Modern pickup truck. Pickup. Antidote: Basic Pickup Techniques. Quick seduction

It has long been no secret to anyone that the pickup movement is gaining momentum every year, here, in Europe and around the world. It would seem that the female reaction is not difficult to predict - it is unlikely that it will be positive. Naturally, what woman wants to be the object of the experiment of a man for whom seduction is just a sport? No feelings, no trust and love. However, everything turned out to be not so simple. There was a female pickup or ways to take possession of a man.

Today we will talk about what a female pickup truck is and what ways to take possession of a man are used by the beautiful representatives of humanity.

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Photo gallery: Female pickup or ways to take possession of a man

Pickup (from the English pick up - "pick up")- the science of seduction. It is based on old psychological techniques: NLP, persuasion, gesture play, etc. Since the appearance of this phenomenon, for many men, a pickup truck has become not just a sport and entertainment, but also a philosophy of life.

The essence of the whole game is as simple as a clear day. Dissolve a lady for sex, and as quickly and naturally as possible, have fun with her at night, and then just as easily and naturally disappear. Naturally, the pick-up artists do not think about the moral side of the matter - moreover, many of them do it in order to take revenge on the female sex for some long-standing grievances ... But this is not what we are talking about today.

Just like the men's pickup truck, the women's pickup was born on the Internet. It all started with small sites about men's pickup trucks, then independent resources for women. On the basis of this, enterprising businessmen almost instantly organized paid trainings, courses and seduction seminars.

The purpose of a woman's pickup truck is not much different from a man's: to seduce the one on whom the eye falls. After that, there may be options that the young lady chooses herself.

  • seduce for sex and then quit
  • seduce, to fall in love, and then quit
  • seduce to get married

So what difficulties do women face in the process of choosing, seducing the victim?

In fact, a woman at the initial stage of dating is much more likely than men. After all, the first step is always taken by a man, and when it is a woman - imagine how unusual and flattering it is.

And even if he didn’t like you, no one will turn you off right away - he will amuse his male pride.

The picture is almost the same with regard to sex. After all, usually a man is the first to go on the offensive and hint at a cup of coffee at his house. And here the woman is already ready for sex on the first date. It is unlikely that someone will refuse you. Impatiens, of course, can get caught or those who are serious will be somewhat surprised at your persistence and a refusal may follow. But such, fortunately or unfortunately, there are very, very few, so you can also switch to sex without any problems.

It's another matter if you have really serious long-term plans - to get a man to propose to you. Here you have to sweat, because it is much easier to get acquainted and seduce than to keep and force to propose.

In any case, you will have to apply all your knowledge and skills, see two steps ahead, cheat and create the appearance of your easy interest in the object. And a man should also think that it is he who is leading the process and not you.

So, let's get straight to the tricks of the female pickup truck, which will undoubtedly add to your arsenal of seduction.

1. Be interesting but independent. Let him see you, let him see your smiles and that you are interesting to others. No nervous gestures (hands clenched into fists on the chest, clasped fingers, etc.) Posture plays an important role here - a straight back and straightened shoulders will say a lot.

2. Calm, only calm. Many women, when they like a man, forget the letters and words of the Russian language, fall into a stupor and generally behave like children. This is absolutely not allowed. Always stay calm. It happens that you have only a few minutes to throw an invisible lasso over the object, there will be no second chance if you are frightened, confused or give up. Composure is your friend.

3. Send a signal. Even if you are beautiful, charming, sexy, etc. - how will he know if he doesn't notice you. Send a brake light. The simplest thing is to catch his eye and smile. You can drop an object next to him so that he helps to lift, etc. But do not overdo it so that your attempts to attract his attention do not grow into stupid persistence.

4. Look 100%! Everyone knows very well what clothes make men pay attention to you in any situation: tight-fitting skirts, light blouses with a charming neckline, high heels, etc. Don't underestimate makeup and hair. But! Everything should be harmonious and appropriate to the setting. Look stylish and up-to-date! In this case, not only your victim will pay attention to you, but also everyone else - and this will greatly facilitate the matter!

