Cycling in the second trimester. Periods of pregnancy when the utmost care should be taken. In addition, it has a number of advantages

Many girls before pregnancy were engaged in active sports, one of them cycling. Sometimes it is difficult to change your habits and desires. No one can say with 100% certainty whether a pregnant girl can go cycling, since there have been both bad cases and positive ones. For each girl, it is better to personally discuss with the doctor whether you can ride a bike or not.

Many European scientists speak out positively about such loads for pregnant girls, while niche experts are wary or even sharply negative about this. Western scientists conceived a positive attitude to the fact that a woman leads an active lifestyle during pregnancy, but it should be borne in mind that medicine there is more advanced.

In any case, everything must be approached from a reasonable point of view, in no case should you ride a bike for the first time, or drive with all your urine on uneven roads, since shaking can lead to negative and even tragic consequences. On the other hand, a small, calm, confident walk can be beneficial for a pregnant woman, since when cycling, she receives a large amount of oxygen, which has a fruitful effect on her well-being and the well-being of the child. Another plus is that such walks can be viewed as muscle training, which will certainly help facilitate childbirth.

In no case should you forget that the road should have an uneven road surface, and be far from the road, where not only polluted air, but also there is the possibility of getting hit by a car, and such a walk should not be long. In various European countries, for example, in Vienna, special bike paths have been created with an even ideal surface, so Western experts only support the desire of pregnant girls. Since our roads do not presuppose this, be very careful and attentive to the place of your walk, remember. That you are responsible not only for your own, but also for the health of the child.

Thus, in order to decide whether to take a bike ride or not, once again carefully weigh and consider all aspects:

1. Personal health status

2. The state of health of the child (in the first and second cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor)

3. Walk around the place where you are going to ride and look at the road surface, if there are a lot of potholes, or near the track and it is crowded, then such places are not suitable.

4. It is better to take a walk together, so that you can be supported or helped to get there if you get tired.

5. Never ride a bike if you are doing it for the first time in your life.

Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva

Can pregnant women ride a bike? This question worries many women: both those who just love to ride a two-wheeled car and those for whom the bicycle is the main way of transportation. Walking far, no car, no buses ... So you have to climb onto the iron horse with a rounded belly, slowly pedal, hoping that everything will be okay. There are women who, on the contrary, believing that physical activity is useful for pregnant women, decide to go in for cycling, although they rarely used this type of transport before pregnancy. Are they doing the right thing? Let's figure it out.

We take into account important factors

Before perching on a bike, especially in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, weigh the pros and cons and give an honest answer to a few questions:

  1. How are you feeling? Analyze your physical condition: no nausea, no dizziness, no weakness, etc. This is necessary so that during a bike ride you do not suddenly feel bad. Can you imagine what would happen if you lose control of your two-wheeled friend?
  2. Is everything okay with your child's health? If there are pathologies in the development of the fetus, there is a threat of miscarriage, the placental connection is weak, besides, the doctor does not advise to overstrain - it is better to give up the idea of ​​cycling.
  3. Is the road level? Pay attention if there are potholes along the way, because you do not need any traffic accidents.
  4. Can anyone share the joy of cycling with you? It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to travel alone. What if something happens and there is no one to help?
  5. Do you ride a bike well? If you are a beginner, inexperienced cyclist, then it is better not to sit behind the wheel. It's not worth the risk. Give birth to a baby, then ride on your health.

Contraindications for cycling

Before pregnancy, did you sometimes want to ride a bike? Having learned that you will soon become a mother, be sure to visit a doctor and ask if you can do it now. Cycling is generally allowed in early pregnancy. Pregnancy and cycling are compatible if there are no following contraindications:

  1. Toxicosis.
  2. Risk of miscarriage.
  3. Malposition.
  4. Any illness such as influenza, gastritis, kidney failure.
  5. Low water or polyhydramnios.

If the gynecologist discovers at least one of these contraindications, then cycling will have to be abandoned.

The pros of cycling during pregnancy

Many doctors assure that it is useful for pregnant women to ride a bike if there are no contraindications for this and the woman feels well.

