Preschooler in the modern world. Center for arzamas - psychological characteristics of modern preschool children. what explains the uniqueness of each personality


Early age: children are characterized by an increased need for information; more long-term memory; from the moment of birth, the semantic perception of the world and speech, based on images, begins to function.

Preschool age: complex development of mental operations (children think in blocks, modules, quanta); higher level of intelligence: children 2-3 years old cope with tasks previously designed for children 4-5 years old. Children are distinguished by an increased need for the perception of information, they are constantly looking for opportunities to satisfy it, if they do not receive the necessary "portion" of information energy, they begin to show discontent or aggression; the information overload of many of them is clearly not worried; the volume of long-term memory is much larger, and the permeability of the operational memory is higher, which makes it possible to perceive and process a large amount of information in a short period of time. Do not experience stress when in contact with equipment, computers, mobile phones.

Freedom Reflex: in modern children, the system of relationships dominates over the system of knowledge. To replace the question "why?" came the question "why?" If earlier a child had a well-developed imitative reflex and he tried to repeat actions after an adult, then modern children are dominated by the reflex of freedom - they themselves build a strategy for their behavior. Children are persistent and demanding, have high self-esteem, and do not tolerate violence. Their innate desire for self-realization, for the manifestation of their active nature is noted:

    the modern preschooler is interested not only in the world of objects and toys. Children want to learn a lot about a person, the world around them, and nature. A child is interested in a person from all sides: as a biological and social being, as a creator and bearer of culture;

    modern child is a citizen who is aware of himself not only in the modern, but also in the historical space of the country and the city. He loves his homeland, family, peers and friends, wants to make life better, more worthy and more beautiful;

    a modern preschooler is well oriented in himself, his immediate environment, his present and future. He is ready to evaluate various phenomena and events;

    modern children are more focused on the future, they easily talk about where and by whom they will work, how much they will earn and spend, what kind of family they will have, in what conditions they will live and how to relax;

    older preschoolers not only accept the learning task, but also realize its meaning for themselves. As a rule, it is associated with the successful future of the child: I will learn to read - I will study well at school - I will go to college - I will get an excellent job - I will live well!

    a modern child pleases, on the one hand, with his activity, mobility, initiative and dedication, on the other, with a developed imagination, a tendency to fantasize and creativity;

    children are able to think and act independently, live with a feeling of inner freedom, are cheerful and optimistic, differ in positivism, development of intellectual processes, focus on cognition of the world around them;

    today's preschooler is faster than an adult, manages to master a mobile phone and a computer, a TV and a tape recorder, goes with family and friends to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels, navigates car brands, names of clothing manufacturers, etc. ;

    children love to play, compose, fantasize, i.e. are actively focused on self-valuable, children's activities;

    in the behavior of children, there are some manifestations of maturity, maturity in judgments, orientation towards the future, understanding of oneself, one's interests, needs, opportunities;

    children live in a world in which many aspects of human life are computerized. The computer is not a luxury, but a means of labor, knowledge, leisure;

    modern preschoolers have become more relaxed, liberated, open, show greater independence, initiative, they show feelings of freedom and independence;

    favorite heroes of modern children are the heroes of children's animation;

    changes are also taking place in the intellectual sphere of children, they are characterized by a greater awareness, they have become more developed, inquisitive, easily and freely navigate in modern technology and adulthood; what the plane lands on the landing gear, and in the galaxy, besides our planet, there are others ... "," You can talk to them, you can argue, this has not happened before ... ";

    the preferences, interests, judgments of children about life largely depend on the standard of living and the capabilities of the parents and vary from the region of residence (in the capital city, regional center, province, suburb, one or another area of ​​the city, etc.);

    children have become more lively, noisy, emotional. They are better at perceiving different information, they are quicker to memorize poems and songs;

    children experience difficulties in communication and interaction with peers and adults due to a complex of socio-psychological problems (aggressiveness, shyness, hyperactivity, hypoactivity, passivity of the child, etc.);

    children find it difficult to learn certain moral norms.

Despite the changes in the world, society, family, modern preschoolers continue to be children. They love to play, only the content of the games, gaming interests have changed somewhat. Along with role-playing games, children choose games with modern constructors, various puzzles, they know and are addicted to computer games;

Thus, when organizing educational work with children must be taken into account (adjusted for individual characteristics, the uniqueness of personal social experience, socio-cultural situation) that a modern preschooler has:

    sufficiently developed perception of multifactorial qualities and relationships of objects, phenomena and situations;

    memory sufficiently developed to retain, compare the newly perceived with the already existing in an earlier experience;

    thinking sufficient for awareness, establishing connections between complex multi-level multifactorial phenomena and events;

    speech, which allows you to explain your ideas and states, both situational and perspective, which allows the child to enter into relationships of different levels and directions;

    a research initiative that encourages the child to search for new impressions and allows him to successfully explore complex, multi-connected, physical and social objects and phenomena, revealing their hidden essential characteristics and networks of internal causal interactions;

    the prevailing "subjectivity", which allows him to act independently and autonomously, not only as a subject of activity, but also as a subject of social relations;

    internal position, which, basically, will be formed as a neoplasm by the age of seven, but already now allows the child to individually (based on his own worldview) relate to events and the phenomena occurring in the life of the child.

Psychological characteristics of modern preschool children

Children born in the late XX - early XXI century grow up in different economic, social and cultural realities than older generations did. Child psychologists and teachers of practically all economically developed countries note a significant change in the content of children's life.

Authors of various psychological and sociological studies with anxiety discuss the destruction that is happening literally before our eyes. traditional forms children's existence - the disappearance of the so-called children's community, the growing priority of early learning to the detriment of free children's play, the disintegration of the game itself.