5. First conversation. When you managed to get his attention, the pause between this moment and the first conversation should not be long! Speak naturally, calmly and clearly! It is necessary that he participates in the conversation a little more than you. While you laugh in response to his joke, you can lightly touch his hand. In general, don't forget about touching.

6. Think what you are saying. Never tell a man on a first date, especially if you just need sex, how many children you want, how many husbands you have had, remember - men are rather shy creatures, and even your "Well, let's go to me?" can very easily scare away and push away!

7. Compliment. Remember that a man loves compliments just as much as a woman. It is important for them to feel special, unique. However, don't overdo it. Turn on your mind and say what it wants to hear, according to the occasion, place and setting.

Compliments are a very important way to get hold of a man and a woman's pickup truck. How to do them correctly?

First, you need to understand that compliments for a man and a woman have fundamentally different meanings and meanings. If for the female sex it is a kind of share of joy and comfort, then for men it is a kind of guide to action. There should be no emptiness or vague meaning in your words. Focus on details.

For example, "how beautiful you are, how strong you are" - this is a complete failure, but "wow, you are clever at working with a screwdriver" - will make him proud of himself! Plus, the following works flawlessly - when you say a compliment - intimately lower your voice - you'll see, it will work instantly.

A compliment MUST be sincere, or at least 100% sincere. To say that compliments in bed are more than necessary.

But! Never lisp with a man - they don't like it. There is no need for rude flattery - it immediately cuts through and your rating in his eyes instantly drops. A lot of compliments are worse than no compliments. Remember this. You always need to know when to stop. Speak clearly and clearly, no vagueness.

It is best when you really feel sympathy and positive emotions for your partner. In this case, the ways to take possession of a man will be easier for you to implement.

Everything was invented by nature a long time ago. Males of many animal species are larger and brighter than females. And during mating games, they fluff up their feathers and turn one side, then the other. Remember this. This is just a representative of our species. He is a male. Therefore, praise and please him. Laugh and assent. But! Do not overdo it - we do not need blatant flattery at all.

There is such a method as mirroring. It is very often used by skillful sellers to buy goods. Its meaning is the repetition of the words and remarks of the interlocutor. Through this, he develops a sense of oneness with you. For example, he leaned back in his chair - lean back and you, moved closer - do the same. Naturally, carry out these actions in harmony with the environment.

Do not forget that the pick-up lady, in in this case, you, not him. And you are in charge of the situation, even if it seems to him that he is in control of the process. Learn to mirror - learn to control the distance between you. Remember that tactile contact is very important.

The most interesting, in my opinion, remark - all these techniques are suitable not only for pick-up women, but also for married women, because removing and seducing your own husband is a much more difficult task. You will need much more patience, a sense of tactics and cunning, because imagine how it is, after many years of living together, to make him again see you as a seductive, sexy, hot cat. And it is your task - to make your husband look at you with different eyes and think: “Is this my wife? Why didn't I notice this before? " By the way! Such a successfully completed operation is extremely beneficial for your family life as a whole! There is nothing better than a good marriage in which spouses are best friends and best lovers!

Well-deserved victories, fun nights and generosity to men!

The pickup is believed to have originated in the United States. Hence the name, which can be translated into Russian as "to cling". In short and simply, this is a kind of teaching that helps to successfully and quickly get acquainted with the opposite sex and bring the matter to the desired ending. Since the pickup truck remained the prerogative of men for a long time, the main task was to reduce the matter to bed, moreover, not sometime after a year from the beginning of the relationship, but already on the third date.

Modern girls quickly adopt from men all the most interesting and useful. And now it's safe to say that the women's pickup truck exists. Moreover, women always refine good ideas for themselves, make them better and cleaner. That is why the difference is so significant.

Guys, for example, report that the main thing is to pick up a girl for sex, and then how it goes. The main goal of female seduction is to find, seduce and keep a man. In fact, everything is much deeper.

Relentless work on yourself

Turning again to the men's pickup, it should be noted that not all guys fully support the principles of the teaching. Yes, there are alpha males who care only about sex and don't give a damn about feelings. Other young people view pickup as a dating method aimed at serious long-term relationships. Who wants to achieve what does not matter.

