What a surprise you can do in the morning vol. Birthday surprise: ideas for original, inexpensive, unusual, expensive gifts for a guy on his birthday. How to make a literary surprise

Women are gentle natures (for the most part), for them just a cute little thing, made with their own hands and presented with words of love, will be a hundred times more expensive and valuable than any newest iPhone model.

Therefore, it will not be difficult to come up with some kind of romantic gift for your beloved. With men, however, things are a little different. Making a truly memorable birthday surprise for a loved one that will mean a lot to him is more difficult.

But it's quite real. We will offer several options for original congratulations to your dear person.

Perhaps men are not as sentimental as the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but a gift made from the bottom of their hearts is also unlikely to leave them indifferent. Therefore, if for a number of reasons your finances are not very good now, do not be discouraged. An unforgettable gift can be made with the most minimal cost.

"And finally, I'll ... sing"

If you're fortunate enough to be born with great musical ability (or at least just good), you can make an excellent gift for your loved one. Firstly, you can find a few songs that mean a lot to you or just evoke certain pleasant memories, and record them in your own performance on a music disc. Between each song, you can tell why this particular composition was chosen (if suddenly the birthday boy, like many men, is a little forgetful), remind you how much you love him, and wish something.

If there is too little time for recording a disc, then you can simply remake any song in your own way, telling in it in a comic or romantic form how wonderful and wonderful you have. And for the holiday itself, invite your loved one to a karaoke bar. And there, in the presence of all his close people, sing this song for him in karaoke. Surely a flurry of applause for you and an unforgettable experience for your beloved for this evening will be provided.

"I am writing to you, what more ..."

For those whom nature has endowed with a literary talent, there are also great opportunities for creating an inexpensive but memorable gift. For example, you can write a short story about your love story, or create a comic strip about having a fun birthday party with friends. It will be great if you can print it in some publishing house.

If you are even more fortunate and you know how not only to write prose, but also to compose poetry, then this opens up an almost limitless scope for imagination. For example, you can write a cycle of poems dedicated to Him and publish it as well. Or compose one thing, but which one ... And arrange it in a beautiful frame so that your beloved can always read it and remember how wonderful you are.

"Thank you for cooking, and for us that you ate without frowning"

It so happens that due to the heavy workload or for some other reason, a woman does not have time to pamper her man with something tasty. If you have just such a situation and even your beloved reacts to the omelet you have made as to something extraordinary, you can prepare a culinary gift for him. Do not be alarmed, very tasty dishes are often not so difficult to prepare. The main thing here is a sincere desire to do something pleasant. And what could be better than a romantic dinner prepared by your beloved woman? Only its continuation ...

"Fifteen people on a dead man's chest ..."

Many men love adventure, so why not give them one? Moreover, this can be done without spending large financial resources.

Write on a piece of paper a beautiful legend about the great pirate, who before his death told you his most important secret - the place where he buried treasures. Decorate this sheet in the form of a scroll, it will be great if you can tint it with tea or coffee (before writing the text), this will give the paper an antique effect. Think of some interesting route, at each of the stopping points of which your beloved will be waiting for someone from your friends with a specific task, after completing which he will know where to go next. Believe me, he will never forget such a surprise. By the way, "treasures" do not have to be any expensive gifts. It might just be a DIY chest filled with chocolate coins.

"A girl living on the web ..."

If your lover cannot imagine his life without a computer and you are puzzling over what surprise to make your beloved, we have a couple of ideas for you. For example, you can create a website or blog dedicated to your chosen one. On it you can post his photos, declarations of love, funny videos from your life, and in general, whatever. It would be great if you could arrange with his friends that they also leave notes for him on the site. And on day X, you just have to send your loved one a link. He will be very pleased. And after that every year it will be possible to replenish this site with new entries.

Unfortunately, not every girl has the skills to create websites or blogs. But do not despair, because you can make a cute gift without any special knowledge. For example, you can create some beautiful collage from your photos in Photoshop, or just write something nice addressed to your man and place it on the screensaver of his computer.