For our country, these changes are largely associated with a change in the socio-economic formation, the transition from socialism and the corresponding economic and social public relations to a market economy, which is accompanied by significant material stratification of the population, individualization of social life, less regulation of the private life of citizens by public institutions. New socio-economic realities have significantly influenced the sphere of family relations, primarily the relationship between parents and children. In conditions when the state has ceased to rigidly standardize living standards, limit and regulate the level of income of the population, people, especially young people, have a natural desire and, at the same time, the opportunity to work and earn more, improve the standard of living of their families, create better quality for their children. conditions for development and education.

The top positions in the hierarchy of family values ​​were taken by concern for the material well-being of the family and the desire to provide children with the best opportunities for education, to give them a so-called "good start." At the same time, the value of parent-child communication has noticeably decreased, spending time together, home traditions and customs, family unity. For all this, adult family members have neither the time nor the energy, living together with her children has ceased to be interesting to modern young parents. Care for the development of the child is increasingly transferred to professional teachers - nannies, kindergarten teachers, specialists additional education, school teachers or private tutors.
The main factor of modern civilization, which has a tremendous impact on the content of modern childhood, has become the rapid growth of new technologies, primarily information technologies. Cutting edge information Technology allowing people to carry out almost all social functions without entering into personal contacts, have led to significant changes in one of the most important spheres of human life - communicative.

The modern world is a single information space that does not have state and even linguistic boundaries. Any event, incident, achievement, innovation immediately becomes the property of the world community.

All this fully applies to children's culture. Less and less space in it remains traditional for our country for games and toys, books and films, national heroes and characters. The vast majority of toys that modern children play all over the world are made in China, be it a doll, soft toy, weapon, typewriter, construction set, electronic toy... By the way, the same applies to children's clothing.
The unification of children's property forms unified standards of perception, unified standards and values. The process of economic globalization, which swept the civilized world, inevitably affected childhood. Products for children, both material and spiritual, are successfully sold not only where they are produced, but also in other countries.

Along with certain advantages of modern children over their peers of past years, their obvious technical skill, ability to understand the language of modern technologies, quick adaptation to changing conditions, one cannot fail to notice the losses they paid for the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Numerous studies have shown that the level of psychological maturity of modern preschoolers who are on the threshold of school is noticeably lower than the level reached by their peers 30 years ago. A significant proportion of children entering school do not meet the required social standard for a first grader. Apparently, we are dealing with a complex problem related to the fact that all the circumstances of the life of a modern preschooler create a model of socialization that does not coincide with the model of socialization set by the school as a social institution.

Today, there are two practically opposite opinions about what a modern preschooler is.
Modern children in their development are much ahead of their peers of previous years. They are easy to operate with complex technical devices such as a computer, mobile phone, home consumer electronics. Children have a fairly extensive knowledge of various aspects of adult life, watch a lot of TV and video films, have an experience of traveling with their parents to other cities and countries, often richer than many adults. Of course, role-playing games are not enough for them, but how can these ingenuous games compete in their amusement with computer games that can offer a child any plot and all imaginable and inconceivable accessories for its implementation?

Today, children much earlier than before get acquainted with the basics of literacy - reading, writing, counting. Already two year olds impatient parents buy "ABC" and hang the alphabet in pictures on the wall. Educational and useful games and toys are in every home, and, starting from about 4-5 years old, children begin to intensively prepare for school. Most six-year-olds know letters and numbers, can read syllables, can write in block letters and do simple calculations. For comparison: 40-50 years ago, the majority of seven-year-old children entered school practically illiterate, which, however, did not prevent them from successfully mastering the curriculum. Today, their grandchildren know and easily do what they themselves have recently mastered and with hard work, for example, skills in the use of electronic technology. A variety of electronic devices, including toys, surround modern children from birth, and they begin to use them as easily and naturally as today's adults learned to use electrical appliances. The peculiar language in which electronics "communicates" with us is difficult for only adults to master, and children master it organically, at the same time with all the vocabulary of their contemporary language.

As well as strengths in the development of modern preschoolers, the weak are also noted. These include, first of all, physical health and development, the weakness of an arbitrary sphere, underdevelopment coherent speech, inability to listen and hear another person, not only a peer, but also an adult. Teachers with more experience are more skeptical about the awareness of modern children: "They know a lot, but not what is needed."
Psychological examinations of older preschoolers, future first graders, show that today, by the end of preschool age, many of them do not reach the level of psychological and personal maturity that is necessary for a successful transition to the next - school - stage of life.

Thus, the cognitive development of modern preschoolers is markedly different from what was considered as an age norm 15-20 years ago.
Today's preschoolers are distinguished by a weakness of imagination, a pronounced orientation towards the visibility of perceived information and, accordingly, insufficient development of auditory perception and understanding, more low level speech development, imperfection of communication skills and abilities, the originality of the emotional and moral sphere.

Speech development. Psychologists, teachers, speech therapists, pediatricians note a consistently high level of tempo delays in speech development in children from 1 to 5 years old, and the problem of a modern preschooler is that he does not have a separate violation of the structural component of speech (for example, sound pronunciation), but a complex lag in development of speech components. If in the mid-70s of the twentieth century, speech deficit was observed only in 4% of children of middle preschool age, then today almost every group of kindergarten needs special speech therapy assistance.

Development of imagination. Imagination is the main new formation of preschool childhood, responsible, according to Vygotsky, for the relationship between a child and social reality, specific for a given age.
Imagination sets the social situation of development, it is this that determines the further nature of the cognitive and personal development of the child. The appearance in a child of the ability to create imaginary situations, situations "as if" indicates not only his readiness to play, but, first of all, the beginning of active cognition and mastery of the world around him in accessible forms that are most adequate to his cognitive capabilities. The main activity that provides the best conditions for the development of imagination is children's play in all the variety of its forms and types.

