Third trimester and exercise: is it possible? Safe exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester About raising arms in the 3rd trimester

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The last three months before giving birth are often the hardest. The load on the woman's body is colossal - pain in the back and legs, shortness of breath, varicose veins, swelling, a feeling of heaviness, accumulated stress. I want to relax more, but not to think about sports and additional loads. However, gymnastics in the 3rd trimester will help alleviate the woman's condition., small workouts will be useful for both mom and baby.

Gymnastics 3rd trimester. Basic Rules

By the end of pregnancy, many women experience fatigue. A large belly complicates freedom of movement, a breakdown does not allow the girl to often go for walks or meet people. Therefore, gymnastics of the 3rd trimester should be very delicate and with a moderate load, aimed at restoring the strength and tone of the body. Also, proper training will help prepare the expectant mother for childbirth.

Good exercises in the 3rd trimester will help normalize blood pressure, get rid of edema, and hence from one of the most dangerous complications of the last months of pregnancy - preeclampsia. Also, physical activity will ease back pain and prevent you from gaining excess weight. A woman should devote at least 20 minutes a day to such exercises.

In order not to harm mom and baby and do gymnastics correctly in the 3rd trimester, you need to follow the simple rules of classes:

  • Consult your doctor about training. Physical activity has contraindications: the likelihood of premature birth and others. If during classes you begin to feel dizzy, there are pains in the lower back or lower abdomen, bleeding has begun - you need to urgently call the doctor;
  • Gymnastics of the 3rd trimester should be calm and not traumatic. Joints, ligaments and tendons are most vulnerable during this period, so you should not do stretching or exercises that load the joints;
  • At the end of pregnancy, the lungs shrink in volume by about 20%, so all exercises must be performed at a calm pace, without causing shortness of breath;
  • Many pregnant women notice palpitations and tachycardia in the last month. You should not give an additional load on the heart, cardio training should be very gentle. Make sure that the pulse does not exceed 110 beats per minute;
  • You need to do gymnastics in the 3rd trimester in the most comfortable conditions. best of all at home. Then the woman will always have the opportunity to relax, lie down or drink water at any time.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

Fitball is a useful device that is used in all sports centers for pregnant women. It will also come in handy after childbirth, it will help to quickly restore shape. Exercises for pregnant women on the ball are good because they support the back, reduce the load on the spine and are performed in a comfortable position - sitting. All lovers of strength exercises who used to regularly attend gyms and lift serious weights can perform exercises on a fitball for pregnant women, but with less weight. The load must be at least 50% less. It is not worth quitting training for the period of bearing a child. It is best to perform exercises for pregnant women on a ball with light free weights of 1 kg. Experienced trainers say that girls who maintain part of the power loads throughout their pregnancy give birth easier.

All exercises for pregnant women on a fitball can be divided into 3 groups: exercises for the muscles of the chest, arms and thighs (buttocks):

  • Hand exercises are performed with dumbbells while sitting on the ball. You can do the simplest ones: lifting straight arms, abduction to the sides and bending at the elbow. You need to perform as many times as the body allows, without overstraining;
  • Sit on the floor in front of the ball, cross your legs or sit on your heels, squeezing the ball with your hands as much as possible. Repeat 10 times and rest;
  • Lie on your back, put your feet on the ball. Straighten and bend your legs in turn, rolling the ball. Such gymnastics in the 3rd trimester will be a good prevention of varicose veins;
  • At the end, do a series of breathing exercises for the 3rd trimester. To begin with, breathe only with your stomach, take deep breaths in and out. Then breathe into your chest. Try to relax.

Exercise before childbirth

Many expectant mothers are wondering what exercises before childbirth will be the most useful? For those who, for some reason, cannot play sports, walks are suitable. At any stage of pregnancy, you need to spend more time in the fresh air and walk. Such light physical activity will benefit the expectant mother. Even an hour of walking every day will help save the baby from hypoxia, and keep the mother in shape, normalize blood pressure. No need to be lazy, alternate fast and slow walking.

One of the most popular prenatal exercises is yoga asanas. This is a very useful type of training, it can be practiced at any time during pregnancy. There is a wide course of special "pregnant" yoga. Such training will relieve stress, worries about the upcoming birth, relieve pain in the legs and lower back and help prepare the body for the birth of a child. Breathing in yoga is a very important part of the classes, namely, proper breathing is so important for a woman during childbirth.

