How to choose thermal underwear for cold weather. Choosing thermal underwear for yourself and your family: tips and tricks for choosing

Refers to textiles based on a special weaving of threads. If a special production technology is observed, things that are unique in their properties are obtained: durable, repelling moisture and helping the body to maintain the thermo-regulation process.

The effectiveness of thermal underwear increases dramatically when used in combination with simple underwear and warm outerwear. This three-layer combo kit will keep you from freezing or getting sick even in the coldest temperatures. Let's talk in more detail about this item of clothing, which is indispensable for active work in the cold.

Varieties of thermal underwear

Thermal underwear is called underwear that can regulate the body's climate. Various natural and synthetic materials are used as raw materials for production, such as polypropylene, elastane, or combinations of natural fibers from merino wool, bamboo, cotton. The structure of the fabric of thermal underwear helps to remove moisture and excess heat from the body, or protects against aggressive weather conditions and low temperatures. At its core, the second name is functional underwear for physical activity. It should be understood that by itself it does not warm, however, it significantly complements and facilitates the work of your body by removing moisture from the body and reducing heat loss in the body. As a rule, it is used for sports in the hall or outdoors. However, there is a tendency for people to use it for ordinary everyday wear.

There are special collections for extreme sports (alpine skiing, mountaineering), their feature is the increased requirements for the quality of regulation of the body's climate. Products created for these activities have an emphasis on long-term preservation of their functions and flawless performance. As a rule, they contain synthetic fibers, such fabric is easy to wash and practical to use. When walking outdoors, thermal underwear with the addition of wool or cotton is suitable - this will improve the perception of the material by the skin. The use of new technologies allows you to endow a synthetic thread with all the advantages of a natural material, avoiding its disadvantages.

As for the classification, depending on at what temperatures it will be used and what properties need to be emphasized, thermal underwear is divided into the following types:

  • Thermal saving.
  • Moisture-wicking.
  • Thermal and moisture-wicking.

In simple terms, this lingerie focuses on warming the body. This type is great for moderate activity at fairly low temperatures. We all know that clothing acts as a "buffer" layer between our body and the environment. It simultaneously performs two functions: it does not allow cold to penetrate to the skin and does not allow heat to be spent in the environment.

In order for clothing to successfully perform both functions, it was made voluminous and dense. In heat-preserving laundry, the honeycomb layer is thin, but retains enough air. At the same time, it is light and does not complicate the activity with its volumes. But due to its density, this type of clothing does not cope well with moisture, so it is not suitable for increased activity in the cold.

Moisture wicking underwear

Designed to remove sweat from the skin surface. The air contained in the tissue layer with strong activity heats up along with the body. Due to heating, this air expands and under high pressure is released into the environment together in human sweat. Such underwear is made exclusively from high quality synthetic fabrics.

It can and should be used with increased activity, not only in the cold, but also in the heat. In cold weather, a person feels much more comfortable in it, and in hot weather his body does not overheat. There is only one caveat with this type of thermal underwear: it copes much worse with the function of keeping warm, so it should not be used at very low temperatures.

Thermal and moisture wicking underwear

This is a hybrid version of the two previous types of clothing. Although it would seem that one and the same thing cannot cope with two opposite tasks at the same time, here is a completely different case. In hybrid underwear, an incredibly simple method was applied: it was made in two layers.

The bottom layer is designed to remove moisture, and the top layer is designed to retain heat. In this case, the upper layer, due to heat exchange, quickly "dries" the lower layer. Such thermal underwear is universal. After all, you can adjust the thickness and intensity of each layer depending on which effect you want to focus on.

Properties and features of thermal underwear

It was sport that became the engine of progress in the textile industry. Just imagine the importance of equipment for a person who is ready to spend weeks in the winter in the forest during a hike or to overcome obstacles on the way to a snow-capped peak every day? Sometimes not only the productivity of the activity depends on the equipment, but also human life. Athletes needed special details of clothing: lightweight, durable, comfortable and at the same time reliably retaining the precious heat of the human body.

