Parent meeting in the preparatory group. Family and family traditions. Parent meeting in the preschool educational institution on the topic: "Family values

Municipal budgetary general education

institution "Lyceum No. 1"

Salavat Republic of Bashkortostan

Parent meeting "Family Traditions"


primary school teacher

Petrova Elena Alekseevna

Salavat 2014


Conduct form: round table.

Goals: search for new forms of interaction between the educational institution and the family; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Implementation plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. Round table.

3. Musical pause.

4. Exchange of parental experience about holding holidays in the family.5. Summarizing the proposals of parents and discussing recommendations for holding holidays.

6. Summing up the results of the meeting. Decision-making.

Event progress

I. Preparatory stage

Distribute invitations to parents in the form of a postcard a week in advance
with the theme of the parent meeting.

Decorate the class festively.

Write down the children's answers to the questions:

Children, do you like holidays?

What holidays do you have at home?

Have you ever celebrated a holiday with adults,
sit with them at the same festive table?

What do you remember most about this holiday?

Do you love gifts?

Conduct a survey of parents "Your impressions
from the holidays."

Summarize the results of the survey.

II. Organizational stage

1. Place posters with inscriptions:

“The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication” (A. de Saint-Exupery);

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (L. Tolstoy).

Prepare tables for the meeting.

Arrange a thematic exhibition of books and magazines about children's holidays, selections of games, intricate invitation cards, home-made postcards with children's drawings.

III. Stage of the round table

1. Opening speech of the presenter

Teacher. As noted by the famous French writer An-toine de Saint-Exupery, "the only true luxury is the luxury of human communication." Do we know how to use this luxury in our families, in the circle of friends, do we teach this to our children?

If on September 1 you and your children plant a tree or on New Year's Eve you go to the forest with your family in order to decorate the Christmas tree with treats for animals and birds, or on May 9 you congratulate your grandfather or a veteran neighbor in a special way, all this strengthens family ties, helps in raising children.

2. Presentation of the results of the parent survey
"Your impressions of the holidays"

Teacher. Do you think it is necessary to organize holidays on the occasion of a child's birthday?

(Parents give their opinion.)

I suggest you listen to your children's answers to the questions “Do you like home holidays?”, “What holidays do you have?”, “What do you remember?”.

(View video.)

For the full development of a child, a holiday is necessary like air. Let everyone remember their childhood, and he will understand that a holiday for a child is not something for us, it is really an event in a child's life, and the child counts the days from holiday to holiday, as we count years from one important event in our life to another . And vice versa, “this childhood would be dull and gray if holidays were thrown out of it,” as K. Ushinsky wrote. How do you think the holidays help in raising a child?

(Parents' comments.)

The child's mind is developed by riddles, quizzes, cognitive games. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts in advance, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it - this is how work enters the life of a child. And when we draw, sing, read poetry, dance, make up, listen to music - don't we educate our children aesthetically?

What holiday will take place without fun outdoor games, when dexterity and ingenuity contribute to healthy growth? And one more thing: the family is a team. Let a small, mixed-age, but the team. And in festive cares the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested.

But what if a holiday, for example, your birthday, you have to celebrate with your friends, adults, and the child, seeing the preparation for it, asks: “Can I celebrate with you too?” What will you answer? Is it possible to put children at the same festive table with adults? In what cases yes (no)? (Parents' comments.)

We also asked your children the following questions: “Children, have you ever celebrated a holiday with adults, sitting at the same festive table with them? What did everyone remember at such a holiday? Let's hear what they had to say. (View video). Oddly enough, it happens that adults also arrange children's holidays for themselves. Adults have their own interests, conversations, and children are bored and sometimes offended at such a holiday: no one remembers the hero of the occasion. Often at adult holidays, the child is given special attention. He is left at the common table, he becomes a witness to adult conversations, often interfering in them. The child will say or do something funny - it seems funny to everyone, adults expect new jokes from him. The child gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him. S. Mikhalkov tells about such a holiday in the poem "Poor Kostya":

If suddenly guests come

To the house for a festive cake,

Mom and dad ask Kostya:

"Sing, please, son!"

Kostya begins to wrinkle,

Pout, whimper and sniffle.

And it's easy to guess:

The little boy does not want to sing.

"Sing! Mom insists.

Just stand up straight in your chair!”

Dad whispers: "Konstantin,

Sing a couplet! At least one!”

Out of frustration and anger

Everything boils in Kostya's chest.

He, groaning, gets up on a chair,

Sings with disgust.

And he sings, oddly enough,

Serenade Don Juan

What did he remember

Why is unknown.

The guests clap their hands

“Oh, what a good singer!”

Someone asks: You, baby,

Better sing "Noisy reeds ..."

The guests laugh at the table

And no one will say: “Drop it!

Stop sticking around

It's time for the baby to go to bed."

And sometimes, we love to demonstrate the abilities of our child. And if there are several children, a kind of "talent contests" are arranged. But children do not like it when adults insistently demand performances from them. Shy guys are especially shy. They should not be forced to perform, they will be much more willing to sing, dance, tell something when it falls out to them to do it during the game or for fun.

On birthdays, and sometimes on holidays, we give gifts to children, they love them and are always waiting. What gifts do you prefer to give to your children? (Experience exchange.).

Do I need to give them on holidays? Which? How to give gifts in the New Year?

(Parents' comments.)

Gifts should always be a little "for growth", but not too much, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child's thinking, attention, memory. Do not forget about balls and jump ropes, sports equipment, sketchbooks and felt-tip pens, books, the alphabet in pictures, records with fairy tales, children's songs. Boys can be presented with the simplest set of tools: a hammer, pliers, pliers, a small screwdriver. It is desirable that before entering school, the child has several favorite books, CDs with music and cartoons. Of course, gifts for children are by no means pampering, but, nevertheless, it is easy to spoil children with gifts.

Do you think your child knows how to accept gifts? Do you pay attention to it? Which of the answers will be your child's answer if they brought him a toy that he already has? Option 1: after unwrapping the gift and thanking, the child says: “I dreamed of such a machine!” Option 2: “Well, why do I need such a machine? I already have one!”

