full form in accordance with the staffing table. If the signature is not on the official letterhead, then the name of the organization must be added to the title of the position. It is written with a capital letter. This element is positioned along the left edge of the document.
  2. Personal signature - what is commonly called painting. There are no special requirements for it: it can be either a flourish or a surname with one or more initials. According to unspoken rules, at least one letter from the first name and three from the last name must be clear from the stroke.
  3. Full name - initials and surname. It must completely match the passport data, up to the dots in the letter ё, if they are present in the identity card. Placed at the level of the last line of the signature.

Signature location

The signature is inseparable from the text of the document. If the text ends at the bottom of the page, then the signature cannot be transferred to a separate sheet, if there is no other text on the sheet besides it. It is customary to transfer at least the last paragraph, while not forgetting about the correct pagination.

If several signatures are provided, then they are located one below the other in descending order of the nomenclature significance of posts.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If commission members are signed, then it is not their actual positions that need to be indicated, but their role in the commission ("Chairman", "Commission member"). But to arrange them is required in the order of subordination.

IOF or full name?

The procedure for placing initials - before or after the surname - is determined by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2003 N 65-st and the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation “Requirements for paperwork. GOST R 6.30-2003 ".

According to these regulations, initials after the last name are placed in the following cases:

  • when addressing a document to an individual (for example, A.P. Koroleva);
  • when declaring or imposing a resolution when specifying the executor (for example, "The order is assigned to II Romanov").

If the signature is a props, then initials are placed before the surname... A full stop is put after the initials, they are not separated by a space from the surname.

Signature stamp

It is not required for some forms of entrepreneurial activity, for example, for individual entrepreneurs. But for most documents, the presence of a seal will certify their authenticity. Its use is governed by mandatory requirements that must be followed.

  1. The seal cannot be placed before the signature, and even more so on a blank sheet.
  2. If the document is drawn up on a special form, then the seal is put in the place provided for this, baked with the letters M.P. ("Place of printing").
  3. In other cases, the seal is placed next to the signature, it is allowed (but not necessary) to overlap part of the personal signature with the edge of the seal. You cannot completely overlap the stroke, since its authenticity must be verifiable.
  1. Check your counterparty's credentials to sign, especially if this is your first experience in writing.
  2. Specify not only the identity of the signatory and the authenticity of the authorizing document, but also its validity period.
  3. If the document consists of several pages, then each sheet should be signed, and not just the end of the document. You can flash the document and sign each place of the firmware.
  4. In the constituent documents, it is necessary to provide for the procedure for notifying partners about the transfer of signature authority by the management to other persons.

Do you think it is possible to paint your portrait in an instant? Can. To do this, a person only needs to sign, and the signature will tell about the character of its owner. And not only about character, but also about the perception of the world, self-esteem and even about the momentary mood.

It is interesting that in the not so distant Soviet times, the length of the signature of the employees of the party apparatus was tacitly, but strictly regulated. A lower-ranking official was not allowed to have an autograph shorter than that of a higher-ranking official. For example, the signature of the first secretary of the city district committee could have at least four letters, but the first secretary of the city committee had the right to sign in three letters, and so on. In a word, the unwritten rule was that the higher the post, the shorter the autograph... But that time has sunk into oblivion, now no one decree to anyone and everyone signs as he wants.
Although the signature of each person is individual, you can find traits in it that unite it with the autographs of other people. Here they are, these features, and give psychologists the opportunity to make psychological portraits. The length of the signature, its clarity, pressure, roundness and size of the letters, everything in it, in one way or another, betrays the character of the owner.

An assertive, aggressive person will be betrayed excessive signature pressure... To achieve his goal, he often moves mountains and demolishes walls, and then finds out that he just had to open the door that was nearby. Pressing the autograph of a self-confident person, also quite strong, but does not push through the leaf like the previous one. Such a person usually has a good command of the situation, which allows him, if necessary, to find the best way out of it. Lightly touching the paper, draws an autograph pen of a weak, insecure, and therefore secretive person. Fearing that someone might harm him, he makes a secret out of literally everything.

