High temperature in a child and cold extremities: what to do? What is dangerous high temperature

It is an indicator of the normal functioning of the body, which, when pathogenic microbes enter it, begins to react adequately, activating its defenses. If it is not knocked down, withstanding up to a certain limit, then it is possible to guarantee the death of most microorganisms and the formation of healthy immunity in the future. But when a fever is accompanied by a cooling of the limbs in a child, the principle of providing him with adequate assistance should be completely different.

What body temperature is considered elevated

If it exceeds 37.5 o C (when measured in the armpit) or 38 o C (in the anus). In children under 2 years old, it is better to take measurements by the rectal method. It is not recommended to determine the temperature in other parts of the body, as this guarantees less reliable results.

Values ​​exceeding 41 o C (when determined in the armpit) and 41.6 o C (in the rectum) are considered life-threatening. In such cases, a doctor's call should be immediate.

Causes of fever in a child

The body's heat balance is regulated by a special part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is he, and not directly the bacteria and viruses themselves, that causes an increase in temperature so that the body begins to produce the substances required to fight the infection. This helps in the shortest possible time to cope with the disease.

If the temperature does not rise, the production of interferon gamma will not occur. The same can be said about the situation when it is artificially knocked down, preventing the activation of the substances required to fight the pathogens that cause the disease. In this case, a disruption in the functioning of the immune system is provoked, since the emerging interferon is necessary not only for the production of antibodies to viruses, but also for storing this in the immune memory.

The existing center of regulation is capable of setting the high temperature that is acceptable for the body, which is required for the destruction of microorganisms and the fastest possible recovery. The only thing is that if the child’s body is overheated from the outside and if the center of self-regulation is violated (which is possible in the presence of brain tumors and as a result of traumatic brain injuries), the numbers can rise to unacceptable limits, but this is extremely rare.

The main clinical manifestations of classical conditions with an increase in temperature

Feverish conditions can manifest themselves in different ways:

  1. High body temperature, in which the skin is visibly warm and red, is called "red" or "pink" fever, and, as a rule, the child feels more or less normal. The use of antipyretics in most of these cases is not required.
  2. A high temperature in a child and cold extremities indicate the manifestation of the so-called "white or pale fever", which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: increased pallor of the skin, chills, and a general serious condition. In this case, the use of antipyretics is justified, especially if hyperthermic syndrome is present.

When to bring down the body temperature in a child

  1. When in an absolutely healthy child without neurological problems, metabolic disorders (metabolism) and diseases of the cardiovascular system, the temperature reaches 39 o C-39.5 o C. In this case, one should focus on the general condition. If the child tolerates high rates well, it is possible and even necessary to allow even such figures and not take anything from the temperature.
  2. Children of the first six months of life, as well as older children with additional health problems. In cases of poor health, the temperature is brought down at 38.5 ° C (with axillary measurement) or 38.9 ° C (with rectal).
  3. If the child has a high temperature and cold hands and feet, this indicates white fever. The use of antipyretics is justified here. This must be done when the temperature reaches the first critical limits - at 38.0-38.5 0 C. Also in this case, you may need an additional intake of antihistamines and vasodilators, which should be clarified with your doctor.

What does fever mean when hands and feet are cold?

If a child has a high temperature and cold extremities, while he cannot warm up, this indicates a failure of thermoregulation in the body. The reason is a spasm of peripheral blood vessels, in which the process of heat transfer is disrupted, which can even lead to convulsions. This state can also be explained by the well-known fact that at high temperatures, blood viscosity increases, thereby sharply slowing down its circulation through the vessels. This is typical in the presence of abnormalities in the work of the central nervous system in a child, with hypotension (low blood pressure) and as a result of non-compliance with the drinking regime, which leads to a lack of fluid in the body.

High fever and cold feet, and often hands, are the first sign of the onset of white fever. It is important to identify the symptoms in time and prevent possible negative consequences.

The main signs of "white" fever

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cold hands and feet;
  • severe pallor of the skin, while cyanosis of the lips and nails may be noticeable;
  • chills (muscle trembling) even at high body temperatures, while the child complains that he is cold, cannot warm himself even under a warm blanket;
  • palpitations, heavy rapid breathing;
  • an increase in temperature to high values, which is often poorly amenable to the action of antipyretics;
  • sometimes pronounced toxicosis is added (damage to the central nervous system, which is characterized by general weakness, lethargy, lethargy, or, on the contrary, anxiety, increased arousal, delirium, convulsions).

