Romantic phrases for men. What to write to a guy to make him happy. Pleasant words to your beloved guy: what to write for him? Pleasant SMS for a guy at night

A rare person can keep feelings in himself without splashing them out. This is especially true for women. We always want to say what we want or think. Not always the person to whom our feelings are directed is nearby. And then we use the means of correspondence.

It would seem that everything is simple: write and that's it. However… In order to know what to write to the guy you like, you first need to understand what goal we are pursuing. And there are actually a lot of these goals: to get acquainted, to interest, to continue acquaintance in real life and much more. Each of these points has its own methods and words.

How to get a guy interested in texting

Pleasant communication - that's what guys want from us. Someone is aimed at a large circle of friends, someone likes independence of action, and someone likes distance ... Therefore, you should not immediately throw yourself into the arms of a guy and completely dissolve in him - he only recently left such ...

On the contrary, you need to stay independent and just open up to him more of your positive qualities. What could be better than real sincere communication? What are we capable of and how can we be interesting to others, what can we offer them? Everyone will have their own answer and their own topic, so as not to get bored, based on what, it will be clear what to write to the guy in order to interest him.

Fill communication with humor, flirting, unexpected approach, unobtrusiveness, facts, catch the topic of interest to the interlocutor, but save him from the banality, which is already in abundance everywhere. Everyone is looking for something new and interesting, and there is absolutely no desire to process someone's complexes and bring someone to maturity. Be yourself (hypocrisy is felt even online), be polite, do not oversaturate communication with emotions, so as not to plunge into "emptiness" later. Let communication develop naturally so that when you meet, all your character data is confirmed.

The beginning of a conversation can be non-standard, catchy, exotic - humor, a question, a request for advice, a funny photo or image, and so much can unfold in this! Ask how much the services of a bodyguard cost, or how he managed to play the best role in the film, admire his eyes, smile, and in the process of communication - other qualities that will make him talk about himself. It remains to listen to him very carefully.

What to write to a guy

The relationship between men and women has always been a mystery. And for some reason, many women are sure that it is the man who should take the first steps. But sometimes a woman must take the first step, and perhaps in this way she will find her destiny. After all, it’s not in vain that they say: “A man is a head, and a woman is a neck - where she wants to go and turns it.”

Modern ways of dating

Since we live in the modern age, more and more acquaintances between men and women take place on social networks. This is a great way to take the first step yourself. So, what to write to a guy to get him interested? You can compliment him on his appearance. Do not think that only women love with their ears: men are very narcissistic creatures. And a little flattery won't hurt them at all. Just do not sing praises - everything should be in moderation.

It is better that the relationship does not develop too quickly. Indeed, in most cases, fleeting relationships quickly exhaust themselves. Therefore, the best option for the development of events would be a phased disclosure of oneself. You don't have to be a "shirt guy". Men like to solve riddles, and even more so to suffer over a whole crossword puzzle.

Work on mistakes

Many women make one big mistake when meeting men. They tell absolutely everything about themselves, so men automatically lose interest in them. In no case should you talk about your former partners. He doesn't need to know how many men there were before him. It is necessary to intrigue and surprise a man, stimulating his desire to communicate in real life.

First, find out everything about his hobbies and try to find common interests. After all, most serious relationships begin with friendship. If the guy is a fan of Spartak, and you don’t even know what kind of team it is, be sure to find information on the sites and at least superficially study it. To have a topic of conversation that interests him.

Learn to listen to a man, delve into his problems, constantly write to him that you agree with him, but do not overdo it. Sometimes you can express your point of view, however, you need to do this very carefully. At first, dating is not worth arguing with a guy. You still have time to show him your claws.

And now the best option would be if you turn into a white and fluffy cat. Tell him more often that you are very interested in him. After all, you are not just looking for an answer to the question: what to write to a guy to interest him. Even if you feel that love is appearing, you should not tell him about it.

You can simply say that you enjoy talking with him, that he is never boring with him, and that you would not refuse to meet him. You should not make appointments yourself: let him think that the initiative should come from him.

