How to take care of oily skin. Proper daily care. Fatty, sweet and spicy foods in the diet

The main reason for the appearance of oily sheen on the skin is the increased production of progesterone due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Facial care should be comprehensive, including several stages. In addition to the basic cosmetic procedures aimed at cleansing, it is important to take care of moisturizing, nourishing and improving hormonal levels. Only by combining several methods, you will achieve a good result.


Women and girls often face oily epithelium, which is considered normal at the age of 25-35 years. It is necessary to ensure that by the age of 36 this problem has disappeared, otherwise it is worth contacting an endocrinologist.

Excessive "greasiness" may be the result of hormonal imbalance, so it is recommended to eliminate this particular disease. However, with complex care, oily skin will not cause trouble for its owner.

Before choosing certain cosmetic procedures for yourself, it is worthwhile to determine the type of skin in advance. To do this, it is enough to conduct a test:

  1. Wash your face thoroughly with soap, which includes a cream (for example, Dove), then wipe it with a hard towel;
  2. Do not use care products after water procedures, let the skin “breathe” for three hours;
  3. Attach a paper napkin, mirror or papyrus to the forehead to determine the presence / absence of grease stains.

In the event that you find oily traces on the test item, this means that the skin is prone to oiliness. If the test did not reveal these signs, the skin can be safely attributed to dry or normal.

Symptoms of oily skin

  1. The abundance of black dots and inflammation. In the absence of proper care, pores begin to clog, then blood supply and metabolic processes slow down. As a result, acne and inflammation appear massively.
  2. Peeling. To the surprise of many, oily skin also peels off, especially in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose, chin and temples. This symptom appears due to dead cells, if the skin is not cared for with exfoliating agents (scrubs, peels).
  3. Enlarged pores (facial orange peel effect). Due to the abundance of pollution in the pores, keratinized epithelium and excessive "greasiness" bacteria multiply. The skin acquires a yellowish tint, a rash begins, which provokes the expansion of the pores.
  4. Decorative cosmetics (powder, shadows, blush, foundation) do not hold. Due to the constant secretion of subcutaneous fat on the face, even the most expensive cosmetics do not hold well. In such a situation, it is important to use a special series, which is selected strictly individually by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
  5. The presence of oily sheen. The accelerated activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the accumulation of impurities in the pores, so the face looks gray with a greasy sheen in certain areas (forehead, nose, chin).

Caring procedures

Washing. Simple recommendations will make the face matte, and specially designed products will help maintain the effect for a long time. Competent and balanced skin care, prone to oily and acne, always begins with washing.

Gel is a great option. To begin with, it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water, which will open the pores, as a result of which it will be easier to remove impurities. Next, the gel is applied to the palm of your hand and rubbed until foam is formed, after which you need to rub your face with smooth movements.

As a result of simple actions, the skin was thoroughly cleansed, so you can proceed to washing with cold water. It will close the pores, preventing further contamination.

Cleansing. Regular cleansing is the key to beautiful and healthy skin! Many ladies make the mistake of resorting to using alcohol-based cleansers. It only contributes to the accelerated activity of the sebaceous glands, which begin to replenish the necessary balance with a vengeance. For these reasons, the skin becomes even more oily. A merciless tonic of this kind should be replaced with an emollient lotion prepared at home.

Homemade tonics and lotions for oily skin

  1. A mixture of soap and soda. A cotton pad is thoroughly lathered and then dipped in soda. Next, the face is wiped with a swab with the resulting mass until a thick foam is formed, which should seize with a crust. After simple manipulations, the mask is washed off with cold water.
  2. lotion at home. Melissa officinalis is mixed with vodka at the rate of 10 ml / 50 ml, after which the mixture is infused for at least five days. The resulting tincture is diluted with 40 ml of water. Apply morning and evening using a soft cotton swab.
  3. Lemon as a cleanser. The face is rubbed with lemon several times a day for a month. After the expiration of the period, the procedure is repeated with regularity every other day.
  4. Grapefruit tonic. Grind the citrus in a blender along with the zest, pour 150 ml of vodka, then insist in a dark place for eight days. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to the mixture, use daily in the evenings.
  5. Lotion based on birch bark. 50 gr. chopped birch bark is poured with 250 ml of water and simmered over low heat for about an hour. Then the broth is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The lotion is applied 2-4 times a day.

In addition to the cosmetics described above, owners of oily skin are recommended to wash with water with essential oils (jojoba, rosemary, mint, and others). This method is used as an additional one, since it has an auxiliary effect in the fight against acne and inflammation.

An important feature of proper care is the regular use of masks, which can be easily done without leaving home. A cosmetic product of this type prevents the appearance of acne, dries and relieves the skin of oily sheen, draws impurities from the pores.

Honey and citrus fruit juice
50 gr. thick honey mixed with 30 ml of squeezed orange (lemon, grapefruit) juice. Apply to the face and cover the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with cling film. Hold for at least 40 minutes, then rinse with melted water and smear your face with a non-greasy cream.

Cucumber and boric acid
Grate the cucumber with the peel on a medium grater or chop in a blender. Mix the resulting mixture with boric acid in a ratio of 4:1. The mass is applied to the face in a rich layer and aged for no more than a quarter of an hour, then washed off with cold water.

Curd-carrot mask
In 40 ml of corn oil, pour 35 gr. grated carrots, pour 20 ml of milk here and stir in 50 gr. cottage cheese. Apply the mass on the skin in large quantities, hold for about half an hour, then remove with water. After the procedure, wipe your face with ice or wash again, but with melt water.

Oatmeal mask
60 gr. combine oatmeal with the protein of one egg, mix thoroughly and apply on face. Hold for 40 minutes, rinse first with cold water, then warm and again cold.

Cream and lemon juice
Cream with a fat content of not more than 10% is mixed with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the mass on the skin, hold for about 25 minutes. Pour into a container of water, add ice, then wash.

Kefir, yeast and berries
40 gr. crushed frozen berries mixed with 15 gr. brewer's yeast and add to 60 ml of kefir. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, hold for 10 minutes, remove with cold water.

In order to productively care for oily skin at home with a scrub, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The mass is applied only to a cleansed face, so you should get rid of cosmetics in advance.
  2. Before applying the product directly, it is worth testing it on the wrist. If the epithelium in this place becomes oily, you need to change the proportions of the components.
  3. The scrub is not applied to damaged and irritated areas of the skin (wounds, scratches, inflammation, etc.).
  4. Before applying the product, you need to steam it in advance using warm water. This will help open up the pores, making it easier for the sebum to be removed.
  5. After the procedure, you can not rub your face with a hard towel.