(Watching a video with children’s answers to the questions: “Guests came to you, presented gifts, do you need to open them right away? What would you say if suddenly you were presented with such a book, a toy that you already have?” Discussing the issue with parents “ How to give and receive gifts.

You are preparing for the holiday, waiting for guests in your house. Do you attach importance to the decoration of the room while preparing for the celebration? In your opinion, do you need to decorate an apartment for the holiday? For what? What have you already used in your home practice? How to decorate a room, house for the holiday? After all, the mood of the guests largely depends on this, and we, captivating our children with a common cause, develop their creative abilities. Of course, the best decoration of the house is cleanliness and order.

By the solemn day, as a rule, they bring a special festive shine: they wash, knock out, rub. Let the big ones and the little ones do it. But special decorations are also needed for the holiday. When decorating walls, windows, ceilings, observe the measure. Remember, designs should not be repeated. Come up with something new, unusual, unexpected every time. Of course, holidays without flowers are not holidays. By tradition, an odd number of stems are placed in a vase. If there are no flowers, you can replace them with an autumn, winter bouquet-composition.

IV. Musical pause

Game "Guess the melody";

Musical game "Karaoke with stars".

V. Parental experience sharing about holidays
in family

Teacher. Now let's talk about celebrating your child's birthday. Here is such a situation.

Two mothers met and talked.

My son will have a birthday in 2 days, - shared happy
stu is one of them. - I think to invite the guys, bake pies, salads
I'll prepare, there will be music. Let them celebrate.

And all? - the interlocutor asked.

What else would you advise me? What do I - a clown in front of
be them?

Imagine that such a conversation took place between you and your friend. And she asks you for advice. What would you suggest? Will the holiday be interesting if there are pies, cakes, salads on the table, music sounds? Will the kids remember it? How to celebrate a child's birthday? What was interesting about your family?

(Exchange of experience. The “Share knowledge” technique can be used. The teacher asks parents to talk about the traditions of their family. Then he suggests coming up with a new tradition (or ritual). This can be: a ritual of meeting guests before the start of a children's holiday; a ritual of congratulating the pupils of the group on the day births, etc. Options must be proposed by all participants in the parent-teacher meeting and the best one selected.)

VI. Summarizing the proposals of parents and discussion
holiday tips

The child becomes a year older. Explain from year to year
those to children: you have become more mature, stronger, smarter, more able,
you can do more. In many families there is a custom on the days
birth mark on the wall or door the growth of the child. Let him
sees how much he has grown in a year. It’s not bad if on your birthday you take a picture of a child alone or with your family.

Think about the holiday, draw up a program, invite guests
It is necessary in advance so that the children can prepare. come up with
together with a child, how to invite guests - these can be
intricate invitation cards, homemade postcards
with children's drawings.

3. In order for a child to remember his birthday, you need to think over the program in advance. Let there be games, attractions, contests, concerts in it. Decorate holidays and surprise moments. This may be the appearance of a fairy-tale hero - an adult in the role of Dunno, a magician, Cheburashka.

VII. Summing up the results of the meeting

Teacher. How we, adults, spend the holidays, involuntarily setting an example, depends on how our children will have a rest when they grow up, what values ​​they will cherish, what to rejoice at, what to strive for. Our holidays should be fun and interesting, with fiction, pleasant surprises. Success depends on your fiction, fantasy. During festive holidays, which are usually held in the family circle, think about those who are lonely. Let no one in your home feel forgotten and abandoned. Congratulate your neighbor or neighbor, give a bunch of flowers, a willow twig, a handmade Christmas tree toy. And you will see this humble act of kindness in your child's heart.

VIII. Adoption of the decision of the meeting

    When celebrating children's birthdays, it is imperative to think over the organization of the holiday, the preparation of the game together with the child, contests, learning songs, poems, etc.

    When sending a child to visit, it is necessary to recall the rules of etiquette, at a party, at the table.

    To assist the teacher and the school in organizing holidays, if possible, accompany them with tea parties.

List of used literature

1. Joint holidays for schoolchildren and parents / count. Authors - 2nd edition. – M.: Globus, 2007.

2. 1. Zakharova T.N. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in younger students. Volgograd. Teacher, 2007

3. Parent meeting on the topic "Problems of joint leisure activities of parents and children." Kasyanova T.V., 2013.

4. S. Mikhalkov. Sobr. op. in 3 volumes. Poems and fairy tales

Publishing house "Children's literature", Moscow, 1970

5. Galkina I.A. Interactive game "Guess the melody"

MKDOU Kindergarten "Petushok" with. Prokudskoe, Kochenevsky district, Novosibirsk region.

Parent meeting on the topic: "Every family has its own traditions"

This development of an open parent meeting is part of the implementation of the “Basic General Education Program of the Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten “Petushok”, in accordance with the implementation of the organization of interaction with the families of pupils in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard; in order to unite the parent team; promoting the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones; exchange of experience of family education and traditions; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Target: rallying the parent team; promoting the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones; exchange of experience of family education and traditions; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Event progress.

Preparatory stage.

Creation of photo newspapers by parents together with children on the topics: “Our friendly family”, “Sports family”, “Pet-loving family”, etc.
The teacher makes memos for parents “The child has a birthday” with games that can be used at a children's holiday. (Appendix 1)
The teacher selects aphorisms to the topic of the meeting. (Annex 2)
The teacher creates a presentation on the topic and a slide show with music and photos of children.

organizational stage.

Place a poster with the name of the meeting topic.
Place texts with aphorisms for parents to study.
Design a thematic exhibition about the family and family education: - photo newspapers.


Educator. Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of the child.
Conducting a conversation.

For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings about the family have come down to us from ancient times.
Let's try to remember them. I start and you finish.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).
The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies).
Children are not a burden, but ... (a joy).
When the family is together, and ... (heart in place).
To each his own mother ... (child is cute).
You will find everything in the world, except ... (father and mother).
The mother feeds the children, like ... (land of people).

No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a grey-haired veteran continues to refer to “what I was taught at home”, “what my mother taught me”, “what my father showed me” .