Ways to get a guy interested

  • Predict. To guess something positive from his life - where he studied, served, finally, to ascribe what she herself would like to see in him, can be in the form of a compliment. You can’t assume a lot of chic - the guy will “go into the shadows”. At first, do not think about status or work - this is perceived as a "measurement of position." So, the fictitious options do not quite match the real ones, and the guy opens up, writes about himself ... Communication begins.
  • Intrigue. Send him a beautiful song by a famous singer (even Celine Dion) and subscribe to it with your name. Then report that you accidentally mixed up the files, only then you will have to send your song. And let him beg for a song with your real voice. And you can translate everything into humor and say that now I don’t sing - I dance. Be that as it may, while he is listening to a beautiful melody, erotic images will flash through him regarding your personality and your move.
  • Genuinely interested. It's hard to imagine that a guy and a girl have completely the same interests, but where we show curiosity about an unfamiliar topic, a new interest really develops. While he is talking, it is worth at least trying to remember important nuances, not only in order to reproduce them later with shocking accuracy, but to think about why this is so important to him. In any case, he will be pleased that the girl communicates with him on a topic of interest to him. If you really want to amaze the guy with your "indifference", be ready to continue the conversation on a given topic.
  • Tease. In anticipation of the meeting, joke and ask provocative questions: "Do you feel my new fragrance?" "And this one?" At this time, your meeting will appear in his imagination for a moment.
  • Allow hunting. Let the guy know that you can be trusted, but if he relaxes, he may lose you. Make communication comfortable, but let him get bored without you for a while. Demonstrate absolute self-confidence, lightness, independence, positive attitude, but sometimes "set a beating, as they say," that is, give a little nervous.

How to behave? You should not practice a strong swing away from reality, as it will soon get bored, but you will have to maintain this illusion that no one needs. It is better to answer some questions ambiguously, keeping the mystery, do not lay out all the information about yourself at once.

The friendliness and looseness of a girl should not remind a guy of his friend, femininity looks more attractive. In general, you need to rely not only on communication skills, but also pay attention to how relationships develop, and if you "met each other", much effort will not be required.

One can argue endlessly about the pros and cons of the development of technical means of communication. Affordable mobile communications and the Internet really take a lot of time from the vast majority of modern people. But we can always keep abreast of the latest events and keep in touch with people of interest to us. There is an opportunity, but you don’t know how to act? What to write to a guy so that he answers if you just recently started talking or are you just going to get to know him?

Basic rules of Internet communication

Most importantly, don't be intrusive. You can text him first if you want, but don't spoil him with your attention. Don't start the conversation yourself too often. If he does not answer, do not bombard him with questions about why he is silent, and similar ones, just wait. Perhaps he is busy at this moment or does not want to communicate with you at all. In neither case should it be imposed. Where to start the conversation is up to you, but try to come up with something more interesting than the stereotyped “Hello. How are you?". All the standard recommendations about what to write to a guy so that he will answer, of course, work more often. But if you discuss business, news and weather, he will surely forget about you as soon as your dialogue ends. Originality and unusualness are the best ways to stand out among other girls.

What can you text a guy you're dating?

Surely you yourself have noticed that all couples communicate in completely different ways. Some are ready to confess their love to each other every minute, others prefer to discuss exclusively everyday topics. However, no matter what communication style is more common in your relationship with your lover, you can always write him something unobtrusively romantic. The most appropriate are messages that you miss him and want to see him as soon as possible. If you're worried about what to write to a guy to get him to respond, start a discussion about something you talked about earlier in person or come up with a new topic. You can invite him to attend some event or tell him about the events that have taken place in your life since your last meeting. If you've been dating for a long time, you can try to write him something quite personal and intimate, for example, start flirting with him on the Internet or via SMS with phrases with sexual overtones.

It used to be that people got acquainted through matchmakers, relatives, on the street, at school, at the institute. Now everything has changed radically. We get to know each other on the net, in chats, on sites for the selection of a couple. Therefore, communication does not begin with glances, but with words. What to write to a guy to interest him in yourself, so that he pays attention, wants to talk closer?

Let's imagine that the photos or quotes in the profile of a young man, his hobby or "likes" seemed very interesting to you. You want to get to know him, maybe meet... And then, who knows, maybe he will become your destiny. And you begin to painfully figure out what to write to the guy in order to interest him. Of course, this will not be a letter from Tatyana Larina with a confession of deep feelings. In the modern style and rhythm of communication, everything is easier. By carefully looking at his profile, you will be able to understand which strings can be touched to get a response. Of course, whether he will answer you or not depends on many circumstances and reasons. He might be busy talking to someone, he might be having a bad day, or he might just not like your picture. But knowing what to write to a guy to interest him, you can win him over.

