How to do gymnastics for newborns correctly. Dynamic gymnastics for babies: useful exercises or risky elements

To maintain the overall development of the baby, he needs gymnastics for newborns from the first days. After discharge from the maternity hospital, you can actively start doing light physical exercises with your baby. Thanks to active movements, the child develops an incentive to develop, be interested in and learn about the world. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze several important points: exercise tactics, goals and possible results.

Pediatricians argue among themselves about whether a baby needs to know from the first days of life what physical activity is. As Evgeny Komarovsky says, dynamic gymnastics for newborns is a preventive process that protects the baby's body from various diseases, such as dysplasia, influenza viruses and ARVI, and we offer several tips for carrying out exercises for a child during the newborn period by months:

  • carry out light strokes on the arms, legs, back and tummy of the baby from the second week of life;
  • iron your feet and palms, do not forget for the intercostal cavities;
  • lay the baby on the tummy;
  • develop a grasping reflex, invite your baby to take hold of your fingers in a supine position;
  • if the baby is muscle, apply a light massage.
Important! The purpose of gymnastics and massage in infants is to streamline the movements of the child's body and the ability to control their own limbs.

Types of exercise for children under one year old

Each of the newborns needs an individual approach. Several options are considered depending on age.

"Crawl". For such an exercise, you need to put the baby on the tummy and bend the legs at the knees, while the knees should look in different directions. Place your palm on the baby's feet. In this case, the baby will work, and the baby will straighten its legs and move forward a little.

Let's smile! The granddaughter (5 years old) looks out the window in the morning. It snowed, the sun fell.
- Winter is getting better!

"Embryo". Put the baby on the back and group: the legs and arms, put the cross on the cross. It is in this position that the baby is in the mother's womb. Lower your head a little, but don't overdo it. This position helps the child develop the vestibular apparatus and safely develops the nervous system.

Attention! You can not carry out gymnastics and massage exercises for babies if there are drug contraindications.

"Walking" Lift your baby by the armpits. Let the baby touch the surface with your feet and tilt it slightly forward - the baby will begin to walk. Thus, the presence of physiological reflexes in the newborn is checked. From next month, the exercises should be more intense and prolonged.

Gymnastics for newborns 3 months

In the third month, when the newborn gets stronger, a new set of exercises is added to him. Such physical education will help the baby to independently control the movements of parts of his body. What is needed for this?

  1. Perform various manipulations with the arms and legs of the baby. Spread to the sides and bring cross to cross.
  2. Raise and lower the handles one at a time. This exercise is like a windmill.
  3. Flex and extend your hips.
  4. Lift the child by the handles from a lying position.
  5. Conduct fitball classes. To do this, put the child on the ball and roll it out a little while holding it. When tilting forward, the crumb must stretch the handles for fear of falling.

Important points and basic rules for parents

Important! Therapeutic exercises should be carried out in specially designated areas under the supervision of the attending physician. Often, such physical education is needed for infants with dysplasia.

It happens that a newborn child is not given recommendations for exercise due to his normal health - this is not a reason to neglect them. When the baby is absolutely healthy, mentally balanced and does not have any developmental deviations, it must be taught to move. From an early age, the baby will be able to control himself, moreover, physical education for a child is a kind of hardening.

Let's laugh! This morning I am going to the parking lot on a road cleared of snow, but in Moscow it fell very well in two days. On the sides, respectively, snowdrifts. Mom and daughter are walking towards me: mom is on the road, and daughter in bologna pants and dutik is wading through the snowdrifts. Mom says to her:
- Well, is that what you go through the snowdrifts when there is a normal road?
The answer pleased:
- Because I can!

Physically developed newborns acquire the necessary skills earlier than their peers. Remember that all activities with the baby should be regular, preferably done at the same time, so that the baby gets used to it. Try to establish a gymnastics regimen an hour before meals.

Please note that the process of physical education should not be associated with negative emotions in a child. Sing songs, recite rhymes, and recite introductory rhymes. All games and developmental exercises should be fun, then the baby will happily return to this procedure.

If the baby has symptoms of malaise, the temperature has risen, physical education should be postponed. Do not force your child to perform movements if he does not want to. It happens that the baby often cries during such manipulations, which means that you should postpone the gymnastics or find another approach.

Physiotherapy exercises for babies in the video.