The family gives the child the main thing - a personal connection and unity with relatives. Communication with adults (relatives) is one of the most important factors that affect the development of the child.

A game:"Combine objects into a system." Cut out various headlines from newspapers, and give each group of participants 3-4 people. The task is given to compose a short story, using the available headings, and connect it to the discussed problem of the parent meeting.

Here we joked, laughed. What does the word "family" mean?

According to the definition of Ivan Vasilyevich Dal, “a family is a set of close relatives living together: parents with children.”

And what do you think, who has the leading role in the upbringing of the child - the family or the kindergarten? (Answers, cards of different colors.).

The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. “Kindergartens are family helpers in raising a child.” (Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! You are your child's first and most important teacher. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.

Let's talk about family traditions today:

I love it when everyone gets together.
The table is covered with a white tablecloth.
Grandma with mom, dad and me,
Together we are called family.
O. Vysotskaya

What traditions do you have in your family? (Answers)
Family traditions are, first of all, holidays that are celebrated by all family members and, of course, the child’s birthday; gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is assembled and a festive service is served. It can be a tradition to plant a tree or go out of town on New Year's Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit exhibitions, theaters, museums with the child. These are cooperative games. Congratulations to relatives. Traditional hikes, walks and picnics in nature. Compilation of their pedigree and family albums. Collecting and holding family concerts.

Tradition 1. Family holidays.

What holidays do you celebrate in your family? (1 Answers on a piece of paper)

What is your family's favorite holiday?

A holiday is an event in a child's life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, like us, his years from one important event to another. And vice versa, “childhood would be dull and gray,

if holidays were to be thrown out of it,” wrote K. Ushinsky.

What children's holidays do you celebrate?

How do you arrange children's holidays in your family? (Answers)

In order for a child to remember a birthday, you need to think over the program in advance: games, entertainment, attractions, contests, a concert. The holiday will be decorated with surprises, and fairy-tale characters, in whose costumes adults can dress up. The success of a children's celebration depends on the imagination and imagination of adults.

I have prepared for you small reminders with games that you can use at a children's party.

Games with parents “Wonderful bag”, “Flies - does not fly”.

What gifts do you give to your children? (2 Answers on a piece of paper)

On birthdays for the holidays, it is customary to give gifts to children, they love and wait for them.
Toys and games should be age appropriate.

It is desirable that toys develop the child's thinking, attention, memory. It is good to give children sports toys: balls, jump ropes. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

How are children involved in making gifts for your loved ones?

When was the last time you and your child did something, for example, for the birthday of dad or grandmother? (3 answers on leaflets)

Involve your child in making gifts for relatives. This will sow seeds of kindness in your child.

Oddly enough, but children's holidays are often arranged by adults for themselves. Adults have their own interests and conversations, but a child is bored and offended at such a holiday, everyone forgot about him. However, if the child is left at the common table, he becomes a participant and witness to adult conversations, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him. (In many families, alcohol is put on the table for the holidays. It is necessary to explain to the child that this is a drink for adults and they use it only on important events, on holidays.)
Celebrating holidays in the family, we show children a sample of our rest and leisure activities. Having matured, just like us, our children will also have a rest.

Tradition 2. Drawing up a genealogy of your family.

Some families have a tradition - to make their family tree.

There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected in the history of the human race by the same blood. And each of us is a successor of his kind. And the roots of each kind, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers and protects his ancestors.

Homework. Try to make a genealogy of your family. Start with yourself or your child.

Who has the most numerous genus?
Do you know where your parents and grandparents are from?
Who came up with the name you carry?
Who came up with the name for your child? Does he know about it?

It will be very good if you start collecting the history of your kind in the family. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. Plant your family tree - the tree of your kind. It will be the most precious part of the legacy we can and should leave behind. This will be your biography, simply and intelligibly retold for grandchildren. (pay attention to the words of A. S. Pushkin: “Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery”)

Tradition 3. Family album.

Tell me, what else can preserve the history of the family family? (Family album)
I would like to say that this tradition is in every family. But in preparation for the meeting (wall newspapers), it turned out that this tradition had sunk into oblivion. Since in many families photos are only in electronic form, there are also families where there are no photos at all.

The selection of photographs, the design of the pages of the album is exactly the kind of communication that a preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents. A specific image in the photograph is associated with one or another story from the life of family members, which arouses the keen interest of the child and stimulates his memorization.
I propose to look at a small "family" album of our group. (slide show)

Summing up the meeting.

Do you think traditions are necessary in the family? Why?
Traditions help bring families together.
It is in our hands to raise children who are literate and educated, well-bred, loving and respectful of their parents, who know their lineage.
Take care of each other, warm with kindness.
Take care of each other, do not offend.
Take care of each other, forget all quarrels
And in a free minute, stay next to each other.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Next, the current questions of the group are resolved, the parents ask questions that interest them, the educator answers.
Decision of the parent meeting: The teacher prepared a draft decision of the parent meeting. The parents voted unanimously.

1. Consider which of the activities proposed by the kindergarten can be made traditional in the family.
2. Get involved in the work of a preschool institution for the joint design of exhibitions, a mini-museum.
3. Bring to the group a family pedigree compiled in the family circle.

Parent meeting on the topic

"Family traditions - the basis of family well-being"

Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of the child. For a long time, home and family were spoken of with a smile and love. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have come down to us from this far. Let's remember them. I start and you finish.

1. Away is good, but ... (home is better).

2. The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies).

3. There is discord in the family, and at home ... (not happy).

4. The family agrees, and so it goes ... (fine).

5. When the family is together, and ... (heart in place).

6. Family is the key to ... (happiness).

The family gives the child the main thing - something that no other social institution can give: an intimate personal connection and unity with relatives. The social function of the family is a psychological rear, protection, shelter.

The moral health of the family, its spiritual values ​​and, consequently, its potential educational opportunities can be judged by the traditions established in it.

Tradition in Latin means "transfer". Tradition is what has passed from one generation to another, what has been inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs). (Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov).

