When to bathe a newborn at home for the first time? The first bathing of a newborn after the hospital: a detailed description and advice from a pediatrician. How to properly bathe your newborn for the first time at home and why regular infant hygiene is important

What do we know about the hygiene of newborns, or rather about the first bathing of a baby? Remember how scary it was for the first time to pick up this little ball of happiness? Let's look at the same glaring mistakes young parents make when bathing their baby and try to avoid them.

Preparing the bath for the baby's first bath

How to properly bathe a newborn for the first time?

The first stage of preparation for bathing is passed - the water was boiled, potassium permanganate was added. What is the right way to put a baby in this bath?

What to do with the newborn after bathing?

In the future, for example, you bathe your baby only in chamomile, it relieves irritation on the skin, helps to heal the umbilical wound. Chamomile should be bought only in pharmacies, grandmother collected herself, unfortunately, not an option, remember that. Your baby is just born, he does not yet have a protective reaction and the skin is very susceptible to external irritants and allergens.

Therefore, we bathed and looked at how the baby feels. How he slept, how he ate, each child is individual in this. For any deviations in behavior, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Also see when, spruce concentrate or salt bath. Be sure to pay attention to the newborn's reaction to new weed and smell.


The time for bathing should be selected individually, since before going to bed does not always mean that after bathing you will see this dream.

Dear parents, not everything is so troublesome and scary, you will get used to everything. Each child is a person with his own character, his own needs and for everyone in any business, including the first bathing, you need your own approach, use the advice, but remember, your little man will tell you everything. Keep your body and mind clean! Enjoy Your Bath!

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A young mother (especially if the child is the firstborn in the family) often does not know how to properly approach such a process as bathing a newborn baby.

In this article we will try to figure out how to bathe the baby correctly what requirements to comply with and what means to use.

Usually, at the first and subsequent examinations, pediatricians give recommendations for bathing. But once again we will repeat from what time should you start water procedures.

If the child is healthy, the birth took place on time, and the baby is full-term, then bathing can be started immediately after arriving from the hospital. But with caution, because the umbilical wound has not yet healed. If the wound is very wide, then you should refrain from bathing for the first month. It is enough to wipe the baby's skin with a damp soft cloth.

Use baby soap with care. Be sure to look at the label for what age the detergent is intended for. If you are not sure, it is better to do with plain water. After all, an allergic reaction at this age is very dangerous.

Bathing room and facilities

Conduct baby water treatments possible in any room. The main thing is that it is warm and no drafts. And then you can choose according to your convenience: in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or right in the children's room. Moreover, the ambient temperature should not be less than 21 degrees.

Bathing water should be 37-38 degrees, no more and no less. In cold water, the child can freeze, but in hot water he will be uncomfortable.

Very often, young mothers are taught to check the water temperature with their elbows. It is not right. The elbow is not a sensitive part of the body to determine exactly 37 or 38 degrees. Take the time to use a thermometer to avoid unnecessary problems and hassle. From experience, let's say that if a baby doesn't like bathing for the first time, then with each hygienic procedure, the whole process will turn into torment for both you and the baby.

It is better to bathe your baby in a specially purchased bath. But you can't use it for anything else. Do not think of washing your laundry in it.

Some bathe the newborn immediately in a large bath... But there are several significant drawbacks here:

  • A large bathtub will have to be very thoroughly washed and disinfected every time, even if the adults who use the shared bathroom are completely healthy (which is not often the case). The slightest infection can cause very big health problems. After all, a small organism is not yet adapted to deal with serious threats.
  • You will have to bathe the child in a very uncomfortable position, bending low over the bathtub. It's good if your dad or grandmother helps you bathe. But for one mother, this will be problematic: you need to keep the baby on weight, and even at the same time manage to lather and wash off the soap from the skin.
  • Large amounts of water can scare a newborn.

After bathing, use moisturizers specifically for newborns (creams, moisturizing gels, or milk). They are usually hypoallergenic and do not contain any harmful impurities.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

Traditionally, it is believed that bathing should be done daily. For example, before going to bed at night. But there are reservations in this matter: the baby's skin is very sensitive, and daily water procedures can cause severe dryness and irritation. Is the baby so dirty? Moreover, with the condition that after a bowel movement you will wash it off.

