What can you give a teacher for graduation. Graduation gifts for educators: memories. Crocus Gift Set

Parents share tips on what to give a teacher for graduation in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten is an important event, and many parents are now starting to prepare for it.


- We gave warm blankets!

Olga Voinyak:

- Gold bracelet and food processor.


- In kindergarten with mothers, at first we put forward many ideas about gifts for graduation in kindergarten ... And something from household appliances is small for each teacher, and gift certificates to different stores, etc. ... But then, after thinking over everything, we decided just give a nice beautiful bouquet and put money in envelopes ... Just to give a certain gift - not every person will please - someone will like it, but someone will not need the thing at all ... Otherwise, they will spend it on whatever they want.

We collect money for 1000 rubles (this amount is WITHOUT gifts for children, they additionally collected money for good encyclopedias).

Organization (preliminary) - a ceremonial part, then (if the sun is outside and warm) - we go out there, there are tables (juices, fruits, cakes) + an entertainment program for children (we invite artists) + a lot of balls that the children will release into the sky ). If the weather is bad - the same thing, but in a group.

That's basically it. At first they wanted to do an entertainment program in a cafe, but they also decided that since they were saying goodbye to kindergarten, then a holiday should be arranged there.

Anna Petrova:

We gave flowers and sweets, as well as souvenirs in the form of bells. Throwing off 1,500 rubles. with this money we managed to buy everything of good quality. There were big beautiful bouquets of gorgeous flowers! The sweets aren't the cheapest either!

But the opinions of educators

Anonymously:- Hello! I want to tell my story with gifts to the topic of cash presentations. In 2006, it was approximately. On March 8, the dad of one child brought a bouquet of tulips and a postcard on March 8, I open it and there are 3000 rubles. And he gave the same to the second teacher. And the nanny, perhaps two thousand or so, I don’t remember, but a little less than we do. I saw when the money was and how much of it, and immediately decided to return it with the words that I simply had no right to accept such gifts! I will accept flowers, thank you very much and all that. Take the money. But he flatly refused to take back! And I was embarrassed and ashamed even. I then received 12 thousand in total. And by the way, then we did not have a parent committee and everyone congratulated themselves on their own behalf. Or did not congratulate. Optional.
Here's a story.

Helena:- Insanely beautiful blooming begonia in a pot and certificates in the cosmetics store.

Lyuba:- For three years in a row, our parents gave us gold at the prom: earrings, a bracelet, a pendant. Very nice!

Natalia:- In group one, educators and junior educators changed for 5 years. We were all given table lamps. I am pleased.

Irina:- And we have a village kindergarten, everything is simple. Flowers and sweets.

Svetlana:- For 4 years she was leading the children alone and letting her out alone. They gave me a gold chain and a pendant of extraordinary beauty. And so they also gave a professional hairdryer, a set of unbreakable tableware for 12 people, an electric meat grinder, I was glad to everything, I still use and remember all my parents with a kind word.

Alla:- The first graduating group presented a diary, made with their own hands, on each leaf, the child and parents drew pictures, pasted their photos, wrote wishes and thanks ... Each had his own diary. I still look and cannot get enough of it ... SO PLEASANT! The second group presented an album, they made an album of a graduate for themselves, and made a personalized one for us, each and about us nice words and photos of ours and the guys. And plus cards in Letual.

Natalia:- Flowers and a certificate for gold. I bought a wedding ring. True, life forced me to hand over to a pawnshop.

It is customary to give gifts to the teacher on general and professional holidays: the day of preschool education workers, her birthday, new year, and, of course, a matinee in kindergarten.

For all of the above holidays, you can give purely symbolic standard gifts: a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates; a bottle of good wine and fruit; a couple of tea and a gift set of tea to it.

Since the kindergarten workers are mainly women, you will not go wrong if you give a basket filled with various cosmetics (masks, creams, bath salts and foams), aroma lamps with a set of oils for relaxation and rest, or a gift certificate for a small amount to a cosmetic store ...

What else can you give a kindergarten teacher

If you are looking to spend a more impressive amount of money to purchase a gift for a teacher or for your child's kindergarten graduation, then you can consider the following options, for example, a blanket, a picture or an unusual planter, a pillow for rest, a beautiful service, or the same gift certificate but for a more substantial amount of money in a cosmetic or jewelry store.

Also, no one canceled gifts in the form of household appliances, again, if the means allow you: food processors, blenders, microwave ovens, printers, coffee machines, multicooker, cameras and much more.