The art of seduction in question teaches, first of all, to work competently and tirelessly on oneself.

A girl who wants to become a pick-up artist must:

  1. Follow fashion trends and always be stylish, even if she is on a tight budget.
  2. Be able to use cosmetics. This in no way means that you need to paint your lips brightly and wear "sausage" eyebrows, which are still a trend, but in fact repel many guys.
  3. Study male psychology. They say boys and girls are from different planets. Unfortunately or fortunately, this is indeed the case. We differ not only physiologically, but also psychologically. It is important what the boys and girls have in their heads. If you look at it, all women's problems in relationships with the stronger sex are associated with the fact that the overwhelming majority of women simply do not understand male psychology. Hence, a lot of questions on the topic on sites and forums. To pick up a decent guy, you don't need to act like a guy, but to know the psychology of the “enemy”. Understanding the reasons for the behavior, actions of young people, you can develop a certain model of behavior. The opportunity also opens up to predict the course of events or directly influence the vector of relations in the future.
  4. Be educated. Picapercha won't have to learn basic physics, for example. You just need to be able to maintain a conversation, even if it is not about fashionable "clothes" and cosmetics. And men, as you might guess, like to talk about something completely different.
  5. Find an interesting activity to your liking. Masters of the men's pickup truck call it "lifestyle". A self-sufficient person who has a life-long business is always more interesting than one who is not addicted to anything and does not go anywhere. In this case, self-sufficiency does not mean that a girl does not need a boyfriend. It's just that a lady should be very interesting, spiritually developed.
  6. Cope with your problems and complexes. At the very least, do not "pour" them on the guy like slop from a bucket.

Thus, a woman's pickup is not only about seducing, falling in love with a man. You should become an interesting person yourself, without complexes. And this is very valuable.

Even if a particular young man does not fall in love with you, you have already won. After all, you have become better, stronger, more interesting, that is, you have “pumped” yourself.

Basic rules for a women's pickup

They follow from the theses outlined above:

  • "Always be on top!" Wrong thoughts: "Oh, I'm tired today and not ready to get acquainted" or "Actually, it is somehow not very convenient to take pictures of guys in public transport." If such thoughts appear in your head, it means that you have not yet become a real pick-up artist. First, you should learn techniques that make it possible to quickly cheer up and come to full combat readiness. Second, you need to deal with your fears. The elimination of all fears and constraints occurs through practice;
  • “Don't be a 'hungry she-wolf' and don't become a 'poor sheep'!” Some ladies, when deciding to go to a pickup, interpret all the instructions in a peculiar way. It seems to them that everywhere and everywhere you need to appear with a fatal gaze, to look at every man present with passion and desire. Do you know where this will lead? Some guys will scare off such behavior, others will think that the young lady makes a living with intimate services. Some girls go to the other extreme: they think that falling in love with a man is possible only if they seem modest and pious. Yes, some guys are attracted to girls like that. But this is not a pickup. It is worth adhering to the golden mean: to be at least in public, cheerful, open, positive, not frankly hinting at the desire to fall in love, but not closing;
  • "Don't believe in stereotypes!" There are a huge number of them in society. Someone came up with the idea that men always meet first. What should a girl do when she aims to interest and seduce a certain guy? If nothing is done, the young man will hide behind the horizon, where he will quickly and successfully meet a more active lady.

Some pickup masters write in their books, which can be downloaded on the Internet, that it is better to get acquainted absolutely sober. Only in this case it will be clear that special techniques helped. At the very least, you have not used any means to suppress your fear.

There is a video on the network where the masters show and tell how to get acquainted correctly. The videos can be watched online without any problems.

There is also such a piece of advice: you don't need to take your friend “into the fields”. She supposedly can prevent the seduction of young people, distracting attention to herself. In a men's pickup, going out with a friend is encouraged if newbies are coaching different practices.

Let's face it, everyone should choose for themselves. As it is convenient for anyone. If you feel confident, you know that you are able to dissolve any guy, even the most ideal guy for you, into a relationship, then, of course, there is no need for extra people in communication. If you need support or criticism of the already perfect tackles, then you can take a friend. Some ladies go in pairs so that there is an opportunity to meet two young people at once.