Home scrub recipes

  1. Lemon and salt. Lemon juice, crushed zest and sea salt are mixed in proportions 1:2:1, the mass is applied to the face with massaging movements. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. Frequency of application - 3 times a week.
  2. Blue clay. 60 gr. natural yogurt is mixed with 40 gr. clay, then the mixture is carefully rubbed into the skin for 3 minutes, washed off with warm water. The procedure is suitable for people with oily epithelium in the presence of enlarged pores.
  3. Scrub from green, black and brown clay. Combine all types of clay into a single mass in equal amounts, then pour boiled water until a viscous consistency is obtained. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes and apply on the face, paying special attention to the temples, wings of the nose, forehead and chin. Wait until the scrub dries, then gently remove it with water.
  4. Milk and cane sugar. In 100 ml of cold milk add 50 gr. cane sugar, massage the face with the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, remove with cool water. The tool gives the skin dullness, narrows the pores, reduces sebaceous secretions.

Peeling is the exfoliation of dead epithelial cells due to small particles. The skin becomes smooth, like silk, oily sheen disappears and the pores are significantly cleansed. It is generally accepted that peeling is a salon procedure, however, this type of care is also possible at home. It is important to understand that during the exfoliation of dead cells, the face is stressed, so going outside after such an event is highly undesirable.

Almonds and oatmeal
Oatmeal is mixed with almonds chopped in a blender in a ratio of 40 gr. for 40 gr. 20 ml of skimmed milk is poured into 20 ml of jasmine infusion, 2 drops of lemon essence are added to the mixture. Next, the two compositions are combined into one and infused for about half an hour. The mass is applied to a pre-moistened face, rubbed in a circular motion for 20 minutes. May be used every day.

Dairy products and citrus peel
The zest of orange, lemon, grapefruit and tangerine is carefully dried in the oven, and then crushed in a blender. Then the flour is added to kefir, cream or yogurt. Apply to the face with smooth movements and massage for 20 minutes. May be used daily.

Coffee grounds
40 gr. the thick is diluted with kefir to the desired consistency. Apply to dry skin. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes, since this type of peeling is not a sparing procedure. The recommended frequency of use is every other day.

Cosmetic ice for oily skin

Recipe: Make a decoction of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm, sage and mint, mix with white wine in a ratio of 3: 1, pour into molds and put in the freezer. Wipe the face with the resulting cubes daily 2 times a day. If there is no result, increase the frequency of applications up to three times a day.

It is advisable to follow a number of recommendations described above in order to rid yourself of the hated shine, regular rashes, acne and the accumulation of black dots. Scrubs, masks, peels - all these procedures can be done on your own, without seeking help from specialists. It is important to remember that the abuse of moisturizers is contraindicated for owners of oily skin. Cosmetic recipes are designed specifically for this type, they will narrow the pores and make the complexion radiant. A person's health can be judged by his skin, so it should always be well-groomed!

Video: how to care for oily skin

What is oily skin care? What are the main steps involved? Is it possible to reduce sebum production and reduce pore size? What products are advised to include in the care program cosmetologists? And what are the features of controlling the state of the epidermis in summer and winter?

Owners of oily skin at a young age believe that they are very unlucky. The face is often shiny, cosmetics roll down in the folds of the eyelids and on the wings of the nose. From time to time, acne, black spots and enlarged pores accompany from youth. These problems can be dealt with if you approach them in a balanced way.

Features of oily skin

Recognizing the epidermis of the fatty type is easy. It is enough to evaluate the face visually. It is characterized by:

  • wide pores, visible externally;
  • dense, even rough surface;
  • oily sheen, provided by increased sebum secretion;
  • the presence of black dots due to clogged pores.

But such features are also inherent in owners of combination skin, which needs slightly different care than oily skin. You can check your type with a simple test.

Fat test

To determine the type of epidermis, wash your face in the morning with the usual means - foam, gel and dry your face. No need to apply moisturizer or makeup. After two hours, apply a paper towel to your face, press firmly. Rate the result.

  • Oiliness in the T-zone. Spots in the area of ​​the chin, the central part of the forehead and nose indicate a combined type of epidermis. In these areas it is oily, but on the cheeks and side of the face it is normal.
  • Oiliness all over the face. It is given out by five greasy spots on a napkin. In this case, the skin is really oily.

Why is it important to separate combination and oily epidermis? The fact is that areas of the normal type do not need to use the means preferred for those where sebum secretion is increased. Using the same products, you can dry out more delicate areas. Therefore, with combination skin, cosmetic preparations of drying, antibacterial action are applied only to the T-zone.

Popular misconceptions

It is believed that the oily type of facial skin is the most problematic, as it requires specific care. But it's not always easy to look attractive. Cosmetologists say that the owners of such an epidermis are lucky, because due to the high density and usually sufficient turgor, it is less prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles. And it ages about ten years later than dry. And with increased sebum secretion, you can cope with proper care.

At the same time, there are common misconceptions about what to do with oily skin at home. Let's dwell on them in detail.

Myth 1. The surface of the epidermis is rougher and consists of a thick layer of dead cells. It is important to remove them regularly and carefully, otherwise the cream simply will not reach the “living” tissues.

The skin is not just a shell, it is a living organism consisting of cells. They are constantly updated. The complete process of renewal of the outer tissues of the epidermis occurs within twenty-eight days. It is really necessary to remove this cover, only because with this approach the face looks more well-groomed, and the skin is even. But it is impossible to be too zealous even with increased sebum secretion.

Dead cells keratocytes are the same cells as the rest in the body. The process of their expression, i.e. dying off and removal in a natural way, maintains the stability of the epidermis. If the expression is more intensive, for example, with the daily use of a scrub, the skin begins to produce more protective cells, trying to "fix" the gaps in its structure. There is a phenomenon of hyperkeratosis, in which its surface thickens and thickens.

Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out the removal of superficial keratocytes (exfoliation) regularly and moderately. With increased sebum secretion of the skin, two to three procedures per week are sufficient.

Myth 2. Be sure to use a scrub and rub your face "to a squeak."

A higher level of skin density leads women to believe that rough abrasives should be used for exfoliation. The simplest option is a scrub, which is prepared at home from salt, sugar, coffee, or industrially, using hard particles as abrasives, for example, crushed nut shells.

It is not only not necessary to use such funds, but also dangerous. Scrubs damage the skin, leaving micro-scratches invisible to the eye. If the intensity of sebum secretion is increased, sebum will flow into microcracks, which as a result provokes foci of inflammatory processes. In addition, the abrasive particles themselves are so small and have such sharp edges that they can get stuck in the pores, starting the inflammatory process and the formation of acne.

You can use the scrub in home care from time to time, no more than once a month. “If you urgently need to even out the skin relief, use a scrub,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. - But in the usual care, use milder products.

Today on sale you can find cleansers with polymer granules. They do not scratch the skin and remove keratocytes gently, without damage.

