How to properly care for a kitten at home. Proper care of the cat is the key to his well-being

A charming fluffy kitten in the house is not only a joy for the whole family, but also a great responsibility for the owners, because the pet needs not only attention, but also proper maintenance. In order for a playful pet to always remain active, playful and healthy, you should provide him with comfortable conditions and purchase the necessary equipment to care for him.

Equipment for keeping a cat

If you decide to get a cat, you should read the list of necessary equipment.

Before you get a kitten, it is advisable to take care of the necessary equipment for the animal in advance.


  1. separate bowls for food and drink;
  2. stool tray;
  3. cat litter;
  4. comb for hair care;
  5. scratching post;
  6. soft bedding or special blanket;
  7. shipping container.

And it is also desirable to purchase:

In order to save money, some items can be made independently, for example, from a wooden pole wrapped around the entire perimeter with a rope, and the bedding can be made from an old blanket.

Cat food

When choosing economy-class food for cat nutrition, remember that they are made from cheap raw materials!

The health of a fluffy pet depends on proper balanced diet. But many cat owners neglect this rule, mistakenly believing that animals can be fed food from their table.

In order not to risk the health of your pet, you should know how and what to feed your cat.

Feed selection

Expensive and high-quality food is the key to the health of the cat.

When choosing food for your pet, you should always remember that cats are predators by nature, so the basis of their diet should be meat and fish products .

Preferring ready-made food, such as canned cat food or dry pellets, you should not save and buy cheap and poor quality food. This diet does not contain the nutrients and vitamins needed by the animal, but it contains an abundance of dyes and preservatives that can cause digestive problems.

Healthy food for cats

Fatty food cooked with spices is not suitable for feeding a pet.

  • lean meats ( chicken, beef );
  • sea ​​fish fillet;
  • offal ( liver, heart, kidneys );
  • dairy products ( cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir );
  • porridge ( buckwheat, millet or barley );
  • eggs in limited quantities;
  • vegetables ( carrot, zucchini ).

Inappropriate food

  • fatty pork, lamb, duck meat;
  • freshwater fish and canned fish;
  • fresh milk;
  • food containing salt and spices;
  • potato;
  • sweet pastries or chocolates;
  • smoked or fried foods.

But it is also necessary to ensure that there is always clean fresh water. It is advisable to boil and filter water for fluffy pets in order to.

It is very important to always keep animal bowls clean and rinse them regularly in hot water.

How many times a day to feed a cat

It is necessary to accustom the cat to the diet from childhood.

Most cats are immoderate in food, prone to overeating and, as a result, to being overweight and obese.

To avoid this, it is advisable to teach a pet from a young age. to the diet.

Small kittens are fed in small portions five to six times a day . Babies are given boiled chicken meat, cut into small pieces, cottage cheese, and once or twice a week a hard-boiled chicken egg or vegetable puree.

The adults are fed two to three times a day , while one serving should not exceed two hundred grams.

It is very important to follow a balanced cat diet if the animal has been spayed. Food for such pets should contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Pedigree cats such as Persians, Britons and Sphynxes are especially sensitive to the quality of food and some foods or cheap canned food can cause them digestive problems. If a cat has symptoms such as or, such food should be excluded from their diet.

Place to sleep

It is necessary to equip a sleeping place for a cat.

Despite the fact that cats consider the entire apartment their personal territory and sleep where they want, the pet should have discreet place where he can retire and rest in peace.

As a rule, a place to rest is arranged in a warm corner, best of all near the battery, and a soft bedding or a special house is placed there for the pet.

Sometimes, for unknown reasons, the cat loses interest in his house and refuses to sleep in it. After a while, the pet will return to its favorite sleeping place again, so do not rush to throw away its bed or blanket.

Place for a toilet

The cat should always have free access to the toilet.

Cats are famous for their cleanliness, so it will not be difficult to accustom a pet to a tray. The main thing is right choose a place for a cat litter box so that the cat always has free access to it.

It's pretty easy to train a kitten to go to a certain place. It takes a few times to do this. take the pet to the litter box, and he will quickly remember this place.