And here is what your children told about the holidays and family traditions. They all like to be at home without exception. Besides that there are a lot of toys at home, a TV, a computer, one of the respondents said that it is quiet at home, you can relax, the other said that relatives are at home, it is fun there, we play together. Your children remember such public holidays as the New Year, February 23, March 8, St. Valentine's Day, Easter, Sabantuy. Of the holidays that happen at your home, they called the New Year and Birthday. They love their birthday because they are given gifts, and only a few say that friends come on this day, remember the clown, cake, candles.

To the question "Where do you like to go with your parents?" children answer: to the store, to the carousel, to the circus, to the bowling alley, to McDonald's. A few said that they love to go to the theater, walk, ski, go to the village to visit their grandmother.

If you pronounce the word “childhood” and close your eyes, then along with your loved ones, with your native walls, something special will arise in your mind that is unique to your family. This "something" is a family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times, firmly settled in the children's memory and is already inextricably linked with a certain reaction to an event. What traditions live in your home? Surely those that you remember in childhood, which were painted with bright colors of various impressive little things.

1. It could be the smell of pies on Sundays.

2. Bedtime story.

3. Apple pie is a traditional dessert on the festive table.

4. Saturday cleaning, when the roles are distributed, to whom to vacuum the carpets, to whom to wipe the dust, to whom to wash the floors. And after that, the smell of cleanliness throughout the house.

5. This is the evening when everyone gathered for evening tea and told each other about the events of the day.

Many examples of different family traditions can be cited. What they have in common is the trepidation with which everyone remembers them, the desire to transfer them to their family. If your family does not have traditions, come up with them. It will make your life. And your children's childhood is much richer.

What holidays do you celebrate in your family?

These holidays are nationwide, and in every family they have become a tradition. But you can add something of your own to this tradition that your children will remember for a lifetime.

For example:

New Year is the most favorite holiday.

Feast of Hope. Every family welcomes him. You can decorate the Christmas tree with your children, you can decorate when the children are sleeping to surprise them, or you can go with the whole family to the forest and decorate the forest beauty with treats for birds and animals.

On the eve of the New Year, you can start a tradition to visit a museum, theater, exhibitions, sculpt a snowman with the whole family - a symbol of winter.

On Shrovetide, find an opportunity to ride children on a sleigh, burn unnecessary things with them, so that everything old and unnecessary is gone, it would be nice to teach them how to bake pancakes.

Navruz is the time of beginning. In the old days, it was customary to go out into the field with the whole world and throw the first grains into the spring earth. In our time, you can enter the tradition of planting trees near your home.

Victory Day - on this day it would be nice to introduce a tradition of coming with children to the monument to the fallen in the Second World War and laying flowers, you can read stories to children about how our soldiers fought, look at photographs with your child, talk about relatives who fought, remember them, if they are alive, be sure to congratulate them.

Giving gifts is a solemn moment and it needs to be extended, made memorable. For this:

1. Leave the child the right to choose: he wants to make a gift with his own hands or he will give a purchased gift. If a child goes to a fireworks club or an art school, he will be pleased to show his work.

2. Give up standard gift forms (plasticine figurines, cones and flowers on cardboard). It's boring? Let your imagination run wild and be sure to ask your kids for advice. They have a lot to offer you. You can buy several white T-shirts (for the whole family) and paint them with special paints and felt-tip pens. And you can make a curtain on the door from corks from plastic bottles or make an original vase from a bottle by painting it with paints on glass.

How many ideas will come to your mind. Think it's so exciting.

3. Remember that the main thing is not the gift itself, but the way it is presented. If you want this holiday to be remembered for a lifetime, think over the scenario from and to. Discuss it with the child, ask what role he would like to play or what song to perform.

4. Involve as many people as possible in the process. If you donate a book, invite your son's and daughter's girlfriends and friends, all relatives and neighbors to participate in your mini-performance based on the content of this book. In general, all those people who love and know how to have fun. In this case, I am sure neither your children nor you yourself will ever forget this holiday.

In addition to public holidays in the life of any family, there are events that are celebrated according to tradition: seeing off the army, weddings, obtaining a passport, birthday.

A birthday for a child is an event in a child's life. What can be done to make it memorable for your child?

1. You can prepare invitations with your child (make an application, draw), you can prepare invitations in poetic form (come up with poems yourself).

2. Think about how to decorate the apartment (this will create a festive mood).

3. Think over a birthday scenario:

a). it can be a puppet show (cook scenery and puppets with the child) during the intermissions, the children go to the "buffet" - sit down at the table.

b). Games, hide and seek, round dances.

in). Cutting toys with closed eyes.

G). Win-win lottery.

e). The game "Look for a gift" - according to the notes.

4. You can draw and hang a holiday newspaper with your child. In the center of which is the birthday man, and around to portray the intended guests in a humorous way and leave room for wishes.

5. The holiday will be decorated with surprises, and fairy-tale characters, in whose costumes adults can dress up.

Celebrating holidays in the family, we show children a sample of our rest and leisure activities. Having matured, just like we will rest our children.

But traditions can not only be observed, but also created. Let's now try to create the "September 1st tradition - a holiday" (dedicated to the beginning of the school year), "Daily traditions", the tradition "Let's rest together". The work will be carried out in groups.

Come up with the first "September 1st » - a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year. This holiday can be celebrated in your family, or you can unite with other families.

To make the holiday memorable for your children:

1. Clearly allocate responsibilities, because for the holiday you will need a screenwriter, decorator, make-up artist, cook.

2. Decorate the apartment with balloons with funny faces. It is enough to cut out eyes, nose, mouth, bangs from paper and glue everything with PVA glue.

3. Release by September 1 a family newspaper about how the summer went or about a first grader, fourth grader going to school - the hero of the day. Show him the path from the cabbage (stork) to the present day.

4. Start the holiday with gifts. Give your child something unique. For example, a toy with a pocket. You can make it yourself, or you can buy and sew panties or a sarafan with a pocket for her. Every morning a child will have a small surprise in his pocket: an apple, a candy, a nut, a note with comic tips, wishes, tasks, reminders, a to-do list, a map with a surprise finding scheme.

5. Create a family theater. Turn the doorway into a screen, sew a doll with living hands. The doll consists of two parts: a head on a stick and a hoodie, with slits for the hands tightened with an elastic band. Give the artist a name.

