Clever sayings about love. Proverbs about love

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

It is better not to have a heart than not to have love for the people in it.

He who loves himself too much is not loved too much by others.

With love everywhere space, with evil everywhere cramped.

You can't hide love, fire and cough from people.

Love at least do not love, but look more often.

Where there is love and consent, there the yard is red.

The less you see, the more you love.

Old love is remembered.

Love is not a potato - you won’t throw it out (you won’t throw it) out the window.

Who loves whom, he obeys.

If you get angry, you will stop, but you will start to love and you will not find the end.

Love is a ring, and there is no end to the ring.

The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.

All ages are submissive to love (A. Pushkin).

You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.

An awl in a bag and love in the heart cannot be hidden.

Love well mutually.

Love us black, and everyone will love red.

Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out.

The sweetest of all is who loves whom.

One heart suffers and the other does not know.

Where it is cute, there are eyes, where it hurts, there is a hand.

Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear.

Only the one who is crazy can love madly.

Whom they don't like, they don't listen to.

To whom the heart lies, the eye runs there.

Love begins with the eyes.

I don't love, but I can't let go.

Whom grandfather loves, that and the bones in his hands.

Love and ass will teach you to dance.

In love, women know everything they haven't learned.

Where harm, there and dislike.

Likes like a dog stick.

Loves like a cat fat.

You love honey, love and chill.

You love currants, love and soreness.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

If you like to visit, love to call to yourself.

Love me, so love my dog.

If you like to fight, know how to make peace.

The cat also loves the mouse.

Love is blind.

Whoever likes it, he chokes on it.

Darlings scold - they only amuse themselves.

Love - do not love, but look more often.

Satan will fall in love instead of the bright falcon.

With a sweet paradise and in a hut.

For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.

I do not see - the soul is dying, but I see - rushing from the soul.

I want - I love, I want - I love.

One soul suffers, the other knows nothing.

If he falls in love - he will buy a fur coat, if he does not fall in love - he slabs the last one.

Endure - fall in love.

You won't be fed up with love alone.

You won't be forced to be nice.

Who did not love, was not young.

Nothing warms the blood like love.

The heart is not a stone.

The crown covers everything.

Grass does not grow on the highway.

Married - do not attack, no matter how married you are not lost.

Out of sight, out of mind.

The eye does not see - the soul does not hurt.

There was love without joy, separation will be without sorrow.

To marry money, to strangle yourself.

If the guy was a heifer, be under his heel.

The first guy in the village, and there is only one house in the village.

A girl under 20 years old asks “What is he?”, from 20 to 25 years old “Who is he?”, And from 25 to 30 years old “Where is he?”. Everything, age.

Love needs will, and the mind needs space.

Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give.

Love your own, remember others.

He loved to joke about Thomas, so love yourself too.

The wolf also loves the sheep.

The cat loves to lick cream on top.

The cat loves milk, but the stigma is short.

He loves pop pancake - and he would eat one.

Loves the one who teaches.

To love a profit is to love and an expense.

To love warmth - to go to the forest for firewood.

To love heat - and to endure smoke.

If you like to fight - know how to make peace.

If you like to talk, love and listen.

If you like honey, you can also bear the bee sting.

If you love gifts, love gifts too.

If you like heat, be patient with smoke.

If you love to tear someone else's beard, love to substitute your own.

I love the young man for the custom.

I love Serk for his custom: groans and luck.

I love Serk for the custom: at least you're unlucky, but neigh.

I love you, but not like myself.

Love - so to the crown, not love - to the father.

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

Love conquers everything.

Love and harmony - no need for a treasure.

Love and quarrels are worse than a fire.

Love and advice - that is the light.

Love and advice, so there is no grief.

Money can't buy love.

Love does not know the law, does not count years.

Love takes the small for the great.

Love makes a fool of a wise guy.

Love can be blind - it considers black for white.

You can't lock love.

Love is not measured by miles.

Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.

Love is not a potato: you can't cook it in a pot.

Monks love it when they work in the field for them.

For those who love, and in December spring.

Where there is love and kindness, there is beauty.

Where is love and advice, there is a meat-eater all year round.

Where there is love, there is attack.

Where there is love, there is advice.

Where there is love, there is harmony.

Where there is love, there is pleasure, and where there is fear, there is coercion.

For love there are no barriers.

To a lover, fear does not come.

Every love has its beginning.

Whoever loves whom, he loves him.

You can't buy love with gold.

Love me as I am, and everyone loves a good one.

Love us and move on.

Love, but know who.

Loved, but gave nothing.

You can love, but be careful.

Loving is hard, not loving is harder.

Love at least do not love, but do my word.

I love a girl for a mockery.

I love a guy for tricks, and a girl for tricks.

Love - so to the crown, not love - so to the father.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Love is a chirping nettle.

Love is like glass: if it breaks, it won't grow together.

Love and advice, so there is no need.

Love makes the smart mad, the meek wild, and the indomitable peaceful.

Love is expensive, not a gift.

Money can't buy love.

Love does not look, but sees everything.

Love is better than enmity.

Love is not charity: you cannot give it to everyone.

Love does not see anything.

Love is really strong.

Love is stronger than fear.

Love is blind.

The love of a bachelor is like spring ice.

Love, though flour, but without it boredom.

Love is like a mirror: if you break it, you can't glue it together.

Old love doesn't rust.

Old love is not forgotten.

Old love is remembered for a long time.

Without love, like without the sun, one cannot live.

Great love is not quickly forgotten.

