Interested in how you are doing. Original and interesting questions for a guy

Every day, a person communicates with different people: friends, relatives, colleagues or schoolmates. And sometimes you have to answer uncomfortable, uninteresting or just routine questions.

Truth is an option

If a person does not know how to answer the question: "How are you?", It is worth considering just telling the truth. But it can also be completely different. For a relative, this may be a detailed answer, which will contain a lot of interesting and important nuances from life; for a friend, a short answer in a few sentences will be enough. But the meaning must be true.

Sweet lie

The answer to the question: "How are you?" can also be deceitful. This technique is used in a conversation with the enemies of a person who wants to annoy. You can also embellish reality in front of ex-boyfriends (girls) or just people who are openly jealous. But you should not misinterpret your whole life and invent non-existent events, because after a certain time the lie can be revealed and it will be simply inconvenient.


How to answer the question: "How are you?" Pretty simple advice: monosyllabic, i.e. using only one word or phrase that fully reflects reality. Examples include the following words or phrases: "Best of all", "Excellent", "Cool", "Normal", "So-so", "Blockage (at work, school)", "Disgusting", etc. After that, you can quickly move on to another topic if there is no desire to develop a thought.

Into rhyme

Another option is how to answer the question: "How are you?" - into rhyme. This method is good if you just want to get away from the answer. So, you can use the following phrases: "Until she gave birth", "How, etc. It all depends on the defendant's imagination.


Fun phrases that can be used, again, if you want to get away from the real answer, can also help well. So, there are a huge number of options: “I don’t know, the prosecutor has a day off”, “Oh, business is business ...”, “I am not a business person, I don’t turn things around”, etc.


How to answer the question: "How are you?" people who are frankly bored? Sharp. You shouldn't be rude, but sometimes you really want to just cut off the desire to be further interested in this, saying: "It's none of your business", "Leave me alone", "What is your concern?" However, this option should not be overused.

Keep silent

You can also just ignore the question or remain silent in response. Thus, a reasonable interlocutor will understand that it is no longer worth asking such a question. If not, you can use the method described above.

Question to question

Everyone knows that answering a question with a question is not good, but sometimes, if you really want to, you can. This method is suitable in a situation where you want to evade an answer. You need to ask a counter question "How are you?", "What's my business, better tell about yourself", etc.

A selection

If you want to be original, but not seriously answer the question: "How are you?", You can prepare answers for every day. You need to take a notebook and write down the desired answers for 30 days. And then, depending on what you want, look for an entry in the diary and answer exactly what is written there. It may not be true.

Communicating with a woman for a male is often like walking through a minefield. Especially when it comes to the beginning of an acquaintance, when you don't want to seem squeezed or shy, but, on the other hand, it is important not to overdo it with dialogues and attention.

Questions that can be asked to a friend depend on what goals the young man pursues when meeting, how long they have been communicating, and what character the chosen one has. Some girls are ready to chat about themselves incessantly on the second date, while others, on the contrary, do not like to talk about personal ones.

In fact, the main advice for a guy about questions to ask a girl is to immediately forget about pick-up tricks and "pick-up encyclopedias". In the early 2000s, when this trend was just beginning to gain popularity, questions in the style of "what position do you like to sleep in" could still arouse interest in dialogue. Today, any more or less adequate girl distinguishes between pick-up things a mile away, and, most often, they cause a desire not to conduct a dialogue, but to run away from someone who is still trying to use them. Again, if a guy is not interested in a serious relationship, and the chosen one does not seem particularly picky and experienced, pickup themes can work too.

Questions asked in correspondence in social networks, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook, during acquaintance and personal meetings, help people get to know each other better. Moreover, if a girl feels that her boyfriend is genuinely interested in her emotions, memories, preferences and hobbies, she will definitely appreciate it. Original or funny questions can show your sense of humor and cheer up, interest the interlocutor and push her to counter questions.