He can act as the host of the home studio BL (the most interesting news). This is news “from mom”, “from dad”, “from the portfolio”, “from the nursery”. At a children's party, with the help of a doll, you can hold a quiz, a lottery, talk about the guests. If you make endless remarks to the child, nothing will change. But if a doll tells about it in your home news, gesturing funny, depicting horror, there will be more order.

1. Organize a riddle contest in which the winners receive a guess as a prize. Choose known riddles related to school, or come up with your own.

2. You can play a game that will allow everyone to receive gifts. Prepare 5 boxes, on each of them glue one letter - w, k, o, l, a. Put prizes in boxes with letters whose names begin with the same letter. For example:

Sh - shampoo (small bag), chess, box, chocolate.

The host puts a box with a letter in front of him, the players name the word for this letter. If there is a prize with that name, the presenter gives it to the guesser.

3. Announce a competition: "Stowing master." Help the children make bookmarks for friends.

"Envelopes of Love" can also become a tradition for your family. This game will help to tell each other about how important you are to each other, how much you love each other - exactly what is so rarely done with words. And how important it is to know!

"Envelopes of love" can be hung on the refrigerator, on each write the name of the owner and place his portrait. In the envelope you can put a note to each other, funny postcards. The younger ones can sometimes get candy. Children can draw pictures for adults. And all this can be done when you want to say something to each other, support one of the family members, or just pamper.

Children can be praised for their achievements, tell them about their good qualities, about how you love them. If interest in the process weakens a little, you can remove the envelopes for a while, and then return them again. This tradition will help you to become closer to each other.

And tourist, kayak trips , where children have a lot of new, non-domestic activities: a fire, firewood, a tent, backpacks, fishing rods, new responsibilities and new experiences.

Or trip to the native land , visiting various cities and historical places, from which you will definitely bring various trinkets and souvenirs that keep warm memories of your family vacation.

It is very good if the family has a tradition to collect any collections at home. If not, then it's not too late to start doing it. What can be collected in the family? These are shells, pebbles, driftwood. It is good to collect stamps, candy wrappers, postcards.

In addition to the traditions of spending holidays together, relaxing together, everyday traditions may also be present in your family.

¨ This is the ritual of meeting and seeing each other off to work and school, when all those present at home say good words of parting words to you;

¨ This is a caring attitude towards each other, when someone comes home later than everyone else, then a heated dinner is waiting for him on the table;

¨ This is also labor coherence, when everyone participates in household chores to the best of their ability and ability.

For example: A father and son do things that require physical strength - go to the store, vacuum, beat carpets. Girls - put things in order in the house, water the flowers.

This is reading a book to a child at night;

¨ Evening tea, when the whole family gets together and tells each other the events of the day, a joint discussion of the family budget - what to buy first, what things need to be done, who will do them;

¨ Family readings, when not only parents, but also older children, grandparents read, is a great opportunity to spend an evening with the family, relax, chat and leave unforgettable impressions about these evenings in the memory of the child.

Listen here is my family

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people)

With the help of this comic task, we touched on the topic kindred relations.

There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected, and each of us is the successor of a kind. And the roots of each kind, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers and protects his ancestors.

It will be very good if you start collecting the history of your kind in the family, compiling a genealogy. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. The Fayrushin family has already begun to compile this genealogical tree. Let's hear what this job gave them?

Tell me, what else can help us preserve the history of the family? (family album, family archives). Family archives are not the past, they are always tomorrow. The family should have its own archive - certificates of honor of grandfathers and fathers, the history of their merits, their work, the history of family and surname, your biography, simply and intelligibly retold for grandchildren.

A family album is a huge, meaningful space of life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, on the other, mysterious and amazing. The selection of photographs, the design of the pages of the album is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents. A specific image in the photograph is associated with one or another story from the life of family members, which arouses the keen interest of the child and stimulates his memorization.

Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery. A. Pushkin

The life and traditions of our ancestors are very interestingly described in the book "Domostroy". It contains the experience of ancestors who lived several centuries ago. There may be different points of view when reading this book, but the moral value of this historical document cannot be disputed. This book contains the advice we need today (how to start a family, how to raise and educate children, build relationships with them properly, raise burning issues: family breakdown, difficulties in relationships between spouses, parents and children).

Summing up what we have heard, we can say that:

Good family traditions have a huge impact on children, primarily because they unite the family, allow you to save those grains of reasonable and kindness that the older family members found earlier and make them the property of the younger generation.

Parent meeting.

“Family traditions are important to us”


1. To promote the development and observance of family traditions and the emergence of new ones;

2. Exchange of experience in family education and traditions between parents;

3. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents;

Proceedings of the meeting

Before the meeting, parents and children do the following tasks:

1. Drawing competition "Mom, dad, I am a happy family."The teacher invites parents, together with their children, to draw a portrait of their family - the best family in the world, and write a story about their family on the back of the drawing. A group book is drawn up from the drawings. The teacher-psychologist will be able to work with individual drawings of children (from the drawing you can learn a lot about the baby himself and about the situation in the family).

2. Prepare a story about the tradition of your family (describe in any genre).

3. Bring interesting photos from the life of your family, come up with interesting names or quatrains for them. Further, all photographs are combined into several groups and photo newspapers are created on the topics: “There is no friendlier family”, “Creative family”, “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “Favorite animals of our family”, etc.

4. Make crafts for the exhibition "Family Workshop".

The teacher invites parents to make a joint craft at home, you can also ask the parents to make a photo report of how exactly the joint family craft was born. After the teacher draws up the exhibition "Family Workshop"

Organizational stage

Texts with aphorisms are laid out on the table in front of the parents for parents to study:

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (Leo Tolstoy);

“To be a friend of your son or daughter is much more difficult than to feed and clothe them”;

“The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery);

“Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him. You educate him at every moment of his life” (Anton Semyonovich Makarenko);

“Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery” (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin);

teacher : Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a preschool child. About the family and its meaning is well said in the poem

Tatyana Bulkovskaya "What could be more expensive than a family?"