A good gift option can be those items that are useful not only for the teacher, but for the whole kindergarten in general. These can be carpets with images of cartoon or fairy-tale characters, which are so necessary in the playrooms of the kindergarten; ionizers and humidifiers so that the skin of children does not dry out; beautiful pictures with children's themes; garden benches in the courtyard of the kindergarten, a new aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten.

Some people remember about cash gifts "in envelopes" that can be attached to any of the material gifts, but it is not accepted to give money to educators, and indeed to any other employees.

When giving a present to your child's teacher, do not forget to attach a greeting card to it and say a few words of gratitude for the upbringing and care of your child.


  • 13 birthday gift ideas for a kindergarten teacher

On the New Year's holiday, March 8, an anniversary or a graduation party, it is customary to give gifts to educators. And this is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a way to express your gratitude for the care and upbringing of children.

Delicious gifts

As a tasty gift for a kindergarten teacher, a set of green or black tea, coffee, a box of chocolates or cookies are suitable. You should first clarify the preferences of the teacher. Usually delicious gifts are given by March 8 and the New Year.

Cosmetic sets

Let's not forget to remind our beloved teachers that they are charming women and we will give them hair care kits, shower products or perfume kits.

Household products

If you are giving gifts to two teachers at once, give preference to presentations of the same value. And do not forget about the nanny, she also helps your baby on an equal basis with the teacher.
The work of a teacher is not very easy, so he just needs to relax. You can present an aroma lamp with a set of oils. A sconce with dim light will also help to create an atmosphere for relaxation. All of this will help you relax and deal with daily stress.
Choose a blanket or cushion for the caregiver that will encourage her to relax. In addition, you can choose dishes as a gift: a teapot, coffee or tea sets, fondyushnitsa. Or interior items: vases, paintings, photo frames.

Gift certificates

It is not always possible to guess the tasteful gift for the person whom we want to congratulate. The ability to choose it yourself gives the opportunity to a gift certificate: a trip to a beauty salon, a cinema or a bookstore.

Expensive gifts

As a rule, educators are given the most important and expensive gifts. Thus, parents express their gratitude for the care and upbringing of their kids. A good gift can be a technique that makes household work easier: an electric kettle, a microwave oven, a multicooker or a blender.

Whichever gift you choose, do not forget to complement it with a bouquet of flowers and kind and warm words. The words of gratitude and wishes you said are more important than any gift.
If you have the opportunity, you can give the teacher a good printer, with the ability to print photos and teaching materials for the group. Another luxurious gift option is jewelry: rings, pendants, brooch or chain. Such a present will remain in memory for a long time, because gold is the most valuable gift that does not go out of fashion, which women love very much.

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International Women's Day is approaching - a holiday dedicated to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. On this day, it is customary for women to show signs of attention and give gifts. Do not forget about the child's teacher. March 8 is a great occasion to express my gratitude and respect to her.

What to give a teacher from your group

I would like not only to pay attention to the teacher, but to give her something meaningful, useful and quite expensive. This is possible if the amount of money collected by the parents of the whole group allows it to be done.

A good gift can be:

Any household appliances. But first you need to try to find out what kind of object of use the teacher needs. If she has everything she needs, you can surprise her with a non-standard appliance - for example, a bread maker, a dishwasher or a multicooker. These items are not required in the household, but they are very useful.

If the teacher does not have a passport, you can order a tour of Russia for her. It will also be a wonderful pastime.

Women's accessories, ranging from cosmetics and perfumes and ending with other ladies' accessories and little things. After all, your child's educator is, first of all, a woman, you should not forget about this. This means that a certificate for the purchase of perfume or cosmetics (for example, in the shops "L" Etual "or" Rive Gauche ") will become a pleasant, unexpected and useful gift for her.

A voucher or a good discount for a trip to any country can be a pleasant gift for a teacher. After all, it's great to visit sunny countries, relax and gain strength during your vacation.

Such gifts are unusual, non-standard, they are able to give their recipient a lot of positive emotions.

Please the teacher personally

A warm attitude towards you and your child will cause a gift from the woman-educator, which you will purchase and present to her personally. If you want to stand out with your gift, do not forget that the main thing is to make it match her hobbies and preferences. An unusual flower or some other rare plant will be beautiful and memorable.

Warmth and comfort will be given to the teacher by a beautiful pillow with embroidery or a blanket presented as a gift.

