How to clean a silver ring with improvised means. How to clean a silver ring from blackness at home? silver ring blackened how to clean

Silver jewelry requires special care, as the metal oxidizes and blackens when exposed to water or sweat. Do-it-yourself cleaning of silver products with stones is a very easy process. For this, it is not necessary to use expensive professional tools. In this article we will tell you how to quickly put a silver product with a stone in order.

Methods for cleaning various types of stones

Products with stone inserts require careful care. Many of them cannot be affected by chemicals. The porous material of organic stones absorbs chemicals well and may lose its attractive appearance. Gems cannot stand mechanical impact, a small fraction can cause visible damage.


For silver jewelry with amber, you need to prepare a soapy solution.

  1. The product should be kept in the solution for 10 minutes.
  2. With the help of a soft sponge, you need to wipe off the dirt with light movements.
  3. Then the jewelry is washed in warm water to get rid of soapy deposits.
  4. Drying of the product should take place naturally. Do not put jewelry near heating appliances.


To clean pearl jewelry, use starch:

  1. Make a mixture of starch and water, taking the components in equal proportions.
  2. Pearls are not so capricious, so it can be processed with a toothbrush. Apply gruel to the product and start cleaning.
  3. Rinse your jewelry in clean water.
  4. Leave them to dry for a while.

Ruby, topaz, garnet

These stones require special treatment:

  1. Rinse the product under running water.
  2. Wipe off dirt with a soft cloth.
  3. In severe cases, you can use glycerin. Put some substance on the stone and work it.


These are durable stones that are not afraid of exposure to chemicals.

  1. Treat the product with toothpaste using a toothbrush.
  2. Rinse off the composition and wipe the stones until a shine appears.


Has high hardness. Consider the method of cleaning jewelry with this stone:

  1. Combine tooth powder and ammonia so that you get a consistency in the form of sour cream.
  2. Apply the mixture to a cotton pad and rub the jewelry.
  3. Rinse off the composition and wipe the product with a felt cloth.

Turquoise, malachite, moonstone, opal

Rings with such stones are cleaned with alcohol:

  1. Wet dirt with warm water.
  2. Apply ammonia.
  3. Rinse the ring in cool water and then dry with a soft cloth.
  4. If the dirt is not strong, then just hold the jewelry in a soapy solution for 10 minutes and rinse.

Emerald, aquamarine and sapphire

They have a high density, so washing or tooth powder is suitable for their processing:

  1. Mix the powder with water in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the composition to the ring and gently brush with a brush.
  3. Rinse the jewelry and dry with a soft cloth.


A coral ring cannot be soaked in water. It is simply wiped with a velvet cloth. And also it is necessary to exclude the ingress of various chemical compounds on the stone. For processing silver, you can choose any suitable option, for example, use chalk. Chalk crumbs are mixed with water to the state of slurry and, using a cotton swab, dirt is wiped off. And you can also make a slurry of soda and process silver without affecting the stone. Soda is left for 5 minutes, and then washed off.


Has a porous structure. If you have jewelry with this material, then just soak them in soapy water and leave for 5 minutes. After that, be sure to rinse the item in clean water and leave to dry.

Weak dirt from jewelry can be easily removed with an ordinary stationery eraser.

How to clean a gold plated silver ring

Abrasive particles can wear off the gilding layer, so it is not recommended to use chalk, tooth powder or soda to clean jewelry.

wine spirit

It is an effective treatment for gilded surfaces:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the surface.
  2. Rub the ring with a piece of suede.
  3. Ordinary beer also does the job well:
  4. Pour the beer into a small container and lower the object into it for 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse the item in clean water.
  6. Leave until completely dry, and then rub with suede.

Egg white

  1. Dip a cotton pad in protein and wipe the product.
  2. Wash off the rest in clean water.
  3. Dry the item naturally.

How to remove black plaque

Vinegar is an excellent blackness remover.

  1. Prepare a solution: dilute a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the ring in the liquid for 15 minutes. Or apply the solution to a cotton pad and work the product.
  3. Rinse in clean water and dry with chamois leather.

Onions will also help remove black spots:

  1. The gilded surface must be rubbed with onions.
  2. After that, you should wait from 1 to 1.5 hours.
  3. Next, the product is washed, dried and polished.

How to get rid of green plaque

Try the following method:

  1. Pour a liter of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of detergent and 6 drops of ammonia.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse in running water.
  4. Dry and rub with a piece of suede.