Most often, the tray is placed in the bathroom or toilet room, leaving the door to them slightly ajar.

Tray selection

The tray can be purchased at any pet store, but the size and weight of the animal must be taken into account. Best fit rectangular product with high sides, so that the cat unfolds freely and at the same time does not scatter the filler throughout the room.

The pet's litter box should be kept clean.

When choosing a tray, it is desirable to give preference to inventory, made of plastic, not wood or cardboard.

As for the filler, there is a huge choice for the owners. Best suited for this purpose are special granular fillers that absorb odor and turn feces into lumps that are easy to clean. But they are quite expensive, so in order to save money, you can use ordinary sand, scraps of toilet paper or sawdust.

Keep your pet's litter box clean and clean it regularly. If the toilet is dirty, the cat will refuse to go into it and may take revenge on the owner, leaving him an unpleasant surprise in slippers or on an expensive carpet.

Care for the coat, ears, eyes and claws of a cat at home

The cat should be brushed regularly. This is an important part of pet care.

Cats devote a lot of time to their hygiene and are able to take care of the cleanliness of their fluffy coats themselves. But this does not mean that the pet does not need additional care. After all clean ears and eyes without the help of the owner, the animals are not able to.

The claws of the animal should be trimmed with special scissors.

All procedures should be carried out when the animal is in a calm state, so as not to hurt him or injure the pet with a sharp object.

Active games and outdoor activities

The health of a cat also depends on physical activity and outdoor games. With your pet play often , and when this is not possible, provide him with a variety of toys.

Owners who keep a fluffy pet in the apartment, preferably at least take him for a walk once a week. And so that the animal does not run away and is not lost, it should be taught from childhood to a collar and a leash.


If you follow these simple rules, then the cat will feel comfortable even in a small apartment.

How to take care of domestic cats? Cats are very clean creatures. They are easy to accustom to. The main thing is that he was in the same place. If the cat shat in another place, then it is necessary not to punish her, but to think about what you did wrong. It is possible that this was a simple "revenge" for misunderstanding and unfair treatment of her. Before an animal, you need to study it, then it will be easier for you to understand it and prevent unpleasant moments in living together.

Any cat constantly monitors its cleanliness. She can wash her paws, ears, tail and all her skin for hours. But this is clearly not enough, especially if the cat lives at home.

Especially a lot of trouble causes the ear, which lives in our pillows, carpets, sofas and even in curtains. Cats cannot clean their own ears, and for ear mites, earwax is the most fertile environment. Therefore, periodically, at least once a month, the owner of the animal needs to clean the ears of the cat.

Long-haired animals can get drunk on their hair, and at best they will suffer after that. And at worst, the wool will clog the intestines to such an extent that the cat will have to be operated on. Therefore, long-haired cats need to be brushed periodically.

Also, such a procedure will not interfere with short-haired cats, because. when combing, the cat's hair is cleaned of dirt, and at the same time the skin is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on both the coat and the skin.

Washing a cat, especially with soap, is not necessary at all. Soap dries the cat's skin, which leads to various diseases. Therefore, such procedures can be carried out only if necessary, if the cat has fallen somewhere, or is smeared with something unpleasantly smelling. In this case, it is better to wash it with a special shampoo.

Constantly stroking the cat with your hand, you also give it an emotional charge of positive energy, which is important for it. After all, positive emotions are useful to all people and animals. And at the same time, you relieve yourself of the negative tension that you have during our lifetime, more than enough.

I have noticed more than once that petting my pets improves my mood, and even sometimes the headaches that haunt me throughout my life go away.

Scientists have proven that people who live with cats suffer less heart disease compared to other people who do not have cats. And cat owners live much longer.

If your cat suffers from dental diseases, then it does not hurt to carry out special procedures for her. But it is best to consult with your veterinarian first.

Some breeds of cats, which have very thin and long nails, need to be trimmed, otherwise they can catch on them somewhere and twist their paws.

When a new pet appears, its newly minted owners think about how to properly care for a cat. In order to provide a four-legged pet with comfortable living conditions in a new home, its owners should take care of compiling a balanced diet and performing hygiene procedures, including bathing, cleaning the cat's eyes and ears. The owners will need to purchase a tray, toys for the pet, give her a place to relax in the apartment and regularly comb her hair. In the event that the cat is ill, the care of the animal must be special so that it recovers as soon as possible.