But enzyme peels are more effective and ideal for oily skin. They contain fruit acids, usually bromelain or papain. They break down dead keratocytes and remove them without affecting healthy tissue. Their important advantage is the ability to dissolve sebum in the pores, due to which they narrow and become less noticeable. With regular use 2 times a week, enzyme peels reduce the fat content of the epidermis.

Myth 3. The skin needs to be dried.

The most dangerous delusion. The peculiarity of such an epidermis is that it is always in search of a balance of optimal moisture and its own activity in the production of skin secretions. Drying agents change the picture of what is happening. They draw moisture from the skin, but do not stop the process of sebum secretion.

On the contrary, the more often you use drying agents, the more actively the skin begins to produce its own “lubrication” to reduce moisture loss. This leads to the fact that there is not enough moisture in the surface layer, the skin loses its tone, folds and creases in the form of wrinkles form in it. And the face shines so intensely that you do not have time to wipe it with napkins.

What to do with oily skin in this case? Do not dry! Avoid soaps and alcohol-based lotions. Your cosmetics should have a soft formula. The composition for washing is a sebum-regulating foam that does not disturb the level of moisture, but reduces the production of sebum. Use a toner after cleansing to balance the acidity of the skin's surface and further hydrate it.

You can use alcohol formulations only pointwise, in the presence of rashes. Take the product on a cotton swab and apply it to the inflamed pimple. It is strictly unacceptable to wipe the whole face with such a tool.

Myth 4. If you regularly dry the skin, it will become normal.

The question of how to get rid of oily facial skin has no scientific justification. It is impossible to do this. The type of epidermis does not depend on the menu or on the features of care, therefore it is a mistake to name the use of spicy food among the reasons for increased fat content.

The type of skin is given by nature, it is genetically embedded in us, like eye color or, for example, height. It is impossible to change it to another. But to get dried oily skin with signs of aging is quite real.

Myth 5. Moisturizers are not needed, because the epidermis moisturizes itself.

The level of moisture and greasiness are two different things. Moisture is stored in the structure of the skin, and the sebaceous secret is present on the surface. At elevated air temperatures and its dryness, wind, active exposure to the sun, moisture evaporates. The same thing happens if you wash your face with a cleanser and do not apply a moisturizer. The moisture balance is disturbed.

Dermatologist Joanna Vargas compares dehydrated oily skin to dried apricots. “Imagine that you took such a dried fruit and poured oil on top. Its surface is oily, but inside the amount of moisture does not increase. So is your skin. If you forget to moisturize it, it will begin to age rapidly. This is especially pronounced after 30 years.

Be sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin balanced. It may contain hyaluronic acid (in cosmetics for young epidermis), collagen (after 40 years), jojoba oil.

It is important that such a cream has a light, non-greasy structure, optimally gel. It should not contain dense oils that clog pores and contribute to the formation of inflammation.

Care rules

To care for oily skin at home, you should use the right cosmetics. It is extremely difficult to find one on the supermarket shelf.

You should look at the pharmacy brands of cosmetic products, which contain the following components.

Alpha hydroxy acids (ANA). Fruit acids (malic, citric, glycolic, almond) and others are part of creams and masks for oily skin care. Dissolve excess sebum in the pores, help to reduce its production.

  • Beta hydroxy acids (BHA). It is used, which is part of the cleansers, tonics. It has a pore-constricting, antibacterial effect, reduces the formation of sebum.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol, an active ingredient that prevents inflammatory processes, the formation of acne, acne. Retinol products are medical cosmetics, it can be used in courses to solve the problem. Its constant use does not make sense, as the skin gets used to it and stops responding correctly.
  • Microelements. Zinc, sulfur, copper. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the composition of the skin microflora.
  • Essential oils. The effectiveness of tea tree and eucalyptus oils in oily skin care products has been proven. They reduce the severity of inflammation.

It is preferable to be in the composition of plant extracts that solve related skin problems. , chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, nettle and a number of other cultures heal the skin, increase its immunity, improve cell tone, and increase the strength of the cell wall.

Daily technique

Up to twenty-five years, the skin is able to actively recover, so even after a sleepless night in the morning you will look attractive. Just cleanse your face before going to bed and use a moisturizer.

After twenty-five, the aging process starts. It is important to follow the care technique regularly, not forgetting about it on weekends and holidays. The sooner you develop the habit of giving yourself ten minutes in the morning and evening after a shower, the longer your skin will remain youthful, and fat problems will become less of a concern.

  • Cleansing. Wash your face with foam or gel twice a day. In the morning, cleansing removes from the surface of the epidermis the skin secret that has accumulated in the pores at night. In the evening - removes superficial fat and make-up residues not removed by make-up remover.
  • Tonification. It is necessary to normalize the acid-base balance after washing with tap water and for moisturizing. It is carried out twice a day. Preferably, the content in the tonic of medicinal components for your skin type: sebum-regulating, increasing local immunity. An indication of the presence of such components is always present on the bottle. Apply with a cotton pad or spray on face. It does not need to be washed off.
  • Hydration. It is carried out in the morning and in the evening on clean, toned skin. In the morning, use a light moisturizer with SPF-15 UV protection. In the evening - a denser regenerating composition that helps the epidermis recover at night.
  • Exfoliation. It is performed with the help of enzyme peeling (gommage) twice a week. The product is applied to cleansed skin after washing with warm water. Enzyme peels contain enzymes that work more actively in heat, so, according to cosmetologists, it is important to maintain the required temperature. Gently massage your face with fingers dipped in warm water, or apply a warm, damp washcloth. After ten minutes, rinse off, apply a mask or moisturizer. According to cosmetologists, applying a mask after an enzyme peel improves the penetration of its active ingredients into the skin.
  • Deep hydration. Once or twice a week, use a moisturizing mask based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, algae, and other moisturizing ingredients. This mask saturates the epidermis with moisture, prevents aging and reduces the severity of mimic wrinkles.
  • Deep cleansing. Once or twice a week, a clay-based deep cleansing mask is recommended. Such compounds adsorb the skin secret, give the surface a haze, narrow the pores. The addition of essential oils provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

With increased oiliness during the day, wipe your face with special wipes to cleanse the skin.

The nuances of the summer period

It is believed that in summer even the fattest epidermis dries out slightly and causes less problems. In fact, the problem of increased separation of skin secretion can even worsen, which is facilitated by high temperature, overly active sun, and wind. Hyperpigmentation often occurs on the surface of the skin.

To reduce the harmful effects of external factors, care for oily skin in the summer should be adjusted.

