What are the types of energy. Children's research work “Energy in nature and in me. How to increase the inner life energy of a person

Many have heard the term "Human Energy". Many even talk or write about how to increase it, or how to reduce it. But no one has yet described - what this human energy is - in essence.

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes, both physically and emotionally. And sometimes we feel a clear shortagethis vital energy. Moreover, it does not depend on whether we just ate or hungry. This does not affect this condition. Some kind of "lethargy" of the physical and emotional state indicates to us the fact that we have little or almost none this very "vital energy".


In this article, only the essence of the issue under consideration is briefly stated. A full consideration of the question of what is Human Life Energy, what is Energy, and what affects them, is discussed in detail in the bookSergey Amalanov: “I CALCULATED HAPPINESS” Part One published on our literary site. If you want to familiarize yourself with the text of the book, please follow the link: —— “I CALCULATED HAPPINESS” Part One (LINK) - (from the page opens in a new "WINDOW")

What is the energy of a person

Consider two main kind of human energiesthat are present in our body.

The first kind of human energies : physiological energy. This type is due to the presence of glucose in the blood of our body.

The second type of human energy: control energy all processes in the body, as well as for solving analytical problems. With the help of this type of energy, our brain organizes all of its work. This type of human energy can also be called: mental, emotional, controlling or - analytical. This type of energy can be denoted as - vital energy, since it is she who determines and controls all life processes.

Let's consider in more detail these two types of our energy.

Table: 2 types of human energy.

TYPE OF HUMAN ENERGY Human life energy (mental, analytical, managing) Human physiological energy
Energy source Replenished during sleep Food
Purpose of the type of energy 1. Processing of incoming information through the senses (eyes, ears, touch, smell, taste);2. Management of all physiological processes of the body (metabolic processes and motor functions);3. Analytical, thinking process, solving intellectual problems. Providing energy for the physiological processes of the body (metabolism, providing energy for muscle contraction).
How does it feel Good mood, cheerfulness, vivid sensations from the world around, high physical tone, calmness, satisfaction, confidence. The fullest sense of the presence of the "hormone of happiness". The presence of endurance when performing physical activity, the absence of fatigue.
Lack of type of energy Lethargy, general loss of strength, absent-mindedness, low tone, irritability, lack of mood, low analytical skills. With a great deficiency, a strong desire to sleep. Physical fatigue, lethargy, general low tone.
What determines (what is measured) the amount of energy number of operations held by our brain per unit of time. I.e - the speed of our brain (by analogy with the characteristics of the microprocessor of the "iron" computer). Kilocalories, or kilojoules, of digested food (1 kcal \u003d 4.184 kJ).

We will not consider the physiological form of human energy. Information about this type of energy can be easily found in anatomy textbooks (or on the Internet).

We take a closer look at the vital energy of a person. She is undoubtedly the most important.

With more thorough research into the functioning of the brain, as well as with the invention of the computer, it became clear that the brain human works on the same principle as a computer (more precisely, a computer works the same way, because the brain human existed before computers). A computer, as well as a brain (biocomputer or “neurocomputer”), also has memory: short-term (operational) and long-term (permanent). The biocomputer (brain) also solves analytical problems, processes information coming from the senses (eyes, ears, skin, internal organs, etc.), and sends control signals to all organs of the body.

The speed of performing all this work is determined by the value that determines the speed of performing operations per unit of time. That is, the number of operations that a computer can perform

In hardware computers, this value is known as the "processor clock speed". The larger this value, the faster the processing of incoming information from the sense organs, and also the greater the number of control impulses that come from the brain to all organs (including internal ones). Accordingly, the better the work of all human organs (including internal).

The speed, or the speed with which the brain (biocomputer) processes information, which means: controls the work of internal organs, solves analytical and other tasks, can be called - "HUMAN LIFE ENERGY".

This value also determines the maximum number of control impulses that enter a certain muscle to perform the required movement. That is, the physical strength of a person also depends on this value (with the same muscle mass). That is, when human a lot of this "vital energy", he can send more control impulses to a certain muscle. Accordingly, in this case, muscle effort will also be stronger. Or, if two people have the same volume of muscles, then the person whose vital energy will be higher will be stronger. That is, the number of control impulses entering the muscle will be greater, respectively, and the physical effort of this muscle will be higher (up to several times).

In fact, all life processes depend on the speed of our "biocomputer", such as: the work of internal organs, analytical thinking, physical efforts and results, dexterity and clarity of movement, feelings of emotions, mood, general tone of the body. In other words - absolutely EVERYTHING! We perceive this world through signals coming from the senses, and the brain, which processes these signals. And our consciousness and awareness of the environment depends on how quickly these signals are processed. That is, all life sensations. Essentially, life itself!

You can determine the amount of PVC (vital energy) in a person at the moment - by his gait. The person who has lacks vital energy, when walking looks at the feet. The reason is the low speed of processing video information. This speed of information processing by the brain, hardly enough in order not to bump into an obstacle. A person senses this, and instinctively looks under his feet when walking, so as not to miss or stumble upon an obstacle.

If a person at a given time has a high level of vital energy (the speed of information processing by the brain), then he can look ahead. Even a partial view (“out of the corner” of the eye) is enough for his biocomputer (brain) to quickly process video information (from the eyes) and prevent him from “bumping” into possible obstacles on the road.

Cause of loss a large amount of alcohol consumed can become vital energy. In this case, the low speed of information processing by the brain, that is low vital energy (VE) is not enough even to process information and give out impulses by the brain just to move (walk). Therefore, a drunk person walks - staggering (at best). Little vital energy can be observed in very elderly people who have difficulty walking. There is not enough vital energy, the brain does not have time to process information and issue the appropriate control impulses - even just for walking an elderly person. Therefore, older people usually walk slowly.

There is a direct dependence of our mood on vital energy. Our mood is determined by the amount of serotonin - the "pleasure hormone" that is present in our blood. But its amount in the body is also determined by the brain, with the help of the scanning vital energy of our " biocomputer ". And the higher the speed of our "biocomputer", the more serotonin molecules will be "scanned" (found) in our blood. Accordingly, the sensations from the "pleasure" hormone will be brighter.

With a lack of PVC (vital energy), the number of control impulses that go from the brain to the internal organs is less than necessary. Accordingly, the work of internal organs, as well as all metabolic processes (nutrition of cells, etc.) will be insufficient. This will lead to disturbances in metabolic processes, and over time to diseases of various organs.

It is possible to understand how much vital energy we have now according to our mood. A person with a high PVC, has a high general tone, easily copes with emerging tasks, feels cheerful. Such a person literally - feels this energy. He feels cheerful, wants to move. High vital energy in a person can manifest itself in such qualities as - self-confidence, calmness. Strong-willed people are almost always calm. They have a lot of life energy at their disposal. ZhE is enough to quickly process all the information coming from "outside". And this excludes reasons for concern. But the most obvious indicator of a high level of vital energy (the speed of information processing by the brain) is a good mood.

STIMULATORS of vital energy.

The PVC (human vital energy) changes during the day when we use various stimulants. Let's say a person has a habit of drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. If he does not use one of the stimulants for a long time (for example: in the morning after sleep), then he feels a lack of vital energy. We can feel this through the appeared absent-mindedness, not dexterity of movements, inability to concentrate our attention on anything. Or we cannot quickly switch our attention to another subject. Lack of vital energy can manifest itself in unwillingness to do something (you have to do something through force). But after taking your dose of a stimulant (caffeine, nicotine ...), the PVC increases. The situation is returning to normal. The mood rises, vigor and general tone appear. The biocomputer (brain) started up at high speed. And we feel it directly.

But, the trouble with all stimulants (more precisely those who are attached to them) is that this so-called - "Drive" (or "high") - is obtained exclusively on loan. You need to know this in order not to be mistaken. The so-called "cheerfulness" is not given to us by coffee, but by a temporary short-term spending our own life energy in large quantities! Everything would be fine, but everyone person has a certain amount of vital energy - for a day, after which sleep is needed - to replenish source vital energy.

For a more obvious representation, you can imagine our volume of vital energy in the form of a container with liquid. And stimulation (coffee, tea, cigarettes, energy drinks, alcohol, as well as: adrenaline stimulants (sports, extreme, hard drugs, sex), is a “tap” too open, through which the daily volume of our PVC (human vital energy) is very And one more important point! Our body is so arranged that if there is a rapid loss (consumption) of vital energy, for example after stimulation (caffeine, nicotine, ethanol ...), the brain switches to "economical" consumption of PVC This is observed in a gradual decrease in tone, a low sensation of hormones "happiness" in the blood and other manifestations of PVC. The human body enters a system of constant decrease in vital energy. This is a compensatory function of the body. After strong stimulants such as heavy sports loads, a large amount of alcohol , having sex - a person usually has to sleep. low vital energy is not enough to even just stay awake. Not to mention the normal scan of the "hormones of happiness" produced by the body in the process of stimulation, in order to further obtain a feeling of happiness.