Cleaning silver with stones at home is an easy task. You can return the product to its original appearance even without contacting a jeweler. It is not necessary to buy expensive products, because folk methods for cleaning silver are no less effective.

Why silver things turn black

Silver is easily oxidized, this feature is inherent in the metal. If the proportion of silver in the alloy is small, then the jewelry will blacken very quickly. This happens as a result of a chemical reaction.

In addition, rings and chains, pendants and earrings made of silver turn black when exposed to moisture. The highest quality jewelry is considered to be made from 925 samples. They fade less often and are more durable, so when buying it is important to pay attention to the quality of the alloy.

Preparing items for cleaning

First you need to remove the dirt and grease residues that are present on the surface of silver jewelry. There are several ways. You can wash rings and earrings with soap, a liquid concentrate works well. You can also use diluted dishwashing detergent or shampoo. Dirt must be removed necessarily, because this will make the cleaning process more easy. It is enough to put the jewelry in the solution, and then hold it there for several minutes.

All hard-to-reach places should be brushed with a toothbrush, but care must be taken to ensure that the bristles are soft. After the cleaning process is completed, the items must be thoroughly rinsed in clean water.

How to clean products

There are many options for how to clean silver with stones at home using improvised means. It can be ammonia, in a 10% solution of which jewelry is soaked. In another case, you can soak a cotton wool in ammonia, and then wipe the surface. But this method cannot be used if the jewelry is with pearls, because the color of the pearl will change. But silver with stones in this way will be cleaned very quickly.

There is another option. It consists in cleaning items with a special solution that is made at home. To do this, combine hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap in a container, and then add ammonia. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed.

The soaking time must be chosen individually for each decoration, because the degree of contamination may be different. After using the solution, the objects must be rinsed, and then wiped thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Every housewife has citric acid. With its help, dark plaque will come off very quickly. Take an enameled dish, place a copper wire in it and pour in citric acid. For 1 liter of water you need to take 200 g of acid. Put the dishes on the stove, dip the rings into it, boil it for a quarter of an hour. Rinse items and wipe dry.

Clean items with soda, 2 tbsp. l. pour in 0.5 liters of water. Put the solution on fire. When the water boils, put a piece of foil and decorations into the container. It only takes a few minutes to see great results.

There is another version of the solution. In 1 liter of water, mix soda, salt and dish detergent, taking 1 tbsp of each ingredient. l. Place the silver in the solution and boil for 30 minutes.

Before and after cleaning

You can clean things from blackness if you put gruel on them, it is made from soda. You need to clean with a soft cloth until the shine returns to the decoration. Hard-to-reach places can be cleaned with a toothbrush.

A decoction of potatoes has proven itself well, it will help restore shine even to very dull objects. Place a piece of foil in the water left after boiling the potatoes. Immerse silver with pearls in water, hold for 10 minutes. In addition to potato broth, you can use the water in which the eggs were boiled.

Perfectly cleans metal toothpaste and toothpowder. But this method cannot be used for products with patterns or stones. If you want to quickly rid silver items of plaque, buy special napkins. They are available in jewelry stores.

Let's take a closer look at methods that help solve such a problem as a blackened precious metal. The most effective option here is the special tools mentioned above. However, their purchase is not always justified. The thing is that there are much more affordable cleansers that cost literally a penny. At the same time, their competent use gives excellent results. As a result, the ring shines again, like new. You just need to know some simple rules for cleaning this precious metal.

If you have a blackened ring without stones, then you can restore the original appearance of the jewelry using:


The first remedy is the most popular today. Baking soda is inexpensive, and making a cleaning solution out of it is very easy. Moreover, there are several options here.

One of the most effective is gruel. To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and add some water. The result should be a substance resembling porridge.

Next, using a toothbrush, apply this tool to the ring. We thoroughly clean both the outer and inner parts of the decoration. A toothbrush in this case is good because it allows you to apply the product even on openwork surfaces. After you have applied the gruel, wait a few minutes. Then rinse off with running water. The silver should not dry out on its own, as this can cause stains on the surface of the ring. Accordingly, after the end of the water procedures, the decoration should be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

A combination of soda and salt (extra or coarse stone) will be very effective in terms of cleaning silver products, including rings. Both components are taken in the same proportion - 1 teaspoon each. We will also need a saucer and aluminum foil. To clean the ring, you need to do a few simple manipulations. We cover the saucer with foil. Then pour soda and salt, evenly distributing them over the surface. To enhance the effect, you can add a drop of any detergent. At the same time, boil a small amount of water. We put silver jewelry in a saucer and pour boiling water over it. We leave the jewelry for 15 minutes. As a rule, after such a procedure, the rings become clean again. They just need to be rinsed and wiped dry.

