11 months baby development. How can you help your child develop? Hygiene and water procedures

The 11th month in a baby's life for many parents becomes both very difficult and very pleasant: they do not have a moment of peace because of trying to keep track of their energetic child, but at the same time, a child at 11 months is a real charm! Most children at this age are unusually energetic, playful and require constant attention and supervision, because they want to learn as much as possible about the world around them, and the capabilities of the little one are still too limited, so you have to constantly call your parents for help. But most of the infantile problems and whims are already behind, and the first age-related crises are still far away and for now you can just enjoy the company of your baby. At this age, you should not worry too much if your baby still does not know how to walk or eat with a spoon on his own, the main thing is to know what a child should be able to do at 11 months, according to doctors and child psychologists, in order to notice signs of a developmental disorder in time.

Physical development of a child at 11 months

By the end of the 11th month, the child usually gains 300-400 grams and adds 1-2 cm in height.

By this age there is some difference in physical development between boys and girls: representatives of the stronger sex weigh more, about 10 kg, and a little “higher” - about 72-74 cm, girls are slightly behind them - 9 and 70-72 cm, respectively.

At 11 months, it is quite difficult to accurately assess the physical development of the baby, someone at this age walks confidently, can go up and down the stairs himself, while others refuse to even crawl, preferring to be on their hands all the time or sitting quietly in the arena. Both are quite normal for an 11-month-old baby, so parents who are concerned about the pace of development of their baby should focus only on those basic skills that all children of this age should master.

They include: the ability to independently sit and sit without support, the child's attempts to crawl, get up and walk, holding on to the bars of the crib or playpen.

Also, a child at this age should walk with the support of his parents and control his body quite well - at 11 months, the movements of children become more coordinated. They are much less likely to fall, crash into different objects and can confidently hold toys in both hands and shift them.

A baby at 11 months old should be very active and inquisitive, parents should be wary if their child does not try to get out of the crib or playpen, does not want to get off his hands and does not actively try to explore the objects around him. The “correct” behavior of an almost one-year-old child is a constant search for new experiences, thirst for discoveries and communication, which often drives parents to a frenzy. Therefore, if your child starts to be mischievous, he immediately somehow woke up, immediately turns the whole house upside down, does not lag behind you for a minute and constantly climbs somewhere, sorts something out and is interested in something, you should rejoice - it develops, just according to age.

Neuropsychic development of the child

At 11 months, most children are in a constantly good mood, the main thing is to feed them on time and put them to bed. The day regimen of babies at this age is not much different: 4-5 meals a day, 1-2 times a day's sleep, but nighttime sleep can be reduced to 8-9 hours a day, depending on how much the child sleeps during the day. By the end of the first year of life, babies constantly delight their parents and everyone around them with their smiles, singing, first words and ringing laughter, while not forgetting to scream and cry loudly whenever they do not immediately get what they want. But coping with the whims and bad mood of a child at 11 months is not so difficult - they are easy to distract by switching to some other object or toy, or by inviting the capricious to play, run or jump.

An 11-month-old baby already knows a lot- he stacks pyramids, collects cubes, knows how to eat from a spoon and can roll a ball and cars. At this age, children do not just play with toys, they have the first noticeable preferences, for example, a favorite hare or a car, with which the baby does not part. And they also learn to play story games: they shake and feed the doll, buzz and “beep” while rolling the typewriter, “write” and draw something with finger paints and felt-tip pens.

Many children no longer only pronounce different sounds and sound combinations - this is included in the mandatory “minimum” by 11 months, but also trying to say the first words: "mom", "dad", "woman" and so on. Moreover, having learned to pronounce a word, the baby will designate with it not only the object or person itself, but also all other actions and things as related to it. For example, the word "mom" will mean the mother herself, her dress or bathing the child, because it always happens with mom! Also, many children, having learned to pronounce a word, after a few days stop repeating it, losing interest in it, and learn to say something new, you should not worry in such cases - after a while the child will begin to use all the words that he can pronounce .

