Parent meeting “Playing, we develop speech! Parent meeting "Development of children's speech

Svetlana Wacker
"The development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten." Parent meeting

MBDOU "Proskokovsky kindergarten "Teremok"

Abstract of the parent meeting

"The development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten"



I qualifying

Topic: "The development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten"

Conduct form: round table

Target: Disclosure of the meaning of speech in the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the peculiarities of the speech development of preschool children in a family and kindergarten;

introduce speech games that are useful to play with a child at home; to promote the development of communicative qualities of children;

foster a culture of communication;

involve parents in the pedagogical process and the life of the group.

Preparatory stage:

1. Parent survey

2. Production of invitations.

3. Selection of visual and handout material.

4. Selection of pedagogical situations

5. Selection of musical background.

6. Video recording of children's answers.

Meeting progress:

(music plays)

Teacher: Good evening!

We thank you for coming to this meeting. We count on your support and help, on mutual understanding. I am sure that our cooperation will be successful.

First, I suggest you complete a small task: trace the outline of your hand with a pencil, write the name of your child one letter on each finger, and then decipher the letters, noting the qualities of his character. In the center of the palm, draw a symbol - who is the child in the family for you (sun, asterisk, bunny, bell).

After coming home, talk to the child, show your creativity and tell about your feelings for him. They need it!

Today we are going to talk about the development of one of the most important cognitive processes of a person - speech. Speech is one of the complex higher mental functions of a person.

Purpose of the meeting: let's set ourselves a goal for the meeting, what would you like to learn new things, what will you learn?

(parents' comments)

There is little time left before school. You all know that when entering the 1st grade, the child undergoes an interview, testing with a psychologist, teachers. What attention is primarily drawn to in this case: the child’s speech, how he argues, explains, proves, how he builds sentences, whether the words in the sentence agree, how rich and diverse the child’s speech is.

Figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in children is a very rare phenomenon. Children learn their native language by imitating the speech of others. Unfortunately, many parents in our time often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course.

Think back to when your child was very young (about 1 year old). How did we feel about speech? Waiting for the first word to be spoken? When he starts to speak actively, how quickly will the vocabulary replenish? Yes?

And now, how often do we think about how a child's speech is developed? How smoothly, logically does he express his thoughts, reason? Does it bother us now?

If yes: (We are very glad that you are concerned about this issue, this problem, and therefore we decided to devote our meeting to the development of children's speech).

If “no”, we don’t think: (It’s a pity, therefore, close attention should be paid to the development of children’s speech. You agree).

We invite you to choose from the proposed list the most significant factors in the successful speech development of the child and comment on your choice.

(Hand out to each parent.)

1. Emotional communication of parents with a child from the moment of birth.

2. Communication of the child with other children.

3. Adult speech is a role model.

4. Development of fine motor skills of hands

5. Reading children's fiction.

6. Games with the child of adults and friends.

Not so long ago, you had a survey on the development of the speech of your children, let's summarize.

Survey results:

As can be seen from the questionnaires, some children started talking at the age of up to a year - 1.5 years, which is a physiological norm. Some began to speak in the period of 2 - 3 years.

Many children today have a delay in speech development.

How would you like your child to speak by the time they enter school? (The teacher writes down on the board the characteristics of speech named by the parents: competent, understandable, expressive, meaningful, rich)

This is the ideal. But what actually happens?

In our modern time, our children spend little time in the company of their parents, more and more at the computer, at the TV or with their toys and rarely listen to stories and fairy tales from the lips of mom or dad, and at home developing speech classes are generally rare.

So it turns out that a lot of problems arise with the speech of the child by the time they enter school. Consider what problems we may face before the school (the teacher writes on the board in the second column):

Monosyllabic speech - consisting of some simple sentences;

Poor speech - insufficient vocabulary;

Incorrect sound pronunciation;

Incoherence, inconsistency, inexpressiveness of speech.

Look, we have a contradiction: we strive and want the child’s speech to be (the teacher reads the words from the 1st column, and we have (the teacher reads the words from the 2nd column).

What interesting things do we do in kindergarten so that the speech of our children develops normally?

First of all, we pay great attention to the story:

Writing creative stories

Compiling stories based on a picture, based on a series of pictures


It is very important to learn poetry with children - this contributes to the development of expressiveness, trains memory. Speaking to each other (“Competition of readers”), children at school will no longer be complex in the classroom.

What helps to improve sound pronunciation is tongue twisters, tongue twisters, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics.

Children are very fond of guessing and guessing riddles, this lesson teaches children to draw conclusions, analyze, develop thinking. At the same time, be sure to ask the child “how did you guess?”, “Why?”.

