Pregnancy 17 weeks what happens to the inside. Psychological and emotional state. Changes in a woman's body

The growth of the baby continues, and for many mothers the tummy is rounded, some already feel the fetal movements at the 17th week of pregnancy. Now people around can also notice the “interesting situation”. The woman herself rejoices in this: she is more and more aware that she will soon become a mother.

Week 17 is the 5th month of pregnancy. The uterus is located between the pubic joint and the navel. She continues to grow. The body of the expectant mother is working hard. Now the cardiovascular system is under serious stress, so a woman should rest as much as possible and take care of her position.

This condition is caused by increased blood flow circulating throughout the body. Because of this, some expectant mothers at the 17th obstetric week of pregnancy may experience nosebleeds.

A woman begins to sweat profusely and discharge from the genitals due to an increase in fluid in the body. Therefore, the expectant mother should now especially take care of personal hygiene.

Development and size of the fetus

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy continues to develop and gain weight. He makes swallowing movements and periodically hiccups. The baby is becoming more and more like a little man, gradually he acquires genetically determined features.

Organs have formed and are now being improved. Milk teeth are already laid down and from 4-6 months after birth they will gradually begin to appear. On top of the milk teeth, the formation of the molars takes place.

The eyes of the child at the 17th week of pregnancy are still closed, but the baby already knows how to distinguish between darkness and light. Scientists say that if you bring a lit lamp to the mother’s stomach, then the baby will turn to the light source.

The child still reacts to external sounds: if he hears a gentle voice, he calms down, and when he hears loud sounds, on the contrary, he begins to worry.

On the delicate skin of the baby there is a primordial fluff. There is a special lubricant on the body that protects the baby from the effects of amniotic fluid. The skin is still transparent, but a special tissue (“brown” fat) is now beginning to form. In the future, it will provide heat transfer to the body of the crumbs.

The baby's heart beats intensely, the chest rises and falls. At this time, the placenta is fully formed. Its size almost reached the height of the baby. The size of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy is 15-18 cm.

Boys are now developing a penis. The rudimentary testicles are still located in the abdominal cavity, and now the first immature spermatozoa have appeared in them. In girls, the reproductive system also continues to improve, the clitoris appears. On ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy, experts sometimes confuse the penis and clitoris and therefore incorrectly determine the sex of the baby.


Some women have a small belly at 17 weeks pregnant. You should not worry about this if the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat without any problems.

Feelings at 17 weeks pregnant

Now the expectant mother may experience not only constipation, but also diarrhea. If it lasts more than 3 days, you should seek the advice of a specialist: prolonged diarrhea is dangerous for the baby.

At 17 weeks of gestation, the discharge can become profuse. Normally, they are still yellowish or white. Often, at this time, the expectant mother does not have toxicosis, and she may well rejoice in her position.

Fetal movements

Some women do not feel fetal movements at 17 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you need to visit a gynecologist and talk about the problem. He will listen to the baby's heart and, if necessary, send for an ultrasound. For many expectant mothers, movements begin at 22 weeks, but it is better to contact a specialist for advice in a timely manner.


The uterus at the 17th week of pregnancy is at a level of 3.5-5 cm from the navel. It gradually rises up, increasing in size. Do not be afraid if at this time there are pain in the abdomen. It is caused by the growth of the uterus. It puts pressure on neighboring organs, so the pregnant woman is worried about heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen and shortness of breath. Such symptoms may persist until childbirth, until the uterus begins to descend.

The weight

Weight gain at 17 weeks of gestation is 2.5-3 kg. A woman, on average, gains 200-300 g per week. But there are exceptions that are also the norm. For example, a pregnant woman can gain up to 7 kg by week 17. Weight depends on height, body parameters and physiological characteristics.

If mom and baby are all right, this does not mean that you should forget about a certain lifestyle and other behaviors during pregnancy. The following recommendations will help a woman take proper care of herself and her child.


Now the expectant mother spends a lot of energy, and for her recovery, you need to add a lot of fruits and vegetables to the menu. Dairy products should always be in the diet of a woman.

Refuse should be from flour, sweet in large quantities, salty, fried and smoked. Nutrition at 17 weeks pregnant should be small meals several times a day. This will help not to gain a lot of body weight and properly prepare yourself for childbirth, while getting all the necessary substances for yourself, and for the proper development of the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation.