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders.

Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land!

Let's think about the second concept.

How do you understand the word tradition? (parents' answers)

Generalization of the parents' answers by the teacher.

"Tradition" is translated from Latin as "transmission", "continuity". Tradition is something that has passed from one generation to another, inherited from previous generations (i.e. from your relatives: moms, dads, grandparents.) The culture of each family is reflected through its traditions.

In order for us to insist on work and our thoughts come in order, I suggest you relax a lot and play

1. "A piece from my childhood."

Various objects are laid out on the table. It can be a ball, a doll, a soft toy, a note, etc. Everyone chooses for himself the subject that is associated with his childhood, and, if desired, tells the appropriate episode from his life.

2. "Interesting question."

The teacher invites parents to talk about which family they like best. He listens carefully, supports the participants, repeats some of the named qualities, asks again and clarifies: what should this superfamily look like? How should the members of this family speak, and what mood should they always be in?

Teacher: Let's pretend. Imagine that your families have become what we would like them to be!

What would you do differently?

What new words and phrases will appear in your speech?

What mood will you have?

How will you look?

What emotions does it evoke in you?

Conducting a conversation with parents

teacher : What do you think the word "family" means? (Answers)

Teacher: According to the definition of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, "a family is a collection of close relatives living together: parents with children." For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us from ancient times. Let's try to remember them. I start and you finish.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

The hut is not red with corners, ... (red with pies).

What is at home, such is ... (to himself).

Children are not a burden, but ... (a joy).

When the family is together, and ... (heart in place).

Every mother has her own ... (child is cute).

You will find everything in the world, except ... (father and mother).

A mother feeds her children like ... (land of people).

There is no kinder person ... (father and mother).

There is no more expensive ... (father and mother).

Family is ... (seven I).

And now for your homework! Offer to explain the meaning of these proverbs and sayings.

The Czech psychologist Zdeněk Matejczyk noted: “The family is an environment that satisfies the fundamental need of a small child to be taken seriously and to be respected in the future. In a family, children from the first days of life receive a valuable experience of forgiveness, compliance, adoration, support from loved ones, they feel attention, admiration and devotion from loved ones.

In the book "Non-Standard Child", psychologist Vladimir Levy reveals the "image of the house" in all its diversity:

“The house was hell for me. Scandals and accusations, prohibitions, distrust, surveillance… Constant violence against the will, bondage… indifference, loneliness, boredom… The house broke me…”.

“The house was heaven for me, and I paid for it. It turned out to be unsuitable for real life - continuous disappointments. Yearning for the unrealizable, the search for the impossible, in the end, the atrophy of the will ... ".

Not! Neither hell nor heaven should be a home for a child - but a place where you can live. The place where you want to live.

Of course, the psychological situation in the house is mainly determined by adults. The nature of the relationship with their son or daughter depends on their skill, tact, patience.

And what do you think, who has the leading role in the upbringing of the child - the family or the kindergarten? (Answers from parents.)

The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. “Kindergartens are family assistants in raising a child” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers! You are your child's first and most important teacher. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a gray-haired veteran continues to refer to “what I was taught at home”, “what my mother taught”, “what my father showed me”.

The family gives the child the main thing - something that no other social institution can give: a personal connection and unity with relatives. The social function of the family is psychological rear, protection, shelter. The mother is the main teacher of the preschool child. The function of a mother and parents is to teach a child to live. But at the same time, a beloved mother should not duplicate a state institution and act as a teacher, thereby injuring the baby. The well-being of children is the pinnacle of parenthood. And if the measure of all things is man, then the “measure” of parents is the child.

The nature of a child's emotional well-being or distress is determined by his emotional relationships with adults in the family. Communication with adults is one of the most important factors that affect the development of the child. The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction.

Do you think we know how to use this luxury in our families, do we teach this to our children? (Answers.) Let's talk about family traditions today:


I love it when everyone gets together.

The table is covered with a white tablecloth.

grandmother with mom

dad and me

Together we are called family. (O. Vysotskaya)

And now I will ask everyone to remember what traditions exist in your family and share them with other parents.

(Parents talk about their family traditions).

Teacher's message on the topic "Family Traditions"

Family traditions are, first of all, holidays that are celebrated by all family members and, of course, the child's birthday; gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is assembled and a festive service is served. It can be a tradition to plant a tree or go out of town on New Year's Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit exhibitions, theaters, museums with the child. These are joint games. Congratulations to relatives. Traditional hikes, walks and picnics in nature. Compilation of their pedigree and family albums. Collecting and holding family concerts.

Tradition 1. Family holidays.

Educator: Do you think holidays are necessary for children in the family? (Answers)

Yes, for the full development of a child, a holiday is necessary like air. A holiday for a child is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child's life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, like us, his years from an important event to another. And vice versa, “this childhood would be dull and gray if holidays were thrown out of it,” wrote Konstantin Ushinsky.

Educator: How do you arrange children's holidays in your family? (Answers)

Oddly enough, adults often arrange children's holidays for themselves. Adults have their own interests and conversations, but a child is bored and offended at such a holiday, everyone forgot about him. However, if the child is left at the common table, he becomes a witness and participant in adult conversations, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him.

It should also be remembered that it should not be against the will of the child to put him to speak: to sing or recite poetry. The child himself will express a desire to sing or dance if it falls out in the game or for fun.

Educator: Do you think it is necessary to decorate an apartment or a room for the holiday? What does it give the child? (Answers)

Yes, it is desirable to decorate. It creates a certain mood. And it is important to take part in this for both adults and children.

On birthdays, on holidays, it is customary to give gifts to children, they love and wait for them.

Educator: What gifts do you give your children? (Answers)

Gifts should be a little for growth, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child's thinking, attention, memory. It is good to give children sports toys: balls, jump ropes. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

It is good to take a picture of a child alone or with his family on his birthday.

In many families, there is a tradition to mark the growth of a child on the door jamb - let him see how much he has grown in a year.

In order for a child to remember a birthday, you need to think over the program in advance: games, entertainment, attractions, contests, a concert. The holiday will be decorated with surprises, and fairy-tale characters, in whose costumes adults can dress up. The success of a children's celebration depends on the imagination and imagination of adults.