And scientists have also proven that through the game the child learns knowledge faster.

And at home? The survey showed that at home you and your children are mainly engaged in the development of speech: you learn tongue twisters, poems, and try to learn letters. But you admit that you do not have the experience, knowledge to competently and intelligently deal with children. And also some parents do not have enough time to communicate with the child, play, work out with him. You have recommendations in your folders about what you can do with your child at home.

What to do at home: (distribute to each parent)

First of all, when talking with a child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be clear and intelligible. Always speak in a calm tone. Do not forget that the child first of all learns to speak from you, so watch your speech, make sure it is correct.

Secondly, communicate with your child as often as possible. And if you notice that the child has problems with speech, do not be afraid to contact specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist).

Read to your child often. Reading at night plays an important role in the development of a child's speech, he learns new words, turns, develops hearing. And remember that your pronunciation should be crisp and clear, expressive and be sure to discuss what you read.

The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. By the statement of the child, one can judge how much he owns the richness of his native language, its grammatical structure, the level of mental, aesthetic and emotional development.

(Educator passes the ball to the parents).

I suggest passing the ball to the music until the music stops. Whoever has the ball answers the question.

At what age should you contact a speech therapist for help?

Do you explain to your child the meaning of difficult words? (for example: competition, mission, sharpen, nostalgia, animated, sunshine, semi-finished product, pandemonium, etc.)

What speech games do you play with your child at home?

What is meant by communication between an adult and a child in a family?

Do you explain to your child what idioms mean? (for example: Sit in a galosh - get into an absurd situation.

Lead by the nose - play for time, deceive.

Pout your lips - be very offended.

Like snow on the head - unexpectedly.

Pulling rubber is wasting time.)

Do you want to know how children answer these questions?

(showing a video of children)

Presentation of the creative game "I give you a word."

Due to the fact that children have a poor idea of ​​the meanings of difficult words, they cannot explain what phraseological phrases mean, I propose to introduce the traditional game “I give you a word” into the life of the family and kindergarten. The purpose of the game is to increase the vocabulary of the child, to explain the lexical meaning of words. Once a week, parents give the child a new word for him, or a catch phrase, name this word and be sure to explain its meaning. On Monday, the children bring the words presented at home to the group and introduce them to all the children. The teacher writes down each word on the card, and on the back - the name of the person who brought it. All cards are put in a box, and various games are played with them periodically. For example: the cards are poured into a hat, the children take one card at a time, the teacher reads out the word, the child explains its meaning. If the player copes with the task, he receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins. Variant of the game: the teacher takes out cards with words one by one, explains the lexical meaning of these words without naming them. The child who guesses the word gets a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Educator: And when a preschooler does not ask an adult questions, is it good or bad? What is the reason?

(Sayings of parents)

Educator: Previously, the child turned to an adult with questions, but met with the irritation of an adult, was refused. If a child constantly asks questions and does not receive any answers to them, then he will soon simply stop asking them. Lost interest in talking about anything. Parents should carefully listen to everything that the little man says, it is important not to leave "why" without an answer to any of their questions.

Educator: If a child learned to speak early, his speech is well developed, but he does not draw, does not sculpt. Is it good for his development?

(Sayings of parents)

Educator: Drawing and modeling classes contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hand, which creates the prerequisites for the successful mastery of writing. What else do you think contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hand? (finger gymnastics, finger games).

Do you play finger games with your children at home?

(parents' answers)

The kids and I came up with handkerchief games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. Children love these games and activities. They enjoy doing handkerchief exercises. FINGER GAMES WITH A SCARF - a unique tool for the development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination. These games are the most effective for the development of the child. Now we will conduct a small master class of games and exercises with handkerchiefs.


Of great importance for the development of the speech of a preschooler is the enrichment of the vocabulary based on the knowledge and ideas of the child about the surrounding life and in the process of observing nature.

(Sayings of parents)

Educator: Going for a walk with children in kindergarten, we talk about what the weather is like today, what kind of sky, what is in the sky, is there a wind, which one, in which direction it blows, how we determined it, what clothes we are wearing , why, what is it connected with? What season is it now? In cold weather, we feed the birds, observe their behavior and habits. We learn to look around ourselves and see the wonderful world of plants that surrounds us. We guess the riddle and find the answer. We are looking for signs of the season, we introduce the child to folk proverbs and signs. We read a poem, remember a song, play a game with them, for example: What tree is the litter from? Find the tree according to the description. What branch are the kids from? Etc.