During the period of active speech development of the child, it is very important that he hears only the correct, clear speech - there should not be any affectionate diminutive endings and “squeezing”, this can slow down speech development and cause the child to distort words.

To accelerate the development of speech, it is necessary not only to constantly talk with the child, but also to read children's poems and picture books to him, so he not only develops a sense of rhythm, he also learns to correlate the objects depicted in the pictures with their sound designation.

At 11 months, the baby becomes somewhat more independent, he no longer wants to spend all the time alone with his mother and close relatives, he is also interested in other people, primarily children of the same age and older kids. The child may follow their actions with interest, imitate them or try to make friends with children. But parents should be constantly on their guard at this time and not leave their children alone - kids can hit or bite each other, fight over a toy, or become interested in each other's eyes, hair and other body parts.

According to pediatricians, a healthy 11-month-old baby should be able to:

  • stand up and sit down independently, walk with support;
  • drink from a cup, eat from a spoon;
  • know the purpose of household items and be able to use them - that is, if you give a child a cup, he tries to drink from it, and if a comb, then he runs it through his hair;
  • hold the toy with your fingers, and not with your whole palm;
  • collect pyramids, put cubes one on top of the other, open and close boxes;
  • show in pictures and bring, at the request of an adult, toys, household items, and so on;
  • understand the speech of an adult addressed to him and carry out simple instructions - “give me a ball”, “show me where our bed is”, “let's go for a walk” and so on;
  • navigate your home, know where everything is and be able to use items for their intended purpose;
  • pronounce the first words and designate with sounds their actions and the actions of others.

Boys and girls at 11 months

At 11 months, the difference becomes noticeable not only in the physical development of children of different sexes, their behavior and habits also change. These changes are most noticeable in the choice of games and toys for boys and girls. Babies prefer soft toys, dolls, strollers, and so on, they rock baby dolls with delight, try to feed them, they like bright beads, beautiful dresses, and some fashionistas are even already trying to use their mother's lipstick or jewelry.

For a baby of this age, the formation of adult habits is characteristic. He is quite ready to switch to a “gardening” mode: getting up at 8 am and breakfast, lunch at 12, daytime sleep from 13 to 15 hours. But if in your case the development of an 11-month-old child does not allow you to establish such a regimen, you should not be zealous. Some of the children are comfortable sleeping 2 more times a day, and without a second rest, they become capricious and restless in the evening.

Features of the development of an 11 month old baby

Of course, the main skill of this period is the attempt to walk independently. Parents can stimulate them by holding the baby under the arms or calling to them at close range in the room. If the baby is not afraid of anything (for example, a sudden fall, hitting the corner of furniture), he will continue such attempts further, confidently standing on his feet by about .

If the baby does not walk at 11 months, but at the same time actively crawls and rises to its feet at any opportunity, there is no problem. Moreover, such a "crawling" lifestyle is much more useful for a young researcher. In the process of moving on all fours, he is much less likely to fall and hit, and his muscles work in an enhanced mode.

Also, when a child is 11 months old, development and nutrition are inseparable characteristics of his lifestyle. Most likely, he already eats almost everything that other family members eat, eats cereals, meat, vegetables, milk, tries fish and various fruits. It is important to give crumbs and solid foods, such as apples, crackers or cookies, as chewing forms the correct bite. If the child is 11 months old and has no teeth, it is necessary to refrain from hard food until at least 4 teeth come out from above and below.

The culture of food is brought up at the common family table, at which the baby really likes to be. He has already learned to hold a spoon himself, pulls out sponges with a tube to drink from a cup. Mom, on the other hand, can think about weaning the crumbs from the breast or wait another month or two, when he will be completely transferred to your family's usual diet.

The correct development of a child of 11 months characterizes activity and mobility. Curiosity is satisfied by the opportunity to reach where it was previously impossible due to the rapid growth of the child. At 11 months, in comparison with the neonatal period, he became at least 30 centimeters higher. Features of the height and weight of a child at 11 months are presented in the table.

