Double caret. Haircut for medium hair: varieties. Haircut bob on a leg

The bob haircut has been known for a long time. The hairstyle has managed to become traditional, firmly taking a leading position in the rating of preferences of mass demand. For those who find the classic version boring and monotonous, there are modern modifications. A double square is a prime example. The hairstyle retains its usual shape, but contains 2 equivalent levels. Outwardly, the haircut resembles the overlap of 2 typical shapes of different lengths. It turns out an unusual look, suitable for bright fans of experiments. The option is interesting, but not popular.

general description

Haircuts that look like modern squares are visible in ancient frescoes and paintings. The hairstyle was worn by many peoples of the world. The variant has the correct geometry, creates an exquisite look. The growth in popularity of the model fell on the 20s. XX century.

Many consider the classic form boring. A double square will help to add variety to the appearance. The variant appeared in the 70s. XX century. The modification was received empirically. Stylists experimented with traditional shapes.

The double version contains 2 main tiers. The upper covering part is made according to the scheme of the traditional haircut method. The lower tier resembles an elongated square or looks like straight strands. With the right haircut and styling, you get the feeling of overlapping 2 standard shapes on top of each other.

Initially, a variation of the classic hairstyle was done for short or medium hair. The difference in the length of the tiers was assumed to be small. Later, there was a modification for long hair, the transition between the two parts increased.

Straight hair is an ideal base for a women's multi-level hairstyle. A haircut will require regular styling. Hair coloring, bangs design will help to complement the image.

Who suits

The double square has an interesting geometry. With the help of a variety of styling methods, you can create unique looks without changing your haircut. The option is unusual, more appreciated by young girls. A mature lady who is not afraid of increased attention can also afford a hairstyle.

A double bob is ideal for fine hair. The hairstyle format allows you to create volume. For owners of thick curls, the master more intensively profiles the inner part of the head of hair, which will allow thinning the canvas.

It is better to cut a haircut on straight strands, but the presence of soft natural curls will not hurt. Owners of tight small curls are advised to abandon the option. It is difficult to make a suitable styling.

A double square is preferable for owners of an oval, slightly elongated or triangular face type, refined features. Tiers of hair are successfully framed by such ovals. For owners of large features, a round, square face, the hairstyle will create an imbalance of proportions, emphasize the weight of the forms.

A haircut is suitable for any occasion. Hairstyle will not become an obstacle to visiting the office. The option is easy to complement with festive styling. At the same time, the model refreshes, attracts the attention of others.

Staining will help to emphasize the originality of the double square. Bright strands, coloring, design of layers in different shades: there are many possibilities. A haircut in a single natural color is also relevant.

The hairstyle is easy to complement with different variations of bangs. A long straight element will hide a high forehead, balancing the proportions of a long oval. Side bangs will reduce the fullness of your cheeks. A short straight line will open your eyes and help create a business image. Torn - will refresh, give originality.

Preparatory stage

Before making a double cut, you need to carefully weigh your styling options. The hairstyle needs daily attention. Overly busy, lazy people are advised to choose a more suitable option.

To create a haircut, you need a certain length of hair. The available strand format should allow you to create a hairstyle. The master is able to correctly assess the possibilities.

To perform a double square, you will need scissors for a straight and torn cut of strands, a comb, clamps. You won't be able to make a haircut yourself. The option requires a neat cut, correct geometry assessment.

The hairdresser will perform the work in compliance with all requirements. The result will delight you with originality. Pay for the services of the master will have to 300-3000 rubles.

Execution options

The original double square is not afraid of monotony. There are variations of bold and moderate content. The suitable model is selected individually.

Smooth transition

The double version of the traditional shape is performed for different hair lengths. There are models with a uniform and sharp structure. A smoother transition in length is easier to get on a short haircut. In a hairstyle of increased length, an extended fillet of the ends is performed to create uniformity. Options with a smooth transition are recommended for owners of sharp angular features, small defects, look organically on older ladies. Lightening, small highlights will be an organic addition.

double bob for short hair

With volume on top

For owners of a narrow, elongated face, thin hair, options for a two-level bob with volume on the crown are ideal. To do this, it is recommended to cut the top layer higher, and make intensive thinning inside. The total length is different. Medium, short tails of the lower layer are more suitable for an elongated oval. Coloring in light colors will help to enhance the impression of volume.