As we can see, in stimulants, in their essence of influence (excessive waste of vital energy), there is no general meaning.

The maximum amount of vital energy in a person is observed in the morning after waking up. During the day, PVC is consumed. And by the end of the day, a person's level of vital energy decreases. Then, during a night's sleep, the number of PVCs is replenished. This is how the daily chart of the amount of vital energy looks like.

This is what the graph of the change in PVC looks like over time in a person who has stimulated his vital energy. But at the same time, it has no dependence on this type of stimulant.

As can be seen from the graph, the time of economical consumption of vital energy is much longer than the time in which a person is in a state of an increased level of PVC.

And here is how the graph of changes in vital energy looks like in a person. who regularly uses a stimulant.

In a person who regularly stimulates the expenditure of vital energy, that is, in fact, has a dependence on a stimulant, the level of PVC without additional stimulation is lower than in a person who does not have an addiction. For example: a person. who is used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning cannot wake up completely. Since the level of his vital energy is without stimulation, it is not enough for the normal organization of movements.

The vital energy stimulation schedule has three main areas.

  1. Zone of increase in PVC, which is accompanied by a feeling of happiness;
  2. Zone of gradual decline in PVC;
  3. Zone of economical consumption of the remaining ZhE.

It is important that in the longer third zone of decline, the level of vital energy drops significantly below the constant level of PVC, which does not use stimulants. And even if at this time in the blood of a person there are many "hormones of happiness", then he feels them with the vital energy (scans) that he has at a given moment in time. That is, with a low vital energy, he does not fully feel the "hormones of happiness" in his blood.

In addition to the above, vital energy is also spent between stimulant receptions for waiting for a new moment of stimulation. For example, a person begins to think about when he will go to smoke, or drink a cup of coffee, or have sex (if there is a strong addiction), etc.

The longer the waiting period, the more vital energy in the form of attention at the expected moment of stimulation is spent by a person!

And if the moment of waiting is too long (for example, a person has not smoked for a long time), then he can no longer think about anything, except how to smoke. That is, all his life energy in the form of attention is spent waiting for a new moment of stimulation.

An important conclusion.

Thus: a person who has any addiction is deprived of a certain part of his vital energy. The stronger this dependence, the more PVC is spent waiting for a new moment of stimulation.

As you can understand, our life energy is not infinite. And, if we stimulate its increased consumption, then we need time in order to restore its reserves. At the same time, a person has few vital energy. ZhE consumption was transferred to a long-term "economy mode" to replenish the spent resources.

For example, if a person decided to "stimulate" - to increase his level of vital energy with the help of ethanol (alcohol), and at the same time, what is called "went over", then the amount of vital energy falls so low that the speed (speed) of his biocomputer (brain) can just enough to process information for walking. Often, drunkards simply fall asleep at the moment when the level of their vital energy has dropped to a critically low level. No vital energy - no strength. And so that the vital energy does not fall to zero, the brain simply forcibly "turns off" the body to replenish its supply (the drunk fell asleep). Vital energy is replenished only in sleep mode.

And here we come to an important fundamental point. Our vitality is NOT DEPENDENT on the amount of glucose in our blood. We can be full, but at the same time feel an irresistible urge to sleep. A part of a person's vital energy (PVC), on the contrary, is spent on organizing the work (by means of control impulses from the brain) of internal organs to digest food. And only then, the body receives the necessary glucose.

Conclusion: the vital energy of a person is restored by the body only during sleep.

Here we must once again, for a complete understanding, give a more complete definition of the main types of human energies. Energy is of two types: the first type is physiological and the second type is psychic, or emotional, or analytical, or in general, LIFE ENERGY.

What vital energy is spent on.

As we have found out, the vital energy of a person is spent on organizing and controlling the brain of all physiological processes. For analytical processing of the events that have occurred, which are recorded in memory (events of the past). And forecasting, planning future events. The remaining life energy - FREE PVCgoes to information processing at the moment.


We only feel - FREE part of our vital energy, which we can spend at our discretion in the moment of the present time. With this free PVC we experience life itself. When there is a lot of vital energy, we like everything around. When there is little vital energy, we feel unsatisfactory. It is HER absence or a lack of associated with changes in sensations, mood, physical tone, and so on ...

amount free life energy, which a person has in the moment of the present time - and will be this indicator of the quality of life and our condition.

Also, it must be borne in mind that having any kind of addiction, a person spends an additional amount of vital energy, forced to think about the next moment of stimulation. And also, being after in the "Zone of economical consumption of vital energy."

General conclusion.

Human vital energy (VE) is spent on:

  1. Past events;
  2. Future tense events;
  3. The organization of all metabolic processes and motor functions of the body.
  4. Consumption in the presence of dependence on stimulating factors (nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs as well as actions provoking the release of adrenaline and other hormones).

The rest of the remaining life energy - FREE life energy.

It is this vital energy that we have in moment of the present.

Only this free life energy can we spend on actions (work) in the moment of the present time.

What determines the free vital energy of a person.

What influences the amount of vital energy? Where does it go, and what is it spent on most?

A person may experience some kind of traumatic situation in the past. For example: death or loss of a loved one. Almost all of his life energy (LE) in the form of attention will be focused on this event from the past. Thus, the free PVC that is used to process information at the moment of the present time will be completely few... The lack of vital energy, in addition to a bad mood, will affect the insufficient control of the functions of internal organs and metabolic processes of the body (the green sector is shown in the figure below). If this situation continues for a long time, then over time, various physiological diseases appear.

Conclusion: the free life energy of a person (PVC) can be distracted by past events.

Let's imagine a different situation. An important event should take place in the future: an exam, a competition, a work result, an important event, etc. A person can be so worried about this future tense event that it will take over almost all the living energy (human vital energy). Accordingly, at the moment of the present time - it will be very fewfree life energy. A person can be absent-minded, clumsy, react badly to the environment, irritated, and so on. That is: the free living room, which is used to process information at the moment of the present time, will not be enough or completely few.

Conclusion: the free life energy of a person (PVC) can be distracted by future events.

What else can take a free PVC?

Imagine a situation: we are sick. A lot of vital energy will be spent on processing incoming information from a diseased organ. All possible PVCs will be mobilized for the organization of health-improving and cleansing processes in the body. A person during an illness has very little free vital energy to process information in the present moment. Also, a similar state of the body can be observed at a time when we overeat. At this time, a lot of vital energy is also spent for organizing the digestive process, and then organizing the process of removing undigested food debris. This can be expressed in the fact that after eating hard to digest, heavy food, pulls to sleep (to restore the PVC spent on digestion). This is a sign of a lack of free vital energy, since almost all PVCs are not enough for anything else. Everything is spent on organizing the digestive process.

If we are worried about some life situation that happened in the past, or our attention is almost completely concerned about a possible difficult situation in the future, then these situations will occupy the bulk of all human life energy. We will immediately feel loss our free PVC (human vital energy).

In order for vital energy not to be spent on solving problems of a physiological nature, you need to monitor your health, nutrition, and actively move. There is quite enough information about this. More on this later.

If the physiological work of our body is more or less normally adjusted, then the amount of free vital energy will depend on the fact - how much our attention (vital energy) will be distracted by the events of the past and future time. Below will be described how to work with these events to maximize the release of free life energy, which in its essence is the "currency" of our life sensations, or all manifestations of life itself.


In 1968, our scientists V.B. Grechin and N.P. Bekhtereva, the so-called "Error detector" was discovered.

"Error detector" is a group of neurons (brain cells) that are activated and thus signal a "wrong" human action, which differed from the previously defined one - as a "correct" option of action.

Many experiments were carried out in which it was found that the activation of the so-called "error detector" - leads to the suppression of the working potential of the brain. That is, there was a decrease in free vital energy. The brain, as it were, suspended, “slowed down” the speed of information processing (that is, the vital energy of a person) in order to prevent other actions that the brain perceives as “erroneous”.

Cheating is another action that loses life energy when done.... The deceitful action of a person will be perceived by the brain - as "erroneous", as a kind of "breakdown" in the analytical process of thinking.

As a consequence - the loss of the amount of vital energy. Thus, the brain warns new actions that it perceives as “wrong” (which it really is).

In general: mental abilities decrease, control of internal organs and metabolic processes of the body worsens, all sensations from life are dulled.

Russian and British scientists, who studied brain activity at different times, found that at a time when a person knowingly (knowingly) tells a lie, the excitement of his brain, increases in different cases from three to fifteen times. The brain perceives it as ERROR... If you had to tell a lie, then you had to experience this nervous-agitated state. The brain mobilizes analytical (vital) energy in order to eliminate the error that has occurred. That is, the brain will spend our vital energy up to 15 times faster! Some of us may recall moments when we had to tell a lie. Nervous excitement (and in fact - the expenditure of vital energy) in this case increases very strongly up to several times.

The brain has to constantly take into account this "erroneous" information in further actions. And a very large amount of human life energy is also spent on this.