Many doctors advise bathing a newborn 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time, wipe the folds with a damp cloth soaked in warm water.

In summer, when it is hot, the number of baths can be increased. Indeed, at a higher air temperature, the baby can sweat a lot. Do not forget to wipe behind the ears, in the groin, under the armpits - where sweat and sebum accumulates.

Occasionally, various herbal supplements can be used for bathing. But you need to use folk remedies (such as chamomile, lemon balm) only after talking with a pediatrician.

When and how long do you need to bathe your baby?

Immediately after returning from the hospital, bathing the child should not be delayed for more than 5 minutes. By three months, the duration of stay in the water can be increased to 15 minutes.

Bathing time is usually set in the evening. But sometimes it happens that water procedures only cheer up the baby, and he does not want to fall asleep in any. Then reschedule this process for a day, for example, in the afternoon.

How to wash a newborn?

Today, cosmetic companies offer a wide range of products designed for babies. These are products for bathing, and products for the skin after water procedures. You can also use herbal decoctions, so to speak folk remedies. Once again, herbs should be used with great care after consulting a specialist.

  • To reduce inflammation or irritation, you can use decoctions of chamomile or calendula.
  • If the baby is too restless, then you can prepare a bath with lemon balm, mint or lavender. Valerian is sometimes used, but this herb has a rather unpleasant smell that the baby may not like.

Even if the child's hair is long, then you should not get carried away with shampoos. Enough special detergents that are intended for the whole body. In any case, you need to monitor the condition of the skin and hair in order to opt for a particular remedy.

  • Bathe your baby in a special bathtub that you don't use for anything else. Disinfect the bathing container periodically.
  • Before the bathing process, prepare everything you need so that everything is at hand, and you are not distracted by extraneous things, but only watch the child.
  • After bathing, do not transfer a wet baby to another room. Wrap in a towel and then carry to the changing table.
  • Before bathing, trim your nails short and wash your hands with soap, remove rings, bracelets, and watches.
  • Don't rub your baby with a towel, just blot it.
  • After wiping off, apply the cream to the baby's skin. A relaxing massage can be done with moisturizing oil. Just first learn how to do it so as not to harm.
  • After that, dress the child in the clothes prepared in advance. While the hair does not dry, put on a thin cotton cap.
  • The whole process is accompanied by a conversation, talk affectionately with the baby. Mom's voice will calm the child.

Among the many rules and details that young parents need to master, the question of how to bathe a newborn child takes a special place. After all, this daily procedure takes an important place in the development of the baby, and therefore it is necessary to treat it with all responsibility. From what water you carry out hygiene procedures, how you prepare for them and how much time you spend on them, it depends on what benefits bathing will bring to your baby and how positively he will relate to him.

Your baby's first bath plays a decisive role in these factors, so it is imperative that it is as comfortable as possible. So when can you bathe your baby? What to use for this? How not to harm? With what to bathe a newborn - with foam, toys, slides? We will try to answer these and other questions in detail.

When can I start bathing?

If, upon discharge from the hospital, the doctor did not introduce any restrictions, you can do it the next day after you return home.

It is better to spend the first evening without bath procedures in order to give the baby time to adapt to new conditions.

Bathing accessories

To carry out bath procedures comfortably, you need to purchase all the necessary accessories in advance. You will need:

  • a special baby bath is the only answer to the question of what to bathe your newborn in; a shared bath is categorically excluded;
  • hygiene products (soap, shampoo);
  • soft washcloth for comfortable bathing of babies;
  • herbal infusions;
  • thermometer for water;
  • rinsing bucket;
  • wiping towel;
  • clean clothes.

All things should be prepared in advance so that nothing distracts you from the bath process.

Features of the preparation and use of children's things

Bathing a child requires special preparation of bathroom accessories.