Just love (romantic option)

It is important for every person to know that someone loves him. Therefore, if in the daily hustle and bustle you do not always have a moment to express your feelings, the birthday of your loved one is a great reason for this.

"Oh my God, what a man ..."

We offer several options for how you can beautifully confess your love to your man.

  1. Buy many, many small cards in the form of hearts or angels, and it will be better if you choose cards without typographic inscriptions and verses. Sign them, telling on each of them how much and for what you love him and how dear he is. In this case, it is not at all necessary to write in poetry, the main thing is to make it touching and cute (“The thought of you makes my soul feel warmer”, “I love it because I feel weak next to you”, “You make me happy”, “ When you are near, I begin to breathe more often ”, etc.). Ready-made messages can be spread out or pasted up at night on the eve of the holiday in prominent places (on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, on the kitchen table or on a computer monitor). Thus, waking up in the morning and getting ready for work, your man will be pleasantly surprised and charged with positive impressions for the whole day ahead.
  2. Take 10 album sheets and on each of them write the letter from the phrase "I love you." Then, with the help of a friend or a webcam, take a funny or romantic photo with each letter. In Photoshop, "glue" them into one and print in large format. The finished creation can be framed.

"I obey and obey, my lord!"

Make a "wish box" for your loved one. To do this, write on small cards all sorts of desires that, in your opinion, will be very pleasant to him ("Romantic massage," Day of unlimited play in (name of your favorite game) "," Week of my dishes for you ", etc.) ... Pack all your scrapbooks in a pre-purchased or DIY small box. You can present it with the words that he can pull out desires once a (day, week ...). Thus, he will have not one, but a whole set of gifts.

"Attention! A bird will fly out now! "

If your man is a photographer or just a fan of taking pictures, then he will definitely appreciate the following congratulations. There is practically no need to prepare for it, the only thing you will need to do is go shopping in search of some insanely romantic-sexy lingerie. And in the evening, when he is already going to get ready for bed with the thoughts that the holiday is over so quickly, you put on the underwear you bought and offer him to take a picture of you, while continuing to slowly undress. He will be delighted!

"What to wish you ..."

A very cute and simple gift can be made with a candle, a beautiful stone and soap bubbles. Put it all in a gift box and present as follows. When lighting a candle, wish that your love is always as bright as a flame. When taking out a stone, wish that your feelings remain the same strong forever. While blowing bubbles, wish that all your grievances were as short-lived.

Extreme is our way (adventure option)

If the above options are not entirely suitable for you, since your man likes more practical gifts, but you want something original, we still have a few ideas left on how to make a pleasant surprise for him.

Give your loved one an adventure! Remember what he enjoys and what interests him the most. Perhaps he always dreamed of flying a hang glider or hot air balloon, descending a hill inside a large transparent balloon (zorbing), or jumping with a parachute. Fortunately, today all this is real and, with a little effort, you can organize your loved one an unforgettable gift.

If the word extreme has nothing to do with your chosen one, then you can present him, for example, tickets to the country where he dreamed of visiting since childhood, or just any interesting weekend tour.

And may all desires come true!

Choosing good gifts is always a challenge. People have very different tastes and interests, and giving boring platitudes is ugly. Therefore, it is so important to start looking for a worthy presentation in advance. If you can't think of an original birthday present for your boyfriend, our list of the most interesting ideas will help out.

How to choose an original gift for a guy for his birthday

To find a really worthwhile present, you need to immediately determine the list of inappropriate things and give them up forever. This list includes:

  • Socks and underpants. It's silly and corny, even if you put together a bouquet or other composition from them.
  • Colognes and other perfumery products. Her guys prefer to buy when necessary and based on their tastes.
  • Cosmetics and shaving accessories. These are boring and everyday things that simply do not suit as a gift.
  • Tie. An unnecessary wardrobe item that most likely will not match your clothes and will be lying around in the closet.