What to do with high fever and cold extremities

If the child has obvious symptoms of "white" fever, you should:

  • not to allow body temperature to exceed 38-38.5 ° C, measured in the armpit;
  • call an ambulance;
  • rub hands and feet to stimulate blood flow to the limbs;
  • warm - wrap the child, put on woolen socks, you can use a warm heating pad on your feet;
  • regularly ventilate the room and maintain the air temperature in it no higher than 20 ° C;
  • with the permission of the pediatrician, use "No-shpu" to dilate blood vessels;
  • do not give potent antipyretics - this can increase spasm, only ibuprofen and paracetamol from temperature;
  • provide plenty of drink - water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes (exclude tea, since it contains caffeine-like substances that increase urination, and this can lead to increased dehydration), and you need to drink a little, but often.

What is dangerous high temperature

Fever can cause febrile convulsions (convulsive seizures). Most often they occur in children of younger preschool age. All measures must be taken to prevent this from happening. If this happens, you should:

  • lay the child on his side on a hard surface, turning his head towards the floor. This will help prevent vomit or foreign objects from entering the respiratory organs;
  • pay attention that there are no sharp corners, dangerous objects nearby in order to avoid injury;
  • in this case, from the temperature, children should use antipyretic candles - it is forbidden to pour medicines into the mouth so that the child does not choke or choke;
  • be sure to call for emergency assistance.

Antipyretic drugs for children

At a high temperature in a child and cold extremities already at 38.0 ° C, it is necessary to use special medications, for which it is allowed to use:

  • paracetamol in the form of rectal suppositories from 3 months, according to studies, it causes a minimum number of side effects;
  • ibuprofen - it is allowed to give children from six months of age, but according to the testimony of a pediatrician, it can also be used at an earlier date (you should know that the drug can provoke hypothermia, cause inflammation of the stomach and is contraindicated in chicken pox and dehydration).

It must be remembered that the simultaneous adoption of these two funds is unacceptable. Paracetamol for temperature is used much more often, since its use is more convenient and possible in cases where the child refuses to take oral medication.

Also, with symptoms of "white" fever, it is sometimes allowed to give children antispasmodics, which can help in establishing the natural process of sweating. To do this, take "No-shpu", which promotes vasodilation. We must not forget that this drug has many contraindications, so you can use the drug only according to the doctor's indications and in the permitted dosage.

Remember that if the disease is characterized by a high temperature in a child and cold extremities, then this is a mandatory reason for contacting a specialist. In any case, children under one year old need to call a pediatrician at home to make the correct diagnosis and exclude serious pathologies.

The first question that parents ask themselves when a child’s well-being changes is “what is the baby’s temperature?” Let's figure it out so that next time we don't miss a child with a frantically escaping temperature, which is actually normal, and not rush to all the doctors.
How are we in medicine? Once they come, they need to be treated. Is there anything to treat?

First, you need to understand the concept of the norm. And how, in fact, we will determine this norm.
Body temperature is one of the indicators of the vital activity of the body, which depends on many physiological processes (or, in other words, metabolism). Maintaining the optimal body temperature and changing it under certain conditions is provided by the thermoregulation system, the center of which is located in the hypothalamus. It regulates the balance between the formation of heat in the body and its loss, that is, between heat production and heat loss.

A child is born with an imperfect thermoregulation system. Newborns and children under 3 months of age cannot maintain a constant body temperature and are sensitive to fluctuations in ambient temperature - both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, with improper care, rapid overheating or hypothermia of the baby can occur.

In some newborns, on the 3rd-5th day of life, the temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, as they cannot cope with temperature regulation in the process of adapting to existence outside the mother's womb. There is no need to be afraid of this, this condition goes away without treatment. By three months, the baby develops a system of thermoregulation, the formation of daily rhythms of body temperature begins. The minimum temperature is observed late at night and closer to the morning, at about 4-6 am, the maximum temperature is in the afternoon, evening hours, from about 4 to 6 pm.

When measuring temperature in a child, you need to know that the temperature of different parts of the body varies significantly. In order to orientate in the temperature indicators obtained by various measurement methods, it must always be borne in mind that the temperature in the armpit is 0.3-0.6 ° C, and in the mouth - 0.2-0.3 ° C lower than in the rectum.
Normal body temperature of the baby:
In the armpits 36-37 ° C
Rectal (in the rectum) 36.9-37.4°C
Oral (in the mouth) 36.6-37.2 ° C

In addition, there are individual fluctuations in normal body temperature from 35 ° C to 38.3 ° C that do not require therapeutic measures (provided that there are no signs of illness).