Now the expectant mother needs vitamins, but recently gynecologists have been in no hurry to prescribe special complexes for pregnant women. This approach is explained by the reluctance to use synthetic substances that are contained in any pharmacy vitamins.

The expectant mother should eat berries, vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods. However, there are cases when taking vitamins at the 17th week of pregnancy is necessary, and the specialist will certainly prescribe it. It is advisable for all expectant mothers to take iodomarin.


You should not give up intimate life if there are no serious reasons for this. However, the expectant mother should choose safe positions so as not to harm the baby in the process.

In case of multiple pregnancies or the threat of miscarriage, the doctor will advise you to refuse sex at the 17th week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother feels bad, then it is better for her to refrain from intimacy with her spouse and take care of her condition.

Physical activity

The expectant mother should move more: this will help her in the process of childbirth. Slow evening walks will benefit and help you relax at night.

At 17 obstetric weeks, a woman can go in for swimming and sports that exclude running and strong physical exertion. You need to continue gymnastics for pregnant women: it will help you feel great.

However, the expectant mother should not overwork. If a feeling of fatigue appeared at the 17th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to lie down and wait until strength reappears.

Medicines and medical procedures

While a woman is in an interesting position, she needs to give up medication. But if they are really necessary, you should not self-medicate - only a specialist can prescribe drugs correctly.

Even with a common cold, you should not take the usual drugs without consultation.


If a woman has a strong pull on the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Minor pain caused by the growth of the uterus is quite natural and should not cause concern. However, intense pain at the 17th week of pregnancy may indicate uterine tone, which often becomes a provocateur of abortion.

Possible problems

A rare but serious problem - a hematoma in the uterus - provokes detachment of the fetal egg. But if the treatment is carried out in a timely manner, there is no significant risk for the child at the 17th week of pregnancy.

With this problem, conditions rarely occur in which there is a threat to the life of a woman. Therefore, specialists carry out an emergency termination of pregnancy. When the area of ​​detachment is significant or profuse bleeding has opened, the woman should consult a doctor. If no treatment is followed with a hematoma, spontaneous miscarriage often occurs.

Discharge at 17 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother should also monitor the discharge: if they are watery, bloody or have a greenish tint, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Frozen pregnancy

At week 17, the risk of a missed pregnancy decreases, but expectant mothers should be aware of its symptoms: a sharp disappearance of signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, breast changes), unusual discharge, abdominal pain, fever. The absence of fetal movements at the 17th week of pregnancy should also alert, if they were previously felt stable.

Examination at the 17th week of pregnancy: ultrasound, examination and tests

At 17 weeks of intrauterine development of the baby, the expectant mother must undergo certain medical studies. At this time, the doctor:

  • recommend a urinalysis;
  • measure pressure;
  • will give a direction for the determination of AFP, hCG and estriol in the blood.

Now the level of hCG fluctuates between 6140-103000 mU / ml, ACE - 30-90 IU / ml, and the rate of free estriol - 9.9-18.9 nmol / l. The last analysis at the 17th week of pregnancy allows you to see chromosomal diseases and congenital malformations of the baby, if any.

Ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy is prescribed only for individual indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 17th week of gestation, the expectant mother calms down even more and rejoices in her pregnancy. Every day the risk of miscarriage becomes less.

At this time, pregnancy after in vitro fertilization proceeds in the same way as normal gestation.

Multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins, the expectant mother already has a quite noticeable tummy. At the 17th week of pregnancy, she may be disturbed by discomfort in the epigastric region and heartburn after eating.

Otherwise, this stage of development of babies has no features and proceeds in the same way as a normal pregnancy.

Video of the seventeenth week of pregnancy

17th week of pregnancy: what happens at this stage with the fetus?

Pregnancy is called a miraculous time - a time when a miracle is expected. No matter how much scientists investigate the process of the birth and the beginning of the development of a new life, it will forever remain a mystery: nature does not reveal its secrets to the end.

Week 17 is part of that period of 9 months, when the expectant mother comes to the realization: now she is not alone. A little more time - and she will have the most dear creature in the world.

