Thirty-fifth week of pregnancy: a thorough examination of the amniotic fluid is necessary. Important indicators of examination and analysis results

It comes up to 2200-2700 grams.

During normal pregnancy the fetus does not show high motor activity.

Being in a stable position, he behaves like an obedient child. He sleeps at night, does something all day long: sucks his finger, moves the umbilical cord, makes swallowing and breathing movements.

Changes in the child's body

An intensive prolapse of the intrauterine cannon - lanugo begins. The need for additional support for the birth lubrication of the fetal body disappears.

The subcutaneous fat layer is so developed that all existing skin folds are completely smoothed out.

Due to the work of its own thermoregulation center, the skin of the fetus, without additional support in the form of a hairline, retains fat and wax grease.

Changes in the mother's body

During fetal maturation possible qualitative and quantitative changes in amniotic fluid, which indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy.

Functions of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid):

quantitative changes amniotic fluid are detected when examining the abdomen of a pregnant woman, quality- are determined by ultrasound and with the help of a special examination (amnioscopy, amniocentesis).

Quantitative changes in amniotic fluid:

  • - the most common pathology. The reason is inflammatory edema of the membranes.

    Any inflammation is manifested by edema, if there is a container for liquid, then cysts, lagoons, and so on are obtained.

    The amount of amniotic fluid increases, which indicates the danger of intrauterine infection of the fetus;

  • - fluid secretion by amnion cells decreases due to hormonal deficiency, both in the mother and the fetus.

The pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava can lead to reflex spasm of the cerebral vessels due to insufficient blood flow from the lungs.

The reflex is triggered by a change in body position: from horizontal in the supine position to vertical - sitting.

A slight mechanical impact is enough to trigger the vascular reflex. When the inferior vena cava is compressed, the receptors immediately send a signal to the brain that a lack of blood flow to the lungs is expected.

In response, a spasm of cerebral vessels occurs in order to prevent the loss of oxygen with the flowing blood.

Due to the growth of the uterus, the location of the internal organs changes: the intestines are pushed aside, the load on the bladder increases.

Exceeding the allowable weight gain (7-8 kg during the period of gestation) leads to postpartum obesity and the development of metabolic syndrome with its most dangerous complication - type II.

In case of development The newborn needs special care. For him, conditions are created that are similar to intrauterine stay (place in an incubator).

Important indicators of examination and analysis results

At thirty-five weeks of pregnancy, it is planned to general urine analysis.

If there is a suspicion of the development of gestosis a general blood test is prescribed with an indication of the clotting time and a detailed(also analysis from a finger).

Changes in daily routine and nutrition

Reception continues vitamin D and: one drop a day (2 times a week) and two tablets at night, respectively.

Any drugs sold in pharmacies help from, since they do not enter the general and placental bloodstream.

Fresh, made 1-2 days ago, has a laxative effect. If the period of preparation of kefir exceeds 2 days, the effect of its use, on the contrary, is fixing.

With increased thirst, but you shouldn't limit yourself. The appearance of edema has nothing to do with the flow of fluid into the gastrointestinal tract.

From the thirty-first week of pregnancy not recommended (categorically!) sit up in bed from a lying position.

To get out of bed or off the couch you need to lie on your side, then lower the legs, and then raise the body sideways.

This simple way allows avoid inferior vena cava syndrome and pressure on the uterus by the muscles of the press.

In order to prevent the development pregnant women are advised to perform a special exercise: draw in the rectum and try to keep the sphincter muscle in tension for several seconds, gradually increasing the time of muscle tone.

The exercise is done in any position: standing, sitting, lying down, with voluntary breathing.

To improve the blood supply to the brain of a pregnant woman and fetus, it is recommended to perform the following exercise: while sitting on a hard surface, alternately while inhaling, stretch your arms up several times a day.

When the arm is extended, the lung tissue straightens out - the respiratory capacity increases - the blood is enriched with oxygen.

For the prevention of edema of the legs daily walks lasting at least half an hour are required.

While walking, the calf muscles contract and push blood up to the right ventricle. During relaxation, the backflow of blood is prevented by venous valves.

Pregnant women doing gymnastics, you should exclude exercises with raising outstretched legs from a prone position.

At 35 weeks, the weight of the fetus can reach as much as 2.5 kg, and the height is about 45 cm.

The thirty-fifth week of pregnancy is the stage when the fetus begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat in the area around the shoulder. Shoulders become rounder and softer. Physically, he is almost ready for the birth and the remaining weeks will be occupied mainly by gaining weight and “finishing” individual systems (nervous, genitourinary, etc.).

During the procedure, the doctor evaluates the condition of the baby according to the main parameters: biparietal distance, transverse diameter of the abdomen, length of the femur. After that, the doctor notes the dynamics of the development of the baby and compares the indicators with the norm. On an ultrasound scan performed at thirty-five weeks, you can see the lag in the development of the baby, which usually levels out later. In addition, as a result of this study, it is possible to determine the approximate age of the fetus, if this has not been done before.

Due to the reduction in the amount of space in the uterus, the baby no longer moves as vigorously as before. And, as a rule, the baby is born exactly from the position that it occupied in the uterus earlier. That is why the position of the child in the mother's tummy after this period is called the presentation in childbirth.

From the thirty-fifth week, the purpose of amniotic fluid changes. Now they serve as a lubricant between the walls of the uterus and the skin of the fetus. It is quite comfortable for the unborn child to be in the fetal position. By the way, this habit will remain with him after birth.