Educator: Yes, we ourselves must see the world around us and open the eyes of the child to it. To teach him to notice and admire the life around us, to cherish and love all living things, and to be able to express his feelings in words. For example, when greeting the sun in the morning, say affectionate words to it - signs: golden, radiant, kind, cheerful, bright, expensive, magnificent, spring, warm.

Let's try to pick up at least 5 words together - signs for the following words: wind, rain, moon, cat, frog, crow, worm, beetle.

SUN - golden, radiant, kind, cheerful, expensive, magnificent, spring;

WIND - weak, vigorous, cool, hurricane, sweet, warm, bold, burning, refreshing;

MOON - bright, round, full, month-like;

CAT - fluffy, soft, kind, green-eyed, multi-colored;

CROW - black, useful, predatory, grumpy, talkative, croaking;

BEETLE - kind, beautiful, poisonous, creeping, harmful, black, May;

WORM - long, short, rainy, creeping.

Educator: Do you want to see how the children coped with this task?

(view video of children)

Dynamic pause

Those parents who love sweets come out in a circle and clap their hands.

Those parents come out and dance who: love to work in the garden.

Those parents who like to make preparations for the winter come out and make a “spring”.

Those parents who like to spend money go out into the circle and make “flashlights”.

Those parents who love to travel come out in a circle and circle.

Those parents who love their children come out in a circle and shake hands with each other. Well done! We did great!

Exercise "Positive example"

Try to express as many emotions as possible in words to set an example for your child.

Situation 1. You were cut off on the road. You want to honk, lower the glass, look out the window and start cursing. Instead, say, “Ugh, I got so pissed and scared when that car sped past us. Sometimes I get angry when I'm scared, how about you?

Situation 2. You forgot your house keys. You want to hit the front door out of annoyance, blame someone for what happened. Instead, say, “I'm sorry I forgot my keys and we can't get home. Let's play word games and wait for dad to come and open the door."

Situation 3. The child spilled a jar of cereal. Your mood deteriorates sharply, and you look at the floor with a sour face. Instead, say, “Hmm, I just cleaned and the floor is dirty again. I can sweep it up much faster if you help me."

Educator: Tell me, what affectionate words do you call your baby. Can the child repeat them?

(video recording of children)

Educator: Does the child know what city he lives in? Your home address? What is your last name and what are your parents' names? What is the name of the President of the Russian Federation? Do you introduce him to your parents, do you look at family photo albums together?

(Invite parents to speak.)

(video recording of children)

Educator: When communicating with a child, teach him to talk about his favorite toys, about family members, about rest on a day off, about interesting events in the life of a child and his loved ones, about exciting walks in nature, out of town, etc. The more we we talk with the child, the more we show and tell him, the better for his development.

And now there is an opportunity to say your word about the development of the speech of preschoolers to everyone in turn and draw a conclusion about all of the above in the word - the relay race. (offer a microphone)

In order for my child to have a well-developed speech, I must (should ...

talk a lot



Now tell me, what was the goal we set at the beginning of our meeting? Do you think we have achieved it? (parents' answers)

Educator: We, in turn, want to thank you for your participation, for your activity. It was a pleasure for us to communicate with you. I really want everything that you learned and remembered today to remain with you, so that your home is joyful and comfortable. (Hand out booklets)


In front of you is an apple tree. It needs to be decorated with beautiful apples. If you liked our event, you gained new knowledge, were active participants, decorate the apple tree with a red apple. If you did not like our meeting, you think that you have lost time, decorate the apple tree with a green apple.

(Music sounds, parents are evaluating this event. Making a decision of the meeting. Resolving current issues.)


Dear parents, please answer the following questions or underline the answer.

1. Name of your child.

2. How many children are brought up in the family? 3. Does a child attending kindergarten have their own room or play area? 4. Are there in the play corner: fiction; . works of folklore. 5. Write the names of fairy tales. poems. riddles. that your children know. 6. Do you read to your child every day? What time of day?.

7. Do you draw the child's attention to the bright illustrations of books, their content and meaning?

8. Does your child ask questions after reading or looking at books? Do you ask questions after reading?

9. How often do you buy art books for your child. 10. Which member of your family visits the library?. 11. Do you borrow children's books from the library for your child? 12. Which of the following do you consider important for your child: instilling love and respect for books; computer game; watching television programs (which ones? 13. How much time per day does your child spend in front of: TV;. computer;. tablet;. phone. 14. At what age did your child first speak? ...