Fever (fever), which is not a sign of illness, can reach 38.3 ° C.
Its cause may be:
1. overheating of the child with excessive wrapping or exposure to direct sunlight; violation of the drinking regime (especially in children under 3 months old);
2. constipation;
3. high physical activity; early childhood anxiety.
4. physical stress (prolonged crying, crying);
5. teething;
6. Constitutional features.

How to measure temperature correctly?
To measure body temperature in infants, a mercury medical thermometer, an electronic thermometer and a temperature indicator are used. Nowadays, new convenient tools are also appearing, such as, for example, nipples-thermometers.

Mercury thermometer measures the temperature only in the armpit. For this, they take the child in their arms, place the thermometer under his arm and fix the child’s handle with his hand, holding the thermometer so that it does not slip out. It is better to perform this procedure while sitting on the couch (and not on a chair), so that in the event of a fall, the thermometer does not break. To obtain objective results, it is enough to hold the thermometer for 3-5 minutes. After completing the temperature measurement, the thermometer should be shaken or held under a stream of cold water.

The electronic thermometer is safer and easier to handle. It gives fast and accurate readings, which are displayed in the display window. It is not used to accurately measure the temperature in the armpit, since this type of thermometer requires closer contact with the body to take readings, but it is indispensable for measuring oral and rectal temperature. Although recently electronic thermometers have appeared that can accurately measure the temperature in the armpit or in the ear, and in just a few seconds.
Their peculiarity is that the tip of the thermometer is a round rubber suction cup, and not a narrow metal rod. To measure oral temperature, an electronic thermometer is placed in the mouth under the tongue for 1 minute (most electronic thermometers beep when the temperature measurement is finished). To measure rectal temperature, you need to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with baby cream or petroleum jelly, put the baby on its back, lift its legs with one hand (as when washing), with the other hand, carefully insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of about 1-2 cm (it is advisable to read the instructions for the thermometer , since the depth of insertion may depend on its design). Then you need to fix the thermometer between the middle and index fingers, and with the other fingers hold the child's buttocks.

The temperature indicator is a strip with heat-sensitive squares or divisions with digital marks. When measuring temperature, the squares change color sequentially. The last square that changed color and the corresponding digital value indicate the body temperature. The indicator strip is applied to the child's forehead for 15 seconds (sometimes there are strips that should be placed under the tongue - so be sure to read the instructions before using the indicator!). The indicator strip does not give accurate results, therefore, an increase in temperature can only be reliably judged when the indicator shows 37.5 ° C and above.

In order to correctly assess the results of temperature measurements, you need to know what temperature is normal for your child. And in order to determine this, you need to measure it in a calm environment in the morning and evening in a healthy child (if it is a baby, it is better to do this in a sleeping child) and remember the indicators. After you have fixed "your" rate, never measure the temperature of a healthy child for no reason, "just in case." And even when the child is sick, you should not do this more often than prescribed. Each temperature measurement procedure disturbs the child, contributes to the formation of a negative reaction to the thermometer.

How to suspect a fever in a child and estimate it approximately?
Young children may react differently to an increase in body temperature. Their reaction will depend, first of all, on the reason for the rise in temperature.

Signs of fever may include:
- lethargy or restlessness;
- dry mucous membranes (lips, tongue);
- increased heart rate; quickening of breathing;
- a bright blush on the face, "flaming" cheeks (and sometimes, on the contrary, pallor);
- red, inflamed or too shiny eyes; chills;
- sweating.
Increased heart rate and respiration are important signs of fever, so you need to be able to assess the pulse and respiration rates.

The normal pulse of a child up to a year old is 100-130 beats per minute during sleep and 140-160 during wakefulness. When crying, the pulse is 160-200 beats per minute. As the child grows older, the pulse slows down and by the age of two is usually equal to 100-140 beats. As for the respiratory rate, newborns usually take from 40 to 60 breaths per minute, one-year-old children - only 25-30. You need to know that some children do not react at all to an increase in temperature.

If you suspect a fever, try first of all to touch your cheek to the forehead of the child (do not measure the temperature with your lips or palm). If you feel that your forehead is hotter than usual, you should take the temperature with one of the thermometers described above.