The sets of elite tea or coffee presented as a presentation are also appropriate. For young educators, sushi and roll sets, which have become popular recently, are suitable. For those who are older, the book is a wonderful gift, the main thing is that it is interesting, useful and corresponds to the literary taste of the educator.

Good gifts for 8 - and not only for kindergarten teachers, but also for other women - are also discount coupons in various stores and gift certificates.

Tip 4: What to give a kindergarten teacher for the New Year

When the long-awaited New Year's holidays come, on the one hand, it is a very joyful event, but on the other hand, it brings a lot of trouble, because you really want to congratulate, surprise and please everyone ... And this applies not only to relatives and friends, but also to the people with whom you are contact every day.

What is customary to give a kindergarten teacher in the New Year?

If your fantasy is faltering and nothing original comes to mind, you can use the generally accepted and traditional gifts that will surely please the kindergarten teacher.

A bouquet of flowers and a set of sweets is the most standard and safe option for any woman. And, since we are talking about a person who surely adores children and spends a lot of time with them, you can show a little creativity - presenting a bouquet of soft toys. It is not at all difficult to make it, but how will the teacher be surprised by such an unusual present.

In addition, you can not be engaged in independent creativity, but order such a sweet bouquet in special stores.

Gourmet alcoholic drinks - it can be a bottle of good champagne or wine, because from time to time the teachers want to spend the evening at a delicious homemade dinner with a glass of sparkling drink.

An envelope or a postcard with a cash present also sometimes becomes an option for a gift, because, it would seem, such a gift simply cannot but please, because the teacher herself will be able to buy herself a long-noted present. However, it is better to refuse this kind of gifts, since money can only be given to friends or relatives.

Original surprises for the kindergarten teacher

The more unusual the gift, the more joyful emotions it will evoke. Surely kindergarten teachers are already hard to surprise with the usual bouquets and sweets, although this is a good option. New Year is a special holiday filled with some kind of magic, so you can experiment a little with gifts.

Gastronomic gifts. Instead of the usual box of chocolates, you can give the teacher a beautifully designed basket with all kinds of sweets or fresh fruits.

Sets consisting of tea or coffee, complemented by mugs or teapots, will look original.

Gift certificates are a very original and modern present. V in this case there will be many options, everything will depend on the age and preferences of the teacher. For example, a certificate may be intended for a cosmetic store, a chain of perfumery boutiques, or for visiting a beauty salon. And if a kindergarten teacher has a special interest in cooking, it will be especially pleasant for her to receive a certificate for the purchase of various dishes and devices for creating culinary masterpieces.

The first spring holiday is associated with flowers and smiles. Children from childhood should be introduced to this celebration. How to spend March 8 for children in the garden so that it would be interesting for both kids and parents?

First of all, you need to think over the scenario for March 8 for the children's matinee. Let there be two or three leading educators dressed up in costumes. You can choose almost any image - it can be costumes of flowers or bright embroidered dresses, which will be worn by three sisters, personifying the spring months.

The presenters go on stage and tell why everyone gathered in the hall. It is worth telling a little about how this holiday came, mentioning Clara Zetkin. At the end of this scene, you need to stage the kidnapping of one of the presenters. The abductor can be a gray wolf, Serpent Gorynych or Koschey. To save her, children need to pass special tests of memory, speed and ability to move.

The first test is a rhyme competition. Children should recite poems about spring or a holiday by heart. After a successful performance, you can reward the kids and give them a piece of candy. If there are many children in the group, then you can divide them into two parts - the first group participates in the first test, and the second in the third.

The next test is a speed marathon in plasticine sculpting. Children are given material from which they need to blind the kidnapper for a certain period of time, for example, in 3 minutes. If desired, plasticine can be replaced with felt-tip pens, let the children draw! It is advisable to involve each child in the group in this activity.

The third test is everyone's favorite dances. Parents love to watch how their child funny moves to the beat of the music, and the children themselves just love to dance. Of course, the kid will cope with this test perfectly well.

The evil kidnapper will be moved, admit his mistake and return the missing presenter to the kids and their parents. Kids need to be taught kindness and compassion, so the script should imply forgiveness and condescension to the gray wolf or Gorynych. Children should invite him to their place, lead a round dance.

At the end of the matinee, you can give the children gifts - packages with sweets and fruits, and give the parents crafts that their children made.

Human memory does not store childhood years in full, as a rule, we remember this age in snatches, in parts. Let these bright moments, in the memory of your baby, be enough!