First of all, everyone loves attention. Perhaps there is not a single person on earth to whom a sincere interest in his person would be unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to touch on his personality, only positively, as if gradually praising. For example, he posted good photos. You don’t have to pretend to be an expert, but you can say a compliment: emphasize what exactly you liked about them. Or you have a common hobby - games, music, cinema - here you don’t even have to think for a long time what to write to a guy. To interest him, you can, for example, offer to listen to a song together. Or ask his opinion about the new film, about current events in the world. But compliments about appearance are not the best idea of ​​what to write to a guy. To interest him, you need to talk with him about what is close and dear to him. This principle applies to almost every human relationship. We are attracted to those people who like us, with whom we can have common themes.

Online dating has a number of advantages and many pitfalls. Firstly, sometimes you can understand the inner world of a person by his profile, blog, by what pictures he chooses and how he expresses his thoughts.

Not every one of us is verbose and eloquent, not everyone loves and knows how to write ornately. But by style, by the choice of words, by the construction of sentences, one can understand a lot. Second, before you decide it's time to meet, you will have the opportunity to find out if you have common ground. You should not think that if you have nothing to talk about online, in reality everything will change. Of course, you can hear stories about how a girl wrote 3 words to a guy and feelings flared up between them, followed by romantic events and a magnificent wedding. But this is more a myth than the truth. In fact, if a young man is smart and intelligent, he will choose his interlocutor to match. And if not, if everything shows that he is poorly educated and primitive, then why do you need him? It is worth communicating only with those who can enrich our inner world.

Today, more and more often, princes are not found in beautiful castles, but on the Internet - social networks and dating sites. Such online relationships attract not only insecure girls, but also just busy women.

If you have a worthy young man in your online contacts, why not take advantage of the situation and try to turn non-committal messaging into something more? The following tips will help you understand how to interest a pen pal.

Suppose, while scrolling through the pages of men on Vkontakte or on a dating site, you notice a photo of a handsome man and decide to start a conversation with him.

In order for correspondence with a guy to bring you only pleasure, it is important to follow a few rules.

Rule number 1. You need to attract the attention of a man

To please a representative of a strong sex in VK, you should not “like” indiscriminately all his photos, music and video files. Just send a friend request, justifying it with something.

For example, you liked his photographs from the last cruise. There are two possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

  1. If you have also visited this place, specify that you want to remember the pleasant moments of your vacation.
  2. If these sights are unfamiliar to you, ask the young man to tell you about them, since you planned to go there.

That is, you attract attention, you are the first to enter into a conversation, and he can already support him or refuse to communicate. Most likely, if you are polite and witty, he will not refuse to accept you as "friends".

Rule #2: Find Common Interests

If you want to please a man when communicating in contact, find out as much as possible about his hobbies, hobbies and habits. You can do this after scrupulously studying his personal page:

  • in photographs, a guy can capture, for example, fishing, diving, tattoos;
  • musical preferences are obvious by the presence of tracks on the page;
  • check the list of groups in which he is a member;
  • look at his buddies, especially the ones on the "best" list.

Don't consider this espionage, but secrecy is best kept. No one needs to know that you are going to seduce or just like a particular young man by correspondence.

Rule #3

If you have already started a conversation, behave properly. What does this mean? You should not immediately rush to your laptop after waking up to write a grand "hello" and start a long conversation.

Try waiting until the guy texts first. If he is in no hurry to communicate with you in contact, once a day it is allowed to start a conversation on his own initiative. And in general - it is better to look at the situation!

Rule #4

You can and ordinary literacy. This will set you apart from the general mass of girls who make grammatical errors and slang words in correspondence.

Messages like this turn off many young people, so try to write correctly, and if you are not sure of yourself, refer to online resources that correct mistakes.

Rule #5

Be sure to study your page on Vkontakte, bringing it into a "divine" form.

Read profile information, review photos, videos and audio files. Do they contain "compromising evidence" on you?

Delete all incomprehensible entries mercilessly, just don’t try to lick your account too much or make it as similar as possible to the male one, since the guy will communicate with a living person with his own preferences.

Rule #6

If you are determined not only to correspond with a man, but also to organize a real meeting, put your own image on the avatar, preferably fresh and not too “photoshopped”.

A young man will simply be disappointed when he sees a completely different young lady on a date than in the photo. Therefore, conduct a conversation on your behalf and face!

How to chat with a man?

When discussing how to interest a man by correspondence and communicate with him correctly, first decide on the ultimate goal of your conversations.

What do you want from a young man: just have a nice conversation in contact, or do you want to seduce a guy? We offer some specific advice.