However, today almost all psychologists and teachers record a significant decrease in the play activity of children and a lower level of their development. play activities in comparison with the norms of the second half of the twentieth century.

How is the desire for play inherent in children, which arises at a certain age as an urgent need of childhood, is supported? Is it only social motivation, that is, the desire to get closer to the inaccessible world of adults, that makes play the very leading activity of preschool age, which creates the best conditions for the mental and personal development of the child? Apparently, for this, the game should respond not so much to historically changeable social motives as to a specific task. mental development child on this age stage, the sensitivity of this period of life to the development of a particular mental function. This, in turn, is defined as general level mental development of the child, and the demand for this psychological ability in specific cultural conditions.

One of the reasons for the decrease in the role of plot play in the life of modern children was the development of toys, which brought them closer to the real objects of the surrounding world and thus deprived the game of the right to create an imaginary situation. Toys embody everything in real life, and everything that is only invented by people, but does not exist in reality.

What cannot be recreated in an object toy is easily simulated by a computer: an airplane, an interplanetary ship, a racing car, city streets, even family life and ancient civilization.

Another factor hindering the full development of imagination is the prevalence of a variety of video products in the arsenal of children's entertainment. Modern parents easily amenable to promotional information about features and benefits early development child through visual images and impressions. Small children spend a lot of time in front of the TV: cartoons, "useful educational" television programs, or even just bright commercials can occupy the attention of the kid for a long time, thereby freeing his parents from the need to read fairy tales, tell stories, play with toys. Preschoolers quickly master and simple manipulations with a computer: they learn to turn it on, find "their" toys, start them, control the actions of computer characters with a few keys. All this video information is perceived by children easier and faster than verbal information. It does not require the work of the imagination, moreover, these ready-made images, bright and diverse, exceed all the possibilities of the child's own productive imagination.

Characteristic feature the cultural context of the development of modern children is the fact that favorite books, favorite characters, favorite plots are fundamentally different from the material with which they meet in the "ABC" and the first "Books for reading". Primary school teachers note that modern first-graders are poorly familiar with fairy tales, especially Russian ones: only vague memories remain of them. early childhood... The realities in which these fabulous events take place are far from today's children, and magic by today's standards is very modest.

Another consequence of the widespread introduction of computer technologies into the lives of young children is the distortion of their sensory experience, the formation of unfaithful sensory standards. Everyday life naturally limits the child's ability to get acquainted with all the sensory diversity of the surrounding world. High technologies make it possible to fill this gap by providing the child with electronic imitations of various sounds, colors, objects, animals, etc. For example, computer program will acquaint the kid with the sound of not only the piano, guitar or drum, but also the violin, flute, organ, cello, double bass, bagpipes.

Pedagogical school readiness. Mastering the skills of reading, writing and counting also belongs to the area of ​​priority areas for the development of preschool children. Today, almost all children entering school can write in block letters, and some even in italics.
Social interaction. The dominance of computer developmental and educational programs in the education of modern preschoolers leads to a deformation of the experience of social interaction between a child and adults.
The computer program is so self-sufficient that it allows the child to complete tasks without the help of adults, focusing only on reinforcing the right steps or the inability to move forward in case of wrong decisions. Of course, laying out a sequence of pictures and telling them about them is not a very interesting task for kids, however, it is much more useful than silently laying out the same pictures on a computer screen, supported not by an oral response or an adult's praise, but by ingenuous animation.
The child is not faced with the task of isolating the problem or difficulty that he faces in performing of this task, formulate your question to an adult, hear and understand the explanations. Through trial and error, he conducts a silent dialogue with the "smart" machine, making the right or wrong conclusions about the decisions made.
Meanwhile essential condition the successful mental development of a child is his joint activity with an adult. It is the adult who acquaints the child with the objective content of the things and phenomena around him, it is the adult who reveals to the child the ways of interacting with the world around him, it is to the adult that the development of the child's cognitive needs is addressed.

The level of moral development of preschoolers has decreased. The ambiguity and multivariance of modern life have led to the erosion of moral guidelines: children do not always clearly understand "what is good and what is bad."

Another feature of modern preschoolers, noted by educators, is increased egocentrism. To a certain extent, egocentricity is characteristic of preschool children, but by the age of 7, many of them are already able to overcome the egocentric position and take into account the point of view of another person. Overcoming children's egocentrism is one of the most important mechanisms of socialization in preschool age.

Thus, it is obvious that all the changes recorded today in the psychological appearance of a preschooler (features of his communication, play activity, personal development, readiness for school), the reasons for which are seen in the wrong organization of his life, inadequate to the child's age needs, testify to a fundamentally different nature of his preschool socialization than it was in the twentieth century.


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by discipline

Developmental psychology and developmental psychology

Topic: Preschool age, characteristics

mental development in it


I. Patterns of development of children in preschool age

1.1 Features of general development in preschool age

II. Features of the psychological development of preschoolers

2.1 Psychological characteristics of the child's activities in preschool age

At an early age, elements of role play appear and begin to develop. In role-playing games, children satisfy their desire for modern life with adults and, in a special, playful way, reproduce relationships and labor activity adults.

At preschool age, play becomes a leading type of activity, but not because a modern child, as a rule, spends most of his time in games that amuse him, - play causes qualitative changes in the child's psyche. The game action is of an iconic (symbolic) nature. It is in play that the sign function of the child's consciousness is most clearly formed.

In playing activity, the preschooler not only replaces objects, but also takes on one or another role and begins to act in accordance with this role. In the game, the child for the first time opens the relationship that exists between people in the process of their work, their rights and obligations.

Responsibilities towards others are what the child feels it is necessary to fulfill based on the role that he has assumed. In fulfilling duties, the child receives rights in relation to persons whose roles are played by other participants in the game.