It all started with outerwear. Lightweight pants and jackets began to be made from ordinary fabrics, but with special inserts that freely let the body's vapor into the external environment, but did not allow the surrounding moisture to penetrate back. Warm but heavy and bulky woolen sweaters were replaced by light fleece that absorbs sweat. And then it came to linen. Instead of a multi-layered heap of clothes, which heats well, but speeds up the process of perspiration and does not absorb moisture afterwards, thermal underwear has arrived. A hybrid result of the development of human soap and the possibilities of high technology. What secrets are in it and due to what, it has such unique properties? The secret lies in the very composition of the fabric and the features of its production.

The linen is made using various weaving threads. This allows you to endow different surfaces with their own unique properties. For example, the inner layer draws moisture away from the body, the top layer evaporates it. Areas intertwined with air pockets collect heat or protect from overheating. Special weaving of threads is able to maintain a comfortable temperature, which gives additional thermal insulation to the body. The quick release of moisture prevents the body from wasting energy on heating or cooling the body. Such underwear eliminates the irritating effect of moisture by reducing the time it takes for sweat to contact the skin. All this leads to the fact that the surfaces of the body do not accumulate moisture, or excess heat. That is why in such clothes we feel dry and comfortable.

Before you start buying, you should decide for what purposes you will use it and at what temperatures. Accordingly, you will already be approximately guided in what its properties you need to focus on. When it comes to moderate activity in very cold conditions, then choose a thicker thermal underwear, more designed to keep you warm.

It is ideal for leisurely walks in the wintry forest, moderate hikes, or overnight outdoor activities. If you plan to engage in serious physical activity in the cold, then naturally you should choose with a good layer of synthetics to remove moisture from the skin surface. For heavy loads at medium temperatures, you do not need a heat-saving layer at all. An excellent solution would be thin underwear that looks like regular clothes.

Choose the right size and be guided not by the number on the tag, but by fitting. Thermal underwear should sit on you, which is called perfect, without folds and wrinkles. At the same time, it should not hinder your movements, this is especially important when choosing linen for work at low temperatures. Remember that you will still have a heap of warm clothes on top and the underwear should become your second skin. Thermal underwear is not only convenient to use, but also practical to clean. You just need to follow the washing instructions and heed the warnings on how to not use it.

Clothes can be washed at a temperature of 40 ° C, rinse well after washing, wringing out in a gentle mode. A synthetic product cannot be boiled, ironed, or chemically treated. The material heated above + 60 ° C loses its properties. As a means, you can use any detergent without aggressive reagents.

Lingerie made from modern functional fabrics work throughout the entire wear. When choosing a natural composition, the period of comfortable stay is significantly reduced. Natural fabrics quickly gain moisture, become heavy and cease to fulfill their functions. The fabric begins to adhere to the body, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties. When choosing a set for daily wear without heavy loads, the described problem becomes less relevant and can be ignored.

Such clothes must be worn only on a clean, naked and dry body. You don't need to put on anything extra under it. Otherwise, its effectiveness will drop sharply. There is a myth that you cannot wear such things all the time. Indeed, it is impossible when it comes to low-grade synthetic materials. Do not forget that real thermal underwear is always based on high quality synthetics and natural fabrics.

Many manufacturers treat their products with antibacterial compounds that reduce the growth of bacteria and the formation of unpleasant odors. More famous manufacturers add silver ions to the structure using molecular technology, this significantly increases the duration of the antibacterial effect, even after prolonged use. It is important to note that a properly selected kit should fit the body tightly, this will allow you to use its advantages to the fullest.

Today there is a huge selection of models for any wallet. Modern collections come in a variety of colors. Pleased with a large number of different technologies designed to help the owner in difficult times. Do not forget about the main rule that a miser pays twice, by purchasing a set you invest money first of all in yourself. A good thing will serve you for a couple of decades. The cheap fake will fall apart in a year. The choice is always yours!