15. Are you satisfied with your child's vocabulary? …

16. Is his speech sufficiently developed?

17. Do you work at home on the development of the child's speech? How?.

18. Does your child have problems with sound pronunciation?

Parent meeting. Topic: "The influence of adult speech on the development of a child's speech"

(practical material for the development of coherent speech of the child)

Communication- one of the most important factors in the overall mental development of the child. Only in contact with adults is it possible for children to assimilate the socio-historical experience of mankind.
The first three years of life, when children are in most cases brought up at home, are decisive in the development of speech. Already from infancy, babies listen to sounds, watch the movements of the lips of their mother and father, rejoice when they recognize familiar voices. From the very first day, they absorb the sounds of speech, collect and accumulate words. So gradually the child develops his passive vocabulary, which later begins to actively use.
In our time, the development of the media has greatly reduced communication with each other in many families. However, even the best children's programs or cassettes cannot replace the communication of parents with their children. It was and remains the most important condition for the development of normal speech in a child.
The speech of a child is not an innate ability, but is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and to a large extent depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, on education and training, which begin from the first days of a child's life.
The role of communication in the development of the child is great. Communication occurs before other processes and is present in all activities. It has an impact on the mental development of the child, forms the personality as a whole and, most importantly, can accelerate the development of the child, that is, communication is significant for the comprehensive development of the child.
Speech is the most important social function: it is formed under the influence of adult speech and to a large extent depends on sufficient speech practice, normal speech environment, education and training, which begin from the first days of a child's life.
The social environment stimulates speech development and provides a sample of speech. To exchange information between the child and other people, signals or signs are used: at first, non-verbal, and then verbal (verbal) communication gradually acquires the main meaning. This contributes to the development of communication skills with peers, develops the possibility of playing together, which is of great importance for the formation of adequate behavior, emotional-volitional sphere and personality of the child.
A necessary condition for the development of children's speech is a role model. If a child grows up among deaf-mutes, he, having hearing, will remain dumb, since he will be deprived of the opportunity to perceive a speech pattern for imitation. Children learn to speak like the adults around them, whose speech they imitate. But since the task of the kindergarten is for children to master the correct speech, it is important that the correct literary language serves as an example for them to follow. First of all, the educator should give the children such a model. This is important because the child spends a lot of time in kindergarten in communication with the teacher; according to his position, the educator enjoys authority among children, in addition, the example of the educator himself is one of the methods of pedagogical influence.
A child in kindergarten also talks to a nanny, a nurse and other employees of the kindergarten. Their speech should also be literate, friendly, polite.
The culture of human speech has always been given much attention. This is no coincidence. Since it testifies to his erudition, intellect, ethics, upbringing.

At the end of the parent meeting, parents are given reminders on the development of vocabulary in preschool children with exemplary games for the development of coherent speech.

The purpose of the meeting: To acquaint parents with games and exercises that are aimed at developing speech.

Speech is all possible means of expressing a person's internal, psychological states, images, thoughts and feelings in order to communicate them to other people.

Features of the development of speech in children 4-5 years old.

His speech becomes more diverse, more precise and richer in content, he is able to listen to the answers of adults to the end.

The sound quality is greatly improved. But some children still have an unstable pronunciation of some sounds.

At 5 years old, a child knows about 3,000 words. This allows the child to more fully build their statements. In the speech of children, adjectives appear more often, to determine the color, in addition to the main ones, they call additional (blue, dark, orange), possessive adjectives begin to appear - a fox tail, words indicating the properties of objects, qualities, the material from which they are made (iron key). Increasingly uses adverbs, pronouns, compound prepositions (under, around, etc.), generalizing words appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits).

The child builds his statement from 2-3 simple common sentences, uses complex sentences more often, but still not enough.

The growth of the vocabulary, the use of complex sentences leads to the fact that children more often make grammatical errors: "want" instead of want "red" ball.

Some children at this age can retell the text of a read fairy tale or story. However, many still cannot independently, without the help of adults, coherently, consistently and accurately retell the text.

  • Children can reproduce various intonations themselves, imitating the heroes of a fairy tale.

The older the child becomes, the more influence the family has on his speech development. Homeowners need to monitor their speech: do not speak quickly, pronounce words correctly, intonation should be calm.

The main tasks of speech development, solved throughout the preschool age:

  • formation of grammatical structure (the ability to combine words by gender, cases and numbers);
  • formation of correct sound pronunciation, correct speech breathing;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • teaching storytelling, coherent speech;
  • development of communication skills.

Work on the development of a child's speech in kindergarten is carried out in various activities; in special classes for the development of speech, as well as in other classes; outside of classes - in gaming and artistic activities. There are many different game techniques and exercises aimed at developing speech.