Physical education for newborns: benefits

Physical education with a newly born baby hardens his body, allows him to discover new possibilities of his own body. Also for a child it is:

  • attention of parents;
  • Interesting games;
  • prevention of rickets and dysplasia;
  • hardening of the body;
  • the formation of new skills;
  • development of physiological reflexes and other abilities of the child.

Thanks to the activities carried out, the child quickly adapts to the environment.

Of particular importance is gymnastics for newborns whose parents have chosen tight swaddling. Dynamic charging is different from the usual theme ...

With the birth of a child, newly-made parents are seized by a whole storm of conflicting feelings - joy and confusion, happiness and fear. This is understandable, because now they are responsible for the future of the baby. And if there are no doubts with questions about quality nutrition and care, then there is a lot of controversy about the motor activity of the baby. Is gymnastics necessary for newborns from the first days of life?

The benefits of gymnastics for newborns

Anyone, even a newborn child, develops in motion. Physical activity contributes to the normalization of blood circulation and regulation of metabolic processes.

Of particular importance is gymnastics for babies whose parents have chosen tight swaddling. For such children, exercise will help to stretch their still weak limbs and get rid of muscle spasms.

If the arms and legs of your baby are "free", he also needs a general strengthening warm-up to develop tone and coordination.

It is also a great way to bond with your baby. Gentle touches and gentle voice of the mother will help to get closer and convey to the baby that he is safe and his parents love him very much.

When to start doing gymnastics with a newborn

The opinions of experts on this matter are different. Some believe that the second week of a baby's life is quite the right time, because every day his ligaments will get stronger, which means it will be harder to stretch. Others suggest waiting until the infant goes through the adaptation process, which is usually completed by three weeks.

Therefore, charging for a weekly baby usually consists in light stroking of his limbs (from the periphery to the center), abdomen (circular movements) and back. This will help disperse the interstitial fluid and lymph through the body of the crumbs.

In addition to light massage, you can bend and unbend the arms and legs of the crumbs:

  • we spread the baby's arms to the sides and cross in the chest area;
  • we raise the handles one by one, the free hand is along the body;
  • bend the legs and press their tummy;
  • open, like a book, legs bent at the knees.

Important rules for gymnastic exercises

Already from 3-4 weeks, you can do more active exercises. However, first you should familiarize yourself with some of the rules for its implementation.

The right time

To prevent the baby from regurgitating lunch, do not exercise earlier than an hour after his meal. Or move with the baby 30 minutes before eating, then the tired baby will eat and quickly fall asleep.

Try to conduct classes every day, preferably at the same time of day. A suitable period for this is from morning to lunch, when the activity of children is increased.

The right mood

If the baby is sick or just naughty, cancel the exercises. It is necessary that the baby associates gymnastics only with positive emotions!

Preparing the room

It is best to combine charging with air baths, which are an excellent hardening method. Therefore, the study room should be clean and ventilated, with a comfortable air temperature for the baby (20-22 degrees).

Thematic material:

Prepare a hard surface (diaper, table), cover it with a blanket or diaper.

We start and end with a massage

A good massage will help you not only prepare for exercise, but also relax after it. With regard to newborns, you need to be especially careful, therefore, it is better to entrust the first massage sessions to a professional. He will determine the state of the baby's muscles and will tell the mother how to do the massage on her own.

Any massage, especially for children, should be performed with oil or cream that suits your child.

Massage for children does not apply to important organs such as the heart, liver and spine.

Duration of classes

At first, gymnastics is done for no more than 5 minutes, including massage. When the baby gets a little stronger and grows up, he will be able to train for up to 15–20 minutes.

Do no harm

Do not try to do a large number of exercises in a short period of time. They, like massage, for babies are done at a measured pace, without sudden movements.

Eliminate contraindications

Do not miss scheduled examinations of specialists in order to notice and correct pathologies in time. Any gymnastics for babies is carried out only after the recommendation of doctors, since some congenital and acquired ailments during childbirth (intracranial pressure, deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system, etc.) may worsen.

Gymnastics for the little ones

From birth until about 2 months of age, the child's body actively responds to innate reflexes. Therefore, the bulk of the training is based on them. Such gymnastics is called reflex and consists of the simplest exercises.