Since I decided to get involved in sports closely, I thought to write about how to choose thermal underwear and what it is all about. With the onset of cold weather, we are puzzled by what to put on ourselves so as not to freeze even in severe frost. Ordinary people may not even suspect, but professional athletes and even ardent lovers of a healthy lifestyle have long learned about the benefits of using thermal underwear. With him, you do not need to put on piles of warm clothes.

Thermal underwear Nike

What is thermal underwear for?

Thermal underwear is a multifunctional garment that is close to the body and designed for effective keeping warm or moisture removalformed on the body.

Outwardly, it resembles underwear. For men, T-shirts with long or short sleeves and underpants are usually made. For women, a slightly larger assortment is provided: leggings (the same underpants), T-shirts with long and short sleeves, shorts (usually used under a skirt), breeches.

Besides that thermal underwear keeps warm , removes moisture or does both, it still has to "breathe". This does not create a “steam room” effect, which, with prolonged exposure, can negatively affect the condition of the skin and some organs.

Thermal underwear must fit the figure tightly in order to exclude the formation of folds. This is necessary not only so that the underwear is invisible under other clothes worn on top, but also to avoid the accumulation of sweat in the folds. This helps to cool the body and cause discomfort.

Thermal underwear is used in different cases:

  • active sports - skiing, running, snowboarding, cycling, etc .;
  • tourist and mountaineering trips;
  • performance of various works associated with a long stay outside in cold weather;
  • fishing, hunting;
  • hiking in the cold season.

It follows from this that thermal underwear can be used not only by professional athletes, but also by people engaged in other activities.

The principle of thermal underwear

The unique properties of thermal underwear are explained;

  • the composition of the fabric;
  • fiber structure and weaving;
  • type of processing;
  • technology and quality of tailoring.

So, both synthetic and natural fabrics (less often), as well as their combinations can be used.

Of synthetic materials, polyester, polyamide, polypropylene are more often used, from natural materials, wool, cotton.

Lingerie made from synthetic fabrics is considered more effective, as it removes moisture better and is durable. Lingerie made with the addition of natural fibers is more pleasant to the body, therefore it is more often used for everyday wear.

How to explain the functionality of thermal underwear? It differs from ordinary linen in that it is able to accumulate heat between the body and the fabric. This helps to keep heat loss as low as possible.

Thermal underwear, more precisely in the pores of the fibers, contains air. When in contact with the body, it heats up to a temperature comfortable for the human body. Thus, a certain protective layer is formed, which stands as a barrier between the heat of the body and the cold of the external environment.

With any, even minor physical activity, sweating will begin. If this moisture is saturated with ordinary fabric, it will "cool" the skin, thereby reducing the thermal insulation properties of the clothing. This will not happen with thermal underwear. Again, a protective layer of warm air performs its functions. The pressure difference expels moisture that forms on the skin. This helps prevent heat loss, avoid hypothermia and overheating, and increase comfort.

How to choose thermal underwear

When choosing thermal underwear, you should be guided by the basic recommendations:

  1. Fabric structure. For example, polypropylene underwear is suitable for active outdoor sports. The resulting sweat will be quickly flushed out, so the fabric will always remain dry. In addition, polypropylene underwear is a profitable option for those who will have to stay in the same clothes for a long time without being able to change clothes (for example, when mountaineering). The same type of thermal underwear is also suitable for water sports.

In the same sports, where intense physical activity alternates with relatively quiet periods (snowboarding, skiing), it is better to choose polypropylene thermal underwear with the addition of natural fibers - wool or cotton. But you should definitely take into account that fabric with the use of natural materials tends to get wet, therefore, after 6-8 hours, such underwear needs to be changed.

Thermal underwear made from natural and synthetic fibers is suitable for everyday wear. If you want to give preference to fabrics with natural fibers, such as wool, it should be soft.