  • Additional cleansing. If during the day there is a feeling of oiliness, dirt, you can additionally wash your face with foam or gel. If this is not possible, use wet wipes, tonic or ordinary mineral water.
  • Light moisturizing. Use a sebum-regulating gel or light emulsion instead of a cream. It should contain both moisturizing components, for example, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidant agents - vitamins C, E. They protect the skin from the action of free radicals that cause aging.
  • Minimum makeup. The more layers of cosmetics on your face, the more active the sebaceous glands work. Keep this amount to a minimum. Stop using foundation.
  • Plus one exfoliation per week. If before that you used home peeling once a week, add one more procedure, if two, then apply three times. This will allow you to control the intensity of sebum secretion.
  • Plus one mask per week. Keep moisturizing and cleansing masks in your arsenal. If acne formation is observed, add an anti-inflammatory mask, which should be used as needed for acne flare-ups.

Avoid using retinol products and acid peels during the summer. They increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet radiation.

The nuances of the winter period

In winter, the epidermis is dried by cold wind, frosty air, which has zero moisture content, and dry air in apartments and offices. Therefore, care for oily skin in winter should include additional hydration and protection from external factors.

Moisturizing cream should be used in winter. The opinion that in the pores in the frosty air it turns into ice is nothing more than a myth. Any cosmetic composition contains water, which acquires skin temperature and does not turn into ice. Only apply it should be about an hour before leaving the house.

For winter care, choose thicker creams with high nutritional and protective qualities. They contain vegetable oils, vitamins necessary to prevent dehydration. Compositions with, avocado and tocopherol (vitamin E) are preferred.

Do not buy products based on mineral oils, paraffin and petroleum jelly, which moisturize well only in the short term. With regular use, they break the lipid barrier, and the skin remains dry even when applying a care product.

You may need to change primary and secondary care.

  • Cleansing. If your usual “washer” causes a feeling of tightness on the face, dryness, change it to a more delicate one. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Protective makeup. It must be layered. After cleansing and toning, apply a nourishing cream. Let it soak in and after about forty minutes, apply foundation, powder. So you protect the skin from external factors.
  • Food. It is in winter that it is reasonable to conduct a course of additional skin nutrition with serums. Apply moisturizing masks three times a week.

Often in winter, the epidermis of the oily type acquires signs of a sensitive one. Redness, irritation may disturb. But this does not mean that the skin type has changed. It is important to take into account its current condition and use more gentle means for care.

Considering oily skin a punishment is a big mistake. It really can cause more problems than any other. But with proper care, it becomes attractive, sebum secretion manifests itself to a lesser extent, acne and blackheads occur infrequently. Adjust the care of oily skin depending on the season, use specially selected cosmetics for this. And she will invariably delight you with the absence of wrinkles and freshness.


The skin becomes oily when the sebaceous glands begin to produce excess amounts of sebum. This is a natural process that you cannot stop, but you can take steps to control and care for oily skin. Oily skin can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble, but with the right daily care and delicate attitude, you can deal with this problem.


Cleansing your face

    Wash your face twice a day. Proper cleaning and daily care are the most important steps to follow when dealing with oily skin. Gently cleanse your face twice a day, morning and evening, using warm water and soap or simply rinsing your skin with water. At first, use a gentle cleanser, as too aggressive products can, on the contrary, increase the amount of sebum produced.

    Use cosmetics that do not contain fat. If you have oily skin, you should choose cosmetics that do not aggravate the situation. Read labels carefully, and always choose "fat-free" or "water-based" products. There are different opinions about the effect of cosmetics on the secretion of skin oils, but heavy makeup can clog pores.

    Use moisturizers. Very often, people with oily skin avoid using moisturizers, believing that their skin does not need additional moisture. Of course, you should avoid oil-based moisturizers that contain ingredients that can clog your skin's pores. Oil-free moisturizers can help rehydrate your skin.

    Don't wash your face too often. If you have oily skin, you may be tempted to wash your face throughout the day to control oil production. Avoid this and try to wash your face only in the morning and evening. Frequent washing can dry out your skin and cause irritation.

    Control everything about your face. Although your skin's oiliness is largely determined by your genes, it's a good idea to control everything that touches your face. Greasy hair, when touching the face, transfers some of the fat to the skin.

    Elimination of excess fat

    1. Try using face masks. Facial masks and clays can be effective in removing excess oil from the skin, but there is also the danger that too much use can lead to dryness and irritation. Be careful when using masks and try to concentrate their application on the most oily areas of the skin. Do not use masks and clays too often. Instead, you should only apply them on the eve of special occasions, such as parties or a big presentation at work.

      • You can purchase masks specifically for oily skin.
      • Be prepared to try several products before you find the right one.
    2. Use absorbent paper. Constant oily skin throughout the day can be very upsetting for you, and washing too often can only make it worse. In this case, you can use ordinary blotting wipes to help remove excess oil from the surface of the skin. It's a great way to apply discreetly and quickly, no matter where you are or what you're doing.

      • There are a number of similar products on the market that you can purchase to remove oil throughout the day.
      • You can also use a piece of tissue or toilet paper.
      • Be careful with your skin and don't rub too hard.
    3. Try using a mild astringent. Astringents are quite often included in the skin care regimen, but you must use it carefully, as it can dry out the skin and have a harsh effect. Drying with such means is not a solution to the problem of oily skin and can even aggravate the situation. If you want to use it, make sure you choose a mild, alcohol-free, and fat-free formula.

      Talk to a professional. Visit your doctor or dermatologist if you are following proper daily skin care but the oiliness is not decreasing. The specialist will be able to advise you on the next steps to take and may even prescribe some medications for you.

Problematic oily facial skin is a serious cosmetic defect that can lead to tangible additional problems. Along with a constant unpleasant shine, acne, blackheads and even inflammation of the skin appear. Proper care for oily skin will help you quickly bring and maintain the dermis in a positive state. Of course, this also affects external factors.

Despite the poor attitude of society towards this type of skin, it is considered more acceptable than dry dermis, the reasons for which you can see. At the very least, the problems that arise due to oiliness seem like a trifle, compared with cracks and permanent wounds of dry cover. Therefore, if you follow the correct recommendations of cosmetologists, oily skin can be not a problem, but an advantage.

Many recommendations involve independent skin care at home. Be extremely careful when using these tips, as they are aimed at drying the skin. Thus, if used incorrectly, there is a chance that you will dry out the cover, which threatens the appearance of other, more serious problems.

The main benefits of oily skin

Let us examine in detail how this type of dermis can be useful for you:

  • Regular natural hydration. The sebaceous glands, which produce a sufficient amount of sebum, contribute to the desired level of moisture on the face. This makes the cover less susceptible to negative external factors.
  • No wrinkles. It has been proven that in people with oily skin, wrinkles appear much later than those with dry skin.
  • Reduced chance of premature aging. People whose sebaceous glands secrete little can face the problem of skin aging as early as 25-30 years old. If you turn oiliness into benefits by using the right skin care methods, you may not experience this problem at all until the age of 40.

It is noteworthy that fat content, with improper care, is a problem not only for the face, but also for other parts of the body. Most often, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands concerns the back. Acne and large subcutaneous pimples appear here. There may be acne all over the body. Therefore, it is very important to start proper care for oily skin types in time.