  1. Be yourself. Wanting to please a guy, some young ladies begin to lie and build themselves into a bitch or a modest one. If you don't want to stop at socializing in contact, behave naturally. Deception will be revealed sooner or later, and the relationship may end.
  2. Be polite. Good manners and politeness are always in fashion. Say hello and goodbye, do not be afraid to thank once again for a compliment or advice. Of course, one should exclude boorish or vulgar words and, moreover, mate. You can hook a man with your intelligence.
  3. Joke more often. A sense of humor immensely adorns girls. If a young lady knows how to joke, make laugh and understand the jokes and jokes addressed to her, a conversation with her gives the guy only pleasure.
  4. Avoid harsh flattery. Rude flattery and sugary phrases are not the best way to please a young man. Sincere compliments, on the other hand, are welcome. For example, pay attention to his muscular figure, the ability to understand computer "insides".
  5. Don't impose. We repeat once again - do not bombard the guy with messages on VK if he suddenly stops responding. He is probably busy, away from the computer, taking a break from communicating on the Internet, or simply cannot find a topic for conversation. In the latter case, ask him a neutral question that allows him to continue the conversation.
  6. . You need to be interested in a man, but you should not delve into his personal life. At the initial stage, avoid questions about his ex-girlfriends. Then, when you begin to communicate more closely or move to a serious level of relationship, you can return to this moment.
  7. Avoid intimate topics. An overly frank conversation with a stranger is not the best option for starting an acquaintance in contact, unless you are discussing the question of how to get a guy to sleep with him in a quick way. If the conversation takes on a sexual connotation, gently hint that you still know each other too little, but in the future ...
  8. Be positive. The conversation should be predominantly positive. Do not complain about your difficulties in life, the only exception is if the guy talks about his problem, and you want to support him by saying that you are in a similar situation. However, it is better to give up despondency and not bother the man with your troubles.

For now, content yourself with general questions. Examples of topics are literature, travel, cinema, hobbies, close relatives, funny and unusual stories from the past.

The main signal that helps determine whether you managed to please a young man and attract his attention is the willingness to communicate with you on VK and other social networks. You are more likely to please your interlocutor if he:

Another indicator is how willingly the guy shares secrets with you or just things that are important to him. This can be tested by asking him a few questions about how he spent the day, what interesting things happened at work or at the university.

True, if a man is tired or simply not in the mood, it is better to postpone such questions so as not to provoke irritation.

Having decided how to start a correspondence with a guy, you need to find out the signs that communication with him is becoming unproductive, uninteresting and inconvenient.

It is best not to impose, but to end the conversation in time so that both parties have only the best memories.

It is quite possible that, having become bored, after a while the young man himself will take the initiative and write first.

The recommendations above on how to get a pen pal interested are only rough tips. You yourself can evaluate how pleasant the interlocutor in contact is to you and how to behave with him in certain situations.

A man from a social network offers to meet in real life? Agree if you are confident in the possibility of taking the relationship to a more serious level. After all, it was for this that you tried to please a young man, wasn't it?

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

First meetings and dates, light flirting - what could be more exciting and enjoyable? The beginning of a romantic relationship is always associated with excitement and doubt. Many women are ready if a man does not call for more than a day. Should I call and write first? How to remind a man about yourself and not scare him away?

Interest or obsession?

The times when it was believed that decent girls do not start conversations with guys first are in the past. Modern ladies are not shy to take the initiative. Such a desire is commendable, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Any man is pleased with the interest from the opposite sex. On the other hand, too much attention can be tiring. The main rule: if you decide to write or call first, limit yourself to one call / message and wait for an answer. Many women, being carried away by a man seriously, literally lose their heads. Having written a message, they do not release the phone from their hands, waiting for the recipient's reaction. If there is no answer within half an hour, the hands themselves begin to type the next message. Of course, this is not the best way to remind a man about yourself. Just imagine how stupid you will look if you send a dozen messages or a hundred calls on the phone that the man of your dreams simply forgot to take with him.

The most unobtrusive way to remind yourself

In our age of high technology, almost every person has a personal page on a social network. And it's a great way to communicate. To find a real acquaintance in the virtual space, it is enough to know his first and last name, as well as the city of residence. Modern communication allows you to add new acquaintances to your contact list literally on the day of the first meeting. How to remind a man about himself using social networks, what to write to him? The most unobtrusive way is to put "likes", or ratings, on photos. You can comment on any picture, video. The alternative is to have a personal conversation. Start with a neutral question. If possible, avoid completely banal phrases: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”. Ask better: "How are you?" or “How is your weekend?”. In fact, your goal is to directly start a conversation. By its development, you can judge how much you are interested in the interlocutor.