  1. Laying out on the tummy - the baby instinctively raises its head.
  2. After placing the baby on the barrel, lightly hold his legs. With the finger of your free hand, run a path along its back, which will run 1 cm from the spine, from the sacrum to the neck. Following the reflex, the baby will bend.
  3. We put a finger in the hand of the crumb to develop the grasping reflex, later you can do this with a rattle.

Charging for babies from 1 month old is a little more complicated. The babies are already strong enough to practice crawling. To do this, substitute a support under the feet of the child lying on his stomach, from which he will push off and move forward a little.

An upright position is useful for training the neck muscles of children. If mom takes her baby in her arms 2-4 times a day, he will start holding his head faster.

Even the smallest children love to walk. In monthly infants, this is still reflex walking. It appears when a child in an upright position feels support under his feet.

Dynamic charging

Dynamic gymnastics for babies differs from the usual one in that during the exercises the baby is not placed on a hard surface, but on the mother's arms or on a gymnastic ball.

Such exercises will help in the development of the vestibular apparatus, but it will require some skill and special care in handling the fragile body of a nursing baby.

It consists in swinging on the fitball, springy movements and rolling on the ball. At first, the child just lies on it, by 4–5 months the baby “springs” while sitting, and then standing.

Gymnastics in the water

The large water bath is a great place for dynamic gymnastics. Under the supervision of an instructor, with the help of water, you can get rid of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. If the child is healthy, restorative exercises are suitable: describing the "figure of eight" on the water, guiding the baby along the sides on the back and stomach, pushing off the walls of the bath with legs.

Already from the third week of life, when the umbilical wound finally heals, you can not boil the water and transfer the bathing procedure to the parent's bath.

Thematic material:

To prevent the baby from swallowing water and not being scared, you need to hold it correctly: four fingers of an adult are under the armpits, the fifth holds the shoulder, the baby's chin is located on the wrist joint of the parent.

Children are the flowers of life! And in order for them to grow quickly and develop correctly, they need to take time. Every day, every minute spent with your baby is your small, but very significant contribution to his future.

& nbsp & nbsp And parents can help him in harmonious development by mastering the first developmental exercises for newborns.

& nbsp & nbsp Literally a few months after giving birth, dear mothers, you have the so-called golden time. After all, you have already managed to move away from your pregnancy and get used to your new role, the baby has already developed a certain mode of sleep, walking, feeding.

& nbsp & nbspBut the most important thing is that you have learned to understand the condition of your baby and can now do a lot to improve his health.

Useful activities

& nbsp & nbspStimulate your baby to move. Do exercises with him, massage. It is worth starting with the simplest complex. And already when you have completely mastered all the exercises, then try to add 2-3 new movements to it every week.

& nbsp & nbspPlace bright toys next to the child and lay the baby on the tummy. If the baby is struggling to get to them, then help him in this, let him rest his heels in your palms. Let not immediately, but the child will succeed!

We train muscles

& nbsp & nbspInitially, the crumbs' attempts to get up on all fours seem awkward. The child falls on a side, then falls flat. But what is most surprising is that stubbornly rises and continues training.

& nbsp & nbspSpecialists believe that such persistence of child development is not possible.

& nbsp & nbspReaching an object, the baby trains the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles. As a result, over time, the child develops a strong abs.

& nbsp & nbspBut the back muscles and the lumbar spine are not so easy to strengthen. Here the baby cannot do without the help of his beloved mother. Mom should study the set of exercises that are presented below and start exercising.

Exercises for babies

& nbsp & nbspThe following series of exercises will provide indisputable help in the harmonious development of your baby:

& nbsp & nbsp 1. "Swing"

& nbsp & nbsp Place the crumb on the back. With one hand, press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy, and with the other hand grasp the arms. Pull the baby gently towards you. If it pulls up, then try to rock it back and forth. But it should be borne in mind that in this position the neck muscles are quite heavily loaded, so the child needs short breaks.

& nbsp & nbsp The purpose of the exercise is not to seat the child, but to strengthen the muscles of the upper press. And although the baby really wants to sit down, it's not worth doing it yet.

& nbsp & nbsp 2. "Like an airplane"

& nbsp & nbspWith the index and thumb of your left hand, grasp the left leg in the lower part of the lower leg, and with the rest of your fingers grasp the right leg at the same level. Place your right hand under your tummy. Lift the legs up so that the baby bends slightly in the lumbar region. Then return it to its original position.

& nbsp & nbsp This exercise perfectly trains the muscle corset.