Perception of a woman

The body of a woman can already begin to prepare for childbirth. This preparation is expressed, first of all, in the increase (the so-called training). Moreover, they are not called training by chance - this is a kind of rehearsal for future births. During the contractions, you can practice breathing and relaxing, and you can also understand how you need to behave so that the pain is less.

The thirty-fifth week is the time when the expectant mother is very tired of her pregnancy. She wants to give birth as soon as possible, so as not to finally carry all this burden. But do not think that the expectant mother no longer loves her child. This is a normal reaction of a woman at this stage of pregnancy.

The fact is that during this period of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus occupies the highest point for the entire pregnancy. And a large uterus with a two-kilogram fetus in it, with all its weight, seemed to fall on the diaphragm, lungs and stomach of a woman. Agree, the sensations are not pleasant.

This week of pregnancy may be accompanied by sleep problems. The causes of these problems are, firstly, frequent urination (on average, every hour), and secondly, constant back pain. Some consider this to be preparation for sleepless nights with the baby, but insomnia can also be caused by anxiety about the baby, worries about childbirth, and other similar reasons.

So that all this does not greatly interfere with your sleep, try not to drink a lot of fluids before bed, but right before you go to bed, rotate your pelvis. During the day, try to do light work to feel a little tired. In this case, your sleep will most likely return to normal.

You need to try to rest more often to avoid swelling, do not sit or stand for a long time in one position. If a woman commits, you need to stop more often along the way to get out and stretch.

What to do at 35 weeks pregnant?

Starting from this moment, it is better to make it a rule to carry the pregnancy exchange card with you always and everywhere.

Also, starting from the thirty-fifth week until the very birth, it is advisable for a woman to always have a charged cell phone with her and always have a positive account balance. This is in case the birth starts earlier. So you can always notify loved ones that your child can't wait to get to know them!

The gestational age of 35 weeks at conception is 37 obstetric. The borderline between a slightly premature pregnancy and a full-term one. Usually, babies born at this time do not have any health problems that are characteristic of immature children. Problems arise only in those babies whose gestational age was less than this period. This happens with late ovulation. Or if the baby had intrauterine growth retardation, usually combined with a lack of nutrition and oxygen.

What does the expectant mother feel at 35 weeks of gestation

Not bad physical health comes forward, but some mental throwing. On the one hand, mom really wants to give birth as soon as possible. On the other hand, giving birth is scary (especially if for the first time), and even pregnancy is officially considered premature. Even if the kids already weigh about 3 kg. Very good weight with which it is easy to give birth. However, there is a small risk that some babies will have trouble breathing on their own.

Each mom carefully listens to her feelings at 35 weeks of pregnancy and is looking for signs of an imminent birth. And these include:

  • low stomach (when a palm rests freely between the mother’s chest and the bottom of the uterus);
  • discharge of the cervical plug with bloody streaks;
  • the appearance of cramping pain;
  • watery discharge (leakage of amniotic fluid);
  • diarrhea ("cleansing" of the intestines).

If you have contractions (or something similar to them), and there is no unusual vaginal discharge, do not rush to go to the maternity hospital. Most likely, you are not yet in labor. It is useless to ask to stimulate the birth process, even if the cervix is ​​completely ready for opening (it will be soft, passing 1-2 fingers). Too little time. Doctors can only agree to this if there is a good reason for this, for example, a severe form of preeclampsia, very high blood pressure, not knocked down by drugs, poor fetal condition, etc.

It's hard not to notice the start of contractions. They are too different from false uterine contractions (Brexton Higgs). And the dynamics are clearly visible - the pain is getting bigger, the contractions are more frequent and longer. Now this is generic activity.

Closer to childbirth, the amount of vaginal discharge becomes more and more. It is important for a woman not to miss the leakage of amniotic fluid and the infectious process in the vagina.

Sometimes the amniotic sac bursts in the upper lateral part, then only a slight leakage of amniotic fluid is possible. At the same time, the water is constantly updated, and the doctor may not see oligohydramnios on ultrasound. However, this situation is alarming, because a pathogenic bacterium can enter the child through a hole in the amniotic sac and cause his death. Therefore, it is so important to diagnose water leakage in time. At this time, most likely, the doctor will decide to prolong the pregnancy for about a week (or even more if the leakage stops) and conduct antibiotic therapy in order to prevent it.

But how to understand that it is the water that is leaking, and not just vaginal discharge? There are several ways - at home you need to use a special gasket (you can buy it at a pharmacy). And if you don’t want to spend money, go to the antenatal clinic or call an ambulance that will take you to the hospital. In honey. the institution will do a special water test. It is worth worrying if the discharge has become watery, and their number has increased by 2-3 times.

By the way, about low water. The reason for it is by no means only leakage of amniotic fluid, but also malformations of the urinary system of the fetus and preeclampsia. Sometimes the cause is not found and then they talk about the individual characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother. Nevertheless, it is better to examine the child after childbirth with an expert-class ultrasound machine.

It is bad if the vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor, gray, greenish color - this indicates an infectious process. And since the birth is already on the nose, you need to treat it as soon as possible. Carry out the so-called sanitation of the vagina. In order not to miss any infectious agent, a woman, in addition to a general smear on the flora, rents a tank. sowing .

What happens to the fetus at thirty-five gestational weeks

At this time, doctors state that the fetus has reached its maturity. The baby continues to gain weight. An average of 16 grams per day. In mothers who are not pregnant for the first time, babies are usually born larger. In addition, according to statistics, boys weigh more and are taller.