This sport has many positive moments for a pregnant woman:

  • It helps to develop endurance and in some way prepares a woman for childbirth.
  • By pedaling, you can quickly strengthen the muscles of the legs and hip, improve the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Of course, yoga classes, swimming in the pool are more useful for women in position, but the subscriber is not cheap. In small towns and villages, one cannot even dream of this luxury. Therefore, a bicycle is what you need. Only your route needs to be thought out carefully, it is advisable to get to quiet streets, where there are fewer exhaust gases.
  • And cycling saves a lot of time! Until you get to work on foot ... You don't walk as quickly as before.
  • One of the most common problems during pregnancy is varicose veins and swelling of the legs. Cycling relieves your legs a little, and you don't have to carry heavy bags in your hands, put it on the trunk and put it in order.

On the cons of cycling for pregnant women

Alas, not all doctors are so enthusiastic about the benefits of cycling during pregnancy. They believe that this way of spending time can harm the expectant mother. Pregnancy and cycling are incompatible, some experts say. In some ways they are right. Due to fast driving and shaking, the tone of the uterus can increase and, as a result, premature labor can begin. In addition, during pregnancy, a woman's motor skills slow down, concentration decreases, and this can lead to unpredictable consequences: I did not see a dimple, a pebble on the road, a car jumped out from behind a turn. Think about whether it is worth the risk?

Do not forget that the sense of balance in pregnant women is disturbed and it is no longer so easy for you to get on and off the bike. Be careful. Injury can be received both during a fall and during braking. It's good if you get off with only bruises and a slight fright. I don't want to scare, but as a result of abdominal injuries, premature discharge of amniotic fluid or placental abruption is possible. Maybe it's better to take a walk in the fresh air on foot?

If you still want to ride a bike, do it slowly, do not press hard on the pedals, do not strain and choose routes with a smoother road, be careful when riding. We also recommend that you follow a number of rules. Read on about them.

Simple rules for cycling during pregnancy

Rule 1.

Only use a bike in good technical condition. Can you imagine what would happen if suddenly in the middle of the road the pedal jammed or the brakes failed?

Rule 2.

A road bike or mountain bike will not work. We need a regular urban with a vertical fit. Riding bicycles with a reclining seat increases the strain on the back.

Rule 3.

A bicycle with a "female" frame and preferably a wide, elastic comfortable saddle is suitable for riding.

Rule 4.

Wear brightly colored clothes for a walk so that you can be seen from afar.

Rule 5.

Do not drive if you feel unwell or physically weak. Listen to your body, it will tell you when to stop cycling.

Output: An unambiguous answer to the question: "Is it possible for a pregnant woman to ride a bike?" doctors do not give. There are opposite opinions: some argue that it is possible and, even necessary, the second, that cycling during pregnancy is a very risky business, the third say that it is possible, if you are careful. You can also find many reviews on cycling during pregnancy on the forums for pregnant women, both positive and negative. Therefore, when deciding whether you need a bike during pregnancy, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Before pregnancy, you could not imagine life without cycling, but now such a pleasure seems dangerous. We are figuring out whether you can afford cycling when you carry a little miracle under your heart?

Doctors about this contradict one another. Some are convinced that raising the knees to the chest (and this is how many people imagine cycling) is a very unhealthy activity for a pregnant woman who must walk very slowly. Others believe that moderate and, moreover, even prepare the body for childbirth! Whom to believe?

What to be afraid of while cycling?

If you look at it, there are only two dangers:

  • the fall;
  • dehydration.

Dehydration is especially scary in the first trimester, and during this period it can even lead to the death of the fetus. To do this, it is worth taking a bottle of water with you on a bike ride, from which you can drink as soon as you feel thirsty.

You have probably heard that the center of gravity in pregnant women is shifting, dizziness and discomfort may occur. It is on these days, when you have at least some suspicion of the occurrence of any of the described, you should not sit behind the wheel of a bicycle!

Please note that the tone of the uterus is not when the stomach already hurts, but when the uterus is in tension. This condition is diagnosed by the doctor during the examination, and not by yourself according to your own feelings.

Why do pregnant women need cycling?

If we talk about the benefits of cycling for a pregnant woman, then it is obvious:

  • the fetus is saturated with oxygen due to the fact that the bike ride takes place in the fresh air;
  • the muscles of the pelvic floor are strengthened;
  • the risk of hemorrhoids decreases, as the volume and speed of circulating blood in the lower extremities increases;
  • helps to reduce
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots (due to an increase in the rate of blood circulation) and;
  • endorphins are produced, "hormones of happiness" - that is, you experience pleasure;
  • according to unconfirmed reports, cycling in the morning reduces the manifestations of early toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • And the main thing is not to forget that while cycling, you need to monitor the serviceability of the bike, avoid uneven roads, climbing stairs and similar dangerous sections of the path.