The list of questions

To build a fascinating and mutually interesting communication with the girl you like on the first date, first you need to find out the most basic facts about her. In addition to standard questions about age and hobbies, when meeting you can ask:

  1. What talent do you have?
  2. What style of clothing do you prefer?
  3. What would you like to learn?
  4. What would you like to achieve in a year / two / five years?
  5. Do you like children?
  6. What can make you smile?
  7. Do you think you have developed intuition?
  8. What events will you recall with delight in old age?
  9. Do you love your job?
  10. What would you like to do if you didn't have to worry about money?
  11. Could you give up everything, take a vacation and rush along a burning ticket?
  12. If you had a million, where would you spend it?
  13. What's the sweetest gift you've ever received?
  14. How do you usually spend time with your friends?
  15. Do you have any phobias?
  16. What three things can you not imagine your day without?
  17. When do you usually go to bed?
  18. What is your most vivid dream for a lifetime?
  19. What country would you like to live in?
  20. What activities relax you in stressful situations?

Many young people prefer online dating, although it is much more difficult to interest a woman on the Internet than in person. Considering that dry correspondence hardly conveys emotions, does not allow to show external charm, sign language and facial expressions, acquaintance on the Internet should begin with interesting dialogues, originally constructed questions, otherwise it risks ending without really turning around. It should be said right away that you should not write deeply personal, intimate or uncomfortable questions to an unfamiliar or unfamiliar girl - you can easily fly to the ban for this. It also includes vulgar and tactless jokes, which most often cause a desire to send the joker to hell.

Before you write to a girl for the first time, you should carefully study her profile. Information about how old she is, where she studies or studied, what she enjoys, is usually indicated in the account, and if a guy asks such questions, it means that he has not seen the personal page of the interlocutor. The girls regard this as inattention, and believe that in this case the young man is not particularly interested in her.

When you first meet someone, you don't have to flash wit and flaunt your sense of humor. The most adequate option is a polite and not too long message, which contains a couple of words about motivation, the reason for dating, for example, “Hello. I saw your message in the group ***. Himself a fan of them. Have you ever been to their concert? " The reason for dating can be any common interests, or even a request for advice, for example,

Needless to say, the message must be literate? Naturally, this is not an annual dictation in the Russian language, but the interlocutor is not obliged to sort out what this strange guy wanted to say with his “hello, what are you doing”. Most likely, she will not do it.

List of questions for further maintaining the conversation in correspondence via the Internet:

  1. What talent would you like to have?
  2. What wish would you make if you caught a goldfish?
  3. What should not be told to parents?
  4. What good experience would you like to have?
  5. What sport do you / would you like to do?
  6. Tell us about your perfect day.
  7. What can bring you to tears?
  8. What was the last movie you watched that impressed you?
  9. Could you write a book? If so, what would it be about?
  10. What superpower would you like to own?
  11. What do you first of all pay attention to when meeting a new person?
  12. Is it easy to offend you?
  13. Which city would you like to travel to?
  14. Would you take the risk of skydiving or diving?
  15. How do you rest after work / school?
  16. Describe the brightest event in the last month of your life.
  17. What can instantly piss you off?
  18. Do you like animals?
  19. What can make you blush?
  20. How do you see your ideal vacation?

Most people associate the question "how are you" with banality and boredom. To ask how things are going with the person of interest means to show your attention, show concern and empathy. But it is better to do it at least more or less original. How to ask a girl the question "how are you" without sounding hackneyed:

  1. How is your day?
  2. What made you happy today?
  3. What's new with you today?
  4. How was your day?
  5. How are you doing?
  6. How are you doing?
  7. What did you do during the day?
  8. What is interesting today at school / at work?

It is important that the dialogue does not turn into an interrogation or interview. It is not worth bombarding the interlocutor with a dozen questions, demanding the smallest details for the whole day.

Tricky and provocative questions in dialogue come into play when people have known each other for some time, communicate, and this communication has a chance to turn into a closer acquaintance. Such a dialogue helps to shake the woman a little, to bring her into a state of tone.