6 core skills

An 11-month-old baby, whose development meets the standards, can concentrate on one toy for a long time or perform the same action 20 times. Gradually, he achieves perfection in it, for example, learning to set one cube on another or climb onto a sofa and climb off it. Such a concentration of attention indicates the correct formation of the psyche, and there is no need to interfere in this crumb. And below - other positive skills.

Lesson for children 11 months from an expert in musical development.

Useful games with a child

The kid actively seeks to imitate mom and dad, so educational games for children of 11 months old can include elements of everyday culture. Invite him to help you with cleaning: ask him to take a handkerchief to the washing machine or wipe the table with a cloth. The baby will be happy to rinse spoons in water after dinner and put pieces of vegetables in a salad bowl. Your gratitude will be the best reward for him.

Classes with a child of 11 months can be transferred to the team. The premises of early development schools such as "mom and baby" will be an excellent opportunity for social adaptation. At the same time, the main value of such classes is not developmental programs, but the “alphabet of communication”, the development of which will be useful to the baby at any age.

Drawing lesson for the intellectual development of your kid.

Your baby is growing and developing. Every day he acquires new skills and knowledge, every day he discovers something interesting. 11 months is already quite a serious age, because in just 30 days the crumbs will have their first birthday celebration. Babies do not have special contact with their peers during this period. All his communication is limited to his parents and loved ones. Looking at her beloved child, every mother knows that her baby is the smartest and best. But is his development appropriate for his age? Is he ahead or behind? To understand this, you need to know what a child should be able to do at 11 months.

physical skills

At 11 months, the baby is already actively crawling and walking, adhering to the support. Many kids are already "walking" with their parents by the hand. The child learns to maintain balance in an upright position - he can sit down to pick up his favorite toy, and then straighten up again. For a long time he can sit without support, stretching his legs forward.

At this age, kids can already master climbing a small ladder. Often this process takes place on all fours and for a long time, but the fact remains. After all, before this baby did not succeed.

Children at 11 months become more independent and can move around the house without the help of their parents. It is necessary to take care of their safety and remove all piercing, cutting objects and things that can harm the child.

To do this, parents are encouraged to go down to the level of the baby and take a good look at all the objects around that you want to grab, drag or taste. On all boxes you need to put special clips so that the curious baby does not pinch his tiny fingers. Sold special upholstery for furniture corners.

Your child is still learning to walk. A strong fall or hit on an object can frighten him and leave a negative impression. This is the first step towards a possible further delay in physical development. The child will simply be afraid and refuse to stand up. Therefore, until his movement skills get stronger, it is better to isolate and soften all corners. Of course, it is impossible to protect the baby from everything, and there is no need to be upset if he falls and breaks his knee. But it is better to try to secure it as much as possible.

Fine motor functions become more precise. If earlier the little one tried to grab an interesting object with the whole five (and this was not always possible), now he can already carefully take the thing he likes with two fingers. He shifts it from palm to palm, carefully examines, tries. He has favorite toys with which he does not part and carries them everywhere with him. Sometimes kids even refuse to go for a walk without their favorite doll or car.

A child at 11 months old can boast of the ability to drink from a cup almost without spilling liquid. Very often, at this age, they begin to reach for a spoon to eat on their own or try to feed mom and dad. The same thing happens with the comb. The kid picks up a comb and tries to do a "hairstyle".

The eleven-month-old baby already feels quite independent and in order to dress. He himself is trying to put a pen in his sleeve, put on shoes and a hat. Parents should in every possible way encourage such a desire and help the child cope with new tasks.

Unscrewing bottle caps can be your little one's favorite pastime. He firmly holds the bottle with one handle, leaning it against him, and unscrews the cap with the other. Usually, after obtaining the desired result, interest in the bottle disappears and the parents have to put the cap back on, while the little one is looking for new adventures.