More than that love does not happen, as one dies for each other.

In love, everything is true and everything is false.

True love does not burn in fire or sink in water.

Fell in love like a mouse fell into a box.

Fell in love like soot stuck in the face.

For lovers, the night is always short.

All fear casts out love.

Where there is no love, there is no fun.

A girl without love is like a flower without the sun.

Money is a gain, there is nothing to grieve about, but love is another matter: it must be cherished.

Money is dust, clothes too, and love is the most precious thing.

For a lover, even a hundred miles is not a distance.

For true love there is no limit.

Women's love is like morning dew: the breeze smelled - and it is gone.

Life without love is like a year without spring.

If you love something, then the mind will retreat.

It is better to suffer and love than not loving in the world to live.

There is no law on love.

Not to love - grief, but to fall in love - twice.

Kissing with your beloved, that reveling in honey.

Love is no joke.

Though I scold, yes I love.

Another love is like snow: it soon melts and turns into mud.

This is Love

Love is an amazing feeling. Everyone talks about him, writes books, composes poetry, makes films, but no one can describe or formulate him. For some, love is joy, for others it is a tragedy, for others it is self-sacrifice, for others it is pity, so love is a manifestation of selfishness, this is the satisfaction of a natural need, and someone claims that there is no love, that all this is fiction, and that love is only a sexual desire, an instinct inherent in nature in people to procreate. And this is only about love between a man and a woman. But there is still love for parents, children, Motherland, books, work, travel, money, power ...
The selection of sayings and sayings below is unlikely to explain anything to anyone, but perhaps at least cause a desire to think.

To follow the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science(Pushkin)

  • Maximilian Voloshin (1877-1932). Russian poet, artist, public figure

    - All the positive creative forces of man are in love. He brings new things into the world with love.
    - Freedom and love in the soul are inseparable / But there is no love that does not impose bonds
    - Your God is in you
    And don't look for another
    Neither in heaven nor on earth:
    All outside world:
    Everywhere the law, causality,
    But there is no love
    Its source is You!

  • Nikolai Gumilyov (1886 - 1921). Russian poet, intelligence agent, traveler, shot by the Bolsheviks on suspicion of counter-revolutionary activities

    - The best girl can not give / More than what she has
    - Only the weary are worthy of praying to the gods/Only the one in love is to tread the spring meadows!

  • Yakov Polonsky (1819 - 1898). Russian poet and writer, one of the outstanding poets of the post-Pushkin period

    - To love does not mean to grieve
    - Who is ready to fall in front of a woman, sobbing / He is not yet ready to call her his own
    - There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty
    - The mind looks with thousands of eyes / Love looks with one eye / But there is no love - and life goes out / And the days float like smoke.

  • Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910). Great Russian writer

    - Every discussion of love destroys love

  • A. S. Pushkin (1799 - 1837). "The Sun of Russian Poetry". Great Russian poet, writer

    - Love for all ages
    - The disease of love is incurable
    - To whom fate is indispensable / A girl's heart is destined / He will be sweet to the evil of the universe ...
    - A woman's love won't be long / A cold parting saddens / Love will pass, boredom will come / Beauty will fall in love again
    - The less we love a woman / The more she likes us
    - And the heart burns again and loves - because it cannot not love
    - Who once loved, he will not love again

  • Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). English writer, poet, philosopher, in 1895 was convicted of "obscene relations between adult men", served a year and a half

    - Knowledge is detrimental to love. Only the unknown captivates us

  • Julian Tuwim (1894 - 1953). Polish poet of Jewish origin, translator, prose writer, literary critic and bibliophile

    - Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career

  • Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 - 1948). Russian philosopher. In his youth, he "dabbled" in liberal ideas, before the First World War he was persecuted for an anti-clerical article. During the years of Soviet power, the Cheka was arrested twice, in 1922 he was expelled from Russia

    - Only the lover sees the face of the beloved

  • Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992). The most popular American film actress

    - In love, it is impossible to distinguish victory from surrender.

  • Alexandre Dumas son. French writer and playwright, son of Alexandre Dumas, his most famous work is the novel "The Lady of the Camellias"

    - True love always makes you better, no matter who the woman you love is.

  • Giacomo Casanova (1725 - 1798). Italian adventurer, traveler, famous for his many love affairs, author of his famous autobiography "The Story of My Life"

    - Love is three-quarters curiosity.

Wise sayings and proverbs about love are pearls of thought, which, of course, are worth listening to. These short and well-aimed statements are the generalized memory of the people, conclusions from life experience. Therefore, they can tell a lot about love.

Proverbs and sayings about love

Love is blind. Love does not see anything.

Equal customs - strong love.

A man without a woman is more than an orphan child.

There is no value against love.

Money - ashes, clothes - too, and love is the most precious thing.

In love, women know everything that they have not been taught.

Money can't buy happiness.

It is easier to find happiness than to keep it.

Better not to have a heart than not to have love in it.

Money is an acquired thing, there is nothing to grieve about, but love is another matter: it must be cherished.

Love does not count years.

Love and ass will teach you to dance.

If you loved, then marry, but if you don’t love, get rid of it.

Whoever looks, the heart reaches out to him.

True love does not burn in fire or sink in water.

If you get angry, you stop, but you start to love, and you will not find the end.

Love is like a fire: it goes out without food.

Love makes the smart mad, the meek wild, and the indomitable peaceful.

Conquer your heart with love, not fear.

Darlings scold - they only amuse themselves.