& nbsp & nbsp 3. "On the side"

& nbsp & nbspPlace your baby on the back. Place your thumb in his palm. Take it a little to the right - and the baby will turn in this direction. It should only be borne in mind that the baby must pull himself up, do not help him with this.

& nbsp & nbspIf the baby does not succeed, then press his legs to the surface on which he lies, this will make his task easier.

& nbsp & nbsp 4. "Column"

& nbsp & nbsp Make sure the legs are straight. Hold the crumb firmly in the knee area. Tilt it forward slightly. The child will try to stay upright, while flexing strongly in the lumbar region.

& nbsp & nbspWhen the baby begins to do this exercise confidently, then you can tilt it to the right and left, which will especially have a beneficial effect on the oblique muscles.

& nbsp & nbsp 5. "On the ball"

& nbsp & nbspStarting position - lying with your back on the fitball. Align the baby's legs and hold him by the hips. The kid will try to get up. Back up him, because in this position it is quite easy to lose balance.

& nbsp & nbspWhen the baby gets tired, then let him jump on the ball, ride. Then turn the baby over onto the tummy. Place a toy on the floor in front of him. Now press your straight legs against the ball and tilt the child forward. The baby will bend in the lumbar region and try to get the object.

& nbsp & nbsp 6. "Soldier"

& nbsp & nbspThis is the first exercise that the baby can do on their own. Put the child on his stomach, straighten the arms along the body. The crumb will try to pull them forward in front of him. If he does not succeed in this exercise, then you can help a little by lifting the baby's shoulder slightly up.

& nbsp & nbspThis exercise, among other things, is also a test of how the physiological tone leaves the hands. If the child succeeds in pulling out the arms immediately and without much effort, then this means that the tone is practically gone. Continue your studies.

& nbsp & nbsp 7. "Embryo"

& nbsp & nbspThis situation is liked by almost all children. It reminds the baby of the wonderful nine months that he spent in his mother's womb.

& nbsp & nbspGroup the hands and feet of the crumbs and grab them with your left hand, and with your right hand support the baby by the neck and head. Very slowly rock the child back and forth, left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise.

& nbsp & nbsp This exercise can be done an unlimited number of times.

Preventive massage

& nbsp & nbspAfter classes with the baby, it will be very useful to give him a preventive massage. This will help to improve the general condition of the body, strengthen the muscle corset and improve the baby's appetite.

& nbsp & nbspCurrently, it has already been proven by experts that children who are regularly massaged show more attentiveness and they are better oriented in space.

& nbsp & nbspIn addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the mother and baby, contributes to the establishment of closer contact between them.

& nbsp & nbspBefore starting the massage, rinse the child and gently pat his body with a towel. Your baby's skin should be dry and clean.

The technique of prophylactic massage for children should be quite simple. She does not require special knowledge and great efforts from the mother.

& nbsp & nbspThe main thing is that the movements are very light and sliding. To do this, before starting the procedure, you need to pour a small amount of baby oil into the palm of your hand and grind it.

& nbsp & nbsp Then go down to the tummy, stroke the arms and legs of the baby. The massage should be completed by stroking the back of the child.

& nbsp & nbspThe studies also confirmed the beneficial effect of massage on the baby's sleep: children who were given a relaxing massage by their parents daily before bedtime fell asleep faster and even their sleep was stronger.
& nbsp & nbsp forward >>>

To avoid muscle hypertonicity, and to develop motor skills without the presence of motor awkwardness, clumsiness, posture and gait disorders, along with massage, they perform gymnastics for babies.

  1. Exercise therapy is started in the second month of the child, alternating with massage. After six months, exercise therapy is first performed, then massage as a rest.
  2. Exercise therapy is not performed on a child with poor health, treatment is first used.
  3. Children enjoy massage and exercise. When displeasure is manifested, he is distracted with a toy, calmed or taken in his arms and the cause of the anxiety of the crumbs is found out. The rhythm of the classes is taught gradually, and the unloved exercise is performed at the very end of the procedure with a minimum number of repetitions.
  4. Do not be overly zealous, because the baby will remember the discomfort and pain for a long time, and will cry even before the start of exercise therapy and massage. During massage, hyperemia should be uniform, red spots and bruises should be absent.
  5. A comprehensive exercise therapy and massage procedure is carried out 0.5-2 hours after bathing and eating, in a bright and ventilated room with no drafts and at a temperature of - 20-22˚С, on a swaddling table with a free approach from three sides.
  6. Before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed and warmed up, all metal objects (bracelets, rings, watches) are removed to exclude damage to the baby's skin. Hands should be free of abrasions and wounds, fingers should be free of nails. Rough hands are generously greased with baby oil.
  7. Try not to use ointments or massage creams. Although this issue remains controversial to date.
  8. During the massage, only those parts of the body that are massaged are opened to a child for up to a month; after a month, the child is left naked. For exercise therapy, the baby is put on a T-shirt with short sleeves, a T-shirt, panties with diapers.