By this age, the child already understands exactly where is mom, where is dad, where is the doll, where is the bear, etc. He very willingly and with undisguised pleasure brings various items at the request of his parents. He also begins to navigate in space and understands the concepts of "front", "behind", "side", "above", "below".

This age period is best for gradually starting to make games more difficult. That is, asking the baby not just to bring the doll, but to feed it, put it to bed, change clothes, etc. These so-called “role-playing” games greatly stimulate the development of the child’s thinking and physical skills.

If it seems to you that the baby is not as active as it should be, then try to stimulate him. Scatter the toys around the room and ask him to pick them up. This will make the baby walk or actively crawl. Assemble and disassemble the pyramid with it, trying to follow the order of the elements in size. Explain to the baby why it would be right to assemble the toy in this way, and not otherwise. And you will be surprised how quickly he will understand you and begin to do the same on his own.

A visit to some new place can be very pleasing to the baby during this period. Take it for a walk in the park or visit friends. This will improve this adaptive social skills.

Also great pleasure for kids is delivered by "contact zoos". At the age of 11 months, they can already distinguish a toy object from a living one, so going to chickens, ducklings, goslings will be accompanied by a storm of positive emotions, and will allow the baby to show his new skills.

Tactile sensations are very important during this period, so let your child run barefoot on the grass, stroke pets, pick flowers.

At this time, it is already possible to slowly teach the baby to go to the potty. Dr. Komarovsky considers it normal to "delay" this process up to 1.5 - 2 years. So do not worry if your baby does not immediately understand what you are trying to achieve from him.

mental development

At 11 months, the baby understands the speech addressed to him not only by intonation. He distinguishes the meaning of most words. In addition, he actively tries to repeat them. During this period, babies learn to pronounce a variety of new sounds, imitating people or animals. Very often this is accompanied by appropriate facial expressions. For example, with the expression "give", the child extends his hand. There is a conscious "negative" or "positive" shaking of the head, waving of the hand when greeting and / or parting.

The child is aware of the word "no". This does not mean that he will not do what he is forbidden to do. Most likely he will. But he may also already be aware that punishment will probably follow.

You need to try to learn new words with your child. Various children's poems and songs are great for this, where there are multiple repetitions of the same words.

The kid may not start talking for a long time (especially boys), but he should repeat elementary sounds (“kar-kar”, “oink-oink”, “pee-pee”) easily and willingly.

Usually, kids invent “their own” words and constantly repeat them (“bang”, “boom”, “lyalya”, “woman”, “bobo”, etc.).

The game of "patties" and "magpie-crow" is also relevant during this period. The child more carefully examines his body parts and learns how to handle them correctly.

A kid at this age is incredibly interested in knowing what it consists of and what goes with what. Therefore, he tries to unwind or break toys, pulls out drawers, moves pieces of furniture. This is an absolutely normal interest, so do not think that your baby is “breaking and breaking” everything, he is just trying to get to the “bottom line”.

emotional development

Starting from 11 months, children are drawn to their peers. Moreover, they already consciously choose with whom they want to play and with whom they do not.

It is necessary to provide the baby with communication with the same crumbs as he is in order to form social skills.

This will facilitate in the future his adaptation in the kindergarten, school, institute. After all, all the most important things are laid from an early age at a subconscious level. During his communication with the same little ones, carefully monitor the behavior of your child. He should not show unreasonable aggression and offend other kids. If he takes toys away, this is not a manifestation of aggression, but rather just interest or curiosity. Infants express negative emotions with loud angry cries, tears, an attempt to hit or bite the offender. Everything else is normal behavior for an eleven month old baby.

The child has already learned to clearly show sympathy and antipathy and periodically protests about what he does not like.

A baby at eleven months every day begins to use his baby talk more and more actively to express emotions, giving it the most unexpected coloring. If you watch a child, you will be surprised how clearly he can convey surprise, delight, joy, anger, etc.

Very important during this period is the gradual accustoming of the baby to the idea that the mother will not always be there. Periodically, you need to leave him alone with close relatives and friends. It will also make it easier to stop breastfeeding.