  • Before you bathe your baby, the bath must be disinfected every time. To do this, clean it with soda, rinse thoroughly with water and pour over boiling water. The procedure must be repeated before each wash. During the first bathing of the child, you need to be especially careful.
  • Hygiene products should not be used for bathing newborns every time. Soap should be used no more than 2 times a week, and shampoo only 1 time. Excessive use of detergents can dry out your baby's skin.
  • The washcloth with which you will bathe your baby should be of increased softness. This will help avoid any risk of damaging baby's skin. It is more convenient to use a loofah in the form of a mitten.
  • Herbs that can be added when bathing a newborn: sage, calendula, string, chamomile, coltsfoot, plantain. They have anti-allergic, antiseptic and soothing properties, and also contribute to the overall health of children.
  • The thermometer for water should be made without glass and mercury, it should also be doused with boiling water after each water procedure.
  • The bucket is used for rinsing, so the water in it should be at a comfortable temperature. The container must also be washed with baking soda and poured over with boiling water every time before bathing.
  • It is advisable to keep the diaper or towel with which you will wipe the child, as well as the clothes in which you will change him, on a warm battery so that the baby does not suffer from temperature changes.

Compliance with all the rules will allow you to comfortably swim the children.

Optimal temperature mode

It is important to monitor not only the temperature of not only the water, but also the air in the room. It is best if it keeps within 20-22 ° C.

The degree of water in which a baby is bathed must be at least 37 ° C in the first week. Then the temperature can be gradually reduced, bringing it to 32-33 ° C.

Make sure that the decline is smooth, no more than 1 ° C per week. When doing this, pay attention to your baby's behavior. Stop at a temperature that is comfortable for him.

Bathing procedure

Before washing your child, undress him and leave for a few minutes for an air bath. This is a very important procedure to help children harden.

Then gradually lower the baby into the water, watching his reaction. The head, like the neck, remains on the surface. To learn how to properly bathe your child, you need to know how to hold it. Most conveniently, if the baby lies on the left hand of the bathing adult, the baby's head is supported by his elbow.

If the posture is correct, your thumb will be on the baby's left shoulder and the others in the armpit.

You can also use a special children's slide that will support the newborn's head, making your task easier.

How to wash a newborn baby? The algorithm is as follows:

  • First, wash your face gently. Then lather your hand. Wash your hair, moving gently from the forehead to the back of the head.
  • Then rinse the area behind the ears, neck, arms, armpits, chest and sides. Wash your groin last, paying attention to each crease. For a girl, you need to gently rinse the crotch with a cotton swab, and for a boy, a fold under the foreskin.
  • After washing the whole body, rinse the baby with prepared water from the bucket.

The first bathing of infants should not exceed 5 minutes. Then you can gradually increase the time, bringing it to 15 minutes during the month. In the future, it is allowed to keep the child in the bathroom for 30-40 minutes, provided that bathing gives him pleasure.

After bath

After bathing your baby, place him on a towel or diaper. With blotting movements, without pressure, dry the hair, then the chest and abdomen, and then the groin area. It is important to wipe every crease on your baby's body. After the baby is completely dry, spread it with baby cream to avoid irritation or diaper rash. This is especially important in the hot season. You should also be sure to clean the umbilical wound after bathing. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.

Then dress the baby and feed, after which he can be put to bed.

Umbilical wound while bathing

Particular attention during the bathing procedures should be paid to the baby's not yet healed wound.

In no case should the navel be washed with soap, it is advisable not to wet it at all.

If this is not possible, you should very carefully rinse the wound site, and after bathing, make sure that the navel is completely dry before dressing the baby.

It is very important that the water is boiled until the umbilical wound has healed. This will prevent any infections from entering the child's body. It is also useful to add a few drops of potassium permanganate to the water for disinfection. It is important not to overdo it with the solution. Make sure that the water has acquired only a slightly pinkish tint.

With care, the umbilical wound will not bother the parents and will heal within 2 weeks.

In order for water procedures to bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not leave the baby alone in the bath, prepare all the necessary accessories in advance;
  • try to bathe your baby at the same time of day, this will ensure a stable daily routine;
  • it is advisable to take a bath in the evening, before going to bed at night, but if you notice that the water has an exciting effect on the baby, you can postpone the baby's bathing in the afternoon;
  • do not skip bath procedures without important reasons, if the baby gets used to the fact that he bathes before a night's sleep, this will help to quickly establish his regime;
  • bathe him before feeding, not after;
  • try to have the child bathed by the same adult, if people change, this may affect the infant due to different methods.