Sayings and proverbs about love not only praise this high feeling, talk about the importance of love in the life of every person, but can also give useful advice in matters of the heart.

Where there is conscience, there is love.

Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out.

Love begins with the eyes. Fall in love with their eyes.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

With love everywhere space, with evil everywhere cramped.

Where there is no love, there is no fun.

Love needs will, and the mind needs space.

Where love is not hypocritical, there is true hope.

Where there is love, there is pleasure; where there is fear, there is coercion.

Where there is love, there is attack. When you love, you burn.

It is impossible not to love, but it is impossible not to grieve.

The light is not sweet when there is no dear.

You cannot bind with the cross of love.

All fear casts out love.

Loving is hard; not to love harder than that.

Girlish no - not a refusal. Girlish is not more expensive to eat.

To love is to wear someone else's grief; not to love - crush your own.

You can't hide love, fire and cough from people.

Whom I love, I beat.

We have selected the best sayings and proverbs dedicated to the theme of love. They contain the observations of our ancestors about this great feeling and the norms of folk morality. The power and eternity of a real feeling are conveyed in these wise words about love.

Sayings and proverbs about husband and wife

He loves his wife and old husband, if he is not jealous.

Parents take care of their daughter to the crown, and the husband of his wife to the end.

The husband has half and the wife has half.

I came to my husband, so I found mine.

Do not look for beauty in your husband, but look for kindness.

Dear friend - for a month, and husband - for life.

Husband and wife are like fish and water: there is something - together, what is not - in half.

An honest husband deceives only his wife.

The wife of her husband does not beat, but leads according to her own liking.

With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly.

Proverbs and sayings, as a rule, do not have an author. This is the case when the author is the people. But it happens that a proverb can become, for example, a line from a song. This is what happened with the saying "I'm not lucky in death - I'm lucky in love." The song "Your Honor" from the movie "White Sun of the Desert" has become one of the most domestic melodies. The author of the words is Bulat Okudzhava, the author of the music is Isaac Schwartz. We offer you folk proverbs about love.

In this article, we will introduce you and your children to proverbs about love.

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings on earth. It is this feeling that accompanies us throughout our lives: first it is the love of parents and relatives, then the love that appears with the creation of our own family, the love of our children, grandchildren and friends.

You can talk about this magical feeling endlessly, because love, as you know, heals, saves, and motivates. To explain to young children the meaning of such a value as love, you can use proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings about love for people of preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Despite the fact that each person understands in his own way what love is, there is a generally accepted definition of this feeling. Love is nothing more than a selfless deep attachment of one person to another, which manifests itself in care, respect, help, compassion.

Little children, as a rule, quite often feel the manifestation of the love of their parents and relatives, however, they still do not quite understand that such an attitude towards them is called love.

In order for the kids to begin to understand what love is, tell them proverbs about this feeling and be sure to explain their meaning using simple and accessible examples.

  • The less you see, the more you love. The essence of the statement is that you always miss the person you love very much. Also, the less you see a person, the more you begin to appreciate him. Therefore, they say that those whom we rarely see, we love even more.
  • Love is blind. Explaining this proverb to kids, first of all, it must be said that the goat has long been associated with a stubborn and not very good person. “Love is evil” is said so because we do not choose for ourselves whom we love and whom we do not love. Our heart itself makes a choice, and sometimes this choice falls on such not very good people.
  • Old love is not forgotten. In this proverb, the word "old" is used in the meaning of "first". First love is always very touching, tender and unforgettable, because it happens to a person for the first time. The first relationship does not always end happily, but the emotions that they gave will accompany a person all his life - this is the meaning of the statement.
  • Love is like a mirror: if you break it, you can't stick it together. The proverb tells us that a damaged relationship cannot be rebuilt. The fact is that love is built on trust, and, as you know, once lost, it cannot be returned. Therefore, they say that love, like a mirror, can be broken, but it is impossible to restore and make it the same as before.
  • Where there is love and advice, there is no grief. Love is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings on our planet. Love is able to give strength, overcome illnesses, etc. Therefore, it is generally accepted that in those families where love and understanding reign, there can be neither grief nor misfortune.
  • You can't live without the sun, you can't live without the sweet. To explain this proverb to kids, first explain to them what significance the Sun has for our planet. Tell us that thanks to the sun, there is life on Earth, people and all nature exist. Explain that if the Sun did not exist, then all living things would die. This is how it is impossible to live without a loved one, because without him it is very sad, and sometimes it is simply impossible.
  • To live in separation is to live in flour. The essence of the proverb is that two people who love each other cannot live apart. They suffer when not together.
  • You can't sew love around your neck. This proverb explains to us that you cannot force yourself or someone to start loving. Love comes by itself, regardless of our desire.
  • You won't get into your heart. This proverb has the same meaning as the previous one. “You won’t fit into the heart” means that if a person does not love you, then it is impossible to force him to experience this feeling by force.
  • Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out. Love can be compared to a fire, because like it it can flare up suddenly. However, we can put out the fire, stop it of our own free will, but it is impossible to stop loving simply by expressing such a desire.
  • True love does not burn in fire or sink in water. This statement explains to us that absolutely everything is subject to true love and at the same time it is not afraid of anything. People who actually have this wonderful feeling for each other will never betray him, no matter what happens in their lives.
  • We are with you, like a fish with water. So they say about people who love each other very much and are close to each other. This comparison was chosen for a reason. After all, we all know that a fish cannot live without water, it will simply die.
  • Love is no joke. This proverb teaches us to take care of this touching feeling, since “inept” handling of it can bring pain to another person, can offend and upset him.
  • Who loves whom, he obeys. The meaning of the saying is that people in love always support each other, try not to argue with each other and always defend the opinion of their soul mate.
  • Forget your love, so howl with your voice. The meaning of this statement can be explained to children as follows. There is a fact known to many that dogs bark and howl when they are sad, when they are very sad and bad. This proverb says “... so howl in a voice”, that is, a person without love and a loved one is so bad that he is ready to howl from it.
  • Not the sweet one that is good, but the good one that came to the heart. The meaning of this proverb is that the person whom our heart has chosen will always be the best and most beautiful for us. No other beauty is interesting in this case, and nothing else can also attract the attention of a person in love.
  • You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love. The saying explains to us that it is impossible to love someone through force. A comparison is made with fear. You can force a person to be afraid of someone or something, but you cannot force him to love.
  • From the one I love more. They say so, because, as a rule, we forgive a lot to a loved one. People turn a blind eye to many bad deeds if they love the person who committed them.