Reading fairy tales, poems and nursery rhymes. Read funny poems, nursery rhymes and fairy tales several times. When the child is familiar with the text, pause at the end of the line, prompting the child to complete the phrase.

It is very important to learn poetry with children - this contributes to the development of expressiveness, trains memory. Speaking to each other ("Reciting Contest" ) children at school will no longer be complex in the classroom.

Riddles - this lesson teaches children to draw conclusions, analyze, develop thinking. Be sure to ask the child "how did you guess?" , "why?"

We put a lot of emphasis on storytelling.

  • Writing creative stories
  • Compiling stories based on a picture, based on a series of pictures
  • retelling
  • Playing out scenes, fairy tales. Act out a simple scene or a familiar story with your child's favorite toys. After the skit, ask the child what he saw and what he liked.

Finger games Finger games are very effective for developing the skills to tell, retell, conduct a dialogue. They also help improve hand coordination.

ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS. These are the most popular exercises recommended by speech therapists, and you can easily master them. These exercises have attractive names. They set up the baby for a game, not a working mood.

"Delicious jam" . Let the kid imagine that he ate a delicious jam, and his upper lip got dirty. It is necessary to lick the jam, but not from side to side, but over the entire surface of the lip, strongly stretching the tongue. Licking the lip should not be done with the tip, but with a wide tongue.

8 Sound accompaniment of actions. Explain that certain actions are accompanied by certain sounds. For example, it's raining "drip-drip" . Clap your hands- "clap clap" . We knock on the door - "knock Knock" ... Repeat all movements with the child, accompanying them with sounds. Then the child will learn to perform all the learned movements with sounds.

game exercise "Say Different"

The goal is an exercise in the selection of words that are close in meaning. (word buddies).

The teacher says to the children: “One boy is in a bad mood today. What boy is today? How can you say the same thing, but in other words? (sad, upset)..

Why is he like this? Yes, because it is raining outside, and the boy goes to school.

Which word is repeated twice? (going).

What means "it's raining" ? Say it differently.

What means "the boy is coming" ? Say it differently.

"Say kindly" :

  • beanie hat,
  • duck-duck.
  • "One-Many"
  • duckling - ducklings,
  • gosling - goslings,
  • sock - socks.
  • "Hot - cold"

The game is aimed at expanding the child's vocabulary with words - antonyms. For example: Hot - cold Good - bad Smart - stupid Cheerful - sad Sharp - dumb Smooth - rough

“A child's speech is clay: as long as it is wet, it is easy to give it the right shape. But try to mold something from the already dried clay. The result will be disastrous to say the least." .

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17 of the combined type"

MO Gatchinsky district.

Methodical development

Parent meeting in the middle group.

"Journey to the Land of Speech Development".

Developed and conducted by the educator: Masko S.V.

Thais 2017

« » .

Conduct form: game practice.

Target: increasing competence parents in matters of speech development of middle-aged children parents into a single educational dow space.

Tasks: shaping parental child development parents .

Members: parents, educator.

Location: room groups.

Implementation plan:

1. Introductory stage: - Familiarization with the problem.

2. Main body: - Presentation "Our games to help the tongue"

Master class "Journey to the country of speech development"

3. Summing up meetings: -Feedback; parent questions.


Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to Parent meeting.

In order for our children to have a happy childhood, the main place in their life should be occupied by play. In childhood, the child has a need for play. And it must be satisfied because by playing, the child learns and learns about life.

But first, a little science.

Speech is the main form of communication. At preschool age she develops on two interconnected directions:

The speech of the child is improved in the process of communication with adults and peers;

Speech becomes the main restructuring of thought processes and turns into an instrument of thinking.

Good developed the speech of the child contributes to successful learning in school.

Violations speeches affect the formation of a child's character, since a speech defect that is not corrected in time makes the child insecure, withdrawn, and irritable.

There are a number of factors on which successful speech development. What do you think these factors are?

From emotional communication parents with a child from infancy

From the interaction of the child with peers

From the structure of the articulatory apparatus

From adult speech(as a model for children)

From development of fine motor skills

From regularly reading fiction to children

From the games of a child with adults and peers

From the ability to sculpt

All these factors affect child's speech development.

What do you think we should teach a child at preschool age?

Formation of sound culture speeches.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

Formation of the grammatical structure speeches.

Teaching storytelling, connected speeches.

Development of expressiveness of speech.

And so, ideally a child by 5 years:

Correctly pronounces vowels and consonants, knows how to convey a question, request, exclamation intonation;

Accumulates a certain vocabulary that contains all the parts speeches. The main place in the children's vocabulary is occupied by verbs and nouns. However, children use speech adjectives,

adverbs, pronouns and prepositions.