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    Hair brushing and nail trimming

    Hairless cats, such as the Sphynx or the Levkoy, do not require brushing. Short-haired cats (British cats) and long-haired animals (Persians) will need regular grooming. Cats with long and thick hair need to be brushed at least 2 times a day, and semi-longhair cats can be combed a couple of times a week. It is recommended to carry out the procedure of combing wool during molting with a slicker brush, and you can comb it with a regular comb.

    Nail clipping is carried out at home using a special nail cutter. It is advisable for the owner to ask for help from one of the household members so that he can hold the animal, which may begin to break out. Armed with a nail cutter, you should gently press on the cat's paw so that the claws appear and examine the vessels. You only need to cut off the tip, stepping back from the vessel by 2-3 mm, trying not to hurt it. If the vessel was still hurt and the pet bled, then it is necessary to treat the cut site with hydrogen peroxide.

    Hygiene procedures

    The list of mandatory hygiene procedures for cats that must be carried out by its owner at home includes:

    • eye care;
    • examination of the auricles for contamination;
    • bathing;
    • teeth cleaning.

    The ears of the pet must be examined regularly, because without proper care, serious diseases can develop. Inspection of the auricles should be carried out at least 1 time in 30 days and, if necessary, cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in special products sold in veterinary pharmacies. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to wrap the cat with a towel so that it does not break out and harm itself. Then the animal's ear should be slightly turned out and the accumulated sulfur and dirt should be carefully cleaned from the depth of the ear canal.

    To clean the teeth of a four-legged pet, you will need to arm yourself with a special brush and toothpaste. It is advisable to accustom the kitten to this procedure from an early age, so that in adulthood it does not become a cause of stress for him. It is recommended to brush your cat's teeth at least once a week.

    As a rule, water procedures are carried out only as needed, in case of heavy pollution and before participation in the exhibition. You don't need to bathe your cat often, because such procedures cause a lot of stress for most pets. In addition, frequent bathing leads to skin ailments.

    It is necessary to wash the cat with a specialized shampoo sold at a pet store. Conventional products are categorically not suitable, because they can cause an unwanted allergic reaction in a pet. After the cat has been bathed, it must be toweled and combed gently to prevent matting.

    The eyes of the animal must be wiped as necessary if there is discharge in them. You need to clean them with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. In this case, the selections must be transparent. However, in some breeds, tears are produced profusely and oxidized. Because of this, they turn brown. For Persians and Exotics, this is considered the norm. Cats of these breeds need to be hygienically cleaned more often. If a cloudy liquid is found in the eyes of a cat, it should be urgently shown to a veterinarian, without trying to find out the cause of its appearance on your own.

    cat toilet

    Small kittens go to the toilet 4 times a day, and sometimes more often, so the owners need to take care of purchasing a tray and filler. The tray should be chosen based on the size of the animal, since it must be spacious. You can buy a cat litter box with a grill, but it is better to choose the option without it. The fact is that any representative of the cat loves to delve into the filler. High sides and a frame will prevent the floor around the tray from getting dirty.

    Tray with frame

    There are no clear recommendations for choosing cat litter, as some pets refuse to go to the tray if they are not satisfied with its contents. Therefore, the owners should experiment and watch the cat, which itself will "choose" the appropriate filler. The litter box should be cleaned daily, as a clean pet will prefer to go to the toilet in the wrong place if the inside is dirty.

    It is worth starting with clay clumping filler for the following reasons:

    • It is environmentally friendly. It does not contain "chemistry", which means it is not dangerous if accidentally swallowed.
    • It looks like a natural habitat, cats like to dig in it.
    • He is economical. The owner can only remove the formed lumps, so a pack of 5 kg is enough for 2 to 3 weeks. It also saves a lot of time.

    Pet feeding

    The diet of a pet can be made from industrial dry and canned food or from natural food. If the decision was made in favor of the second option, then it is recommended to feed the cat with the following foods:

    • boiled lean meat (veal, turkey, chicken);
    • vegetables;
    • offal (liver);
    • low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt);
    • eggs;
    • boiled sea fish, deboned.