  1. What kind of holiday romance would you prefer?
  2. How do you feel about the statement "all women are fools"?
  3. If you were to choose a girl for me, which one would you choose?
  4. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  5. Are you more interested in making or spending money?
  6. How do you feel about your boyfriend's girlfriends?
  7. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you say pleasure?
  8. Do you think you can kiss on the first date?
  9. Do you have complexes about your appearance?
  10. What will you do if you find out that your man is cheating?
  11. What does a man expect from a woman every day?
  12. Is it worth it to honestly answer uncomfortable questions, such as "what do you dislike about me"?
  13. Would you agree to change your church affiliation for the sake of a man?
  14. Should a wife have her husband's surname, or not?
  15. Who should be in charge in your family?
  16. How do you feel about men who earn less than you?
  17. How would you react if you found out that your partner is watching pornography?
  18. What do you think about love at a distance - is it possible?
  19. What are men most proud of?
  20. Agree that men love with their eyes?
  21. What would you agree to save on if your family was having difficult times?
  22. Capable of treason if she knew that her partner would not know for sure?

These tricky questions, often about explicit topics, can take a relationship to the next level. Learning about the chosen one such details, not always only pleasant, the guy prepares himself for the fact that after the end of the candy-bouquet period, everyday life begins, sometimes banal and difficult.

Cool questions for dating or raising the mood of the interlocutor:

  1. I’m going to buy flowers, but I still don’t understand to whom. Isn't that you, by any chance?
  2. In my horoscope today a fateful meeting is predicted, and here I see you. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  3. Girl, what flowers do you like? I want to buy a bouquet for you, I'm afraid not to guess.
  4. If you have 150 rubles, what three things would you buy in the “All for 50 rubles” store?
  5. If a film was made about your life, what would it be called?
  6. Admit it, are you meowing back to the cat?
  7. I hope you still believe in Santa Claus?
  8. What's the sexiest male name?
  9. What's the funniest Wi-Fi name you've come across?
  10. What's your most useless talent?
  11. What New Year's costumes did you wear in kindergarten for matinees?
  12. Do you believe in ghosts?
  13. How would you spend the last day of your life?
  14. What would you do if you turned into your favorite animal?
  15. Can you speak with an accent?
  16. If you were forced to change your name, which one would you take?

Questions to ask your beloved about her feelings and plans for a relationship:

  1. How do you understand love?
  2. How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
  3. Do you believe in true love?
  4. Do you want kids? If so, how much?
  5. Who do you think cheats more often - guys or girls?
  6. What would you do if you turned into a guy for one day?
  7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  8. Have you ever cheated on a guy?
  9. Did you have a night dawn date?
  10. How will you behave if you like a guy in a company?
  11. Are you ready to make compromises to make peace with your beloved man?
  12. What qualities in a partner are important to you?
  13. Do you like giving or receiving gifts more?
  14. Do you like romance? What is romance to you?

How to protect yourself from stupid questions

The rating of the most stupid and repulsive questions unambiguously includes questions about ex-boyfriends in the style of “how many men did you have”, “why did you break up”, “really, I'm better than your ex”. The former is in the past, and you should forget about him. The first thought that arises from a girl when constantly repeating questions on this topic is - maybe to introduce you? You yourself will find out everything from him. With such clarifications, a man shows his own insecurity and notoriousness.

Too personal and intimate questions are permissible, but only with close contact, when a certain milestone has already been passed, and the girl of interest has fallen in love or is close to it. If, on the second date, you ask about your favorite Kama Sutra position, let go of vulgar jokes after one, and pry "and we will go to you or to me", there is a high probability that there will be no third meeting at all.

You should not ask questions of a tactless nature - about flaws in appearance, about marriage and children, weight, the number of sexual partners, the appearance of girlfriends. All this will eventually emerge in communication by itself, you should not rush the picture.