This will save you from many possible problems in advance. It is likely that thanks to this care you will save yourself from purulent and fatty inflammations, or even malignant tumors.

These are not fundamental tips, but they will help keep the dermis in good condition throughout the day. Naturally, for the best effect, you need to combine these recommendations with the basic rules of care.

  1. Make less physical contact with the skin. It is clear that the back is in contact with the clothes anyway, but in the case of the face, you can adjust the contacts yourself. Try to touch your face less with your hands. Even clean ones. The less the cover is in contact with extraneous factors, the less inflammation appears on it. By the way, it is often the constant touch that causes the appearance of acne and comedones.
  2. Keep your clothes and bedding clean. In the winter season, try to wear only pure natural fabrics. This will keep you from getting dust and other particles into your pores. As for the pillowcase, keep in mind that the face is in contact with the pillow for at least several hours a day. Try to change your underwear daily. In the worst case, once every three days.
  3. Use special degreasers for external use. An increased amount of sebaceous secretion on the skin threatens the appearance of subcutaneous acne. Choose the drugs that are perfect for you and use them as directed throughout the day. These can be creams, lotions and facial cleansers. If there are difficulties during the selection, be sure to consult with a beautician. Keep in mind that a good remedy for oily skin may not work alone. Try to combine drugs.
  4. Avoid direct sunlight on the skin. Ultraviolet provokes the activation of the sebaceous glands. Thus, along with sweat, sebum is released. This mixture clogs the pores, which in turn causes the formation of red subcutaneous pimples and blackheads.

These tips are suitable for people who do not have serious skin problems due to oiliness. In the case when the sebaceous glands are activated excessively and such recommendations do not help in any way, be sure to consult a beautician. You will receive individual advice and a list of useful drugs that will help restore and optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

How to properly cleanse oily skin

In the care of oily dermis, cleansing is very important. It is not only about drying the cover, but also about removing the topmost layer of the epidermis. It is known that it performs a protective function and consists mainly of keratinized cells. It is they who penetrate the sebaceous canals, clogging them along with the secretions of the glands.

At the same time, it is important that the epithelium is not severely damaged. This threatens to reduce the effectiveness of the protective function of the skin. Therefore, strictly adhere to the recommendations listed below for effective and at the same time safe facial skin cleansing.

1. Choose the right soap for washing

Despite all the statements that soap cannot be used during the treatment of oily skin, professional cosmetologists still allow it, and even recommend doing it. The only requirement is to carefully approach the choice of yourself.

First, it should contain only natural ingredients. Any chemical additives can adversely affect the condition of the skin. And secondly, the soap should be originally designed specifically for oily skin. The composition of such a tool usually includes glycerin, which gently moisturizes the skin. There are also options made with goat's milk.

Never use harsh soap on an oily face. This threatens to further tighten the skin and aggravate the situation in the future. It is also forbidden to use products with different oils in the composition. They provoke the sebaceous glands for additional activation and secretion.

Whatever soap you use, washing your face will not give a positive effect if the process itself is wrong. These tips will help you achieve maximum efficiency:

  • Follow a clear frequency of procedures. There is a misconception that too frequent washing will help get rid of excess fat. This is not true. Try to wash your face 3 times a day - morning, afternoon and before bed. If it is not possible to carry out the procedure in the middle of the day, just wipe your face with degreasing lotions.
  • Wash your face with medium temperature water. Cold water will not give the desired effect. An unpleasant oily sheen will still remain on the face after the procedure. Hot liquid greatly dries the skin, which is also strictly prohibited. You can use water at room temperature or at most body temperature.
  • Alternate soap with special emulsions, foams and lotions for washing. These are therapeutic agents that affect not only the sebaceous glands, but also other elements of the skin. Thanks to them, you regulate the level of fat content and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms under the skin.
  • Do not use physical force. It seems to a person that the more he rubs the skin of the face during washing, the better the procedure helps to get rid of fat. This is another misconception. To achieve maximum success, on the contrary, you need to gently massage the skin with selected topical products. So the pores are opened and cleaned much more effectively.

If you are thinking about how to wash your face with oily skin, pay attention to such products:

Avene Cleanance

Special purpose tool from the French company Pierre Fabre. The company is known as a manufacturer of effective lines of preparations for external use, which are designed for people with different skin types. Avene Cleanence is the best cleanser for problematic oily skin. It has many advantages over analogues, due to which it has gained great popularity in the modern market. Among them are:

  • Long term effect. If the use of the drug gives an obvious external result, it does not go away the very next day after stopping washing with this remedy. Skin stays clean for a long time if you continue to properly care for it.
  • Additional functions. The main tasks of the drug include not only the stabilization of the sebaceous glands, but also the elimination of noticeable external skin defects. Thus, using only this foam, you can get rid of annoying blackheads and pimples.
  • No pronounced odor. Many manufacturers add strong flavors to their products. The French company believes that this is an extremely wrong approach. Avene Cleanence Foam has a mild, pleasant scent.
  • The right composition. The components are combined in such a way that they cannot cause an allergic reaction in the patient's body. This makes the drug one of the most versatile on the market, among products for oily problematic skin.
  • No discomfort after use. The main task of preparations for washing is drying of the skin. In this regard, many of them unpleasantly tighten the skin after use. Avene Cleanence is one of the few products after which you experience only pleasant sensations.

Long-term practice of using this foam shows that it has practically no drawbacks. If individual users were able to find any disadvantages, then they are fully compensated by a large list of advantages.


Gel from the company La Roche-Posay. This is a special development, as it is great for people with not only oily, but also sensitive skin. If, after consulting a dermatologist, it was found that your skin does not respond well to any cosmetic preparations, then this option is definitely for you. This is confirmed by the list of benefits of Effaclar foaming gel:

  • Rapid impact. Judging by the reviews, it is this gel that contributes to the most rapid stabilization of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the pores are cleared much faster, which gives an obvious result. The greasiness subsides after just a few uses.
  • Skin safety. Even carriers of the most sensitive skin can be absolutely calm about the condition of the cover after this gel. There is not a single user who has developed allergies or irritations due to Effaclar gel.
  • Soft impact. Unlike most alternatives, this gel does not have any aggressive effect. Of course, it dries the skin, but it happens in such a way that you do not feel even minimal discomfort. The gel as gently as possible washes away sebum and dirt from your cover.
  • Pleasant sensations after using the drug. The composition of the gel includes special components that refresh the skin. And in the literal sense. After washing, you really feel freshness and a pleasant chill on your face.

However, in the case of this drug, there is a small drawback. Before using, you need to make sure that your skin type is oily. Otherwise, the gel may adversely affect the condition of the cover. Practice shows that it significantly dries the skin of a normal type.