  1. A prerequisite for choosing thermal underwear is that it should be comfortable. It is important that the linen does not restrict movement, fits clearly in size, does not rub the skin. It should repeat all the outlines of the body, not form tissue folds. It is advisable to choose models with a so-called "flat" seam - soft, elastic, not squeezing the skin. To understand if your underwear is perfect for you, you need to try it on and do a few physical exercises in it to see if it is comfortable in it.
  1. Linen price. A quality product cannot be cheap. The formation of the price category of thermal underwear is influenced by the composition of the fabric, the quality of the material, the weaving of the fabric, and the features of tailoring.

Models are also produced with a special bacterial impregnation, which helps to eliminate the smell of sweat resulting from the growth of bacteria. But such an impregnation is short-lived, as it is washed off after several washings.

Thermal underwear care rules

In order for thermal underwear to serve as long as possible and retain its original appearance for a long time, you should adhere to the rules of caring for it:

  • temperature washing should be no more than + 40 ° С;
  • washing should be done manually or in the washing machine in the " careful»;
  • you can use washing powder or soap, but never in the composition of detergents should not include bleaching and chlorine-containing substances;
  • after washing, the laundry is thoroughly rinsed and does not push up - it is enough to hang it wet so that the water itself will drain from it;
  • forbidden to dry thermal underwear on batteries or over open sources of fire.

Remember: it is worth washing such linen at a temperature of more than + 60 ° C or ironing it with an iron - and it will irrevocably lose its amazing properties.

From this article read:

If you like to be outdoors even in the cold season, do winter sports, extreme fishing, or just go to relax at a ski resort - you cannot do without thermal underwear. If you have not yet encountered such a miracle of modern industry, then after reading this article, you will learn how to choose the right thermal underwear and what it is all about. As you probably already understood, this is an unusual underwear, and its properties are also unique.

Thermal underwear - what is it?

Before answering the question of which thermal underwear is better to choose, let's figure out why it is worth buying for everyone who leads an active lifestyle and who at least sometimes sees readings below zero on the thermometer outside the window.

There is an opinion that the best and highest quality underwear should be made from natural fabrics. However, this is not quite true. Natural underwear, of course, is good - it is hypoallergenic, pleasant to the body, does not cause irritation and other unpleasant consequences, absorbs moisture well, but is not suitable for active outdoor activities. Especially in cold weather. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to choose the right woman or child, how to wear it correctly and why you need it.

Think of your kid's wet jersey after playing snowballs in the yard. The fact is that during any physical exertion, our body sweats, while all the moisture is absorbed into underwear, but not removed from the skin. As a result, you get a wet T-shirt and a wet back - not far from pneumonia. The main feature of thermal underwear is that it can not only absorb moisture, but also take it away from the body. In addition, it dries very quickly.

Different thermal underwear for different purposes

Resolved - choose thermal underwear! How to choose the right set, how not to get confused by the offered variety? The fact is that thermal underwear is different not only in composition, but also in purpose:

  • for long and active walks;
  • for practicing various sports;
  • for hot weather;
  • for cold weather;
  • for daily wear.

Therefore, before going to the store, you need to decide for what purpose you need it.

Composition and materials: natural or synthetic

So, we choose thermal underwear. How to choose one or another option correctly can be understood by finding out what it consists of and how the "thermo" effect is obtained. Remember, thermal underwear does not warm - it simply does not allow you to freeze due to its specific properties.

Thermal underwear, as a rule, consists of two different layers: the first wicks moisture away from the skin's surface, and the second retains body heat. Sometimes you can find three-layer underwear. It is specially designed for people prone to various allergies. The third, inner layer is made of special hypoallergenic materials, and the first two are the same as in ordinary thermal underwear.