  1. How many months now?
  2. 17th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?
  3. Where is the baby at 17 weeks pregnant?
  4. Allocations
  5. Feelings of fluttering in the abdomen
  6. Food

17 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you are given a period of 17 weeks, this means that behind 4 months of bearing a child. If you count from conception, then this is 15 weeks or 3 months and 1 week (this is the age of the baby by this time). Do not be alarmed: there is no confusion and discrepancy in the words of medical workers: just the gestational age is calculated at the beginning of the woman’s last MC, and the age of the fetus itself is calculated from the approximate date of ovulation.

17 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

17 obstetric week is characterized by such changes. The unborn child begins to gradually accumulate reserves of adipose tissue.

Mommy can be sure: her baby already has certain “skills”:

  • he actively swallows amniotic fluid;
  • moves quickly;
  • listens to the beating of the mother's heart and listens to the sounds coming from the "outside world".

Sometimes, swallowing too much water, the baby begins to hiccup. The mother feels these movements and can ask herself the question: “What is happening to the fetus? Are these the first movements? Most likely, she does not yet feel the movements of the fetus directly - they will appear a little later - on -. It remains to wait quite a bit.

The process of swallowing amniotic fluid involves preparing the gastrointestinal tract for normal functioning.

To understand what a child looks like at this time, take a look at your own palm: its size is approximately the same now (maybe a little more).

The size of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy is approximately 11-12 cm (height) and about 110-140 g (baby weight).

17 obstetric week of pregnancy -.

The heart of the fetus is almost completely formed. The doctor listens to it with a stethoscope. An ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy will help you find out who will be born into the world: in girls, the uterus forms at this time. The external genitalia are clearly visible, so during pregnancy at 17 weeks, a boy or girl is already visible. True, in order for the doctor not to make a mistake, it is necessary that the child turn to him “properly”. If the child “does not want to” do this, the picture will still be unclear, and the intrigue remains.

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy has the rudiments of teeth - during this period, the laying of future molars takes place. It becomes obvious to those around them that in front of them is a pregnant woman.

Where is the baby at 17 weeks pregnant?

This can be determined by placing a palm on the abdomen below the navel. A certain bulge of the abdomen will already be clearly felt.

Belly at 17 weeks pregnant

At this time, a woman cannot simply draw in her stomach, as she did before. He's still noticeable. Weight gain (total over the past period) by this date is approximately 3 kg. This is the norm.

Of course, not all the weight "goes" into the stomach. It is distributed throughout the body, as the mother also accumulates reserves of adipose tissue. A very small belly - almost imperceptible - at this time occurs in very slender women. The belly of thin women appears later than that of full ladies. Therefore, at such a time, slim women still have a chance to deceive others and pretend that nothing special is happening.

17 weeks pregnant: sensations

The woman is approaching the term of 17 weeks, being in a fairly calm mood. Sleep improves, anxiety and irritability go away. The child is still small at the 17th week of pregnancy, so the belly is still growing slowly and does not interfere with the previous, “pre-pregnant” lifestyle (of course, except for dancing until you drop and alcohol on holidays).

16-17 weeks of pregnancy: what happens?

The period of 16-17 weeks of pregnancy is the most pleasant time: the chest hurts much less, toxicosis and vomiting pass. But frequent urination appears. The uterus occupies a higher position and begins to squeeze the bladder. 2-3 trips to the toilet per night for a pregnant woman is the norm.

From annoying events:

  • toxicosis can manifest itself not as nausea, but as: it becomes uncomfortable in shoes, rings are squeezed;
  • nausea (its causes at this time may be due to ordinary poisoning or rejection of some odors). However, sometimes this trouble annoys throughout pregnancy.

The 17th week of pregnancy is the time for the onset of sweating, copious vaginal discharge is possible.

The development of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy can provoke a lack of hemoglobin and calcium in the body of a woman. This will require additional prescription of vitamins, possibly observation in a hospital. Pregnancy 17 weeks is the development of the child, an increase in its size. The uterus becomes larger, the ligaments that support it are stretched. This is where the discomfort comes from:

  • lower back hurts;
  • pulls the stomach;
  • lower abdomen hurts.

Most likely nothing bad is happening. Pulling sensations in the abdomen at the 17th week of pregnancy are caused by the growth of the uterus, the tension of the ligaments that support it, the softening of the joints, including in the lumbar region and sacrum. The appearance of disturbing sensations requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor - to ensure your own peace of mind.