Female pickup methods

In general, they are similar to those for men. This is not surprising, because a pickup truck, regardless of who uses it, is a single whole teaching and at the same time a set of practices.

Let's consider the tools in more detail:

  1. Templates. This word denotes previously prepared phrases that help to interest a young man at the first meeting. They should contain a compliment and a kind of "opener" that will make a man speak. For example: “Hello! O! Where is your army? " A man, in theory, should be interested and ask: "Which army?" Girl: “Are you not Alexander the Great ?! Masculinity on the face, stately figure ... Or am I mistaken? " If the guy is all right with a sense of humor, and he liked the girl, his mood will rise, and he himself will have to experience the feeling of being in love. Templates can be invented on the go, by the way, clinging to a man's appearance.
  2. Routines. Also prepared stories containing examples of ideal relationships. They are projected onto the girl and the guy she met. It is not always necessary to tell the routine and not right away.
  3. "Mirror". Psychologists have found that we relate best to those who are somewhat similar to us. Pick-up artists and pick-up girls use it this way: they adjust the manner of speaking to the timbre and rhythm of the guy, copy the pose of the “object”. This does not mean that you need to parody a man. Everything should look organic.
  4. Touches. It is very important to casually touch the guy. It brings people closer together.
  5. NLP or neuro-linguistic programming. A complex teaching on how to influence yourself and other people, taking into account the characteristics of the human subconscious.

Often, pick-up girls arrange checks for young people. All of them are described in detail in books, but we cannot fail to mention them:

  • for generosity. You need to ask a man who has money to buy something expensive. Not a car or a yacht, but not an ordinary trinket either. Curmudgeons, most likely, will have a hard time parting with even 100 rubles;
  • for loyalty. Such checks are arranged some time after the start of the relationship. But they do take place in practice.

Female internet pickup

There is an opinion that it is worth getting to know oneself according to the rules developed by the gurus only on the street, in a cafe, in transport, but not on the net. However, the Internet is actively developing, many new resources appear on it where you can find an interesting guy, old ones are being updated. It is foolish not to use a tool that is effective.

Therefore, pick-up girls often start to correspond with young people on websites and in social networks, for example, in Vkontakte.

We draw your attention to the fact that some of the masters and craftswomen of seduction have nothing against this. It is important to understand one rule: do not get involved in long correspondence with a man, be it the Internet or SMS messages. You need to take a phone number as quickly as possible, call and make an appointment. And on a date, you can already seduce, seduce and do whatever you want.

So a pickup truck for women is not only a great tool for finding a good guy and forging a long-term relationship with him, but also a way to become better yourself.

Sometimes they ask the following question: is it possible with the described methods to return a former young man, to discourage a married man from his wife. For those who took the pickup path and achieved some success in it, nothing is impossible. Another thing is that there are certain moral and moral norms. You should not seek your own happiness by causing harm to others. Always be kind and positive!

Constant attention, lots of compliments, gifts and a crowd of fans at your feet! Almost every girl secretly dreams about it. But for some girls, the ability to drive men crazy is given almost from the cradle, while others need life to comprehend the basics of the art of seduction.

A pickup truck - a modern set of manipulations for seduction will help in mastering the secrets of such a complex science.

Women's pickup rules and objectives

The goal of a man's pickup truck is one - to put the girl to bed as quickly as possible. Representatives of the fairer sex have more inventive goals: to find - to meet - to charm - to keep.

To achieve them, it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • Creation of the "correct" image. Men love with their eyes. Therefore, the choice of outfit and accessories is so important.
  • Beautiful make-up. Correct, discreet makeup will accentuate your beauty.
  • Eye contact. To grab his attention, you need to hook a man with a gesture, word or look.
  • "Correct" communication. Naturalness, femininity and hidden sexuality are the main rules of a successful conquest.
  • "Correct" behavior. It is necessary to show interest in a person, to show interest in his words. A "accidental" touch will help "ignite a spark."

How to make a guy fall in love with you?