double bob with volume at the crown

With lengthening

It is permissible for the young and daring to try a two-layer model with an extension. The lower strands are left up to the shoulders or shoulder blades. The top hat is cut at ear or chin level. An abrupt change in length will create a resonance in the appearance. Coloring the layers in different shades will be a great addition.

double square with lengthening

With a voluminous back of the head

The option with the volume on the back of the head will create the maximum sense of splendor. The hairstyle will require special attention when styling. The volumetric model is successfully combined with a triangular, elongated face shape. It is recommended to additionally emphasize hair with coloring.

double bob for long hair

With and without bangs

The double cut goes well with bangs. It is only necessary to choose the correct format of the element according to the type of appearance. Short, long, straight, oblique, torn bangs: there is no limit. Holders of ideal features, a successful oval, it is permissible to refuse the presence of an element.

double bob with and without bangs

Work technology

It is not difficult to perform a double square, but the quality of performance will affect the exactingness of the result for styling. The master in the salon makes a haircut according to the following scheme:

  1. Wet, well-combed hair is divided into 2 parts with a horizontal parting. The location of the boundary line depends on the estimated length of the top layer. The top strands are secured with a clip.
  2. Work begins from the back of the head. The hair is divided in half with a vertical parting. Start with the bottom strands. They pick up the curl, pull it off at a right angle, cut it to the desired length. The strand becomes the control one. Further processing of the zone is done in the same way using the strand-by-strand technology. They work with one side, the actions are repeated on the other. The finished strands on the back of the head are fixed.
  3. The top layer is sheared according to the principle of twisting with bundles. The hair is separated by horizontal parting. They grab a strand, twist it, cut it off.
  4. The completion is the design of the bangs, thinning, edging.

Styling is carried out using a hair dryer, a round brush. Particular attention is paid to creating volume at the crown. The ends of the top layer are twisted inward.

Video of performing a square with vertical graduation.

Video of styling for a square.

Laying methods

Without styling, a double square can be left in rare cases. For manageable hair, blow-drying is sufficient. Use a round brush to set the direction of the strands. It is possible to twist the ends of each layer inward, outward or in different directions.

The hairstyle looks good with artificially created curls or neatly styled natural light curls. With the help of straightening with tongs, it will turn out to achieve perfect smoothness, obtaining uniformity of the hairstyle.

double bob for medium hair

The refresh rate of the haircut depends on the length of the strands. A short cut will require a visit to the hairdresser once a month. A hairstyle for medium, long hair needs to be renewed once every 1.5–2 months. It is imperative to remove split ends in a timely manner.

Alternative options

Double bob, classic, graduated options, cascade are cut using multilayer technology. This is their only similarity. The cascade is obtained by uniformly cutting the length of the layers. The hairstyle is flexible and uniform. The classic shape has a clear contour geometry. The haircut gives the impression of having a uniform length.

The graded square is dotted with torn strands along the contour. The outer layering is obtained by cutting the curls at an angle. Only a double square, among the listed options, has a clear two-level structure, visible externally.

classic square and cascade

Advantages and disadvantages

The double square is an uncomplicated technique, but it requires attention during execution. The option suits many, but there are limitations on the appropriateness of its use in terms of external parameters. The haircut is refreshing and looks solid at the same time: it can be used at any age, with a different lifestyle. The result of using the strand cutting technique looks stylish, in line with fashion trends.

Examples from stars

The double square is not very popular: the option, although it looks original, requires mandatory styling. Many stars tried to wear the hairstyle: Charlize Theron, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, but quickly switched to more versatile, maintenance-free haircuts.

Charlize Theron and Miley Cyrus

A double square is an option for a stylish, extraordinary look based on the traditional shape. The hairstyle looks fresh and interesting, allows you to create a variety of images based on a single haircut, but requires increased attention.

A square with a thigh can be very different, both in length, technique of execution, and in the final external image of its owner.

Several basic parameters affect how the square will look:

  • »Density and thickness of hair
  • »Hair structure (straight or curly)
  • " Hair color
  • »The shape of the face and head
  • »Method of styling hairstyles
  • "The presence or absence of bangs

Let's decide who is suitable for this type of haircut.