To avoid the negative effects of the drug, be sure to consult your doctor before use. In this case, if the oily skin type is established by a specialist, overdrying is definitely impossible.

Sebo Gel Nettoyant Purifiant

If you are thinking about how to take care of oily skin in order to immediately get a visible result, pay attention to Sebo Gel Nettoyant Purifiant from another French developer, Arnaud. This is not only a medical, but also a cosmetic product, the main advantage of which is a matting effect. That is, after use, the unpleasant oily sheen from the skin disappears literally immediately. You do not need to wait until the sebaceous glands fully restore proper performance. In addition, the tool has additional advantages:

  • Correct consistency. Thanks to the right composition, the developers managed to make the perfect consistency of the product. This contributes to the fact that the use of the drug is as convenient as possible. You spend much less time washing your face.
  • Pleasant aroma. This is not about the pungent smell that remains on the face after using the gel, but about the washing procedure itself. The scent is mild yet refreshing, so it helps your receptors wake up from sleep or get ready for the night.
  • Refreshing effect. Like the products listed above, this gel leaves a feeling of freshness on the skin. By the way, this is not only a pleasant sensation, but also a positive effect on the skin. Such feelings indicate that the pores are cleansed, and the secret can freely come out.
  • Deep cleaning of the cover. The gel literally pulls out all the contents from the sebaceous canals. Clogged sebum, keratinized cells and dust already in the process of washing come out. Thanks to this, the sebaceous glands work freely, and the face is not covered with an unpleasant greasy film for a long time. In principle, thanks to this, the matte effect described above is achieved.

Despite the fact that the tool is used by tens of thousands of people around the world, no shortcomings have been found today. Of course, there are individual isolated cases when certain people do not like the remedy, but here we are not talking about its negative impact, but about personal preferences, up to the smell.

If you are looking for a cleanser for oily skin, pay attention to these preparations. All of them have approximately the same cost - from 200 to 300 rubles per tube. Of course, these are not the cheapest means, but they fully justify their cost. If you still want to save on washing gels and foams, try products from Propeller or Yves Rocher. They are much cheaper, but you need to understand that the effect may be worse than expected.

3. Peels

These are cosmetic procedures that are carried out in clinical settings or salons. In fact, the skin is cleaned mechanically, which gives the best effect. During the procedures, different means can be used - from ordinary scrubs to aggressive chemicals. Only a specialist can determine the type of peeling that suits you. This is the fastest way to restore the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of oily skin for a long time.

4. Treatments at home

You can carry out special procedures from the comfort of your own home, including the one mentioned above. Of course, for this you need to use the exact recommendations of doctors. Check out a list of helpful tips for oily face care at home from a professional dermatologist:

By applying the right methods of caring for oily skin, you can not only get rid of the unpleasant shine, but also prevent the appearance of various pimples and blackheads throughout the area.

How to determine what you have oily skin? Very simple - it is rough, shiny, oily, earthy in color, reminiscent of an orange in texture. Sebum, released in excess, combines with the fallen out skin flakes and creates blockage in the openings of the sebaceous glands (they are also called black dots), acne begins to appear and become inflamed.

Oily skin needs to be cleansed more often than other skin types. You should wash your face at least three times a day with soap or a special cleanser. Remove makeup in the evening with a cleansing cream. It is better to use soft lotions with a tonic effect. Such lotions tone the skin, increase blood circulation, improve its texture. It is not necessary to moisturize such skin, but it is advisable to use a non-greasy moisturizer, such as a night cream.

Oily skin usually gives its owners a lot of problems and troubles. Acne and pimples very often occur on such skin, it is covered with a fatty film and is poorly supplied with blood. Usually this type of skin is present in young people during puberty, but despite this, about 10% of adults are also affected by its presence.

In this type of skin, the sebaceous glands work more intensively, and also secrete sebum. The main culprit for this is the hormonal system, more precisely, testosterones (male hormones). They activate the sebaceous glands. The outer layer of the skin is thick, the pores are clogged and the fat cannot come out. And there are inflamed acne, which usually happens most often on oily skin. The only joy is that this type of skin is less prone to aging, wrinkles on it appear much later than others.

If you take care of oily skin incorrectly, it will become oily faster, its respiratory and protective functions will weaken, and immunity will decrease. These are the first signs of incredible skin inflammation. Our skin primarily depends on environmental factors, and its fat content primarily depends on the participation of a person in them.

Therefore, some products may be well received by the skin of one person, while others may practically not change the skin of another person. And in order to find the best remedy for this skin, a long work is needed.

Care for oily skin, facial skin

For oily skin, the most important thing is to cleanse it with the help of special products that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase its immunity to various infections. Such skin usually needs to be cleansed three times a day. For skin cleansing not very caustic soap or a special agent (gel) is suitable, the water should not be very hard. After washing, the skin can be rinsed with cold water with vinegar or lemon diluted in it.

Oily skin also benefits from compresses and steam baths. In the morning and evening, you can use oatmeal or fermented milk products as a wash. After washing, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a special lotion, tonic, strong tea leaves, infusion of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, sage

Moisturizing and nourishing creams will help your skin look healthy. Several times a week it is advisable to do cleansing and nourishing masks. For very porous skin prone to inflammation, it is recommended to wash with cold tea

With wide pores, it is advisable to use cream and water with cucumber or lemon juice. You can also use protein masks to which these juices are added, and instead of ordinary water, it is sometimes useful to wash your face with unboiled milk. The following step-by-step care is offered throughout the day.


1. To begin with, we wash ourselves with cold water, which tones the skin (and hot, on the contrary, stimulates the sebaceous glands), with a special gel or gentle foam, in general, with any means that dissolve easily in water and are designed specifically for oily skin care. Ordinary soap only dries the skin, leaving a residue.

2. The skin is wiped with a special tightening tonic. Such a tonic well removes impurities from the skin, soothes it and prepares the skin for further application of makeup. It is advisable to use an alcohol-free tonic, because alcohol dries the skin very much and contributes to even more irritation.

3. We apply a special moisturizing cream (base) with a minimum content of fatty substances, and which will not contain oil. If there are already acne on the skin, they must be spot-treated with products that include salicylic acid, peroxide, and various low-fat oils. The concentration of benzene peroxide is optimal within 5-10%.

4. If you go outside, then you need to apply a product with SPF protection of at least 15 (middle lane) and at least 30 (south). It can be various means - foundation, base, mineral powder. The main thing to remember is that the product with SPF protection must be applied last, otherwise if it is below, under another cream, it simply will not work. If you do not protect yourself from the sun, all products applied to the skin will be meaningless, because solar radiation contributes to photoaging of the skin, fine wrinkles, cracks, age spots, freckles are formed. Sunscreen should contain the following ingredients: zinc oxide, autobenzone, Tinosorb. titanium dioxide, Mexoryl SX.