A set of exercises on the ball

You will need an assistant to carry out the exercises. All exercises are repeated 10 times.

  • 1. Lay the child on an inflatable ball, covered with a diaper, belly, bending his legs "frog" and pressing them to the ball. The assistant needs to hold the child's legs, the instructor pulls the baby by the hands (or put the index fingers in the fists) towards himself and return to the starting position.
  • 2. The child lies with his stomach on the ball, the assistant presses the baby's straight fingers to the ball. The instructor pulls him by the shins and brings him back.
  • 3. The assistant holds the baby in the same initial position with the fingers pressed to the ball, the instructor tries to turn the child on the ball and put the feet in the center of the table, straightening the tightened fingers. You need to fix the position for 1-3 seconds and return the ball back.
  • 4. The assistant holds the child as in exercise 1, the instructor pulls the ball up by the handles and placing open palms in the center of the table surface. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not hit his forehead on the table!
  • 5. Place the child on the ball with his back and, holding the sides, swing in the direction of 4 sides to relax the muscles.
  • 6. This exercise is performed when the child bends (increased muscle tone) to the right or left in a prone or back position. The child is laid on the ball sideways: with the right - when bending to the right, with the left - when bending to the left. Perform smooth swinging of the ball along the axis of the body. The baby will relax, which will facilitate the subsequent massage.

Breathing gymnastics

The child is laid on his back, the arms are crossed on the chest, alternately placed on top, holding the hands. Further, both handles are raised up and straight and parallel handles are wound behind the head, then lowered and pulled along the hips. All manipulations are repeated 4-5 times.

Exercise therapy for baby legs

The child is laid on his back and the exercises are repeated 10 times.

Exercise 1. The baby's legs are bent at the joints: knee and hip, close them, bringing the knees closer. The thumb adheres to the knee, the rest grabs its pelvis, and turns the pelvis to the sides.

Exercise 2. Unbend and bend the baby's legs alternately, then the right arm and the left leg, the left arm and the right leg.

Exercise 3. Legs are spread in the hip joint. Do not forget that the effort to overcome the baby's resistance should be minimal, as children do not like this exercise. In the presence of hip dysplasia, this exercise can only be allowed by the attending orthopedic surgeon.

How to rotate a child from back to stomach

With the child in the supine position, the helper should lift the right handle up and hold it until the instructor fixes the right hip. Next, the assistant presses the extended right handle to the table with an extended palm. The instructor throws the left leg over the right leg, helping the baby to turn onto the tummy. Repeat 10 times.

Belly crawl training

The child is laid on his stomach, the instructor holds his legs, the assistant holds his hands, pulling them alternately forward and pressing the spread palm to the table surface. At the same time, the instructor bends the legs alternately and pulls them to the stomach. When extending the right hand, squeeze the left leg and vice versa. If the baby is not yet able to hold his head on his own, then another assistant is needed to keep his head straight with his palms.

Teaching the child to sit down

After 4 months of age, the child is taught to master squatting, squatting and bending over, holding on to a stick, and standing on all fours. Repeat the exercises 10 times.

Sitting down. The baby lies on his back with arms extended along the body. The assistant needs to press his right palm against the table next to the body. The instructor - to hold the baby by the straight legs, with the other hand - to lift it behind the back and force it to sit, leaning on the right, slightly bent at the elbow, handle and slightly tilting the body to the right. Then the pens are changed and everyone starts over.

Sitting down with a stick. In the supine position, the child is given a stick with a diameter of 2-3 cm in the handles and his fists are held so that he cannot release it, at the same time they are forced to tear his back from the surface and sit down. The assistant needs to fix the straight legs and make sure that the child does not hit the back of his head on the table.