The role in the story game is precisely to fulfill the responsibilities that are imposed by the role, and to exercise rights in relation to other participants in the game.

In role play, children reflect the variety of activities around them. They reproduce scenes from family life, from work activities and labor relationships of adults, reflect epoch-making events, etc. Reality reflected in children's games becomes the plot of a role-playing game. The wider the sphere of reality that children face, the wider and more varied are the plots of the games. Therefore, naturally, the younger preschooler has a limited number of plots, while for the older preschooler, the plots of the games are extremely varied.

Along with the increase in the variety of plots, the duration of the games increases. So, the duration of play in children of three to four years is only 10-15 minutes, in four to five years old it reaches 40-50 minutes, and in older preschoolers, games can reach several hours and even for several days.

Some plots of children's games are found in both small and older preschoolers (daughters-mothers, Kindergarten).

Despite the fact that there are plots common to children of all preschool ages, they are played out in different ways: within the same plot, the game becomes more diverse among older preschoolers. It is common for every age to reproduce different sides reality within the same plot.

Along with the plot, it is necessary to distinguish between the content of the role-playing game. The content of the game is that the child highlights the main moment of the adult's activity. Children of different age groups when playing with the same plot, they bring different content into this game. Thus, younger preschoolers repeat the same actions many times with the same objects, reproducing the real actions of adults. Reproduction of real actions of adults with objects becomes the main content of the game of younger preschoolers. Playing at lunch, for example, kids cut bread, cook porridge, wash dishes, while repeating the same actions many times. However, the sliced ​​bread is not served to the dolls, the cooked porridge is not laid out on the plates, the dishes are washed when they are still clean. Here, the content of the game is reduced exclusively to actions with objects.

The game plot, as well as the playing role, is most often not planned by a child of younger preschool age, but arises depending on what object comes under his hands.

At the same time, already among younger preschoolers, in a number of cases, the content of the game may be relations between people.

Younger preschoolers recreate in the game relationships in a very limited, narrow circle of plots. As a rule, these are games related to the direct practice of the children themselves. Later, recreating human relationships becomes the main point in the game. So, the game in children of middle preschool age proceeds as follows. The actions performed by the child are not repeated endlessly, but one action is replaced by another. In this case, actions are performed not for the sake of the actions themselves, but in order to express a certain attitude towards another person in accordance with the role taken. This relationship can also be played out with a doll that has received a certain role. The actions performed by a middle-aged preschooler are more curtailed than those of younger preschoolers. In the story games of middle-aged preschoolers, the main content is the relationship between people.

The detailed transfer of relations between people in the game teaches the child to obey certain rules. Getting to know through the game with social life adults, children are more and more involved in understanding the social functions of people and the rules of relations between them.

Thus, the development of the plot and the content of the role-playing game reflects the ever-deeper penetration of the child into the life of the surrounding adults.

In playing activity, mental qualities are most intensively formed and personality traits child. In the game, other types of activity are formed, which then acquire an independent meaning. Play activity influences the formation of randomness in children mental processes... That, in the game, children begin to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory.

Game situation and actions in it provide constant attention to the development of the mental activity of a preschool child. Play greatly contributes to the fact that the child gradually moves to thinking in terms of ideas.

Role-playing game is essential for the development of imagination. In play, the child learns to replace objects with other objects, to take on various roles. This ability forms the basis of the imagination.

Competition games are allocated to a special class, in which the most attractive moment for children is winning or success. It is assumed that it is in such games that the motivation for achieving success is formed and consolidated in preschool children.

In older preschool age, constructive play begins to turn into labor activity, during which the child designs, creates, builds something useful, necessary in everyday life. In such games, children learn elementary labor skills and abilities, learn the physical properties of objects, they actively develop practical thinking. In the game, the child learns to use many tools and household items. He acquires and develops the ability to plan his actions, improve hand movements and mental operations, imaginations and representations.

Among the various types of creative activities that preschool children like to engage in, a large place is occupied by art, in particular baby drawing... By the nature of what and how the child depicts, one can judge his perception of the surrounding reality, about the features of memory, imagination, thinking. In drawings, children strive to convey their impressions and knowledge gained from outside world... Drawings can vary significantly depending on the physical or psychological state of the child (illness, mood, etc.). It was found that the drawings made by sick children differ in many respects from the drawings of healthy children.

As you know, the origins of the child's visual activity date back to early childhood. By the beginning of preschool childhood, as a rule, a child already has a certain supply of graphic images that allow him to depict individual objects. However, these images are distant similarities.

The ability to recognize an object in a drawing is one of the incentives for improvement and has a long history. V child drawing various forms of experience are introduced, which the child receives in the process of actions with objects, their visual perception, the very graphic activities and adult learning. Among the drawings of children alongside and images corresponding to visual perception, one can find those in which what the child finds out is expressed, not looking at the object, but acting with it or feeling it. So, often children draw a flat acute-angled figure (for example, a triangle) after feeling it in the form of an oval with short lines extending from it, with which they try to emphasize the acute-angled object being depicted.

In the course of the development of drawing, the child develops a need to use color. With this, two tendencies towards the use of color begin to emerge. One tendency is that the child uses color arbitrarily, i.e. can paint an object or its parts with any colors that often do not correspond to the actual color of the object. Another tendency is that the child tends to color the depicted object in accordance with its actual color.

Children often use the knowledge of the color of an object, established from the words of adults, bypassing their own perception. Therefore, children's drawings are filled with color stamps (grass is green, the sun is red or yellow).

A characteristic feature of children's drawings is that in them children express their attitude to the drawing itself. Children depict everything “beautiful” with bright colors, “ugly” they paint with dark colors, deliberately performing poorly.

In preschool age, children are focused on portraying the objective world. However, they do not disregard the fantastic characters. After six years, the flow of drawings in children becomes less abundant. But the pictorial repertoire is also very diverse.