These things are definitely not worth giving to anyone. But when it comes to original presentations, guys most often remember as successful options:

  • Adventure and new experiences. Young people value them much more than boring, albeit useful, things.
  • Interesting gizmos and electronic gadgets. Everything original and unusual attracts the attention of men of any age, especially if it is related to technology or electronics.
  • Romantic surprises. If this is a gift from your girlfriend, there is no better option.

TOP 10 original gifts for a guy for his birthday

  1. A lesson in emergency driving in extreme conditions
  2. Riding an ATV or Buggy
  3. Subscription to the gym or pool
  4. Fitness bracelet or bluetooth headband
  5. Romantic dinner in an unusual setting
  6. An original flash drive that moves when working
  7. Fancy keyboard - colorful or backlit
  8. Cool case for a smartphone, for example, with a photo of the recipient
  9. Alarm clock with laser target and pistol
  10. A helicopter or other radio-controlled vehicle, such as a flying drone with a camera

Adventure is the best original birthday present for a guy

Recently, intangible gifts have become very popular - adventure, fresh impressions and new knowledge. The main advantage of such gifts is that the memories of them will forever remain with the recipient, and will warm the soul even after many years. You just need to choose entertainment that the birthday boy will definitely like.

Usually young guys love active entertainment, so a certificate for flying in a wind tunnel, riding an ATV or a buggy, a snowkiting lesson or participating in a laser tag battle will be a good gift. Also, an active and athletic guy will like a subscription to the gym or the pool.

Be sure to remember the state of health of the birthday person, choosing an adventure for him as a gift. Some extreme entertainment may not be within his power or will be too dangerous.

If the birthday boy is physically healthy and adventurous, give him something risky, a real adrenaline rush, such as a helicopter or paragliding flight, a parachute jump or descending a mountain river. If a guy loves to drive a car, he will love the emergency driving lesson in extreme conditions. And the lover of riddles can be sent to the escape room - this is a room from which you have to get out in a certain time, solving a number of riddles.

If you are looking for a gift for a curious guy who loves to learn something new, choose a master class. Depending on the guy's interests, it can be something creative, like playing a musical instrument or making paintings, or more active like shooting a firearm or throwing weapon. Cooking classes and lessons in horse riding, martial arts and Muay Thai are also popular.

Useful and interesting gifts

Original gifts may well be useful. They should also be chosen taking into account the hobbies of the birthday person, for example:

  • The athlete will like a fitness bracelet or bluetooth headband;
  • For hiking enthusiasts - a unique handmade backpack;
  • The coffee lover will love the special set for making coffee on the sand;
  • The motorist will need an unusual handmade pillow or a cool smartphone stand;
  • A guy who spends a lot of time at a computer will love unusual dancing speakers or a mouse with a unique print.
  • The creative guy will be delighted with the 3D pen, which makes it possible to create three-dimensional paintings.

Romantic gifts for a loved one from a girl on her birthday

If the birthday boy is your favorite boyfriend, choosing a good gift is even more important. It is advisable to start preparing for the holiday in advance in order to have time to organize something stunning, for example:

  • Romantic dinner in an unusual setting. This can be a riverbank or a VIP room in a cinema, a quiet cafe, or even your own apartment, appropriately decorated.
  • Original romantic walkfor example, on a yacht or in a limousine, in a hot air balloon or simply on the rooftops, from where you can enjoy breathtaking views.
  • Private dance performed by yourself. This is a great and very spicy gift for established and adult couples.
  • Calendar with your photo in Pin-up style. Although it has long since moved into the retro category, most modern guys love these naughty pictures.

If you decide to give something practical, you can make it more original and romantic by adding different cute little things, for example:

  • Postcardhand-made and signed with poems of his own composition;
  • Wall newspaper about a guy with your shared photos;
  • Cake or cookies with hearts.

Don't be afraid to fantasize and show your talents. Perhaps it seems to you that you do not know how to sing at all, and your beloved will be amazed by a hit in your performance. The main thing is not to be afraid and realize your full potential.

The choice of original gifts for a guy for his birthday, depending on age

With age, the interests of guys change - it's no secret to anyone. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you must remember how old the birthday person is. This will help navigate in his interests and possible preferences.