The child's brain is also developing. The nervous system has reached an almost ideal state. A child born at this time will most likely have all the same reflexes as a full-term baby, that is, born at 38 weeks of conception or 40 obstetric.

Children have good coordination of movements. They easily bring the finger to the mouth and do not miss. In addition, they love to touch and pull on the umbilical cord. Psychologists have an opinion that the craving of young children to pull their mother's chains and ropes is connected precisely with memories of the mentioned phenomenon. By the way, the child will not be able to tear off the umbilical cord, do not worry.

The child's skin is already able to retain heat, along with subcutaneous tissue. The hairs (lanugo) fell off. And the baby remains covered with primordial grease, which is similar in texture and appearance to butter.

If the doctor turns the monitor towards the mother, that is, demonstrates to her what is visible there, then she may notice how the baby covers his face and turns away. Many consider this a reaction to the light on the sensor or to the ultrasound itself. And doctors say that this is the usual intrauterine behavior of a child who is constantly exploring his body and capabilities. True, at 35 weeks, as well as 36 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, the baby has less and less room for body movements. Therefore, the baby is mainly engaged in stretching the legs (mommies feel it as blows and resting on the ribs), thus training the muscles and ligaments, and turning the head. Regarding the latter - a temporary phenomenon. It is said that before childbirth, babies calm down. This is due to the fact that they sink very low into the pelvis, where there is no way to turn your head, too closely. However, this does not mean that the movements should stop altogether. It just changes their character a bit.

On ultrasound in the third trimester, the volume of amniotic fluid is necessarily examined. The doctor in conclusion writes their index (IAI). For thirty-five weeks (thirty-seven obstetric) the normal IAI is from 66 to 275 mm. As you can see, it is very easy to “fit” into this corridor of norms. There is an average value - 135 mm, 4-5 glasses, about 1 liter. Most women have this volume of water normally. If the water is less than 100 mm, the doctor may put a tendency to oligohydramnios. And with IAI 250 - a tendency to polyhydramnios.

The baby hiccups very distinctly. Thus, the preparation of the respiratory system of the fetus for birth occurs, although it begins, of course, not at thirty-five weeks, but much earlier. By the way, during such a "hiccups" the doctor will not be able to conduct a Doppler scan of the vessels of the umbilical cord. He will offer to wait a few minutes until the hiccups stop, that is, the baby will be at rest.

But the main thing that now gives the last push for the first breath after childbirth is the produced cortisone, the hormone of the adrenal cortex of the fetus.

The fetometry of the fetus is as follows:
BPR - 85-98mm;
LZ - 106-126mm;
OG - 307-353 mm;
coolant - 299 -361 mm;
BK - 66-76mm;
PC - 59-69mm;
KP - 51-59mm;
KG - 59-67mm.

The time has come to collect the bag for the maternity hospital. In order not to forget anything and not to take too much, be sure to visit the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth. Many maternity hospitals give out bed linen, towels, nightgowns, bathrobes, diapers for children.

And you are required to take the following.

1. Slippers. Washable ones are better, because after childbirth there is a very abundant discharge and there is a risk of splattering them.

2. Sanitary pads. Choose with the maximum number of drops. Night. At least 20 pieces. These can be Olweis, Libress, or cheaper - Nova, for example. The latter have very decent products.
Since many women, especially nulliparous women, have seams in the perineum after childbirth, sanitary pads with a soft surface, not with a mesh, are recommended. Although the latter, no doubt, absorb better and leak less often.

3. Briefs for mom. In the maternity hospital there are no conditions for washing linen, and hardly any of the mothers wants to save up dirty linen. Therefore, purchase disposable mesh panties. Very comfortably.

4. 2 plates (one deep, for first courses), a spoon, a mug. Hospitals usually don't give out utensils.

5. Electric kettle or water heater with a liter jar. To drink tea at any time, or to boil some water for a child (it can be very hot in maternity hospitals during the heating season, children need to be supplemented).

6. Bottle. If you have to give water or supplementary food in the form of a mixture.

7. A pacifier. For those moms who plan to teach her. Now there are many opponents of pacifiers. After all, they interfere with lactation. But they give mommy the opportunity to relax and establish the order of feeding according to the regimen.

8. Disposable diapers. If on ultrasound the weight of your child is already about 3 kg or more, take the “deuce”, 3-6 kg. The company doesn't really matter. You can get reviews from women whose opinion you trust. But don't buy too much. In the first days of life, babies pee and poop a little. Usually one small package is enough for the hospital.

9. Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, toilet paper.

Week 35, pain relief during contractions (video):

35 weeks pregnant

35 weeks, pain relief from contractions


10. Disposable diapers. Get the package right away. You will lay under yourself. Or even put instead of ordinary pads after Oxytocin injections, due to which severe bleeding immediately opens (the uterus begins to actively contract).

11. Breast pump. If you do not plan to express in the future, you want to breastfeed your baby on demand, the usual mechanical one will be enough. You will need a breast pump at the hospital on the day your milk comes in. Usually there is a lot of it, more than the child needs to saturate. And the excess must be expressed so that lactostasis does not form.

12. Postpartum bandage. It helps the uterus contract faster. Many do not like the bandage because of the rough fabric, which is not pleasant to the body. But you can wear bandages on underwear, then there are no unpleasant sensations.