1. First, remove all dirt and make-up with make-up remover or foam/gel cleanser.

2. Then apply a night cream. At the first wrinkles, a cream is needed, which contains retinol, which renews the skin well and makes it clean, radiant and younger. It's a good idea to use special serums that include vitamins. There are such serums in every company, you need to take it specifically for oily skin.

During the day

1. There are special wipes with which you can blot the skin throughout the day and remove oily sheen. These wipes will not damage makeup and remove excess sebum. It is advisable to always powder the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Powder must be taken with minerals, because only they can remove oily sheen and cure oily skin. Deep cleansing should be done 1 or 2 times a week.

2. The most important part of oily skin care is deep cleansing. For such skin, scrubs are useful, which include particles of raspberry pits, cedar shells, apricot pits, etc. After such a scrub, the skin will become silky and smooth, however, there is a risk of microtrauma from the sharp edges of the particles, the skin may turn red, so if the skin is very sensitive, you can use scrubs with artificial granules. Peeling should be done no more than once, twice a week, otherwise the skin will become even worse - it will be overdried and there will be even more sebum. It is best to use the scrub in the evening, when you do not need to go outside and expose your skin to the sun and wind.

3. If you are already 25 years old, then peeling, which includes AHA acids, will be the most effective for facial rejuvenation. Now this is the best way to get rid of dead cells, stimulate the growth of new cells, renew the skin and reduce wrinkles. At home, you can use fruit acid peels with a concentration of no more than 15-20%, and use them a maximum of 2 times a week. If the acid concentration is higher, then such peelings are already done in the salon by specialists.

4. Masks-films, clay, mud are better suited as masks. A film mask is applied to the face and waiting for it to dry completely, they harden in the form of a film and then they are removed, and along with them, dirt, dust, dead skin particles, and excess sebum are removed. Such masks are removed by moving from the bottom up, holding the skin of the face. Such masks include extracts of treated herbs and astringents, but they should not be done often, no more than 2 times a week. You can also make masks with a pore-constricting effect that moisturize and soothe oily skin.

Oily skin care mistakes

What do we do wrong if we have oily skin:

First mistake.
Your cleanser is very strong. It is not right when women try to degrease their skin using the strongest means, the result is usually the opposite. At the same time, the skin itself tries to restore sebum and removes even more sebum, thereby covering the face with a thick layer of fat.

Our advice.
It is better to use gentle and soft means, but more often. If you have time - wipe the skin throughout the day at least 3 times, even with any busyness it must be cleaned. For cleansing, a lotion or tonic will go, which is designed specifically for oily skin. These products contain antibacterial substances that prevent inflammation and clogged pores.

Second mistake.
You pop pimples and blackheads too often. Pimples themselves are plugs of dead skin cells and sebum, they block the exits of sebum to the surface. Inflamed pimples are replaced by blackheads. And as a result, serious inflammatory processes can begin from a small pimple.

Our advice.
Squeeze blackheads no more than once a week. The most important thing is to approach this matter correctly. It is necessary to cleanse the skin and soften it with a steam bath with the addition of herbs - chamomile, sage, etc. Then wrap a bandage or cosmetic cotton wool around your finger and, pressing lightly, squeeze out the blackhead. Then disinfect the place with toilet water or alcohol.

Third mistake.
Your experiences about the appearance of these acne. Often chocolate, sweets, sometimes sexual promiscuity, or poor hygiene are to blame. But all these claims are not substantiated at all! All this only leads to unnecessary worries, and, as we know, stress can really negatively affect the condition of our skin and the whole organism as a whole.

Our advice.
Do not pay attention to it, live calmly and do not think about it, as a last resort, if you have any doubts, consult a doctor

Fourth mistake.
You have chosen the wrong medicine. Many drugs, on the contrary, cause acne. If, for example, they contain a lot of vitamin B or iodine.

Our advice.
Look at what medications you have been taking for a long time, read the instructions. If your doctor prescribes medicine for you, ask him about the effect of this medicine on the skin.

Fifth mistake.
You exfoliate too often. Regular exfoliation (in other words, the removal of dead cells from the surface using exfoliating agents) is useful for oily skin and with the help of it, dead cells that clog pores disappear. However, some women exfoliate too often, almost every day. And because of this, the opposite result is obtained. The skin begins to secrete more sebum and becomes even oilier than before.

Our advice.
Peeling is best done no more than 2-3 times a week. After the skin is cleansed, it is necessary to rub the exfoliating cream in a circular motion. On very dry skin, its action will be more effective. But if you have inflammation and acne, you should not use peeling, because. exfoliating particles will further injure the already inflamed areas of the skin and prevent its healing.

Folk remedies oily skin care, masks

The following folk recipes for oily skin masks are recommended:

Kaolin mask.
1 st. l. kaolin, 1 tbsp. l. corn flour, 1 protein, 10 drops of alcohol, 10 drops of lemon juice mix, apply on face and hold the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Gentle cleansing mask.

By 2 tsp. honey add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. Apply the composition on the face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Protein mask.

Beat 1 egg white with lemon juice until foamy. Lubricate the face and upper part of the neck with protein. The protein on the skin turns into a film. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Calendula mask.

1 st. l. calendula pour 100 g of water, moisten a thin layer of cotton wool with this solution. Then put the moistened cotton on the face, leaving holes for the eyes, mouth and nostrils. Remove the mask after 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with a dry cotton swab.

Herbal mask.

Plantain - 2h. spoons, nettle - 1 hour. spoon, field horsetail - 1h. spoon, mint - 1 hour. spoon, flaxseed - 1h, spoon, yarrow - 1h. spoon, St. John's wort - 2 hours. spoons, sage - 1 hour. spoon, chamomile - 1 hour. a spoon. Herbs are crushed. 2 parts herbs and 1 part starch. Boil with boiling water. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Casein tightening mask.

Cottage cheese - 200 g, sprinkle with 1 g of salicylic acid, grind. Boiling water - 0.5 cups, borax - 1 teaspoon - pour into cold cottage cheese. Add ammonia - 10 drops, juice of one lemon, alcohol - 50 ml. Apply on face for 30 minutes.

Clay mask.

Clay - 1 hour. spoon, yeast - 1h. spoon, soap - 0.5 pieces, lemon - 10 drops or mustard on the tip of a knife. At the end - hydrogen peroxide 3%. Hydrogen peroxide is poured in last, just before applying to the skin of the face. Yeast, hydrogen peroxide - for 15 minutes. Lubricate the face first with lemon juice. Brew black bread with boiling water and rub into the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Acidophilus mask.

Acidophilic milk - 100 ml, lemon - half, perhydrol - a few drops.

Propolis mask.