If the baby gets used to the water, and you create comfortable conditions for him, this will become his favorite pastime in the future.

Why is it important to bathe newborns?

It is very important for babies to take bath time every night during the first month of their life. Then you can carry out bath procedures in 1-2 days, depending on the preferences of the baby. Bathing has a number of significant functions:

  • helps to reduce muscle tone;
  • keeps baby skin in good condition;
  • helps relieve colic;
  • contributes to the overall strengthening of the baby's body.

In addition, the process brings great pleasure to most children, which means it is a source of positive emotions. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to the correct conduct of water procedures. If you provide comfortable conditions, then they will bring joy not only to the baby, but also to the mother bathing him.

The worries, childbirth and discharge are over. Finally, mom and baby are at home. And then an important question arises: how to properly bathe a newborn? Wait until the umbilical cord falls off, or not? Should I bathe in the tub, and at what temperature? A lot of questions, coupled with the fear of not dropping the baby into the water and not damaging him, can darken the water procedure. In fact, bathing is a simple process that can please everyone involved.

The first bath for the baby

The tub is a very important purchase. It should be comfortable for the parents and the child. There are trays for different tastes:

  • common- must be stable, have a length 2 times the height of a newborn;
  • anatomical- good in that the baby is comfortably located in it and does not slip into the water. Here one parent can quite cope with bathing. The only negative - because of the built-in slide, it is difficult to wash the baby's back;
  • built-in- can be located both in the chest of drawers and in the swaddle. Has its own drain. Used only in the first months of a baby's life;
  • shower cubicle- will be needed for children who have already learned to sit;
  • flower bath Is a soft construction. Suitable for cases when you need to quickly wash your baby. For example, in a sink under running water;
  • additional attributes: slide and anti-slip mat... The slide can be plastic or fabric. The latter is suitable for children weighing up to 5 kg. It is inconvenient to use it in the future. The plastic must be on the suction cups, which will prevent slipping. The anti-slip mat is unique for toddlers who are already seated.

Young parents need to remember the main rule: the baby bath is used only for bathing the child. It cannot be used for other purposes. It is also obligatory to keep it constantly clean. Before the first use, it is treated with special antiseptic substances and rinsed well.

When and how often to bathe your baby

Often mothers ask the question: "Do I need to bathe the child on the day of discharge from the hospital?" And whether to bathe before the umbilical cord falls off? Pediatricians agree on one thing: bathing on the day of discharge from the hospital is still not worth it. On this day, the child should get comfortable in a new place, to be in an unusual climate for him. But on the second day, you can start water procedures.

Family doctor Boris Skachko believes that boiling bathing water is desirable during the first month of a child's life:

“It is better to bathe your baby in the second half of the day, ideally before going to bed. But it should be remembered that water procedures should be started at least one hour after feeding. The minimum volume of poured water is 5-7 cm. This is enough to bathe the baby. If the goal is not bathing, but swimming, then more water must be poured and the appropriate attributes must be used for this procedure. But swimming is more important for babies from the first month of life. The first bathing lasts 3-4 minutes, the second and subsequent ones - 10-15 minutes. In the first month of life, it is better to boil bathing water in order to avoid infection of the umbilical wound and other possible troubles. In the future, decoctions of a string or chamomile can be added to the water. John's wort, I would not recommend it, as it contains a lot of tannins. At the first bathing, I recommend covering the baby with a diaper and pouring water over and over to prevent hypothermia. "

  • Security... The tray is placed on a stable surface. There should be no electrical appliances or hot water nearby.
  • Duration bathing... The first swim lasts 3-5 minutes, the second and subsequent ones - 10-15 minutes. 6 to 12 months - 30 minutes.
  • Water temperature- 37-38 ⁰С. Air temperature - 24-26 ⁰С. A month-old baby does not need procedures in cool water.

Remember: you should not bathe your child immediately after eating. It is also better to refrain from water procedures when the baby is naughty or sick.

