How to behave with a shy man. Elements of non-verbal psychology. How to understand that you like you guy: key sympathy signs

    Do not ask him straight about whether you like him. Such "full-time bets" - Achilles of the height of shye guys. Not only that he will deny what is interested in you, it will also begin to avoid you because of embarrassment after all this. Always use thin and insightful techniques when accessing a shy guy.

    Do not ask his friends about whether you like him. The most important priority for the shy guy is secrecy. If the shy guy is in love with you, it is very, it is very likely that he did not tell anyone about it and not even intend to do it.

    • There is a very serious disadvantage in asking his friends: you can give incorrect information about whether you like him or not. Because he is shy and rarely expresses his feelings, you could have an incorrect idea that he was not interested in you when everything is quite the opposite.
    • There is another very serious disadvantage in asking his friends, who is that you, as if left the ball on his side. When he knows or guesses what he likes you, he might think that you want him to invite you for a date. It will make him feel your pressure. No matter how sad, you have to do a lot in order to calm it on this.
  1. Compare his behavior towards you with behavior in relation to other people. The behavior of shy guys can be quite strange and look meaningless. Instead of simply analyzing his behavior when he is next to you, compare the manner of his behavior at a time when he is next to other people. Mark yourself everything additional Aspects of his behavior at the time when he is near you - whether it is good or bad features. Does he consider additionally and attentive? Behaves very quietly? Very nervous? Very irritable? If he relates to you differently than all the others, then he is definitely a strong feeling towards you.

    • Does he behave quietly next to you? His inability to talk can be caused by nervousness: he is in love with you and so afraid to say something strange or stupid that he decided that it would be better to say nothing at all when you are together.
  2. Read body language. However, instead of searching in his behavior traces of conventional flirting techniques (for example, rapprochement, touch or other phrases in the body of the body, which say "Look at me"), pay attention to the signs that he is awkwardly feels next to you. If he looks down, crosses his hands, avoids direct visual contacts or makes nerve gestures more often than usual when he is next to you, then there is a possibility that he simply does additional efforts to hide his interest in you.

    • Does he restlessly drive his hands, pulls clothes or touches his hair when you talk to him? Such manifestations are definitely signs of nervousness; The conversation with you makes him so worry that he could not stand calmly.
    • Does it throws him when you are near him? Potting is another sign of nervousness. Potting is an involuntary physical reaction, and if he could control it, he would have done it. But he can't, so the Spirin sticks out on his forehead, and small spots will appear with armpits.
    • He poured a blush from embarrassment or is it difficult for him to breathe next to you? The blush from embarrassment can be difficult noticeable, but on some guys it is clearly visible: his face is glowing, and he himself looks like it recently ran a half kilometer. If it is difficult for him to breathe, then this is a sign of what he knows that he must say something, but can not pick up suitable words, or just any words in order to speak.
    • He is often next to you, but not rights with you? Maybe he enjoys your society, but simply does not want to touch your hand when you are near. If he is constantly somewhere near, but never is close enough with you, then maybe he is also hopelessly in love with you, like you in it.
  3. Try to catch his eyes. Since the shy guys suppress their feelings much more than others, they try to keep their interest in secret, and sometimes they avoid dangers in love, then they often decorate glances in order to somehow compensate their stiffness. Take a look at him lateral vision to notice how he looks at you when he thinks you don't notice it. If he looks several times, then you definitely like him. However, be careful: if you look at him at this moment, and he immediately turns away, he will be very confused. Smile to him if you want to give him hope.

    • He consistently beware of looking at you? Even shy guys look at the girls "sometimes". If he is consistently trying not to look at you, then maybe he does not want you to notice his secret feelings. Pay attention to whether he looks at other girls to find out whether he does it or only when he is next to you.
  4. Pay attention to how he is talking to you. All starting a little nervous when they communicate with a man who likes them, but the shy guys are still worse; Usually they give either short, quiet, and even what happens quite often, even sharp answers or They respond very quickly and panicly. Again, pay attention to whether it is talking so awkward only with you or other people too.

    • He gives you short answers "yes" or "no" and refuses to explain something? Not that he was not interested in conversation; is he too Interested in conversation and simply does not want to say anything that can express his attachment to you.
    • Does he keep more confident in the circle of friends? His friends give him some psychological support. He is still afraid to fail, but he is a little more effective in conversation.
  5. Jump, whether he friendly with your friends. It is often not necessary that he likes your friends, he is just looking for a pretext to be closer to you, and wants to be able to learn about you from people who know you best. Especially if he tries to make friends with all your friends, and not With you, it may mean that he fell in love with you.

    • Nevertheless, make sure that it does not flirt with your friends. If so, then this may mean that he sincerely loves one of them, and not you. On the other hand, he can just be flirting in order to show you that he can impress other girls.

    We learn everything to truly

    1. Ask him to do something for you. Although shy guys are beware actively get close to those who are interesting to them, they often do something passively In order to show what they care about you. If he loves you, then, most likely, he will be ready to leave all his affairs in order to help you, and repeatedly. However, do not abuse your authority over it. This is especially cruel to a shy guy; In fact, maybe the reason for his shyness is primarily the fact that he is used to the fact that it is bad for him.

      • Quietly and affectionately ask him to transfer your books or a launcher for you in the next class. If you need an excuse (you can't just ask him so much), then tell him that your back hurts a little, and you do not want you to make it even worse.
      • Ask him to help you with difficult homework. If he is not strong in mathematics, then do not ask him to help you with geometry - it will only make him get nervous. Find out that it turns out well, and ask him to explain it to you.
      • Offer him to change something delicious that he brought for lunch. Maybe he brought chewing candies, and you met in the cafeteria. Ask him some chewing candies in exchange for glazed apples or something sweet. If he gives his candy without thinking, then this is exactly a good sign.
    2. Make him a good compliment and watch it reacts to it. The compliment should not be very flattering: "good solution" or "Thank you for the help of mathematics!" Full fit. It may be difficult for you to say a compliment, especially if you are also shy, but it truly helps him feel safe next to you, and will also give you the opportunity to find out if you like him. The most important thing is to pay attention to is his reaction:

      • Reaction he is in love with you:
        • He stutters, ships or becomes very embarrassed or even more shy
        • He meets you compliment, even if it is not quite appropriate
      • Reaction you don't like you:
        • He pretends that the compliment was not at all
        • He reacts with obvious displeasure or disappointment
    3. Communicate with it online. Many shy guys feel more comfortable when they are in front of the screen than during personal communication. Try to start a conversation with him on Facebook, Twitter or Skype and take advantage of the following tips to find out if it flirts with you online or not.

      • If a is he Separate you Request on Facebook, then this is a great sign. Refrain from sending a request first if you just got acquainted with him. Wait until he does it. Guys, as a rule, make on the Internet what they could not do personally. And he definitely wants to meet you if he sends such an appeal.
      • If he is truly talkative only online, and with pleasure communicates with you, then this is because although he would be glad to talk to you personally, but he wants to control the situation. He feels that it is better managing the situation in online when he does not have to worry about how to disappear to you personally.
      • Ask him a few questions and watch whether it will ask you anything. The shye guys, as a rule, are able to ask questions quite well (they do not want to talk all the time themselves). If he consistently ask you about your past, about your purposes or just about how you had a day, then perceive it as a good sign.
      • Do not limit your conversations with the Internet. This is a great opportunity to start talking to him (on the site or chat), but in the end you will need to approach him and try to make it open to you. Otherwise, he will be too comfortable on the Internet and it may be necessary for additional courage in order to take a step in the development of personal relationships.