Important place in the artistic and creative activity of preschoolers, music is occupied. Children enjoy listening to musical compositions, repeating musical rows and sounds on various instruments. At this age, for the first time, an interest in serious music studies arises, which in the future can develop into a real hobby and contribute to the development of musical talent. Children learn to sing, perform a variety of rhythmic movements to music, in particular dance. Singing develops an ear for music and vocal ability.

None of the children's ages requires such a variety of forms of interpersonal cooperation as preschool, since it is associated with the need to develop the most diverse aspects of the child's personality. This is cooperation with peers, with adults, games, communication and joint work.

Throughout preschool childhood, various types of activities of children are consistently improved, and a child of 5-6 years old is practically involved in at least seven to eight different types of activity, each of which specifically intellectually and morally develops him.

2.2 Personal development of a preschooler

From the point of view of the formation of a child as a person, the entire preschool age can be divided into three parts. The first of them refers to the age of three to four years and is mainly associated with the strengthening of emotional regulation. The second founds the age from four to five years and concerns moral self-regulation, and the third refers to the age of about six years and includes the formation of the child's business personal qualities.

At preschool age, children begin to be guided in their behavior, in the sensations given to themselves and other people, by certain moral norms. They form more or less stable moral ideas, as well as the ability to moral self-regulation.

The sources of children's moral ideas are adults who are involved in their education and upbringing, as well as peers. Moral experience from adults to children is transmitted and taken into account in the process of learning, observation and imitation, through a system of rewards and punishments. Communication plays a large role in the development of the personality of a preschooler. Communication is associated with the satisfaction of the need of the same name, which manifests itself quite early. ITS expression is the child's desire to know himself and other people, to assess and self-esteem.

In preschool childhood, as well as in infancy and early age, one of the main roles in the personal development of the child is still played by the mother. The nature of her communication with the child directly affects the formation in him of certain personal qualities and types of behavior. The desire for approval from the mother becomes one of the stimuli of behavior for a preschool child. The assessments that close adults give him and his behavior are essential for the development of a child.

One of the first children to learn the norms and rules of the so-called "everyday" behavior, cultural and hygienic norms, as well as the norms associated with the attitude to their duties, with the observance of the daily routine, with the treatment of animals and things. The last of moral standards those that relate to the treatment of people are learned. They are the most complex and difficult for children to understand. Role-playing games with rules, common in older preschool age, have a positive value for the assimilation of such rules. It is in them that the presentation, observation and assimilation of the rules take place, their transformation into habitual forms of behavior.

For the behavior of children in preschool age, there comes a period when it goes beyond the framework of cognitive self-regulation and is transferred to management social action and actions.

In other words, along with the intellectual, personal and moral self-regulation arises. Moral norms of behavior become habitual, acquire stability. By the end of preschool childhood, most children develop a certain moral position, which they adhere to more or less consistently.

In a preschool child, personal qualities associated with relationships with people are also formed. This is, first of all, attention to a person, to his worries, troubles, experiences, successes and failures.

Compassion and caring towards people appear in many preschoolers.

In many cases, an older preschooler is able to reasonably explain his actions, using certain moral categories for this. This means that he has formed the beginning of moral self-awareness and moral self-regulation of behavior, although outward manifestations the corresponding personal qualities are not sufficiently stable.

In older preschool age, motives of communication are further developed, due to which the child seeks to establish and expand contacts with people around him.

V given age children give great importance the assessments given to them by adults. The child does not expect such an assessment, but actively achieves it himself, strives to receive praise, is very old to deserve it. All this indicates that the child has already entered the period of development, sensitive to the formation and strengthening of his motivation to achieve success and a number of other vital personal properties, which in the future will have to ensure the success of his educational, professional and other types of activity.

The main personality traits are understood as those that, starting to take shape in early childhood, are quickly fixed and form a stable individuality of a person, defined through the concept social type, or character, personality.

The main personal qualities differ from others in that their development - at least in the initial period - to a certain extent depends on the genotypic, biological conditioned properties of the organism. These personal qualities include, for example, extroversion and introversion, anxiety and trust, emotionality and sociability, neuroticism and others. They are formed and consolidated in a child at preschool age, in conditions of a complex interaction of many factors: genotype and environment, consciousness and the unconscious, operant and conditioned reflex teaching, imitation and a number of others.

In early and middle preschool childhood, the character of the child continues to form. It develops under the influence of the characteristic behavior of adults observed by children. In the same years, such important personal qualities as initiative, will, and independence begin to form.

At the senior preschool age, the child learns to communicate, interact with people around him in joint activities with them, learns elementary rules and norms of behavior, which allows him to get along well with people in the future, to establish normal business and personal relationships with them.

In children from three years of age, the desire for independence is clearly manifested, which they begin to defend in the game.

By the middle preschool age, many children develop the ability and ability to correctly assess themselves, their successes, failures, and personal qualities.

A special role in planning and predicting the results of a child's personal development is played by the idea of ​​how children of different ages perceive and evaluate their parents.

Some studies have found that the most noticeable impact Parents are experienced by children between the ages of three and eight, and there are certain differences between boys and girls. So, girls psychological impact parents begin to feel earlier and continue farther than boys. This time period spans from three to eight years. As for boys, they change significantly under the influence of their parents in the period from five to seven years, i.e. three years less.

2.3 Mental development of a preschooler

At preschool age, there is a process of improving attention.

A characteristic feature of the attention of a child of early preschool age is that it is caused by externally attractive objects, events and people and remains focused as long as the child retains a direct interest in perceived objects. Attention at this age is actually not arbitrary. In development arbitrary attention Reasoning aloud helps the child.