Do you think a man chooses a woman? You are right, it is. BUT! He does this only after receiving signs that she wants to be chosen. And wise women can use it with ease.

The main feature of a women's pickup truck is the ability to create conditions in which a representative of the stronger sex himself must be imbued with a desire to meet.

Its effectiveness lies, first of all, in the ability to advertise oneself in such a way that a man does not doubt that he is the initiator in the relationship.

Pickup rules for correspondence

SMS correspondence is one of the ways to test your feminine charm from a distance. Therefore, pickup lessons for beginner girls can start with her.

  1. It is not at all difficult to seduce a guy by SMS if stick to some rules:
  2. Pause! Before answering, take a half-hour pause and make him wait for the next message twice as long as you waited.
  3. Brevity is the soul of wit. Long text messages indicate excessive interest in him.
  4. Solid text. Do not use any emoticons or other superfluous symbols - they speak of emotions.
  5. "The correct image." He must be successful and independent with you.
  6. Emotional heating. From time to time, replace positive SMS with negative ones (you can always make excuses that the addressee was mistaken).
  7. Keep the intrigue. It generates interest.
  8. Remember goals. For every man, information from SMS is not so important as its purpose. Do not forget about it!

Phrases and questions favorites

An equally important part of successful seduction is the ability to conduct a conversation. First of all, here one should naturally hold on and deeply hide the excitement.

Start a conversation with modest questions: "What?", "Where?", "How?" or "When?", "Why?" Well, and the answers to give quite complete, capacious. In addition, any phrases should be accompanied by a direct gaze directed directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Talking techniques

To seduce a man, first of all, you must subtly attract his attention.

In this case, you can use the following female tricks:

  • Smile and embarrassment;
  • Light reverie;
  • Relaxed posture and sensual movements;
  • Expression of boredom.

But to hold him back we must not forget that ideal pickup girl:

  • first of all, loves and respects himself;
  • does not carry a bad mood;
  • does not catch one's own complexes;
  • proactive and independent;
  • knows how to listen to and accept the stronger sex as they are;
  • able to give pleasure.

Let's summarize and highlight the main thing:

  1. Modesty is the main secret. Do not forget that a man is by nature a breadwinner. Do not deprive him of the opportunity to conquer you.
  2. Unpredictability. Try to constantly innovate the relationship. Fight the routine.
  3. Sexuality is natural. For a man to believe in your sexuality, first of all, believe in it yourself.
  4. Playfulness and laughter. A positive attitude in a relationship is very important.
  5. Magnetism of the gaze. Intrigue the chosen one with the depth of your gaze.
  6. Decollete. Beautifully accentuated breasts are always a reliable weapon. She will easily enchant any representative of the stronger sex.
  7. Seduce him with your feet. Try to constantly emphasize the beauty of your legs.
  8. A passionate whisper. Affectionate words spoken in the ear of your beloved will have an indelible effect.
  9. Hand caresses. Light touching the body is a sure way to ignite passion in your chosen one.
  10. Initiative in bed. Take the caresses of your beloved with joy, be relaxed and from time to time take the initiative into your own hands.

Not many people know that there is not only a male pickup, but also a female one. His task is to seduce the object of desire by any means. After the goal is achieved, you can do whatever you want - marry this person, continue dating, or simply leave him. But few women can achieve such opportunities, as they make many mistakes. On the way to the goal, there are several obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want. To avoid failure in seduction, you should adhere to the basic rules of a pickup truck.

The story began in the United States in 1992 after the publication of a book by Ross Jeffreys, describing various manipulations through which any woman can be seduced. Of course, in response to such a terrible attitude towards female nature, the young ladies also decided to master this art in order to break the hearts of impudent men. The basis of the women's pickup truck has become a simple flirtation, thanks to which it is possible. Currently, this science contains many more rules, but still its basis has remained the same.

Women's pickup and its basic rules.

The right choice of outfit and accessories.

Everyone knows that first of all with the eyes. That is why it is very important to make a good impression on the first meeting. In order for a guy to pay attention to a young lady, she needs to choose the right image. Of course, nothing will catch his attention like high heels and a beautiful, preferably tight dress. According to statistics, in this case, the girl is guaranteed to get 90% of the attention from men.