This means that after a while, the daily supply of vital energy will come to an end (a person gets tired, tone and mood decreases, there is no desire to do something, etc.)

Sub category deception, the following actions fall: theft, fraud, treason, betrayal. All those actions that fall under the category of deception also add to the database of “potential opponents” of the PP (in this case, these are deceived individuals).

The spouse who cheated on his wife loses a lot of vital energy. In this case, a “potential adversary” becomes a person who is nearby, whom you constantly have to see. This means that the brain is constantly (!) you have to take into account a lot of information so as not to accidentally "slip out" and not reveal the fact of treason. It takes a lot of vital energy to take into account the "secret" information of treason. As a result: it is difficult for the unfaithful spouse to be close to his “soul mate”. This is popularly called "conscience torments" ("Conscience" - ACCORDING TO THE NEWS, Vedas, knowledge). Hence: "to act according to conscience" means to act according to knowledge. Otherwise, conscience - "will torment"). As a consequence: a constant lack of vital energy.

In other words: pangs of conscience is nothing more than a strong lack of human vital energy, with all the negative sensations and consequences: depression, later physiological problems with the body.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame (USA) conducted the following experiment. The volunteers were divided into two groups, one of which was supposed to tell only the truth, and the other was allowed to cheat and cunning, including about being late for work, unfulfilled promises, etc. For ten days, experts checked the participants in the experiment using lie detector (special device) for the objectivity of the experiment. And also carefully recorded health indicators. At the end of even such a short period, it turned out that the group that spoke the truth not only improved psychological well-being, but also increased objective indicators of health, including blood pressure.

We noted even above that the loss of human vital energy leads over time to various diseases. Participants in the experiment who spoke the truth had more vitality than those who had to cheat. Having a greater amount of vital energy, the work of the internal organs is better established. The brain controls the work of internal organs with the help of a large number of controlling nerve impulses.

The conclusion is unequivocal: Human actions that force them to deceive others - significantly reduce the amount of free life energy of a person!

Life energy is excessively wasted not only during deception, but also after the very fact of deception. The very fact of deception provides for the emergence of a new serious “potential adversary” (PP), which can become a real enemy (in case of disclosure of deception). Thus, in cases where the environment or the image of a person resembles the situation in which the deceiving action was committed, the brain will come to an excited state, and vital energy will be spent much faster. Accordingly, it will end quickly.

Those actions of a person for which criminal liability is provided take even more vital energy. Since in this case, all law enforcement officers are also included in the "potential opponents". And the expectation of a possible punishment for a criminal offense, the brain very quickly spends a daily supply of vital energy.

Events of the past, which most often and most of all take away the free vital energy of a person.

Probably, we all noticed how cheerful children look. They have plenty of vital energy. In addition to the fact that they really have more life energy than an adult (especially an older person), they do NOT spend it on processing information from past actions and situations. And this, as it turns out, is very important.

Everyone has situations in life when someone ruined our mood. A certain conflict arose, and if we had a good mood before this (conflict), then immediately after the conflict situation, we will feel that the mood is spoiled. Our mood (we talked about this earlier) is the main indicator of the amount of free vital energy a person has at the moment.

What happens after the conflict?

There was a loss of vital energy. What happened in the person's mind? A certain potential adversary (PP) has appeared, information about which in our memory will take away a significant part of our free life energy.

The main task of the brain is as follows:

organization of actions that contribute to the survival and successful existence of an organism in the environment.

And at that moment, when, as a result of a conflict situation, a new potential adversary (PP) appears, information about him and everything connected with him (situation, sounds, surrounding objects) replenishes the database of "potential adversaries" (PP) in our memory ...

Free life energy becomes low not only immediately after the conflict itself. Over time, the level of vital energy will be restored to its previous level. BUT (!), From this moment, in a similar situation, a similar environment, or let's say: if someone from the surrounding people is something like one of the "potential opponents" (PP) from our memory, vital energy will be spent for enhanced scanning of this information. This is how our "associative" memory works.

Conclusion: there is an increased consumption of human vital energy (PVC). In other words, the loss of a free PVC.

Let's give a simple example from life.

For example, someone didn’t give you a debt, or “begged” your boss, or someone had a conflict with you, or someone did something unpleasant to you. Such people are sure to exist in your memory, unless you are a holy person. A holy man knows enough for someone to be able to offend him.

Information about all people to whom we have ever had a conflict attitude will be perceived by our brain - as important information concerning the issues of our existence and possible problems.


In our memory there is information about people who can interfere with our interests and existence in society ("potential opponents" - PP).

In similar situations, for processing this information about the PP, the brain will over-expend our PVC (vital energy), accepting this information as important for use at the present moment in time.

Accordingly, the amount of our free vital energy directly depends on the number of PP ("potential opponents"), information about which is stored in our memory.

Who can be classified by our brain as a "potential enemy" (PP).

There is one more important point!

The brain records in the memory of the PP ("potential opponents") all the information about those people to whom we even felt - just antipathy !!

We need to understand that our brain is not our consciousness (personality). The brain is a biocomputer ("neurocomputer") that works on the principle of (associative) comparison, with ONE goal: to ensure the safe existence of an organism in the environment... Therefore, the most important information that will be written into memory and then constantly used (scanned) will be information regarding the safety of our body's existence. And the biggest obstacle to our existence can be provided by other people (PP). If we feel antipathy towards someone, we condemn this person for something (even if only in thoughts), then our brain immediately and FINALLY writes in memory information about this person, with all surrounding objects associated with him. Another "potential enemy" (PP) is added to the memory, and all the information associated with it. Our brain “important” information about bad, and even “not very good” (in your opinion) people whom you know or just saw! Thus, the person with whom you came into conflict, or condemned him, EVEN if you never meet him again, will leave information in your memory as a “Potential adversary”. And periodically, when something reminds you of it, for example: a similar image, or a similar place, the brain will perceive this information as important at a given moment in time. Your vital energy will be immediately spent intensively on scanning information about this "Potential enemy"! At this moment, we feel that our free PVC is going somewhere. Mood, tone, performance - falls.

Condemnation .

  1. Condemnation can be overt when we directly conflict with a person.
  2. Condemnation can be hidden from the "condemned", but expressed to another - to a third person.
  3. Condemnation is not explicit (only mental).

When the condemnation of a person is open, in direct conflict, then after the conflict we immediately have a bad mood - an indicator low vital energy. The brain spends almost all of its free vital energy to analyze the conflict that has occurred. We “earn” one more “Potential adversary”, and this “Potential adversary” is also real.

But why is the condemnation made "behind the eyes" considered a sin? Or, why is condemnation, even mental, in different religions considered a sinful act? After all, if the person we condemn does not hear our condemning conversations, then we did not even offend him, and did not harm him?

The answer is as follows: we made time for ourselves, having written down in memory the information related to one more "Potential adversary". That is, they have deprived themselves of a certain amount of free life energy. This will happen in the case of a similar situation, with the one that was at the moment of condemnation, or in the case when we see a person who resembles (even at least in voice) the person we previously condemned. Associative memory works

Condemnation of a person (even for the eyes) adds to the memory (takes up part of the memory) information about the "potential enemy"! Our free life energy during similar situations will be intensively spent on comparing this information with the situation in the present moment.

That is, in other words: we lose part of our sense of life - life energy. Let us recall that PVC determines all our life actions, sensations, feelings, mood, tone, in other words - absolutely everything! That is, it is - a measurement of our life, the only non-exchange - "currency" of our life. Ordinary money cannot buy vital energy. And here's the other way around: you can spend as much as you want on making money. With the help of this very vital energy, you and I feel TIME! When there is a lot of PVC (vital energy), for example in childhood, then time drags on very slowly. The PVC at this time scans everything with the smallest details. There is much more information recorded in memory for the same period of time than at an older age. And the older a person is, the more often you can hear the phrase from him: "How quickly time began to pass (or is passing)." With age, you really begin to feel that time passes faster (by sensations), that is, the years pass more imperceptibly. That is, the PVC is getting smaller. Accordingly, less information is stored in memory for the same year than for a year at a young age. The brain compares these amounts of information, and concludes that the flow of time is "unequal."

The most important human instinct, like that of any living creature, is the instinct for self-preservation, or survival. Only when a person's life is not threatened by any danger, all the rest of his activities will make sense. Therefore, information related to the issue of life safety (survival) is of paramount importance for the brain. That is why, it is written to that memory area (random access memory), which is used in constant, current operations, in order to take this information into account in current actions. Accordingly: the more our memory is loaded, the more time (and vital energy) it takes to scan it. In other words, a large amount of human life energy is spent on scanning it. It (PVC) ends quickly, and until a person regains it, he will have very little energy for life (all life processes and sensations).

What happens in this case. "Neurocomputer", like any other computer, starts to "slow down".