In this article:

Face shape test

What distinguishes a bob haircut for medium hair

This name means a haircut from the middle of the ear to the shoulders.

A few examples of how a square can look differently:

Haircut bob for medium hair for different face shapes

Oval face shape

Download the Oval Face Shape Correction Scheme ..

Any option works. If the face is very elongated vertically, a haircut with bangs is best suited - thick, even, semicircular, oblique elongated.

  • »Examples of women's haircuts and hairstyles for an oval face

Round face shape

Download the Round Face Shape Correction Scheme ..

If your hair is straight

The most advantageous options in this case are a square with an angle for lengthening, a bob - a square, as well as asymmetric options for a square. Part your hair in a parting from the center of your head. As for the right bangs, go for an asymmetrical long bang that is brushed to one side of your face.

Round face + thick thick hair: the volumetric symmetrical classic version of a square with a length to the bottom of the chin is not suitable. Especially if such a haircut has straight bangs. This option will add unwanted volume to the face.

But if the hair is thin enough or not very thick, then it is quite possible to make a classic square without a bang or with its oblique version. The side front strands should cover the cheeks, and the bottom of the hairstyle should be slightly profiled:

Chubby curly hair a bold asymmetrical version is suitable. For example, when shaving the hair on the temple on one side of the head. Or a rather long square for lengthening.

Styling the hair behind the ear on one or both sides does not add volume to the face. And this simple styling technique allows chubby women to wear a bob.

  • »Examples of women's haircuts and hairstyles for a round face

Rectangular face shape

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The soft contours of the bob haircut will perfectly soften the rectangular outlines of the face. The length of the haircut is chosen depending on the width and length of the face.

The narrower and elongated the face, the more voluminous and softer in shape the haircut should be.

For a proportional rectangular face, almost any type of square is suitable.

If your hair is thin and straight, and your face is very narrow and elongated, you need to avoid the classic absolutely even square along the entire length of the square without bangs below the chin. And also hair styling behind the ears.

Owners of a narrow face are very suitable for a voluminous curly version of a bob about to the chin.

And also a graduated square above the chin. The main volume of this haircut option will draw attention to the middle of the face, thereby visually shortening its length.

  • »Examples of women's haircuts and hairstyles for a rectangular face

Square face shape

Download the Square Face Correction Scheme ..

The task of the haircut is to soften and lengthen the overall contour of the face. And also divert attention from the wide jaw if it looks too massive.

Well suited options are a bob - a square, an elongated square, a square with an angle for lengthening, a graduated square that covers the corners of the jaw.

A haircut can even be voluminous, with twisted strands, provided that the parting is asymmetrically shifted and additional hair volume is created at the crown.

If you have a square face, you should not do horizontally trimmed bangs. Options without bangs are more suitable, or with its long oblique option on one side.

The classic square with a straight cut and even thick bangs does not fit.

  • »Examples of women's haircuts and hairstyles for a square face

Face shape rhombus (diamond)

Download the Rhombus face shaping scheme.

You can choose any type of square. Best of all - with bangs and a voluminous bottom of the hairstyle. Create volume in the temple area as well.

Face shape Trapezoid

Download the Trapezium face shaping scheme.

The most important rule for choosing a haircut for owners of this face shape is not to create volume at the level of the lower jaw! If the lower jaw is not covered with hair, it is necessary to style the hair, creating volume in the temples and the top of the head.

A classic square with a heavy, even and voluminous bottom, chin-length, should be avoided. The layered bob is best with shorter hair at the top and middle of the head.

A square with an angle for lengthening is well suited when the front lower strands cover the lower jaw:

Sophie Ellis as Bextor. On the left is an example of an inappropriate haircut shape: voluminous bottom of the haircut, no volume on top.

On the right is a good example: the bangs and top of the haircut are more voluminous than the bottom.

With a pear-shaped face, options for a bob with bangs are best suited, as well as styling the haircut on an asymmetrical parting or without parting.

V-triangular face and heart shape

Download the V-Shape Facial Correction Scheme ..
Download the Heart Face Shape Correction Scheme ..

Stop your choice on a square with a voluminous bottom, - a classic square with a flat and non-filleted bottom. Or on a square with twisted or disheveled strands at the bottom of the hairstyle.