The best proverbs and sayings about love for people of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

For children of primary and secondary school age, proverbs about love are much more relevant than for children of kindergarten age. Since it is at the age of 8-15 that children begin to show sympathy for the opposite sex, and love for relatives is expressed much more revealingly.

  • All love hearts are not enough. The essence of the proverb is that it is impossible to love everyone with the same love. Love is not just a feeling, but to love is not just to say beautiful words. To love means to respect, appreciate, protect, help and support. A person is physically incapable of loving everyone.
  • You cannot fit two loves in one heart. This is what they say about the love of the opposite sexes, since it is possible to contain love for relatives, friends and a loved one. The meaning of the statement is that there can be only one loved one, you cannot love 2 people at the same time. By explaining the concept of love in this sense, we also give children an understanding of such a concept as fidelity.
  • Where the heart lies, there it runs. The meaning of the expression is that a person in love always wants to be close to his soul mate and therefore tries to be with her as much as possible.
  • Where there is love and consent, there the yard is red. They say this because in a house where love and understanding reign, everything is always good. It's cozy, clean and beautiful.
  • Where there is no love, there is no joy. The saying focuses our attention on the fact that love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Love gives people a feeling of joy and happiness, so it is impossible to live without it.
  • Where there is love and advice - there is paradise, there is light; and quarrels and disputes - there are only nonsense. This proverb is about what a relationship can be if there is love in it, and if there is no love in it. It is generally accepted that if there is this feeling between two people, then their life develops happily, but people who forget about this bright feeling and begin to argue and quarrel receive only nonsense in return.
  • A good wife and fatty cabbage soup - do not look for another happiness. This proverb elevates true love. Since ancient times, a friendly family and prosperity, which manifested itself in food and decoration, were considered the greatest human happiness. Therefore, it is generally accepted that having something like this, there is no need to look for another.

  • There is no friend - the white light is not nice either. A friend in this statement means a loved one. It is generally accepted that without love, human life is devoid of happiness and joy, so they say that the white light (life) is not sweet.
  • If you leave a place where you are loved, you will come to a place where you are hated. Talking about human relationships is quite difficult, because sometimes they develop in completely different ways. Rejection of loved ones and one's family is considered a sinful act, so the proverb warns us that if we leave from where we are loved, we can only go to where we are hated.
  • If a husband does not love his wife, what is the use of rouge and whitewash? This saying emphasizes the fact that love is not because of appearance, character or thriftiness. They love just like that, because the soul lies with this person. The saying explains to us that if a man does not love a woman, then no outfits, no make-up can change this.
  • If the husband is good - and the ugly will become a beauty. The meaning of the proverb is that our loved ones are always the most beautiful, the best in everything for us. Love does not depend on appearance. Also, this statement can be interpreted as follows: we always do absolutely everything for our loved ones so that they are happy. Therefore, they say that a good husband will take care of his wife, will cherish her and from his love she will become the most beautiful.
  • If the husband loves - and people respect, if the husband beats - and people humiliate. This proverb has a certain psychological connotation. The thing is that a person who does not respect himself will not be respected by others. Here, instead of “themselves”, they cite as an example a husband, who for every woman is a model of behavior and authority in family relations. If a man will respect and love his woman, then he will not allow someone to offend and humiliate her. However, if others see that a man is disrespectful to his wife, then they will begin to allow themselves such behavior towards her.
  • The young girl's beauty dried up the young man. This expression is used if the guy fell in love with a girl who is already in a relationship, but she does not reciprocate. “Dried up the young man” means exhausted, tired.
  • And it's sickening to live alone in paradise. Almost all people know what paradise is and what kind of life it allegedly gives to people who fall into it. In this proverb, it is paradise that is used to show that even in the best conditions, living without love is very sad and bad, and sometimes simply unbearable.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about love for people: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Love is the value that is described in many works of art, legends are written about it and songs are written. This feeling has become a subject of discussion in all types of folk art, and proverbs with sayings are no exception.