When we have a lot of free life energy, then we instinctively avoid various kinds of insults or judgments of another. If someone accidentally pushed us and apologized, we can smile. Because, we are immediately able to feel a decrease in the amount of free life energy in the event that a conflict begins. If there is not enough free vital energy, then it is NOT enough to analyze the reasons for its decrease. And the reason for the decline in PVC are: immoral, offensive and judgmental actions. Moreover, a person acquires the habit of insulting or condemning someone, because with this action, the brain is excited, and vital energy is spent more intensively. This is the so-called "adrenaline" stimulation of PVC consumption. Then the level of vital energy drops sharply, switching to an economical mode to replenish it. Man gets into dependence from such "stimulation" of the expenditure of their vital energy. And in fact - an irrational, excessively fast consumption of the daily supply of ZhE, which, even without such large expenses, is not enough.

On the same "adrenaline" stimulation of the intensive expenditure of vital energy, the dependence on TV series on "criminal themes" is based. Information related to murder, or other problems of human existence, is very actively scanned by the brain. At the same time, a lot of vital energy is spent (for the brain, information on the problems of existence is the most important). At this time, a person feels nervous excitement, he is "invigorated" by a dangerous situation being played on the screen. But, after watching the next episode of the film, the body switches to "economical mode" of the consumption of the remaining small amount of vital energy.

How to increase the inner vitality of a person.

If we begin to consider in more detail those of our possible actions and deeds, for the influence of these actions on the amount of free vital energy of a person, then there will be an interesting "coincidence" that will help us answer the question: how increase internal human energy (life energy).

Let's consider the actions of a person, which from the point of view of different religions are considered - "sinful actions".

Let us analyze these actions from the point of view of changing the amount of human vital energy.


We have already examined the influence of such a way of thinking and acting on a person's vital energy a little higher (earlier). The result is the following: adding to the memory information that is associated with one more "Potential enemy" of our existence. Such information will periodically take away part of a person's free vital energy.

Now let's look at a few commandments that are highly recommended for people who want to follow the basic principles of different religious trends.

Here is an interesting saying of Jesus Christ, though not included in the "officially" recognized:

  1. « Life is the Life of love, not hate. "
  2. Many righteous people condemn in hating. I tell you: "A harlot who does not hate will be more glorious on the Day of Judgment of the righteous man who condemns."
  3. "For is there more fornication than a bad word?"
  1. "Better shut up and watch yourself than be buried alive!"
  2. "Alive, Magdalene, only he who, wherever he is, does not judge others."

In the Vedic literature it is said that the one who condemns “eats” (in the sense of using) the sin of the one whom he condemns.

Why is it so "hard"?

The fact is that when a person condemns another, he speaks and thinks about any actions (of the condemned person) that may be dangerous or simply interfere with normal existence. It is this information that the brain gives the highest preference for scanning and analysis. After all, this data is associated with the safety of the organism! Accordingly, the brain begins to expend too much vital energy to analyze such actions. The condemning person feels a surge of vital energy along with nervous excitement. This temporarily increases the consumption of PVC. It's like drinking a cup of coffee and cheering up. And then, he becomes dependent on such "stimulation" of the increased consumption of the daily supply of vital energy. Because without "judgmental actions" the level of vital energy falls to "economical expenditure". A person feels a decline in mood, tone, etc. Until the next "stimulation".

Consider another religious commandment:

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

With the image of parents, a person has the maximum number of memories in life. As a rule, children live with their parents until a certain point. Every sane person understands that he must pay tribute to his parents, that is, how (and how much) they cared about you, so you must take care of them. This is very "human". By the way, this is one of the few differences that distinguish humans from animals.

A person generally differs from an animal in that he has the ability to receive KNOWLEDGE ABOUT LIFE - as such.

So, if a person DOES NOT “Honor his father and his mother ...”, then he, or rather his brain, writes down all the information concerning new “potential opponents”: father and mother. Does it seem counterintuitive to you? Let's take a closer look. When a son or daughter does not respectfully, without due respect treat their parents, especially (!) If they live with them, then the parents turn into people who constantly “interfere with life”. The brain immediately perceives them as - PP ("potential opponents"). There is plenty of information in the memory associated with our parents. And now all this information will be scanned intensively, wasting free life energy. A child who is disrespectful to his parents, in their presence, experiences unpleasant nervous excitement, that is, an increased consumption of vital energy. And very often children living with their parents practically stop communicating with them altogether. Their brains, perceiving their parents - as "Potential opponents" (interfere with life), begins to get excited, and spend a lot inner energy of a person to scan information related to parents. And almost everything is connected with parents! In this case, the son (daughter) has very little free vital internal energy. This is expressed through irritation, low tone, bad mood. And all this is only due to the fact that the daughter or son did not respectfully and respectfully communicate with their parents. This was the reason that the brain began to perceive parents as "Potential adversaries", with nervous excitement and a great expenditure of the vital energy of the human body for scanning information related to them.

Even when children begin to live separately from their parents, their memory still remains overflowing with information about them. And the unfulfilled duty to them will constantly take away a significant part of life energy, even after their death !!

Conclusion: non-observance of the religious commandment: "Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on the earth, which the Lord your God gives you," causes the appearance in memory of a lot of information related to the appeared "potential opponents" (parents) ... This will constantly take up a significant part of the free life energy to varying degrees.

The next commandment:

Dont kill

Everything is much more obvious here. Murder is a punishable act in any reasonable society. The fear of retaliation from relatives, punishment from the law enforcement system is so great that it takes away almost all free vital energy. The only exceptions are murders that were committed under forced circumstances (defense, self-defense, military action).

Some religious organizations, which are afraid to scare away their followers, interpret this commandment only in relation to the murder of a person. But, nevertheless (no matter how many would like), this commandment applies to the killing of animals.

Scientists have proven that eating meat - over time, gives rise to many diseases. This will inevitably take away the free life energy of a person. In addition, for the digestion of animal proteins, the body spends much more vital energy to organize the digestion of animal products. This is an increased production of digestive juices, and an additional organization of the excretion of undigested animal food residues and nitrogenous components of animal protein. Thus, already at the stage of eating animal food, there is an unnecessary loss of internal vital energy. Therefore, in different religions, there is knowledge about the prohibition of killing (and eating) animals. Only in some religious directions it is either hidden or NOT enough covered.

For example, here are the words of Jesus Christ from the "unpopular" (because of unwillingness to follow this commandment) scriptures:


  1. Tell us what sins should we avoid so that we never see sickness again?
  2. Jesus replied: “Let it be according to your faith,” and he sat down between them on the earth, saying: “It was said:“ Honor your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother and fulfill their orders so that your days on earth may be long ”.
  3. And the next commandment was given: "Thou shalt not kill," for life is given to everyone from God, and what is given by God, man cannot take away.
  4. For truly I say to you, from one Mother comes all life on earth.
  5. And therefore he who kills kills his brother.
  6. And the Earthly Mother will turn away from him and take away her life-giving breast.
  7. And her angels will shun him, Satan will find his abode in his body.
  8. And the flesh of the slain beasts in his body will become his own grave.
  9. For truly I say to you, whoever kills is killing himself, and whoever eats the flesh of slain beasts, is eating the bodies of death.
  10. For in his blood every drop of their blood turns into poison, in his breath their breath turns into a stench, in his flesh their flesh into festering wounds, in his bones their bones into lime, in his insides their insides into rot, into his eyes their eyes - in a veil, in his ears their ears - in a sulfur plug.
  11. And their death will be his death.

The full text can be read: "GOSPEL FROM THE ESSEAN WORLD" (opens in a new window).

Conclusion: any murder, including the killing of an animal in order to eat its corpse, ( apart from cases of emergency), unambiguously leads to a decrease in the vital energy of a person from the moment of digestion, and as a result of subsequent physiological diseases.

Generally speaking, what is given in the ancient scriptures and proved by scientists (biochemists in this case) does not require additional comments.

Conclusion: eating food of animal origin (with the exception of dairy products) is a source of energy reduction for humans.


Do not commit adultery

In different religions, adultery is considered: any engagement in sexual relations, except for the purpose of conceiving children.

Moreover, what is important, even a mental desire for sexual intercourse is considered adultery (except for the purpose of conceiving children), do not covet your neighbor's wife,

Let's consider in more detail.

Sexual relations between people lead the human psyche into an excited state. That is, they initiate an increased consumption inner life energy... The desire to sleep after sex is a natural reaction of the body to restore the spent PVC (vital energy). In other words: the daily supply of human PVC during intercourse is reduced to a minimum amount. There is not enough vital energy even for scanning (sensing) the released "hormones of happiness". There is simply - the desire to sleep.

In addition, a person becomes addicted to sexual relations, as well as addiction to another type of stimulant. That is, the body switches to the "economical mode" of the expenditure of vital energy, in anticipation of large ("burst") expenditures during the next sexual intercourse.

The periods between "bursts" of vital energy from intercourse are much longer than the intercourse itself. And during these periods of "economical regime", we do not receive the sensation from the presence of "happiness hormones" in the blood. For sensing serotonin molecules, it is simply not enough a scanning PVC.