For light soiling, it is recommended to use toothpaste. Just keep in mind that bleaching types are not suitable in this case, because after their application, scratches will remain on the surface of the product. For the same reason, tooth powder is not suitable for cleaning silver. Take an ordinary paste with a mild action, for example, for sensitive enamel. Apply with a toothbrush to the pre-wetted ring. Before the procedure, the product can be doused with boiling water - then cleaning will be more effective. The brush should be selected with a soft bristle, again, so as not to scratch the jewelry. Then we wait about half an hour, after which we wash off the remnants of the paste with running water. Then it remains only to wipe the decoration.

A more aggressive remedy is a combination of soda, toothpaste and ammonia. It is recommended to use if the pollution is too serious. It should be noted that this method cannot be used permanently. Since the tool is quite aggressive, microcracks may well appear on the surface of the ring, and the intervention of specialists will already be needed here. All three components listed above are taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. The finished product is applied to the ring with a cotton napkin or a toothbrush. We wait a few minutes and wash off the composition. That is, the procedure is completed according to the already known scheme with mandatory wiping dry at the end.

Many women love gold jewelry. Men also wear them, especially wedding rings, a symbol of fidelity, love and happiness. But over time, the beauty of gold rings fades, they begin to fade, a plaque appears on them. Therefore, gold rings require careful care. Rings are smooth and inlaid with precious stones.

They also need to be cleaned differently. We will tell you why gold jewelry becomes dark, unattractive and ugly, we will advise you how to clean a gold ring at home.

We will introduce you to the basic rules for caring for jewelry, teach you how to clean smooth gold rings and jewelry with precious stones.

Why do gold rings oxidize

Gold rings of the highest standard are not produced in production, because gold is a soft material and under the influence of fingers it will change its shape.

Recently, rings with a matte surface have become the most popular, but they must be handled very carefully. Even hard fabrics can scratch products.

How to clean matte gold rings

Having lowered gold jewelry in a 25% ammonia solution, you need to leave them for 2 hours. Grease, dirt will disappear from your favorite jewelry, you just need to thoroughly rinse and wipe dry.

If all the above remedies did not help, then use special pastes for cleaning gold. Apply them with a toothbrush and brush thoroughly. Rinse and dry.

We told you how to properly clean gold rings at home. Remember the rules for caring for jewelry and use the method of processing jewelry that you like the most.

We will be glad if we helped you to restore the beauty and freshness of wedding rings and jewelry even a little. Take care of them, and they will give you many happy moments of contemplation of their beauty and brilliance.

Over time, precious metal products lose their attractiveness, but not everyone knows how to clean gold at home and not damage its surface.

Why do jewelry need cleaning?

It is known that gold in its pure form is quite soft, therefore, in the manufacture of jewelry, an alloy is added to it, including:

  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • cadmium;
  • other metals.

Due to this, over time, an oxide film forms on the surface of the ring, for example, the jewelry looks dull. Other causes of pollution are:

  • dust that is present in the external environment;
  • used decorative cosmetics;
  • products of the sebaceous glands.

Knowing how to clean gold at home, it will be possible to improve the appearance of the product, it will look like new. In addition to being unsightly, dirty jewelry, such as earrings, can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the earlobe. Therefore, knowing how to clean gold at home, you can save yourself from possible troubles in the future.

Caring for your gold jewelry

In order not to return to the question of how to clean gold jewelry in the future, it is advisable to adhere to competent care for them:

  • it is necessary to protect products from exposure to acids and alkalis (in particular, laundry detergents, solvents, some cosmetic preparations);
  • it is recommended to remove accessories before working with cleaning agents (especially abrasives), paints and varnishes;
  • when visiting a solarium, sauna, bath, it is recommended not to wear gold jewelry;
  • do not store precious metal products in cardboard boxes (the material contains sulfur, so the jewelry may darken);
  • you need to know how to clean gold.

The subtleties that you need to remember when choosing a way to quickly clean gold:

  1. In many products (including rings) there are places that are difficult to process (various patterns, ornaments, inserts). Cleaning gold at home does not allow you to get the desired result, so it is recommended to use a toothbrush, removing the product, followed by rinsing the product with water.
  2. You should choose dishes in which the solution intended for cleaning would cover the products completely.