The main rule is that questions should be sincere, reflect a real, lively interest in the person of the interlocutor. Women love to be asked about them, but it is important not to overdo it - this is not an addiction interrogation.

This article will focus on witty and versatile ways to answer the trivial question "how are you". V modern world communication is natural, not a single person can do without it. Every day the phrases “hello, how are you ...”, “hello, how are you ...” fly to us and are often perplexed.

To avoid standard, boring and primitive answers like “everything is fine”, check out the top of the most unexpected and original phrases. To compile this list, many sources were analyzed, everyone will find something useful for themselves and will use it for their own pleasure.

Original Answers

It is indecent to remain silent in response to a common question; to mumble “will go” is impolite; to start long reasoning means to be known as a bore. It will be neutral and detached to say "thank you, everything is fine", "thank you, okay." I don't always want to tell you how things really are.

This is where something original, monosyllabic, funny, rhymed or in the form of prose, sometimes sharp, discouraging the desire to ask further, will come in handy:

  • great, you won't wait;
  • as they say in Odessa - I don't want to upset, but everything is fine;
  • I will answer: everything, as usual, I live as in a fairy tale, gentlemen, sometimes it is good, then everything is fine - such are my things;
  • why ask - we live in the same country;
  • like a nine on the freeway;
  • as in the morning after New Year's Eve;
  • warmth, light and flies do not bite;
  • kick-ass;
  • flies would appreciate it;
  • like fishing - it bites, but a trifle;
  • things are going great, but no one knows where;
  • everything in chocolate - sticky and brown;
  • in order, however, in random;
  • like raw salt - I don't get enough sleep;
  • like dill - all in a bunch;
  • not very good, but also on "x";
  • like a kolobok - the left and the right are the same;
  • life is hard without valerian.

We answer with humor

Everyone is in a bad mood or in trouble, but you should not pour out negativity on someone who just showed courtesy and politeness. Bring positive things to life with brilliant, sparkling phrases. Any circumstance can be presented in such a way that it will become easier for yourself. Here are 20 quick, succinct, and witty answers to take note of:

  • kherosho (chorovo);
  • like on an airplane - sick, but you have to fly (one taxis, but everyone is sick);
  • as in the sea - storms and vomits;
  • as a failed millionaire - the desire to “be” still exists, but there is no money;
  • like a native - I walk around naked, eat a fig and have a leader;
  • like an acorn - you don't know which wind will blow it away, and which pig will eat;
  • and what can be the case with such cases;
  • like an elephant - again with ears on the cheeks;
  • who knows - does not ask, who asks - does not know;
  • like potatoes - if they don't eat it in a year, they will plant it in the spring;
  • everything is like in a pharmacy - expensive, but necessary;
  • like a ball - they inflated, they also kick;
  • like on the Internet - you click, like and go to bed;
  • business in chocolate - I get dirty, but I melt;
  • like in a taxi - the longer you go, the more you pay;
  • a lot of things to do, if you want, I will share;
  • like in a Turkish harem - you understand that they will have it, but you have no idea when;
  • a pile of ashes remained in my soul, and my flesh was worn out to the ground, but my deplorable business is doing splendidly;
  • do not hurry?
  • bad as usual, but it's great because the main thing in life is stability.

Non-standard answers for men and girls

Neither a girl nor a man should be like the interlocutor with his banal, annoying greeting question. Do not be rude, especially if you plan to continue your acquaintance. After all, if a guy or a girl asks, then, most likely, they are really interested in your affairs and expect a sincere continuation of the conversation.

  • like a watermelon - the belly grows, and the tail dries out;
  • as in Antalya - Olga was yesterday, today there are two Natalias;
  • I teach the cat to speak so that he would answer such questions for me;
  • confirm that you are not a robot, enter the captcha in the message field;
  • I was going to become a lark, and now I am a sleepy angry owl;
  • so much has not been done and how much remains to be done.