Olive oil - 100 g, propolis tincture - 20 ml, wax - 15 g, yolks - 2 pcs. Propolis and wax are poured with olive oil, put in a steam bath until dissolved, poured into a mortar, curd like a nourishing cream. Yolks are added to the cold cream. Mask of tincture of pepper and protein. Beat 1 protein, add 1 teaspoon of talc, lemon juice - 10 drops, pepper tincture - 3 drops. Mask of vegetable juice with cream. Juice can be tomato or cucumber: mix 1 tsp of any of these juices with 1 tsp. a spoonful of cream. Lubricate the skin with this mixture several times in a row, allowing the skin to dry a little between lubrication (lubricate 5-6 times), after 15-20 minutes, rinse with slightly lukewarm water mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda or 0.5 teaspoon of borax per 1 glass of water.

The mask is almond-yolk.

Honey - 1 cm. spoon, almond flour - 1 cm. spoon, well-ground yolk. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes.

Green pea flour - 2 cm. spoons, oil bowl - 2 cm. spoons. This mixture is on the face until dry, rinse with warm, then cold water.

The mask is whitening and drying.

Egg powder - 1 cm. spoon, sour tea mushroom - 30 ml, alum - 2 g, yeast - 0.5 packs, glycerin - 0.5 ml, perhydrol - 10 drops, sage extract - 1 hour. a spoon.

Yeast mask.

Dilute fresh yeast with a small amount of sour or fresh milk to a state of sour cream, add 5-10 drops of 3-5% hydrogen peroxide, which you pour in just before applying the mask to your face. Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

Horseradish mask.

0.5 st. spoons of grated horseradish, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of hot milk. Grate horseradish on a coarse grater and pour boiling milk over it. The mask should be quite thick. Apply it for 20-30 minutes, warm. For the desired consistency, especially for oily skin, add white clay or kaolin and 0.5 teaspoon of grated violet root.

Mask with borax.

1/4 teaspoon of borax, 2 teaspoons of tooth powder, 1/4 grated cucumber with peel, hydrogen peroxide 3-5% - by eye, to the desired consistency.

Herbal mask.

2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, 2 tbsp. lime blossom spoons, 2 tbsp. spoons of lavender, 1 tbsp. sage spoon. Grind all this in a porcelain mortar to powder, then pour boiling water to make a thick slurry. Cover with a lid to steam the herbs for 1-3 minutes, then apply a warm mask on the face and neck, protecting the eyelids. Cover the mask with lignin, plastic wrap or parchment paper with a hole for the mouth and nose. It is good with an open mask (without a warming compress) to put a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of sage, arnica, or ordinary strong tea on the eyelids. After 20 minutes, remove the lignin, and remove the remnants of the mask with a spatula from the face, rinse the face first with warm water, then be sure to cold.

Curd mask.

100 g of sour fresh low-fat cottage cheese, 0.5 teaspoon of borax, 1/4 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 whipped protein.

Bearberry mask.

Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. spoons, yeast - 1/4 pack, hydrogen peroxide - 0.5 tsp, sour or raw milk - 0.5-1 tbsp. spoons, sugar and salt - a pinch each.

Cucumber mask.

2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber juice, 1 protein, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tooth powder. When applying a mask, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Lemon mask. Protein - 1 pc., Sugar - a pinch, hydrogen peroxide - 15 drops, lemon juice - 1/4 teaspoon.

Drying herbal mask.

The action of this mask is summed up from the main medicinal properties of the herbs included in it. To prepare this mask, chamomile, lime blossom, St. John's wort are taken. Chamomile tones and disinfects the skin, has an astringent effect. Linden blossom gives a pleasant aroma and soothes irritation, softens the skin and has an astringent effect. St. John's wort degreases, tones the skin, has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Acne mask.

75 g of magnesia, 250 g of kaolin, 4 g of camphor, 4 g of sulfur, 25 g of rice starch, 2 g of boric acid, 2 g of burnt alum.

Applied for 30 minutes. Around the eyes - nourishing cream. Wash off with warm water, then cold. This mask cleanses, smoothes oily skin and gives it a matte finish.

Honey egg mask.

Nourishes, moisturizes, cleanses the skin. It is prepared from 2 egg whites, 30 g of honey, 0.5 teaspoons of almond or peach oil and 2 tbsp. tablespoons crushed oatmeal. Mix unwhipped proteins with honey and butter until smooth, and then add oatmeal. Remove the mask first with a warm and then a cool compress.

orange mask.

Juice of 1 orange, glycerin - 1.5 teaspoons, flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, protein - 1 pc., milk powder - 2h. spoons.

Hollywood mask.

2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of oatmeal or cornmeal with the protein of one egg until foam forms. Then apply this mask on the face and wash off with milk or water after 15-20 minutes. The mask tones the skin of the face, whitens it and cleanses it.

Cottage cheese honey moisturizing mask.

Tones the skin, tightens pores. 2 cm. spoons of cottage cheese, 0.5 teaspoons of liquid honey and an egg. Mash the cottage cheese with honey, add the egg and beat. Wash off the mask with warm and then cold water.

Creative mask.

3 teaspoons of cottage cheese are mixed with a spoonful of sour cream or honey, applied to the face, especially around the lips and eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off with a cotton swab dipped in milk. The mask nourishes and refreshes the skin of the face.

Brewer's yeast mask.

Lanolin - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, glycerin - 2 tbsp. spoons, vitamins E, C, A, D - 5 drops each, benzoic tincture - 20 drops, Eleutherococcus - 1 hour. spoon, brewer's yeast - 4 tbsp. spoons, folliculin - 1 ampoule.

Sauerkraut mask.

Apply 100 g of cabbage evenly on the face, rinse with cold water after 20 minutes. The mask tightens pores, nourishes with vitamins E, C.

Cucumber mask.

From cucumber peel or cucumber slices. It is washed off with a cotton swab dipped in milk. The mask has a whitening effect.

Yolk mask.

1 yolk is diluted with the juice of half a lemon (or in canned juice) and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil is added. Lubricate the face with the resulting mixture, after 20 minutes, rinse with a cotton swab dipped in warm milk. The mask has a nourishing, rejuvenating effect due to the content of lecithin, cholesterol and vitamins A, B2 and PP.

Almond bran mask.

Recommended for oily skin with wide pores. Apply no more than 1 time per week. 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon almond flour, yolk. Rub everything well. Apply to face and neck. Hold for 20 minutes. Wash up.

Toning honey mask.

Take 1 protein, 1 tsp. a spoonful of honey, the same amount of milk and lemon juice. Add the remaining ingredients to the whipped protein mass. To prevent the mask from being liquid, crushed oatmeal can be added to the mixture. Remove the mask with a warm compress. Add a little chamomile extract to the water for rinsing your face.

Carrot mask.

1 teaspoon of oatmeal, 1/2 egg yolk, 1 grated carrot, 20 drops of lemon juice. Mix everything, apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cold water.