Using improvised means

How to clean gold earrings often depends on the type of contamination. Copper under the influence of moisture, oxygen from the air leads to the appearance of green or black spots on jewelry. To avoid damage to jewelry, cleaning gold at home should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Washing (soap solution is prepared, gold items are lowered into it and left for 2 hours). If, after rinsing with clean water, it is clear that the cleaning solution has successfully completed the task, no further steps are required.
  2. Dry cleaning (the oxide film is removed, for example, from the ring, with an ammonia solution, its optimal concentration should be 25%). The product is placed in a small container, products are immersed there for 3 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the jewelry must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried.
  3. Mechanical cleaning is used if the desired result was not obtained using chemical treatment. How to clean gold at home at this stage? You can use a paste, the purpose of which is to clean jewelry.

Using a piece of fleece, a special gold cleaning paste is applied to the jewelry, then it is removed with alcohol, and the product is washed under running water and dried.

How to clean white gold at home? To give a white color to the product, the alloy contains nickel. You need to know what can be used to clean gold at home and not damage the jewelry. For this purpose, a tool is used, including:

  • 1 st. l. detergent;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 ml of ammonia.

The prepared product is poured into the container and white gold jewelry is placed in it for 1.5 hours. After that, the jewelry is washed with water and dried thoroughly.

Cleaning gold jewelry will restore the appearance of products. It is recommended to mix beer (1/2 cup) and 1 egg yolk. The resulting product is applied to the decoration with a piece of fleece.

Not everyone knows how to clean gold at home quickly and efficiently. The easiest way is to use a dishwashing detergent. Required:

  • cold water - 200 ml;
  • detergent - 1 tsp.

The detergent dissolved in water is poured into a small saucepan, putting gold items, put the container on fire, boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, the jewelry is thoroughly wiped with a towel.

Cleaning jewelry with stones should be done with great care. For example, bracelets with glued stones are not allowed to be dipped in soapy water. It is wiser to use only a cloth soaked in the solution when cleaning the surface of the jewelry. Vinegar should not be used: 375 gold can damage it.

It happens that a drop of iodine, accidentally falling on a gold bracelet, leaves a dark spot. The mood is spoiled, and I want to quickly find a way to clean gold from iodine. You will have to go to the pharmacy and buy sodium thiosulfate (its other name is hyposulfite). Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. funds and lower the decoration for 30 minutes.

Ultrasonic cleaning is performed by craftsmen in jewelry workshops. This method brings back a bright look and beauty to the jewelry.

Precious stones (for example, diamonds) experts advise cleaning regularly, there is even a rule: once a month. When a film forms on the stone, it loses its attractiveness and no longer plays with light as before.

How to properly clean gold jewelry with diamonds? Ammonia (a few drops) is added to 200 ml of water, the decoration is placed in the prepared solution and left for 30 minutes. After washed and dried.

Bring back shine to jewelry

The question of how to clean gold at home and restore its shine is of concern to many. There is an easy way:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • baking soda - 2 tbsp. l.

Soda is added to preheated water, foil is placed on the bottom of the saucepan, chains and other decorations are placed on top and the prepared liquid is poured. It is advisable to leave for 12 hours, then rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water and dry.

You can clean gold to restore lost luster. It is enough to prepare a solution of sugar (1 tablespoon) dissolved in water. Jewelry is immersed in the prepared substance and left in it for 4 hours. After that, the products are washed with water and dried.

How to clean a gold ring and make it sparkle? It is recommended to prepare a composition including:

  • water;
  • soap shavings;
  • petrolatum.

The cleaning composition is applied with a piece of cloth to the product with light rubbing movements. Then the jewel is washed and dried.

Another method tells how to quickly clean gold (provided that there are no inserts in the jewelry, which can be highly sensitive to chemicals). To 200 ml of water add 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, 3 tsp. ammonia and a little shampoo. Jewelry placed in a cleaning solution for a few hours will look new and shiny afterwards.

How else can you add shine to jewelry? With onion juice or lipstick. You can use soda or mustard powder, but it is not recommended to use them: they can leave micro-scratches on the surface of gold objects.

Some cosmetic products containing mercury can pose a danger to jewelry: when interacting with them, gold can turn white, and its fragility will increase.

Proper and regular care, cleaning gold at home give jewelry a beautiful look, they will last a long time and will always look perfect.