Discharge at 17 weeks pregnant

Normally, at 17 weeks, the discharge is more noticeable than before, they can be called plentiful - this is normal. But they should not change color. Yellow, brown, pink discharge should alert the pregnant woman. The appearance of pink, brown and bloody discharge at 16-17 weeks is a signal of trouble in the uterus, namely, attention should be paid to the issue of placenta attachment.

It is necessary to do an ultrasound to exclude or confirm low placentation (attachment of the placenta in the region of the cervix). Although it may be discharge from the erosion of the neck of the poppy. The appearance of unusual discharge at 17-18 weeks requires a visit to the doctor. You need to be attentive to the signals of your body.

Sex at 17 weeks pregnant

Doctors do not prohibit intimate relationships at week 17. There is even such an opinion: if a woman is healthy and not against sex, such “charging” is recommended from time to time. In the pregnancy calendar, week 17 is especially noted in this regard: the fact is that at this time the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, which causes bright, colorful sensations during sex. Positive emotions for a future mother are simply necessary, not to mention the fact that sex is also an excellent fitness.

17 weeks pregnant: sensations of stirring in the abdomen

Now, movements in the abdomen can be clearly felt by women who are pregnant with twins or those who have this second pregnancy. Those who are expecting their first child should not worry until the 20th week.

However, if there is an error in determining the term, then there may be movements. You can check as follows: at the time when you feel that butterflies are flying in your stomach, you need to lie down and pull your stomach in. If you see slight tremors on the front wall of the abdomen, then your baby is pushing.

At this obstetric period, you must not stop monitoring changes in the body. If the temperature has risen, and ARVI has been diagnosed, you need to be treated, do not let the cold take its course.

If symptoms such as: weakness, ongoing pain in the lower abdomen appear, low placentation should be suspected.

On ultrasound, this condition is easily diagnosed. It means the following: the placenta is low, close to the pharynx, sometimes almost overlaps it. There is a risk of bleeding, a miscarriage is possible, the likelihood of which increases if the cervix is ​​​​shortened. Normally, it begins to shorten from the 30th week, when the body is preparing for childbirth. This shouldn't happen at 17 weeks. When diagnosing this condition, doctors take a number of measures: they offer the pregnant woman bed rest or mechanically block the opening - the pharynx, so that a miscarriage does not occur.

An ultrasound can also be diagnosed with a breech presentation of the fetus. Doctors do not pay attention to this yet: the child will change his position more than once, so it’s too early to worry.


At 17 weeks, a woman should remain active, do not forget about proper nutrition. It must include lean meats, fish, fruits in the menu. It is better if the food is fractional: this is less likely to cause heartburn. You need to eat in small portions, but 5-6 times a day, so as not to endure hunger.

17 weeks is the time when fears and worries recede. The expectant mother is satisfied with her situation, fatigue and weakness pass. Many pregnant women experience an unprecedented surge of energy during this period. It's time to finish all the work at work - after all, it will soon be time to take maternity leave. Many begin to look after children's things in stores, because now it is known what gender the future heir is. Walk, enjoy life, surround yourself with pleasant things and get ready to meet your blood!

Four months of pregnancy is already over - the fifth month of your pregnancy begins. Week 17 has already begun - the first week of the fifth month. What's in store for you and your baby?

Fetus (development, size)

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy will overcome new stages in its development. In particular, this week his own immune system will start to work - immunoglobulin and interferon are already produced in the body. The baby is able to protect himself from his mother's infections, and this is very important (although, of course, it is undesirable for you to get sick now for many reasons).

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy begins to grow fat. A prototype of the future fat layer is formed under the skin, which will participate in heat exchange processes. The skin itself is covered with primordial lubricant - a white-cream-colored substance that performs a protective function. The sensitivity of the skin of the baby increases, in particular in the abdomen and buttocks.

The baby's heart is completing its development and diligently pumping blood, the adrenal glands secrete vital hormones, and the pituitary gland is activated. The girl's uterus is forming.

At week 17, the laying of the permanent teeth of the unborn child begins: each of them will be located immediately behind its milk "precursor".

The coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy reaches an average of 13 cm, and the weight can reach up to 140 g. The baby is already as large as the open palm of an adult. It grows and develops very quickly, and at the 17th week of pregnancy it already hears sounds coming from outside, recognizes voices, feels your emotions and mood. Now you are responsible not only for his physical development, but also for his emotional and mental development. Communicate with your child, tell him poems and fairy tales, sing songs or just turn on music of different genres, consult with him, share your joyful events. It is very important to involve the future father in communication: already now the baby will remember and begin to recognize his voice.

The baby is very curious and active. And, perhaps, the time has come to feel the first movements of the fetus.

Feeling (moving) at 17 weeks pregnant

Women usually feel the first fetal movements between 16 and 22 weeks. Multiparous and thin mothers begin to feel their children earlier. They describe these incredible sensations in different ways: like the flutter of the wings of a butterfly, like the stirring of a worm, like the touch of a cat's paw, like the splashing of a fish.

Save yourself. Avoid stressful situations, overwork, sudden changes in temperature and especially hypothermia, try to minimize the effect of any radiation on your body. Be attentive to all signals and new symptoms. Now the load on the heart, blood vessels and kidneys will be especially noticeable. The urge to urinate will become more and more frequent, there is a risk of inflammation of the urinary tract. Because of the constantly growing volumes of blood, nosebleeds or bleeding gums may occur, a feeling of internal heat and lack of air may appear.

As soon as you feel unwell, immediately drop everything and lie down to rest. If bad symptoms appear, then you should definitely consult a doctor about this.


Don't be afraid of occasionally appearing mild pain in the area of ​​the uterus - it is constantly growing, and now it is already more up than to the sides. Many new inconveniences will be associated with this: heartburn, frequent urination, shortness of breath. The uterus occupies more and more space, so the internal organs are forced to make room and part a little to the sides.

The uterus at 17 weeks of pregnancy is palpable at a distance of 3.8-5 cm below the navel. The height of the uterine fundus usually corresponds to the gestational age in centimeters, that is, now it should rise on average at the level of 17 cm above the pubis.

In connection with the growth of the uterus, start looking for new comfortable sleeping positions for yourself: it is no longer recommended to sleep on your back and on your stomach (in the first case, the weight of the uterus presses on the vena cava, blocking blood access to the fetus, in the second, the uterus itself experiences strong pressure).


The growth of the uterus and fetus cannot but affect your appearance - the stomach noticeably rounds and grows. Do not worry if everything is different for you: if the fetus is located at the back of the uterus or too low, the tummy can only now begin to protrude.

All the most important events take place in it, so you can experience many different sensations associated with the abdomen: the first movements of the fetus, slight pains, or the first heaviness associated with an increase in size. But know that normally the stomach should not hurt - you should pay attention to this.


Pain at the 17th week of pregnancy is also mostly associated with the abdomen, and more specifically with the uterus. Due to its increased growth, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched quite strongly. It is these processes that can cause you pain in the abdomen, in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. They can be aching or shooting when turning and changing positions. Try to move more smoothly, do not make sudden movements, and if the pain increases, rest a little.

If you feel pain during urination, then it is necessary to exclude inflammation in this area.

From the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman may begin to feel pain associated with an increase in the duration, weight and volume of the uterus. These are pains in the back and lower back, pains in the coccyx - the load on this area is now noticeably increasing.


Sex at the 17th week of pregnancy causes different emotions for everyone. Unfortunately, it is not at all uncommon for a woman or man to avoid sexual intimacy out of fear of harming the child and embarrassment about their growing belly. It is not right. Gentle sensual sex during pregnancy is good for everyone: both parents and their unborn children (show this offer to your rebellious soul mate). During sex, the internal muscles of the woman are massaged, the hormone of joy is released (and we said that the baby is already experiencing your emotions). A woman is now in a special psychological state, and the sensitivity of her individual organs and places is increasing significantly. "Pregnant" sex can give unforgettable moments to both parents. However, intimacy will have to be abandoned if gestation is under the slightest threat. As soon as the risk of termination of pregnancy disappears, bed life can be resumed. And better enjoy it now - the third trimester may have its own difficulties.

Discharge at 17 weeks pregnant

The signal for a break in lovemaking should be bloody discharge from the vagina. If they are combined with pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the back, then this may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion.

However, spotting does not always indicate a risk of miscarriage. There are a number of other reasons, including safe ones. But only a doctor can judge this.