Squat on a stick. The stick is placed on the table surface under the folded diaper. The baby is held under the armpits and the legs are set shoulder-width apart on a stick in the middle of the sole. When doing squats, make sure that the feet do not move.

Stick bends. Fixing the feet as in the previous exercise. With the left hand, they hold the straight legs of the child in front, with the right hand they fix it under the chest and abdomen, then tilt the baby's torso.

Rack on all fours. The kid lies on his stomach, the instructor's hand is under his chest, with the other hand he bends the legs at the hip and knee joints. The assistant at this time needs to press the straightened palms to the surface at the width of the baby's shoulders. He is allowed to fix the pose for 1 minute, which is not possible the first time.

Crawling on all fours. Perform at 6 months or with the ability to stand on all fours. It is carried out according to the above method of teaching crawling on the stomach.

Strengthening the vestibular apparatus by rotation

Exercise strengthens the autonomic nervous system and the vestibular apparatus. On the disc "Grace" or "Health" put a folded diaper and a metal basin on it. The size of the basin is selected so as to lay out the blanket, and place the child there in a reclining position. Slowly and smoothly, without jerking, rotate the basin for half a minute. When stopping, the baby's eyeballs should oscillate horizontally. Such nystagmus occurs when looking at stationary objects or surroundings from a rotating or moving car. As soon as the eyeballs stop moving, the basin is rotated in the other direction. Gradually, the driving time increases to 5 minutes.

The benefits of reflex exercise

Reflex exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the neck and trunk and are used for movements that proceed as unconditioned motor reflexes. When the receptors of the muscles, nervous apparatus and skin are irritated, congenital motor reflex reactions appear: deviation of the head back in a suspended position, bending of the whole body and the formation of an open upward arc. This movement is an energetic stimulus that strengthens the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, from 4 months of age, it is necessary to hold the baby more often in the supine or abdominal position to strengthen the muscles of the neck and trunk. In the future, you can use signal stimuli in the form of sound signals, stretching the legs, grasping, etc., to create conditioned connections based on innate reflexes.

Benefits of passive-active exercise

The child can perform some movements on his own, but with the help of his parents. He sits down while pulling up on the arms or hands, stands while supporting under the armpits, etc.

Exercises performed by the child voluntarily and independently are called active, therefore it is recommended to facilitate their implementation with voice instructions and play.

Exercise complexes

1. Children 1.5-3 months

The complex consists of massage (stroking the arms, legs, back and abdomen) alternating with active movements based on innate unconditioned reflexes: exercises for the feet, reflex spinal extension and crawling.

2. Children 3-4 months

The complex consists of:

  • from kneading the back, taking to the sides and crossing the arms on the chest;
  • reflex turn on the tummy;
  • deviations of the head back on weight in the prone position;
  • flexion and extension of the handles;
  • imitation of "bicycle" movements.

3. Children 4-6 months

The complex includes simple active movements: grasping, holding objects, swinging. Therefore, the act of grasping is stimulated. For example, first, the child holds on to the mother's finger, then to the ring, while changing the position of the body in preparation for crawling.

The complex consists of:

  • from "floating" in the prone position;
  • in the prone position - raising the upper body with support for the handles set aside;
  • crawling (see above exercise to stimulate crawling);
  • alternate and joint flexion and extension of the legs.

4. Children 6-12 months

The complex includes conditioned connections developed on the basis of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes: visual signals (rings, sticks), light stretching of the legs and speech signals (sit down, stomp, take a ring, give a stick, etc.). The child learns to stand without support and walk, squat.

The complex consists of:

  • squatting with the arms out to the side, support for the arms and exercises for the flexors of the arms;
  • tilt and straighten the torso;
  • squats;
  • tense arching while sitting on the lap of the mother;
  • walking on all fours.

Parents should remember that the exercises are performed at the same time and only if the child has positive emotions. Do not insist on continuing if the child is crying. It is necessary to reckon with his mood and reactions to massage and exercise therapy, not to overwork. The load is increased gradually, exercise therapy begins and ends by rubbing the fingers and hands. It is useful to put a small toy with an uneven surface in the palm and take it away. And also: turn on quiet and melodic music, surround calm children with bright and contrasting colors, and restless and whiny children - salad and blue tones of curtains, toys, clothes, bed linen, etc. There should be no extraneous loud noises and people in the room.