In the nursery group, children mostly play with toys, and not with each other, so there are no problems in communication. But in the preparatory group, the situation is different. Children spend a lot of time together, communicate, participate in joint games. There are situations when children tell their parents about their unwillingness to attend kindergarten. Why might such a situation arise?

First, it depends on the climate in the child's family. If everything is good in the family, then, as a rule, the child is very sociable, active and friendly. If the situation in the family is the opposite, then the child is withdrawn and unsociable. Then you should start by building relationships between family members, and you need to communicate with the child. It is necessary to find out the reasons for his reluctance to go to kindergarten and explain to him why it is necessary.

Secondly, there are leaders in any team. Often, children try to be friends and look up to good peers to whom educators can express sympathy. In this case, the child may have a bad relationship with such leaders, or he may not be able to make friends with them. It is worth explaining to the child that relations can improve over time and praise him in those matters that he does well. Perhaps advise him to show his skills in kindergarten, so that he can make friends with other children.

Has the situation changed? Then it's worth talking to the teacher. If the group is large, then it can be difficult for a kindergarten worker to control aggressive and arrogant behavior of children. This is part of his duties, but is done whenever possible.

Alternatively, it is possible to communicate with the parents of the child who offends the baby. Ask them to talk to their child.

It will be good if from an early age the child will communicate with children of his own age: siblings or cousins. Then it will be easier for him to find a common language with children in kindergarten, because he will already have communication skills, a certain model of behavior will be developed.

But we must not forget that conflict situations cannot be avoided. It would be better to explain to the child that every and sometimes rude communication or refusal of friendship should not be taken seriously in life, but should close our eyes to it. After all, all people are different, with their own characteristics. The sooner he understands this, the easier it will be for him to further build relationships in the team.

Kindergarten graduation- a very exciting and touching event for both the child and his parents. Every kid is looking forward to this holiday, because for a child it is step into adult school life and a new, more responsible stage in his life.

However, kindergarten graduation is also a large number organizational issues which parents usually do. This is an entertainment program for children, decorating the hall with balloons, preparing a festive sweet table for children after the concert. Deserve special mention gifts for kindergarten teachers and staff, as well as gifts for children, which are traditionally given at the prom in kindergarten.

Gifts for kindergarten staff

There are a lot of kindergarten workers- in addition to your teacher, there is also a manager, a music director, a methodologist, a medical worker, a cook, and nursery group teachers. All of them undoubtedly deserve attention and gratitude for their work and the upbringing of our children. Which present present to kindergarten workers at graduation and how at the same time save budget? What should be considered when choosing? To make this task easier, we offer you useful gift ideas.

  • Certificate to the store. We cannot always guess the taste of the person we want to congratulate. Therefore, in order to give him the opportunity to choose a gift himself, you can present a gift certificate. There are a large number of options for gift certificates: to a perfumery store, household appliances, tableware.
  • Tickets or certificate for going to a beauty salon, theater, exhibition, concert.
  • Interior items
  • Set of glasses or cups
  • A set of towels or a beautiful tablecloth
  • Beautiful flower vase
  • Original designed sets of sweets, tea or coffee
  • Small household appliances
  • Flowers - These can be pretty cut flowers or original potted flowers. Be sure to attach a card with wishes to the flowers.

Gifts for the kindergarten teacher

In most cases a gift for the teacher of the group, which is issued, is discussed separately from gifts to the rest of the kindergarten workers. After all, we are talking about a person whom many kids consider to be practically a second mother. It was she who taught the children the first skills of communication with peers, played with them every day and walked, put them to bed in quiet hours, persuaded them not to cry when their parents rushed to work. In addition to the above options, which can also be taken into account when choosing a gift, we offer a few more ideas.

  • Printer with the ability to print photos and teaching materials for the group.
  • A photo collage made up of photos of graduates, which can be placed in a beautiful frame.
  • A watch can also be a good gift. At the same time, you can give both an elegant ladies' wrist watch, and a functional table or original wall clock.
  • EBook
  • Jewelry store certificate
  • Photo session certificate

Kindergarten Graduation Gifts

In addition to gifts to employees, there is a tradition of giving a gift from the graduation group and kindergarten... When choosing a gift, it is better to opt for what will make the kindergarten cozier and more comfortable for other children. This could be:

  • Ionizer or humidifier
  • Kindergarten playroom carpet
  • Children's paintings or interactive educational posters
  • Garden benches or sculptures in the courtyard of a children's institution
  • Aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten
  • Children's house
  • TV or music center
  • Sport equipment
  • Costumes or paraphernalia for performances
  • Seedlings of bushes or trees, which after the holiday children, together with their parents and educators, will plant near the kindergarten. This can turn into a wonderful tradition.