    1. Start relationships with him in his native element. It is often possible to feel that shy guys are in some contradiction with the rest of the world, as if the world rotates at one speed and they are on the other. This can make elementary things, such as communication with people in school, painfully complex. But there is a possibility that the guy has a "safe place", where he feels absolutely comfortable as at home. If you can find this place and make it so that you will be accepted in it, it will be the first step towards becoming friends.

      • Where is this special place? It depends on the guy! For some guys, this is a football field, for others it is a library. Find out that he likes to do the most and put your way to his comfort area.
    2. Be prepared to stay friends for a start. Shy guys remain in just friendly relationships painfully long periods of time, experiencing about the pros and cons in order to invite you on a date. For them, friendly relations are a golden middle. They have the opportunity to be near you and communicate and do not risk inviting you. Thus, they are in the low risk area, and many shy guys like it.

      • Do not be discouraged and do not believe those who say you can't meet him after you make friends. It simply does not correspond to reality. You yourself manage your destiny.
    3. Pay attention to the language of your body. You tried to read the language of his body in order to understand if you like him; Now it's time to study your own body language in order to understand whether you send to him the correct signs. The focus is to openly communicate and not close from it:

      Be patient when he approaches you. The best option is to show him that he is sufficiently interesting to you, so that he learns it well and invited you on a date. Then you will know exactly what he fell in love with you, and you will not doubt it during your meetings. If you get closer to him in his native element, make friends, correct your zyq of the body and suffer a little, then he invited You, if you like him. This is just a matter of time.

Greetings, dear blog reader website!

I really hope that you have already read my notes and. But I think those articles would be incomplete without describing the signs of male sympathy. I know that the girl in love is capable of perceiving at least as recognition in love, but it's not so.

It is important to measure the situation as soberly. For this today will be maximum filtered signs of what you like the guy.

10 signs that you like a guy

So, by what 10 signs you can understand what you like you guy?

Gestures as a sign that you like a man

Perhaps this is the brightest one of the most reliable signs of understanding that you like you guy or not. The body language is purely theoretically inflated, if you know all the signs for which you can be painted. But I am sure of you, if your beloved (or how do you feel about it?) There is no psychological education or a special traction to study psychology is unlikely to do it. You need to arm yourself from attention and follow his body. So, what are the obvious signs of what you like a particular guy?

To start you need to follow the position of his body in the ratio with yours. When his body in most cases is deployed in your direction, and besides, he almost never turns back to you, we can conclude that he is either afraid of you or this is the first sign that he likes you!

Open poses in your side - there are in mind open gestures, demonstration of wrists, a light relaxed pose, slightly turned to you - all this continuation of the previous feature. When talking, all his body, as it were, is slightly deployed in your address, and the head is slightly tilted to you.

Pay attention to his posture: every guy involuntarily tries to make the back of the smooth, and the chest with the wheel, under the view of the girl you like (even if in life, the other way around - the chest is smooth, and the spin the wheel).

If the guy involuntarily copies your gestures, then it is also another sign of his sympathy for you. There are such a moment in human psychology - we involuntarily try to be similar to those who like and vice versa - avoid similarities with those who are not considered to us. How to understand it? Well, for example, sitting opposite the guy And bold do some gesture, For example, a loss of the ear or change the pose, clinging to the back of the chair and dropping the leg to the leg. After that, carefully follow his reaction.

I do not claim that he should exactly repeat all your actions, no, but involuntarily pull out in an attempt to copy your gestures his body should if you are pretty. Let him stroke her ear, but it can sink for a cigarette or nose scratch. Maybe he will not take exactly the same pose as you, but somehow change your in response to the change of yours.

Close attention: If in the presence of other people (especially the faithful sign in the presence of other girls) socks of his shoes are deployed in your direction - you don't go to the fortuneteller to him in this company like you most!

When we are next to the girl you like, we are involuntarily want to reach her, Feel the warmth of her skin, feel the pressure of her shape. And it is clear what is unconsciously (and maybe consciously) we try to touch her.

So that If the guy touches your hand, with each convenient case hugs for waist Trying to skip you forward, by chance falls on you, friendly pats on the knee or even simple pressed shoulder to your shoulder - You can take that this is another sign that he likes you.

But closed poses on the contrary, testify to you not to sympathize with you. Crossing the hands on the chest, folding the wrists "pyramid", and if you also crossing the legs in addition ... What, it looks like this guy you are not interested.

Social activity

Sign language This is certainly a very faithful indicator of male sympathy, but how to be if you try to understand Like you like a guy with which they don't intersect anywhere?

Fortunately, in the 21st century there is a coolest image of humanity, which in common social networks is called. Activity from the guy in your address on social networks is a sure sign that you like it to this guy. There are a number of moments to pay attention to the degree of sympathy:

First you need to understand how active the guy lives "social life." Many guys enter the socialki solely to watch someone wrote them or not. I think unfair will be expelled from such guys high social activity in your address. Another thing if he updates his profile and half a day in two times a week.

Loyal sign of manifestation of sympathy Through social networks you can consider husky, comments and private messagesaddressed from him to you.

Look at what kind of pictures or records he comments (and suddenly he is not interested in you, and your best friend Dasha, which is present at the good half of your photos).

Analyze "Mood" of his messages. Before the girl you like, every dweller will try to look smarter and withered than it really is. The correct sign of his sympathy, it is carefully selected words and insertion "between lines" of a true attitude towards a girl. I advise you to open your correspondence with it right now and look at it by analyzing OK.

To attract attention

If the girl likes a guy, then he will try to attract her attention to all ways. What do you think always does he behave like this or only in your presence? If the guy, with you from a shy botany, turns into a kind of merry, merry, pets of the public and the most loud and bright dude, the soul of the company, then who knows, maybe he has such a way to attract your attention ...

Personally invites you to party

When the guy invites you somewhere, even if not a date, it can also be a sign that he likes you. Invite a girl who likes the first date is hard, but at a party to the circle of your common acquaintances much easier. It's kind of like an unobtrusive way to show you that you are interested in, and the reason to spend together time, and at the same time you can look at your reaction to your reaction.

Awkward views

Pay attention to how the guy looks at you. If the guy looks at you more often and longer than on other girlsthen here are two options: l for this is a sign that he likes you, or you cosmetics smeared (If he is also smiling, then rather the second).

It is also important how exactly he looks at you. If the guy allows themselves to be unequivocally frank glances, then it is most likely configured seriously and absolutely not shy of it. But, I think in this case, the question of how to find out what you like you guy would not sound from your keyboard, so I think everything is not so obvious.

Often the guy in the impurity gusts can try to hide his sympathy. And then I can give you a couple of tips to get it on clean water.

First, you can to appreciate your girlfriends. From the side it is usually more visible as someone looks at whom.

Secondly, herself peripheral eyes watching his look. There is a cool trick: Feeling his eyes on him to bring his gaze somewhere in the distance, where the horizon line smoothly goes into the sky. Looking at the distance some short time turning sharply and look at the experimental guy.