    What to fear while cycling

    If the doctor, upon examination, diagnosed you with uterine tone, then you should postpone cycling until a quieter time. With a tone, the uterus is constantly in tension and the consequences of cycling can be very sad. Therefore, you should not neglect a doctor's examination before starting classes.

    Expert opinion

    Maria Hrynina, obstetrician-gynecologist from Tula maternity hospital №2: Before getting on the bike, it is better to consult a doctor. With the tone of the uterus, for example, of course, there can be no question of any cycling. At the appointment, you will need to discuss the following points: how long you plan to ride, how far and what routes, and the model of the bike. If there is even the slightest concern about your health and a successful pregnancy, listen to them - it's only 9 months, you can be patient, right?

    Pregnant safety while cycling

    When cycling, a pregnant girl should be very careful and in no case neglect the following rules:

    • keep your bike in good order, avoid uneven roads, climbing stairs and similar dangerous sections of the path;
    • the ideal route for a pregnant woman runs through the park. Moreover, in most of the capital's parks, bicycle paths with a special coating have already been built;
    • do not go on a bike ride alone, take a friend or husband with you, so that if something happens, they can help you;
    • choose special clothing for such walks. Buy two sets: one in lightweight material, the other for cooler weather.
    If you have strong

    During the long-awaited period of pregnancy, women have to give up a lot and change their usual way of life. But in the future, when the baby is born, the metamorphosis will be felt more significantly. However, do not think that gestation is some kind of disease, especially if there are no complications. You can try to keep your favorite rhythm of life. For example, do not stop playing sports or cycling. But in this case, everything is individual, this issue needs a special approach. Do not ignore the advice of doctors and specialists.

    Pregnant women are not allowed a lot of things. And this is not a whim, but an absolute necessity, which is associated with physiological restructuring in the body. After all, a woman in the future will become a mother, and this radically changes her life, adds joy and happiness, meaningfulness and harmony with the world around her. There are different opinions about whether pregnant women can ride a bike. First of all, it is important to consult with a specialist, as well as listen to yourself.

    The general recommendation is as follows: pregnant women can adhere to an active lifestyle if everything is fine with health, when there are no risks and threats. Nevertheless, it is important to think not only about your personal preferences and wishes, but also about the well-being of the future baby, to evaluate all the pros and cons. Then the choice will be made correctly.

    Health benefits of riding

    Many doctors believe that in some cases, cycling is more beneficial for pregnant women than walking. You can ride almost throughout the entire period of gestation, because there is no heavy load on the joints. But by the beginning of the second trimester, you will need to slow down. And there is no hurry. After all, you can simply enjoy your condition, the world and everything around. Such a harmonious feeling will surely be passed on to the baby. And in the future he will be born calm, healthy and positive. It is also important to monitor your diet (there should be a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables in the diet), and your mood. Do not overwork or dehydrate the body in any sport.

    During cycling, pregnant women need to monitor an evenly distributed load. You cannot overstrain. If you experience any discomfort and fatigue, you should stop riding. And if everything is fine and familiar, you can ride regularly. To make it more fun, it's helpful to take your girlfriends with you.

    During pregnancy, women develop a stronger intuition, which would be good to listen to. The body will tell you what it needs. Such outdoor trips will be beneficial to your health. It will also be easier for expectant mothers to recover after the baby is born.

    What do such physical activities give:

    • eliminates stagnation of blood in the legs and pelvis;
    • the muscles of the perineum become stronger and more elastic;
    • the muscles of the back are trained, which is important when the stomach becomes larger;
    • endorphins are produced, it is these hormones of happiness that are responsible for a good mood.

    Correct driving is the key to great well-being

    Don't get on your bike if you haven't done so before. Pregnancy is not the best time to master new sports. Better to wait until the baby is born.

    When cycling is difficult to refuse, and the pregnancy is going well, and there are no threats, you need to adhere to some rules. In any case, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

    Some rules to help you feel great:

    • the bike must have excellent shock absorption and a comfortable seat, and it must also match the height;
    • it is better to drive on a flat road where the road is well covered with asphalt;
    • if you shake your bike on a bad road and bumps, the consequences for pregnancy can be bad;
    • the state of health should be constantly monitored: with shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, riding should be stopped;
    • be sure to use water;
    • the trip must be carried out in dry and warm weather;
    • footwear and clothing must be athletic;
    • if the day is sunny, you should protect your head with a cap;
    • do not go too fast: pregnancy is not the best time for extreme sports.