The Art of SMS Communication

Many people enjoy texting more than speaking out loud. And indeed, there are advantages to messages before calls. You can weigh every word, and you do not risk saying anything superfluous. How to unobtrusively remind a man about himself: SMS, MMS - what to choose? It is appropriate to send photos only to a man with whom you know each other well. Short SMS messages are a suitable way to communicate with any acquaintance of the opposite sex. What to write? The best option is neutral-positive messages. You can give a man a compliment or offer to meet. Most importantly, never send repeated messages without waiting for a response. Try to avoid quarrels and showdowns over SMS. If you have any questions or complaints, please make an appointment.

Photo postcard - a reminder of yourself to your loved one

In this age of high technology, there are many ways to send an image. Use MMS messages or personal mail. You can send a photo of yourself with an intriguing or cute postscript to the man with whom you are in a love relationship. If you want to attract the attention of a friend or a member of the opposite sex who is just beginning an affair, it is better to choose a more neutral reminder. Share photo news, take a photo and send something unusual, unique or simply beautiful. Let it be a picturesque landscape, a new landmark of the city or a photo from some interesting event. If a man is interested in communicating with you, he will certainly lively support the proposed topic or at least give you a couple of compliments.

How about SMS?

Traditionally, a pickup truck is called men's secret tricks for seducing women. But why shouldn't the fair sex get their own technique for conquering guys? Most men are quite curious. Do you want to win attention? Send the object of your sympathy an intriguing message. Great options: “You surprised me!”, “They told me this about you ...” or “I didn’t expect this from you.” Do not be too lazy to come up with a legend in advance of what exactly you were told.

The young man you like does not call for several days? How to remind a man about yourself? SMS can be sent to his number, pretending that you made a mistake. You can write something frank and seductive. The alternative is to send something rude. Send a "random" SMS and forget about it. If the recipient is at least somewhat interested in communicating with you, he will definitely want to clarify the situation as soon as possible. Don't forget to pretend to be surprised when you hear a call or receive an SMS reply.

Share the news with your loved ones!

Universal reminders and reasons for meetings

Are you going on a date and are afraid that it will be the last one? There is one effective method to help avoid such a development of events. Leave the man a "souvenir as a keepsake", in other words, forget something from him. The item should be valuable enough so as not to fall into the trash can immediately and give a new reason for meeting. You can "forget" some of the clothes - gloves or a scarf, business card holder, jewelry or cosmetics. Try to leave your reminder where it will look most natural and will be revealed only after the breakup. In a car, theoretically, any thing can fall out of a handbag. If you have been visiting, cosmetics accidentally left near the mirror is also a completely banal phenomenon. You can arrange the next meeting by borrowing something from the man himself. Ask to read a book or throw some files on a portable information carrier. Having exchanged any things, you will always have an excuse for a meeting. And you no longer have to think about how to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself.

Take a promise from him

Any man wants to be a real hero in the eyes of the opposite sex. That is why all the guys are ready to instantly fulfill any requests of lovely ladies. Think of what a young person of interest can do for you. Maybe it's time to fix the socket or help carry heavy bags? Choose a task that he will definitely cope with. Is it worth reminding a man of himself if he promised to help you, and then disappeared somewhere? The situation is complicated, but it is always better to check why it happened. Do not be too lazy to call and delicately ask whether it is worth waiting for the fulfillment of promises. If you receive a refusal, do not even think about persuading or asking again. Remember that the object of your sympathies could always really just forget about what he promised. And a reminder in this case would be more than appropriate.

Random encounters are not random

One of the most effective ways to make a man think about himself is to regularly "accidentally" catch his eye. Try to learn as much as possible about him and use the information received. Visit his favorite cafe from time to time, you can unobtrusively show up near the place of work of your chosen one. Women often say to themselves: “I want to remind myself of the man of my dreams,” and in their desire they are reckless. If you decide to use the method of "random" meetings, it is important not to abuse their regularity. In addition, you should always have an answer ready for the question of what brought you to this place.

How to remind a man about himself: mystical ways

Some ladies claim that they have achieved the attention of the gentleman they like with the help of magical means. Before deciding on any mystical manipulations, try to establish yourself in your desire. Only when you are confident in the depth of your own feelings, you can proceed to action. Every day before going to bed, concentrate your thoughts on your chosen one. Remember all the best moments spent together, and do not hesitate to dream about new meetings. To establish an energy connection, put a photo of your loved one in your room. It is desirable that it be a recently taken portrait. Look at it and imagine a joint future. Remember: the photograph used in this ritual should not be touched with your hands. It is desirable that strangers do not see it. Whether a man needs to be reminded of himself in magical ways is a personal matter. In love, as in war, all means are good, so why not try?