If he has such a look as if he was caught on something hot, if it flashes and paint, it means another sign that you like you guy already lies in your pocket. But not every guy will shove your interest in the girl. And if, instead of constraint, he will continue to frankly staring with you, then this is the same sign of its explicit interest in your person.

Speaking about the look will fairly turn your attention. what part of your body is most often visible to the guy. If his gaze walks in your neckline, and then smoothly flows down, then most likely you are not easy to like a guy, and he also wants you.

Over shy

If the guy is unnecessarily shy in your presence, trying to speak with you some nonsense and looks in general stupid - it can also be interpreted as a sign of his sympathy for you.

Constantly worshiped

That's just no need to make round eyes. Considering that only girls are trusted and enjoyed to attract male attention. The strong floor of this world can also show their sympathy in this uncomplicated way. If the guy in your presence tries to look better than usual, constantly corrects clothes, strokes herself on the head at every opportunity I look at the mirror and it smells pleasant from it, there can be options only 2: or he is narcissus narcissus, or really wants you like.

Frequent random meetings

Think, do you always meet you randomness, or maybe a guy specially looking for a reason to see with you and happens in absolutely not characteristic of him for the sake of meetings with you? .. We will not stop at this point in detail, I think you understand that I I mean.

Reliable male shoulder

Usually a guy who likes the girl seeks to help this girl in every way. I am sure the married girl will now begin a fiercely with me to argue with a silent monitor with screams: "My, fell, nothing helps me, just makes it all day on the couch or playing his tanks." So there is, I will not argue. But things are Carefully otherwise when the guy is trying to understand.

Paradoxically, but the fact: the girl liked the girl can, with much greater confidence, count on small household care than that that 5 years prepares him of the boings and extracts his socks from under the sofa. But I am distracted by a little.

In short if the guy tries in every way to help solve you different minor questions and problems this is another faithful sign that he likes you. Unconsistently so so unaccomplished by he seems to be trying to bind you to him.

Touching things

When we like the girl, we try to get closer to her through her things. In other words, a guy who experiences romantic feelings for you will gladly stroke your handbag, turn the handle in the hands or will lose your kitten for the ear.

You can even make a kind of test: Put your item (phone, keys, lighter) near him and see how he will behave in relation to your thing. If he will touch her in every way (get better, stroking, twist in his hands), then you can not doubt - he likes you! Well, if it does not react - do not rush to despair, there is also a bunch of other signs!

How to understand what you like you guy about conversation

Courtesy in conversation is a bright sign of male sympathy. I doubt that the guy will be too kind with that girl who he does not like.

To start pay attention to the timer of the conversation. What tone he communicates with you? Soft, not quite peculiar to the idea of \u200b\u200bcourage - one of the very first and most faithful signs of male sympathy. Again, it is important to take into account the call manner in comparison. If the guy with friends and other girls is all so rude and dry, and with you a solid nelevice - you can not even guess on the coffee ground, you definitely like you. But there are such lines that are everywhere and always with everyone and in all over the "such a cute voice", then there is already a sign of sympathy losing its reliability.

Also i advise you to pay attention to the level of its involvement during the conversation: Does he look into your eyes (or maybe on your bust? Then this is generally a steep sign), how easy it is to distract from your conversation? Analyzealso what he says. Whether flirting with you? Or maybe constantly tease and podbles, and then not at all is not decent hints throw?

A good sign that you like you guy, this is when he is interested in your personal life (especially its presence or absence). Interested in your affairs, concerns, talking about personal. All this can be said in two words: I am interested in you. And how often the guy tells you about yourself? Besides, that little guy will be an uncomplicable girl to talk about himself, there is still an interesting pattern: the more the guy tells the girl about himself, the more he falls in love with this girl.

It is also important to assess what exactly the guy tells. When a young man tells the young lady about his other girls (multiple number is important), he may try to show her such a uncomplicated way what is his own man. Or expressing in other words: to sweep it on jealousy.

But, on the other hand, the stories about their adventures can be a banal bravery before the girl friend. Men love to brag Quantitative indicators in front of friends, so if he perceives you as a friend, then ... it is important to catch this thin face. But no matter how I remember that every time he tells you about yourself, he continues to fall in love with you, and if you still flatter him, I give up what he is Donzhuan, the effect will only increase.

Another faithful sign that you like you guy, this is when he makes you compliments. Only here it is important to understand: not all guys will make compliments like girls like. Too much around shy guys, which (even ridiculous to talk) are shy of their own manifestation of sympathy. Often, by the way, live communication guys can be shy to show sympathy, erroneously confused her with sentimentality, but very actively make it on social networks. This moment also needs to be considered.

In general, if we are talking about the signs of the manifestation of interest from the guy to the girl, for the completeness of the picture you would need to know this degree in comparison. It refers to the comparison of how he behaves with you, and with other girls. If he is squeezing and rises only you, then this is of course a sign of what he likes you. But if these manifestations are characteristic of the guy during communication with every cute girlfriend - then he is either a womanist, or he just has such a meaningless means of communication.

Three extra sign that you like you guy

Above were listed 10 main signs that you like guy. Next, I will list three auxiliary signs of male sympathy for you.

Boasting as a sign of sympathy

If the guy (or another in your presence) boasts what is cool and clear that he, they say, the most and other there are no such, then such boasting can also be viewed as a sign of interest in you.

Attention to details

If the guy is attentive to detail, to you, to the dates important for you, then of course you like you. This means that the guy remembers everything that you spoke about himself, and even a little more, congratulates you with all the dates important for you (about which you are aware) and with all holidays.

The desire to get together

Think, A. how often does he try to get close to you? If the guy is walking with you at every way (The company is also considered), and indeed trying to hold as much time as possible, then this is another sign that you like you guy. It is also worth paying attention to which companies you walk. If he calls you to those companies where most of the meetings are "in pairs", then it means a lot.

How do you like you like a guy

Touch it by chance and watch the reaction. If you like you, then he will certainly try to touch you in response.

Well, that's all, my dear readers, I tried to disassemble all the possible signs that you like you guy. I hope you have no questions left and now you will define no problems at all or not you or not. Well, if the questions still remained, I will be happy to answer them through the comment form.

And you can check with help. Answer all questions and test will give you the right answer!

P. S. Attend girlfriends - share the signs of male sympathy with them on the social network. To do this, click on social buttons. Completely, by the way, it is possible that your beloved seeing the repost on your wall will go here, read, and will understand how to show you what you like to him. In short, you need to do in any way, only benefits at the exit!

Well, all, it is time for me to wipe fishing rods and you arm your attention and scan your cavalier to the degree of interest in you. Good luck in this difficult case!

Yours faithfully Vitaly Ohrimenko!

87 comments on "" The most accurate signs of what you like guy ""

    You smiled you a weak half

    It is not difficult to understand what you like you, but it's necessary to understand that the person you need is much more difficult.

    The main thing is not to guess choosing a satellite, because in actions you can easily determine the character of a person, but no need to hurry even if the guy really experiences sympathy to the girl!

    There is also a point here: each of us being in a state of love is trying to show yourself from the best side. And besides, being in love with a person, we try not to notice its shortcomings, emphasizing the dignity. But someday these glasses are losing their pose, and we have to look at a person without pink eyepieces. Here at these moments most couples and disintegrate

    And still you need to understand a person wants to spend the night with you or wants a serious relationship.

    They say to find out a person need to make repair with him and then a person will show himself in all its glory.