13. Mobile phone with internet connection and charging- this is for communication, a camera and a video camera to take high-quality photos and videos of a baby in the first days of his life.

14. A pair of bottles of drinking non-mineral water with a capacity of 0.5 liters each. During childbirth, you want to drink. But drinking a lot is not allowed, so as not to provoke vomiting. Yes, and during the birth process, it may be necessary to perform a caesarean section - it is undesirable to eat and drink before the operation.

15. Garbage bags. And there will be a lot of garbage - pads, diapers, tea bags, etc.

16. Tea. Black or green, preferably without fruit additives, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction in a child. Of course, this amount of flavoring is unlikely to cause problems, but it's better to play it safe.

It is unnecessary to take sliders, undershirts, a towel for the baby. Usually all babies stay in the hospital in diapers. The suit will be needed only for discharge. And relatives bring clothes to the puerperal on the day of discharge. Due to sanitary requirements, things cannot be stored in the wards.

Instead of a baby towel, diapers are usually used. They are quite enough to lightly wet the skin of the child after washing.

By the way, about diapers. Have not yet given birth, watch a video on how to swaddle your baby correctly and practice on toys or dolls. It will also be very useful to watch a video on how to put the baby to the breast, in what position - sitting or lying down, how to put the nipple in the mouth.
Don't be bored!

If you entered the 35th week of pregnancy, then this means that 8.5 months are already behind. This and next week will close the ninth month, which, in general, does not mean the onset of childbirth. The fact is that the obstetric months, which calculate the gestation period, consist of 28 days (or 4 weeks), therefore, in general, 280 days allotted for the development, growth and maturation of the child in the womb are exactly 10 obstetric months or a little more than nine calendar months. And at each week, the baby goes through the next stage of preparation for birth.

fetus at 35 weeks pregnant

By this time, the baby is already well developed, but it is necessary to finish the finishing touches. The organs and systems of a small organism work harmoniously as one biological mechanism. Water-salt and mineral balance is maintained by hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. There are few final details left, but they are extremely important for life support, so the development of the child at 35 weeks of gestation does not stop.

Now mainly there is an accumulation of fatty and muscular tissue. In the last stages, the baby is gaining up to 220 g every week. His weight at 35 weeks of gestation averages 2400-2500 g, and the size (full height) reaches 47 cm, but, of course, these data are very individual and not least dependent on genes. Your baby is generally unique: a unique pattern of his skin has already taken shape, and all facial features as a whole are distinguished by individuality. True, the eyes of all the children are now gray-blue, but this is not yet their final color.

The skin of the baby is gradually smoothed and acquires a pleasant pinkish tint, the fluff of lanugo disappears from the body. At the 35th week of pregnancy, the shoulders are mainly rounded. Very soon, the baby will begin to descend, pressing her head and shoulders down. Now he is making himself comfortable, taking up the position in which he will be born. There is clearly not enough space in the tummy, the movements of the crumbs are quite constrained, it can even get scratched by accident (the nails are long enough). But in general, despite the tightness and in most cases the state turned upside down, the baby is very comfortable in his mother's womb. What can not be said about the mother herself ...

Feelings (movements)

At times, you may feel like you're about to suffocate. Do not be afraid: firstly, this does not happen to all women, and secondly, this is a temporary condition. To make breathing easier, get on all fours, relax, and slowly take a deep breath, and then just as calmly exhale the air. Repeat the movement several times until you feel better. In extreme cases, call an ambulance and consult if it makes you feel better. But there is nothing special to worry about, because shortness of breath at the 35th week of pregnancy is a completely physiological phenomenon.

The fundus of the uterus now rises to its peak height: 15 cm above the level of the navel or 35 cm above the pubic symphysis. Under its pressure, the lungs are flattened and cannot work at full strength. But from next week, the stomach will probably begin to sink. True, this will bring additional discomfort in the pelvic area, but it will be much easier to breathe.

Now you can be very annoyed with heartburn, so do not neglect the recommendations regarding healthy nutrition during pregnancy. Refusal of fried and fractional meals can prevent internal fire.

Be sure to take daily walks, because both you and the baby need fresh air. But don't go too fast.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be tormented by insomnia. To make it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position, use a pregnancy pillow or regular pillows and bolsters, placing them on all sides as you like. You can't sleep on your back, only on your side. But perhaps a half-sitting position will help you out. The number of nightly rises to correct needs can be reduced by drinking less liquid after six in the evening. If you can’t sleep for no reason, then don’t rush to resort to sleeping pills: try to reduce the time of daytime rest (if any), take a walk before going to bed, don’t overeat at night, in the end, don’t fuss and don’t try to fall asleep at all costs, because the dream will definitely go away. It is better to turn on pleasant calm music, read a magazine or a book, do something soothing (for example, review your “pregnant” photo album).

Do not be afraid of dreams about pregnancy and childbirth, especially unfavorable ones. Almost all pregnant women go through this stage. Dreams are inspired by experiences, thoughts, the approaching date of birth, even if you think that you are absolutely not disturbed by anything, they are still inspired by the subconscious. If the fears and fear of the upcoming birth actually take place, then you need to calm down: firstly, you have work to do that you will do in tandem with the baby; secondly, he will work no less than yours - believe me; thirdly, you can greatly facilitate the efforts of the baby if you yourself try hard, and for this you need to prepare well for childbirth; fourthly, childbirth is an absolutely natural process, the successful outcome of which was taken care of by nature itself, and it did not do it yesterday; fifthly, in any case, childbirth cannot be avoided, if you have already become pregnant and endured a miracle for as long as 35 weeks, then all that remains is to give birth, this is a must; sixth, you are not the first woman giving birth, every day hundreds and thousands of others around the world give birth to healthy beautiful babies, because there is nothing better in the world. And all this means that the birth will go well !!!