Kindergarten Graduation Gifts

No holiday is complete without gifts. And the first graduation party in the life of children should be no exception. Original gifts for graduation in kindergarten will bring a lot of positive emotions to children and will be remembered for a long time.

  • School stationery set
  • Beautiful alarm clock
  • Table lamp
  • globe
  • Encyclopedia or anthology
  • Educational board games
  • Graduation album with photos from kindergarten life
  • Wrist watch
  • Microscope
  • Creator's Kit
  • Constructor

Whatever your gift is - simple and budget or luxurious and expensive, the most important thing is that it should be presented with soul and heart... That is why it is so important to approach the choice with special attention so that the person must see that the parents really want to thank and do something pleasant, and not fulfill another formality.

Svetlana Gashko
A gift from the educator to graduates (video report)

Time, alas, is fleeting - it flies by unnoticed. Knowing this, I try to photograph my pupils at different times, during various activities. We show some of the photos to the parents and guests of our group, making out a group album (the group's portfolio, and most of it remains in the memory of my camera. It is from these pictures that I decided to make a gift for your pupils, issued from kindergarten and their parents, for a long memory. After all, it’s impossible to remember everything, and a disc with a video clip composed of photographs of children at various times can be taken out, remember the past and smile. it video was made for the children whom I took from the age of three, we were "friends" with them for a year, having fun and useful time, but then fate divided us - I had to move to another city. We managed to make friends with children and their parents so much that we kept in touch, corresponded, even sometimes saw... Last year I received an invitation to graduation and with such a gift for each graduate came to the holiday. Video compiled in Windows Movie Maker.

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Just a few years ago, you brought your children to the garden and entrusted them to someone else's aunt. Time flew by, the children grew up, someone else's aunt became a second mother for them, and the time has come to thank the teacher for raising and educating your children. But there was a problem, you don't know what to give the teacher for the graduation... Someone may answer that there is nothing difficult, and you need to give an envelope with money, but we will object to you: even if this is a practical gift, but it is without a soul, such gifts are given to everyone, and this is a teacher, a person who needs to be thanked, and do not dismiss him with a banal "Thank you!" and an envelope. Do you want to know what to give a teacher for graduation, reflecting gratitude for his work? Then read on, we will compile a small classification of such gifts.

Gift for a young teacher

Young people are increasingly giving preference to technical innovations. So you can express your gratitude with the help of these wonderful things. For example, you can buy an electronic frame for the teacher with the function of scrolling through photos. In it, upload photos of the children and the teacher, collected from the moment of entering the kindergarten to the very graduation. If finances allow, then you can put words of gratitude on this frame in a special workshop. The teacher will put this frame in a prominent place and will remember his children, and they have already become like family for him.

A gift for a practical teacher

Practical teachers would not refuse the notorious envelope, but you want to give something with a soul. Think it's hard to please the practitioner? Rest assured, this is real. For example, you can buy household appliances or utensils and have them engraved. Or you can order a watch from the masters, which instead of a dial will have a photograph of the group. And it is practical, and the memory will remain, it will immediately be seen who put their whole soul into the gift.

Gift for a creative educator

Often, educators are so creative personalities that you are amazed. Such a gift needs an appropriate one. Do not be lost in conjectures, there are even more such gifts than standard ones. You can donate a money tree, both from real money and from fake money. Only a tree made of real money runs the risk of being dismantled. You can give an anti-stress alarm clock, because the teacher often needs to get up early, but you don’t want to, so there will be someone to take out your morning anger on. And the primordially female gift of flowers can play in such a way that it will delight even the most ardent creative person, give the teacher a figure of flowers.

A beautiful gift for the teacher

Every woman dreams of receiving a beautiful and expensive gift. And if you give such a gift, then there will be no limit to gratitude, the teacher will put your gift in the most prominent place and will admire it. Such gifts include flowers made of precious metals, paintings made of rhinestones (a portrait, for example), porcelain vases of unimaginable shapes, a pendant or engraved ring.

We tried to cover the main categories of gifts, now you have something to think about: buy memorable gift or still give a soulless envelope with money that will be spent, and the memory will disappear. We advise you to give preference to a sincere gift for the teacher.