    I want to argue. This is just a superficial description. Each person is individual.

    Oh yes, repair is still a test for the family.

    If there is no riddle in the girl, it means that it is not interesting. And if all the girls around as opened books, it becomes completely boring to live.

    My husband and I have this test to be the next summer. I wonder before the divorce makes it comes or still cost?))))

    Catherine, do not be so strict: always need to first describe the general, characteristic of all girls, and only then proceed to individual differences.

    By the way, I, too, Ekaterina wanted to say that if something there is no secrets, then interest disappears.
    Here, on TV, one psychic admitted that he was bored with girls about whom he knew all their fun past in advance.

    And about it, in the song, the famous sang: "We choose, we are chosen ... as it often does not match ..."

    Yes, throw you, what divorce? Repair is a complex test of feelings, but without extremes please.

    I completely agree! The riddle in a woman is the most attractive female trait! If the girl is very quickly revealed and completely with the smallest detail, then the interest is lost quickly.

    That feelings do not coincide and are not mutual, i.e. There are many procure and poems on the so-called "undeveloped love", but such a cruel reality.

    I figured out!)) But someone can escape from the house))

    I am in no case criticized. Just many people are all equal to one comb. For example: all men are goats or all women - bitch. And the soul is all different.

    Mutual sympathy meets not so often. Sometimes people meet according to the principle because everyone meets with someone and I need.

    In order not to experience the fate during the repair, it is better to hire a worker who will do everything. You just need to choose the material. And then there will be no tests.

    And you should not choose the material, let the master himself make it, then he and the master.

    Enough. We recently confessed the "craftsmen" family. So they were so many of all, they left the jambs behind them. But how many beautiful words and smart speeches about the repair was that you. Not always the one who knows how to say beautifully can well do.

    Hire a worker is the perfect option, but expensive. Not everyone will be able to financially alleviate.

    For hired masters you need an eye yes eye. And it is impossible to trust. You need to check for them every little thing.

    Of course, if you write about individual personalities and the articles will not work. Therefore, you have to merge and write about most.

    We love the girls to guess: loves, does not love. At some point, it was just tired and I began to perceive only one faithful sign that I like my boyfriend: if he himself tells me about it. In general, the tips are cool, especially about the fact that the guy loves to touch the things of the girl liked. This is true truth, do not even doubt. Another question is how much you like to guy: he wants to go with you to coffee or introduce a mother. That's what we, girls, not given to know, while the guy himself will open. Vitaly, you are well done, there is a lot of humor in the article, and psychology, I really liked everything!

    With our husband, the repair rather has become the test of our physical training than relationships. We were tired of terribly, did the repair to the hour of the night, then we went to sleep in another apartment, in the morning both to work. Very tired, but thank God did not quarrel. Until now, as I hear the word renovation, he throws in a shiver))

    So you and your husband are perfect for each other. Now, the main thing is that repair stoke as long as possible.))

    Material would also never entrusted to buy masters.

    I agree with you, Irina. To me in Articles, Vitaly is very impressed by His sense of humor. Articles, despite their size, read very easily and easily.

    I think everyone who at least once reached this terrible word "repair" the second time being in a sober mind and the bright memory for it will not be signed

    Girls, thank you for the Forest Reviews. I think I did not write anything for so long ago, I already began to forget how it was done.

    Haha, do not regain. 10 years later, the maximum 20 will have to repeat everything first)))

    By the way, when will a new interesting article on the relationship between a man and a woman?

    Oh kat, a good such question. I think specifically for the publication of new interesting articles I will do after the new year. Now I want to eat as I want to have a Sani Borisov contests (at least in 3 leaders get), so that the NG is all in improving the quality of the resource.

    The repair does not have any chance, our son constantly checks well whether we glued the wallpaper, and that it draws better on them: pencil or felt-tip pen)))

    And sometimes, with a worker - this is the beginning of the test, sometimes such frames come across !!

    And a cool expression: the husband is a decree. Yes, and by the way, too. Birth of a child - that still shake for a young family!

    And maybe you will have to repeat. Technologies do not stand still.

    Decree gives some complications. I encountered them immediately after the birth of a child. And now it all stirred up and my husband and I even began to understand each other better.

    I am very much for the expense of this worry. The child is small and afraid that new wallpapers and laminate will not last long.

    Vitaly, you have already written a decent number of articles, so you can also distract a little on other things. I hope after the new year you will delight us every day with new articles.

    Oh, Vitaly, waiting for you an article on the topic: "How to cope with the crisis in relations after the birth of a child?"

    Yes, I my husband and I lived in marriage without children, lived on a relaxation, and for us, of course, it was a specific shake. But we, too, looked at everything after the son was fulfilled somewhere.

    Children are beautiful, but to understand this need to come. I was very hard for me with a child, I used to devote all the time work or myself. And then the child. Now everything goes like oil.

    Although children happen and not easy, but life with them becomes more complete and interesting!

    And I am not particularly worried. Nothing is eternal. I explain, of course, that you can, but what is impossible. But I do not punish for spoiled wallpapers, it's small yet))

    And it is impossible to punish and wallpaper is a pity. Well, than just do not donate, if only the child was happy.))

    Thank you for your congratulations! Honestly confession immediately embarrassed by 4th place, but having received my gifts, I realized that everything was great!

    He took a note, recorded in a notebook ... will be a little free over time I will definitely write!

    Do not get upset! It is cool - take the 4th place among so many blogs. Not in vain did so much work.

    Cool take 1 place, and the fourth is so, nothing. Gifts are certainly good, but the repetition does not raise at all

    Well, I do not know, in my opinion, you are too strict to yourself. There were not 5 participants in the same place, but much more)

    Guys Now I understood that I liked the new one! In short, listen, and with a girlfriend, after the lessons, there were alone in the wardrobe, chat. Fits new, dresses joins our conversation. We dress up, and he already dressed standing and waited for us. Then, he often very often puts his hand on his shoulder. And so gentleless. He thinks about me, the ear is burning, or rings. It only 5 months old! ☺ I like it too. I am also one girl in a group of computer science, he sings such songs in short about the relationship, it's too confused me. Then he did not obey the teacher, I persuaded him, he went for another party, he dreams of the 5th day! Well, so)

    Alice, now read your comment now, and even smiled. I am glad for you with "new".
    It looks like he can't decide on the first step, so perhaps you have to take the situation in your hands. But I just ask you, carefully so ... We are guys, do not love when girls take pressure. Shooting with eyes, two-digit hints: this is exactly what you need now!

    And what if the guy begins to act as to actively talk to everyone around, just not with me, so type to take attention to others, and even to the girlfriend. But not to me, but I often catch his views on me

    Well, here are two options: either very pretty, or very unpleasant. You need to study other signs of his sympathy to make the right conclusion.

    I really like one guy from school, but I can not understand that it is mutually. In general, the story is very long.
    He so to speak, womanizer. Met me with my classmate and on the first day he suggested to sleep. I like it for me somewhere since October. But he learned somewhere in November, in December and after that he began to look at me. It looks without taking off when I look at him takes a glance, but then again begins to stare (a friend follows him). When I got sick and did not go to school, he passed often from the place where I stand with girlfriends on change, I looked around someone, looked out. Then, for some time it was when she passed specially threw his shoulder, touched me. When girlfriends look at him, he asks: "Three who yy?!" But when I wrote him, he said that I was not in his taste. But for half a year, everything looks at me.
    His words and actions do not correspond to each other. I got confused, help.