Useful gymnastics in the 3rd trimester - Pilates for pregnant women. This is a gentle practice that combines breathing exercises, a small workout of the muscles of the whole body and gentle stretching. Such gymnastics for pregnant women of the 3rd trimester will help open the pelvic area and facilitate childbirth. It will also help the expectant mother to keep in shape. You should not abandon these workouts even after the baby is born - then the recovery period will be very short.

One of the most popular types of gymnastics in the 3rd trimester is aqua aerobics or just swimming.. Classes in the water do not burden the body, are easily and pleasantly tolerated. In the water there is no load on the joints, on the back, legs and lower back. The tension is removed from the whole body, and the skin is also tightened. The whole body is kept in good shape. Swimming has the fewest contraindications and is an easy way to keep fit.

The simplest exercises of the 3rd trimester can be performed at home without special equipment, they will help strengthen and open the pelvis:

  • Rest your back against the wall and sit down a little, inhale and press your pelvis strongly against the wall, trying to pull it up. Do the exercise 10 times;
  • Exercise "cat" is familiar to everyone. Get on all fours, rounding your back as you inhale and arching your lower back as you exhale. Try to pull up the pelvis as much as possible;
  • If there are no contraindications, you can do squats. They should be smooth and calm, lean on a chair and try to keep your back straight. Perform 10-15 times;
  • Sit in a Turkish or half-lotus position, spread your legs as wide as possible, try to press your knees to the floor;
  • Don't forget Kegel exercises. Intimate muscle training will be very useful. Squeeze and relax the muscles of the perineum at a fast pace. This exercise is convenient in that you can perform it at any time.

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester will help you master useful breathing skills, improve pelvic opening, and will also contribute to faster recovery after childbirth. And it will also relieve stress, relieve fatigue and improve mood!

The pregnancy period is associated with many myths and superstitions. They appeared before the development of medicine and have survived to this day. Previously, the occurrence of pathological conditions in childbirth was explained by the incorrect behavior of a woman during gestation. In particular, it was believed that you can not raise your hands and reach up. How relevant is the old saying today?

There is no scientific data that would confirm a direct connection between the complications of gestation, labor and the fact that the expectant mother raised her hands up. Nevertheless, doctors admit that sometimes a woman's active actions can have negative consequences. But there is nothing supernatural in this - all the states listed below are a reflection of physiological mechanisms.

cord entanglement

The umbilical cord is surrounded by a special gelatinous membrane, which makes it elastic and slippery. Even tying a knot on it is very problematic. The baby usually slips out of the umbilical cord loops without much harm. Problems can appear with polyhydramnios, a long umbilical cord. The general condition of the fetus also matters. If there are signs of hypoxia, the child may be especially mobile and often toss and turn, change position. This increases the risk of confusion. But the physical activity of the expectant mother has nothing to do with it.

At the same time, some doctors believe that with a sharp throw up of hands above the head or a long stay in this position, some vessels that feed the uterus and the child are squeezed. This leads to fetal hypoxia and its increased activity, which can result in umbilical cord entanglement.

Increasing the tone of the uterus

The condition of the uterus depends on the physical activity of the woman. It is especially pronounced when it reacts to stress when there is a threat of abortion. Raised arms, especially with a load (for example, large wet underwear), lead to tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. This affects the uterine tone, gradually increasing it. First, aching pain appears, which radiates to the rectum, lower back, and perineum.

Treatment in this situation depends on the severity of symptoms and gestational age. In the first trimester, resting in a horizontal position with raised legs and taking an antispasmodic tablet is enough. In the second and third trimesters, you need to use magnesium sulfate in the form of a solution in a vein. With a pronounced increase in tone and the risk of premature birth, it is necessary to administer the drug "Ginipral" in the form of an intravenous solution.

Fetal position

Some older people argue that if a woman raises her hands in the last stages, this will lead to a change in the position of the fetus: it will roll over on the buttocks and a breech presentation will occur. This condition is especially dangerous in primiparas.

Medicine admits such a scenario. When throwing up the upper limbs, the uterine cavity increases, which for the child can be a signal for action. If this is the third trimester and the date of birth is approaching, then the change in presentation from head to pelvic may result in violations of labor.

preterm birth

In some women, the risk of not carrying a pregnancy exists from the very moment of fertilization. Raising the hands in this state may exacerbate the unpleasant symptoms somewhat.