From younger to older preschool age, children's attention progresses simultaneously in many different ways. Younger preschoolers usually look at attractive pictures for no more than 6-8 seconds, while older preschoolers are able to focus on the same image for 12 to 20 seconds. The same applies to the time spent doing the same activity for children of different ages. In preschool childhood, significant individual differences are already observed in the degree of stability of attention in different children, which probably depends on the type of their nervous activity, on physical condition and living conditions.

The development of memory in preschool age is also characterized by a gradual transition from involuntary and immediate to voluntary and mediated memorization.

In younger and middle preschool age, children have memorization and reproduction in natural conditions memory development, i.e. without special training in myemic operations, are involuntary. In older preschool age, under the same conditions, there is a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary memorization and reproduction of material.

The transition from involuntary to arbitrary memory involves two stages.

At the first stage, the necessary motivation is formed, i.e. desire to remember. At the second stage, the myemic actions and operations necessary for this arise and are improved.

In children of early preschool age, involuntary, visual-emotional memory dominates. The majority of normally developing children have well developed direct and mechanical memory.

With the help of mechanical repetitions in older preschool children, information is well remembered. At this age, the first signs of semantic memorization appear. With active mental work, children memorize material better than without such work. Children have a well-developed eidetic memory.

The beginning of the development of children's imagination is associated with the end of early childhood, when the child first demonstrates the ability to replace some objects with others. Further development imagination gets in games, where symbolic substitutions are made quite often and with the help of a variety of means.

In the first half of preschool childhood, the child's reproductive imagination predominates, mechanically reproducing the impressions received in the form of images.

In older preschool age, when volition in memorization appears, imagination from reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality turns into creatively transforming it. It connects with thinking, is included in the process of planning actions. As a result, children's activities acquire a conscious, mental character.

The development of thinking, its formation and improvement depends on the development of the child's imagination.

First, visual-figurative thinking is formed, the development of which is stimulated by role-playing games, especially games with rules.

The child's verbal and logical thinking begins to develop at the end of preschool age. It already presupposes the ability to operate with words and understand the logic of reasoning.

The development of verbal-logical thinking in children occurs at least two stages. At the first stage of them, the child learns the meaning of words related to objects and actions, learns to use them in solving problems, and at the second stage he learns the system of concepts denoting relationships and learns the rules of logic of reasoning.

The development of concepts goes in parallel with the development of the processes of thinking and speech and is stimulated when they begin to connect with each other.

In preschool childhood, the child's speech becomes more coherent and takes the form of a dialogue. A preschooler versus a child early age a more complex, independent form of speech appears and develops - a detailed monologue statement.

The development of speech "to oneself" and internal speech differs.


So, what does a child acquire in the process of his development during preschool childhood?

At this age, in the intellectual plane, the internal mental action and operations are distinguished and formed in children. They relate to the solution of not only cognitive, but also personal tasks. We can say that at this time the child has an internal, personal life, and first in the cognitive area, and then in the emotional - motivational sphere. Development in both directions occurs in its own stages, from imagery to symbolism. Figurativeness is understood as the child's ability to create images, change them, arbitrarily operate with them, and symbolism is the ability to use sign systems (symbolic function), to perform sign operations and actions: mathematical, linguistic, logical and others.

Here, at preschool age, it originates creative process expressed in the ability to transform surrounding reality, create something new. Children's creative abilities are manifested in constructive games, in technical and artistic creation... During this period of time, the existing inclinations to special abilities... Attention to them in preschool childhood is a prerequisite accelerated development of abilities and sustainable, creative attitude child to reality.

In cognitive processes, a synthesis of external and internal action uniting into a single intellectual activity. In perception, this synthesis is represented by perceptual actions, in attention - the ability to manage and control the internal and external plans of action, in memory - the combination of external and internal structuring of the material during memorization and perception.

This tendency is especially clearly manifested in thinking, where it is presented as the integration into a single process of visual - effective, visual - figurative and verbal - logical ways of solving practical problems. On this basis, a full-fledged human intelligence is formed and further develops, which is distinguished by the ability to equally successfully solve the problems presented in all three plans.

In preschool age, imagination, thinking and speech are combined. Such a synthesis gives rise to the child's ability to evoke and arbitrarily manipulate images with the help of speech self-instructions. This means that the child develops and begins to successfully function internal speech as a means of thinking. The synthesis of cognitive processes underlies the full assimilation of a child's native language and can be used in teaching a foreign language.

At the same time, the process of the formation of speech as a means of teaching is completed, which prepares a fertile ground for the activation of upbringing and for the development of the child as a person. In the process of education, conducted on a speech basis, there is an assimilation of elementary moral norms, the form and rules of cultural behavior. By being learned and becoming characteristic features personality of the child, these norms and rules begin to govern his behavior, turning actions into arbitrary and morally regulated actions. The pinnacle of the child's personal development in preschool childhood is personal self-awareness, including the identification of their own personal qualities, abilities, reasons for success and failure.


1. Aseev V.G. Age-related psychology... 1989 year

2. Developmental and educational psychology: Texts. 1992 year

3. Dyachenko OM, Lavrent'eva T.V. The developmental psychology of the preschooler. 1971

4. Zaporozhets A.V. Selected psychological works. 1986 year

5. Kotyrlo V.K. The development of volitional behavior in preschoolers. 1971

6. Krutetskiy V.A. Psychology. 1986 year

7. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. 1997 year

8. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. 1985 year

9. Mukhina V.S. The visual activity of the child as a form of assimilation of social experience. 1981 year

10. Nemov R.S. Psychology. 1997 year

11. Poddyakov N.N. Preschooler thinking. 1977 year

12. Proskura E.V. Development cognitive abilities preschooler. 1985 year

13. Development of the child's personality. 1987 year

14. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. 1976 year

15. Elkonin D.B. Child psychology. 1960 g.


Annex 1

Timing of eruption of milk and permanent teeth

Appendix 2

Respiratory rate and pulse rate by age

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology.