An original gift for a guy under 25

Most modern young people actively use computers and digital gadgets, so you can safely give them accessories for such devices. One of the most popular gifts is an original flash drive, for example, which moves when working. You can also donate a flash memory card in the form of a weapon, a funny cartoon or a car. Also, good gifts for a young guy will be:

  • Unusual keyboard - multi-colored or backlit;
  • Printed headphones;
  • Laptop bag with author's design.
  • Cool case for a smartphone, for example, with a photo of the recipient.

The birthday boy will also like a variety of entertainment, for example, visiting a climbing wall or riding a snowmobile. You can also give a guy a ticket to a concert of his favorite artist or to a movie premiere.

At this age, most young people will like funny gifts and various comic things, for example, a beer helmet or a funny mask. You can choose a T-shirt with a funny inscription that emphasizes the personality traits or hobbies of the birthday person, or make a personalized mug for him with a photo. A cool idea - a little scary zombie slippers or an alarm clock with a laser target and a pistol, which is guaranteed to raise even the most notorious sleepyhead in the morning.

What to give a guy over 25 for his birthday

At this age, most guys already have a fairly stable income and well-formed habits and preferences, so it becomes more difficult to find an original gift. But there are things that will please any guy, for example:

  • Helicopter or other radio-controlled transport. Boys of any age are delighted with him.
  • Flying drone with a camera. It's even cooler than a helicopter, because you can not only launch it, but also shoot a video from a bird's eye view.
  • Table for working with a laptop and breakfast in bed. It is advisable to choose with cool pictures or inscriptions.
  • Alcohol game. Choose what the man will like, for example, roulette, checkers or tic-tac-toe.
  • Safe in the form of a book. It will allow you to safely hide the little things you need at home or in your office.
  • Office golf set. This is the most interesting entertainment for your lunch break.

And you can play a guy with a sense of humor or come up with a funny quest for him. Just make sure that he has no other plans on this day, and that your games will not interfere with work and personal life. A good idea from the same category is a surprise party. Only very close people can organize it, but the birthday person will have a lot of emotions. That's all - an original birthday present for a guy - it's not so difficult if you approach the matter with imagination and take it with all the enthusiasm.

It's time to do this to refresh your relationship.

Often in a relationship, we simply forget about all the pleasant little things that can be pleasant to a loved one.

But we all love pleasant surprises that remind us that two halves still need each other.

If you've planned a surprise and don't have any idea yet what it should be, there are some tips and ideas to help you.

As a surprise, you can arrange an unusual date for your girlfriend, or prepare a gift for her / him with your own hands, or maybe both.

What a surprise to cook for a girl or a guy

Interesting date as a surprise

In case you decide to arrange a date, you can write on small pieces of paper several options for places where you would like to go, fold the pieces of paper and put them in a jar. You can decorate the jar first, and then invite the girl to choose one of the options.

* A date can be arranged based on common interests, or if some interests differ, then you can plan several dates (for example, once a month) - prepare 12 options for each month.

Here are some options for how and where you can date:

* Midnight Picnic - Find a spot where the full moon is best seen, or simply spread a blanket in your living room or bedroom by the moonlight and cover it with your favorite treats.

* Prepare your sofa or bed (for example, scatter a few rose petals) and watch your favorite movie together under the floral scent. You can add your favorite snack to this.

* Prepare a fragrant bath for your beloved, and while she relaxes, prepare dinner for two.

* Arrange each other a hot air balloon ride. For more effect, you can do this at sunset.

* Buy your loved one / beloved tickets for a concert of an interesting group, theater or cinema.

Nice little things as a surprise

This gift can be made for both a guy and a girl.

You will need:

Box (you can buy and decorate it, or make it yourself)

Nice little things that your significant other will like.

You can put in the box:

Notes with pleasant words - the paper with the note can be rolled up and tied with braid

Print your unopened photos and attach a note of your best memories to them

Funny figurines or other objects that can make you smile; can be stickers with tattoos as a joke

You can ask his / her parents to write something nice and surprise your soul mate with beautiful words from the parents

Favorite DIY sweets or pastries

* You can put a lot of all sorts of things in a box and ask to get one thing every day - not expensive, but nice.