Separately, I would like to point out those moments in which parents really need to be alert and think that something is wrong with their child:

  • the child cannot sit independently with legs extended forward;
  • makes no attempt to stand up;
  • drinks from a mug only with the help of parents.

All babies are special and there is no need to panic in advance, but it will not be superfluous to consult with a pediatrician and a neurologist.

It is important for parents to control the development of the child at 11 months, take good care of him and make sure that the baby does not lag behind his peers.

11 months is a serious age for a child who, not so long ago, was a tiny toddler weighing only a few kilograms.

When you took him from the maternity hospital, he only ate and slept.

Now in front of you is a little man who shows his emotions, does a lot of things on his own and does not get tired of learning something new every day.

It is important for parents to control, take good care of him and ensure that the baby does not lag behind his peers.

Physiological development of the child at 11 months

For a month of life, the physiological parameters of the child (weight, height, girth of the chest and head) have changed, as can be seen from this table:

Your baby's mouth should already have at least 6 teeth.

Eleven-month-old babies develop a milky bite that helps them chew small pieces of food and become familiar with new, more mature foods.

Psychological development of a child 11 months

The psychological development of the child occurs at a rapid pace.

  • easily scans the emotions of adults and understands when he is scolded or praised;
  • responds to requests and will obey if one of the relatives asks to give him an object that the baby is holding at that time;
  • quickly learns something new and repeats actions after you, for example, it is enough for a child to show once how to remove the lid from his toy box, so that in the future he will do it on his own.

11 months is the right age to start introducing your child to taboos.

If he does something he shouldn't, or took something that didn't belong to him, tell him in a stern tone: "No," "Don't touch," or "Don't."

The kid will probably drop the object or stop, watching your reaction, and then try again to do what he wanted.

The ban should be repeated and the child's attention switched to something else.

Relationship with parents, especially with mother, is very strong.

The baby can cry if he does not see his mother for a long time and rejoices if she finally appears nearby.

With strangers, the child is still uncomfortable, he can become capricious if someone whom the baby does not know tries to talk to him or take him in his arms.

Child development at 11 months: his knowledge, skills and abilities

Children at 11 months learn something new very quickly.

They closely follow what adults are doing and imitate their actions.

A baby at this age needs an eye and an eye, because he can easily do harm: break something, pull clothes out of closets, turn on the TV or washing machine, scatter cereals and so on.

The fact that the development of a child of 11 months is normal is evidenced by the presence of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Baby:

  1. Reacts to his own name: if you call him, he will turn his head in your direction.
  2. Dances if he hears music he likes, especially if adults praise him for it or start dancing with him.
  3. Plays story games with her favorite doll or soft toy: dress her up, feed her, put her to bed, cure her, etc.
  4. Sits down and gets up without the help of adults.
  5. Crawls quickly on all fours.
  6. Takes the first steps or already walks a little.
  7. Shows parts of the body on himself or adults.
  8. Imitates the sounds of animals or inanimate objects that he hears.
  9. Pretends to read, turning pages.
  10. Gives a toy, the name of which is voiced by the parents.
  11. Drinks independently from a cup, tries to wield a spoon.
  12. He builds something from cubes and destroys it with great pleasure.

Motor and speech development of a child of 11 months

At 11 months, most babies already say their first words.

Of course, these are the simplest one-, two-syllable lexemes: “give”, “mom”, “dad”, “wava”, “am-am” and others.

Children generally perceive this world, so do not be surprised if the child calls "woof-woof" not only a dog, but also any other animal.

Some toddlers choose a word and use it for everything that starts with the same letter.

You will notice that the child accompanies most of the words with hand movements.

Speech therapists explain this process simply: fine motor skills are directly related to speech, the fact that the child accompanies the pronunciation of words with gestures indicates that he is ready for a full-fledged conversation.

Parents at this time should actively contribute to the speech development of the child.

Constantly communicate with him, pronouncing the words slowly and clearly so that the baby understands what you are talking about.