The inner layer is necessarily made of artificial materials. It can be polypropylene or polyester, and their amount can reach 100%. Oddly enough, the better the thermal underwear, the more synthetics it contains. But the outer layer can be made of cotton, wool, or combinations thereof. Or it can also be synthetic. The warmest is the linen, the top layer of which is made of New Zealand merino wool. In addition, such wool does not absorb odors at all, and you can wear thermal underwear without removing it for longer. This is very important if you, for example, went on a hike and do not have the opportunity to shower for a long time.

For the strong and the brave

Now let's talk about how to choose the right thermal underwear. Menswear usually consists of underpants and the weaving of such underwear is quite dense, and in some places even reinforced. Often, men lead a more energetic lifestyle and are more often engaged in extreme sports, so thermal underwear is more relevant for them.

A huge number of firms launch a variety of models of "smart" underwear on the market. But they can be divided into two main groups. This is a daily thermal underwear for sports. For sports, the zonal option is more suitable. This is a kind of thermal underwear that has different weaves in different parts of the body. You must admit that the forearms and chest sweat in a completely different way than the armpits and back, which means that the ability to drain moisture in these places should be different. All this is taken into account by the zonal thermal underwear. It should only be synthetic.

For daily use, a simpler version, 1/3 consisting of natural fibers, is suitable.

For lovely ladies

Let's also consider how to choose the right women's thermal underwear. Because there are differences. "Smart" lingerie for ladies should be not only practical, but also beautiful. Therefore, the line of women's thermal underwear is much more diverse. Here you can find bodysuits, shorts, T-shirts, leggings, leggings, T-shirts and overalls. All this variety is decorated with ribbons, lace, satin and velvet, so often such masterpieces can be worn almost under an evening dress. At the same time, fashionable women's “smart” underwear remains no less functional and perfectly retains its thermoregulatory qualities.

Literally from the cradle

When thinking about which thermal underwear is best for a child, it is imperative to take into account his age and level of physical activity. If your offspring is still small and spends almost all the time in a stroller, then it is better for him to purchase heat-saving underwear made from the most natural fabrics. For an older child, a combined model with a warmed top layer is suitable, it will not only remove moisture from the body, but also warm your baby well. Well, if your child does not sit still for a second, loves outdoor games and spends all his free time on the street, then thermal underwear with a synthetic inner layer is suitable for him. The outer layer should also not be too warm, cotton is fine.

It is, of course, not easy to decide how to choose thermal underwear, which one is best for your child, but do not try to make a decision based on the thickness of the fabric. In this case, this rule does not work. Quite the opposite: the thinner the thermal underwear and the better it fits the body, the warmer your child will be.

How to care for smart laundry

It is very important to know which thermal underwear is best to choose. But it is equally important to understand how to properly care for him. First of all, you need to remember that you can wash thermal underwear at a temperature not higher than 40 ˚С and preferably with your hands. You can add an antistatic agent to the water. If you use a machine wash, then choose a delicate cycle. In no case should you squeeze, twist and iron such linen. After washing, hang it up and let the water drain off on its own. Thermal underwear should not be dried in the sun, a radiator, and near sources of open fire. Also, automatic drying in the washing machine is prohibited.

Choose thermal underwear strictly according to your size. It should fit like a second skin. If this is not the case, all thermal effect is lost.

Pay attention to the seams - the fewer the better. In any case, try on the kit, bend down, sit down, raise and lower your arms. Nothing should bother you, the seams should in no way be felt. By the way, they should be located outside.

If you want to buy thermal socks, choose only seamless patterns, otherwise you risk rubbing your feet regularly.

High-quality thermal underwear has a lower density and a special thinned weave, and the elbows and knees are additionally strengthened to prevent rapid wear.

Good thermal underwear has antibacterial impregnation, since its threads are treated with copper or silver ions. This allows you to wash your laundry less often, because the smell of sweat is not felt at all. However, you should not rely heavily on this function, with each wash there is less and less impregnation.

It's up to you, of course, which thermal underwear is better to choose, but even the best and most expensive will not protect you from the cold if you do not adhere to the principle of layering in your clothes.