    From what you wrote most likely there is a sympathy. And at the expense of "not in my taste", most likely it is blocking, perhaps fear of being convicted. How did I understand it older?

    Oh, these spy girlfriends. From my own experience, I will say that to send friends to "find out" is far from the surest way. Judging because they arrive 5 km to go to the river - like. And the fact that she laughs away, well, so also not a girl in order to concession every time.
    My verdict: Yes, like!

    For 3 months, I like one kid, who is older than me for a year.
    Two months ago, I met him normally, and I finally found out his name: 3
    3 days after the acquaintance, I wrote him about my feelings.
    He wrote that I also like me too (at that time he had never seen me in his life).
    Then we even got acquainted live, he called me to walk into the city a week ago, but I was not released.
    Then he came on a bike to me (I live in 5 km. From the city)
    It was the first joint walk.
    True, he was with a friend ...
    We went to the river.
    There his friend threw a friend in me, because I did not want to swim, for this, Yegor (the boy, which I like) gave a jog to his friend and shugged him: 3
    The next day, history repeated. Before that, Egor has not called me for a walk, but I refused.
    Three days ago I went to the village, he accompanied me by SMS, "I will miss," I will wait. " I even got squeezed)
    Yesterday I was closer to the night I was so nothing to do that I wrote to him again that I like it, what did this answer got: "You too: 3"
    But, something I can not believe me, for we almost do not speak live, and indeed one of his friends can not tolerate me.
    And when this creature is straight in the face, I am humoring me to laughs on the sidelines ...
    It's a shame.
    I don't believe him because it knows 2 months that I am not indifferent to him, and this one words "mutually", but he still did not suggest meeting ...
    And in general, nor face, nor the figure I did not really come out. Very doubt his words.
    Oh, yes, three weeks ago a friend I asked him how he applies to me?
    She answered her: "As a friend"

    Hello! Can you advise me. In general, I'm not in love in love, I really feel very serious about the relationship, even yet I am young enough (I am 16, he is 19, by the way the difference in the birthdays is only 5 days a sign of fate?!). But I recently liked 1 guy, I think about him, and I can't do anything! We learn from him in one institution, but in different groups. I met him (with the courage of problems it seems no), the conversation was still ridiculous .. my brain turned off at all and instead of asking ordinary things (how are you? Tell me about yourself?) Asked him a tomboy, which was given in Dining room on that day (yes, I said that it was very funny and ridiculous) and he, to surprise, supported the conversation, began to tell something .. and even before that, on the same day, in the same cave , I got to have already taken to attribute a tray (we were not yet familiar yet), so I put this tray on the tape and turn it out, and then he (as an accident was obtained) stands with his tray, I exclaimed Oh from surprise! And I looked at him pleasantly in surprise, he said "Hello!" I was cleared a little, answered him and quickly went around him and went. I generally did not believe myself at that moment and inside everything was screamed Aaaaaa.!. Well, and then when I went out, I look at me, I didn't have anyone else in the corridor, and I decided not to miss such a wonderful chance to meet and what happened further I was already told (about tomato: D). Be sure to wrap at meetings. He talks with a cute tone, always it is easy to succeed with us .. Even with 2 just a meeting, I told me something about my family (pretty personal info, such not to all friends you trust, I was surprised that he was in me It was dedicated, because we are familiar to the month of everything) .. And it is still so incomprehensible to me for me .. I have been sick recently, 2 weeks did not see each other, and then how I went to study, I saw him, I wanted to hug him hard, squeak .. According to a special way .. And now it is suitable, he did not have time then, because They urgently needed to go to the cane and I saw it, I immediately hugged my head so bowed to him and he was sohabled (the girlfriend stood next to him, I saw it) and surprised, it was somehow, it was unexpectedly said oh! Acquired me and because His time he did not quickly entered the caveton. How is it "oh!" Can I understand? Bad, good is it? And recently here .. I go out on the street and I look, and back in steps 5 he comes out with a friend, I have stopped at my girlfriend, he watched somewhere and on the move in my direction, smiled and said somehow openly, good-natured "hello ! "And the palm rose like that in the air (well, as a sign of greeting) I smiled, I answered him as much as I asked, I said that everything was fine and that I was going home now (he from the neighboring city) and then said so far! (He was already in merahm 7 from us) and I said playfully, mysteriously, as if flirting with him "Extremely to the meeting! ..." And he, going to unfold and said it for sure! And I made hands so in my direction .. Tell me please, I like me? Girlfriend says he always starts to smile when he sees me .. I don't want to really believe it, because it can say it specifically, but on the other hand, I would like it to be true .. What do you say?!

    Judging by what you wrote: Like, of course, like! There can not even be doubts!

    We had a new Arseny in our class. At first I somehow did not pay attention to him, but then I realized that I like it. Naturally, I began to look at his behavior. It looked strange, well, what can you do. Then from the middle of the school year at one lesson, I was planted with him. I liked to sit with him, fun. Then he began to show signs of what I like me. When it is resting from me, he refuses. In every way, when we walk with a class in the courtyard, he comes up to me and ashadually puts his hand to the shoulder or to the waist. I look at the lessons on his pose. Even if we sit far away, from each other, his body is turned into my direction. He learned my phone number! When we smash on the sport to the team, and we turn out to be in the same team if it comes out of the game, and I stay alone, he is sick for me

    Healthy! It would be necessary to bring it somehow now to lead to the first step. If there is such a desire you need to actively flirt with it, not forgetting a couple of times a week to include "Snow Queen". A win-win

    We broke up with him
    But after the summer holidays, I returned to him feelings again (most likely they did not disappear)
    In the summer he laid out a photo with one girl from the camp and I got insanely to jealous in the Relief I threw a photo of the phone with a kid
    And now I often catch his glances on myself
    I can not understand, I still like me so far?

    I communicate with a friend, we remove familiar as a child, we lived in the same yard. Then he moved to the city, but it is 15 minutes from me. Well, they stopped communicating. In the summer I wrote to him and we had good communication. We already communicate 4 months already, I know that he likes me and he is configured that I like me, but he does not invite me to meet because it is important for him to study, he has no free time and what he will go to another country to learn and Parting will be even harder, it he spoke to my friends. . And so I do not know what to do me so insult to the tears, I want to finish this community because well, the point is to communicate further. If you just talk about friendly feelings won't go anywhere.

    I communicate with the boy we are familiar with childhood, but when he moved to the city we stopped communicating. And in the summer of this year, we resumed communication. Communicate every day. I like me and I like him. The problem is that he does not invite me to meet, because of the fact that it is important for him to study, and the fact that he has no free time and he will fly away to another country in a year, he spoke to my girlfriend. I am very insulting, I do not know how to deal with this situation. If you just continue to communicate as friends, then feelings will not leave. Big do not know what to do

    I was told that I like myself my one-classmate, but I didn't really look at me in the lessons, I can't understand E
    I like me. Or not! Help Paluist to understand

    Help me please! I can not understand I like me like a classmate or not ... In VC, he often does not read my messages, once called my friend's beautiful, often communicates with her, but I often notice his gaze on myself, often to touch me who he likes me or she is? Help!