It is worth choosing a dress style that fits a certain body shape. Color also matters, so you should not be based on fashion trends, but choose a dress of the shade that suits your appearance. If a woman does not know how to walk in high heels, then it is better for her to limit herself to an average length of heels. There is nothing worse than an awful gait due to too high heels. By the way, you can apply some trick. Now there are a lot of shoes that have rather high heels, but due to the platform it is much easier to walk in them.

In addition to the outfit and shoes, it is very important to choose the right accessories. A huge bag will not go well with a beautiful evening dress, but a neat little clutch will complement it perfectly. Excessive decorations can also ruin the overall look. It is better to limit yourself to a modest chain with a small pendant and earrings with a bracelet in a set with it. In general, it is recommended to wear earrings if the ears are open. Otherwise, you do not need to wear them. In the outfit, you should choose a maximum of 2 catchy things, for example, a handbag and a belt. If you use more bright elements, then you can become like a Christmas tree.

Beautiful and discreet makeup is the key to success.

Proper makeup is a very important element. pretty discreet makeup. Therefore, you should not use too much makeup, especially if the date is in the daytime. Bright makeup is only suitable for special occasions, such as a gala at work or New Year's Eve. Do not experiment before a date, as it is best to stick with the make-up that is used most often and is ideal for a particular appearance.

Making eye contact.

If the outfit and makeup made a splash, then it's time to take the next step. This will be eye contact with the object of desire. Having given him your modest smile, you should turn your head and continue talking with your friend or sip your cocktail. If a man did not have time to notice such a beautiful person, then you need to attract his attention. But you should not flicker in front of his eyes, as this will only cause unpleasant emotions. not too complicated, just by adjusting her hair and crossing her legs, a woman has the opportunity to lure a man into her nets.

It is especially important to show some indifference to the given object. You can even flirt with another man to arouse his desire and interest even more. But do not overdo it, you should just let him know that he is not the only man in this institution. After such manipulations, he will have no choice but to approach the seductress and express a desire to get to know her.

The manifestation of sexuality and femininity in communication.

Having perfectly followed the first rules that a pickup for women contains, many ladies make a lot of mistakes in the future. The behavior of a young lady tells a man a lot. He will either continue communication, or interrupt it, remembering serious and unexpected matters. Therefore, you should continue to lure the man of your dreams. You don't have to dress too sexy to show your dignity. It is much more important to excite a man with your behavior, fleeting languid glances and heartfelt voice.

You can use some gestures to. For example, if a woman runs her hand over her neck and lowers her to her thigh, then the man will definitely pay attention to this. He will awaken fantasies about what is hidden from his eyes under your clothes. It is also necessary, since, coupled with sexuality, this will be the perfect tandem for seducing a man.

Femininity is not only a pleasant and beautiful appearance, but also the behavior of a girl. A true lady will not drink male drinks and say unpleasant words. Also, you should not talk in all colors about past relationships, since a couple of common phrases will be enough. If a woman has long hair, then this should definitely be shown to her interlocutor, seductively winding a strand of hair around her finger or just sometimes throwing it back by turning her head.

Correct behavior when dealing with a man.

A very important point is talking with a man. Here you need to be tactful and show interest in the words of the interlocutor. You need to listen carefully to the man and ask questions if something is not clear, as it will be very pleasant for him. You need to try to speak with him in the same language, using in communication some phrases from his vocabulary. During communication, you can accidentally touch his knee or shoulder, so the woman will show sympathy for this man.

There is a very interesting expression: “A man is ready to commit any meanness in order to win the favor of a woman. Only a woman can surpass him in this. " As you can see, girls have every chance of winning any man they like. It is not necessary to visit where the pickup is taught for girls to. All you need to do is dress and make up correctly, as well as reveal your true feminine qualities, such as femininity, sexuality and the art of communication.

Today we can often hear the expressions "pickup" or "pickup" in the conversation of some young people. At first glance, it seems that we are talking about a car. Yes, all dictionaries interpret the word "pickup" exactly as a utility vehicle. However, the pickup that is being discussed in certain circles nowadays has nothing to do with the pickup car.