Despite the fact that thermal underwear has long been included in our life, almost everyone understands its essence and purpose in different ways. Someone believes that it should be dense and warm well, someone does not recognize natural ingredients in this type of clothing. Let's try to figure out which side is the truth.

Thermal underwear: concept, purpose, selection criteria

The main feature of thermal underwear is its structure, which resembles a honeycomb. Each cell provides moisture removal from the body, and at the same time acts as a pocket for air (hence the warming effect). A drop of sweat, getting into the honeycomb, spreads on the front side of the laundry and therefore evaporates faster. The body remains dry, which means that it is easier for the body to cope with both hypothermia and overheating.

Types of thermal underwear, depending on the purpose:

  • summer;
  • basic;
  • sports;
  • warm.

Summer underwear - this is a complete clothing for sports in hot weather or in the gym. If you are jogging, tennis, beach volleyball, active cycling, pay attention to thermo shirts, tops, T-shirts, shorts, capri pants.

Intensely secreting sweat during the heat, our body is saved from overheating. The task of summer thermal underwear is to remove moisture in time and, if possible, "cool" the body. For this, manufacturers use modern synthetic fiber kulmax.

Basic thermal underwear Is a kind of golden mean. Suitable for walking, driving in city mode, but not for active loads in the cold season. Basic underwear is inexpensive and often combines two functions: moisture removal and warming. Sometimes it is 2 or 3 layers.

Classic - sports ... In it, the honeycomb structure is more appropriate than anywhere else, because while moving intensively, the body is actively sweating. Each honeycomb must help it stay dry, which means it maintains heat transfer. Sportswear rarely heats up, take this function to subsequent layers of clothing.

Warm thermal underwear - a separate category of clothing. It was designed for comfort when hunting, fishing or any other sedentary activity in winter and late autumn. It is much denser than usual, often with two or three layers. It can be worn as regular underwear, or as a second layer of clothing.

A very detailed and understandable video about the criteria for choosing thermal underwear for sports purposes.

Choosing the right material

The main raw material for creating thermo-effect clothing is synthetics. But natural fibers can also be used in such underwear, so they should not be completely ignored. 100% synthetic underwear - perfect for active sports. But it also has different properties.

Polypropylene - a leader in the ability to remove moisture. This material dries instantly and is easy to care for. Among the disadvantages is the high cost, this underwear can be worn only during sports, as it can dry out the skin.

Polyester - This is a relatively inexpensive material, it is slightly worse than polypropylene in removing moisture, but at the same time it tends to retain heat. An excellent choice for Nordic walking, city walks.

Polyamide (nylon ) - elastic, durable material for amateur sports. Good for seamless patterns.

Polartec Is a special breathable, warm material. It perfectly removes fumes and retains heat. Warm linen from Polartec will be a godsend for those who like winter fishing, hunting and long walks outside the city.

To give the clothes elasticity and the effect of "second skin", a small percentage of the composition is allocated to elastane, lycra, spandex. In the armpits, under the breasts, manufacturers often combine materials, making polypropylene inserts in thermal underwear from a different material. This ensures maximum dryness in areas with the most intense perspiration.

Among natural fibers, the most commonly used merino wool ... Its fiber is much thinner than usual, so clothes made of such wool are not bulky. The fiber absorbs moisture worse, allowing it to come out, and at the same time warms well. Has antibacterial properties. Suitable for mountaineering, jogging, snowboarding, cycling. Among the minuses - the underwear is capricious to care for and quite expensive.

Cotton has proven itself well for basic thermal underwear. It is pleasant to the body and can be worn indefinitely. For aerobic exercise, such underwear is not the best option, but for sleeping in a sleeping bag or light walks, it is what you need.

If you see in the laundry silk - do not be surprised, in combination with synthetic fibers, it makes clothes durable and durable. In addition, the silk fibers are pleasant to the touch and do not cause irritation.