And a few more nuances of choosing a haircut
taking into account the characteristics of the face and neck

Women with a thin face and sophisticated features, voluminous and soft-shaped options are best suited, with a length above the chin.

Owners too thin long neck, as well as in the case when age-related changes in the skin of the neck are very noticeable, an elongated square that covers it from behind is best suited.

If you need to soften sharp facial features, it is worth dwelling on options for a square with soft, rounded bangs and haircuts in general.

Do the same too large or overly rounded facial lines more accurate bob haircuts with more straightforward and geometric outlines.

Owners long and narrow chin variants of a cascading square with voluminous strands on the sides of the face are recommended, distracting attention from the bottom of the face. At the same time, the best length is slightly above the chin.

Smooth thick bangs will accentuate the eyes and the beautiful line of the cheekbones.

Types of bob for medium length hair

There are several main varieties:

  • »Classic square

  • »Bob - square

  • "Square" on the leg "

  • »A square with an angle for lengthening

  • »Asymmetrical square

  • »Graduated square

  • »A bob with and without bangs

  • »Cascading square

Haircut classic square for medium hair

The classic is called a square, when the lower part of the hair is cut to the same length.

The hair from the front to the occipital strands has the same length and an even lower cut. Most often, this haircut is performed with bangs.

One of the varieties of the classic square is an elongated square, which differs from the classic in greater length. The most common length of this haircut reaches the shoulders or ends slightly higher. This is a compromise for those who want a 2-in-1 effect: long enough hair + ease of styling.

Bob haircut - square for medium hair

From the name itself, it is clear that this is a combination of two forms - bob and bob. From the front, this haircut looks like a bob, and from the back the hair has a graduation, which is precisely what a bob haircut is characterized by.

Hair graduation is the main difference between the bob hairstyle and the classic version. Bob - square has many options and can be performed on hair of different lengths. She always looks interesting and you can choose your own version for each appearance. In addition, this haircut is quite easy to style.

We will tell you more about bob haircut for medium hair in one of the following articles.

Haircut bob "on the leg"

It resembles in its shape a mushroom, the cap of which is voluminous hair from the chin and above. And the leg is the neck.

A square on a leg most often has a medium - short length, with a transition at different angles from longer strands at the face, to shorter ones at the back of the head.

A bob haircut is one of those that look attractive not only from the front and side, but also from the back.

The square "on the leg" looks very beautiful from behind:

Haircut for medium hair with bangs

Almost any type of haircut can be done with or without bangs.

Bob - square looks better without bangs.

The proportions and features of the face are factors in favor or against doing bangs.

  • »Women's haircuts with bangs for short hair
  • »Women's haircuts with bangs for medium hair
  • »Women's haircuts with bangs for long hair

Examples of what a square looks like
with different shapes of bangs

A square with straight thick bangs:

A bob with a lightweight milled bangs:

Kare with oblique and elongated bangs:

Asymmetrical bob haircut for medium hair

This is the most creative and daring version of a bob haircut, with a characteristic clear outline and a pronounced difference in length between the right and left halves of the head.

This haircut looks best on straight hair and is recommended for women with beautiful facial features. But for those who want to hide the natural asymmetry of the face, you can use this option, having correctly chosen which side of the face will be more open than the other.

Haircut graduated bob for medium hair

This is the "naughty and disheveled" version of the square. Hair is cut in layers, "ladder". The ends of the hair look airy and light thanks to the thinning. This option is well suited for those for whom the classic square seems too classic and boring. Cutting your hair this way will add volume to your hair. It will also make it easier to style too thick "heavy" hair. The graduated bob looks a little playful and youthful, so it is perfect for those who want to look young. And also for young and active girls.

Graduated bob for medium hair. Side and back views

Women with round voluminous cheeks, as well as with a pronounced second chin, should avoid graduated haircuts with a cut line that ends at the level of these zones. It is especially important to consider this factor for voluminous wavy or curly hair.

Long bob haircut for medium hair

This variety is characterized by a pronounced transition from long front strands to shorter back strands.

A square for lengthening is most often performed on hair that has a length in front from the middle of the neck to the shoulders. And at the back they reach about the middle of the neck or slightly higher. At the same time, the back of the head is not visible and the neck does not open as much as in a square on a leg. "

Haircut bob cascade for medium hair

A cascading square is similar in its essence to a graduated one - the hair is cut in layers of different lengths. But in the cascade version, the layers are more pronounced and noticeable than in the graduated one and the hair cut is done in layers. Naturally tousled hair looks very good with emphasis on the layers and individual strands of the hairstyle.