What a surprise to make a boyfriend or girlfriend

How to make a voluminous heart with your own hands

To make such a heart you will need:

Paper (pages of unnecessary magazine can be used)

Glue stick or PVA




How to make a heart

Handbag in the shape of a heart with sweets

You will need:


Felt of several colors

Thick paper


Heart pattern

Sewing machine.

You can find detailed instructions in the article:How to make a heart

Clothespin "I love you"

Cards with 52 or 36 phrases about why you love your soul mate

A do-it-yourself jar filled with pleasant words

A cup on which you can draw or write something beautiful and pleasant with a special marker

Make an "accordion" from several photos and fold beautifully into a box

You can do such a craft together - take a photo of each other, cut the photos and glue them accordingly to a skewer or twig. When you scroll the skewer, a beautiful illusion will be created.

From the case for discs, you can make a notebook with photos and beautifully designed comments to them - photos on one side, and comments on the other.

Balls with photos

An original postcard - pull the tab, and one person approaches another, and with it a nice note

Original T-shirts for two

Chocolate in its original form (you can order or do it yourself)

A universal surprise (for a beloved woman or beloved man)

Gift "Open when ..."

Such a gift can be presented to both a woman and a man. It is very simple to make and will create a pleasant effect on whoever you have prepared everything for.

The idea behind this surprise is simple: you create a series of envelopes that say when to open each. When a person opens an envelope, the note inside should cheer him up. Envelopes can be opened when a person is sad or not in the mood.

You will need:

Envelopes (you can decorate them)

Sticky notes or just colored paper

Small items that can complement the note (photographs, for example)

Here, envelopes, with what inscriptions you can prepare:

"Open when ..."

"... your day went wrong"

"... you're out of sorts"

"… do you miss me"

"… are you bored"

"... I want something sweet"

Postcards for your beloved

Quilling style card

You will need:

Paper strips (red)

Toothpick or special device for twisting strips into a spiral


Colored cardboard

Connecting rings

Cloth and other decorations for the postcard (if desired).

You can find more detailed instructions for making crafts in the quilling style in our article: Quilling for beginners

1. Make a droplet shape from a paper strip.

Here's how it's done:

Twist a spiral (circle) out of the strip and secure the end of the strip with glue. Next, squeeze any part of the circle with your fingers to make a droplet.

2. Repeat step 1 to make another drop.

3. Glue both droplets together to form a heart.

4. Make a tight spiral (circle) out of another strip of paper and secure it with glue. After that, glue the circle at the top of the heart.

5. Use the connecting rings to attach your paper heart to a paper clip.

6. Make a postcard out of colored cardboard, glue the braid into its middle, and attach a paper clip with a heart to the braid.

It remains to write something pleasant to your beloved half.

Heart chain

Using the same technique, make a heart and using the connecting rings, attach the heart to the chain.

3D card with hearts

Postcards for your beloved

Original postcard in the style of minimalism - you can make your own design

Postcard with an eight-bit heart

You will need:

Colored cardboard

Stationery knife

You will find detailed instructions in our article:

It's nice to make surprises for your beloved man. It is even more pleasant when this surprise is pleasant to the one to whom it was presented.

If he is far away

It is easy to surprise your loved one when he is next to you. But what if you are separated by insurmountable distances?

Naturally, your arrival would have been the biggest surprise for him. Without parting, such a gift cannot be made.

Don't be discouraged if this is not possible. You can also give gifts at a distance. Send it by mail, order something interesting for your loved one in the online store with delivery to his address.

After work

If your loved one has a difficult physical job or just had a hard day at work, do not drag him to a skating rink or disco. Let your surprise be stationary and calm.

Consider that he wants to relax and enjoy your company at the same time. The best gift for a working person would be a good, dense and delicious dinner. Believe me, he will appreciate it.

If you can (even if you don’t know how, but you really want to), give your laborer a massage.