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology

R.S. Nemov "Psychology".

Mukhina V.S. "Child psychology"

R.S. Nemov "Psychology"

R.S. Nemov "Psychology"

Today they write and talk a lot about new children, about their unique intellectual and even telepathic abilities, about the fact that they "came to this world to change it, make it better and kinder." At the same time, the number of children with poor health, delayed development of various parts of the brain, hyperactive, with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere is rapidly increasing. What do we know about them? Let's do a little experiment: look at the first photo and determine the age of the child. As a rule, the baby is given from three to five years. Now pay attention to the second photo: you see this same one and a half year old child next to his six-year-old brother. Why is it so difficult to determine the age of a child from a photograph? Why is it sometimes difficult to understand the motives of his behavior? Why do modern children of three and four years of age master the computer faster than adults? Why grandparents' behavior causes anxiety and misunderstanding of grandchildren, because “the methods and techniques of upbringing that they used for their children now“ do not work ”(from the grandmother's questionnaire).

Smart, persistent, demanding

The problem of studying the developmental features of modern children is that traditional methods and diagnostic techniques are outdated and do not reflect the “current level of development” of children.

Today, many tasks that were previously successfully used to test preschool and older children are performed by children of two to three years old. A child of two and a half - three years old can enthusiastically and quickly collect jigsaw puzzles from twelve elements. Our colleagues from the UK point out the same problem: the diagnostic tasks that they used for four-, five-year-old children (as indicators typical development), three-year-old children are now successfully doing it. The results of our monitoring of the opinions of parents and teachers about modern children showed that children have increased anxiety (98%) and aggression (78%), excitability (93%) and hyperactivity (87%), the need to perceive information (69%), and at the same time - increased fatigue(95%) and emotionality (93%). Children are persistent and demanding (94%), do not want to perform meaningless actions (88%), they differ significantly from their peers of the last century (86%), and the methods of education and training should be different (94%). The consciousness of preschoolers has changed, as society itself has changed.

Increased sensitivity and emotionality

It is necessary to study the characteristics of modern children from different positions: socio-economic, cultural and educational, political, environmental, information technology, biogenetic.

Conducting psychogenetic studies, Drunvalo Melchizedek (a famous American scientist, inventor, healer - Ed.) Found that “modern children have an IQ level of 130 IQ, not 100 (previously, this IQ was found in one child out of ten thousand). 80-90% of babies born in the United States have new DNA. " In the course of our research, the following features of modern children have been identified: fixed gaze at birth, keep their head, are physically more developed, increased tone organism (increased excitability, hyperactivity); give up breast milk early; wake up at night to eat; do not perceive medications; increased sensitivity and emotionality, as well as the need to perceive information; the volume of long-term memory is larger, and the permeability of the operative memory is higher; increased anxiety and aggression. They, as already mentioned, are persistent and demanding, have high self-esteem, do not tolerate violence, do not hear the instructions and orders of adults. They generally have their own philosophy of life.

I propose to consider the features of children from the position children's psycholinguistics development, studying the problem of the development of consciousness of the child and his personality in activity. I have developed child's personal development model, with the help of which it is possible not only to understand the features of its development, but also to build a trajectory of its advancement in the process of education and training. This model allows you to determine the spheres (zones), lines of development of the child. It is very simple and practical.

Freedom reflex

An active nature is laid in the modern child, but will it manifest itself in later life- will depend on the conditions of education and training.

First question, exciting baby: "why?" - replaced the question "why?" An active nature is laid in the modern child, but whether it will manifest itself in later life will depend on the conditions of upbringing and education.

A six-month-old baby observes the actions of the mother, who assembles and disassembles the pyramid. Instead of the usual imitative reflex, the child's semantic orientation dominates, and, after waiting for the moment when the mother collects the pyramid, the baby takes it by the base, throws off all the rings and stretches the base of the pyramid to the mother. In the eyes the question is: why are you doing this?

Dad instructs the baby (1 year 8 months): "First you need to wash, and then we will have breakfast." After listening to dad, the baby asks: "Why?".

A two-year-old girl listens attentively to her mother's explanations of what and how to do, and then asks: "Where is the shmishl?"

If earlier a child had a well-developed imitative reflex and he tried to repeat actions after an adult, then modern children are dominated by the reflex of freedom - they themselves build a strategy for their behavior. If a child understands and accepts the meaning of an act or action that must be performed, then he will perform it. If not, then he will refuse, expressing a protest up to aggression. In modern children, the system of relationships dominates over the system of knowledge. The semantic sphere of the personality governs the development of the other four spheres: body (physical development), soul (emotional development), mind (mental development) and spirit (will development). These spheres of personality should develop harmoniously from the moment of birth.

Body sphere

Modern children have an increased body tone, as well as excitability and hyperactivity.

The development of the sphere of the child's body depends on nutrition, sleep and physical activity. Modern children give up breast milk early, with an average age of five to six months. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that for full development the child does not have enough trace elements that are contained in breast milk, therefore, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods already at the age of three months. If earlier a baby crying at night could be calmed by giving him warm water, then a modern child needs to be fed in the same way as in the daytime. Babies have hypersensitivity to external stimuli, acute taste sensations and the sense of smell helps them to be selective about food. When feeding, they choose their favorite dish. For a young child, it is difficult to establish the feeding time, since his body is sensitive to natural changes. For example, a cold snap increases the child's appetite, and he often asks for food. When it gets warmer, he refuses to eat and eats less often than usual. This is normal, since the baby is trying to regulate the energy balance in the body by himself, taking into account his physical activity. However, this phenomenon often causes alarm among parents, who try to feed him strictly according to the clock.