In other cases, preterm labor, like prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid, develop for completely different reasons. Most often it is a hidden or overt infection of the cervical canal, vagina.


If a woman abruptly changes the position of the upper limbs, then her vestibular apparatus may not have time to respond to the shift in the center of gravity, which will lead to an unstable body position. Sometimes a long stay with arms raised causes a change in the nature of blood flow in the upper body. This can cause dizziness, loss of stability, darkening of the eyes.

Precautionary measures

Doctors recommend excluding activities that require a woman to raise and strain her arms in the early stages, when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If complications of gestation are diagnosed, then such movements should be avoided from the 15th week. The rest of the patients can behave almost as usual. Moreover, with normal health, it is useful to perform special exercises for expectant mothers.

However, some precautions still need to be observed. The following activities should be avoided:

  • window washing;
  • hanging large linen;
  • beating carpets;
  • dusting the chandeliers.

It is better to shift these worries onto the shoulders of a spouse or close relatives.

Women who, with the progression of pregnancy, have a "nesting syndrome" want to update an apartment or a room for a child. They start renovations. Cutting off old wallpaper is not difficult, but gluing new ones is no longer easy. This activity will force you to keep your hands up for a long time. Therefore, in the case of repairs, it is better to entrust it to the workers. Do not forget about the harm of evaporation of paint and varnish products, other building materials. A future mother should prefer walking in the fresh air to being in an apartment.


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Pregnancy becomes for the female body not only a pleasant and happy event, but also a difficult test. Your body undergoes many changes, which can even make you upset or depressed. However, you should not allow negative thoughts to overcome you. Be sure to tune in to the fact that you safely endure and give birth to a healthy baby, and then, undoubtedly, you will return to your former beautiful shape.

Help keep you energized and toned exercise or a special set of physical exercises. Many women are afraid to exercise during pregnancy, mistakenly believing that it can harm their condition, and some are just too lazy to do it. Be sure to talk to your doctor, and he will give you all the necessary recommendations.

Exercise and moderate physical activity needed at any time: it will help you feel better, have a positive effect on your muscles, eliminate pain, prevent gain, prevent the formation of stretch marks, etc. If you have no contraindications, the doctor will advise you on a certain complex, depending on the duration of your pregnancy and other individual characteristics.

Is exercise necessary in the third trimester?

As you approach the final third of your beautiful journey, you feel more and more tired. Your stomach becomes heavier and larger every day, which leads to many accompanying unpleasant symptoms and increasing discomfort. However, right now you shouldn't "hibernate" and stop exercising. Of course, in the last trimester they acquire some features and change their target orientation:

  • the load is significantly reduced (compared to the classes of the first and second trimester);
    exercises should be relaxing, not contain sudden movements, turns, inclinations;
  • gymnastics is designed to help you bring your body to maximum tone (ensure mobility and elasticity of joints, control changes in weight, pain in the lower back, legs, back, prevent, normalize pressure, support internal organs with the necessary blood supply, etc. .);
  • doctors say that exercises help not only you, but also the baby, because when the mother is in good physical shape, the child develops correctly in utero;
    the main task of this period is to prepare for future childbirth, so you need to train your muscles and learn how to breathe correctly.

These necessary exercises can be done independently, at home, and in special groups where classes for expectant mothers are held.

In addition to physiotherapy exercises, it is useful to visit the pool, because swimming saves you from many problems. There are also water aerobics, yoga, Pilates courses for pregnant women. However, remember that all this can only be done with the permission of the doctor and in the absence of contraindications.

When to refrain from physical activity

Pregnancy is not the time for sports records and achievements. All the exercises that you do should be a joy to you, not a burden. Also, make sure they did not cause any unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, severe fatigue, malaise, etc.

Listen to your body and try to be comfortable. Don't forget your doctor's advice.

Absolute contraindications for exercises you can call:

  • the threat of premature birth;
  • or spontaneous abortion in a previous pregnancy;
  • constant ;
  • high risk of occurrence (or presence) of preeclampsia;
  • concomitant inflammatory or chronic diseases;

At the slightest manifestation of pain, a feeling of "hardening" of the uterus or abdomen, immediately stop exercising and call your doctor. Also beware. If you have a multiple pregnancy, then the approach to sports activities should be even more responsible and thoughtful.