    Do not feed bones to a cat, as the pet can break a tooth or damage the gums. It is not recommended to add fatty meat and river fish to her diet.

    When feeding a cat with natural products, it is necessary to include a complex of vitamins in its diet in order to prevent the development of beriberi. In this case, the course of vitamins should be selected by a veterinarian. If the owners do not have the opportunity to cook dishes for a four-legged pet, then it is worth resorting to feeding ready-made purchased food.

    You should not buy cheap economy-class products, the use of which can significantly harm the health of your pet. Premium and super-premium industrial feeds are more nutritious, of high quality, and contain all the microelements necessary for the cat's body. As for the brand of food, you should consult with your veterinarian. The "big three" quality mid-range feeds are Royal Canin, Hill's and ProPlan. You can try them and decide which one suits the animal best.

    As for servings, their number depends on the age of the pet. It is recommended to feed a small kitten at least 5 times a day, as they grow older, reducing the number of servings to 3-4 times. A one-year-old animal needs to be fed a couple of times a day. Portions should not be too large, and if leftover food remains in the bowl after the meal, they must be disposed of. On any pack, it is always indicated how many grams of the food should be given to the cat, depending on the weight.

    It is not recommended to overfeed the pet, since excessive consumption of food leads to obesity, which, in turn, causes the development of serious ailments. Do not forget that the four-legged pet should have free access to a bowl of clean drinking water. It should be updated daily with water.

    Postoperative and postnatal care

    After removal of the uterus or castration, the pet must be provided with special care at home. As soon as the cat is delivered home, it should be left in the carrier for a while, without shifting to the sofa or bed. After sterilization, the cat recovers from anesthesia for about 2-8 hours, and during this period she must be carefully monitored.

    Since the animal is in a state of narcotic sleep with its eyes open, its eyelids should be periodically closed gently to prevent the cornea from drying out. You can put special drops in your eyes. You need to massage the paws of the cat so that the blood circulates better. It is impossible to feed and water the animal by force at this time.

    As soon as the cat fully recovers from anesthesia, it is advisable to give it a drink. Again, you should not do this by force, it is recommended to simply fill the bowl with water and leave it freely available. Appetite will return to the animal only on the second day after castration, and digestion is completely normalized in a couple of days.

    In the first few days after the operation, it is recommended to feed the cat with specialized postoperative food. If the cat eats natural food, then boiled vegetables and sour-milk products should be included in its diet. In the event that the pet cannot empty its intestines on its own within 3 days after the operation, it is necessary to take it to a veterinary clinic.

    After surgery, doctors usually put a blanket on the cat to prevent licking of the wound and provide protection from contamination. You can remove it at home after the suture is completely healed.

    Postoperative suture requires special care. Most often, recommendations for its processing at home are given by the veterinarian after the operation, and in some cases this is not required at all. If necessary, treatment should begin on the second day after the procedure with chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Levomekol ointment or brilliant green. On the 5th day, the seam should be examined, which by this time should be dry.

    In the postpartum period, a cat needs special care. If, after giving birth, the hair on the hind legs of the pet sticks together, then you need to wipe them with a damp cloth. In the event that the colostrum has not arrived in a timely manner, then it is necessary to massage the pet's stomach with a soft towel dipped in warm water. It will be necessary to provide the animal with complete rest during the recovery period. The pet's nest must be covered with a light-colored cloth to control the color and amount of discharge, which should not be plentiful. Change the fabric every 12 hours. If the discharge lasts more than 2 weeks after giving birth, then the cat should be taken to the doctor for an examination.

    Features of keeping a sick cat

    The maintenance of a sick pet, and even more so a disabled person, is specific, since he needs special care. For a cat with cancer or other serious disease, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, and the owner of the animal should follow all his recommendations at home. Initially, the pet needs plenty of fluids, and if she cannot drink on her own, then the liquid must be injected through a syringe without a needle or a pipette.