The most common disorder of thermoregulation in children is an increase in body temperature (hyperthermia).
Hyperthermia is an abnormal increase in body temperature above 37 ° C, most often as a result of a disease. This is a very common symptom, and any mother can suspect from it that something is wrong with the baby. And usually, when the temperature rises, mothers begin to unreasonably give the child antipyretic drugs. It is good if it is paracetamol, and not contraindicated for children, analgin or even worse aspirin.

Elevated temperature is: low (37.2-38°C), medium (38-40°C) and high (over 40°C).

Body temperature above 42.2°C leads to loss of consciousness. If it does not subside, then brain damage occurs.
In addition to the magnitude (or numbers), the duration of hyperthermia is also taken into account: short (less than three weeks) or protracted. Prolonged hyperthermia can occur with an increase in temperature for unknown reasons, when careful research cannot explain the causes that cause it. Infants and young children have high temperatures for longer periods of time, with larger fluctuations and faster temperature rises than older children and adults.

Possible causes of hyperthermia.
When the temperature rises above normal, be sure to call the pediatrician at home to find out the possible cause of hyperthermia. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is desirable, if possible, not to give any drugs to the baby. Remember, an increase in temperature above 39-39.5 ° C is a reason for immediate hospitalization, or at least an ambulance call.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases are the most common cause of fever in childhood.
In childhood, most diseases are caused by viruses. There is still no universal cure for these pathogens. Except one - high temperature! Countless studies show that elevated temperatures greatly inhibit the growth of viruses, as well as certain types of bacteria. Moreover, at high temperatures, the body produces interferon, an autogenous protective substance against viruses, and also releases enzymes that can inhibit their reproduction. The production of so-called immunoglobulins also increases.

In addition, at temperatures above 38.5 ° C, many viruses multiply much less actively. The most common viruses are influenza, parahippus, RS-virus, adenovirus, with which the child has to meet regularly - most often in the form of an upper respiratory tract infection - up to school age.

As a rule, such diseases are relatively harmless and go away on their own in three to seven days. Rarely, bacteria or fungi are the cause of fever. It happens that children have a fever after vaccinations - it is caused by weakened pathogens that are used in vaccines.

Most often, a feverish condition is accompanied by various childhood infections (measles, rubella, parotitis, etc.), colds (ARVI), intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, lungs, kidneys, etc.

Thus, a high temperature is an important warning signal, but in itself it is not dangerous. Therefore, if the child has a temperature that he tolerates without any problems, there is no reason to use all means to lower it. The main recommendation: you should treat the disease itself, and not seek a decrease in the thermometer readings!

In any case, the cause of the fever should be eliminated if possible. In case of overheating, you need to take the child to a cooler place, remove excess clothes from him, give him a drink. In case of violation of the drinking regime, it is necessary to ensure that the child receives a sufficient amount of liquid. With prolonged absence of stool, cleansing enemas and gas venting tubes are used. When crying, it is necessary to establish its cause and eliminate it. In unclear cases, it is better to seek medical help.

Well, the best thing is to avoid situations when the body temperature rises at all. Therefore, the child should be dressed according to the ambient temperature, in the summer to be in the shade of trees or under awnings. It is necessary to observe the diet, drink, hardening. There is another group of diseases that can cause fever in a child. These are hypoxic, traumatic, inflammatory and hereditary lesions of the central nervous system.

Speaking about illnesses, it should be noted that the height of the temperature does not always correspond to the severity of the disease. In general, an increase in temperature in itself is not a disease, but a way for the body to fight it.

This is especially true for infectious diseases. However, in babies, the protective functions are not yet perfect, so children react to the disease in different ways: the temperature can rise strongly or moderately, remain normal or even decrease.

How to respond to a fever in a child?

The main thing is not to be nervous, the nervousness of the parents aggravates the condition of the little patient. An increase in temperature due to any disease definitely requires a doctor's consultation. Temperatures that do not rise above 38 ° C usually do not need to be lowered.

A higher temperature, especially accompanied by other symptoms, a violation of the child's behavior, as a rule, requires reduction. Definitely requires a decrease in temperature above 38.5 ° C in all children under one year old and above 38 ° C in children with a history of seizures or other lesions of the central nervous system.

However, the final verdict on the issue of lowering the temperature always remains with the doctor.
When the doctor arrives, parents should prepare the following information:
- their assumptions about the cause of the fever;
- a list of used medicinal and non-drug methods for lowering the temperature with an assessment of their effectiveness;
- a leaflet with figures of the measured temperature indicating the method and time of its measurement.