How to do exercise for pregnant women

Physical activity is meant to make you feel good, so it's best to do all exercise when you're in a good mood. It is very important, at the same time, not to overwork and not strive to do a lot of things at once and at a fast pace.

Observe the necessary precautionary measures:

  • any traumatic sports are contraindicated for you;
  • stretching exercises should be done very carefully, because your ligaments and tendons are now very easy to damage, stretch and injure, as they soften greatly in the last term of pregnancy;
  • carefully monitor the loads (with excessive zeal, you may experience severe shortness of breath);
  • also, one should not forget about pressure (measure the pulse before and after training. Normally, it should not exceed 110-120 beats per minute);
  • sharp turns, jumps, jumps, fast running, bending, lifting weights - all this is unacceptable for you;
  • take breaks so that your classes take place calmly, smoothly, at a slow pace;
    avoid exercises that need to be done lying down (both on your back and on your side), as the pressure of the uterus at this time on the internal organs can be very unsafe. Now all exercises can only be performed in such positions: sitting, on all fours or standing (with support);
  • create yourself the most comfortable conditions (you should be able to lie down if necessary, go to the toilet, relax or drink water).

Exercise is the best in the first half of the day. Give classes at least 20-30 minutes to facilitate the course of pregnancy and prepare your body and muscles for childbirth as much as possible.

Even if you are used to leading an active lifestyle and playing sports before pregnancy, the time of bearing a baby makes you very fragile and vulnerable, so both the pace and the load of classes must be carefully regulated.

At this time, you can use small dumbbells(weighing a maximum of 1 kg) and fitball. In any case, only a specialist can choose the exercises that are most suitable for you on an individual basis.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

Classes with the ball will help you support the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms, legs, back and chest (all exercises are recommended to be done 10-15 times):

  1. Leaning your hands on the fitball (you can also on the back of the chair), slowly squat. Make sure you have a straight back and don't lift your heels off the floor. Some squat and just like that, legs wide apart.
  2. Sit on the ball with your feet hip-width apart. In this exercise, you will need to do circles with your pelvis. You can cross your arms over your chest, hold them in front of you, or rest them on the ball if you can’t keep your balance.
  3. Sitting on a fitball, gently swing alternately to the right and to the left, but refrain from full tilts.
    To strengthen your chest muscles, squeeze the ball rhythmically with your hands. This exercise can be done while sitting on the floor or standing.
  4. Sit on a fitball and alternately bend your arms, holding light dumbbells in them.
  5. You can lie on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. By rolling this way in different directions, you can strengthen the muscles of your legs.
  6. Also on the fitball it is recommended to make turns. To do this, sit on the ball and turn to the right, bringing your left hand behind your right leg. Likewise, in the other direction. Thus, you stretch and train your back muscles (you can do it without a ball).
  7. Stand on your feet, spread them shoulder-width apart, bend so that you can roll the fitball with your hands without straining your shoulder joints.
  8. For the prevention of varicose veins, exercises are recommended while lying on your back (remember that this position is unsafe in the third trimester). You will need to put each foot on the ball, and then roll it back and forth or make circular motions.
  9. Another interesting and useful exercise that helps prevent flat feet: sitting on a fitball and spreading your legs shoulder-width apart, hold it behind you, and then lead along the shin of your right leg with your left foot. Repeat the same and vice versa.

Other exercises

  • No less useful is positional gymnastics. It is designed to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, back and perineum in order to make the birth process as easy as possible for you:
    • very famous and, probably, everyone's favorite exercise "kitty". Get on all fours, arching your back and pressing your chin to your chest, and then stretch, as a cat does, trying to bend as low as possible;
    • to perform the exercise called "butterfly", you will need to sit down with your legs folded in Turkish. Feet should be connected to each other, and keep your hands on your knees.
  • Do light stretching, pressing your palms on your knees so that they lower as much as possible. But remember that the lesson should not be accompanied by pain.
  • You can also make small body twisting. This exercise is performed both sitting and standing. Spread your arms to the sides and, keeping your pelvis still, turn left and right alternately. /li>
  • Kegel exercises for pregnant women - the main component of the complex of preparation for childbirth. They will help you make your vaginal muscles supple and strong. They can be performed standing or sitting: rhythmically tighten the muscles of the perineum, as if holding urination, and after a few seconds relax them. You can also tense and relax the muscles using various techniques: making a kind of “wave”, sticking them out, increasing or weakening the pressure, as if moving in an elevator, etc. More about them …

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

Exercises based on training proper breathing will not only serve you as a kind of relaxation and teach you to relax, but will also help significantly reduce pain during contractions and much easier to survive childbirth.