    I have such a situation! I like a man! I work in a bank and he often comes, I help him to fulfill certain operations! And the last time he came, he spoke a lot! And when I worked in his phone, he disappeared the Internet, I told him that the Internet was finished with you, I will give you my Internet, and I say that all the traffic has been spent on customers, and he said, let me replenish you! no thanks! Then he began to say that probably your husband is always looking at your husband! I said I am not married! And in the end, he said that I am a fairy that always helps him) What do you think there is a sympathy and how to understand it?)

    Friend liked the article and its very formation. Everything is extremely clear and clear. That's just wanted to ask a question. I asked her donoga to ask if I like my boy personally. She said that the answer is negative. I read all the signs and in the history of them there is similarity, but the fact is that he is such a simple person and treat everyone in kind. And now I think really I don't like me or not. What do you say?

    Hello, I have a very important question ... I hope you will help me!
    Recently was my birthday and my boyfriend came to my home, which I like to give a gift. The thing is that at the end of the conversation, already at the elevator, I, according to the classic, said: "Thank you for what came," and he answered me: "Thank you for being" ... I don't know how to react! Tell me, please, what to do!

    And if at the meeting, he shows attention, flirting, tells about himself, his plans, all the time touches or hugs or tries to "ride" kiss and so on. Invites in "Trips")) But at the same time - all. He does not call on a date, it does not care (in a classical understanding), may not write to the weeks not to write / do not call ... It is strange, because on the one hand - yes, and on the other - no. Perhaps such behavior is so, just a pleasant time to feed, sympathy, but no more. From the category "with me is good, not with me - well, okay"?

    Hello everyone) I have such a situation, my boyfriend is hung one, we have known for a long time, 5 years old, (with each other, but we communicated in the company for a long time, of years 3-4Nesad)
    And here he had DR, and I congratulated him in contact, began to oat, weeks 2-3 went to walk, it was fun, walked well, he had a cold hand and I was warming them, but then he said if I worry so for his hands, then it can remove them in his pocket, I let them go to my pocket, after the walk continued to communicate, then I called him a day again, he agreed, very well walked and he offered to take a picture, then he spoke again that his hands froze, I started to warm them and he even squeezed my hand a little)) then we communicate well in VK, it went 5days, I am very cute, but I don't know if I like him, just in the subway he moved away from me , I was afraid to approach, then and the champion in the phone
    It was a little embarrassing, but then, after the transplant, he showed me something in the phone and I wanted to sleep, it was late and I fell asleep on his shoulder) (We stood)) Then he spent to a minibus and said Thanks for the walk
    Now he is still not called, but he writes) I don't know if I may admit that I like him? Well, what if not mutually ((
    What should I do??

    My husband died for seven years old as it is not. I still have one but I like one man and I have such a false thing that I also like me. He gives me advice and sometimes compliments makes we seen a week once it sells in our bazaar And I have for three years already for three years now, but he looks at me and tries to speak with me and it is trying to praise me that I am so good and if there are girls with them flies and looks at me and it seems to have my phone number but not calling I so want to know like me or not why he is silent i can't understand


A gloomy expression of the face is unlikely to please your chosen one. Most men appreciate goodwill. Try to make your smile mysterious, give her one that you want to conquer.

The voice plays not a last role in human perception. No one loves increased tones, men are no exception. If you have a loud voice, watch your behavior, try to speak quieter. Let your words sound fascinating, gently and gently.

I like the guy is not so difficult, it is more difficult to keep his attention, and therefore you should always work on yourself.

Going to a meeting with your chosen one, every woman wonders how to dress up to enjoy the man of his dreams? After all, an impression is created in appearance, which can continue to solve the fate of your relationship. Therefore, when selecting a wardrobe for a date, you need to adhere to certain rules.


The most important thing is that it is necessary to do during the selection of a festive dress is to determine what things are suitable for a particular event. If you are going to the disco, then the T-shirt with rhinestones will be quite appropriate, and if the young man invited you to dinner into a restaurant, then it is necessary to choose more elegant outfit.

Another important step - right choice underwear. It should be not only expensive and beautiful, but also wonderful to perform its functions: maintain, chest, create the right sexual forms.

Do not wear too tight things if your figure has small flaws, on the contrary, try to hide unnecessary folds of more spacious tunics or trapezoidal dresses. But do not wear too wide hoodies. A man wants to see your beautiful body bends.

If you decide to wear a skirt, then pick up a short and tightly tight. Well, if it is with a cut - it will give the will his imagination and fantasy. Very elegantly and sexy look, which emphasize the shape of the chest. Estate the upper buttons, but in order for the neckline does not open, but only hinted on what is under.

Be sure to select the right shoes corresponding to the general appearance. It should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

And be sure to capture a romantic mood and smile with you. Then your evening will be enjoyable, and will not be able to take a delighted look from you.

Video on the topic

Relations between a man and a woman with time began to change. If earlier guys were more decisive, now, to ensure the attention of representatives of strong sex, the girls have to take the initiative in their hands.

If you want a guy like, you must remember that men appreciate real and sincere girls. To draw attention to yourself, the girl does not need to apply causing makeup and wear candid outfits. Remember that vulgarity repels representatives of strong sex. Some ladies believe that men just be afraid of beautiful women, but it's not at all this. The problem is not women's beauty, but the manner of their behavior. Pay attention to how modern beauties behave. Loud laughter, stroke jokes, excessive spraying. All this is superfluous.

So that the guy drew attention to you, behave naturally. Talk calmly and naturally. Laugh at male jokes, but do not cross the face between ease, fun and vulgarity.

As for the appearance, try to stick classic style clothes. Going on a date, prefer the romantic image. Wear shoes on heels, a middle-length skirt and a delicate blouse. From the deep neckline it is better to refuse. Guys do not appreciate availability, they choose the goal that needs to be achieved.

When applying makeup, use only mascara and lip gloss. Do not forget that bright shadows and lipstick are suitable only for evening makeup.

Sometimes a girl is difficult to understand whether the guy who liked the guy's recipriety is responsible for her, because he does not show his feelings openly. Representatives of the strong floor are not inclined to detect sympathy explicitly, they have long look at the object of passion and only after a while they are recognized. However, for some signs, you can learn about the guy's feelings, even if he does not speak loud about them. The inverse situation is possible when a man communicates with a girl from politeness, and she takes it for signs of increased attention.

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    How does a man behave in love?

    In the psychology of a man who liked the girl, there are some features:

    1. 1. The guy who likes the lady, will constantly take care of her. He will be happy to help bring a heavy bag, help remove or put on a coat.
    2. 2. A man will try to push the borders of the joint pastime. He will invite to make him a company when traveling to rest or excursion, will call for a holiday, etc.
    3. 3. If the guy hides his feelings, then you can learn about them by turning attention to the fact that it fulfills his promises and is trying to help. If a lady appeared to the representative of the strong half of humanity, he will try to fulfill her desires and help to cope with concerns.
    4. 4. The guy can also ask for help. He wants to make sure that he can also rely on a companion in the future.
    5. 5. The young man constantly finds the reason to see a passion, and also visits him unusual.
    6. 6. If the lady more time dedicates to another man than him, he is angry and annoyed. If a representative of the strong half of humanity is modest, it will react much calmer. Externally, he will be calm, but sadness will appear on his face.