You should be alerted by discharge that smells sharp and has a suspicious consistency or color: gray, yellow, greenish, cheesy, heterogeneous. In particular, in many pregnant women, thrush worsens at the 17th week of pregnancy. But more dangerous sexual infections can also appear.

Frozen pregnancy

Often it is infectious diseases that lead to the fading of the fetus. Most often, this tragedy occurs in the first trimester. Doctors also call it a failed miscarriage or an undeveloped pregnancy. Let this never affect any of the women, but, unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy at 17 weeks is likely. And this can be caused by a number of adverse factors.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy is detected in a timely manner: the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, the doctor does not hear the fetal heartbeats, and ultrasound does not show them either.

It is rare for a woman to suspect that something is wrong. After all, the problem may not show itself for a long time. But sometimes a frozen pregnancy is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.


Among other reasons, fetal chromosomal abnormalities can also lead to pregnancy fading. Screening is designed to identify the risk of developing such pathologies in each individual pregnant woman. At week 17, a second trimester screening or the so-called triple test is performed. It includes a biochemical blood test for total hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP) and free (unconjugated) estriol, as well as screening ultrasound.

All indicators are evaluated exclusively in combination (this is very important!) and indicate an increased or decreased risk of developing anomalies in the fetus (although there is a minimal risk in absolutely every pregnancy).

The final result is announced in the form of a specific number, which serves as a risk assessment. It will depend on the results of the screening, as well as the age of the pregnant woman, her weight, health status, number of fetuses and other factors.


An ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy can already show the sex of the child if he turns to the sensor in that very place. However, the doctor will be concerned about other indicators: the size of the baby and the uterus and their compliance with the term, the heartbeat of the fetus, its motor activity, the state of the uterine myometrium, amniotic fluid, the absence of gross abnormal disorders, and so on.

Nutrition at 17 weeks pregnant

All recommendations regarding nutrition during pregnancy and at 17 weeks remain valid. Focus on protein foods, but don't forget healthy fats and carbohydrates as well. Prepare food in a gentle way, choose natural fresh products.

Iron and calcium are also important, as are other minerals and vitamins.

Try to give up caffeinated drinks and foods, spicy, fatty, fried foods, and use salt to a minimum so as not to provoke fluid retention in the tissues. Try not to abuse sour, so as not to increase the production of gastric juice. Foods and drinks enveloping the walls of the stomach can protect against heartburn: cereals, soups, kissels.

From the 17th week, you should take care of the good promotion of food in the intestines. Therefore, doctors recommend not overloading the stomach (this will also help avoid constipation), eat fractionally (often in small portions), and take short walks after each meal. Limit sweet and starchy treats and start controlling weight gain if you haven't done so before. Eat enough (after all, the baby begins to actively gain weight), but not for two. Remember, it is the quality of the food you eat, not the quantity, that matters.

The weight

Normally, you should now add 250-300 g per week. Ideally, the weight of a woman at 17 weeks of gestation has increased by an average of 2.5-3.5 kg from her start. But many women do not fit into this framework. Their gains at week 17 are 6-7 kg with a successfully developing pregnancy.

Quite physiological deviations from these norms are possible. Remember that these are only average indicative data, which may differ in each individual case. Weight at the 17th week of pregnancy depends on the initial weight of the woman, on her build, age, heredity, the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, and many other factors. Therefore, this indicator alone is not informative.

Pregnancy 17-18 weeks is the time when intensive development and growth of the fetus occurs. However, it is fraught with certain dangers, so the expectant mother should be extremely careful and attentive to her health and changes in the body, as well as the sensations associated with the baby.

Fetal development

When asked about what a 17-week pregnancy looks like on an ultrasound, we can say that this is a small person who can suck his finger or scratch his cheek. And speaking of facts, from that time on, the baby's own immune system begins to work, his body begins to produce interferon and immunoglobulin. This means that the baby is no longer dangerous from her mother's infection, although, of course, it is undesirable for her to get sick, for the reasons that will be discussed below. In addition, the following changes occur in the body of the fetus:

  • tissue is formed, which in the future will turn into a fatty layer participating in heat exchange processes;
  • an original lubricant is formed on the skin - a cream-colored substance that performs a protective function;
  • the heart completes its development;
  • the adrenal glands begin to secrete vital hormones;
  • the pituitary gland is activated;
  • in girls, the formation of the uterus begins;
  • permanent teeth are laid, which are located behind the milk teeth.