An 11-month-old baby can be taught the sounds that animals make or inanimate objects make, such as a car, a telephone.

For such training, use books, cubes with pictures, special musical rugs.

While walking on the street, draw your baby's attention to people, cars, buildings, etc., naming everything that you meet on your way.

Many babies are at this age.

On their feet, they are still uncertain, balancing, trying to maintain balance.

The child knows that it is much easier for him to walk with the help of a support, so he will ask you to lead him by the handle.

If your baby has not yet walked, but moves, crawling on all fours, do not worry, he is not lagging behind in development. He just needs help: teach him to walk by the handle, or by supporting his armpits.

You can also stimulate the child like this: let mom and dad stand at some distance from each other and one of them will take the baby’s favorite toy, explain to the baby that he will get a toy if he overcomes the distance between the parents.

We also invite you to watch this helpful video.

about the development of the baby at 11 months:

Daily routine is important for the development of the child 11 months

11 months is the right age for a baby to start: sleeping, eating, bathing at the same time.

If you plan to send your son or daughter to kindergarten at 1.5–2 years old, then all the more you should start accustoming him to the local regime.

For example, wake him up at 8.00-8.30, then wash and dress, after - breakfast, walk, lunch, afternoon nap, afternoon tea, games, dinner, evening bathing, lights out at 21.00.

Children at this age begin to spend much less time in sleep: 8-11 hours at night and 1-2 hours during the day.

Most babies switch to one nap instead of two naps, but you can’t completely refuse naps because the baby needs to rest.

As for nutrition, the baby is quite capable of switching to a four-time meal system: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.

You should not feed the crumbs during the day, because he will not have time to get hungry, which means he will not eat well at lunch or in the evening.

Since the baby already has at least 6 teeth, you should not completely grind his food.

The baby can independently chew boiled vegetables, pieces of fish, meatballs or meatballs, bananas, cookies.

The diet should still include milk porridge, light soups, fruit and vegetable juices.

That's how it goes baby development at 11 months.

I hope parents find this information helpful.

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There is a month left before the solemn anniversary of the baby - the first anniversary. During this time he has changed a lot, learned a lot. The baby pleases with the first steps and words. Consider the main indicators that characterize the development of a child at 11 months.

At eleven months, the baby has a strong muscular corset, which allows him to keep his body upright, stand on his legs and take his first steps.

By this age, most babies can boast. Someone has four or six of them, and someone has not got a single one. Both of these options are normal. You can worry if by the year the child does not have a single tooth. In this case, you will need to consult a pediatrician.

For the eleventh month, children gain an average of 400 grams in weight and up to 1.5 cm in height. The normal weight of the crumbs can range from 6.9 kg to 11.2 kg, and height - from 69 to 79 cm. Girls are on average a little smaller than boys.

What can a baby do at 11 months?

At 11 months, the baby stands and walks confidently, holding hands. Some take their first steps without support. The baby manages to sit down on his own from a standing position, sit for a long time and confidently crawl on all fours. He is very active and mobile.

By this age, the development of fine motor skills of the hands allows the child to confidently hold objects in his hand. He tries to hold a spoon and pick up food with it, he is able to pick up small objects from the floor with a few fingers.

The peanut confidently manipulates toys. He begins to be interested in cubes, pyramids, boxes, balls, dolls and cars.

An eleven-month-old baby likes music, he happily dances to the beat of the melody he likes. The baby is able to fulfill simple requests. For example, show objects, wave a pen, clap your hands, touch your nose, etc.

At this age, the first short words appear in the child's speech. He well understands the meaning of the words addressed to him, as well as the intonation and mood of his mother when communicating with him.

mental development

The mental development of a baby at 11 months is characterized by the following:

  • The baby already knows a few simple words that denote an object or action, and repeats a lot after adults.
  • The child is able to cheat. For example, he is able to be capricious in order for his mother to come to him faster. He understands that with the help of crying and screaming, adults can be manipulated.
  • The kid understands the speech addressed to him, is able to confidently show consent or express his refusal.
  • The peanut understands praise well. He likes it and he seeks the approval of his parents.
  • The kid begins to understand the game. He enjoys the simplest games (for example, hide-and-seek, patties), begins to participate in role-playing games (rocks the doll, rolls the stroller).
  • The baby is getting smarter. He is able to open the box, get the item, turn it over.