      How do you need a man

      What does the look say

      Determine, like the girl or not, you can look at the guy's view. He is experiencing sympathy, if he looks at her and trying to keep visual contact for a long time. He often watches her eyes.

      If the views of two are constantly intersecting or the guy is interested in looking at the girl, he has clearly serious intentions. The expansion of pupils testifies to sympathy. But it must be borne in mind that many young people are shy and prefer to hide their feelings.

      There are several methods to learn about its attitude:

    1. 1. The guy's interest can be recognized from the side. To do this, you can ask for friends to observe him.
    2. 2. You need to get up so that lately vision can be traced behind the silhouette of a young man. As soon as he guesses his eyes to the other side, you need to look at some distant subject, and then suddenly turn to it.
    3. 3. If, during a conversation, a man's look is directed to the face of the interlocutor, then this means that he liked the lady.
    4. 4. If the lady liked a shy guy, it will blush and turn away when their views will cross.

    If a man wants a woman signs

    Sign language

    Gestles give emotions, ideas and, so with their help, the girl can determine if she likes a guy. A person during a conversation can control his facial expressions, but it will not completely limit gestures. A young man is experiencing sympathy to the ladies in the following cases:

    1. 1. He tries to always be nearby and does not turn back.
    2. 2. Trying once again correct something in appearance.
    3. 3. If a girl says, the guy is listened to every word, his attention is fully directed to her speech.
    4. 4. A young man repeats gestures for a girl. To make sure that she can touch her cheek, learn about the edge of the table and watch the guy at this time.
    5. 5. It will always try to look as best as possible, so next to the passage will try to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders.
    6. 6. The ulusional young man often needs a support that even his foot is put forward. It will be directed to the object you like.
    7. 7. If a young man stays, throwing one leg on another, then the shoe sock in most cases will point to the object of love.
    8. 8. If a woman likes a shy man, then he can tear something with his fingers during a conversation (key chain, pen, etc.). But you need to take care, because sometimes it is signs that a man is in a hurry.
    9. 9. If the young man liked the lady, then, when talking, all his attention will be sent to her, and he will take an open pose. On interest will be to say the rotation of the body in its direction or the tilt of the head.

    How to understand what you like a man colleague at work


    If the young man liked the lady, then he will certainly want to touch her. It will unconsciously catch the moment to touch her hands, touch the shoulder or touch the knee.

    If, during communication, the young man does not show interest, and his hands and legs are in a crossed position - guesses about his sympathy were illusory. You can also define sympathy with another way. It is recommended to put something closer to the guy something out of things (notepad, pencil, etc.). If the young man will touch, turn the subject, then this can be regarded as a sign of sympathy.

    If the young man does not respond to female things, then you do not need to rush with the conclusion that he does not like the girl. In this case, other facts should be taken into account.

    What to pay attention to communication?

    First you need to understand what manner is the guy communicates. If he communicates hard with other people, and with a certain young young lady, it indicates that he liked it. But if he speaks everything delicately and calmly, then it's not about the manifestation of feelings for the lady, but in his usual behavior.

    It matters the meaning of words. If the young man is interested in the concerns of the lady, devotes her to his life, then this testifies to his sympathy. In the company, some guys can share stories about other girls to seem in other people's eyes with the heroes and call the jealousy of the ladies.

    Another sign of a sympathy of a man to a woman - enthusiastic speeches in her direction. He praises hairstyle, some change of style or lipstick color. But it behaves like a good friend. Therefore, before making certain conclusions, it is necessary to observe the behavior of a young man in relation to other young ladies. Maybe such a style of communication entered his habit.

    Usually men make compliments even unfamiliar girls, if they have good manners. But you need to take into account - the modest representatives of the strong half of humanity are difficult to express what they feel. For this reason, they perfectly see all changes, but do not comment out loud.

    Also, a modest representative of a strong half of humanity sometimes becomes a melagen and soul of the company in the presence of a heart lady.

    Adult male attention signs

    If the woman attracted an adult man, he will make a lot to like her. It is possible to understand that the girl likes an adult man in the following signs:

    1. 1. A man will always try to touch, as well as copy the gestures of the lady, so that they are noticeable that they are similar.
    2. 2. Adult man is usually hanalently behaving with the young lady. He will always help her remove the coat and opens the door in the car.
    3. 3. If an adult man wants to take care, then this is a sign of sympathy. If he likes the lady, he tries to please all her forces.

    Relationship relations

    Catching on correspondence often prefer humble people. If you do not communicate in real life, it is difficult to understand the mood of the interlocutor and its true feelings. However, it is possible to identify signs of sympathy as follows:

    1. 1. From a young man often come messages in which he wishes a good day, and positive postcards.
    2. 2. Correspondence is often delayed for a long time.
    3. 3. A woman is of interest in a man if he often sends messages first and after waiting for a response.
    4. 4. The message uses funny photos and pictures.
    5. 5. If a young man is pleased to explain something and supports almost any topic - the young lady is interesting for him.

    If a girl needs to figure out if she causes any feelings from the guy, she needs to check if he sends smiley or husky messages, leave comments to the photos leaves. But you need to be attentive, because it may comment on the photos because he liked his sister or girlfriend a girl who is in these pictures.

    If the guy is modest

    From the shy guys much more difficult to achieve an invitation to date. Such a guy tries to be a gentleman, but at the same time behaves uncertain. If the shy man drew attention to some kind of girl, then you can not doubt that he fell in love.

    The lady will understand that it is pretty with a shiven cavalier, according to the following signs:

    1. 1. He will try to watch her longer. But if he understands that his gaze was noticed, it immediately turns away. This suggests that he fears to meet with the object of passion face to face.
    2. 2. It will avoid communication for a long time. And if he sees the lady of the heart in the company of girlfriends on the street, it will try to remain unnoticed.
    3. 3. The guy's actions will be clumsy, and in conversation it will evade questions. Surely at first he will choose an option to communicate over the Internet or SMS.

    Love and friendship

    If two were good friends, and then the young man began to hint that he fell in love, then you need to know how signs it can be determined. It is necessary to look at his behavior or ask familiar.

    The findings that the lady liked his own friend can be done according to the following signs:

    1. 1. In love with a friend is characteristic of embarrassing and even blush when communicating with a girl you like.
    2. 2. When a person is in love, it is difficult for him to take his eyes during a conversation from the sympathy object. If a person is shy to admit to his feelings, his eyes will be done for him.
    3. 3. The guy can often use the opportunity to touch the hair or shoulder of the heart ladies. After all, the in love person strives for tactful sensations.

    If the feelings are mutual

    The young men can not always tell about their feelings, but they do not refuse the chance to be in the presence of the ladies of the heart and make it clear about their sympathy.

    1. 1. After the acquaintance, the young man seeks to often be in sight of the girl. He can start coming to the same bus stop as she, or often be in a common company.
    2. 2. The guy often calls a girl or is suitable with questions that could easily solve himself.
    3. 3. The young man often tells the anecdotes and jokes, after which carefully observes the reaction of the young lady.

    Sympathy of an unfamiliar guy

    If the girl is unfamiliar with a young man, even in this case it is impossible not to notice his concerned look. Depending on the temperament of the guy, it either looks at the lady for a long time, or occasionally throws eloquent views.

    If a woman noticed that a man looks at her with interest, and it is not in a hurry, then you do not need to be upset. Only some men show decisiveness. A modest young man will not be able to immediately approach and speak. Lama should somehow show a stranger that she is not against conversation. You can smile to him when the views will once again meet.