If you did not have the opportunity to immediately seek medical help and the doctor should not come on the first day of illness, record the temperature of all previous days. Measure it 3 times a day at regular intervals, preferably at the same hours. If the temperature figures vary greatly during the day, you can take the temperature every 3 hours. In addition, to assess the effectiveness of drugs, temperature should be measured 30-40 minutes after their use.

In what cases should you immediately call a doctor?
In the following cases, a child under the age of one year needs an urgent examination by a pediatrician or an ambulance doctor:

- An increase in temperature is noted in a child under 3 months old.
- The temperature in the armpit is above 38 ° C. If you cannot call the local pediatrician (for example, on weekends or holidays, at a late hour), and the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, you need to call an emergency or ambulance. If you find a child has a high temperature, try to measure it again in a calm environment in 20-30 minutes. If the thermometer readings remain the same, call a doctor.
- There were convulsions (the body is tense, the eyes roll back, twitching of the limbs is visible, blanching of the skin may be noted), or the child had convulsions before (i.e., the temperature increased against the background of convulsions).
- The child's neck seems tense, and he does not allow to bend his chin to his chest.
- An increase in temperature is accompanied by noisy, frequent, arrhythmic breathing, severe runny nose.
- The child cries incessantly or has become unusually lethargic, lethargic.
- The child refuses food for more than 6 hours in a row.
- The child has vomiting or diarrhea.
- The child does not urinate for a long time, or the color of his urine is changed.
- The child has a rash on the skin.
- The methods you use to reduce the temperature do not give the desired effect.
- The child has a chronic disease.

The younger the child, the sooner the doctor should see him. After all, the success of treatment depends on its timely appointment. And only a doctor can decide what to do first: reduce the temperature or treat the cause of its increase.

Rules for caring for a feverish child

First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for the entry of fresh air into the room where the child is located. To do this, the room must be periodically ventilated (the child should be taken out for this time). In the children's room, the air temperature should be 18-22° C, during sleep 17-20° C. Central heating is preferable, as electric heaters dry the air. When the temperature rises, it is necessary to refrain from sleeping in the air and walking. A feverish child should not be wrapped in a blanket, plastic bedding and mattress covers should not be used. Daily bathing of the child should not be stopped, but the temperature should not be below 36-37 ° C.
There is no need to worry if during the illness the child eats reluctantly and little. You can't force feed him. The best option is frequent feeding in small portions. The most important thing for a sick child is to drink, so he should be given water as often as possible. It is necessary to protect the sleep of the child. You can’t wake him up to feed him or take his temperature: during an illness, sleep is more important for him than food.

Non-drug ways to reduce fever
To reduce the temperature in young children, rubbing with a sponge moistened with warm water is effective. When rubbed, the child's skin is cooled due to the evaporation of moisture from its surface. It is better to start rubbing from the face, neck, then you should move on to the arms, legs and torso. It is impossible to wipe with alcohol or cold water - this causes a rapid decrease in skin temperature and vasospasm, which leads to a decrease in heat transfer and, accordingly, an increase in temperature. If the fever is accompanied by chills, the child can be covered warmer. Drinking plenty of water also helps to bring down the temperature. It is clear that you will not be able to convince the baby to drink more, so you should often persistently offer him your favorite herbal tea, juice, etc. When sweating, you need to change your underwear (underwear and bedding) more often.
Be sure to follow the rules for caring for a feverish child.

Medicamentous ways to reduce the temperature
To reduce fever in children under one year old, drugs are used, the active ingredient of which is paracetamol. These are drugs such as Panadol, Tylenol, Efferalgan, etc. (when you buy an antipyretic drug, pay attention to the packaging: next to the trade name of the drug in smaller, often Latin, letters, the name of the active substance should be written - that is, the component that has a therapeutic effect). The most acceptable for babies are candles, syrups, drops, solutions.

Recently, drugs of another group that do not contain paracetamol have also been widely used - viburkol (candles), hexapneumine (candles, syrup). It is not recommended to use aspirin as an antipyretic - in young children it often gives complications.
Do not mix medicines with formula milk or drinks.

And most importantly, what parents should know about drug ways to combat fever, especially in children under 3 months of age: ONLY A DOCTOR SHOULD PRESCRIBE MEDICINES AND THEIR DOSES!