Of course, if you managed to master yoga and its breathing exercises even before pregnancy, then now this skill will be very useful to you. But even the usual breathing exercises for pregnant women will allow you to save strength and have a positive effect on your body and on the baby. The only thing you need to remember- this is a strict ban on holding your breath so that your activities do not harm the child.

  1. You need to train separately diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, try taking deep breaths in and out through your nose, placing the palm of one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. It is worth making sure that the chest does not rise while inhaling, but is motionless. When training this type of breathing, only the stomach should move.
  2. Another exercise is for regulation of chest breathing. It can be performed by analogy with the previous one, however, now the chest will “breathe”, and leave the stomach motionless.
  3. When contractions are often advised breathe like a dog. You can practice this in advance, sitting on a fitball. You need to breathe through your mouth, imitating the frequent breathing of a dog on a hot day. Make sure it is fast and superficial. And then switch to deep breaths and exhalations.
  4. It is also very useful to learn "push" breathing. You will need to inhale slowly and deeply, then hold your breath for a few seconds and slowly exhale. Then try alternating between one deep exhalation and two or three short inhalations.

Learn to relax and relax, so that later you can rest between attempts and contractions, gaining strength for the most crucial moment.

Remember that reasonable and moderate physical activity will only benefit you. By performing special exercises, you can improve your health, keep your body in good shape, be cheerful and cheerful, and thoroughly prepare your body for childbirth.

Try not to miss gymnastics for no good reason. Allocate some specific time for classes, and then it will be easier for you to discipline yourself.

Do not forget that the whole complex should be discussed with your doctor. When exercising, do not exhaust yourself and do not exercise until you are completely exhausted. Ideal if you have led a healthy lifestyle before. If not, now is the time to start. Also watch your diet: it must be balanced and complete so that your body does not need any.

Need to do in loose and light clothes, which will not hinder your movements, interfere with you or cause discomfort. Be sure to ventilate the room where the lesson will take place.

Video of three sets of exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

We suggest you look at three different sets of exercises for the third trimester, developed by a master trainer of the highest category. It is safe for all pregnant women who have no contraindications.

Share your personal experience in the comments: did you exercise during pregnancy (maybe you do now)? Which set of classes do you like more: positional gymnastics, fitball exercises, other types? Did breathing exercises and other exercises during childbirth help you? Did you attend special swimming, yoga, Pilates classes during your pregnancy?

Playing sports has always been held in high esteem, especially if a woman is in a position. To keep her health in good shape, the expectant mother can do exercise therapy during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. But it should be understood that the exercises should not be dangerous for the child, so they are all of moderate intensity. This is due to the fact that at this time a woman is in a state where it is dangerous to make sudden movements.

At this time, the main thing is to monitor your well-being and make adjustments to the exercises in time. To do everything right, you can periodically communicate with your doctor and ask him for advice. A gynecologist will help in this matter, it is he who is able to explain which exercises will be useful and which can harm a child and a woman.

When a woman has very little time left before childbirth, she begins to feel the fatigue that has accumulated over the entire period of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the stomach has become heavier, which cannot but cause some discomfort in a woman.

But this does not mean that you need to reduce physical activity and just wait for childbirth without doing anything. Exercise therapy during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester involves performing exercises that are not the same as at the beginning, they differ in the following features:

  • during this period, gymnastics is designed to help a pregnant woman keep her body in good shape and prevent it from relaxing. Exercises should provide elasticity and mobility of the joints, prevent a woman from gaining kilograms, relieve her of excess weight, pain in her back due to a heavy stomach. This also includes the normalization of pressure and an obstacle to the occurrence of varicose veins. All internal organs should not suffer from insufficient blood circulation;
  • the load must be reduced when compared with the first two trimesters. Here it is necessary to avoid sharp turns and tilts of the body. All movements should be relaxing;
  • if physiotherapy exercises during pregnancy are chosen correctly, this will help not only the mother, but also the child. If a woman is in good physical shape, then the child is also developing correctly. The main purpose of exercise at this stage of life is to prepare for future childbirth. Exercises include breathing and muscle training that will be involved during parenting activities. Thus, the process itself will be transferred much easier.