Ultrasound at 35 weeks pregnant

To make sure that the baby is properly preparing for birth, ultrasound will help at 35 weeks of gestation. If the sex of the child is still unknown by this time, then you have a chance to find out now. Although not all kids show themselves during the ultrasound, keeping the intrigue until birth. In addition, in the later stages, the chance to see the treasured place is reduced, since the baby is inactive and stays in one position for a long time.

As usual, the specialist will examine the baby, assess its main parameters, physical activity, heartbeat, the state of the amniotic fluid, uterus, umbilical cord, placenta, and its degree of maturity. Now the placenta should still be in the second degree of maturity, and after 36 weeks even the third will be considered the norm. The higher the degree of maturity of the placenta, the smaller its resources remain. However, these indicators cannot be taken literally, since there are cases when, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the placenta is still quite “young” or does its job perfectly, despite its “prescription”. So without additional research, final conclusions should not be drawn. That is why Doppler ultrasound is also performed at week 35.

Ultrasound before childbirth will help the doctor make sure that there are no defects and pathologies in the development of the baby, and that he is positioned correctly, that is, he rushed head down. If this is not the case, then the doctor may decide to perform a caesarean section. This is influenced by a number of other factors: the weight and parameters of the woman in labor, the state of her health, the weight of the child, the degree of entanglement with the umbilical cord, and others. If the gynecologist's verdict does not console you, then you may well consult with another specialist. However, do not be discouraged if natural childbirth is forbidden for you: the decision is always made in the interests of the mother and child.


You are now identifying with your tummy. After all, all your sensations are directly connected with it and depend on it. The belly at 35 weeks pregnant has risen as high as possible, which is why you have difficulty breathing and digestion. The strip leading from the navel down could darken even more, and the navel could come forward, and the skin could itch due to tension. All these phenomena are temporary and will disappear soon after childbirth.

Braxton Higgs training contractions also continue, during which the uterus prepares for childbirth. These contractions are not painful, but can still be felt. They last for 15-30 seconds (sometimes up to 2 minutes), and then pass. The increase and intensification of contractions indicates the onset of labor and requires immediate admission to the hospital.

From next week, the stomach will most likely begin to sink, and you will feel some relief. But this is not always the case, and some women walk until the last day with a proudly raised belly. This largely interferes with the expectant mother in her life: she feels awkward and awkward and is no longer able to do many of the usual things. In addition, due to the shift in the center of gravity, the risk of falls in the later stages increases. Use the last few weeks to relax, and let your loved ones take care of household chores. But do not stop motor activity and, if possible, do not refuse to perform light, uncomplicated work.

The weight

An active lifestyle will help you stay toned and prevent the accumulation of excess calories. Many mothers feel simply huge at these times, and also heavy and clumsy. But if from month to month and from week to week you kept your gains under control, then they will mainly consist of just the “contents” of the tummy: this is the weight of the baby, uterus, placenta, amniotic fluid, as well as breasts and blood - now it is already a whole liter more than before.

Of course, mom also stocked up on a little fat in order to have the strength for childbirth and the resources to produce milk. But these reserves are insignificant and temporary.

The total weight at 35 weeks of gestation should ideally be 13 kg more than the initial one. In each individual case, the normal increase may differ from that declared in either direction. After all, weight gain depends on many factors. But if your indicators greatly exceed the norm, then this cannot be ignored, since there may be complications during childbirth and in the postpartum period.

Many mothers notice excessive weight gain in the later stages, while they did not eat more. Doctors scold for the fast pace of recruitment (700-1000 g per week) and talk about preeclampsia. Even if you do not blame the increase in pressure and the appearance of edema, you still need to reduce the calorie content of the diet: give up sweets and starchy foods and try to eat more vegetables and fruits without fatty dressings.

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

With increasing weight, pain is associated at 35 weeks of gestation, which can now intensify. The back, lower back and legs are especially sore - they bear the largest weight load. Wearing a bandage will help alleviate the condition, if there are no medical contraindications to this. Try to rest at any opportunity, do not go long distances, do not stay too long. Every 15-20 minutes it is recommended to change the position of the body, and even better - warm up. Take a walk, go to the kitchen to drink some water, water the flowers. It is very important to follow this advice when traveling, although moving away from home at a later date is not at all recommended.

Pain in the sacrum and hips can be reduced and even prevented by performing circular movements of the pelvis. In general, it’s very good if you do gymnastics for pregnant women and have mastered breathing techniques - these skills and knowledge will be very useful in childbirth, but even now they can serve you well.

An effective method to moderate pain at 35 weeks of gestation is to lie down and rest. This applies to almost all pain: headache, back, lumbar, pain in the legs and abdomen. Ventilate the room several times a day and avoid nervous shocks - then headaches will annoy less.

At this time, under its weight, the chest may begin to ache, so buy yourself a good nursing bra that will not squeeze and irritate you anywhere, and will also support your full breasts well. Now the pains in the hypochondrium are especially noticeable - some movements of the child are felt quite sharply, especially his kicking legs.