Now let's analyze the following ambiguous statement: do not covet your neighbor's wife, In other words, even mental manifestations of desire for intimacy are categorically not recommended by religions! Why?

If with real sexual relations (addiction) it is more or less clear. A person spends a lot of vital energy during intercourse. But why is even thinking about sex considered a sin?

The answer will be obvious if we consider the situation from the point of view of the "neurocomputer" (brain) operation. The moment we " desired a neighbor's wife", The same" neighbor ", whose wife we" desired ", began to be perceived by the brain - as a "Potential enemy".If our “neighbor” is adequate, then most likely the neighbor will not like it. And now, all information associated with it will be perceived by the "neurocomputer" as important for a safe existence !!

Brain work is based on comparison. Now, when someone or something resembles outwardly, either by the timbre of the voice of a new PP ("potential adversary"), or any object associated with it, our PVC (vital energy) will be intensively spent on scanning all the information - as important for a safe existence.

The task of the brain is to take into account as much as possible such "vital" information about "Potential adversaries". The daily amount of PVC is consumed quickly, and most importantly, it is pointless and useless! A person does not even receive 30 - minute (in different ways) sexual satisfaction, as is the case with direct sexual intercourse. But at the same time, it loses its internal vital energy.

If in your memory, for some time, information about hundreds, or thousands of PPs ("Potential opponents") will be accumulated, you can only imagine how slowly your brain will work, which should, when scanning, take into account a huge amount of all this "necessary" for information security. But the brain is a computer and it should so work. It is designed to take into account, first and foremost, vital information. First of all, information - related to possible threats to a safe existence! A person with such a large amount of memory about "Potential opponents" has a very low level of free internal vital energy (PVC). A person can NOT feel this life brightly, saturated. He has a lowered physical tone and mood. The work of internal organs and metabolic processes of the body are controlled by an insufficient number of impulses from the brain. As a result, over time, as a result of metabolic disorders of the body, various physiological diseases develop.

CONCLUSION: Do not covet your neighbor's wife. Not keeping this commandmentsource of loss of free vital energy of a person.

Compliance with this commandment will allow to raise vital internal energy of a person.

There is some information that the phrase in the commandment "Do not covet your neighbor's wife" was previously stated somewhat differently, and sounded like this: " Do not covet your neighbor's wife. "That is, the fact that sexual relations even between spouses are permissible only for the purpose of conceiving children was more clearly indicated. Apparently not everyone accepted this, therefore, most likely, it was changed to a "lighter" version.

Consider the following commandment.

Do not covet your neighbor's house; neither his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is with your neighbor.

Failure to comply with this commandment, as well as in the previous version, leads to the filling of our memory with “Potential opponents”. This is common - envy. And it will also lead to the loss of free life energy.

Failure to observe the commandment DO NOT steal leads to the emergence of a "Potential enemy" (or many). The negative impact of information associated with them and with the very moment of theft will take even more energy. Since now it will not depend on you whether they will become real enemies or not. This uncertainty of the likely retribution for the theft will constantly take away a lot of free life energy. "Unknown" is for the neurocomputer: program as a task - without an obvious solution... And, nevertheless, the brain will still work on possible solutions to the problem. But this program has no final solution! Therefore, the "neurocomputer" will constantly spend a certain amount of our vital energy, trying to give out possible options for the development of further events.

Failure to observe the commandment: “Do not give false testimony against your neighbor” will also lead to the emergence of information in the memory about the “Potential enemy”, who, moreover, has become a real enemy! (in view of false evidence). In addition, a person has made enemies for himself from the relatives and friends of this person. And also there was an expectation of probable retribution for "perjury" from the representatives of the law. It is clear that in such living conditions, a person's free vital energy will be spent very quickly on scanning information about possible dangers. There will be very little free life energy in the present moment.

Now let's consider from the point of view of the work of the brain and the amount of vital energy (LE), other actions that are considered to be sinful.


Overeating makes you spend vital energy on organizing the work of internal organs to digest excessive amounts of food. And then, to remove the remaining undigested toxins and toxins (especially when eating food of animal origin). Subsequent physiological illnesses will also consume the remainder of the internal vital energy (IVE).

In addition, it has been proven that addiction to delicious food is an addiction. As with any addiction, the brain will spend PVCs in the form of attention waiting for the moment in time - the next meal (that is: the next stimulation of the increased consumption of human PVCs).


It is addiction to money-hoarding actions. Like any other addiction, this one will also take almost all attention, that is, all the free vital energy of a person. A person turns into a "biorobot" with one single program. He cannot understand this on his own, since he has almost no free vital energy. Everything is subordinated to one thing - making money.

Second point. Greed breeds envy! Envy is a negative attitude towards a more successful person. And the brain is forced to remember and take into account in its work a lot of information related to the new "Potential adversary" (PP),which (for the brain) are all people to whom we negatively We relate out of envy. As it was found out, all PPs will at different times cause a significant decrease in the free internal vital energy of a person.


During anger, the brain is in an agitated state, so a lot of vital energy is expended. This is a constant "acquisition" for the brain of "Potential adversaries". Who, moreover, are real opponents and ill-wishers.

Anger is literally a path to a severe deficiency of PVC (internal vital energy of a person), which will be felt in the near future. No wonder in the most ancient Vedic culture, the greatest sins were considered: anger, lust and greed (which generates envy).

The person will constantly be in a tense state, since he will not have enough PVC. But he, in order to briefly raise vital energy (and in essence - to increase its consumption), is again angry with someone. Receives "recharge" for a short time. And then again the vital energy is reduced to "economical expenditure". A person becomes addicted to his anger. And the worst thing is that he himself does not understand this, that he has fallen into a real "trap", spending the last PVC. In a relatively short time, such a person gets real problems in relations with the people around him, and then - in his state of health.

In addition to all this, anger also has a negative physiological effect on the body. Emotion of anger - reorients water molecules in the human body. And on the opposite correct orientation (structuring), additional vital energy of the human body is spent, since incorrectly oriented water molecules prevent the body's liquid medium from performing the necessary metabolic processes properly.

Conclusion: anger is one of the most powerful sources that leads to a decrease in energy for a person.


Pride (pride, arrogance)

This is the problem of a person's status in society.

A person who has reached a certain position in society begins to compare the position (status) of those around him - with his own status. If his status is lower than that of someone else, then he begins to envy. Envy, towards someone, also takes away a certain amount of vital energy in the form of paying attention to this person. An envious person thinks a lot about the object of his envy, thus spending a lot of vital energy in its analytical form. And if envy is strong, then the object of envy (a more successful person) for the brain becomes a “Potential adversary”. And all the information related to it will actively expend vital energy in similar situations, or when a person starts to envy again.

We used to define: an indicator of a large amount of free vital energy is, first of all, a person's mood. A person who is jealous is in a bad mood! A person's vital energy is spent on enhanced scanning of information related to the "Potential enemy" - the object of envy.

If a person works "for status", or pays great attention to his career, then in the people around him, he often sees rivals. His brain records information related to these opponents of his career, and for the brain - existence. The memory of the new "Potential Opponents" will be constantly replenished.

When a person achieves a position (status) in society, he wants to be treated with respect. This is his natural desire, often does not coincide with the actions of others. The ongoing conflicts in this regard also add to his memory a lot of information about the new "Potential Opponents".

Thus, a person subject to such sins as “vanity and pride” constantly fills his memory with information about new “Potential adversaries”. This fact - constantly lowers vital energy - the only, true, not sold "currency" of all our life sensations and the only (!) Indicator of the quality of our life in ALL of its manifestations.

Sadness and discouragement

DESPERATION is the concentration of vital energy in the form of attention - on bad situations, moments and failures in life.

A person consciously concentrates his attention, that is, he spends all his life energy on what he cannot change. This is the problem - ignorance. In fact, this is the suicide of the "light" option. A person who realistically perceives life, realizes that it is unrealistic to return to the past and change anything there in the past! Exactly the same as "darting" into the future time and equip there that - that worries you very much. A person does his whole life, being in the "now" - in the moment... These are the conditions for our imperfect existence in this material world. Only in the infinitesimal present moment of time are ALL our possibilities concentrated. The human mind has an advantage over animals in that it can still plan its actions for the future. You just need to always remember this, and not waste your vital energy (the most precious thing you have) on scanning past events and expected future events.

The main conclusion.

Thus, we saw a strict definite relationship. A person who commits a certain sinful act begins to lose vital energy from that very moment of committing a sinful act. Later, in his memory, information is recorded about his "Potential opponents" and all the information that is associated with them. Moreover, if at the current moment of time there is some similarity with the image of a “potential adversary” (or with what is associated with it), the brain will intensively expend vital energy, taking into account this information (so-called: associative memory). The expenditure of vital energy increases excessively. A person has very little free vital energy.

Modern scientists say that the potential of the human brain is used at best by 10%. Now we have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the remaining 90% of this our analytical or psychic (or life) energy is spent on.