If a woman is not sure that she can do gymnastics on her own, you can sign up for special courses. In addition, it will be useful for the expectant mother to attend yoga classes, swimming pool and Pilates. But before signing up somewhere, it is imperative to consult a doctor, only he will be able to correctly assess the situation and, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body, prohibit or allow classes.

Under what circumstances should you not do exercise therapy in the 3rd trimester

Pregnancy should not be taken as a time for victories associated with physical activity. A woman should be active, but in moderation, it is necessary to think about the child every time before doing any exercise. Exercise therapy should bring more pleasure than stress on the muscles. If certain movements cause conditions such as dizziness or malaise, it is best to stop them.

Any exercise is contraindicated for a woman in the following cases:

  1. There is a risk of premature birth.
  2. Placenta previa.
  3. The uterus is constantly in good shape.
  4. Gestosis or a high risk of its occurrence.
  5. Chronic or inflammatory comorbidities.
  6. If during a previous pregnancy there was a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.
  7. Polyhydramnios.

How to properly exercise during pregnancy

Any physical education is designed to improve well-being and cheer up, so it is better to start exercising only if the woman is not stressed. It is also very important here not to overwork and not try to do a lot of exercises at one time. It is better to start training if there is at least 1 hour of free time.

Exercise therapy during pregnancy requires the following precautions:

  • you can not engage in those sports that are characterized by an increased risk of injury;
  • pressure should be measured periodically. As for the pulse, in this state it should not exceed 115-120 beats per minute;
  • activities such as jumping, low inclinations, running too fast, lifting heavy objects, sudden movements are completely excluded;
  • for classes to be a joy, it is necessary to take breaks during the training;
  • do not perform exercises that involve lying on your back or on your side. This is due to the fact that the uterus during this period can exert dangerous pressure on the remaining internal organs of a woman. It is advisable to use postures such as: standing, on all fours or sitting;
  • during the training process, the most comfortable environment is located around the woman. At any time, she should be able to lie down, drink water or go to the toilet.

How to practice proper breathing

This type of exercise during childbirth will play the same important role as any physical exercise. Proper breathing will make it easier to endure contractions and teach a woman to relax. These exercises are also taught in yoga, so if a pregnant woman is already attending her, you can not think about additional classes. The trainer will tell you everything and give homework if needed.

One of the most important rules can be noted here: so that the condition does not worsen, it is necessary to avoid holding your breath, this will be harmful for both the woman’s body and the baby.

Fundamentals of proper breathing training:

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing is always trained separately. To perform the exercise, you need to take deep breaths and exhale only through your nose, while the palm of one hand is on your chest, and the other on your stomach. This is necessary to control the body; during the exercise, the chest should remain motionless while inhaling. Only the belly moves.
  2. One of the most important exercises is push breathing. It implies a deep and slow breath, holding the breath for 2-3 seconds and the same exhalation. Then you can try to alternate 1 deep breath and 2 short exhalations.
  3. During contractions, experts advise using the so-called "dog's breath". To learn how to perform it, you need to use a fitball. You need to breathe about the way a dog breathes if it is hot. First you need to stick to shallow and frequent breathing, and then move on to deeper ones.

Complexes of exercises from Ksenia Slyusar

Below we offer you a set of exercises, which was developed by a master trainer of the highest category Ksenia Slyusar.


Physical exercises for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester will only bring benefits, but it is necessary to take into account all the doctor's recommendations and not take any action on the exercises on your own.

If there is no experience, it is better to study in a group with other mothers at first, and then you can move on to training at home, if necessary.

Is the bearing of a child by a woman a reason to refuse to play sports? No! In addition, physical exercises during pregnancy will allow the expectant mother not only to keep her figure, but also to give birth easily. Moreover, if a woman is accustomed to an active lifestyle, you should not change your habits. But if earlier exercises for weight loss were a priority, now the priority is strengthening. The mood of the woman, as well as the health of the unborn baby, depends on this. However, fitness requires compliance with certain rules. We will talk about this in this article.