In addition, the expectant mother at the 35th week of pregnancy may experience pain in the anus (if there are hemorrhoids), pain in the hands (especially in the fingers and wrists), pain in the perineum, in the pelvic area as a whole. Learn to relax and deal with pain. It doesn't take long, but your well-being is extremely important for a little one.

And if your stomach hurts, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in the later stages are a harbinger of an early birth.


Many expectant mothers are no longer up to sex at 35 weeks pregnant. But if you keep up the good work and feel good, then it's just wonderful! Because even in the later stages, sex is not prohibited if there are no contraindications to this.

Until recently, doctors advised to refrain from intimacy in the last weeks, since it was believed that orgasmic uterine contractions could cause the onset of labor. However, recent studies confirm that these two processes - sex and childbirth - absolutely do not have such a relationship. In addition, male sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix, increasing its elasticity. Therefore, if you are confident in the “purity” of your husband, then by all means practice unprotected sex. The use of condoms, as is sometimes recommended, is very undesirable: they often disrupt the microflora of the vagina and cause allergic reactions.

Of course, many poses for a "pregnant" couple will no longer be available: the tummy is not just in the way, it still needs to be protected from squeezing. Therefore, poses with penetration from behind will be the best.

Unfortunately, not all pregnant women can have sex at 35 weeks pregnant. Doctors forbid intimacy with the threat of preterm labor now or in the past, with placenta previa and low location, and do not recommend sexual intercourse in the last stages for expectant mothers who are expecting twins or experiencing pain and discomfort from penetrations and frictions.

Naturally, if the cork has departed, or even more so - the amniotic fluid, then the path to the female vagina must be ordered: the risk of penetration of any infection and microorganisms to the baby is very high.

In addition, if any of the partners has signs of sexually transmitted diseases and genital infections or there are suspicions of such problems, then sex will also have to be abandoned and urgently examined.

Discharge at 35 weeks pregnant

Various discharges at the 35th week of pregnancy can indicate the development of a sexual infection. These are yellow, green, purulent, bloody discharge from lumps of mucus, flaky or bubbling, which often also cause severe discomfort in a woman. Most often during pregnancy, thrush is exacerbated, which is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs and white curdled discharge with a characteristic yeasty odor. If this happened to you at the 35th week of pregnancy, then you need to act urgently, since there are only a few weeks left for childbirth, and it is imperative to cure candidiasis before they occur.

Discharge from the chest at 35 weeks of gestation is quite normal: these are drops of colostrum that you just need to gently wipe or blot.

Isolation of a dense clot of mucus from the vagina with or without bloody patches may be a mucous plug that announces an imminent birth. If your amniotic fluid has broken (liquid literally gushed out of your vagina), then you need to go to the hospital. You should also do if the water is leaking: you notice the release of liquid in small portions.


Even at 35 weeks pregnant, it's too early to talk about childbirth. However, if the baby feels the need for them, then they may well begin earlier. A doctor can also prescribe premature delivery according to indications. But first of all, when making such a decision, the viability of the small one and the impending threat, if any, will be assessed.

Undoubtedly, it is better for everyone to reach the due date, or at least to the maximum of the time allotted for this. But if for some reason it happened that the birth occurred or should take place at the 35th week, then you should not worry too much. Further forecasts regarding the development of the baby may vary depending on its weight, psychomotor and physical development, and the degree of lung maturity. And do not think that large babies have a greater chance of independent breathing and good health than premature babies with a small weight. Not at all. Yes, some of them can breathe on their own and generally do not need intensive care or resuscitation. Others are forced to spend a long time in the maternity hospital and may be connected to life support devices. But in general, a baby born at 35 weeks of gestation has a very high chance of a successful outcome. And practice shows that such children in most cases do not lag behind in development from their full-term peers. So, mommy, enjoy your happiness!

And if you are still calmly carrying your baby, then slowly start collecting things for the hospital, let everything be ready in advance and await its time. And for couples who go to partner childbirth, the necessary certificates and passes should already be ready.

35 obstetric week - this is 33 weeks from conception - the embryonic gestational age. The total time allotted for the maturation, development and growth of the child in the womb is 40 weeks. At the same time, every week, the child goes through a certain stage of preparation for his birth. In a few weeks, your baby will see the world for the first time. There is very little left, and you should be ready.

Baby size at 35 weeks pregnant

What happens to the fetus at 35 weeks

The internal organs have passed the stage of formation, now they only have to establish a full-fledged functioning. The processes of formation of the nervous and genitourinary systems are being completed. The intestines are actively working - swallowed amniotic fluid is broken down into water and sugar, swallowed hairs and fetal epithelial cells form the original cal - meconium in the intestines. By the 35th week, a certain amount of original feces has accumulated in the intestines - meconium, consisting of bile and exfoliated skin cells that enter the digestive system when the amniotic water is swallowed by the fetus. Meconium will be released a few hours after the birth of the baby, but for now its presence in the amniotic fluid indicates an oxygen deficiency of the fetus. The immune system is completing its maturation, which will have to work harder in the first few years of a baby's life. In the lungs, the amount of surfactant increases again, which contributes to the preservation of the airiness of the organ during breathing.

The thirty-fifth week is characterized by the intensive development of the adrenal glands. These endocrine glands are located above the upper poles of the kidneys and are responsible for the formation of hormones that regulate water-salt and mineral metabolism. In the adrenal cortex, active substances begin to be produced that mobilize the body during a period of stress, which, in fact, is childbirth.

The bones of the skull remain mobile - the seams between them are soft, which will facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

What does a baby look like at 35 weeks pregnant?