The person whose the signature does not have a pronounced slope, is psychologically stable, his reason and emotions do not dispute among themselves the right to guide his personality, but harmoniously complement each other.
However, the more autograph leans to the right, the stronger the power of emotions over a person's character. A slight slope of the signature to the right indicates that its owner is friendly and inclined to warm relations with people. He is sociable, sincere, hates loneliness. He is quite emotional and does not hide his feelings, but knows how to control them. Someone who signs with a strong slope to the right has very weak emotional control. If such a person falls in love, then at first sight, passionately and, as usual, forever. If he is jealous, it is so that Othello is a child in comparison with him. It should be noted that these people show their temperament and passion not only in love, but also in other spheres of life.
Small but obvious tilt the signature to the left says that her owner's feelings are under the strict supervision of reason. He falls in love, for example, only after carefully considering all the consequences of such a step. A cold mind, intellect is the subject of his pride, which is always on display for all to see. All of the above increases several times if the autograph leans strongly to the left.

A meticulous person, accustomed to delving into the details of the situation in which he finds himself, the signature is long, detailed, with many arcs and hooks... If such a signature contains the owner's surname, then you can easily read it, although the last one or two letters may not be enough.

The impulsiveness of the character gives the stroke of the pen is fast as lightning, it seems that now he will break off the page and fly about his business. Anyone who signs papers in this way grabs everything on the fly, but is not particularly patient. Flashing like a match, it goes out just as quickly. Usually he needs to gather all his will into a fist to complete what he started with such enthusiasm.

Inveterate introverts the letters of the signature are small and almost unreadable... Although if the letters are the same in readability, but they cannot be called small, then we are already talking about egoism, which is carefully hidden. If small letters of the autograph are easy to read, then, most likely, it belongs to a modest, even shy person. In any case, a compact, as if "concise" signature suggests that its owner has a specific mindset. The task assigned to him, which was previously well explained to him, he will complete accurately and on time.

Over-communicative extroverts and leaders sign quite large, about half a sheet... After all, their ingenious thoughts and global plans need space for flight. If you do something, then do it by and large, this is the motto of the owner of a large and sweeping autograph.
The greater the distance between the letters of the signature, the less a person is inclined to save. He likes to spend money, buy gifts for friends, relatives, himself, in the end. And here is the autograph holder, whose letters are closely pressed to each otheron the contrary, it is very, very frugal. In the store, he will think carefully before buying something.
Angular letters signatures indicate that its owner is not very talkative, in any case, he likes more than talking. Also, I must say, he hates criticism, when he hears it, he gets irritated, sometimes even becomes harsh. In addition, he is characterized by intolerance and independence, he is very ambitious and extremely stubborn. In general, that still pepper.
For a lover to chat for some reason the letters of the signature always turn out to be round, and if these circles are also open, then keeping someone else's secret for this person is a real test. But he is very kind and gentle, always balanced and ready to compromise.

The direction of the signature and its final stroke speaks of the inner mood of the person..
Optimists the signature usually tends to the top... Even if she stands straight, not deviating either up or down, the confidence of her owner that in the end everything will be fine will give the final touch, defiantly looking up. The opposite picture is observed among those who look at this world from a pessimistic point of view. The letters of their autographs, and the final touches of them, fall dejectedly down. But for realists, who are not inclined to go to extremes, and assess the situation with a sober look, the signatures, with their strokes, if present, always go exactly, parallel to the line.

Underline signature also gives out some character traits. A very proud and touchy person, most likely finishing his autograph, draw a line under it... With it, he unconsciously indicates his importance, which others have not yet appreciated. The same trait, but from above, will tell that its owner will never miss the opportunity to boast of his achievements, however, they are not always real, but it is not important for him. The hardest thing is for the one who crosses out his signature, which means that the person is constantly dissatisfied with himself, is overly self-critical and doubts his abilities very much.
Rarely, but still occurs vertical tail signaturethat goes down from the last letter of the autograph. "Tail" is usually present in the signature of a stubborn and intolerant of any criticism of a person. Although, if the "tail" is small, it says that the owner of such an autograph is careless by nature, and may be careless in risky situations.