How to do fitness during pregnancy, so as not to harm the baby

It is important to understand that pregnancy is still associated with certain limitations. In this case, you should choose the allowed exercises for a particular period of pregnancy. On the one hand, they should not harm the child and mother, on the other hand, they will allow you to feel in good shape. At the stage of preparation for fitness, as in preparation for childbirth, you should consult a gynecologist. He will give an opinion based on the condition of the woman, her complications. If there are no contraindications, you can proceed.

Here you should adhere to the following rules:

  • you need to do gymnastics at least 3 times a week, the duration of one lesson is 15-20 minutes. If it is possible to visit the pool, you can do water aerobics once a week;
  • when choosing physical exercises, the duration of pregnancy, the nature of its course, as well as the physical capabilities of a woman, are necessarily taken into account;
  • to achieve the desired effect, fitness should be carried out throughout pregnancy, changing the complexity of the exercises and their intensity;
  • the load should be increased gradually: from simple to complex, in this case the woman develops the skill of controlling her body, coordination and balance;
  • while doing physical exercises, the expectant mother should carefully consider her own feelings, control her condition.

By talking to your doctor, you can find out which exercises during pregnancy will be beneficial for you.

Contraindications for fitness during pregnancy

Particular care in choosing a gymnastic load will be required under the following circumstances:

  • with violations of cardiovascular activity;
  • with unstable blood pressure;
  • with low weight or obesity;
  • with diseases of the muscles, as well as joints;
  • if a woman has previously had a premature birth;
  • when carrying twins or triplets;
  • in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, a pathology that contributes to the threat of pregnancy;
  • with an unstable position of the placenta and other disorders associated with the risk of abortion.

If in the 1st trimester of pregnancy a woman easily tolerates physical activity, then in the 2nd trimester she may experience the following ailments:

  1. dizziness;
  2. visual impairment;
  3. dyspnea;
  4. strong heartbeat;
  5. contraction of the uterus.

With all these ailments, you should stop exercising!

What exercises will help facilitate childbirth

The main task of the expectant mother when carrying a child is his birth. The process is complex, for which you should prepare throughout your pregnancy. And here Kegel physical exercises will help, which train and prepare the intimate muscles for the upcoming birth process.

The sequence of exercises to facilitate childbirth during pregnancy is as follows:

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend them and sit down. Hands should be on your knees. After inhaling, you need to draw in the lower abdomen, while straining the intimate muscles. On the exhale, you need to relax;
  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees and sit down. Put your hands on your belt. Make rotational circular movements with your hips, imitating a belly dance;
  • sit on a chair, relax all the muscles. At the entrance, draw in the intimate muscles, trying to lift them higher. Exhaling, relax.

These are exercises for easy childbirth, performing them regularly, you can achieve excellent results.

Complex of gymnastics for pregnant women

The complex of exercises is conditionally divided into three components. This is how it is presented:

Name of the part of complex gymnastics

Influence efficiency

Time spending


Breathing exercises during pregnancy, relaxing muscles

Main part

To strengthen large groups of muscles of the body, pelvic bones, to increase joint mobility, to raise the tone of the abdominal press.

Final part

Breathing exercises, relaxation activities.

Trimester exercises may vary slightly. This is due to the fact that in the 1st trimester fitness can be more active than in the third, but have less load than in the 2nd trimester.

How to strengthen the legs and back of pregnant women with exercises

Gymnastics in the 1st trimester is chosen sparing, this is a difficult period of pregnancy. Therefore, all classes are performed without load. Initially, inhalations and exhalations are made with the stomach. Breathing exercises open the lungs, fill them with oxygen. They are like a prelude to the main action.

Leg exercises start with a simple walk. This should take a minute of fitness. The warm-up also includes a variety of torso bends, backbends. For the legs, rotations in the joints should be used, as for the arms.

There are many ways to strengthen the pelvis and legs. One of them is "please":

  • stand in front of the back of the chair, put your hands on it, slightly spread your legs with your toes out;
  • take the pelvis back;
  • squat deeply.

Do the exercises calmly. It is required to check the breath, crouching - inhale, rising - exhale. The whole complex of exercises is useful during pregnancy.

Diagonal traction is an effective exercise for the back:

  • get on all fours;
  • while inhaling, as you exhale, move the leg back, the opposite hand forward. Make sure that the lower back does not bend;
  • take the starting position.