In our case, this term means the art of quick acquaintance and seduction, which does not imply the further development of relationships. Or, more simply, a temporary union of a man and a woman, which does not oblige either one or the other, absolutely, to nothing. In a word, we can say that a pickup is a rental without rules.

Features of a women's pickup truck

Previously, such feints were considered an exclusively male prerogative. Male representatives, studying the pickup, attended all kinds of trainings, studied various manuals and generally made a lot of effort, improving the skill of quickly seducing even the most unapproachable girl. They did this mainly for the sake of entertainment, and not with the aim of starting some kind of serious relationship with this girl. I must say that our pick-up artists did this very well.

What did this lead to? As a result, the weaker sex was offended and developed their own pickup rules for girls. Why not? If guys, based on such rules, allow themselves to fool many young ladies, then it is permissible for us too! Gone are the days when it was believed that women should not be frivolous about intimacy and allow it only if they have serious intentions.

We are also not bastard and may well create our own techniques for a woman's pickup. After all, in our time, girls have equal rights with guys in everything and can independently decide whom to seduce them and when to put an end to the relationship!

However, the pickup rules for girls are different from the pickup rules for guys. Women's pickup means, first of all, the effectiveness of dating with representatives of the stronger sex, and not collecting sex partners. Such acquaintances can become just one of the pleasant episodes, or they can serve the further development of relations.

As for the men's pickup truck, it is designed primarily to seduce as many women as possible. This is a kind of championship, where the leader is determined by the number of young ladies in his bed. And the rules here are different, focused exclusively on keeping this bed as empty as possible. What are the pickup rules for girls?

Pickup technique for girls

We have already talked about what is a pickup without rules. However, “without rules” in this case means “without any responsibility to the girl in the future,” the pickup technique itself, like any other technique, is based on certain rules. These rules are studied by the fairer sex at all kinds of pickup trainings and discussed on pickup forums for girls.

The pickup technique for girls provides, first of all, the development of young ladies' confidence that they can get to know any man they like. And it doesn't matter that he may seem unapproachable, unsociable, too busy or too demanded by the female sex and unattainable. We must be convinced that you can meet anyone! At the same time, a prerequisite for a women's pickup is the presence of a choice between men so that the girls do not get hung up on one, one that does not really suit them.

When teaching how to seduce a guy, the pickup claims that it doesn't need a woman to have a spectacular appearance. No, of course, a young lady should be attractive, because not a single normal guy will suit an unkempt disheveled person! But a pikapercha girl does not need special beauty either. The main art of a woman's pickup truck is to be able to look at a man in such a way that he feels the interest of a pretty lady in his own person.

The pick-up technique for girls provides that they should not take the first steps to getting to know each other. Men need to be provoked to this step, because in essence they are still hunters and prefer to take the initiative into their own hands. Here are skilful pick-up girls, using all sorts of tricks of a female pickup truck, and pushing the representatives of the stronger sex to manifest this initiative.

For example, one such technique is based on the time-tested NLP technique of asking for help. Its meaning is that a pickup girl, in order to attract a male object, asks him to help in solving a problem. This is a win-win move: in addition to helping the young lady, the guy will feel his masculine superiority over her and his own importance, he will also devote time to her and invest strength in the girl. And this means that the young man will already pay attention to the young lady.

Request phrases pick-up for girls can be anything: show the way, hand over a napkin, help get some goods from the top shelf in the store, and so on. Everything that will be in time and place and for which there is enough imagination. A sine qua non of this is that you should ask, starting with help in the little things and gradually moving towards requests for help in something more substantial.

As a result, the man-object gets used to the fact that the girl asks him for something, gets used to her and unwittingly falls into the network of the pick-up shop. At the same time, she should remember that such a trick will be effective and efficient only if, after fulfilling the request, the guy will express warm gratitude to him, coupled with a subtle compliment.

This is one example of a variety of pickup phrases for girls, the use of which comes with a number of tricks and wisdom. Studying this whole host of techniques for dating and seducing men is not easy. A number of them can be learned at pickup trainings, some can be learned by visiting a pickup forum for girls, some by studying some special manuals or coming up with something on your own.