  • Love is blind. The meaning of the expression is that love comes to us from nowhere, while a person does not choose who to love. Love is blind because sometimes we can love the wrong person who loves and deserves us. Very often people experience this feeling for those who do not need it, who do not deserve it.
  • Love is a ring, and a ring has no end. The saying explains to us that true love is not subject to time. Here a bright feeling is compared to a ring that has neither beginning nor end. The saying shows us that love is eternity, a real feeling never goes away.
  • Love conquers everything. Love is such a strong feeling that it can conquer almost anything. People who really love each other can go through all the trials of fate together: poverty, slander, squabbles and even illness, because the feeling that binds them gives them strength and faith in the best.
  • For a lover, a hundred miles is not a distance. They say this because people in love always want to be together and are sometimes ready to do absolutely crazy things for this. The meaning of the proverb is that even the impossible can be done for the sake of a loved one, if only he was near and happy. When explaining this proverb to children, do not forget to tell what “one hundred miles” is, and what is the distance. By the way, 1 verst is equal to 1.06 km. Explain to the children that today such a distance can be covered fairly quickly thanks to a car, and once such a distance meant a very long and sometimes dangerous road. So the children will understand why they use exactly one hundred miles and why they are talking specifically about such a distance.
  • For love there are no barriers. They say this because true love does not depend on any circumstances. If people really love each other, then sooner or later they will be together despite all the obstacles that they can only meet on the way. If the proverb is explained to young children, then they can understand the word "barrier" literally, that is, as something physical. In this case, they need to explain that in this context, various circumstances can act as obstacles: distance, unwillingness of relatives, age difference, financial situation.

  • For those who love, and in December spring. Spring is the only season during which all nature, animals, plants come to life and delight us with their presence, flowering, etc. When our hearts are overwhelmed with love feelings, we feel about the same that all nature feels with the advent of spring. People who love each other always feel their happiness and joy, regardless of the weather outside the window, they always feel good as it is good in spring.
  • Life without love is like a year without spring. Spring is the period in which all nature begins to live. At this time, migratory birds arrive, trees and flowers bloom, life is in full swing. If spring suddenly disappeared or "did not come", then the whole Earth would be embraced by sadness and longing. This is how a person's life, without this wonderful feeling, is filled only with dark colors.
  • You can't lock love. The proverb explains to us that it is impossible to hide or hide your feelings. Love will always find a way, sooner or later it will manifest itself.
  • There is nothing more painful than unhappy love. The essence of this proverb is that love can bring not only joy and happiness, but also torment. This happens if a person experiences non-reciprocal love for another person.
  • From someone who is not nice, and the gift is a shame. So they say when a person receives a gift from an unloved one. “... and the gift is disgusting” means that the gift is hateful, unpleasant.
  • True love has a beginning, but no end. The meaning of the proverb is that true love never goes away. It has no end, because it is eternal.
  • What the heart does not notice, the eye will not see. The proverb tells us that we love with our soul and heart, and not with our eyes. Therefore, if our heart is silent, then no beauty that our eyes see will make it speak.
  • Wherever you go, only with your sweetheart along the way. The essence of the statement is that with a loved one we are not afraid of any difficulties. It is much better to be with a loved one somewhere than, for example, in comfortable conditions, but by yourself.
  • Love is not charity: you cannot give it to everyone. The meaning of the saying is that it is impossible to love everyone. The heart itself chooses the person it loves and the person cannot influence this in any way.
  • For the sake of your sweet self, do not feel sorry. The saying tells us that love, in a sense, is self-sacrifice. Sometimes you have to deny yourself something in order to please your soul mate, but for a loved one, you never feel sorry for anything.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about love for people for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Talking about proverbs and sayings, it will be very appropriate and interesting to get acquainted not only with our folk sayings, but also with the work of other peoples of the world.

  • Mountains are destroyed by an earthquake, love and friendship are destroyed by a word.(Tajik). The meaning of this floorboard is that human rumor sometimes spoils any, even the strongest relationship. In the same way, rude and offensive words can spoil and destroy love. Sometimes, in a fit of anger and anger, people say very offensive words to their loved ones, unfairly accuse them. Even the very angelic patience in this case can come to an end, and then the relationship ends.
  • Separation is for love, as wind is for fire: weak love extinguishes, and big - inflates.(Spanish). The meaning of the saying is that people who love at a distance begin to appreciate and love each other even more, because I begin to understand that they feel bad and sad without each other. And those who do not really feel this bright feeling for each other do not feel sadness during separation and live their former lives.
  • If love is over, it never began(Jewish). It is generally accepted that love is an eternal feeling, that is, it never ends under any circumstances. If it turned out that some obstacles violated the love of two people, then they say that in fact there was no love.
  • To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children.(Japanese). The meaning of the proverb is that we often criticize the actions of our parents, we are outraged about their guardianship and care, however, we will be able to understand them only when we have our own children.

  • Love has no advisers.(Arabic). They say this because people, looking from the outside, cannot give any advice regarding your relationship, because they do not know what is happening in your soul and what you are guided by, acting one way or another. No one should interfere in the relationship of the two, only they themselves know how and what is best for them.
  • When love fades away, you can't rekindle it in a furnace.(Chuvash). The meaning of this proverb is that if the feelings nevertheless passed, then it is impossible to restore them. The moral of the statement also lies in the fact that relationships need to be protected and try to make your soul mate happy, so that later you don’t have to try to rekindle that same lost love.
  • Beloved must be seen not with the eyes, but with the heart.(Jewish). The essence of the statement is that we love not with our eyes, that is, not with our appearance, but with our heart, that is, with our soul. You can only find your soul mate with your heart and soul.
  • Dry wood is easy to dig, fake love is easy to part with.(Mongolian). A tree that has already withered does not hold on to its roots, so it is enough just to dig it up and throw it away. It is simply impossible to pull a healthy tree out of the ground so easily. So it is with true love. If a person does not really love, it will be very easy for him to let go of his “beloved”, but if there is real love between people, then parting will be painful.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about love for people: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Children at an early age are much easier to perceive small proverbs, so when communicating with kids, give preference to small statements.