Sincerely, Alena Paretskaya,
Pediatrician, breastfeeding and nutrition consultant,
AKEV member,
Project Manager Children's Doctor

It happens that the child's body temperature has risen and become high (38-39 degrees or even higher). This article will look at the possible reasons for this, as well as recommendations on what to do in such cases.

A high fever in an asymptomatic child is often the result of an infection in the child's body. When a viral infection enters, the body temperature can rise very quickly and there are no other symptoms. But it also happens that at first the harbingers of the disease make themselves felt - sneezing, discomfort in the nose, sore throat, coughing, tearing, headache, and then the temperature rises.

Causes of high fever in a child.
SARS (acute respiratory viral disease) and influenza are the most common causes of high fever in children and adults.

Why does body temperature rise when an infection enters the body? The body starts the mechanisms to fight this infection. The higher the temperature, the more this is needed. Due to the increase in temperature, the mobilization of leukocytes is activated, their bactericidal activity is enhanced, interferon is produced, which has an antiviral effect. And the high temperature itself has a detrimental effect on viruses.
The iron found in the blood serves as fuel for bacteria. When the temperature rises, it begins to concentrate in the liver, preventing bacteria from multiplying. Thus, another protection mechanism is triggered.

If the body is not interfered with, then it usually defeats a viral infection in no more than 3 days. How can we interfere with the body in this struggle? When we take antipyretics, we complicate this work for him.

    Why do parents give antipyretics to children, and they themselves take them when they get sick. This action is most influenced by 3 factors:
  • parents see their child suffer;
  • parents themselves know what unpleasant sensations are experienced in such a situation;
  • parents are afraid that high temperature is a threat to the body.

A high temperature in a child (38-39 or more) is absolutely no reason to panic and start knocking it down with antipyretics. According to statistics, with a viral infection, body temperature does not rise above 41 degrees. Temperatures below this level cause no long-term harm. Violations in the body begin at temperatures above 41 degrees.
If the child does not have neurological diseases, congenital heart defects, arrhythmia, encephalopathy, epilepsy, convulsive conditions, then there is no need to bring down the temperature, and resist the urge to do so.

Some children have seizures (febrile seizures) when the temperature rises, but the seizures themselves do not occur because of the high temperature, but because of its sharp increase.
In the study of children suffering from febrile convulsions, there were no cases of impaired motor skills, as well as deaths. As a rule, the intake of antipyretic drugs by these children occurs after the convulsions have begun, therefore, such actions are belated, and therefore useless. Febrile seizures usually occur in children between the ages of 1 and 5 years.

Some parents have a fear of high fever associated with the idea that it can cause permanent damage to the brain or other organs. It should be correctly understood that a high temperature in itself (up to 41 degrees) does not lead to brain damage and other negative consequences (Dr. R. S. Mendelson).

What can be the consequences of knocking down a high temperature.
When we bring down the temperature (especially by taking antipyretics), we are interfering with the body's process aimed at fighting a viral infection. The temperature will be brought down, the patient will feel better, but after a short period of time one or more of the following diseases may develop: sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. These are the so-called complications after influenza or acute respiratory infections. These complications are precisely due to bringing down the temperature, through the use of antipyretics.

Medicinal ways to lower the temperature.
In pediatrics, the safest drugs are used to reduce high fever in children. First of all, these are drugs based on paracetamol (efferalgan, panadol, kalpol, tylenol, etc.).
The drugs are available in the form of rectal suppositories, syrup, effervescent tablets, capsules. Also, children can be given drugs based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen).
The risk of developing an adverse reaction with ibuprofen is slightly higher than with paracetamol. If paracetamol can be given to children under 1 year old, then ibuprofen is indicated for children over 1 year old. However, paracetamol should be taken for no more than 3 days.

Do not give children as antipyretics aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), analgin, amidopyrine, antipyrine, phenacetin. Taking these drugs can cause serious side effects.
For example, if you bring down a high temperature in a child when he is sick with the flu or chickenpox, this can lead to the development of Reye's syndrome, and the death of the child.

What is even more important when the child has a high temperature.