  • Bathing frequency... It is chosen by the parents at their own discretion. It is recommended to bathe children under 6 months daily, from 6 to 12 months - every other day and after a year - several times a week. According to international standards, babies up to a year old can be bathed every 2-3 days, but subject to regular washing, daily washing of pens, legs and washing.
  • Detergents. Used by parents at their own discretion. Pediatricians do not recommend the use of shampoos and bath foams in the first month of a child's life. When bathing children under one year old, it is optimal to use body detergents - 1-2 times a week. It is advisable to apply shampoos after 3-6 months and no more than once a week.
  • Sponge... The child can be washed by hand, use a bandage, gauze or a special terry washcloth mitten as a washcloth.

How to bathe a child correctly: the process from A to Z

Bathing, especially the first one, is often fussy due to ignorance of many nuances. How to bathe a child for the first time? In fact, everything is simple, it is enough to know the sequence of actions.

  • Prepare all the necessary attributes for the baby in advance: a towel, a napkin for a bedding, a diaper for a bath, a washcloth, a change of clothes, a hat, a diaper, a diaper, detergents. If the baby is bottle-fed, prepare the mixture in advance.

  • Rinse the tray and draw on the water at the right temperature. Also prepare a jug of water for rinsing.

  • The child should be held so that the head is between the forearm and the thumb. We support the baby with the rest of our fingers.

  • When bathing for the first time, we slowly immerse the baby, previously wrapped in a diaper, approximately to the level of the chest. It is needed so as not to frighten the baby with sharp contact with water. No fear on the faces of the parents! Only confidence, calmness and smiles.

A long-awaited little man appeared in the house. Parents have been waiting for the appearance of their child for 9 months. We prepared in advance: we read books on education and care, bought diapers and undershirts, consulted with doctors. Taking a small helpless child in their arms, adults have fear and fear of harming the baby. The biggest concern for parents is the bathing of a newborn baby.

Dad and mom are afraid that the baby will slip out while bathing. There are many questions about how to wash a newborn baby. What can be done so that bathing is beneficial and joyful, and does not frighten the baby? It is necessary to understand that water procedures, including bathing, are a very important part of care, which affects the physical and psycho-emotional state of the baby.

For comfortable bathing of the child and the convenience of the parents, it is necessary to purchase a bath and special accessories that facilitate water procedures. Some doctors advise bathing the baby in a large bathtub, where the baby has more room for movement. Still, it is better for a newborn baby to buy a special baby bath.

The procedure for bathing a baby in such a bath will not be difficult for young parents. In addition, it is easier to control the condition of the baby in a container for children, to hold it. Currently, there is a huge selection of various types of baths:

  • Classic baby bath. Comfortable for baby and mom. Safe enough option.
  • Anatomical. It differs from the classic version by the presence of special protruding parts corresponding to the physique of the baby. Very convenient for babies up to 3 months old. Later, the bath will have to be changed, since the grown baby will knock on protruding parts during bathing.
  • With an antimicrobial coating containing a special antimicrobial additive "microban". This additive destroys more than 95% of harmful bacteria on the surface, it is not "washed out", the entire service life of the bath remains active, which does not need special disinfection. If your baby has sensitive skin or has allergic symptoms, an antimicrobial bath is best.
  • "Mom's tummy." This type of baby bath is widespread in European countries. In Russia, such baths are not yet very popular. Outwardly, it looks like a pot-bellied, wide bucket. The baby in such a container is in the form of an embryo, which helps to reduce the stress of the procedure.
  • Thermo bath. The built-in thermometer is also a water drain plug. Built-in container for liquid soap or shampoo. Sometimes there are two such containers. The thermometer is positioned in such a way that the child cannot pull out the plug.
  • Inflatable is a good option for a summer cottage. Such containers require thorough disinfection.