A newborn baby spends most of the time in a state of sleep, waking up only at certain times from feeling hunger or discomfort. Meanwhile, he needs to develop physically from the first year of life. Gymnastics for newborns should become a mandatory regime item.

The benefits of gymnastics

Although it is not worth convincing anyone of the benefits of gymnastics, it has a special effect regarding babies:

  1. Tactile contact with mom has a beneficial effect on the mental state. The baby sleeps longer and calmer.
  2. The kid learns his body and gets used to it. He develops the necessary reflexes, muscles and joints, develops coordination of movements.
  3. In the process of training, metabolism improves, the work of the adrenal glands improves, blood circulation is accelerated. Exercise provides a strong bond between muscles and bones.
Thanks to gymnastic exercises, the baby learns to better feel his body, the work of the nervous system, which is responsible for the transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles, also improves.

According to pediatrician Komarovsky O.E., the state of their health in the future depends on how well the development of children from infancy is organized. Gymnastics should be age appropriate. In combination with massage, active physical exercises will have a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental development of the newborn.

The most elementary and common morning exercise that can be used after discharge from the hospital is the early spreading of the little one on the tummy. At first, the kid will instinctively turn his head to one side, because it is easier for him to breathe in this position. Later, he will begin to lift his head up and try to hold it for a few seconds.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders, spine. After a few weeks, the child keeps his head in an elevated state for a long time, then begins to raise his shoulders, and then rest on his elbows and raise the body.

It is difficult to call an exercise, but it is it that will help the baby to adapt to the world around him after birth. Of course, the time of laying out must be regulated so that the child does not get tired.

On the principles of exercise

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A newborn has a strictly regulated daily routine, therefore, it is recommended to choose a special time for exercise. Better if it is the first half of the day. If it turns out to carry out exercises at the same time, then he will develop a reflex, at this time the baby will not be capricious. Some conditions that must be observed when doing exercises:

  • Before starting gymnastics or massage with a newborn, a mother needs to thoroughly wash and warm her hands. The air temperature in the room should be 20 degrees. Before starting morning exercises, it is necessary to warm up the baby's muscles with a light massage.
  • Charging should be done one hour before feeding. The total duration of the exercise is within 15 minutes.
  • You need to talk during gymnastics with a month-old newborn. If the child begins to be capricious, the exercise should be stopped.

It happens that dynamic exercises are contraindicated for babies. In this case, you can limit yourself to simple stroking the body over the entire surface.

While charging, it is necessary to talk to the child: this way he will be happy to do it and the whole process will pass without negative emotions and experiences

How to develop your baby physically?

In the first months of life, it is especially important to observe certain features of the child's behavior, his physical condition. As noted by the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky O.E., the most characteristic of them during this period is regurgitation, colic in the abdomen, constipation. There are 2 ways to protect yourself from these manifestations - proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity.

At a time when the child is still a few weeks old, it is necessary to plan daily physical exercises, dosed, gradually increasing the intensity, combining them with massage. At this age, all the muscles of the baby are in hypertonicity, so the exercises should be aimed at relaxation (we recommend reading :). The alternation of actions aimed at relieving muscle tension includes massage and special gymnastic exercises:

  • Massage - it can be done without waiting for a doctor's appointment. It is worth learning the techniques of elementary massage for babies, after consulting with a children's masseur and start doing it yourself.
  • Gymnastics - is a morning set of exercises for babies aimed at developing several muscle groups. All movements of the little one should be close to natural.

For a baby, his own body is a toy: he grabs himself by the arms and legs, examines them, plays with them, studying them, and thereby receives certain information about them. In gymnastic exercises, you should use all parts of the body as much as possible. Gymnastics for babies and massage are carried out on a flat surface with a thin layer of foam rubber.