Actively aware of the generalizing function of words;

Through the word masters the basic grammatical forms speeches(this is plural. Accusative and genitive, diminutive - affectionate suffixes);

Uses in speeches the simplest types of compound and complex sentences.

AT speeches children 4-5 years old, some features are noted.

Children at 5 years old mispronounce or do not pronounce hissing sounds at all ( "sh", "and", "h", "sch", sonorants ( "R", "r", "l", "l") sounds, and some miss them.

Children are not able to identify the essential features of objects, for example, they find it difficult to name parts of an object.

Needs improvement on intonation speeches.

Need work on development articulatory apparatus, as well as over the sound culture speeches, diction. The pace, the power of the voice.

Not all children can agree on words in gender, number and case.

When constructing simple widespread sentences, they omit individual members of the sentence.

The desire to create new words appears as a result of the creative development of the riches of the native language.

Children of this age have access to a simple form of dialogic speeches.

Children are often distracted from the content of the question.

Each age stage has its own tasks, its own teaching methods. Work on speech development child in kindergarten is carried out with different types of activities: in special classes on speech development, as well as in all other classes; outside of classes - in gaming and artistic activities; in everyday life.

Let's see what we do in the group so that our children learn to speak well. Presentation.

Today we invite you to go through the path that a child goes through when faced with the unknown, to get acquainted with the content and techniques that contribute to development of speech of children of average preschool age, get acquainted with didactic games, manuals. Our master class will teach you how to make didactic games from improvised material.

Forget for a while that you are adults and let's play. You want? Then we go to travel to the country Speech development!

The first station is articulation gymnastics

Now we will perform some simple but very useful exercises.

Holding lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.

Proboscis (Tubule).

Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

Fed up hamster.

Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.

Hungry hamster.

Pull in your cheeks.

The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.


The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are bent up.

The mouth is open. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately stretch under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.

The mouth is closed. With a tense tongue, rest against one or the other cheek.

The mouth is open. With a wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we lead from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

Delicious jam.

The mouth is open. Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

Let's lick our lips.

The mouth is open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

Finger gymnastics station.

First, we will stretch our fingers. Finger game "One, two, three ..."

The teacher does the exercise together with the parents.

Then we do an exercise with self-massage: "Family"

We do the exercise 2 times - on the right and on the left hand.

Now let's play the game "Birds".

Each finger is a bird

Here is a magpie

Here is a titmouse, a woodpecker, an owl sparrow -

Show us them soon.

We take different games for each lexical topic.

The teacher shows the file..

Station “Gaming.

Get in a circle and let's play the game "Mom and Cub" with you.

I toss you a ball and name a grown animal

You name the cub and throw the ball to me.

And the cheerful steam locomotive again calls us on the road. Let's take up more space. Let's go further!

Station "Compose"

At this station, the artist left us an unfinished painting. Our task is to complete it with joint efforts. Answering my questions, we will draw together. (schematic image of a man)

Who is it, boy or girl? Like her (his) name? What's on her head? What colour? What color are her eyes? What is she wearing? What colour? What's on his legs? What colour? What is in her hands? What season is it now? What a girl (boy) did and where is it going now?

Very well! And now let's try to tell what we got.

Station "Ultimate"

Our train has arrived at the terminal station. See how many different games children who develop speech, meets us. Here, games bought in the store and made by the hands of educators and parents. Our task, as they say, is to learn how to make games cheaply and cheerfully from improvised and junk material that is available in every home. AT group children enjoy playing with them. But we don't have any games yet development of speech breathing.

And now we will conduct a master class. I suggest you all work together to make games for development of speech breathing.

Today we have confirmed the fact that adults themselves must see the world around us and open the eyes of a child to it.

With spontaneous speech development speeches. . Thanks to speeches

Summarizing meetings.

We would like to know your opinion about today's event (the teacher passes the wand parents and questions).


Did you enjoy today's meeting?

Why is this meeting useful for you?

What specific play techniques will you use at home?

What can a child learn from didactic games? speech development?

Your wishes for the next meeting.

caregiver A: I believe that the goal meeting reached. We drew your attention to the fact that it is necessary to conduct didactic and finger games with children in kindergarten and at home. speech development whose task is to help children enrich their active vocabulary, develop connected speech and speech creativity. In order for you to be able to work with your children at home, we have prepared small reminders for you.

Explanatory note.

Parent meeting in the middle group.