  • To love evil is to destroy yourself. The meaning of the proverb is that it is impossible and unnecessary to live with a person who constantly shows anger and aggression, because, in this way, you are ruining yourself and your life. You can't sacrifice yourself for this kind of love.
  • If you love a rose, you endure thorns. The proverb teaches us that one cannot love only the good side of a person. The rose is always a symbol of beauty when associated with a person. If you love a rose, then you need to remember that it has thorns and put up with this fact. So it is with a person, everyone has their own shortcomings, there are simply no ideal people, however, if you love a person, then all of him, and not just what you like and suits in him.
  • Darling and the little white is not washed. The essence of the statement is that a beloved and dear person is always the most beautiful for us. The most important thing is that for this a person does not need to do absolutely anything. In fact, he is for us.
  • Don't be nice by force. The proverb teaches us that, even with a very strong desire, a person cannot fall in love with another person. Sometimes people converge and live together, however, true love never settles in their hearts.

  • Unloved is always superfluous. This proverb tells us that a loved one never interferes with us, we want to see him always nearby. While the unloved interferes even when we simply meet him somewhere.
  • They live soul to soul. So they say about people who live in peace and harmony, never quarrel and do not offend each other.
  • Though ripples, but love. The statement explains to us that you can fall in love with absolutely any person and love does not depend on appearance. True love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • You can't carve out love out of pity. Often people start relationships out of pity, however, true love never comes out of such a relationship, so it is customary to say that love cannot be carved out of pity.
  • People live for love. The proverb explains to us that love is the feeling that gives us the meaning of life.
  • Happy is he who is constant in love. Love gives us a feeling of joy and satisfaction, so the person who has a stable love relationship is truly rich and happy.

Proverbs and sayings about love for people with drawings for children

Children will be much more interested in learning proverbs and sayings if they are shown to them with pictures and drawings. Therefore, we recommend studying proverbs in a playful way, using illustrations.

Love is an integral part of our life. It is thanks to this light feeling that we truly live. By explaining the value and importance of love to young children, we sow it in their hearts. But, as we all know: "What you sow, you will reap."

Video: Proverbs and sayings about love

Love is an inexplicable feeling, one can talk about it endlessly. Proverbs and sayings about love show what relationships between people are and what love can turn into if you neglect your loved ones. Love is a subtle and sensual feeling in a relationship that can be destroyed by a careless act, a word. Proverbs teach to seek love, to cherish love, to give love.

samovar proverbs

  1. You can't live without the sun, you can't live without the sweet.
  2. Without you, the flowers do not bloom in color, the oaks do not grow red in the oak forest.
  3. The near one is a crow, and the far one is a falcon.
  4. You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.
  5. If there was a friend, he would be found for an hour.
  6. Would be nice to the soul, we will live in a hut.
  7. Was cute, became hateful.
  8. All love hearts are not enough.
  9. Every bride will be born for her groom.
  10. Where two - the third superfluous.
  11. Where there is love, there is God.
  12. Where the heart lies, there it runs.
  13. The girl drives the young man, but she herself does not go away.
  14. Woe to me with you - brown eyes.
  15. Woe is with you, trouble is without you.
  16. Give free rein to your heart - it will lead you into captivity.
  17. The girl exhausted the guy, let her down under her temper.
  18. The girl is like a shadow: you follow her - she is from you, you are from her - she is behind you.
  19. It's not a pity for a sweetheart to lose a lot.
  20. Good feelings are the neighbors of love.
  21. He's not cuter when he's gone.
  22. Eat hungry and love young.
  23. To live in separation is worse than flour.
  24. To love evil is to destroy yourself.
  25. The young girl's beauty dried up the young man.
  26. To my dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
  27. As I saw, I did not become my own.
  28. Whom I love, I give.
  29. Who is not jealous, he does not love.
  30. Where the heart lies, there the eye looks.
  31. Easy to make friends, hard to part.
  32. You can't hide love, fire and cough from people.
  33. He loves like a cat loves a dog.
  34. You can love a friend, but you can't forget.
  35. Love do not love, but look more often.
  36. Loving is hard; not to love is harder than that.
  37. Love well mutually.
  38. Love the rose, so endure the thorns.
  39. You love currants, love and soreness.
  40. Love is rich in joys, and jealousy is in torment.
  41. Love conquers everything.
  42. Love and advice, so there is no grief.
  43. Love is blind.
  44. You can't lock love.
  45. Love begins with the eyes.
  46. Love is not measured by miles.
  47. Love does not look, but sees everything.
  48. Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.
  49. Love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window.
  50. Love is not charity: you cannot give it to everyone.
  51. Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out.
  52. Love is not subject to reason, love is blind.
  53. Love, though flour, but without it boredom.
  54. Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.
  55. Love is a chirping nettle.
  56. Lovers and God loves.
  57. Mil and love, so be a friend.
  58. The sweetest of all is who loves whom.
  59. Darling is not a villain, but dried up to the bone.
  60. A goose is not my brother, a pig is not a sister, a duck is not an aunt, but my motley quail is dear to me.
  61. Lots of good ones, but no cute ones.
  62. My heart is in you, and yours is in stone.
  63. You won't be forced to be nice.
  64. Do not tell the truth in the eye - you will not be shamed.
  65. A gift is not dear to me - your love is dear.
  66. The world is not sweet, if there is no dear.
  67. I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t eat, I would look at my sweetheart.
  68. Not in a good way, but in a good way.
  69. Beauty is not famous, but who likes what.
  70. Can't sleep, can't lie down, everything about the sweetheart is sad.
  71. Not the good one that is good, but the good one that came to the heart.
  72. There are no ugly ones - there are unloved ones.
  73. Don't talk bad about the girl.
  74. For whom I lament, that is not; whom I hate, forever with me.
  75. Hugging your eyelids, you can’t sit.
  76. One heart suffers, the other does not know.
  77. He doesn't look at her.
  78. She won't inhale them.
  79. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
  80. From love to hate one step.
  81. From the one I love the most.
  82. That's why I endure, because I love you the most.
  83. Love us black, and everyone will love white.
  84. When you love, you burn.
  85. An owl will fall in love better than a clear falcon.
  86. If you get angry, you will stop, but if you start loving, you will not find the end.
  87. Equal customs - strong love.
  88. The less you see, the more you love.
  89. With love everywhere space, with evil everywhere cramped.
  90. Love is no joke.
  91. With a cute little year, it will seem in an hour.
  92. With a sweet paradise and in a hut.
  93. The heart is not a stone - it melts.
  94. The heart feels the heart.
  95. The heart gives the message to the heart.
  96. Lawless Heart.
  97. Old love is remembered for a long time.
  98. Let's sit down and have a good conversation.
  99. A warm heart is an affectionate word.
  100. The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.
  101. What the heart does not notice, the eye will not see.