This video will be interesting for those who choose thermal underwear for everyday purposes.

You can't do without fitting

Be sure to try on your lingerie before buying. For different manufacturers, models of the same size may differ by 1-2 cm in some places, and if this is not so important for thermal outerwear, then they play a decisive role in underwear. Loose contact with the skin will prevent the laundry from performing its function.

Having tried on the kit, be sure to move. It should not press in the armpit area, hinder the movement of the elbow and knee joints, and not cause discomfort in the waist area.

Thermal underwear falls into the category of goods that cannot be returned or exchanged! Make a purchase only after making sure of the correct size.

Thermal underwear as part of a clothing complex

Where does the moisture that the laundry has let through? In summer it simply evaporates, but in the cold season this process is slowed down or not possible at all. In order for thermal underwear to work, be sure to take a comprehensive approach to the choice of clothing. Always keep the 3-layer principle:

1. Underwear, underwear - ventilating and moisture-wicking layer;

2. Fleece, polar, jacket - a warming layer. It works in tandem with the previous one, that is, if you plan to actively move and put on synthetics on the bottom, then the second layer should also be synthetic. Otherwise, all moisture will settle on the woolen or cotton sweater.

3. Jackets, windbreakers, suits - the top layer should protect from wind, rain and be breathable at the same time.

Basic lingerie models will always be a little cheaper, and you shouldn't overpay for such suits. If you are a professional sportsman, accept the fact that sports thermal underwear is expensive. In addition, only well-known firms sew it with high quality, and you still have to pay “for the brand”.

The most famous and proven manufacturers:

  • Craft - this company is trusted by the majority of Europeans. The Swedish brand produces all kinds of underwear with different characteristics;
  • Norveg - the main direction of this brand is merino wool thermal underwear. But with other components, there are lightweight clothing series;
  • Janus - the factory also specializes in wool. The quality and softness of this finest fiber make it possible to sew clothes even for the smallest clients;
  • Joha - Danish company with many years of experience, produces different types of thermal underwear, including woolen;
  • Liod - specializes in polypropylene clothing, the manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty for all things;
  • Comazo - a European brand that produces multifunctional underwear with different characteristics;
  • X-Bionic - specializes in underwear for athletes. Clothing takes into account all anatomical features, suitable for extreme sports;
  • NordKapp - the manufacturer uses all possible types of raw materials for different temperature conditions. Special processing of fibers gives things an antibacterial effect;
  • Ultramax Is a domestic brand that has confidently entered the market.

Almost every manufacturer offers underwear for men, women and children. And if the principle of choosing thermo-clothes for adults is about the same, then with children's underwear it is a little more complicated. It, as we already wrote, is most often produced in basic lines.

Raw materials for baby linen cannot be 100% synthetics, most often these are combined compounds with wool, cotton and silk. When making a purchase, do not be guided only by appearance. Be sure to check the quality of the seams (they should be flat and come out to the front surface) and the properties of the material. A big plus in baby underwear is antibacterial treatment and a quality certificate.

About leaving

Due to their structure and general characteristics, these linens should not be washed as usual. Check the label before washing. On sports models, manufacturers place information about the care on the underwear itself from the inside out.

It is advisable to wash it using special detergents. You can entrust the clothes to the washing machine (the delicate mode will do the job perfectly) or wash it by hand. The main thing is that the water temperature does not exceed 40 ° C. Remember: thermal underwear is not bleached, squeezed or ironed. Drying on hot surfaces is also prohibited.

Detailed information on how to properly care for such linen ...

Sometimes it is much easier to make a choice if the number of offers is small, but this is not possible with thermal underwear. Due to the variety of manufacturers and combinations of raw materials in the material. Do not make a purchase spontaneously, before you go to the store, think carefully about which kit you need. Then the laundry will not lie on the shelf as a useless load, but will become a step towards a healthy, active way of life.