    The diet for a sick pet is developed by a veterinarian. When force-feeding a cat, it must be immobilized by wrapping it in a towel and following the following rules:

    • prepare food, a damp cloth and a small spoon;
    • take a small amount of food on the index finger and spread it on the cat's lips in front of the nose;
    • if the cat has not licked off the smeared food, then you need to open her mouth, gently pressing on the jaws and put a little food on a spoon to the root of the tongue;
    • tilt the pet's head back and gently stroke the throat so that it reflexively swallows food;
    • after feeding, wipe the muzzle of the animal with a damp cloth and caress it.

    Depending on the diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe medication for the cat. It is advisable to crush the tablets to a powder, mix with food and put the cat on the root of the tongue. To instill drops in the eyes of the animal, you need to raise the pet's head and firmly but gently squeeze it in your hands. During treatment, you should follow a special diet recommended by your veterinarian. Most often, a sick animal tries to hide.

    The temperature of the cat must be measured rectally with a thermometer, the tip of which must be wiped with alcohol and lubricated with petroleum jelly. The procedure is best done together so that the animal does not escape.

    A temperature of 38 - 39 degrees is considered normal.

    If the cat is immobilized after amputation of a limb, then it must be periodically turned from side to side so that bedsores do not form. Make sure the bedding is clean. Periodically, you need to trim the nails of a sick animal.

- insanely clean animals that devote a lot of time to caring for themselves. They not only diligently lick their fur and wash their faces every day, but they also treat the order in “their” places in the house very responsibly.

The instinct of cleanliness is inherited by small kittens. The owner must help the animal by developing certain habits in it.

litter box training

Raising a pet should be from its first days. As soon as the baby gets a little stronger and opens his eyes, you must immediately indicate where his tray will be.

It usually takes two to three weeks to develop a habit. And already by the age of 4-6 weeks, the kitten is able to independently follow its instincts.

Here are some important tips to help you toilet train your pet:

  • Carry your kitten to the litter box after every meal. This will help him “link” two physiological processes together and independently understand when he needs to go to the toilet;
  • Moistened wet swabs can be used to stimulate the passage of urine and feces. Lightly rub the anal area, which will cause a discharge;
  • Determine in advance the place where the tray will be located. You should not first put it in one corner (for example, closer to the sleeping place of the animal), and then rearrange it to the right place. This can confuse the animal and lead to unnecessary problems;
  • Install the toilet in a quiet corner where no one will interfere with the animal. Cats, like many other individuals, do not really like to go to the toilet in plain sight;
  • If you take an already adult animal that was previously in another family, it is advisable to take the pet's "native" tray as well. So the cat can easily determine the place of the toilet, finding it by smell;
  • If you use sand as a filler, first pour a little more than you need (about 3 cm), and then gradually reduce the amount.

Once the animal has been litter box trained, your "work" is not over yet. The main task is to always keep the cat's toilet clean by systematically changing the filler.

Remember that clean animals, having found a dirty tray, can go to the toilet in the master's slippers or, for example, under the bath.

As a filler, you can use torn pieces of paper, sand, as well as a special filler (wood or absorbent granules), which is sold in the departments for animals.

Be sure to keep an eye on the presence of bedding. The right amount of materel for a cat's toilet should always be "at hand".

There are also certain requirements for choosing a tray:

  • Do not use cardboard or wooden boxes as a tray. The former quickly dampen, while the latter absorb all unpleasant odors. It will be optimal to buy special plastic toilets for cats. Large pallets are also suitable;
  • Take care of the product size. The toilet should not be too small. Pets like to sit down and rummage for a long time, for which they need additional space.

It is recommended to wash the tray about once a week. Free it completely from the bedding and rinse thoroughly. At the same time, use vinegar diluted in hot water, which can eliminate unpleasant odors. Gloves and a long-handled brush will help you avoid damaging your hands.

But in the first weeks, you should not “interrupt” the smell - it is from it that the cat will learn to find its toilet. So the first month should refrain from using vinegar.

Many owners allow their pets to use the toilet and, in some cases, the sink as a toilet. This is very convenient, because care for the tray in this case is not required.