You can continue your acquaintance with a nice girl like this:

  • I plan to enslave the world;
  • one of these days I will surrender;
  • it would be better if you were with me (for the internet).

As for the girls, they are lovers of all kinds of emoticons, and they are actively used in social networks and various messengers. Communication in reality can be continued or ended with the following remarks:

  • many of yours were killed;
  • everything is fine - it blooms even on waterless and stony soil;
  • I gave to the wrong person / but to the one I gave / to whom I wanted, I gave;
  • like a convertible - it is gorgeous itself, but there is no roof;
  • they say that everything is done through the bed - here I lie, covered myself with a blanket, waiting for the borscht to be cooked and the floors are washed;
  • I grow, bloom and smell;
  • have not yet lost weight for a relationship with you;
  • in conversations on such topics is not strong;
  • as at a buffet table - what I do not take, but what I want, I am ashamed to ask. You have to pretend not to be hungry.

Answers in English

Nowadays, especially often you have to travel, communicate with foreigners on the Internet. Knowledge of a few standard phrases in international English will definitely come in handy. Witty answers to foreign “how are you / how are things (with you) / what’s up / how is the world using you / how goes it / how ya doin’ ”(how are you) will come with time and experience.

Americans, probably, have long understood that a dangerous person is the one who begins to answer the question of how things are going, so “how are you?” Has turned into a formal greeting spoken by cashiers, colleagues, acquaintances and people who are just passing by. You can not answer their question, just smile or limit yourself to short, insignificant phrases. In other situations, we write or speak like this:

The range is simply “good” to “excellent”:

  • fine (great);
  • great (great);
  • never better (there is nowhere better);
  • lively (lively);
  • splendid (brilliant);
  • very well, indeed (really good);
  • I'm well (ok);
  • all the better for seeing you (better when I see you).

We end the phrase with gratitude for your interest “thank you / fhank’s / thank u” (thank you) and ask in response “and you / how are you?”;

Mediocre, mediocre:

  • not too (so) good (neither wobbly, nor roll);
  • middling (average);
  • so-so (so-so);
  • nothing to write home about (nothing to please);
  • could be better (could be better);
  • pretty bad (lousy);
  • there’s nothing to boast about;
  • I'm not Ok (it doesn't matter).

Answers with a grain of suspicion, harm:

  • why (and what);
  • how should I be (and how should);
  • Is there a particular reason you ask.

Exercise in originality and wit for health, but only with well-known people, otherwise you risk getting into an unenviable position. Use the power of words as the setting and situation dictate: to cheer up both yourself and others; start an interesting conversation or interrupt it; scare off the interlocutor or interest.

It is important that most of the above answers are unlikely to be appreciated by the bosses or parents, husbands, wives. In the first case, it is worthwhile to answer shortly and impersonally: "Thank you, everything is fine." And your relatives are really interested in you, it is worth telling what is happening in life, what worries or worries. And may everything in life be really excellent, great, it couldn't be better!

Asking "how are you?", Most often no one expects to hear long stories about life. This is not a question - but just a friendly gesture that implies a short and concise answer. People answer differently to their best friend, flatmate, or acquaintance on the street. Unusual phrases make a person stand out from the crowd. A funny and witty joke can not only dilute the conversation, but also emphasize your good sense of humor.

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To the questions: "How are you?", "How are you?", "How is life young?" people are used to answering usually "I'm fine". But you can do it differently: emphasize your charisma and individuality, beautifully greet the interlocutor. If you're not afraid to look funny, the best answer is something cool:

  • I live in bloom and smell!
  • All is well, as long as no one is jealous.
  • As in a fairy tale, the further the worse.
  • Everything is covered in chocolate, even the keyboard.
  • Everything is awesome! Envy!
  • Awesome, I fly on the wings of happiness.
  • As they say here in Odessa, I don't want to upset you, but I'm fine!

These options are more suitable for colleagues or friends. With an unfamiliar man or woman, such communication would be inappropriate.