In fact, in the middle of the third trimester, there are no significant changes with the baby anymore. Its task is to build muscle and adipose tissue.

The fetus is fully developed. Fat continues to be deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The skin becomes more and more smooth and pale, it is already almost pink, devoid of vellus hair and in some places covered with original grease. Lanugo is preserved only in the natural folds of the body. Folds are already clearly visible in the area of ​​​​the joints on the arms and legs, under the buttocks, around the neck. The nails practically cover the nail beds. Increased striation of the feet. The cheeks were noticeably rounded, the face acquired soft childish features. Hair continues to accumulate pigment and grow. The eyes remain closed most of the time, the iris acquires a genetically incorporated color. But so far, the eyes of all babies are the same color - blue.

The large labia in girls hid the small ones, and in boys the testicles finally settled in the scrotum.

If this is your first pregnancy, the baby may already be upside down in the pelvis. This position is ideal because the baby's head is the largest part of his body.

The term "position" refers to the position of the baby in the uterus: whether he is facing left or right, and whether he has his head or legs. The baby floats freely in the uterus and changes position frequently during the early and middle stages of pregnancy.

Between 32 and 36 weeks, the baby usually turns upside down in preparation for delivery.

  • The position of the head forward is called occipital presentation.

  • The position with feet forward is called breech presentation.

  • The position sideways forward is called the transverse position.

Fetal development at 35 weeks gestation

  • By week 35, all the organs and systems of the baby are already formed, and no significant changes occur in the child's body. The fetus is ready for life outside the womb.

  • The baby, starting this week, is rapidly gaining weight (200–220 grams weekly).

  • The fetus is already growing to 46 cm.

  • The arms and shoulders of the baby acquire a rounded shape.

  • Muscles become stronger.

  • The body is rounded due to the accumulation of fatty tissue.

  • Since all the baby's organs have already been formed, starting from this week, their work is being streamlined and polished.

  • There are final processes in the genitourinary system of the baby.

  • The nervous system is progressively improved.

  • The adrenal glands are intensively developing, which are responsible for the mineral and water-salt metabolism in the child's body.

  • A small amount of meconium accumulates in the intestines of the baby.

  • The bones of the skull of the fetus by this time have not yet grown together (this helps the child to easily change position during the passage through the maternal birth canal).

What happens in a woman's body at 35 weeks pregnant

You are almost at the finish line. Just a few more weeks, after which fears and worries, toxicosis and swelling, shortness of breath and a huge belly will be left behind. However, during this period it is not necessary to surrender to power, at times, the painful expectation of childbirth. This is fraught with the appearance of hypochondria and even nervous breakdowns. It is better to cultivate the best feelings and thoughts in yourself, learn to visualize: draw in your imagination - what a beautiful and healthy baby you have, and next to you are a beautiful, slender woman with a loving husband.

At the moment, the fundus of the uterus is at its peak height, 35 centimeters above the pubic symphysis, or 15 centimeters above the level of the navel. The child has grown very much and sometimes pushes so hard that it causes pronounced discomfort to his mother. By counting the movements, you will make sure that the frequency remains the same - 10 times within 12 hours. If you suddenly feel that the child is moving less actively or you have stopped hearing him at all, consult a doctor immediately.

By this time, the pregnant woman normally gained 10 to 13 kilograms in weight.

At 35 weeks pregnant, a woman often has to get up at night to go to the bathroom. Frequent urination is associated with a decrease in the volume of the bladder as a result of compression of its enlarged uterus. Until the end of pregnancy, you will have to endure such inconveniences. Try to drink less at night so as not to wake up again.

The uterus compresses the organs of the abdominal cavity and chest, pushes the ribs apart. It becomes harder to breathe, sometimes dizziness may occur.

By 35 weeks of pregnancy, pre-existing swelling without treatment may increase. The skin on the feet and legs becomes shiny, a feeling of discomfort appears in the legs. Due to the swelling of the fingers, it can be difficult to clench the hand into a fist. In some pregnant women, edema may appear only at 35 weeks. These are signs of preeclampsia, and you need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Some women complain of pain in their legs when walking, after long walks or at the end of the day. Pain in the legs can occur due to flat feet. Almost all pregnant women have it under the influence of hormones or due to problems with the veins. The second case requires special attention, so if you are pregnant and your legs hurt, you must inform the doctor about this.

Relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles will also make itself felt - some pregnant women experience urinary incontinence, especially when coughing, sneezing. In this case, it is recommended to start doing Kegel exercises now, and continue for a few more months after childbirth.

At the end of pregnancy, the discharge from the genital tract of a woman may contain some mucus. The cervix softens, the cervical canal opens slightly and the mucous plug that has closed it so far begins to slowly separate. But the bulk of the discharge has a milky color, a homogeneous creamy consistency and a slightly sour smell. There may be little discharge, but in some women the amount increases, requiring the use of sanitary pads.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant

It seems to you that the stomach has become incredibly huge: the uterus has increased 1000 times, and you feel that your hypochondrium is literally bursting. Many primiparas have already lowered their belly by this time, but if this does not happen, there is nothing terrible, sometimes the baby drops only before the immediate birth.

Videoblog - 35 weeks pregnant

Now you must always have documents with you: a pregnant woman's passport, an exchange card, an insurance policy, a birth certificate, an agreement with a maternity hospital. Here you should put a piece of paper with information about your address, home phone number, phone numbers of loved ones.