In their own homes, animals are happy to go outside. This is considered the best and "natural" way. Residents of apartments also practice this. But, in this case, one of the owners must be at home for the maximum amount of time.

Causes of uncleanliness

As a rule, after getting rid of stress and other ailments, pets again begin to visit their usual place.

Also, uncleanliness can be associated with the wrong behavior of the owner - the constant absence in the house, indifference to the animal. Some cats begin to “revenge” for the temporary transfer of pet care to acquaintances, the appearance of a second cat or other animal on the territory, etc. The reason may even be the appearance of a small child.

The "carrot and stick" method

If the veterinarian has not identified any obvious problems, and the animal does not go to the right place “out of harm” or has not yet got used to the new place, in no case should aggression be included! This will only lead to worse results.

Be patient with the training, gradually explaining to the animal that this is bad.

If the kitten went to the toilet in the wrong place, strictly tell him "fu!". Be sure to bring him to the "crime scene" and show how angry you are with his act.

You can poke a kitten with its nose so that it understands the “gravity” of its misconduct.

Then be sure to bring it to the tray. Plant in the right place and try to appease with caress, create a pleasant impression. Stroke the kitten, praise for sniffing. He must understand that going here is good.

It is ideal to use small gifts after the first successes. After the kitten goes to the right place, treat him with sweets, and be sure to caress him.


Do not forget that attention is important for a kitten. Play with him, run around the apartment, build a butterfly on a string with your own hands or buy a special toy.

Make time for developmental activities. Teach the kitten to the name, train to resort to the call. Some breeds are happy to carry out some commands - they bring thrown toys, etc.

Nail care

In order for the animal not to spoil the furniture in the house, you need to purchase a scratching post, read here. Such devices allow you to reduce their length, as well as clean them from dirt.

Trimming of claws with the help of special tweezers is also welcome.

Ear and eye care

Use cotton swabs to remove dirt from your ears. Do this carefully, because an awkward movement easily causes discomfort. After that, it is necessary to wipe the ears with a damp cloth and grease with a hygienic cream.

Pay attention to eye care. Constantly remove hardened secretions, if any. In case of severe discharge, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

The eyes should also be wiped with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

Hair and skin care

Don't forget periodically. To do this, prepare warm water (25-30 ° C), moisten the animal's hair and use a special shampoo.

Rinse off the foam thoroughly! Since what you cannot wash off, the cat will simply lick it off.


For long-distance travel in cars, trains and other transport, you must purchase a special bag for animals. Some prefer plastic carriers in which the cat sits like in a house. Through a comfortable grill, the animal can observe everything that happens, which leads to less stress. It will not be superfluous to get a harness so that the animal can take a walk on a long road, learn about it from this lesson.

You should not feed your pet for about 6 hours before departure. Do not give food during the journey. If the duration of the trip is more than 24 hours, you should feed the animal once during this time.

According to statistics, there are more than 400 million domestic cats in the world, although of course it is impossible to calculate the exact number. Lovely felines have long conquered the Internet and live in many houses or apartments. Here are the basic needs of cats, so that their faces would please us longer.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to a long and healthy life for everyone, and cats are no exception. Just like dogs, they don't need different tastes, and what's more, they have only 500 taste buds, while dogs have 1,700 receptors. Therefore, you can feed them the same food. If you want to pamper and give a treat, then they will certainly be delighted with a jar of canned food or a bag of spiders.

It should be remembered that cats should not be given very hot or cold food, for example from the refrigerator, as their digestion is disturbed. Therefore, if your cat eats little, then it is better to buy a small jar or heat it to room temperature. It is important that you do not feed your cat dog food, which contains much less protein, taurine and certain types of acids than cats need, so this will lead to heart disease and other abnormalities. If you change the diet, then this should be done gradually to avoid problems with the cat's gastrointestinal tract. On average, the transition to a new food takes about 8-10 days. (1-3 days 25%, 3-6 days 50%, 6-8 days 75%, and after 100%).

And of course, you should always make sure that the animal has enough clean water, as standing water changes the taste and the cat will stop drinking it. In addition, various microbes spread in dirty water.

Recently, more and more experts have become adherents of natural and environmentally friendly food for people and animals, so they assure that it is best to feed cats with natural food, not feed.