Celebrating holidays in the family, we show children a sample of our rest and leisure activities. Having matured, just like us, our children will be. Let no one in your home feel lonely and unwanted. Involve your child in making gifts for relatives. This will sow seeds of kindness in your child.

And now a little warm-up.

Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons,

Sister, bride, daughter,

And the youngest is me

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people: brother and sister, their parents, grandparents)

With the help of this comic puzzle, we touched on an interesting topic - the topic of family relationships. There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected in the history of the human race by the same blood. And each of us is a successor of his kind. And the roots of each kind, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers and protects his ancestors.

Tradition 2. Drawing up a genealogy of your family.

As an example, someone's pedigree is shown in finished form.

Educator: Try to make a genealogy of your family now. Start with yourself (time to complete the task - 5 minutes).

Who has the most numerous genus?

Do you know where your parents, grandparents are from?

Who came up with the name you have?

Who came up with the name for your child? Does he know about it?

(Parents may be encouraged to review the materials What Do Your Initials Say About?)

It will be very good if you start collecting the history of your kind in the family. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. Plant your family tree of your kind. It will be the most precious piece of legacy we can and should leave behind. This will be your biography, simply and intelligibly retold for grandchildren. And the family book “It's me, your grandmother” can be of good help in this.

(He draws attention to the words of A.S. Pushkin: “Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery”).

Tradition 3. Family archives.

It's not the past, it's always tomorrow. The family should have its own archive - certificates of honor of grandfathers and fathers, the history of their merits, their work, the history of the clan and surname. After all, over the years, our grandchildren will want to know how we lived. But the life allotted to us is by its nature short, but it is in our power to leave a memory of it.

Is there a family album in your house?

Tradition 4. Family album.

This is a huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, on the other hand, mysterious and amazing.

When was the last time it was flipped?

The selection of photographs, the design of the pages of the photo album is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents. A specific image in the photograph is associated with one or another story from the life of family members, which arouses the keen interest of the child and stimulates his memorization.

Tradition 5. Family outdoor recreation.

Tell me, which of you in your family has a tradition of going out of town, to the country house with your child? (Answers)

It's no secret that nature has a huge impact on the development of the personality of a preschooler, makes it possible to communicate well with a child, and walks in nature have a beneficial effect on human health. How nice it is to get together and go with the whole family outside the cities, to the country, where together with the child to wander along the forest paths, listen to the voices of birds, observe the life of insects, admire the beauty of the surrounding wildlife, play natural games with the child (“Who lives where” , “Guess the tree from the description”, “What tree is the leaf from”, “What grows where”). You can invite the child to draw from nature interesting things in nature, adapting plywood for this and sitting on a stump. How good it is to read poetic lines suitable for the place in nature, to collect natural material with children: cones, acorns, twigs, snags, and to make funny crafts at home. And it’s just great to have a bite to eat in a forest clearing (when leaving, do not forget to pick up your garbage, teaching your child to behave properly in nature, to protect and protect our common home - the forest).

Tradition 6. Family visits to the museum, exhibitions.

Which of you constantly goes with children to the museum, cinema? (Answers)

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Each nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We, adults, should contribute to introducing children to the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a holiday for the whole family.

Tradition 7. Collecting.

It is very good if the family has a tradition, but if not, then you can offer to collect some collections at home, especially after visiting museums. As a result, the child awakens the need for creative activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of people.

Yes, of course, you can put a child at the table and teach them to write letters and numbers, but we must remember that education is the task of elementary school, that early education leads to a deterioration in the mental development of children (intellectual and personal), which manifested itself in the mass unpreparedness of preschoolers for schooling. Our task is to help the child to successfully enter the modern world, to take a worthy place in the system of relations with other people. And here the emotional communication of the child with parents, joint games and various events organized in the family, including collecting, are of great importance.

What can be collected in the family? (Answers)

A variety of natural collections will captivate and interest the child. These are cones and pebbles, shells and driftwood, various pieces of glass. It is good to collect stamps, candy wrappers, beads, etc. Visiting various exhibitions and museums can give you a boost in this type of activity.

Tradition 8. Games for a child.

Tell me, what games and how often do you play with your child? What type of activity is leading in preschool childhood?

We can say with confidence: childhood is a game, a game is childhood. Childhood is given so that we prepare the child for entering a rather complex social life, so that the child feels like a person among people, filled with social emotions, experiences, ideas, so that spiritual life begins to move. And this game helps us. Currently, serious attention is paid to the play activities of children, since it is the game that creates favorable conditions for the development of the individual.

We, adults, should be very attentive to the issue of children's play and pay serious attention to it, allocate a place for play in the daily routine, should not violate the freedom of the child's play, change our position during the game in accordance with the role we have taken on.

Play is the life of a child, not preparation for life. The game should become traditional in every family.

There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully and thoughtfully approach their selection. It is necessary to play various games: board, mobile, chess. We advise you to definitely play games with natural and waste materials with your child. For example: “Guess what plant the seeds are from”, “Who will be who”, “Who was who”, “What can fly”, “Find what looks like an apple”, etc.

Summing up the results of the meeting

Teacher: It is in our hands to raise children who are literate and educated, well-mannered, loving and honoring their parents, who know their ancestry.

Take care of each other

Take care of each other,

Kindness warm.

Take care of each other,

Let's not offend.

Take care of each other,

Forget all quarrels

And in a spare moment

Stay next to each other. (O. Vysotskaya)

At the conclusion of the meeting, the "Wonderful Bag" technique is used. The participants of the parent meeting are invited to answer what they would like to put in a bag and take with them to the future from the knowledge acquired today.

Rimma Mezhlumova
Parent meeting "Family Traditions"

Parent meeting in the middle group

Subject: « family traditions»

Prepared and conducted:


Mezhlumova R. A.

November 2013

Target: achieving an optimal level of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the upbringing and development of children.


Attach parents to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;

Study the family and establish contact with its members to coordinate the educational impact on the child;

Create conditions for joint activities of children and their parents;

Use educational potential parents for the education and upbringing of children.