And the child also has coordination, that is, he can already find his mouth to suck his finger.

Fetal size at 17 weeks

The distance from the coccyx of the future baby to the crown reaches 13 cm, and its weight is 140 g. To make it easier to imagine, let's say that the fetus is the size of the palm of an adult man.

What does the baby feel

When the 17th week of pregnancy comes, the sensations intensify not only in the mother, but also in the baby. In particular, he already hears even quiet sounds, recognizes the voices of family members, he is influenced by your emotions and mood. Thus, you should try to avoid stress so as not to worry the baby. From this age, active communication with the child should also begin, who can and should sing songs, talk to him, and also turn on fun or soothing music. During this period, it is important that the future dad also does not stand aside, because in this case the baby will recognize his voice even before birth.

17 weeks pregnant: sensations

Moms feel the first movements of their baby between 16-22 weeks. Moreover, for those who have this first pregnancy, this happens later than for mothers with experience or very thin women. Therefore, if a pregnant woman complains: “I have reached the 17th week of pregnancy, I don’t feel movement,” then she should be reassured, but advised to consult a doctor.

Everything that is connected with the baby causes joy, but there are also unpleasant sensations. For example, during this period, the load on the internal organs, including blood vessels, increases, as a result of which the gums may bleed or nosebleeds may occur. When the 17th week of pregnancy begins, the sensations of a woman, when she is thrown either into heat or into cold, are observed quite often. Another problem is the frequent urge to urinate, which can lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.

If you notice any of these signs, then it makes sense to consult a doctor who monitors your pregnancy, and if the discomfort is weak, then lie down to rest and try not to overexert yourself.


The main sensations when the 17th week of pregnancy comes are fetal movement and mild pain in the uterus, which should not cause concern. The thing is, it keeps growing. Because of this, neighboring organs are squeezed, which leads to heartburn, frequent urination and shortness of breath.

It is known that the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters in most expectant mothers corresponds to the number of weeks of pregnancy. In other words, during this period, it should be palpable at a level of 17 cm above. Starting from this period, doctors do not recommend sleeping on the back or on the stomach, since in the first case the uterus presses on the vena cava and blocks the access of blood to the baby, and in the second it is squeezed she herself.

External changes

Due to the growth of the uterus, the belly of the pregnant woman also increases. However, in some cases, for example, if the fetus is located at the back of the uterus or too low, it is possible that the changes in the figure will be very small. Mild pains are possible, as during menstruation, which are caused by tension in the ligaments that hold the uterus. They can be both aching and occur with changes in posture and turns. To minimize discomfort, try not to make sudden movements, move smoothly and rest more often.

17th week of pregnancy: what happens if there is a discharge

Brown-brown marks on the underwear - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, if you have bleeding, even a slight one, then you should call the ambulance team or go to the maternity hospital, where there is an observation department. I don’t want to scare you, but these may be signs of an incipient miscarriage, so the sooner a woman sees a doctor, the better.

If the discharge smells strongly and has a gray, yellow, greenish color or a curdled heterogeneous consistency, then this may mean infection of the genitals of the pregnant woman, which must be cured before childbirth. In particular, in many women who are 17-18 weeks pregnant, thrush worsens.

Frozen pregnancy

Infectious diseases are very dangerous for the fetus. If a pregnant woman complains: “I am 17 weeks pregnant, I don’t feel the baby move,” and at the same time she was found to have a genital tract infection, then the worst cannot be ruled out. In particular, it may be the fading of the fetus. This terrible tragedy can be caused by a number of other reasons, such as chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Unfortunately, it may not show itself for a long time. However, if the 17th week of pregnancy is in progress, the fetus does not move, and the doctor noticed that the dimensions are larger than they should be at this time, then the woman is prescribed an ultrasound scan. there may be bloody discharge from the vagina, therefore, having noticed them, you should immediately tell the doctor about them.