  • I dream of Taiwan, and forget about all business. Get lost in the ocean in the Maldives.
  • How am I doing, you ask? I will answer you that everything is decent! I live like a fairy tale, gentlemen! That is good, then everything is fine!
  • A handful of ashes remained in my soul and my flesh was worn out to the ground. But my mental affairs are excellent!

If the interlocutor is in a hurry and is preoccupied with something, funny rhymes or funny phrases will not be interesting to him. You should not answer the person with a joke if the interlocutor asks about some specific matters.

How to answer the question "how is your mood" in an original and funny way?

What can you say to a stranger

Sometimes you receive SMS or messages in messengers from strangers and unfamiliar people with hackneyed words: "Hello, how are you?" But you don't always want to answer such questions. Ignoring them is a sign of bad taste, therefore, it is correct to end communication with a phrase that will make it clear that the dialogue is over:

  • I have no business.
  • Why do you need this?
  • Sorry I'm busy). I cannot continue the dialogue with you.
  • You will not be interested in it.
  • I am married (married).

When dealing with strangers, the main thing is not to be rude or offend. Even if the interlocutor is very unpleasant, it is necessary to maintain a sense of tact.

How to reply to someone you like

Usually guys ask such questions in order to interest the girl and get to know her.

Today, the worldwide network has embraced all of humanity. People get to know each other online, get to know each other better, learn a lot of new things. Dating often ends in a serious relationship and marriage.

Upon personal acquaintance, we see a person, feel his character, interests. Online dating is shrouded in mystery.

We do not see the interlocutor, so it is extremely difficult to find common ground, to start a dialogue correctly that can interest the guy.

Many girls, having met online, do not know what to talk to a guy about, so as not to seem intrusive and interest him.

An incorrectly asked question can scare a guy off, discourage him from communicating with a girl. Therefore, you need to know what questions to ask in order to learn more about the secret scribe.

Correspondence is an online dialogue. You shouldn't tailor the conversation to the "interview" format. Communication should be unobtrusive, lively, open, informative, interesting.

The list of questions

All questions asked are indirectly divided into groups:

  • General.
  • Difficult.
  • Interesting.
  • About love.
  • Funny.
  • Brave.
  • Memorable.

Let's start with the general ones. These are unobtrusive phrases that demonstrate the girl's interest in the life of a young man.

They help start a dialogue. They serve as an introduction to the conversation, help to relax, to make the guy feel comfortable.


  1. How are you?
  2. How was your day?
  3. What are your plans for tomorrow? If the guy dodges the answer, don't insist. He does not want to tell the girl about his plans, and this is normal. Don't push yourself. The time will come, and he himself will tell.
  4. Do you want to take a walk?
  5. How are you?
  6. Do you like today's weather? This question is only appropriate if the girl lives with her interlocutor in the same city.
  7. Can you spare me some time? With the phrase, the girl shows that she cares about the personal time space of the interlocutor. She does not want to be intrusive and is ready to communicate at a convenient time for him.

Guys are monogamous. The time has already passed when men won the attention of women. Today it is a woman's prerogative. She must charm, interest, so that the interlocutor has the desire to correspond.

To do this, you need to evoke unusual emotions, ask difficult questions:

  • A vital priority for you?
  • Your desire?
  • Do you want to become immortal?
  • Are you ready to sacrifice your own life to save your friend?
  • Your secrets?
  • Are you a believer?
  • What are you crying about?
  • Do your friends appreciate you?

These phrases are discouraging. Many are perplexed. But they arouse interest in the girl.

The situation after a monotonous conversation is diluted with interesting questions:

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. What is your horoscope sign?
  3. Have you been to a fortune teller?
  4. Who do you associate yourself with? Invite the guy to choose an association from the animal world, vehicles, or a computer game. It will be easier for the girl to understand the character of the guy and find the right approach to him.
  5. What are you afraid of? For any answer, answer what you are afraid of.