S. Amalanov

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Lecture plan:

1). The concept of energy. The main types of energy, their characteristics.

2). Traditional energy and its characteristics.

3). Methods of obtaining thermal and electrical energy.

Energy concept. The main types of energy.Energy (Greek - action, activity) - a general quantitative measure of various forms of motion of matter.

This definition implies:

· Energy is something that manifests itself only when the state (position) of various objects of the world around us changes;

· Energy is something that can pass from one form to another;

· Energy is characterized by the ability to produce useful work for a person;

· Energy is something that can be objectively determined, quantified.

Energy is the foundation of life on Earth. Plants absorb solar energy through photosynthesis; animals consume this energy indirectly by eating plants and other animals. A person consumes solar energy in various ways, including with food. Even in ancient times, man learned to process the energy of the Sun by burning biological matter (for example, wood or manure). And today, millions of people use these important sources of energy for cooking or heating their homes - the first necessities of life.

Modern energy systems are an integral component of the infrastructure of society, especially in industrialized countries, which consume about 4/5 of energy resources and in which only ¼ of the world's population lives. The third world countries, where ¾ of the world's population lives, account for about 1/5 of the world's energy consumption.

Given that energy is an essential element of the sustainable development of any state, each of them seeks to develop such methods of energy supply that would best ensure the development and improve the quality of life of people, especially in developing countries, while minimizing the impact of human activities on human health and environment.

The electric power industry is the most important branch of the economy of any country, since its products (electrical energy) are a universal type of energy. It can be easily transmitted over considerable distances, divided into a large number of consumers. Without electrical energy, it is impossible to carry out many technological processes, just as it is impossible to imagine our daily life without heating, lighting, cooling, transport, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, using modern means of communication (telephone, telegraph, fax, computer), which also consume electricity.

One of the specific features of the electric power industry is that its products, unlike other industries, cannot be accumulated in stock in a warehouse for subsequent consumption. At every moment in time, its production must correspond to its consumption.

Energy, depending on nature, is divided into the following types:

Mechanical energy is manifested during interaction, movement of individual bodies or particles. It includes the energy of movement or rotation of the body, the energy of deformation during bending, stretching, twisting, compression of elastic bodies (springs). This energy is most widely used in various transport and technological machines.

Thermal energy is the energy of disordered (chaotic) movement and interaction of molecules of substances. Thermal energy, obtained most often from the combustion of various types of fuel, is widely used for heating, carrying out numerous technological processes (heating, melting, drying, evaporation, distillation, etc.).

Electrical energy is the energy of electrons (electric current) moving along the electrical circuit. Electric energy is used to obtain mechanical energy using electric motors and to carry out mechanical processes for processing materials: crushing, grinding, mixing; for carrying out electrochemical reactions; obtaining thermal energy in electric heating devices and furnaces; for direct processing of materials (electrical discharge machining).

Chemical energy is energy “stored” in the atoms of substances, which is released or absorbed by chemical reactions between substances. Chemical energy is either released in the form of heat during exothermic reactions (for example, fuel combustion), or converted into electrical energy in galvanic cells and batteries. These energy sources are characterized by high efficiency (up to 98%), but low capacity.

Magnetic energy is the energy of permanent magnets, which have a large supply of energy, but "give up" it very reluctantly. However, electric current creates extended, strong magnetic fields around itself, therefore, most often they speak of electromagnetic energy.

Electric and magnetic energies are closely interconnected with each other, each of them can be considered as the "reverse" side of the other.

Electromagnetic energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves, i.e. moving electric and magnetic fields. It includes visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and radio waves. Thus, electromagnetic energy is radiation energy. Radiation carries energy in the form of electromagnetic wave energy. When radiation is absorbed, its energy is converted into other forms, most often heat.

Nuclear energy is energy localized in the nuclei of atoms of so-called radioactive substances. It is released during the fission of heavy nuclei (nuclear reaction) or the fusion of light nuclei (thermonuclear reaction).

Gravitational energy is the energy caused by the interaction (gravitation) of massive bodies, it is especially noticeable in outer space. In terrestrial conditions, this is, for example, energy "stored" by heat, raised to a certain height above the surface of the Earth - the energy of gravity.

Thus, depending on the level of manifestation, it is possible to distinguish the energy of the macrocosm — the gravitational energy of interaction of bodies — mechanical, the energy of molecular interactions — thermal; the energy of atomic interactions — the chemical energy of radiation — electromagnetic, the energy contained in the nuclei of atoms — nuclear.

Modern science does not exclude the existence of other types of energy, which have not yet been recorded, but do not violate a single natural-scientific picture of the world and the concept of energy.

By and large, the concept of energy, ideas about it are artificial and created specifically in order to be the result of our reflections on the world around us. Unlike matter, about which we can say that it exists, energy is the fruit of a person's thought, his "invention", built so that it would be possible to describe various changes in the surrounding world and at the same time talk about constancy, the preservation of which something that has been called energy, even if our understanding of energy changes from year to year.

The unit of measurement of energy is 1 J (Joule), to measure mechanical energy use the value of 1 kgm \u003d 9.8 J, electrical energy – 1 kW / h \u003d 3.6 MJ, with 1 J \u003d 1 W / S.

It should be noted that in the natural science literature, thermal, chemical and nuclear energies are sometimes combined with the concept of internal energy, i.e. enclosed within the substance.

Primary energy is energy that is contained in such types of natural (sources) resources as wood, coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, wind, solar, hydropower, and can be converted into electrical, thermal, mechanical, chemical.

Secondary energy is a more exploitable form into which primary energy can be converted, such as electricity and gasoline. Secondary energy is obtained after conversion of primary energy in special installations.

There is no shortage of primary energy. The sun gives us its energy every day. We see its manifestation in different forms. For example, trees and plants, passing through the sun's rays, convert this energy into plant biomass. A huge amount of solar energy has accumulated in the materials of the earth's crust (peat, oil, coal).

The total reserves of primary energy that humanity can count on are estimated by resources that can be divided into two large groups: renewable and non-renewable.

Renewable is energy from the sun, wind, waves, biomass (wood or plants), geothermal and hydropower.

Renewable energy:

· Solar energy falling on the surface of the Earth;

· Geophysical energy (wind, rivers, sea tides and ebbs);

· Biomass energy (wood, crop waste, animal waste).

Non-renewable energy is the energy contained in fossil fuels: coal, oil, natural gas, which today account for over 80% of energy. Plus uranium (thorium, etc.).

The use of fossil fuel reserves can be associated with high costs for the development, transportation of these resources, labor protection and the environment.

Traditional energy mainly divided into electric power and heat power engineering.

The most convenient form of energy is electrical, which can be considered the basis of civilization. Conversion of primary energy into electrical energy is carried out at power plants: thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants.

A characteristic feature of traditional power engineering is its long-term and good development; it has been tested for a long time in a variety of operating conditions. The main share of electricity in the world is obtained precisely at traditional power plants, their unit electrical capacity very often exceeds 1000 MW. Traditional energy is divided into several areas:

· Thermal power engineering;

· Hydraulic power engineering;

· Nuclear energy.

This energy is traditional, because for the production of secondary energy resources such non-renewable resources as oil, gas, uranium are used. Hydropower uses the energy of the water flow. The use of only traditional energy leads not only to the depletion of the bowels of the earth, but also to a significant deterioration of the ecological situation on the planet. The main problem is the high emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere caused by the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas. Only deforestation, drainage of swamps, etc., affect the deterioration of the planet's ecology.

The power industry requires and supplies electricity to consumers. It includes power plants, substations, power lines, and centers for the consumption of electrical energy.

The heat power industry produces and supplies the consumer with heat energy (steam, hot water). It includes heat stations, heat grids (hot water and steam pipelines), centers of heat energy consumption.

The most convenient form of energy is electrical, which is rightfully considered the basis of civilization.

The advantages of electrical energy over other types of energy, namely:

· Electrical energy can be easily converted into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, light, chemical, etc.), and vice versa, any other types of energy are easily converted into electrical energy;

· Electrical energy can be transmitted over almost any distance. This makes it possible to build power plants in places where natural energy resources are available, and to transfer electrical energy to places where sources of industrial raw materials are located, but there is no local energy base;

· It is convenient to split electrical energy into any parts in electrical circuits (the power of electricity receivers can be from fractions of a watt to a thousand kilowatts);

· The processes of receiving, transmitting and consuming electricity are easily amenable to automation;

· Processes that use electrical energy can be easily operated (pressing a button, switch, etc.)

Particularly noteworthy is the significant convenience of using electrical energy in the automation of production processes, due to the accuracy and sensitivity of electrical control and management methods. The use of electrical energy made it possible to increase labor productivity in all areas of human activity, automate almost all technological processes in industry, transport, agriculture and in everyday life, as well as create comfort in industrial and residential premises. In addition, electrical energy is widely used in technological installations for heating products, melting metals using electrochemistry, cleaning materials and gases, etc.