How to determine that a child at 11 months is not lagging behind in development?

Indicators of the development of the baby for any age, described in the literature, are averaged. The child develops according to an individual schedule. And if the baby does not fit a little into the average, do not panic. Mom needs to understand this.

The development of an eleven-month-old baby is normal if he:

  • confidently sits, crawls and stands;
  • able to repeat the actions of adults (eat with a spoon, comb your hair);
  • responds to simple requests from the mother (show objects, parts of the body);
  • can stack several cubes or shows interest in the pyramid.

Nutrition and care

In order for an 11-month-old child to receive harmonious development, proper nutrition and care are important.

As before, the baby's morning begins with washing and combing. The need to wash the crumbs after each toilet remains. The need for daily bathing is gone. But in order to create a certain evening routine before going to bed, the regularity of this procedure can be maintained.

Hardening, massage and daily gymnastics will benefit the child at 11 months. Tempering procedures include airing in the room, air baths, outdoor walks,.

The changes concern not only the developmental indicators of the child of 11 months, but also his diet. At this age, the baby can absorb many foods. But acquaintance with some foods is better to postpone until a later date (whole milk, nuts, mushrooms, seafood, fatty meats).

Food for the baby is crushed. It is preferable to boil, stew or steam food. Fried foods are not suitable for feeding an 11 month old baby. Food is not salted, spices and starch are not added.
The baby eats 5 times a day. Babies after each meal can be given mother's milk, if the crumbs have such a need.

The diet consists of cereals, fruit juices, meat and vegetable purees, egg yolks, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vegetable broth soups, milk formula or breast milk.

Daily regime

The daily routine of a baby at 11 months has the following features.

At this age, the individual inclinations of the crumbs are manifested. Someone likes to sleep longer at night, so daytime sleep is shifted to a later time. And someone wakes up early, therefore, earlier goes to rest during the day. Therefore, the mother of an eleven-month-old peanut has to adapt to the biorhythms of the child, so as not to harm his emotional and physical condition. This does not mean that there is no need for a daily routine, but the preferences of the child must be taken into account.

Night sleep becomes more restful and longer. At this age, the baby can sleep continuously for up to 10 hours. The number of night feedings is reduced. The baby still needs two daily rests.

How can you help your child develop?

The mother remains the main teacher of the crumbs. Despite the fact that he has grown up, learned to crawl, and maybe even walk, the baby really needs closeness with his mother. Therefore, as before, the child should be picked up whenever possible.

Mom should support the development of speech. You need to try to understand the baby, even if his speech is completely illegible. Games that develop speech are becoming relevant. Many examples are presented in specialized literature or on the Internet.

For example, you can name all actions during any game, especially underlining nouns. In a playful way, the baby easily remembers words. You can play short life scenes with the participation of the child.

The speech of a baby at 11 months develops not only during the game, but also in everyday life. It is recommended to talk a lot with the baby, naming your actions and objects.

Books are a great help in the development of a child. They must be colorfully illustrated.

The speech, psychological and mental development of the child is associated with fine motor skills. Therefore, special attention should be paid to finger gymnastics. The kid can begin to teach drawing and modeling.

Some parents may be concerned that a child crawls well at 11 months and at the same time does not want to walk at all. Mothers try to "help" the baby to go. Do not worry and focus on the neighbor's child. In this situation, you need to continue to do gymnastics and massage the baby.

Difference in development between boys and girls

It is widely believed that closer to the year boys are very different in psychological and physical development from girls. This is not entirely true. Rather, the differences are only outlined, but rarely appear. Boys at 11 months are generally larger than girls. But it can be the other way around, which is also the norm.