I like 131

proverb measure seven times cut one

sayings about praising a child

Proverbs about love. Only the best proverbs. The most complete collection of Russian proverbs by topic and direction. If you are looking for proverbs, then you have already found them -

  • about the horse
  • about puddles
  • about the bow
  • about the moon
  • about baldness
  • about bald people
  • about lions
  • about loved ones
  • about a lover
  • about love
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  • about frogs
  • about Mohammed
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  • about raspberries
  • Proverbs
  • about love

    I am not by myself, but the strongest and most terrible of all, and everyone loves me and everyone destroys me (fire).

    I love the young man for the custom.

    With those do not get along, who loves to scold.

    Unhappy in the game, so happy in love.

    When you fall in love, and the monkey will seem beautiful; when you do not love, and turn away from the lotus.

    True love does not burn in fire or sink in water.

    Love is like a tear: it starts in the eyes and sinks into the heart.

    If you like to visit - love and call to yourself.

    Love is blind.

    Love is not a hair - you can't pull it out quickly.

    The sea loves the brave.

    Love and hunger are terrible dissatisfaction.

    Love is evil - goats rejoice.

    Drink wine, but do not wash; love a girl, not a woman.

    The love of brothers is stronger than a rock.

379 proverbs about love

Sayings about love. Only the best sayings. The most complete collection of Russian sayings by topic and direction. If you are looking for sayings, then you have already found them - this is

  • about horses
  • about the horse
  • about puddles
  • about the bow
  • about the moon
  • about baldness
  • about bald people
  • about lions
  • about loved ones
  • about love
  • about Lyuba
  • about people
  • about frogs
  • about Mohammed
  • about May
  • about the major
  • about macaques
  • about poppies
  • sayings
  • about love

Sayings about love

Day Week Month Year All time

    In love and war, all means are good.

    The market loves money.

    All love hearts are not enough.

    Oats love to go into the water and at the right time.

    Do not make love with a friend's wife, so that they do not make love with your wife.

    God is love

    There is no value against love.

    Whom I love, I beat.

    Peace and love is everything.

    Love is no joke.

    You have to love fishing.

    Love is blind.

    Love the quarrel, love the world.

    Love is the labor of the soul.

261 sayings about love

Without love, there is no life, but howl. Komi
Without a loved one, the world is a shame. Russian proverb
Pain makes you cry, love makes you talk. Turkish proverb
There is only first love! Arabic proverb
In the eyes of a lover, a goose is an angel. Jewish proverb
A toad in love will swim across the sea. Buryat proverb
The lover is stupid, he does not recognize the mind. Swahili