Fitness during pregnancy 1 trimester in the exercises eliminates exhausting activities. Classes are aimed exclusively at strengthening the body of pregnant women. This must be remembered.

Exercises for the chest and buttocks in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

In the 2nd trimester, classes can be performed with great effort. Breast exercises during pregnancy need to be given more attention. One of the most sought after is the "castle". To do this, the palms need to be clasped in front of the chest, the elbows are bred to the side, they should be parallel to the floor. It remains to squeeze your hands with all your might, and then loosen. The lesson requires measured performance and proper breathing.

Exercises for the buttocks during pregnancy consist of various squats. This is most often done with support. If there is a desire for additional load, you can squat on one leg. Lunges are another exercise option for the priests. But these also strengthen the legs.

What exercises can be done in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the 3rd trimester, it becomes more difficult to practice, this is the time when you need to be attentive to your condition. At this time, it is effective to use a special ball - fitball. He excels in hand exercises. Sitting on the ball, you need to slowly sway from side to side. Sitting on the floor with crossed legs, you need to press the ball to yourself.

Effectively at this stage, exercises for varicose veins show themselves. These exercises are not difficult. Sit on a chair, lift your legs, first pull your toes towards you, then away from you. Then rotate your feet. You can also stand up and rise on tiptoe as much as possible.

Often, women during pregnancy experience disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system. There are exercises to raise the kidney:

  • lie on your back - put your hands directly behind your head, bending your knees, pull them to your stomach, you need to fix the position for a few seconds;
  • sit on the floor - inhaling, spread your legs, at the same time raise your hands, exhaling, bend over, try to keep your back straight, stretch to the toe.

Exercises for edema involve lifting the legs with rotational movements. The “cat” pose will also help: get on all fours, while inhaling, the back bends, and the stomach drops down. Exhaling, the woman should round the spine, pointing her head down. Walking and swimming are good prevention.

Exercises for the prevention of diastasis in pregnant women

If the abdominal press does not differ in elasticity, diastasis appears in a woman when carrying a child. But this problem can be dealt with. Exercises for diastasis are quite simple. The main thing in them is forced contractions of muscle tissue.

For another exercise option, you need a ball. It is held between the knees, slowly crouching. All exercises must be performed at least 10 times. Another option is the abdominal twist. For him, you need to lie on your back, laying on your chest, and bend your legs at the knees. The head must be moved so that the chin approaches the stomach. When moving up - inhale, down - exhale.

What exercises relieve hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is often accompanied by exacerbation of hemorrhoids. There are special classes that help in this situation. Exercises for hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

  • lie on your side, at the same time bend your arm and put your head on it, bend the other leg at the knee and press it to your stomach, then straighten it;
  • lie on your back, place your arms directly along the body, legs bend and pull up to the stomach, then the starting position is taken.

To alleviate the condition of a woman, also use special ones. Thanks to such simple actions, pregnancy proceeds easily and predictably.

Prohibited exercises during pregnancy

Having decided to go in for fitness, women, bearing a child, often wonder what exercises are prohibited. It all depends on her condition, the trimester of pregnancy is also taken into account. An obstetrician can tell you more about this. But there are also general requirements.

For example, abdominal exercises for pregnant women should not be performed in the supine position. It is better to choose a lightweight option - sit on a chair with a back and raise your legs. In general, all exercises for the abdomen during pregnancy should be treated with great care.

In addition, exercises that require:

  • balance on one leg;
  • jump and run;
  • lift weights.

But what is really required for a successful labor activity is stretching exercises. They must be carried out after a mandatory warm-up. The movements are always smooth, without jerks. Initially, simple exercises should be performed, each time increasing stretching and complexity. There should be no pain during exercise.

There are exercises that involve all types of muscles. Contraindications are, for example, the threat of miscarriage, a weak cervix, high blood pressure, the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The effectiveness of exercises is also determined by additional elements that a woman can use in classes. This is a ball, lightweight dumbbells, a rubber band for stretching.

Exercise during pregnancy is an integral part of therapy. There are strengthening exercises and those that are indicated for certain ailments. Competently compiling a list of exercises, focusing on the doctor's recommendations, the expectant mother not only takes care of her health, but also the well-being of the baby.