Conduct form: "round table".

preliminary work:

Issuing an invitation to meeting; preparing a slogan, learning poems about the family with children; music selection; making memos for parents; preparing tables for meetings, treat for tea drinking.

Plan meetings

2. Presentation « Family traditions» .

3. Discussion parents for"round table".

4. Game "Chamomile" (question answer)

5. Performance of children.

6. Dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok" (display parents) .

7. Tea drinking

8. Summing up.

Proceedings of the meeting

Family is a big word

Family is a ringing word

Family is an important word

Everyone will tell you this.

A. Sidorova

1. Introductory remarks by the educator.

Today we are with you gathered to talk about family traditions. Each family has its own traditions that add up when creating a family or continue those traditions, which were already composed by the closest ancestors and were inherited. What is « family traditions» ? These are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is gathered, and the table is served with a festive service. And then after many years the elderly parents will not sit at the Sunday table alone. These are common holidays, field trips, evening walks with the whole family - all this strengthens family bonds helps in the upbringing of children.

Trust, keeping it in the family is another good tradition. Maintaining family trust is one of the most important tasks parents. Little children trust their parents and even just adults. If your child is now telling you his secrets, respect this, do not laugh, understand that this is important for him!

Very difficult to develop family tradition when the children have become adults and they have already formed an attitude towards the family. It's quite different when parents show the child the world in all its beauty, surround him with love and form a stable life position throughout his life. Toddlers see the world the way they do. parents. It depends on them what attitude the child will subsequently have towards himself, others and life in general. For him, life may seem like an endless holiday or an interesting and exciting journey, or it can be presented as a frightening outing into the wilderness or as a thankless hard work that awaits him immediately after graduation.

If in most cases family traditions and rituals bring only joy and pleasure, not restrictions, this helps to strengthen in children a sense of integrity and family unity, a sense of the uniqueness of the house and their own confidence in the future. Inner warmth and optimism are formed in us from childhood, therefore, the more this charge, the better. The happier and more joyful the child's childhood, the happier he will be in his later adult life.

You can start with the simplest - read before bed. Even if the child is still quite a baby, and does not understand what you are saying to him, your voice alone will be of incredible benefit to the baby. At the same time, care should be taken in the choice of fairy tales. Books should teach the child, educate and develop certain qualities in him. You can try to compose instructive tales yourself, focusing on the educational element that you consider necessary. Only they should not be too long, otherwise the child may overwork. Fifteen minutes of narration will be enough. For example, a fairy tale about how one boy (girl) did not want (a) wash up, leaving all friends away from him (her) gone. But then the fairy brought him (her) fragrant soap with strawberry flavor, and a miracle happened, he (a) became (a) clean (oh) and friends are back. There may be many versions. And if all these fairy tales of your own composition are written in a separate notebook and on the anniversary (e.g. 18 years old) give them to your child, it will be real family gift, which your child will save and pass on to their children by adding something of their own.

Family traditions and rituals allow the child to form a sense of stability of one or another family life. For example, regardless of anything, what we have instituted will take place. In addition, daily rituals create unique childhood memories that your little one will tell their children someday. Traditions Families allow the child to feel a sense of pride in his family and in himself.

Create your own traditions in the family that will be passed from children to grandchildren, etc., each of us can. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that this or that event is bright and memorable for the child, and most importantly positive, that the recurring event is observed without fail, regardless of anything, and most importantly, that in this traditional event was something which would affect the feelings and perceptions of the child.

And also family traditions and rituals:

allow the baby to feel the stability of life way of life: "whatever the weather" in your family will be what is instituted;

give him a sense of confidence in the world around him and security;

set the baby up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when "every day is a holiday";

create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children;

make you feel proud of yourself and your family.

You are quite capable of creating several family traditions which children and grandchildren will probably adhere to! Remember only three main regulations:

a recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable for the baby;

tradition for that and tradition to be respected at all times;

you can use smells, sounds, visual images - the main thing is that in this traditional action was something that affects the feelings and perceptions of the child.

2. View presentation « Family traditions»

3. Discussion parents.

4. Game "Chamomile" (question answer).


Children's holidays in the family - good tradition?

Do our children need holidays?

What holidays do you arrange for children?

You are invited to visit. What should the child be reminded of?

Children who came to visit scattered toys. How to proceed?

caregiver: Holidays for children are good tradition but the family is also a team. Let a small, mixed-age, but the team. The educational value of collective work is clearly manifested in festive cares. Families develop respect and love for family traditions.

Love your children, respect their opinions, desires, and they will answer you the same.

5. Performance of children.

caregiver: Meet your children.

To the music, children enter the hall, read poems about the family and give drawings for parents"My family".

6. Dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok" (performance parents) .

caregiver: Our kindergarten has tradition- arrange holidays for kids - this is "Autumn Festival", "New Year's Eve", “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, "March 8", "February 23", "Holiday of the transition to the senior group", "Prom" and many other themed holidays. On these holidays parents usually act as spectators. Today our parents prepared a surprise for the children. Prepared team parents play us a fairy tale "Teremok".

7. Tea drinking.

8. Summing up.


Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are needed!

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes.

Dad washes cups for tea.

Wipe them together

And then we the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window,

I'm ready to sing myself

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes.

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

Well, I didn't play!

I don't start a top

And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet in an empty room.

And on my mother's pillow

The beam is stealing golden.

And I said beam:

I want to move too!

I would like a lot:

I would sing a song

I could laugh

Whatever I want!

But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered towards me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence.

My dad has gone away.

To be honest, it’s not easy for me without a dad.

Dad, if he wants, he can sing a song,

If it's cold, warm it up with your warmth.

It's hard for me to sleep without my dad.

I will rise and quietly stand at the door,

Dear dad, come back soon.


Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want to be talked about friends:

What a good family!

My mother brings me toys, sweets,

But I love my mother, not at all.

She sings happy songs

We are never bored together.

I tell her all my secrets

But that's not what I love about my mother.

I love my mom, I'll tell you straight

Just because she's my mom.

What could be more precious than a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here What could be more precious than a family?

waiting for you always with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land