All means are good in love and war. English proverb
A second love is like food reheated for the second time. Russian proverb
Where there is love, there is God. Russian proverb
Where there is no love, there is no joy. Georgian proverb
A head without love is like a barren gourd. Persian proverb
Old love - like an old burn - will quickly hurt again. Russian
Gifts and hateful will lead to love. Russian proverb
For love, an Armenian and a Turk are the same, for the heart - a daughter and a son, for the mind - noble and simple. Armenian proverb
For happy love and night is not enough. Russian proverb
If you give your heart, you can't take it back. Persian proverb
If you love her in rags, your love will live until the end of your life. Russian proverb
If you become a slave of love, do not whine at her shackles. Russian proverb
Life without love is like a year without spring. Russian proverb
A villain does not steal love, but love makes many villains. Russian
And a thousand gold pieces can't buy a heart's desire. Chinese proverb
And the mute, courting a woman, wants to say a lot. Korean
Sometimes attachment arises in an instant. Arabic
When love and passion become friends, they sacrifice both heart and soul. Kurdish proverb
When people love each other, then God loves them. Whom people love, God favors him. Russian proverb
When the words of the heart and tongue merge, love arises. Pashtun
When two hearts meet, the barn looks like a palace. Gagauz
If there is youth, a spring garden and a beloved - what more could you want? Kurdish proverb
The ring should be on the finger, and cute on the soul. Armenian proverb
Who withstood the thirst for love, he will fall asleep on thorns. Russian
Who loves girls - to the torment of the soul; who loves young women - to save the soul. Russian proverb
Whoever loves lives twice. Russian proverb
Buying a dog is the only way money can buy love. Turkish proverb
You can't buy love with gold. Russian proverb
Love is not an estate: it is impossible to buy. English proverb
No potion (herbs) can cure love. English proverb
Love lives perfectly in a rural hut and in the master's chamber. Russian proverb
You can't hide love, fire and cough from people. English proverb
Love the one who loves you. Mongolian proverb
Beloved must be seen not with the eyes, but with the heart. Russian proverb
You can't force yourself to love and sing. German proverb
I love the one who loves me, I reject the one who rejects me. Swahili
Love is like a tear: it starts in the eyes and sinks into the heart. Russian
Love is a ring, has no end. Ukrainian proverb
Love is a ring, it has no beginning and no end. Arabic proverb
Love is fire: it doesn’t shine - it’s dark, but it shines - you can burn out. Persian
Love is a flame, persuasion is the wind. Kurdish proverb
Love is indifferent to lineage. Russian proverb
Love is rich in both honey and bile. Russian proverb
Love in old age is terrible. Tatar proverb
Love leads to union, and deceit leads to death. Thai proverb
Love understands all languages. Russian proverb
Love turns all five senses inside out. German proverb
Love is hot in rags and luxurious clothes. Russian
Love lives in shacks and palaces. English proverb
Love gets under any clothes. Russian proverb
Love does not know the law, does not count years. Russian proverb
Love makes the world go round. English proverb
Love is blind. Russian proverb
Love and hunger are terrible dissatisfaction. English proverb
Love does not require beauty. Tatar proverb

The love of petty nature is like a wall of sand. Indian proverb
Love moves the world. English proverb
The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a crackling cicada. Japanese proverb
You can't lock love. Russian proverb
Love begins in the eyes, continues with a smile on the lips. Kurdish
Love begins with the eyes. Ossetian proverb
Love is not measured by miles. Russian proverb
Love does not look, but sees everything. Russian proverb
Love has no age. English proverb
Love is not a potato - you can't throw it out the window. Russian proverb
Love is not charity, you can't give it to everyone. Russian proverb
Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out. Ukrainian proverb
Love does not recognize guides. Russian proverb
Love is one, but lives in two hearts. Assyrian proverb
Love conquers everything. English proverb
To understand love is a waste of time. Russian proverb
Love brings beauty, malice brings ugliness. Vietnamese proverb
Love brings love. Crimean Tatars
Love is stronger than death. Kyrgyz proverb
Love is stronger than fear. Russian proverb
Love laughs at locks. English proverb
Love kills time, and time kills love. French proverb
Love, though flour, but without it, boredom. Russian proverb
The love of ranks does not distinguish. Russian proverb
Love is like a disease - the older, the stronger. Russian proverb
Love, like dough, grows by leaps and bounds. Russian proverb
Love is like a rice plant: transplant it and it will grow elsewhere. Malaga proverb
Loving eyes will not go unnoticed. Douala
People pay for love with love. Karelian proverb
The sweetest of all is who loves whom. Russian proverb
On a hot iron and on love it is easy to get burned. Russian proverb
It's okay to be afraid of love. Russian proverb
There is no bad love, just like there is no good prison. french
Do not believe in the love that smiles at everyone you meet. Russian
Don't fall in love at first sight. English proverb
Do not blush, girl, milking cows; blush, girl, stand up with a guy. Russian proverb
Do not love everything that the eyes see. Russian proverb
Love will not be hidden, like an awl in a bag. Ukrainian proverb
There are many shortcomings where love is small. English proverb
Insincere love is fragile, like a dry bough. Mongolian proverb
There is no truer truth than love. Tajik proverb
There is no lighter bird than the thought of love. Russian proverb
There is no value against love. Russian proverb
No doctor can cure love. Swahili
The usual occupation of lovers is silence. Kurdish proverb
There is no cure for falling in love. Japanese proverb
From love, from illness, they lose sleep and appetite. French proverb
Drink wine, but do not wash; love a girl, not a woman. Russian proverb
The first love is forever remembered. Russian proverb
With a loved one, every bush is a home. Azerbaijani proverb
With a cute little year, it will seem in an hour. Russian proverb
With a dear friend and grief in half, you will grieve. Russian proverb
With a dear friend, I will find bread on ice. Russian proverb
With a sweetheart and under the spruce you will find a cell. Russian proverb
Sit opposite the one you love and next to the one you hate. Russian proverb
A heart without love is a garden without flowers. Russian proverb
A heart that has known true love at least once will never forget it. English proverb
Death does not scare love. Russian proverb
First you need to please the eye, then the heart. Armenian proverb
Old love is not forgotten for a long time. Adyghe proverb
Old love will rust when new love blows. Russian proverb
The one who loves, you also begin to love. Mongolian proverb
Only first love is true. Arabic proverb
He is not in love who eats with gusto. Amharic proverb
Three things evoke love: faith, modesty, and generosity. Arabic
Three things cannot be kept secret: love, pregnancy and driving. Lebanese proverb
Love has no advisers. Arabic proverb
There is no ford on the river of love. Russian proverb
It is impossible to hide love, cough and poverty. Jewish proverb
Ears fall in love before eyes. Uyghur proverb
At least live in a forest hut, but be nice. Russian proverb
The later love is, the more passionate it is. French proverb