Hair cut in a cascade falls very beautifully in waves.

Kare for medium wavy and curly hair

Most examples of bob photos show it on straight hair.

A logical question will be: what should the owners of curly hair do? Should they consider a bob haircut as a suitable option?

Yes, it's worth it. You just need to choose the right shape.

What types of squares are suitable for owners of wavy hair?

Elongated, asymmetrical, square "on the leg", bob - square with the effect of "beach curls".

An elongated square will be the easiest to lay.

With a wavy hair structure, haircuts without bangs are best, laid on an asymmetrical parting, when the front side strands partially cover the forehead diagonally.

But variations with bangs can be considered as suitable if the face is narrow and elongated, and requires adjusting the proportions.

Bob - a bob for medium hair and an elongated bob with the effect of beach curls - these are fashionable solutions as if specially created for owners of a wavy hair structure.

And if women with straight hair need to work hard on creating a wavy hairstyle structure, then you already have this effect, given by nature. You just need to beautifully style natural curls using styling products for your hair type.

What are the options for the square unsuitable women with wavy hair? First of all, this is a classic square with straight bangs. After all, it looks perfect on straight hair.

The best bob options for curly hair

A graduated haircut is one of the best solutions for taming a voluminous head of hair.

A square on a leg looks very beautiful on curly hair, provided an elegant and beautiful neck.

The asymmetrical square and its undercut type look very good (when part of the head is shaved, most often at the temples or on the back of the head), because these types of haircuts give a beautiful shape to very voluminous hair, allowing it to be easily and quickly styled.

Kare for thin thin hair

It is easiest to add volume to thin, thin hair with multi-layered haircuts.

In the case of a square, these will be cascading and graduated options. An elongated version of a bob - bob, made with graduated hair, is also suitable. And also a "disheveled" square, the bottom of which is trimmed to one length.

The haircuts listed above practically do not need styling, which is very important for thin hair that does not hold it well.

The bob haircut is divided into two stages. First, the master, having separated the hair of the crown zone of the head, gradually forms a straight or asymmetrical cut line. Then it goes to the top of the head. The length of the hair on it can overlap the length of the lower zone, but there are different options. Sometimes, if the hair has a rigid structure, the lower zone, which is much longer than the upper one, undergoes thinning. If nature has not endowed with a rich head cover, you cannot boast of volume, and their structure is porous and light, then with the help of a double shearing you can correct the situation.

Graduated cutting of strands allows you to achieve real volume during styling, despite the fact that thin hair can hardly hold it. Double-processed filleted strands will help correct the shape of the face when directed outward or inward.

Despite the fact that double bob haircuts with bangs are popular all over the world, not every master is able to perform it beautifully, so you should not apply for such a haircut to unfamiliar masters whom you know only from the recommendations of friends. It's great if the hairdresser has some experience in this area. A good specialist should know how to cut double, because the technique requires filigree execution. A double haircut includes the following steps:

  1. The wet hair is divided into two zones, a lower and an upper one. The apex is held in place with a clip.
  2. On the occipital zone, a control strand of a certain length is highlighted, along which the entire cut line is further controlled.
  3. Strand by strand, hair from the back of the head is cut along the length of the control strand.
  4. Next comes the work with the upper zone. To create a root volume, thinning is performed using the "slicing" method.
  5. The bangs are chosen according to the style and length of the hairstyle. The classic assumes a straight line to the eyebrows. A double bob haircut with bangs will move the emphasis to the eyes, and also emphasize the line of the cheekbones. The "French" version with short straight bangs will suit graceful young ladies. The elongated version is also milled, and it can become a continuation of the side strands.

Coloring in a variety of ways will work best on a double cut square. The Ombre technique, which is characterized by double-sided coloring with a smooth transition line, is perfect for such a haircut. The multi-step transitions, typical for multi-tone coloring, will ideally fall on a double bob for long hair. Long bob is in harmony with wavy and straight hair. The shatush technique, which imitates the natural fading of hair in the sun, is appropriate to apply on an elongated square. A double bob haircut for medium hair is harmoniously combined with monochrome Ombre. The upper zone can be tinted platinum blond, and the lower zone can be radically black. The contrast of the shades will be emphasized by the gradient transitions of the haircut. A double bob haircut for medium hair is versatile, because it allows you to style in completely different ways. For short hair, you can pick up a large number of different options for a square (photo examples below).