    When the tummy is rounded and growing, expectant mothers lose their sense of dexterity, they become a little awkward. This is why it is undesirable to ride a bike after the twenty-eighth week.

    Why is riding a two-wheeled friend dangerous?

    It is very important to ensure that the ride is safe. Therefore, the two-wheeled friend must be in good condition and completely serviceable. The smallest defect can end in disaster. Any fall or sudden pressing on the brake can cause not only injuries and bruises, but also the death of the child. You can not get behind the wheel of those who do not know how to do it. Only pregnant women with good driving skills can practice this sport.

    You need to try not to allow:

    • strong shaking;
    • any falls;
    • exclude sharp turns from the route;
    • forget about hard braking.

    To avoid these risks, you need to think in advance about the skiing location. The track or road must be smooth and comfortable to ride. Pregnant women are allowed to ride a bike only in a relaxed mode. And places with a lot of people are best avoided.

    If you really want to ride, but there is no way to do this, it is better to use an exercise bike. This is a great alternative. This option has its advantages.

    In this case, the risk of falling is practically reduced to zero, you can control your pulse, vibration is also excluded. But, again, if there are contraindications, it is better to postpone the exercise bike for a while. This will help keep your baby healthy. The main thing is not to get upset, you just have to be patient: there are other ways to relax and rest. Pregnancy is not such a long period of time for a mother, unlike an unborn child. This is the most important period for him. At such a moment, you need to think about the health and life that you will give your baby!

    Horseback riding is a popular sport, especially among women. However, many pregnant women wonder if it is okay to ride a horse and does horse riding affect pregnancy? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because the risk of riding horses during pregnancy is high and everything depends on the experience of the rider. So horse riding during pregnancy is not suitable for all women.

    Undoubtedly, horses keep a woman in a certain shape, and she is constantly in the fresh air. It is not surprising that many girls like to ride and they would not like to do without their favorite hobby during this period of time. However, the pregnant mother must make certain choices for herself.

    What a woman should consider before riding a horse

    Many doctors warn about the dangers of driving during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the vibrations that emanate from the horse while riding and therefore can negatively affect the unborn child. The risk of falling is also undeniable.

    Horses are very large and strong animals, often weighing more than 600 kg., But very shy. Therefore, you will never know how a horse will behave when it feels this or that danger.

    In addition, frequent riding can lead to changes in the pelvic part of the body, resulting in a more difficult and prolonged birth. The thing is that the birth canal for most female riders is narrow, so there is a risk that the child may get stuck in the birth canal. This can lead to the fact that the process of childbirth can be delayed. And in the case of a tightly stuck baby, you will have to urgently do a cesarean section.

    It should also be borne in mind that the steady work that a rider has to do can be exhausting. And what you may have done easily before pregnancy may now be harder work for you just because your belly has increased in size.

    Is there a risk of miscarriage while riding a horse?

    Numerous studies have shown that horse riding during pregnancy does not increase the number of miscarriages. In addition, according to statistics, newborns are just as well developed as other children.

    Horse riding does not adversely affect the health and development of the unborn child - provided that you did not receive any injury during this period. Before getting on a horse, be sure to check with your gynecologist. He can give you helpful and personalized advice.

    If the mother-to-be is an experienced rider, then she is able to assess the risk of falling from the horse.
    As long as you don't overdo it and do it calmly and relaxed, you don't have to give up riding during pregnancy.

    However, a certain riding style should be chosen. Due to the high risk of falling, it is strongly recommended to avoid the holop and sit on the embossed seat. By the end of pregnancy, starting in the third trimester, the pregnant mother should completely stop riding.

    Under no circumstances should you start rolling, or even approach a horse, if you have never done so.

    If the pregnancy is classified as risky, then you should give up your riding hobby.
    Avoid young horses because they are energetic and unpredictable. If a fall or something similar occurs, see a doctor as soon as possible.

    If your pregnancy is normal and you are an experienced rider, trust your feelings and experience. As long as you feel good and you and your baby are healthy, you do not need to give up horse riding entirely during pregnancy.

    However, as soon as you feel that skating is not suitable for you, or you are in pain, you should stop skating. In general, horseback riding is not prohibited, but due to the high risk of injury, it is not considered an ideal sport for pregnant women.