Classical gymnastics from birth to 2 months

A child in infancy does not have enough control over the body, the only thing he can do is unconsciously swing his arms and legs, so it is necessary to streamline his movements. For this, the most elementary, but very effective morning exercises are quite suitable. At the age of 2 months, you can do the same exercises, but increase their duration:

  1. Crawling - the child needs to be turned over on his stomach, while the legs are bent at the knees. The palm must be resting on his feet. Reflexively, he will push off from her and move forward. The kid can perform this action several times, but you should not abuse his patience.
  2. Embryo - the baby should be placed on the back. We fold the arms on the chest, pull the legs to the stomach. The baby's head must be gently directed to the chest and held there for some time.
  3. Walking - holding the baby under the armpits, place his feet on the table surface, slightly tilt the body forward. He will instinctively begin to touch his legs, slightly resting on the surface.
  4. Cycling is a traditional classic exercise (we recommend reading :). The child lies on his back, legs are bent at the knees, they need to be pulled one by one to the stomach, imitating pedaling.
  5. Don't be afraid to master the fitness ball. We put the child on his stomach on the ball with his arms and legs spread apart. The ball needs to be wiggled with a small swing, controlling so that the crumb does not slip.

Fitball exercises are a great option for kids 1 month old and older. The only caveat is that mom will have to be very careful so that the baby does not fall off the ball.

Classical gymnastics for newborns is recommended for children from 1 month old, then physical development exercises can be transferred to a more complex level. The charging time is 10-15 minutes.

Classical gymnastics at the age of 3 months

By the age of 3 months, the baby is already sufficiently trained, so you can add new elements to the morning exercises in the classroom. When the baby is 3 months old, the exercises already mastered at 2 months can be supplemented with the following elements:

  • Rolling over on the stomach - the mother takes the baby by one handle. With the other hand, the mother grabs both legs in the lower leg area. The turn to the side begins with the legs, then we pull up the hand until he rolls over himself.
  • Incomplete sitting down - the baby lying on his back needs to give his thumbs so that he squeezes them tightly. With the rest of the fingers, grab the palm and raise it, without bringing it to a sitting position. As a result, the muscles of the press, neck, and spine are trained.
  • Sliding feet - put the baby on his back, grab the legs below, slowly straighten one leg, performing a sliding motion with it. Then the exercise is repeated for the other leg.
  • Swimmer - the child lies on his stomach, the mother brings her hand under his stomach and chest, with the other hand hold his legs. It needs to be raised for a few seconds on the palm, legs should be slightly higher than the head. It is enough to repeat this exercise 1 time.

The leg and foot exercises are very important because there are so many vital points located there. In addition, it is the muscles of the legs that are responsible for the further motor activity of the child.

How are dynamic gymnastics classes conducted?

Dynamic gymnastics is considered one of the types of intensive developmental exercises. They differ in that the exercises have an increased level of difficulty. The main movements are rotation, swinging the child upside down or upside down, which does not need to be scared by the parents, since with appropriate training and the accompaniment of an instructor, this can really be done without prejudice to the health of the baby.

For those parents who want to engage in dynamic gymnastics with their baby, you should not start it without going through preliminary training with a specialist. As with any training exercises for children, there are certain contraindications for their early implementation: increased muscle tension, abnormal development of the hip joints or their increased mobility.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic gymnastics is carried out in specially organized groups under the guidance of instructors. Then, having gained experience, you can carry out such exercises yourself:

  1. The child lies on his stomach. With one hand we take it by the handle in the area of ​​the wrist, with the other - in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe calf. You need to lift it up several times. Then the exercise is performed in the same way on the other side.
  2. The kid is lying on his back. You need to take it by the ankles with your hands, lift it up by the legs, swing it with a minimum amplitude 3 times.
  3. Put the child with his back on the crib, his mother's thumbs in his palms, the rest of his fingers clasp his wrists. We gently lift him out of bed, then you need to throw the child so that his arms are spread out to the sides. Repeat 3 times.

These exercises are considered basic, from which you can gradually practice dynamic gymnastics. There are many exercises in dynamic gymnastics that you can learn from an instructor by scheduling an individual program for your child. You can also watch the complex on video to make sure that the exercises are safe for the child if done correctly.

Before starting classes, it is appropriate to consult with specialists. Parents need to be aware that dynamic gymnastics can be traumatic for children. Good theoretical and practical training of the parents and the absence of contraindications in the child are required.

Those parents who do not support adherents of dynamic gymnastics argue that it is traumatic. Parents who practice dynamic gymnastics believe that exercises strengthen the baby, correct muscle tone, develop the vestibular apparatus, and also strengthen psychological contact with parents.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies can be practiced intensively from 1 month or from one and a half months. By this age, the baby is already gradually emerging from the early autistic stage of development and responds more actively to the people around him. If before that he only did that he was lying in one position, then thanks to gymnastics he will get to know the world around him.