A very interesting option would be a men's square with a double cut. The technique of its implementation is similar to the female version. However, men try not to focus on volume, preferring form. A man's hairstyle will help correct some facial features, such as a heavy chin or sunken cheeks.

The women's double hair caret is demanding, she needs daily styling, she does not tolerate sloppiness. This is not a hairstyle that suits those who do not have enough time for themselves. The technique of performing a square with a double cut is presented in the video

The square is so versatile that, according to many hairdressers, it looks stylish for women of any age and color type. As you can see from the photographs, in the classic version, the haircut is ideal for medium-length hair, suits any type of face, is easy to style and has many options.

The history of the square begins from the time of the pharaohs. The severity of the straight contours of the haircut on medium hair length and the black color had a certain power over others. Currently, the square is popular due to its versatility and ease of installation. The photo offers several options.

Who will go for a bob haircut?

In the field of hairdressing, there are constant trends that have remained the benchmarks of style for many years. One of them is a bob haircut. She emphasizes individuality and promises success to her owner. Over the many years of the existence of the beauty industry, many options, styles, techniques of this haircut have been created.

Color solutions are selected individually, as well as the shape of the haircut. It is for this reason that the square will satisfy the desires of many women of different ages.

Bob haircut for different face shapes

Options for bob haircuts are selected according to the type of appearance, accentuating beautiful features and hiding flaws. A bob haircut for medium hair, the photo demonstrates this, is ideal for an oval face shape. The classic version with straight, clear lines is especially good. Straight, sleek hair emphasizes all the advantages of a beautiful face.

With the help of a square with elongated strands to the face, you can enhance the emphasis on the lips, if you want to show the beauty of the forehead and the upper part of the face, shapes without bangs are selected.

For ideal features, short ones, for example, a bob, are suitable, with such options, the face and neck will be as open as possible.

Tips for other face shapes:

  1. For owners of a round face more suitable for a square with ragged ends along the contour of the face, which will smooth out the cheekbones. It can be a graduated square with volume in the upper head zone. This form of haircuts will visually hide the roundness and stretch the face.

    A bob haircut for medium hair, the photo of which is presented in the article, is suitable for any face shape.

  2. To the rectangular shape of the face, which is considered proportional, a classic square with a careless styling, graduated, you can make a bang with lengthening on the side, or you can perform a haircut option without a bang.
  3. For a square face an elongated square with an offset parting with oblique bangs is suitable. The lower strands are tucked up to the face, or a graduation with a torn effect is performed. This will soften heavy cheekbones. In this case, short haircuts are not recommended.
  4. Diamond shaped face will help to correct a square with volume at the roots and on the sides, that is, a cascading and graduated square, with elongated strands at the face, will look perfect. The bangs will help expand the forehead area, which will give proportionality to the look.
  5. The pear-shaped shape is played well with the help of some proportions, adding volume to the narrowed temporal region and on the occipital zone. A harmonious look will turn out with a cropped bob and an asymmetrical bob. The strands fit over the cheekbones and cheeks, the bangs help to balance the irregular shape.
  6. For a triangular face ideally, a voluminous square with a length below the chin, with strands along the edge, laid inward, is suitable. It is advisable to make a bang, so the angularity inherent in this image will not attract attention.
  7. Face beauty in the form of a "heart" emphasizes the bob just below the jawline with voluminous strands to the face. It is better to stop the choice on the cascade form, where the emphasis is on the cheekbones, the lower part of the face takes on an oval shape. Straight or oblique bangs will help to visually reduce the forehead.

Classic square

An elegant and classic square is a haircut with straight shoulder-length hair with a straight parting without bangs. Performed in even cuts along horizontal and vertical parting. This is a very painstaking work in a simple technique. The difficulty lies in strict adherence to the main rule: precisely maintain the angle of the guy line and a perfectly even cut along all the strands in turn.