« Journey to the country Speech development »

Relevance of the topic: With spontaneous speech development only a few children reach a high level. Therefore, purposeful teaching is necessary to create interest in the mother tongue in children and to promote a creative attitude towards speeches. The development of speech directly affects the development of thinking. Thanks to speeches children master the norms of social behavior, which contributes to moral education. Thus, mastering the native language is necessary for the full formation of the child's personality.

Target : increasing competence parents in matters of speech development of middle-aged children preschool age, inclusion parents into a single educational dow space.

Tasks : shaping parental competence in the field of speech child development; strengthening the skills of effective interaction parents and children in the process of organizing joint play activities; mastery parents game methods of speech development.

Novelty: The meeting was held in the form of a game workshop.

Parents played and did the exercise that children do during the day.

Innovation: presentation: "Our games to help the tongue."

Predicted result: Parents will pay more attention to the development of children's rhea. To acquaint parents with the techniques of articular and finger gymnastics and to ensure that parents do gymnastics with their children every day. for fine motor skills and language.

Preparing for the meeting: A questionnaire for parents has been developed.

A file of finger and articulation gymnastics has been prepared.

A presentation "Our games to help the tongue" has been prepared

Notes prepared. "Finger Games".

List of used literature: Bondarenko A.K. Didactic game in kindergarten. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech in the middle group of kindergarten. – M.: Enlightenment, 1999.

Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. Articulation gymnastics. // Child in kindergarten 2001, No. 3. Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. The development of speech in children 4-7 years old. // Child in kindergarten 2002, No. 2

Classes for the development of speech in kindergarten. Ed. Ushakova O.S. - M .: Education, 1993. 11) The game of a preschooler. / Ed. Novoselova S.L. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

Internet resources


Questionnaire for parents

"Speech development of the child"

1. Surname, name of the child _____________________________________________

2. Date of birth ___________________________________________________

Underline the answers to the following questions and please give them a detailed justification.

3. In your opinion, who should be involved in the development of a child's speech? (Parents, kindergarten.) ___________

4. Do you work with your child to improve his speech? (Well no.) __________

5. Would you like to learn how to work on the development of a child's speech? (Well no.) ______________

6. Do you watch how your child speaks? (Well no.) ________________

7. Do you correct mistakes in your child's speech? (Well no) _______________

8. Do you want to learn how to correct speech defects? (Well no.) ______________

9. Do you know what kind of knowledge your child receives in speech development classes in kindergarten? ______

10 Do you attend children's parties?______________________________

11. How do you feel about the products of joint activities? _______________

Thank you for your cooperation!

"The role of the family in the speech development of a child 4-5 years old"

Purpose: creating conditions for the speech development of preschoolers; formation of pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: to acquaint parents with the content of work on the development of speech of children of middle preschool age;

Involve parents in the exchange of experience in the speech development of children in the family.

Plan of the event:

1. Introductory part - announcement of the topic of the meeting, goals

2. "I'll pour a cup of tea, I'll tell you about our speech" - advice from parents on developing children's speech at home

3. Homework for parents: compiling an album for the development of speech
children "Speech"

Event progress

Good afternoon, dear parents, today we have gathered with you in again to talk together about the development of children's speech.

"Successful speech development of the child"

Dear parents, what do you think the successful speech development of a child depends on? (choose the correct answer on the card), prove, give a personal example.

Factors for the successful development of a child's speech - (prepare cards for parents in advance)

  1. From the emotional communication of parents with a child from infancy
  2. From the interaction of the child with peers
  3. From the structure of the articulatory apparatus
  4. From the speech of adults (as a model for children)
  5. From the development of fine motor skills
  6. From reading fiction to children
  7. From the games of a child with adults and peers

All these factors affect the development of a child's speech.

Speech is not inherited, the child adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him (and, above all, from his parents), that is, mastery of speech is directly dependent on the speech environment surrounding the child. Therefore, it is so important that at home he hears the correct, competent speech.

You should know that an important aspect of speech development is the correct pronunciation of sounds. Error in pronunciation is the basis of many school difficulties (in writing).

In addition, children with fuzzy speech are not self-confident, they are reluctant to communicate with peers and adults.

Please note: a child of 4-5 years old must correctly pronounce all sounds. If not, don't waste your time!!! Do not expect that speech defects will disappear by themselves. The best thing is the help of a speech therapist (consultation)

Do not forget that communication with you is crucial for the development of a preschooler's colloquial speech. When walking with children, try to pay attention to objects that are significant to a person: shops, schools, clinics, libraries. Tell your child what these institutions are for, who works in them. During walks - draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding nature, plants, animals, insects. Never go away from answering the child's questions. Introducing new objects, things, objects, name them correctly, tell about their purpose. Offer to consider the subject in detail, highlight the characteristic features, properties (this will fill up the children's vocabulary), teach to observe, compare objects and phenomena.