To protect herself and the baby from problems at this time, the expectant mother must pass the so-called triple test, which includes a biochemical blood test for α-fetoprotein, total hCG and free estriol. In addition, even when the 17th week of pregnancy is underway, fetal movements are felt, and mommy feels good, she needs a screening ultrasound. All the data of these tests are evaluated by doctors in a complex and, in accordance with them, it is determined whether there is a risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus. It has a numerical value, which also depends on the age of the mother, her weight, the presence of chronic diseases and other factors.


When a woman is 17 weeks pregnant, the development of the fetus depends largely on proper nutrition. Experts recommend focusing on protein foods and healthy fats, while not forgetting to consume enough carbohydrates, as well as various minerals and vitamins. If possible, you should avoid drinks and foods containing caffeine, as well as fatty, fried and spicy foods. In addition, you need to limit salt in the diet, which can cause fluid retention in the tissues, and also exclude acidic foods so as not to cause intense production of gastric juice. To avoid heartburn, it is possible to recommend eating foods and drinks that envelop the walls of the stomach, such as soups, cereals and kissels.

Another problem that proper nutrition can prevent is constipation. In particular, doctors recommend eating little and often, and taking short walks after each meal.

At the same time, the fetus of 17 weeks needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, as it begins to grow actively, and it needs "building materials".

pregnant weight

Normally, the expectant mother should gain 250-300 g in weight every week. If everything is normal, then at the 17th week of pregnancy, the body weight of a woman who was at the time of conception should increase by an average of 2.5-3.5 kg. However, some mothers at week 17 find out that they have gained 6-7 kg, moreover, both they and the child are fine. In general, weight at a given stage of pregnancy depends on the woman's build, heredity, age, conditions in which it occurs, and other factors.

What to fear

If a woman in position often begins to utter the same phrase: “I am 17 weeks pregnant, I don’t feel movement,” then this circumstance should not leave her relatives indifferent. After all, at this time, both the mother and the child face various dangers. For example, if a mother has not given up bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking, then there is a high risk of having a baby with various pathologies, and in some cases, such irresponsibility can lead to placental abruption and premature birth. Among the negative factors that can cause a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, and even his death, is the use of drugs that were not prescribed by a doctor. And of course, mommy needs to be very careful in public transport or on the street in winter, since any fall or blow to the stomach can have the most unfortunate consequences. Pregnant women who drive a car should also be especially careful. If independent driving cannot be completely abandoned, then at least you should not drive without a seatbelt. In this case, the belt should pass under the stomach.


For the well-being of a pregnant woman, proper sleep is especially important. However, as a rule, it is disturbed during this period, since frequent urge to urinate makes you wake up and get up several times a night. To improve sleep, you can recommend:

Use pillows. In order to take a good pose, you can use special "bananas" for sleeping. These are special large crescent-shaped pillows that can also come in handy while feeding the baby. If it is problematic to get such a "banana", then you can simply roll up the second blanket and sleep with it "in an embrace". In addition, you can put small pillows under the lower back or under the stomach.

Another piece of advice is to drive gloomy thoughts away from yourself and not think about the upcoming birth. To relax and forget, aromatherapy is a good helper. For example, you can put a sachet under the pillowcase - a canvas bag with fragrant herbs and flowers: chamomile, lavender, rose, pine needles, bay leaf, etc. It is also necessary to ventilate the room before going to bed and, if possible, sleep with the window open.

You will also have to forget about eating before bed. It is better to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime and do not eat heavy meals.

What else needs to be done to improve well-being

When your friend complains, repeating the phrase: “I am 17 weeks pregnant, I don’t feel the baby move,” then try to calm her down and advise the following:

  • Rest more and take walks in the fresh air.
  • Whenever possible, raise your legs so that swelling does not occur.
  • If possible, wear cotton underwear and socks.
  • Switch to shoes with low heels (moccasins, ballet flats, etc.).
  • Choose a more comfortable position for sex.
  • Try to avoid anxiety.
  • Don't carry heavy things.
  • Make the necessary changes to your diet.
  • Closely monitor the changes and the amount of discharge.
  • Do not miss scheduled examinations with a doctor who monitors pregnancy.

Now you know that at 17 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements may be weak or not felt at all, not only due to serious problems, but due to the physiological characteristics of the woman's body. In any case, we recommend that you carefully consider all changes that should not be normal, and if you suspect that something is going wrong, consult a doctor. And then you will be able to maintain good health until the very birth and produce a small healthy miracle.