After the bathing bath is selected, it is worth considering the additional accessories that are required for this water procedure:

  • A special slide or hammock for a baby bath, which keeps the baby in a reclining state, with a raised head.
  • A jug or ladle with a lid. Before starting the procedure, fill the container with water from the bath, and set it aside a little. During bathing, the water in the jug will cool slightly and can be used to rinse the baby. Rinsing with slightly cooled water is one of the hardening elements.
  • Water thermometer, if there is no built-in device in the bath.
  • Bathing products: baby shampoo, soap, oil for the delicate skin of the baby.
  • A piece of soft cloth or sponge.
  • Potassium permanganate solution.

The use of herbal infusions

Often, parents are interested in how to bathe a newborn in herbal infusions?

Infusions of herbs for bathing babies should be used strictly according to the doctor's instructions. If the child is healthy, then the use of herbs can be harmful to his health.

Indications for use:

  • Increased or decreased muscle tone.
  • Disturbances in the nervous system: anxiety, moodiness, irritability, as well as restless, interrupted sleep, frequent non-stop crying.
  • Lowered immunity, which leads to frequent illnesses.
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: frequent colic, regurgitation, flatulence.
  • Diaper rash, sweating. Skin rashes and diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergic rash.

Medicinal preparations and herbs affect the functioning of many body systems, not only when used internally, but also when used externally. The baby has no immunity. In a little man, systems of the body are just beginning to form, which are defenseless against external unfavorable factors. Be sure to consult a doctor, do not make rash decisions that can harm the baby.


  • The period before and after vaccination.
  • Manifestation of an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Any damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, ulcers, diaper rash, moist eczema.

If there are contraindications, any herbal baths can harm the child. If the pediatrician has prescribed medicinal baths, then specify which herbal infusions can be used. The doctor, depending on the diagnosis, will advise which herb should be used for your child.

  • Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and also used to correct muscle tone and relieve skin irritations.
  • A series - to eliminate the causes of seborrheic crusts. They are also used to treat almost all types of skin rashes and diseases.
  • Soothing: valerian, motherwort, mint, lavender.

There are herbs to treat colic and reproductive system problems. How to brew decoctions, make infusions, how much to add to the bath - do not decide all these questions yourself. Be sure to check with specialists so as not to harm the baby.

When can I bathe

Keeping babies clean is one of the most important tasks of caring for a baby. It should also be clean in the children's room. Every morning a newborn starts with hygiene procedures. Mom cleans the eyes, ears, nose, wipes the body of the crumbs with damp wipes or a soft damp cloth.

An infection can enter the baby's body through the navel and cause illness. That is why, for about 10 - 14 days, doctors advise not to bathe the baby in the bathroom until the umbilical wound has healed: rubbing is enough. They wash babies under a tap with running water, holding on one hand, and with the other they direct a stream of water in the direction from the genitals.

Bathing benefits

Bathing a newborn baby is not only about ensuring hygienic cleanliness. This procedure has a huge impact on the psycho-emotional and intellectual development of the baby. During bathing, all muscles relax, hypertonicity is relieved, gross motor skills develop, and the body is hardened. All nerve receptors respond positively to the aquatic environment. The baby's motor functions are improved. Positive emotions, vivid impressions - all this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The baby is less capricious, sleeps better. The water relieves pain caused by colic in the abdomen. Emotional closeness of the child and parents during bathing creates the prerequisites for the successful socialization of the baby.

You must choose a specific time. Each family chooses the bathing time themselves, taking into account the peculiarities of the baby's day regimen, and taking into account the interests of adults.

Several requirements must be met:

  • You cannot bathe immediately after feeding, so that the baby does not vomit.
  • The child should not be hungry during the procedure, otherwise he will be capricious.
  • Most often, the procedure is carried out in the evening, before the penultimate feeding.
  • For children with pronounced hyperactivity, bathing has an exciting effect. For such children, it is better to schedule the procedure for a day.