I advise you to create a children's library at home, where you can look at illustrations in books, encyclopedias for children together with your child.

If your child distorts words - do not be afraid to stop him and correct him, say the word the way it needs to be said.

It is necessary to acquaint children with folklore, tell and read fairy tales, riddles, songs, nursery rhymes. They not only introduce children to the national culture, but also form moral qualities: kindness, honesty, caring for another person, entertain and amuse, cause a desire to speak out, talk about the heroes of a fairy tale.

Support this desire, let your child tell a familiar tale to his sister, grandmother, his favorite toy. These are the first steps in mastering monologue speech.

The development of children's speech takes place in the garden, not only in classes for the development of speech and reading fiction, but throughout the day.

What do we do in the speech development classes:

We communicate, develop our speech through conversations, speech games, looking at pictures, describing pictures, describing toys, describing clothes and shoes, memorizing poems, riddles, retelling fairy tales, observing the life of birds and animals outdoors in the garden, reading fairy tales and poems, sound games and exercise.

In cognitive development, the task of the teacher is to consistently increase the stock of knowledge in children, to streamline and systematize them.

The child should get a clear understanding of:

About the surrounding objects and their purpose;

About the qualities (color, size, shape) of objects;

About the properties (beating, breaking, tearing, pouring, etc.) of objects;

About the material from which objects are made

Dear parents! You are offered games that will help your child make friends with the word, teach you how to tell, find interesting words, and as a result, make your child's speech richer and more diverse.

  • Game "I noticed". An adult invites each child to name the objects that he passes by on the way to kindergarten, and pick up as many adjectives as possible for nouns.
  • The game "Let's remember the "tasty" words and treat each other." The adult and the first child alternately call the "sweet" words, the adult and the second child alternately call the "salty" words, etc.
  • Game "Tell me a word". An adult starts a phrase, a child finishes it. For example: "The crow croaks, and the sparrow .... The owl flies, and the hare .."
  • The game "Let's look for words in the kitchen." Children answer questions from an adult. For example: "What words can be taken out of borscht? What words are in the vinaigrette? What words are in the kitchen cabinet?"

Back in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a kind of colloquial speech with the repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce.

Practice tongue twisters with your child, moderate the haste of his speech. He will love these funny and short rhymes.

Patter for speech development

And now, dear parents, I invite you to turn into children for a moment and play speech games.

The game "Choose epithets for words"

Snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold, wet, creaky, etc.)

Human (polite, wonderful, open, cordial, etc.)

Wind (strong, cold, affectionate, penetrating, etc.)

Rain (cold, summer, drizzling, strong, etc.)

Elephant (big, gray, fat, kind)

The game "Compare items with each other".

Find as many similarities and differences as possible.

Table chair

Armchair sofa

Shirt - T-shirt.

The game "Weave a wreath of proposals" (with a ball)

I pronounce a sentence, and you find the last word in it, and from this word you come up with a new sentence.

For example: 1. Serezha is reading a book. 2. The book is on the table. 3. My desk is clean. 4. Clean hands are a guarantee of health, etc.


Parents are invited to take into account the demonstrated games, actively use them at home with their children. Take an active part in any games with children. Arrange excursions according to the interests of children, which will also help to expand and enrich the vocabulary and horizons of children. Remember!!!: only the playful form of presentation will always make serious learning joyful, desirable and, most importantly, successful.

Memo for parents on the development of children's speech

  1. As a general rule, the more you talk to your child, the more he will learn.
  2. Continue and complement what the child said - make his sentences common.
  3. Never correct a child's speech. Just repeat the same phrase correctly.
  4. Make sure your child has new experiences to talk about.
  5. Encourage your child to ask questions and never leave them unanswered.
  6. Do not interrupt the child, do not turn away until the child finishes talking - in other words, do not let anyone suspect that you are not interested in what he is talking about.
  7. Let the child sort through cereals, play with buttons, small toys - this develops fingers, and therefore speech.
  8. Pay attention to sounds and noises from the street, from another room, from the kitchen. It develops phonemic (speech) hearing.
  9. Limit your TV viewing time. It is better to watch TV with your child and discuss with him his impressions of what he saw.
  10. Read fiction with your child - this teaches the child to listen, be diligent, talk about what they read.
  11. Do not criticize the child even in private, especially if you do not do this in the presence of strangers.
  12. Do not compare your child with other children.
  13. Play different games with your child.

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