    A future pair can exchange winking and smiles. If the representative of the strong half of humanity liked the lady, then he will seek the opportunity to seek again. If a man wants to see once again with an unfamiliar woman, he will often come there, where he saw her for the first time.

    Often the girl is interested, whether she liked the guy, if they personally never communicated, but learn in the same institute. If she is not indifferent to him, then a man will strive to do everything possible to draw attention to himself. It will make it as follows:

    1. 1. It will try to communicate more often with its environment. This suggests that he is hesitating to approach the elect out of fear to receive a refusal.
    2. 2. It will try to join the company where she communicates.
    3. 3. Start asking familiar, as it applies to him and what life leads.
    4. 4. Tries to find a lady via the Internet and find out the phone number.

    In school, it often happens that the girl likes a classmate, but he cannot dare and speak with her. The lady should be asked to leave her one one, then the young man will decide and take the first step. In the extreme case, you can turn to it first.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers of Irina Volodyina:

    Especially depressed me, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to cope with edema and redness? But nothing is so old or mans a man like his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - Photorevorate, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more accessible - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? Yes, and still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...

Each young lady, having acquainted with a cute young man, at least once, so thought, how to understand what you like the guy. After all, if interest arises, I want to know, and whether the potential chosen is experiencing the same emotions or prefers friendly communication.

How to figure out the true feelings of a man if he is silent and seemingly not exploring his interest? You will need to take a test for interest, detect the characteristic signs that talk about male sympathy, and perhaps just explain with a young man.

To learn about the feelings of an adult man somewhat easier, since a self-sufficient person is unlikely to hide his sympathy. If you are really not indifferent to him, he will try the first to take a step towards.

To make sure the male sympathy, take a look at the following points:

  1. Clearing is the main component of the love game. Gifts, bouquets, hike in cafes and restaurants - the unequivocal signs of certain feelings for the girl.
  2. Another characteristic "symptom" is considered increased interest in various spheres of the Life of the Baryshni. A man is interested in learning or working a girl, her family problems, offers its help.
  3. Representatives of heavy sex are trying to look at the girls cute, touch them - for example, gives a hand with a companion not only when leaving the transport, but also descent on the stairs.

Adults, confident men usually do not spend a lot of time for romantic courtship. If the girl he is not indifferent, he is definitely the first.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of sympathy, if we are talking to teenagers or guys. Many of them prefer to hide their emotions, continuing to dream of a girl. But there are signs that will help you learn the true feelings of a young man.


The first look gives a human mood. The guy will always consider the girl you like. Of course, he can do it in the open, but most often prefers to admire the furtively.

The first gives tender emotions, male look. You are pretty familiar or unfamiliar to you young man if he:

  • constantly glances in your direction, even when communicates with other interlocutors;
  • considers you when thinks that you do not see this (but it is noticeable lateral vision).

Another obvious sign of interest is expanded pupils when he looks at you. In some cases, a similar "symptom" can speak not only about sympathy, but also about in love.


How to find out if I like a guy, if he is silent all the time? Words are not as important if there is a possibility to watch his gestures, which with no less success can tell about his sympathy. What movements are we talking about?

  1. Talking gesture - put forward leg. First, it speaks of some uncertainty experienced by a young man in the presence of a pretty girl (so it creates a support). Secondly, the leg sock is a peculiar arrow pointing to the obya object.
  2. Each guy seeks to seem above, slimmer and in general is solid next to the pleasant young lady. It can be expressed in the following: the young man straightens, straightens his shoulders, pulls the belly.
  3. Another reliable signal is the repetition of your movements. For example, you corrected your hair - he subconsciously touches his hairstyle, you take the phone - it also stretches for a mobile phone.
  4. How to understand what you like a guy? The overall position of the body at a conversation will tell you about sympathy. If in the process of communication, the young man turns to you, does not cross his hands on his chest, it signals that he leaves you and will be addressed to hear any information you have said. Even better if he is constantly leans in your direction to say something.

Try more often to pay your attention to the manner of his communication with you. The following signs will help determine what feelings he is experiencing.

  1. Spend the following "test." Keep track of whether he keeps your opinion. Does the visual contact persist in the conversation process, or is it constantly looking around? But do not forget that modest guys can be shying a direct look, even if he is a pretty interlocutor.
  2. See, with ease whether he is distracted by the surrounding and interrupts the started conversation. If he forgets about the conversation, when he is treated with a question or immediately answers a call, interrupting you on a half-word, perhaps communication with you is not in priority (an exception is really an important call or a significant interlocutor at the moment).
  3. To determine if you like a guy or not, pay attention to the content of the conversation. The meaning of phrases, the presence of compliments, personal questions is also an important indicator of sympathy and attitudes towards the girl. The following points are talking about interest:
    • teasing and cute piercing;
    • mentioning in a conversation about family problems, own troubles (personal information that is usually not divided with unpleasant people);
    • compliments and pleasant words;
    • distribution of your previous relationships.

It is possible to understand that you like the young person, including a correspondence. With a pleasant girl, the guy tries to joke, be polite and funny.

In social networks, he evaluates your photos, leaves messages on the wall - that is, monitors your activity on the Internet. But to rely only on this signs still do not stand, it is better to make sure of sympathy at a personal meeting.

Test on sympathy

How to understand, are you pretty young man? Satisfy feelings and in a situation will help the test or, rather, the experiment. Spend the following simple tasks that will open the "curtain of secrecy".

Of course, they cannot with a 100% guarantee to confirm or disprove your assumption about the presence of sympathy, but you can consider the behavior strategy.

Test number 1. Request for help

To understand the degree of interest of the guy, try to break, for example, a pencil and ask the young man to put it on (you can "accidentally" cut the servant, for example). If a guy without persuasion agrees to help you, you can talk about his sympathy.

Test number 2. View

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as calming the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a male look and immediately look at the clock, then take a look at the man again. If he also turned the gaze to your watch, and then again began to consider you, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

The next test is a little bit like a provocation, but what will not do to find out if you are not indifferent to a young man. Come up with the story that they gathered with a friend in a cinema, but in the end, left without a companion. If you are pretty guy, he will offer his society without unnecessary conversations.

There should be no such experiments to be too much, otherwise the young man will realize that you check it. Who knows how he will react to such "testing".

Correct conclusion from male behavior

Recommendations, how to understand what you like the guy, many. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions corresponding to reality. It happens because young young ladies take banal politeness for the inquisition, and for modesty - the usual indifference.

Let's try to consider concrete examples:

  1. Suppose a familiar guy when meeting with you greets and finds out how your business is promoted at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of pupil, but no more.
  2. Are you sure that a young man does not invite you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if it is simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again, reconsider signs of sympathy, spend a small test, make some not too transparent hints. If he does not respond, you probably have it indifferent.
  3. Yes, a man regularly releases you compliments, but until you should dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress. Perhaps this feature of his character is halanery. In addition, many young people show admiration external species Pretty girls.

Indeed, the greater the above-described signs in men's behavior you found, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and interpreted in its favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.

And yet no test, horoscope or dexterous reception will not replace the usual frank conversation for souls. If your relationship is predetermined, they will begin with this conversation, if not - you can no longer feed in vain illusions and switch to another guy.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.