The edging itself is carefully worked out to get even hair. Here, the cleanliness and height of the technique of the work performed is important. In the classic version, it was originally intended to lay the ends inward. In the modern version of the bob haircut, by changing the angle of the guy line, you can point the ends up.

A bob haircut for medium hair (photos confirm this) fits easily and does not take much time. A bob with straight bangs looks amazing on straight hair. A short bang will look youthful and bold, a long, thick one along the eyebrow focuses on the eyes.

A square with oblique bangs helps to correct imperfections in proportions, balances large facial features, and adds extravagance to the image.

Use styling styling products to accentuate the texture of your side bangs. The length and volume of the oblique bangs are matched to the type of appearance.

Elongated bob

The modern square does not have a strictly specified length. The extended square option is suitable for any age group. The difference between this haircut is in smooth lengthening to the front temporal strands. Facial features seem softer, more refined. Most often, an elongated square is performed with or without oblique bangs.

Square with elongated front strands

The square with the lengthening of the front strands is called French. In this variant, the length from the short occipital part smoothly passes to the longer strands in front. The effect is created by the large difference in length.

This haircut is better for straight hair. Light graduation will make the hairstyle more luxuriant.

Bob - square

The shape of a bob - bob haircut implies a short back of the head, which gives additional volume to the hairstyle. The front strands can be completely different lengths, depending on your wishes. This haircut is very versatile in styling, suitable for any hair structure.

Asymmetrical square

There are many options for an asymmetrical square, asymmetry of the sides and different levels of length is assumed. Depending on the appearance. Haircuts with a shortened back of the head, with bangs, with graduations, with elongated strands are taken into account.

Such a square will perfectly hide the flaws of large and angular face shapes.

Graduated square

A graduated bob is a multi-step haircut. The texture is laid, which in the styling gives more volume. The strands are milled, thinned out, which adds lightness to the haircut. Length and shape may vary.

Caret cascade

A bob cascade is a voluminous multi-layered bob haircut with different hair lengths, with a ladder effect. Suitable for all types of appearance. Hair length can be shortened, using styling when styling, you can achieve good volume or slight negligence. Long thick hair will look well-groomed.

Double square

A double bob haircut for medium hair (photo below) is a suitable option for many women. In a double square, there are two cut levels, which visually look like two squares in one - a short square is superimposed on an elongated square. This is considered a tricky haircut and requires patience to style. But for owners of thin hair will be a winning option.

Root thinning adds splendor to the haircut.

Kare for curly hair

Curly hair care is considered labor intensive. In order for a haircut to lay beautifully, you need to take into account some parameters of the hair. If the hair is springy and the curls are small, then the haircut should be longer. If the hair is soft, then it is better to choose a medium length. The best option would be a square to the shoulders, also of different lengths.

Caret for wavy hair

For wavy hair, both a classic bob and a bold bob are suitable. The most acceptable option is a bob haircut for medium hair. The photo will help you make the right choice. You can try variations of a bob for long hair and an asymmetrical bob cut with long bangs.

Hair raised at the roots, with a slight graduation, will visually increase the volume of the hairstyle and hide the imperfections of a narrow face. And one moment. If the curls are not obedient, then the graduation is not recommended.

Caret for fine hair

For those with a fine hair structure, shortened versions of a bob with volume at the crown, a cascade, asymmetric, with elongated strands are suitable. The emphasis is on creating a haircut that adds volume.

Styling options for bob haircuts

Options for haircuts and bob styling are varied depending on the purpose and event. All types of squares are suitable for business meetings and for work. Office requirements usually involve everyday styling, with straight and smooth hair, blow-dried and straightened.

A bob haircut for medium hair will help to match a strict look. Photos show the beauty of styling. Styling with the help of styling products - all kinds of gels and varnishes for fixing the hairstyle will add romance to the haircut. You can achieve disheveled styling with your fingers.

Beach curls are very popular, which create a romantic light image. Curls are made with hot tools. A square with straight hair fits quite simply. Clean hair is pulled in a row with an iron, varnish is used to a minimum.

The volume and splendor of the styling is given with the help of a round brush - brushing and a hair dryer.

Before styling, you can apply a foam or mousse to damp hair to fix it. Strand by strand, while drying the hair, give it volume by directing hot air to the roots. To complete the look, you can twist the strands inward. An elongated square is suitable for everyday even styling, but its evening version is also incomparable.