When a child has a high temperature, it is very important to ventilate the sick room frequently. At high body temperature, the basal metabolism is greatly enhanced, and the need for oxygen in tissues increases. For this reason, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is enhanced. When the child's room is often ventilated, it is filled with oxygen and this facilitates the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The next important point is sufficient air humidity. Since children are more likely to get sick during the cold season (heating season), the air in the apartment becomes dry due to heating radiators. Dry air in the child's room dries out the airways, and their protective function is reduced. Therefore, the air in the room needs to be humidified. To do this, a wet sheet is hung on heating radiators. Evaporating water humidifies the air.
When a child is sick, do not persuade him to eat, especially protein foods, which are long and hard to process. He absolutely does not need this food during this period. It will only interfere with recovery.
When the child begins to recover, he himself will begin to ask for what he wants. There should be plenty of drink here. For drinking, you can give table water or not very saturated compote of frozen or dried fruits and berries.

What else could be causing the high temperature?

Viral meningitis does not pose a threat to the health of the child. If the child does not bring down the temperature, then the body defeats viruses in no more than 3 days. Bacterial meningitis may be a threat. If the fever persists for more than 3 days, this may indicate a bacterial nature of the disease. But in this case, it is not necessary to bring down the temperature with antipyretics.

anxiety symptoms- this is the rigidity of the neck muscles and muscles of the limbs. If, when lowering the head, the child cannot reach the sternum with his chin, then this is a sign of stiff neck muscles. If the child is put on his back, the leg is raised, bending at the hip joint, and then straightened at the knee, and the leg does not straighten - this is a sign of stiffness of the muscles of the limbs. If a child, lying on his back, tries to raise his head (even with the help of an adult) and at the same time his leg bends reflexively, this is also a sign of meningitis.
Bacterial meningitis requires urgent medical attention. It should be said that the treatment of meningitis (viral or bacterial) can be very effective with the help of homeopathic remedies.

Heatstroke. A high temperature in a child can occur as a result of overheating (heat stroke). This can happen when a newborn is swaddled tightly in hot weather, or if the baby is dressed too warmly for the weather. In this case, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are violated, and the body temperature rises to high values. Older children can get heat stroke from being in a hot room or in the sun during hot weather.
With heat stroke, the temperature is reduced only by rubbing the body with cool water. It is impossible to give antipyretics in this case!

A high temperature in a child often takes parents by surprise. When the baby becomes weak and hot, climbs onto his mother's knees and presses against his chest, all first aid techniques disappear from his head. Mom begins to rush around the apartment stupidly, call "knowledgeable people" and frantically rummage through medical reference books about the health of children.

First aid instructions for a child with a high fever.

  • If the temperature does not exceed 38 ° C, and the child tolerates it normally, then it is not necessary to give antipyretics. The fact is that at elevated temperatures the body fights infection more effectively, therefore, without special need, it should not be knocked down. The exceptions are those cases when the child suffers from a neurological disease (registered with a neurologist) or simply cannot tolerate the temperature - then it is necessary to give antipyretics, starting from 37.5 ° WITH.
  • If the temperature rises above 38 ° C - you should give the child an antipyretic recommended by the doctor (Children's Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen). For very young children, it is better to use the medicine in candles; older children can be given the drug in the form of syrup. Never use aspirin! Aspirin with a viral infection (in children under 12 years of age) can cause a dangerous complication - Reye's syndrome.
  • Be sure to call a doctor to determine the cause of the rise in temperature. Note the symptoms that accompany an increase in temperature - runny nose, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the head, in the abdomen, rash, etc.

With convulsions

  • If the child has convulsions or the temperature exceeds 40 ° C, urgently call an ambulance, and before it arrives, give the child an antipyretic.
  • Try to put the baby to bed. Read an interesting book to him, watch cartoons, play quiet games. Although it is best for the baby to sleep, rest, gain strength.

Caring for a child with a temperature

  • It is recommended to feed a sick baby with easily digestible food. Temporarily exclude meat (especially fried), fatty, sweet and canned foods from the diet.
  • Give your child a lot of water - then the toxins that are formed during the vital activity of viruses are “washed out” of the body. Best of all - warm tea with lemon, raspberries, warm milk with honey (if you are not allergic to it). Fruit drinks, compotes, juices containing vitamin C are very useful. Mineral water, herbal decoctions, fruit teas are also suitable.
  • Ventilate the room regularly and, if possible, humidify the air. For this purpose, you can put a 3-liter jar of water in the room and hang a wet towel. The air temperature should not exceed 20-21 degrees.