It is very important not to overfeed the child at an early age, as this can lead to disruptions in the development of the body sphere. If the child dramatically gains weight, then this can negatively affect not only his physical development, but also lead to a delay in speech and mental development... Sleep has a great influence on the development of the sphere of the body. In hyperactive children, it is short and restless. The waking time is much longer than the sleep time, which affects his physical and emotional state: he is capricious, throws tantrums, forces others to fulfill their whims. Sometimes a completely opposite picture is observed: the child can long time do not sleep and feel comfortable at the same time. Parents are sometimes surprised at the child's stamina. This behavior is usually observed when the child is very passionate about something. The development of the sphere of the body is significantly influenced by the movements of the child, as a result of which a sense of space begins to develop in him.

In connection with increased excitability and hyperactivity, the sphere of the body of a modern child is very susceptible to external stimuli. In some children, this can manifest itself in the form hypersensitivity to temperature changes, others will be sensitive to odors, still others may be irritated by sounds, and still others by bright colors and colors. Moreover, children are selective about these irritants: some irritants can cause delight and admiration, others - anxiety, fear and crying.

Consequently, the task of raising modern children should be to create conditions for reducing hyperactivity, developing concentration and concentration, motor experience and physical health.

Sphere of Mind

Modern children have an increased need for the perception of information.

In contrast to children of the last century, in modern children, from the moment of birth, semantic perception begins to function, based on images that, when communicating with adults, through an intuitive-telepathic way, arise in the right hemisphere of the brain. The child's increased need for the perception of information makes him constantly look for opportunities to satisfy it. If he does not receive the necessary "portion" of information energy, then he begins to show discontent or aggression. Sometimes parents cannot understand why the child becomes moody or aggressive. The child's increased need to perceive information explains the fact that from birth, children like to watch TV. They are especially attracted by advertising, which is characterized by dynamism and concise information.

In a modern child, the volume of long-term memory is much larger, and the operative memory is higher, which allows him to perceive and process a large amount of information in a short period of time. This ability is given to modern children so that in the age of high technologies they have time to navigate in information flow... During classes on speech development children, using the author's methodology, it was found that mental operations in modern children develop in a complex way: children think in blocks, modules, quanta. For example, a three-year-old child without special efforts will perform a complex combination of pictures, comparing and contrasting several features of objects at the same time, but will not be able to explain why he did this. If this complex task is broken down into elements, he may not cope with it. This is due to the fact that modern children perceive the world as a whole, intuitively building relationships between objects and phenomena.

Recently, in children of three or five years of age, cases of stuttering of a non-logopedic nature have become more frequent, when a child, "translating" a thought-symbol into a sign system, tries to reproduce it in oral speech. Stuttering occurs due to the fact that the child is in a hurry to speak, but does not have time to internally translate the thought-symbol into signs.

Soul Orb

Modern children have increased anxiety and aggression.

The sphere of the child's soul is a "vessel" that is filled with desires, feelings and emotions. V infancy the child, by shouting, crying, and then by gestures, informs adults about his desires and needs. From the very birth, the child's soul is filled with fear and anxiety in front of the huge space surrounding him. At an early age, it is very important for a child tactile contact when the mother or father presses him to his chest, stroking his head and back, transferring his warmth, including the soul. The child feels emotional condition differently than adults: he kind of "sees" color range souls like a rainbow. Warm colors warm his soul and he feels comfortable, cold colors make him uncomfortable. To relieve feelings of fear and anxiety, some children like to sleep with soft toy The feeling of anxiety and fear is complemented by the aggression that manifests itself in many modern children. Numerous observations of young children indicate that most often they show aggression with a lack of communication, when they receive less human warmth and the necessary "portion" of information. Possessing a semantic sphere, the child requires all kinds of explanations from adults, and if he does not receive them, the aggression intensifies. Moreover, the explanations of adults by themselves (where we will go now, what we will do, etc.) only partially satisfy the needs of the child. To relieve fear and reduce child aggression, adults need to organize emotional and personal communication and joint activities with the child, which will optimize the process of learning about the world around him.

The upbringing of modern children with increased anxiety and aggression should be focused on creating conditions for relieving anxiety and transforming children's aggression - a destructive emotion - into a positive one, i.e. creative energy saturated with a rich spectrum of feelings and emotions, cognitive needs and cognitive interest.

Spirit Orb

Modern children are persistent and demanding.

The sphere of the spirit of a modern child is filled with an innate desire for self-realization, for the manifestation of his active nature. This can explain the fact that he begins to be active very early, demands to himself increased attention, seeks to quickly learn the world... Perceiving the child as a small and incomprehensible creature, some parents fulfill all his whims, wishes and requirements, hoping that when the baby grows up, he will become different. Modern children insistently require their parents to take them in their arms, but many are afraid that the child will "get used to the arms." On the one hand, in the arms of an adult, a child “sees” the world around him through his eyes and understands it better. On the other hand, if adults constantly take the baby in their arms, try to satisfy all his desires and needs, then at the slightest attempt by the parents to force the child to obey their requirements, the child will begin to show persistence in the form of stubbornness and aggression. He expresses a protest, because he cannot understand why the parents suddenly began to change the "rules of the game" established by them, that is, the system of relations. Therefore, from the day of the birth of a child, it is necessary to involve him in a bilateral system of relations.

Considering the fact that modern children do not tolerate violence and protest if adults force them to do something, the development of the sphere of the spirit should proceed consistently within the framework of a certain system of family relations, when the child is not the younger in relation to the elders, but an equal partner in communication and joint activities... Under these conditions, the child develops a sense of success and self-confidence. The task of raising modern children should be to create conditions for the development of volitional qualities of a child: purposefulness, perseverance, responsibility and self-confidence.

The developmental features of children with a new type of consciousness indicate that they differ from their peers of the last century and require a modern approach to upbringing and education.