The main thing is to remember that by doing a pickup, any girl in one way or another changes her life for the better. Her relationship with the opposite sex becomes freer, easier and more painless. In addition, a lady pick-up lady will be able to build their scheme herself, without waiting for counter actions from a man.

In general, the general pickup rules for girls look something like this.

  • A girl should be independent and friendly in communication with a man at the same time.
  • She should draw attention to herself unobtrusively, by sending subtle signals to the object.
  • A girl using the pickup technique needs to have composure and be confident.
  • The girl's appearance should be as attractive as possible: well-groomed hair, fashionable clothes, manicure, neat makeup, and so on.
  • In a dialogue with a man, a girl needs to listen more than talk, monitor her speech and carefully hide the excitement, if any.
  • When communicating with a man, from time to time you need to compliment him and in no case mention your former romances, your intention to successfully marry, live in luxury, have expensive jewelry, and so on.
  • In order to capture the guy's attention as much as possible, the girl should use the mirroring method: copy his gestures, posture, manner of speaking.
  • After a guy is interested in a girl, she needs to make sure that he already copied her gestures, postures, manner of speaking. This will allow the young lady to keep the situation under control.

It seems that these rules are simple and many of us know how to use them without learning any special techniques. Do I need, in this case, in order to know how to seduce a guy, a pickup truck? We don't seem to be bastarding cabbage soup ourselves ... Well, bast shoes there, or with a crystal shoe, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that one thing is just to seduce a guy, and another is to seriously captivate the one with whom you want to be around for a long time, and not one night.

And in this case, the use of the pickup technique quite often helps to achieve the desired goal. Well, and then, when a girl really wants sex, does not want to spend a lot of time looking for a partner and does not know how to excite a guy with words, a pickup will also help. But what do men themselves relate to a women's pickup?

The efficiency of the women's pickup

I must say that girls who use the techniques of a women's pickup truck have already caused a lot of trouble for a strong half of humanity. A man who has fallen for the bait of such a young lady may suffer not only a wallet, but also a soul. Often, pickup girls actively use their sex appeal and the art of pickup just to just have a good time with a wealthy guy. About what will happen next, they, at the moment of meeting the chosen man-object, may not even think about it. But sometimes he falls in love seriously ...

However, those representatives of the stronger sex who know how to seduce guys with a pickup girl are often able to determine whether their cute creation is picking up or not. They can read body language, know many of the tricks of the female pickup and can oppose them with the male ways of pickup. Or send a lover to breed men to hell, not really standing on ceremony with her.

But even such casanos in most cases lose to professional pickup women who know perfectly well how to excite a guy with the words of a pickup truck. What can we say about those representatives of the stronger sex who have no idea about this art of seduction? They instantly fall into the nets set by the girl and can flutter in them for the rest of their lives, while suffering tremendously.

Therefore, before treating a man, every pikaperche girl should think about whether he can eventually become the one with whom she would like to connect her life. After all, deliberately inflicting pain on someone is a boomerang. Sooner or later she will come back, and the pikaperche will have to pay for her frivolity.

Women, entering into close relationships with men, most often try to act in accordance with their intuition. This allows them to be as natural as possible, which, of course, is easier and easier than following some rules. It's easier for ladies, but the development of relations - alas, alas, alas ...

Openness in communication with the opposite sex often goes to the detriment of these relationships. A guy can quickly lose interest in a girl if there is no riddle for him that needs to be constantly solved. No, a woman doesn't have to be very secretive. But you shouldn't become too frank either, otherwise male indifference will not hesitate to wait.

Conclusion: Overly natural, purely intuitive behavior of a woman is not always the best way to fall in love with a man. If we rely only on him, relations with each new friend can develop according to the same old pattern. Therefore, all our mistakes will be repeated over and over again. But all men are different, and each of them needs a new approach.

A pickup truck for girls helps to avoid mistakes based on stereotypes in relationships with the stronger sex. He does not offer any specific model of these relationships, he teaches a woman to be flexible, perspicacious, wise. Someone who knows what she wants and where her happiness is.