Your correspondence has passed the boundaries of knowledge and turned into a more serious channel - it's time to ask questions about relationships:

  • When was the first time you fell in love?
  • Unrequited love lashed you?
  • What are you ready to do for the sake of your beloved girl?
  • Are you an amorous person?
  • Can you love two girls at the same time?
  • What does the word "love" mean to you?
  • What is your attitude to the concept of "free love"?

The correspondence has passed the stage of knowledge and falling in love - you can ask a guy intimate phrases:

  1. Cherished erotic fantasies?
  2. Where do you want to have sex?
  3. Who do you want to sleep with?
  4. Tell me the places where you had sex?
  5. Do you want to try group sex?
  6. Favorite Kamasutra pose?
  7. How long can you live without sex?
  8. Have you had extreme sex?

It is better to ask vulgar and provocative questions to a young man with whom the girl has been communicating for a long time.


  • Have you had sex for money?
  • Have a desire to become a gay?
  • Are you indulging in self-gratification?
  • What hairstyle do you have in your intimate place?
  • Have you taken drugs?
  • Are you addicted to watching porn movies?
  • Have you killed people?

To lure and interest a young man, he needs to ask enticing questions:

  1. What is your favorite color, character trait, time of the year?
  2. Favorite male, female name?
  3. What gift do you want to receive?
  4. Which countries have you visited?

List of funny and funny questions:

  • What's your morning hair called?
  • Where are you ready to stick your alarm clock in the morning?
  • Have you tried flying?
  • Do you have matching socks on your feet?
  • Your car's name?
  • The cost of your harm?

Cool questions will "liven up" the dialogue, make it easy.

Tricky questions:

  1. Do you smoke?
  2. Do you use foul language?
  3. Favorite car brand?
  4. What is your type of girl?
  5. What languages ​​do you know?
  6. Do you believe in fortune telling?
  7. Do you like alcohol?

Memorable questions should be asked when a girl wants to build a good relationship with a guy (not always love). They are used at initial acquaintance.

  • What is your favorite sport?
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • What is your favorite day of the week?
  • What is your favorite month?

You can ask if the guy likes tea or coffee, about relationships with relatives and friends.

In order for your correspondence to become a dialogue, and not a monologue, remember the basic rules:

  1. Answer the guy's questions.
  2. Let him speak.
  3. Joke more.
  4. Don't be afraid to start the conversation first.
  5. More "listen" to the guy, condole with him.
  6. Show interest in his personality.

It is forbidden:

  • Be overly serious. Convert a conversation to an office format.
  • Take offense at jokes, gags.
  • Ask trick questions right away. This will scare off the guy and the girl will have to look for a new interlocutor.
  • To impose.
  • Interrupt.

Remember, men love original questions. Guys are flattered by the attention. Ask about his hobbies, preferences in cuisine, music, pastime.

Pay special attention to questions about literature and cinema. It is better to talk to guys who are fond of computer games about their favorite game, their main characters and strategies.

It is very important to ask the guy about his family: where he lives, with whom, what is his family situation.

If family relationships are tense, support a morally young person. If your relationship with your parents is good and trusting, rejoice for him.

Don't forget to ask about your friends. A girl interested in friends will intrigue the young man. Ask about them to tell how you spend your free time, where you traveled.

It is important to ask about career goals, dreams, plans. Find out the profession of the person, his work experience, the desire to continue working in this direction.

Do not forget to touch on the topic of childhood. Childhood is a happy time, remembered with joy, trepidation and delight. Plunging into childhood memories will contribute to rapprochement, building trusting relationships.

If a girl wants to improve, renew her relationship with her ex-penpal, then she should start asking simple questions like "how are you?" or "how are you feeling?" You should not turn to a former young man with negativity, reproaches or threats. This will make the situation worse.


Psychologists say that in order to please a guy, you should share his interests, which can be spied on the wall on a social network. Study the page carefully, audio recordings, films and photos on the page. This will help you find common topics for conversation, establish a friendly, casual conversation.