If swelling appears on the shins and / or hands, you should consult a doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe treatment. Measures not taken in time can lead to serious complications of pregnancy.

Wearing a bandage is still mandatory and will help relieve the spine and avoid premature opening of the cervix.

Drink less liquid before bed to slightly reduce the amount of nighttime urination.

A month before the expected birth, it is better to exclude sex - the birth canal is preparing for childbirth and any alien flora is dangerous.

Any pathological discharge with an unpleasant odor and an unusual color should be a reason to seek help - a genital tract infection is unacceptable, because. can lead to infection and even death of the fetus.

If blood is found on the panties, call an ambulance, such discharge indicates the onset of labor, or placental abruption. You should also seek help if there is an outflow of amniotic fluid - a moderate amount of watery, yellowish or greenish discharge flows from the vagina.

The sleeping position remains the same - on the side. For convenience, you can put a pillow under your tummy or knee. Sleeping on your back is undesirable - it can cause loss of consciousness. Sleep should take a third of the day.

Find the strength to walk down the street for 20-30 minutes, in the warm season you can sit on a bench, in the cold - intensively ventilate the premises.

It is very dangerous to get sick now. A cold at 35 weeks pregnant is not as dangerous if you carry your baby for at least a couple more weeks. But if childbirth occurs, and you really get sick: you have a temperature, all the symptoms of SARS, it will be very difficult to give birth. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Already now you can choose a maternity hospital, a doctor who will take care of your childbirth, discuss the method of pain relief. If you want your husband to be present at the birth, find out in advance which maternity hospital provides such services, visit the courses.

If things for the baby have already been bought, it's time to start washing them. Use only special baby powder - a newborn may be allergic to adult detergents. Well, if the dowry has not yet been acquired, go shopping.

It's time to cut down on the calories in the food you eat. On average, somewhere around 200-250 calories. To do this, consume less fat and carbohydrates. But, nevertheless, nutrition should meet the needs of the mother and fetus in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

  • Continue to eat 5-6 times a day, introducing more alkalizing foods into the diet and having dinner about 3 hours before bedtime. This will allow you not to overload your digestive system and minimize the risk of heartburn.

  • Drink purified water or alkaline mineral water without gas, which neutralizes some of the acid in the stomach. The total amount of liquid should be about 1.5 liters, including, of course, tea, compotes, kissels, first courses, juicy fruits and vegetables.

Yoga for pregnant women

Self-massage techniques during childbirth and before them.

Dangers at 35 weeks pregnant

At week 35, the danger remains:

  • premature birth,

  • chronic fetal hypoxia (not enough oxygen is supplied to the baby with blood),

  • preeclampsia,

  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta.

Childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy is not the norm, but it no longer poses a particular danger. The most important thing for you is not to miss the start of labor.

In what cases can you suspect that you are going into labor?

  • If your stomach hurts, you suddenly have loose stools.

  • There was a watery discharge, aggravated by movement.

  • If training contractions have become regular and interfere with doing your own thing.

  • You cannot eat (to the point of vomiting) and sleep.

  • The contractions are getting longer and more painful.

  • If you notice "leakage" of amniotic fluid, even if nothing bothers you, and the stomach is soft.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing late gestosis - the condition is manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and protein excretion in the urine. Preeclampsia suggests that the mother's body can not cope with the double load and needs help. If timely treatment is not carried out, preeclampsia turns into preeclampsia and eclampsia - the condition is manifested by loss of consciousness, convulsions, respiratory arrest. Without the help of specialists, a sad outcome is possible, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the baby.

There is a danger of the so-called placenta previa. The placenta, which was not very successfully strengthened on the wall of the uterus in the early stages, for some reason has not changed its position and can now interfere with the exit of the baby. If placenta previa is detected, there may be large blood loss during childbirth and unpleasant spotting in recent weeks. Preposition must be identified. So that doctors are ready to work with this problem in childbirth.

Tests at 35 weeks pregnant

At the next appointment, find out the position of your baby. As a rule, the child is located upside down. If a child sits on the pope, the chances of him turning his head down are getting smaller every day. Discuss delivery options with your doctor if the fetus remains in breech presentation.

Standard and mandatory is a general urine test, a smear on the flora from the vagina (to exclude inflammation before childbirth), measurement of the height of the uterine fundus, as well as the circumference of the abdomen, as well as blood pressure on both hands. To exclude fetal hypoxia and clarify its condition, at each appearance in the LCD from 30 weeks, CTG is performed - a recording of the baby's heartbeat.

With ultrasound of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation, the weight of the child is 2400 g. Starting from this week, the child is gaining weight heavily, every week he adds from 220 to 350 g!

Good to know

More than 90% of children born at this time survive without much effort on the part of doctors.

Fetometry (fetal size) with ultrasound of the fetus at 35 weeks of pregnancy is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size) 81–95 mm.

  • LZ (frontal-occipital size) 103–121 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 299–345 mm.

  • Coolant (abdominal circumference of the fetus) 285–345 mm.

Normal sizes of long bones with fetal ultrasound at 35 weeks of gestation:

  • Femur 62–72 mm.

  • Humerus 55–65 mm.

  • Forearm bones 48–56 mm.

  • Lower leg bones 55–63 mm.

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor examines the level of activity of the baby, his heartbeat, the condition of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid.

At a period of 35 weeks, the second degree of placental maturity is the norm, an increase in this indicator will mean a decrease in the concentration of resources useful for the baby in its composition.