Observant people noticed that the more legible the signature, the more open the person isto which it belongs. He seems to say with his autograph: "I have nothing to hide from people." Openness is, of course, a good virtue, but still, reliability is often valued by people much higher. It is not difficult to “calculate” by the signature of a person you can rely on, his autograph is symmetrical and has many elements that are similar to each other, like two drops of water.
In a person with an unstable character, prone to mood swings, the signature does not want to comply with the laws of symmetry... Starting with large letters, it ends with small ones, or vice versa. And a completely eccentric, too emotional character of the one whose autograph bounces on the sheet, like a cart on potholes.
A person who lives by the principle of "no problem" signs simply, without fuss. He seems to express his attitude to life with his autograph, put a simple squiggle and just something to do. For someone who sees difficulties, obstacles and insoluble problems in everything, the signature is overloaded with various hooks, lines, loops, etc. Well, if the autograph is decorated with circles, this is a sign that a person is inclined to dwell on not very important problems.

Signature belonging to a creative, extraordinary thinking person, often it is difficult to name a signature. Rather, it is a tiny, instant drawing that captures the very essence of the signer's personality. For example, General A. Lebed had a similar signature; this autograph-drawing depicted a swan, cockyly raising its beak and preparing to fly. When looking at this signature, anyone could immediately guess who it belongs to.
And in the end I will allow myself to give a little practical advice. If you want to fix any trait in your character, start signing as if you are already all right. Let's say you lack confidence in yourself, make it a rule to sign your autograph a little larger with a little more pressure. Soon you will feel a change for the better.

All that can be recognized by a person's signature. Basics of graphology and calligraphy for beginners.
Below are the basic characteristics of a person that can be calculated based on his handwriting and signature.
1. Signature size (What can be found by the size of the signature):

  • a) sweeping - global systems thinking;
  • b) compact - concrete thinking.

2. The length of the signature (as indicated by the length of the signature):

  • a) long - the ability to deeply delve into the essence of problems; perseverance, excessive pickiness and boredom;
  • b) short - the ability to quickly grasp the essence of events. Inability to repetitive work.

3. Signature type (How to determine the type of character by handwriting):

  • a) rounded - softness, kindness, poise;
  • b) angular - intolerance, irritability, harshness, independence, ambition, stubbornness.

4. The distance between the letters (Especially the character that can be determined based on the signature):

  • a) significant - generosity, squandering;
  • b) "dense" signature - frugality, stinginess (especially if the letters are small).

5. The presence of various elements in the signature (Here's how to determine the character of a person by his handwriting):

  • a) circle - fixation on problems and ideas;
  • b) loops - caution, stubbornness;

  • c) drawings - creative thinking;
  • d) combination of elements - the desire to optimize their activities.

6. Signature slope (What does slope mean):

  • a) to the left - willfulness, pronounced individualism;
  • b) to the right - balance of character, ability to understand;

  • c) straight tilt - restraint, straightforwardness, mind;
  • d) different types of inclination - secrecy, insincerity;
  • e) "lying" letters - the presence of serious psychological problems.

7. Direction of the final stroke (What else can you learn from the letter):

  • a) up - optimism;
  • b) down - a tendency to pessimism;

  • c) directly - balanced character;
  • 8. The length of the "tail" of the signature.
The longer the “tail”, the more a person is intolerant of other people's opinions. It is also a sign of discretion and caution. The shorter the “tail”, the more careless a person is.

9. Signature underline (What does it mean if the signature is underlined):

  • a) from below - pride, touchiness, dependence on the opinions of others;
  • b) from above - pride, vanity;

  • c) crossed out signature - self-criticism, dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt.

10. Signs of symmetry (how to interpret a person's signature):

  • a) symmetric - reliability;
  • b) asymmetric - unstable character, mood swings.

  • c) spasmodic - emotionality, imbalance

11. Complexity and simplicity (As can be seen from the signature of the person):

  • a) simple - a person lives by the principle of "no problems";
  • b) “loaded” - often inclined to “make an elephant out of a fly”;

  • c) original - great creativity.

12. Legibility (If the signature is readable and unreadable)

  • The more understandable the signature, the more open the person is.

13. Pressure (What does the degree of pressure on the pen mean when writing):

  • a) excessive - aggressiveness;
  • b) weak - secrecy;

  • c) strong - confidence
Knowing these simple features, you can easily make a psychological portrait of a person only on the basis of his signature on the contract.