At present, electric energy is practically the only form of energy for artificial lighting. We can say that normal life of modern society is impossible without electric energy.

The only drawback of electrical energy is the impossibility of storing it in large quantities and keeping these reserves for a long time. The reserves of electrical energy in batteries, galvanic cells and capacitors are sufficient only for the operation of relatively low-power devices, and the terms of its storage are limited. Therefore, electrical energy must be produced when the consumer requires it, and in the amount in which he needs it.

Energy consumers are: industry, transport, agriculture, housing and communal services, sales and service. If the total energy of the applied primary energy resources is taken as 100%, then the useful energy will be only 35-40%, the rest is lost, and most of it is in the form of heat.

Elena Panova

Children's research work

Energy in nature and in me

GBOU SOSH s. Rich JV " kindergarten"Chamomile"

Leader: Panova Elena Viktorovna, educator

GBOU SOSH s. Rich JV " kindergarten"Chamomile"

1. Introduction ---

2. What is energy? ---

3. Types energy ---

4. Practical job ---

5. Where does it go energy? ---

6. Conclusion ---

Applications ---

List of references ---

1. Introduction.

Many adults talk about me: "What energetic boy... How much is in you energy? " Is this good or bad? In general, what is energy? Where did it come from? And why is she in me?

This is what I have to find out in my research work.

purpose research: Expand knowledge about energy.

Tasks: Explore the types of energy in nature.

Find out what types energy is in me.

An object research: energy in nature.

Thing research: energy in me.

Hypothesis: my acquaintance with energy will help me find out energywhat types energy possesses a person... And I will answer question: “Is it good to be energetic boy

Relevance: according to S. I. Ozhegov “... energy Is a measure of movement and the ability to produce work». Job and movement is the foundation of modern life.

2. What is energy?

Any body, in order to grow, move, burn, or do anything at all, needs energy... What is energy?

S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary says about energy next:

1. One of the main properties of matter is the measure of its movement, as well as the ability to produce work.

2. Determination and persistence in action (take with energy for anything) .

So, energy Is the ability to move and produce work.

The source of almost all energy the sun appears on the earth. The sun's warmth warms land, seas and air. It also generates winds, waves. Energycontained in food is also created by the sun, as plants absorb sunlight. Energyfound in meat comes from plants eaten by animals. Coal, oil, natural gas many millions of years ago was formed from the remains of animals. AND energy owes its origin to chemical energyaccumulated by these plants and animals.

3. Types energy.

I learned that nature there are many different types energy:


It is possessed by heated substances. Thermal energy can spread from one place to another.


It is found in food, fuel (oil, coal, natural gas, in chemicals.


This is the supply of internal energy... For example, a compressed spring has a potential energy... If you let her go, then this hidden energy will be released.


It moves along electrical wires.


This is a special kind energy, which moves in a straight line with tremendous speed. Nothing in the world can travel faster than light.


It spreads in the form of waves called sound waves.

Used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.


it energy of motion... Everything that moves carries a kinetic energy.

4. The practical part.

Learning about the diversity of species energy in nature, I decided explore some of them.

Study 1.

I heated a pot of water over the fire. When the water boiled, I found that the surrounding air was also warming up. This is heat energy, she moved from the saucepan of water into the air.

When I run, I get hot, very thirsty. Means, I possess thermal energy.

Study 2.

Looking at the light bulb, I saw a thread. Then I turned on the light bulb, the filament instantly glowed, and the light filled the whole room. This is the filament of the lamp that spreads the light energy... I touched the light bulb, it became hot - it was heated by the thread, because the light energy emit very hot bodies. Wish I had a light energy.

Study 3.

The phone rang, I lifted the receiver to my ear and heard my mother's voice. This is sound energy... As they pass through the air, sound waves cause it to vibrate, creating sounds.

I decided to test it myself. He put his hand on his throat and made a sound, immediately felt the vibrations. Are sound waves. This means that I can distribute the sound energy.

Study 4.

In our apartment there are electrical wires, electric current runs through them and forces electrical appliances work... An electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small particles-electrons flow through the wires. We have many helpers, but they need to be used correctly! I know that the electricity with which work electrical appliances are dangerous to humans. Therefore, with electricity, no research I did not dare to carry it out. But there is electricity that is not dangerous, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, by itself, and if its "to catch", then it is very interesting to play with it. I took the ball, rubbed it on my hair and put it against the wall with the side I rubbed with. Here the ball hangs. This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and I "Caught"when the ball began to rub against the hair. He became electrified, so he was attracted to the wall.

This means that electricity lives in the hair.

Study 5.

I learned that plants absorb sunlight and convert it into chemical energythat is stored in stems and leaves. Energycontained in meat is derived from plants eaten by animals.

We eat vegetables, fruits, bread, meat. This means that together with food we acquire chemical energywhich helps us to run, walk, breathe, live.

Study 6.

Everything that moves carries a kinetic energy... I took two balls of different masses and put them on the inclined board.

The ball, which was lighter, could not break through the frame, and the ball, which was heavier, easily broke through the frame. This suggests that moving bodies have kinetic energy, and the heavier the body, the faster it moves and carries a greater supply of kinetic energy.

This means that for any movement, I also have a kinetic energy... As I grow older, I will carry more energy of motion.

5. Where does it go energy?

Of the conducted research i learnedthat the main source energy is the sun... But where does it go energy? I will make some observations.

Observation 1.

I'll watch the cat. When eating a cat, a cat acquires a chemical energy... When a cat jumps, its chemical energy goes into kinetic. With any movement, heat is generated energy... It turns out that the chemical energy passed into kinetic and thermal.

Observation 2.

Watching the fireworks, I realized that the chemical energy, containing inside it, during the explosion passed into kinetic, sound, thermal and light.

It means that energy It does not disappear anywhere and does not arise from nothing, it constantly passes from one type to another.

6. Conclusion.

My acquaintance with different types energy helped me find outwhere it comes from and where does it go energywhat types energy possesses a person.

It is no coincidence that they say that «… energy is life» ... So it’s not so bad that I’m very energetic boy... It will be useful to me in life.

List of references.

1. Dowswell Paul. The unknown about the known. - M .: ROSMEN, 2001

2. Ozhegov SI Dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Russian language. 1999, p. 911

3. Internet. Website "Ideas for you"

4. Internet. The site "Clever and clever, first grader, research - who will explain

5. Encyclopedia "Unknown nearby" - M .: ROSMEN, 2001

6. Encyclopedia "I open the world" - M .: ASTEL, 2002

The system for measuring heat two centuries ago was based on the idea that heat energy is stored, does not disappear anywhere, but only moves from one place to another. We still use the following rules: To measure the amount of heat, let's force it ...

Types of energy - types of energy known to mankind

The concept of "energy" is defined as a measure of various forms of motion of matter and as a measure of the transition of motion of matter from one form to another. Accordingly, the types and types of energy are distinguished by the forms of motion of matter. The little man deals with different types of energy. In fact, the entire technological process is the transformation of some types of energy into others. In the process of passing the technological path, energy is repeatedly converted from one type to another, which leads to a decrease in its useful amount due to losses and dissipation in the environment.

Types of energy known today

  • Mechanical
  • Electric
  • Chemical
  • Thermal
  • Luminous (Radiant)
  • Nuclear (Atomic)
  • Thermonuclear (Fusion)
In addition, we are aware of other types of energy, the names of which are not physical, but descriptive, such as wind energy, or geothermal energy. In such cases, the physical form of the nature of the energy is replaced by the name of its source. Therefore, it is correct to speak rather about mechanical wind energy, wind flow energy, or thermal energy from geothermal sources. Otherwise, the amount of pseudo-energies can be produced indefinitely, inventing garbage energy, hydrogen energy, mental energy, or life energy, and the energy of the hands. Combining the word "energy" with specific objects, we deprive this bundle of physical meaning. It is impossible to measure the amount of psychic energy, or will energy. There remains only a hint that the object has some kind of energy, and what is unknown to us. It is obvious that the text or speech is littered with a word that does not carry a semantic load, because every object carries energy and it is pointless to mention it. And by analogy with the energy of thought, a mass of thought, the length, width and height of thought, as well as its density, should appear. In short, such phrases are obvious evidence of the stupidity and illiteracy of the author, or orator.