How to dress a child

  • It is not necessary to put “a hundred clothes” on the child and wrap him excessively. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress a sick child lightly, cover with a diaper or a light blanket so that excess heat leaves without hindrance.
  • Do not wipe the child with vinegar, alcohol or cover with cold heating pads. Alcohol is very well absorbed through the skin and can cause poisoning in the child's body.
  • If the fever persists for more than 3-4 days after the start of treatment, it is necessary to call the doctor again to adjust the treatment.

Good day, young mothers and fathers!

All parents always want to see their beloved child cheerful and healthy. But, sometimes such difficult days come when he suddenly becomes sad, lethargic, pale, capricious, refuses to eat ....

At the very first signs of a slight malaise in a baby, we always touch the child’s forehead and try to measure his temperature. And of course this is correct! What to do when a child has a temperature of 38?

Some mothers, when they see the number 38 on the thermometer, begin to cry, while others fall into a state of "stupor".

Not all parents know how to do the right thing when the baby has a high temperature.
Let's look into this problem together.

  • causative agents of viral infections
  • pathogens of bacterial infections
  • overheat
  • heatstroke
  • eruption of the first teeth in children under 1 year old
  • intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis)
  • neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • insect bites
  • response to vaccinations (vaccinations against whooping cough or measles, influenza)
  • childhood infections (measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever)
  • consequences of nervous excitement
  • intracranial injury
  • tumor processes
  • urinary tract infections
  • endocrine diseases
  • taking certain medications

As we can see, there are a huge number of reasons that can cause a fever in a child. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient and additional examinations.

What is sick child?

Very rarely, an increase in temperature in babies up to 38 degrees occurs without symptoms.
In acute respiratory diseases, there is a sharp increase in the child's body temperature to high numbers.

Influenza and SARS, as a rule, are accompanied by a runny nose and cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, and lacrimation. When examining a baby, you can see nasal congestion or snot discharge, redness of the back of the throat. In these cases, hyperthermia lasts for several days (on average 3-4 days).

If the baby's first milk teeth are cut, then he is very restless, crying, his gums are swollen, his throat is not red. Some babies may have diarrhea during teething (2-3 times).


During the summer holidays, a lot of young mothers take their children at the age of one year to the sea. On planes flying to Turkey and Egypt, you can often see babies in strollers.

Modern mothers do not want to be left behind on maternity leave and are trying to travel with their babies around the world. But very often such a vacation can turn into a tragedy.
In young children, thermoregulation systems are not yet perfect, they easily overheat. Increased solar insolation can simply burn the delicate skin of a child. With heat and sunstroke, a child may experience nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness, depression of cardiac and respiratory activity.

A newborn can overheat in a stuffy room, in summer, dressed in a large number of diapers.

Tactics of parents with a high temperature in a child

  1. Urgently call a doctor
  2. According to most pediatricians, it is not recommended to reduce body temperature to 38.5 degrees with medications, because the child's body turns on its defense mechanisms, produces antibodies and thus fights the infection itself
  3. Parents should ventilate the room more often, exclude sound and light stimuli
  4. Limit the number of adults and young children around a sick child
  5. Give the baby plenty of fluids (boiled water, compote of raspberries, raisins, chamomile tea)
  6. If your baby is breastfeeding, you should offer him a breast or give him a few drops of expressed milk, which contains beneficial immunoglobulins and antibodies.
  7. Do not apply ice to the child's head or do enemas with cold water
  8. It is necessary to feed the child easily digestible food (vegetable puree)
  9. If the baby is very lethargic and pale, then you can give him an antipyretic drug in the form of a candle or in syrup
  10. Rubbing the skin with warm water (you can’t use diluted vinegar or vodka, as you can dry the baby’s delicate skin and cause toxic poisoning).

What to do if the child has a temperature for several days?

When a child's temperature rises to 38 degrees, many parents begin to panic, especially if it lasts for 2-3 days.

In this situation, it is necessary to understand that the resources of the baby are not unlimited, and more effective measures must be taken. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medications for your baby.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

Hyperthermia in infants can provoke convulsions. You should always remember that if the baby, in addition to the temperature, has vomiting and diarrhea, this can lead to rapid dehydration of the child's body and the consequences can be unpredictable.

If a baby at the age of 1 month has an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, which lasts for several days, and there are no clinical symptoms of diseases, then he is shown hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital, where a thorough examination and treatment will be carried out.

Young parents always have many questions about the proper upbringing and health of the baby. You can find a lot of useful information in specialized literature and video courses. Webinar "Hardening. Treatment of acute conditions (runny nose, cough, etc.) by non-drug methods” can help you with this.