Exercise stress

Surely everyone has heard that cats are nocturnal predators, so it is likely that your pet jumps on his chest at night, catches his legs from under the covers, or persistently demands to eat. And although cats spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping, they sleep in your absence, so when you return in the evening their day has just begun.

To avoid this, physical activity is needed. Play with your cat in the evening with a laser pointer or a fishing rod toy. Many cats are just delighted with the usual candy wrapper, so you don’t even have to spend money. If this does not exhaust your pet, then you can get a second cat so that they would occupy themselves. Although cats are considered asocial and love solitude, for active representatives of the cat family, a second brother can be a way out. The main thing is to choose a similar temperament and introduce them correctly, so that in the future there would be no fights at home instead of games.

Of course, you can let the cat out on the street if you live in a private house so that she would spend her energy there, but living in a metropolis where there are a lot of cars, people, dogs and everything else - this can ruin your pet. Although some breeds, for example, Oriental or Russian, walk well on a leash, so you can easily teach a cat to walk, and at the same time take a walk yourself. Only unlike walking with a dog, the cat itself will decide where she wants to go and where not.


The litter box is part of your cat's personal possessions, so it's important for them to keep it clean at all times. If there are several cats, then each should have its own personal tray. Be sure to choose a litter box that is spacious enough so that the cat does not have to huddle in it. At the moment, there is a fairly extensive range of fillers on the market, so just choose the one that suits you and your pet the most.

Even if you use an odor-eliminating litter, ammonia still tends to accumulate, and the animal may refuse to go to a smelly litter box, then you should completely replace the entire litter and clean and rinse it well. For the convenience and speed of changing the filler, you can use special bags for the tray, which you can buy at the pet store.

Cats often observe the process of cleaning the tray, as they perceive these actions as special care for her. Well, if the cat categorically refuses to go to the tray, you should first clean it thoroughly, but if this does not help, then you should take it to the veterinarian, maybe she has a disease of the genitourinary system.

Your place in the house

A cat is a territorial animal, and even living with a person, they still need their own mini-territory. Even if the cat loves you very much and sleeps with you, from time to time she needs to relax and be inaccessible to the outside world for a while. Cats that live side by side are able to use shared shelters if they are on good terms.

You can buy a special house at any pet store and in most cases, the higher the house, the more pleasure the cat will climb on it. From a height they can see everything clearly and they feel safe there. Many cats definitely need vertical surfaces, they feel more protected on them.

Especially if you have several animals, then in order to avoid fights for the territory, you can nail a couple of shelves to the wall so that the cat can climb on them and watch what is happening from a height. And regardless of the presence or number of houses, the cat will always be happy with a simple box that you can climb into and hide.

Cat care

Although cats are clean, who spend 30% of their wakefulness on self-care, you still need to take care of them, like dogs, and this includes: cutting nails, combing, washing, brushing ears and teeth. And if your cat walks on the street, then the treatment for fleas and ticks.

Cats are much easier to trim than dogs, so most owners can do it themselves. Well, if you wish, you can always contact a grooming specialist who will not only wash and perform all the necessary hygiene procedures, but also make a stylish haircut for your pet.

Each breed is individual and requires a different amount of time to care for, but so that the wool does not fly around the house, it is worth taking a comb once a week. Most cats do not like such procedures very much, so it is better to start accustoming them to this routine from a young age.

Health control

For prevention, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian once a year for examination and, if necessary, vaccinated. Even if your cat is always at home and does not go out, there is a chance to bring different viruses on clothes or shoes, especially if you come into contact with stray cats. Ask your veterinarian what vaccinations are required in your area and their expiration dates.

With routine vaccination, a visit to the veterinarian must be scheduled in advance and given a remedy for worms 10 days before the day of vaccination. For cats, 3 types of products are offered - in tablets, suspensions and drops on the withers.

It is not always easy to find a good veterinarian who will advise only the necessary procedures, but it is worth spending time on it, because with proper handling of the animal, the age of the cat can reach 20 years or more, which means that all this time you need to have someone with whom you can consult and apply in time.