First bath

Finally, the umbilical wound healed, and the doctor allowed him to bathe the baby. The child's attitude to this type of water procedure often depends on the first experience, so prepare in advance. Let's consider step by step how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

Getting ready for swimming:

Bathing procedure:

  • So, everything is ready for the bath. Undress the baby. Let the baby lie quietly for a few minutes, take air baths. Give a light massage, gently stroking the arms, legs, and tummy of the baby.
  • So that the foolish person is not afraid, put on a thin diaper. The fabric will gradually get wet and envelop the body: the baby will be cozy and comfortable.
  • Gradually lower the baby's legs into the water, holding the head and shoulders with one hand, and hold the baby's bottom with the other. This will secure the baby so that it does not slip out of your hands.
  • The water should reach the top of the baby's chest. The head rests on the elbow bend, for example, of a dad. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes. When the baby is dipped in water, the process itself begins.
  • Gently wash the face with a cotton pad without soap. First, they wash the body, moving from top to bottom. Lather the baby's body with your hand or a soft cloth.
  • The head is washed last. The head can be lathered, and the soap can be washed off from the forehead towards the back of the head so that the detergent does not get into the eyes, and water into the ears.
  • The baby at this age does not move much, so thoroughly wash all the folds of the neck and perineum. Open your fists, wash your palms.
  • Rinse off soap and shampoo gently. To rinse, take the baby out of the water and place it upside down on the left hand. Rinse your baby from a nearby ladle of prepared water. Throw a soft towel on top and wrap it up.
  • Do not dry your skin with a towel, as it is very thin, and a rough towel can damage it. The child is simply soaked with a thin cloth, the skin is allowed to dry. After bathing, on the folds and folds, lubricate the skin with baby cream.

For the first 6 months, the procedure should be carried out daily. The time gradually increases from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. After the first procedure, young parents are already more confident in their abilities. Now you can play a little with a fool in the water: raise and lower legs and arms in turn. Be sure to talk to your baby when you bathe him.

While dad is holding the child on his arms, mom can unclench her fingers one by one in her fist, while telling a counting rhyme or a nursery rhyme. The baby responds well to a calm, familiar voice.

After bathing

After the correct process, the child is in a good mood, he is tired and wants to sleep.

The first fears and doubts of parents disappear within a few days. But kids know how to surprise adults. Sometimes parents complain that the baby loved to swim, and now there are constant tantrums. To understand how to properly bathe a newborn baby in a bath, sometimes it is enough to observe his behavior.

  • Adults often make the water hotter, forgetting that babies have almost no thermoregulation system. A fool can feel comfortable at a water temperature of 30 - 32 degrees. When mom, following the instructions from the books, achieves a temperature of 37 degrees, such a water lover "colder" will throw tantrums, cry, break out of pens.
  • Shampoos and detergents should not be used more than 2 times a week. If the baby is healthy, the skin is clean, then do not be afraid to wash the baby with plain water.
  • Some parents carry babies with them to the bathhouse. High humidity, high heat in the bath - all this can lead to overheating of the little man's body. It is especially dangerous when adults, to harden the baby, cut a hole in the ice, and after a hot bath they dip the crumbs into the ice water. This type of hardening is available for big guys, but not for babies.
  • Boys and girls should be bathed according to the characteristics of their genitals. Wash the girl in the direction from the genitals to the ass. This is due to the not fully developed labia, through which an infection can enter the vagina. It is important for boys not to open the foreskin so that the fusion process does not start. The genitals must be rinsed with plain water, without using shampoos.
  • How to properly bathe a newborn baby can also be found in groups of young parents who share their experiences. In such groups, practice-based advice can be obtained.

Children's fears and their reasons

If the baby's behavior changes dramatically over time, it is possible that he is frightened. Talk to your doctor or review your behavior and that of your child.

  • The baby often slips and falls in the tub. The reason may be an uncomfortable bath. You can remedy the situation by placing a diaper folded several times on the bottom.
  • Refuses to wash her hair. Perhaps one day the shampoo got into the baby's mouth. Wash your hair with plain water for several days so that the baby calms down. Subsequently, take some shampoo and make sure that it does not get into the eyes and mouth.
  • Afraid to go deeper. He tries to jump out of the water. The reason may be that he once took a sip of water in the bath. To remedy this situation, use less water. Distract with conversations, songs, when adding water from a jug.
  • Parents talk loudly and in harsh voices, quarrel while bathing. The unintelligent catches intonation, a nervous mood is transmitted to him, as a result, the baby begins to be afraid to swim.

Most of the children's fears of water that have arisen are associated with the carelessness of adults.