Physical concepts related to the definition of the word "energy"

But let's return to real physical concepts associated with the definition of the word "energy". The above listed types of energy are known to man and have been used by him throughout the history of civilization. The only exception is the energy of atomic decay, obtained only at the beginning of the 20th century. So, we still use mechanical energy, riding a bicycle, using a pendulum clock, lifting and lowering loads with a crane. Electrical energy has been familiar to us since ancient times in the form of lightning and static electricity. However, this type of energy began to be widely used only since the 19th century, when the Voltaic column was invented - a DC battery and. However, even in ancient times, people knew and used this type of energy, although not everywhere. There are known ancient Egyptian jewelry and religious objects, the coating of which could only be done by electrolysis. - perhaps the most widespread and widely used form of energy, both in ancient times and today. A fire, coals, a burner, matches and many other objects associated with combustion are based on the energy of the chemical interaction of organic matter and oxygen. Today, high-tech "combustion" is carried out in and, in and. However, devices such as turbines and internal combustion engines between raw materials (chemical energy) and the final product (electrical energy) have a bad intermediary -. Unfortunately, the efficiency heat engines is small, and the limitations are imposed not by material, but by theory. For the limit is 40%. Both human bodies and all animals act on the basis of chemical interactions, chemical energy. When we eat plants, we get from them the energy of chemical bonds, formed through the absorption of solar energy. That is, indirectly, a person also feeds on solar energy, as all life on Earth feeds on it. The sun is the energy without which there would be no life on our planet. Almost all types and types of energy, except for atomic and thermonuclear energy, can be considered secondary in relation to radiant solar energy. The mechanical energy of the ebb and flow, as well as the thermal energy of geothermal sources, are also not associated with solar radiation.

Thermonuclear energy underlies the work of our central luminary - the Sun

And this means that solar energy, in turn, is a product of thermonuclear fusion energy released in the interior of the Sun. Thus, the overwhelming majority of the types of energy we use on Earth have their primary progenitor in the form of thermonuclear fusion energy. Nuclear or atomic energy is the only type of energy that falls outside the "standard" natural energy turnover. Before the advent of man, nature did not know (with rare exceptions) the processes of mass point decay of atomic nuclei with the release of enormous energy. An exception is the African natural "atomic reactor" - a deposit of uranium ores, where reactions of atomic decay take place with the heating of the surrounding rocks. However, in nature, atomic decay lasts for millions of years, because the half-lives of uranium and plutonium are very long. And although many other atoms, in addition to uranium and plutonium, are also subject to atomic decay, in general, per unit time these processes do not cause significant changes in the surrounding matter. Man made his own changes in the energy balance of the planet, detonating bombs, building nuclear power plants, burning oil, gas and coal. Of course, similar processes took place before humans, but they were stretched over millions of years. Meteorites were falling, forests were burning, carbon dioxide was emitted from swamps and layers of the world's oceans, uranium was decaying. But slowly - in small volumes per unit of time.

Alternative sources

Today, alternative types of energy and alternative ones are actively developing. However, in these words themselves there is already an erroneous attitude to the word "energy". Calling energy sources “alternative” we contrast them with “traditional” sources - coal, oil and gas. And this is understandable. But we are talking nonsense when we say "alternative energy", because different types of energy exist outside of our desires. And it is not clear what alternative wind energy is, because it just exists. Or what alternative solar and thermonuclear energy of our star. In any case, we use it, and it is strange to call it alternative, since there are no alternatives for it. In the next thousand years, we will not get away from using solar energy, since the entire ecosystem of the planet is based on it. The words “non-traditional forms of energy”, “renewable forms of energy”, or “clean forms of energy” look similarly strange. What kind of energy is traditional? How can one or another type of energy be renewed? How to check energy for ecological cleanliness? "Tradition", "renewability" and "environmental friendliness" are more reasonable and correct to refer to. Then everything will immediately become clear and understandable. And then, having streamlined the cause-and-effect relationships, you can start searching. Unconventional types of energy sources can be easily found by studying nature and the surrounding world. Here you will find manure for heating, and hay, and a generator that uses muscle strength.

Renewable energy sources should be sought only in the environment of natural processes

There are not so many such processes, and they are all associated with the movement of matter on the planet - earth, water, air, as well as with the activity of living organisms. Although, strictly speaking, there are no renewable energy sources, since our main "battery" - the Sun - has a limited lifespan. And in order to search for environmentally friendly sources, one should first clearly define the criteria for environmental friendliness, because, in fact, any human intervention in the energy balance of the planet damages the environment. Strictly speaking, there can be no environmentally friendly energy sources, because in any case they will affect the environment. We can only reduce this influence to a minimum, or compensate for it. In this case, any compensatory effects should be carried out within the framework of the global analytical forecast model.

Types, methods of obtaining, transforming and using energy. Energy and its types. Purpose and use

Energy and its types. Purpose and use

Energy plays a decisive role in the development of human civilization. Energy consumption and information accumulation have approximately the same character of change over time. There is a close relationship between energy consumption and output.

According to the concepts of physical science, energy is the ability of a body or a system of bodies to do work. There are various classifications of types and forms of energy. Let us name those types of it that people most often encounter in their daily life: mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic and internal. Internal energy includes thermal, chemical and intranuclear (atomic) energy. The internal form of energy is due to the potential energy of interaction of the particles that make up the body, or the kinetic energy of their random motion.

If energy is the result of a change in the state of motion of material points or bodies, then it is called kinetic; it includes the mechanical energy of the movement of bodies, thermal energy due to the movement of molecules.

If energy is the result of a change in the relative position of the parts of a given system or its position in relation to other bodies, then it is called potential; it includes the energy of masses attracted by the law of universal gravitation, the energy of the position of homogeneous particles, for example, the energy of an elastic deformed body, chemical energy.

The main source of energy is the sun. Under the influence of its rays, plant chlorophyll decomposes carbon dioxide absorbed from the air into oxygen and carbon; the latter accumulates in plants. Coal, underground gas, peat, shale and firewood represent the reserves of the radiant energy of the sun, extracted by chlorophyll in the form of the chemical energy of coal and hydrocarbons. Water energy is also derived from solar energy, which evaporates water and lifts steam into the higher layers of the atmosphere. The wind used in wind turbines results from the different heating of the earth by the sun in different places. Huge reserves of energy are contained in the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements.

In the International System of Units SI, joule is taken as a unit of measurement of energy. If the calculations are related to heat, biological, electrical and many other types of energy, then a calorie (cal) or kilocalorie (kcal) is used as a unit of energy.

1 cal \u003d 4.18 J.

To measure electrical energy, a unit such as Watth (Wh, kWh, MWh) is used.

1 Watt h \u003d 3.6 MJ or 1 J \u003d 1 W. from.

To measure mechanical energy, a unit such as kg is used. m.

1 kg. m \u003d 9.8 J.

Energy that is contained in natural sources (energy resources) and can be converted into electrical, mechanical, chemical, is called primary.

The traditional types of primary energy, or energy resources, include: fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.), river hydropower and nuclear fuel (uranium, thorium, etc.).

The energy received by a person after the conversion of primary energy in special installations of stations is called secondary (electrical energy, energy of steam, hot water, etc.).

Currently, work is underway on the use of non-traditional, renewable energy sources: solar, wind, tides, sea waves, the heat of the earth. These sources, in addition to being renewable, are classified as "clean" types of energy, since their use does not lead to environmental pollution.

In fig. 10.1.1 shows the classification of primary energy. Highlighted the traditional types of energy, at all times widely used by man, and non-traditional, relatively little used until recently due to the lack of economical methods of their industrial transformation, but especially relevant today due to their high environmental friendliness.

Fig. 10.1.1. Primary energy classification scheme

On the classification chart, non-renewable and renewable energies are indicated by white and gray rectangles, respectively.

The consumption of energy of the required type and its supply to consumers occurs in the process of energy production, in which five stages can be distinguished: 1. Obtaining and Concentration of energy resources: extraction and enrichment of fuel, concentration of water pressure using hydraulic structures, etc.

2. Transfer of energy resources to energy conversion plants; it is carried out by transportation by land and water or by pumping water, oil, gas, etc. through pipelines.

3. Conversion of primary energy into secondary energy, which has the most convenient form for distribution and consumption under these conditions (usually into electrical and thermal energy).

4. Transmission and distribution of converted energy.

5. Energy consumption, carried out both in the form in which it is delivered to the consumer, and in the transformed one.

If the total energy of the applied primary energy resources is taken as 100%, then the useful energy will be only 35-40%, the rest is lost, and most of it is in the form of heat.

The advantage of electrical energy

Since distant historical times, the development of civilization and technological progress are directly related to the quantity and quality of energy resources used. Slightly more than half of all energy consumed is used in the form of heat for technical needs, heating, cooking, the rest in the form of mechanical energy, primarily in transport installations, and electrical energy. Moreover, the share of electric energy is growing every year (Fig. 10.2.1).

Fig. 10.2.1. Electricity consumption dynamics

Electric energy is the most convenient form of energy and can rightfully be considered the basis of modern civilization. The overwhelming majority of technical means of mechanization and automation of production processes (equipment, instruments, computers), replacement of human labor by machine labor in everyday life have an electrical basis.

Why is the demand for electrical energy growing so rapidly, what is its advantage?

Its widespread use is due to the following factors: the possibility of generating large quantities of electricity near deposits and water sources;

  1. the possibility of transportation over long distances with relatively small losses;
  2. the possibility of transforming electricity into other types of energy: mechanical, chemical, thermal, light;
  3. lack of environmental pollution;
  4. the possibility of using fundamentally new progressive technological processes with a high degree of automation on the basis of electricity.