To come from a business trip

There are different surprises, especially when a loved one unexpectedly returns. But it has nothing to do with you. You really love him and always wait.

Your man once said that he would love more if you were a redhead. Here! Give him a stunning surprise. Change dramatically. Get a haircut, dye your hair, change your image and play a beautiful stranger.

You can re-glue the wallpaper or buy a navigator in the car, hang a declaration of love on a Whatman paper over the bed. And the biggest surprise is the two-strip test.

To Army

What kind of surprise can you make for your beloved soldier? If your boyfriend was taken into the army, and you still did not have time to tell him about your love, take the opportunity to make his difficult military days a little more joyful. He will be happy if you come to him, for example, on Oath Day and tell him how you love him.

If there is no way to visit the defender of the Fatherland, there are other ways to please him:

  • send a souvenir gift saying "I love you";
  • a joke on the phone, in which President Putin congratulates your loved one for having you;
  • enroll yourself in the army and ask to be part of it (yes, girls also serve at will).


There is nothing easier than arranging a surprise for your loved one on the street. Just let's decide what exactly you want: an unexpected gift or a prank?

If the former, then any given trifle can be a surprise, even a bottle of his favorite beer in your purse or football tickets.

The rally must be kind. The simplest "childish" is when you sneak up behind and close his eyes with your palms: "Guess who?"

You can think of something more sophisticated by asking mutual friends to participate. You need to prepare for such an event in advance, write a script, purchase props, and sometimes even rehearse future events.

These simple things diversify relationships and promise a boring future life.

In contact with

It is almost impossible to come up with something unexpected in VKontakte. Everything has already been invented, done by everyone and several times.

Postcards, emoticons, hand-drawn gifts are no longer considered surprises, they can be given without money to anyone just like that. Although from this they have not ceased to delight those who receive them.

Expensive is not a gift - attention is dear. How to surprise a loved one in VKontakte ?! You can register under a different name, enter him in the Contact and then admit that it is you. However, not every guy will believe that you didn't want to test him, but were just kidding.

There are many online games on this site that you can play together. Offer him to challenge the desire, for example.

An unforgettable surprise for your beloved husband

Remember the words of the drunken Hippolytus in The Irony of Fate? “How boring we live! We stopped climbing through the windows to our beloved women, we stopped doing little pleasant nonsense ... ".

Well, climbing through windows is not a woman's business, but making life not boring depends largely on a woman. And if courtship, first dates, premarital relationships are always full of something new, then life in marriage after a while acquires a certain routine, calm monotony.

So that you and your husband do not want to seek creative adventures for everyone on their side separately, sometimes try to arrange them for each other.

Erotic gift

Do not forget that an everyday holiday ceases to be a holiday and turns into everyday life. Therefore, arrange surprises no more than once a week. And an erotic intimate gift no more than once a month.

In most cases, this is the most pleasant surprise for a man. Choose an evening for him when the beloved man will be able to accept him, and will not fall asleep only after being in bed. Check if football is broadcast on TV, if he has a rush at work, etc.

Prepare, think carefully about music, candles, your clothes, scent, etc. In eastern harems, a woman is prepared for 3 hours to meet her husband, bathed in aromatic baths, rubbed with incense, and put on makeup. You are not in a harem, so you have to do everything yourself.

By the way, many men adore the smell of a clean female body without any chemical fragrances. So that the surprise is not ruined at the most beautiful moment, do not forget to turn off all phones in advance!

On a rest

On vacation, on weekends, or just a few days free from the daily routine - this is the time when your imagination is simply obliged to gush with new ideas.

While relaxing on Turkish, Crimean and other beaches, you can not strain her, because every 10-15 minutes lively tanned boys and girls will come up to you, offering their ideas for visiting a shopping center, a desert island, a water park or just taking a picture on a camel.

There you can go all the way without thinking about a gift for your loved one. There is no place for your surprises personally. Unless, to pour cold sea water on him asleep under the scorching sun on a trestle bed!