First, volume is created with a hair dryer, then cold curls are rolled up with an iron or a large styler and fixed with varnish. Evening hairstyles for special occasions can be performed on any length of the bob haircut. Depending on the data of the face and hair, various styling options are offered: retro waves, high hairstyles, bouffants, corrugated strands, curls.

For soft waves and retro hairstyles, it is suggested to wind the hair with large diameter curlers in advance.

Carefully use your fingers, clamps and strong fixation varnish to lay the curls in waves. A curling iron is used to create elastic curls. The volume of the hairstyle is done with a fleece in the root zone.

The speed of styling and the severity of straight lines of a bob for medium hair are ideal for any style. For many women, it will add elegance to the image. Lovers of a daring look can see a photo of a bob haircut in modern techniques.

A big plus is a lot of variations that will hide flaws in appearance and emphasize advantages. A correctly chosen bob haircut will be appropriate in any situation and will suit all hair types.

Video about bob haircuts

How to make such a haircut:

Options for fashionable bob-caret 2018 - 2019:

The square has long been one of the basic haircuts. Its popularity has remained invariably high over the years, and many girls make their choice in favor of a square when it comes to changing their hairstyle. Experiments on the classic bob led to the birth of many transformed haircuts, one of which was the double bob.

This haircut suggests styling two levels of hair, the length of which can differ both radically and hardly noticeably. The upper level is, and the lower is elongated.

Such a haircut will allow you to create a lush volume due to the upper cut of the hair. Even more volume can be achieved by thinning the ends.

If the hair is thick, root thinning can be done to make it less heavy, otherwise the top layer of the haircut will not perform its function.

Double bob for long hair

The hair of the lower layer turns out to be noticeably longer than the upper one, which can be more than 2 times shorter.

The haircut looks rather unusual, which draws attention not only to the features of the performance, but also to the quality of the hair. If the hair is thinned and dried out at the ends, then it is still better to remove the length, otherwise the haircut will not look as good as expected.

This length emphasizes the cheekbones, chin, and also allows you to hide the imperfections of the ears and neck. Suitable for chubby girls, since it visually stretches the face due to the volume of the upper layer.

Double bob for medium hair

Average hair length is determined by the interval from the middle of the ear to the shoulders. The option is more classic than a double bob on long hair.

The top layer can differ by 2-3 cm, or be half the length of the bottom layer - the shorter the hair, the fuller.

It can blend in with the main length and thus gives even more softness to the haircut with an implicit transition of the medium length. Allows you to divert attention from minor skin imperfections.

Asymmetrical bangs

Ripped asymmetrical bangs can complement a double

Suitable for all face types.

Requires special care and daily styling, especially if the hair is unruly. At the same time, an unusual type of bangs "pays" for the time spent on.

Double square with a soft transition

The lengths of the layers differ very little, due to which a soft transition is formed. Such a transition is clearly visible on medium-length hair, the image is light and romantic.

The haircut does not require special care, and there are a lot of styling options.

Styling options

Double square requires daily styling. Let's dwell on some methods:

  1. To straighten hair, apply to hair and blow dry, directing air from roots to ends. A round comb will help draw out the strands. To create root volume, you can apply mousse or foam to the roots and lower your head down while blow-drying. Iron also helps to straighten hair, but you should not use it daily, because from excessive overheating, the hair can become dry, and then the haircut will lose its original beauty.
  2. To curl your curls, you need to apply a styling product to your hair, and then dry them well with a hairdryer. After that, the hair is divided into small strands and rolled onto a curling iron. You can direct all the curls in one direction, or you can alternate the directions "from the face" and "to the face." After that, the hair needs to be parsed a little with your fingers and shaken. The laying is fixed with varnish. This option is suitable for a double square with a soft transition. A more interesting styling can be done if the lengths of the levels differ markedly: the upper square is curled towards the head, and the lower - outward. This way you can emphasize the peculiarity of the haircut.
  3. Partial curling is an interesting solution. The root volume is created with a hairdryer and mousse, then the hair is parted. The top layer of the square needs to be lightly combed, sprinkling with varnish, and then disassemble the strands with your fingers. The main length of the hair remains straight, and the ends are curled with a curling iron, and in a different direction. You need to do the same with bangs.