But, resting in the country or with a tent on the banks of a forest stream, you can turn around. Do you think a naked mermaid in a wreath of white lilies emerging from the river early on a foggy morning will impress him? Or the inscription on the chest with chokeberry juice "death to mosquitoes!"

Thousands of such mischievous acts can be done while on vacation.


There is nothing easier than making a surprise at home:

Top - 20 little surprises for your beloved just like that

The surprises listed here can pleasantly surprise, amuse and delight your man only if you have never done it before (or rarely did it).

Agree that the birth of the fifth son or the daily walks from the checkpoint can hardly be called a surprise. Everything that you do every day constantly or regularly will never be a pleasant surprise for your loved one.

Therefore, in order to always be interesting for him, one must either constantly gush with new ideas, or not reveal all his talents and merits at once. Extend this pleasure for a lifetime.

Video: Romantic surprise: WHERE and HOW to arrange

Everybody loves to receive gifts, but unfortunately not every gift and not every birthday remains in memory over time. This situation must be corrected, and it is not at all difficult to do it.

To do this, even the simplest inexpensive gift must be turned into a large, original Surprise that would be remembered for many years. For this, the gift must be:

  • Nicely packaged.
  • The presentation of the gift must be accompanied by a beautiful legend.

Here are some examples of how you can make a surprise for your birthday. So you can give a gift to almost any and beloved husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, friend.

Birthday Surprise Ideas and Options.

1. Video congratulation.

  • Give the task to friends and relatives of the birthday person to shoot a short video with congratulations, you can hold a sign with a wish in your hands. Then collect congratulations from all the videos and make a small film. Putting all the videos together will help the Windows Movie Maker program, which everyone has on their computer. Only the preparation of the film should be started in advance.
  • Another option, a video, is to ask strangers on the street to congratulate the birthday man.
  • Slowly shoot the hero of the occasion on video in various situations, the main thing is that he does not guess why you are doing this. Then edit, adding interesting inscriptions and congratulations.

how to give

On the birthday of the birthday person in the morning, send the resulting touching video congratulation to the post office or social network. The surprise will be just super.

2. An ocean of emotions.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba surprise is that every hour the birthday person receives congratulations from you in a variety of ways that only you can think of. For instance,

  • Telephone congratulations,
  • SMS with a beautiful rhyme,
  • Audio congratulations on the phone
  • Flowers with wishes can be brought by a courier.
  • E-mail,
  • Video congratulation,
  • Electronic postcard,
  • Congratulations on the pavement, which can be seen through the window.
  • Poster or newspaper wall.
  • Originally send a telegram by mail.
  • Beautiful postcard on the windshield of the car.
  • etc

The last congratulation and gift, personally present to the dear Birthday boy. Such a congratulation will definitely never be forgotten.

3. SMS boom.

Ask all your friends, the more the better, to send different SMS greetings, but they should all be signed by your name. Imagine the person's reaction, a totally unexpected surprise.

4. Exciting quest (game).

Come up with a scenario for how the gift will be presented.

  • If you give a gift at home, you can organize a festive dinner, and decorate the room with balloons filled with helium. Hide the gift and play the game "Hot - Cold" or prepare special tasks in an envelope.
  • Invite the birthday person out into the street by throwing a letter under the door or just send an SMS. On the street, for example, a grandiose fireworks display or a musical orchestra performing a song and, of course, the present itself, which must be presented with touching words, for example, "Beloved (th) ... for the main role in my life", "Best friend (friend)" can wait for him.
  • An invitation to a restaurant. Warn the birthday person in advance that a festive exit is expected, but do not say where. At the appointed time, a stranger knocks on the door and gives a letter "Waiting on the street." On the street, you can draw arrows in the direction of the car, and maybe to the carriage. Further along the way, you can come up with a few more tasks and the final chord of arrival at a restaurant, where a noisy, cheerful company of friends awaits.

Here, for example, a video, although the guy makes an offer to his beloved in this way. We look.

5. Congratulations box

Ask all your acquaintances, friends and family to buy and write heartfelt congratulations, touching stories and just good words from yourself on postcards, then collect them and put them in a beautiful box.